Trading Cryptocurrency Vs Stocks, Should You Invest In Stocks Or In Cryptocurrency?

    Bitcoin Risk vs. Stock Risk
    Investments carry risk. The market could crash for various reasons. Companies could go bankrupt. Or, in a positive sense, a stock could soar over time. Weighing risk is important when you decide to add different assets to your portfolio.

    “With an individual stock, there are risks,” Kirk Chisholm, a wealth manager and alternative investment specialist at Innovative Advisory Group, told The Balance via phone. “There’s a risk that it won’t grow, dividends might be cut and many people compare performance to the S&P 500, which means you run the risk of trying to keep up with the Joneses.”

    However, he pointed out, these are risks common with many investments. Stocks are different because there is some guidance you can use to get an understanding of where a price might go.


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