#IAQ&A #Composability #Bitcoin #AAVEArc #AWS&SOL #ETH $SQ $COIN #XRP #TradFi #Retirement
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    00:00 Introduction
    00:40 I’m hoping to have a whole bitcoin and was wondering if you think we could go even lower in the coming days?
    01:15 Bitcoin Chart

    04:24 I have 2 children – should we still be striving for 1 BTC per child or is 1 per family ok?
    05:05 Loaded Cost Per Child
    06:00 Bitcoin Models
    06:20 Result: 1 Bitcoin Per Child in the US (to be safe)

    06:45 Will Aave ARK increase Aave’s token value given that the TVL will increase with institutions using their protocol?
    06:50 Aave Ark

    09:00 I’ve been hearing about the next big area in the crypto space being focused on composability. What are your thoughts on the impact going forward?
    09:05 Composability is the Future?
    10:15 Composability Illustrated

    11:00 Is Square (SQ) a buy? I heard you bought at $103 and it popped Friday.
    11:10 SQ Chart
    12:40 The Block $SQ Earnings
    13:38 $SQ Valuation L.A.Stevens Valuation Model

    14:11 Coinbase is near all time low. Is this a good time to get in?
    14:30 Coinbase $COIN Chart
    15:25 Coinbase $COIN Valuation
    15:50 Coinbase $COIN Revenue
    16:55 Jespow: We Cannot Protect You

    17:10 The only way I see bitcoin being a currency is with the lightning network and apps like Chivo. Do you see something similar? Seems more centralized.
    17:20 Can Bitcoin Become a Currency?

    19:00 Do you think that the anti laundering laws will limit banks and other companies to adopt cryptocurrencies?
    19:15 This Is What Regulators See
    19:30 The Reality
    20:30 Traditional Banks Hamstrung by Legacy IT

    21:25 Feels like every other week there’s another grey swan event. When do you think the market will stabilize?
    21:35 Short Answer
    22:00 Year of the Tiger
    22:40 Gray Swans
    24:10 I embrace the Gray Swans

    24:20 Went all in and I need more cash reserves for next dip. Is it worth the risk to withdrawal from a TSP retirement account early, a 10% penalty for 1-3x returns?
    24:25 10% Penalty on Early Withdrawal

    25:40 You convinced me to exit XRP. My cost basis is about $1. Should I wait for the bounce after they win the lawsuit? I’d like to add to my SOL bag.
    26:05 We Base Decisions on Data, Then We Share That Data
    26:20 Some of the Reasons I do not favor XRP
    27:00 XRP Chart

    28:00 Are not all Proof of Stake chains essentially centralized? SOL relies almost solely on AWS – can’t amazon just pull the plug and bring down the entire network?
    28:15 25% of ETH runs on AWS (57% on the ones below)
    29:07 Solana on AWS?

    31:00 Your Contributions, Our Donations

    31:41 c I have been in this investing game for 1 year now. I have been following your lead and am in the same 6 big plays as you. been a wild ride. can you please tell me we are gonna be ok in 2030?

    34:01 trustno1 Imagine a scenario where Russia or China announced holding 500,000 Bitcoin. You are the president. How would you react?

    36:20 Bug Duck Kiwi – Ben talks of a capitulation event with a lot of volume that often marks the bottom and reversal of a downtrend. Do you see this happening?

    38:30 1Bridem Collecting SLND tokens at current prices from having a loan with SOLEND would you convert to SOL or keep them expecting a much higher SLND price?

    40:40 M S Missed the dip still good entry now for Goog/TSLA if I have none? Also most secure way to store seed & cold wallet?

    43:00 Weyland YutaniXenomorph If nukes were used and servers and mining computer were wiped out. How would bitcoin and all crypto exist? Would it get wiped out?

    44:00 Ernesto Juan Favor
    if there were no tax implications for you, would you now transfer all your ETH to SOL?

    45:35 Cece D
    What is your predicted floor for SOL ? NFA

    46:45 dazisgud
    Are trading exchanges and crypto exchanges safer to keep cash than banks?

    Comments are closed.

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