
Ethereum Blockchain Quiz – 5 Questions Every Blockchain Developer Should Know (HARD!)

Do you really know Ethereum well?

Today I got 5 questions every Ethereum Blockchain Developer should know. Some are super easy, some are quite hard, none of them should feel unfamiliar. You might learn something.

Comment below if you got them all right or which one’s new to you – don’t cheat 😊

That are the questions:
0:20 – What’s MetaMask used for exactly?
A) A Browser plugin that generates and stores private keys
B) A browser plugin that must interact with Infura to sign transactions
C) A browser plugin that connects to Infura to mainly show your account balance

01:49 – Which is the right order for Denominations on the Ethereum Blockchain?
A) Wei, Finney, Szabo, Ether, Tether
B) Finney, Szabo, Mether, Gwei
C) Gwei, Szabo, Finney, Ether

02:47 – What is the nonce field used for in a transaction?
A. It’s a numerical field to protect against replay attacks
B. It’s a checksum of the hash of the previous block to verify the transaction order
C. It’s a sum of all ethers sent from the address

03:43 – In Solidity, if you divide integer -5 by integer 2, the result is
A) -2, because the decimal is truncated (rounded to zero)
B) -3, because it’s always rounded
C) -2.5, because it’s automatically converted or casted into a float
D) It’s not possible, since Solidity only knows unsigned integers

04:50 – Ethereum Addresses vs public keys vs private keys:
A) An address is 20 bytes long, a public key 64 bytes and the private key 32 bytes
B) An address is 20 characters long, a public key 32 characters long and a private key 64 characters long
C) There is no public key, the public key is the address, both are 20 bytes, the private key 32 bytes long

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