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    Initially one of the world’s leading retailers of gold products, Stuttgart-based company Karatbars International has joined the race of creating the leading smartphone with a focus on data protection, backed by the blockchain technology. IMpulse K1 boasts a great number of security features which are absent in today’s smartphone market.

    The company behind the KaratGold Coin (KBC) cryptocurrency has invested greatly into high-level security measures and thus raised the bar for large consumer electronics manufacturers such as Apple and Samsung. One can understand the benefits of the IMpulse K1 when reading through the hardware and software specifications that the smartphone boasts.

    Photos, documents or any other media, is stored on the IPFS platform – a peer-to-peer decentralized file storage that leaves low chances for any greatly skilled hacker to infiltrate the user’s private data. With the IMpulse K1 Phone that complements the Karatbars’ infrastructure, calls and text messages will not be transmitted through conventional ways, but instead, they are encrypted and broadcasted by a newly created Voice Over Blockchain Protocol (VOBP).

    As a result, there is no need to worry about third parties monitoring user actions as the VOBP uses peer-to-peer encryption that in the current state of the art can not be accessed or altered. In case a users lose access to their IMpulse K1, they can retrieve all necessary information with the help of R-LINK

    Karatbars‘ CEO Harald Seiz commented on the reason behind the idea of IMpulse K1:

    “If we want people to use encryption on a daily basis, we must build attractive, easy-to-use experiences like those people already rely on. We have to adapt the technology to its users, not vice versa. IMpulse K1 Phone’s main advantage is Voice-over-Blockchain Protocol. Gadget’s owners can use the decentralized peer-to-peer network to securely transmit voice messages as well as text, media and documents. And the best part – they don’t even notice what’s going on at the back-end. They simply call their friends or colleagues and talk, no extra obstacles.”

    Brian McGinty – Gold Director Elite
    Karatbars International
    Head Office Number  +49 711 128 970 00
    USA Number – +1 224 829 00 47
    Email: brian@karatcrypto.com
    UK:  +44 (0) 2891 871 374
    Mobile/Cell/Whatsapp: +44 (0) 7511650427

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