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    Download Stellite Miner here:

    Trade Stellite:

    Downloading and using the Stellite miner is so simple and so effective that it is in my opinion the easiest way for any beginner in crypto to get into mining cryptocurrencies.

    No mining rig required, mine stellite with nothing but you CPU or if you have it, GPU on your Windows PC or laptop.

    All you need to do to get set up mining crypto currency today is to go to the Stellite website and download both the wallet and the miner.
    First open up the wallet and let that sync as you will be needing the wallet address to send your newly mined coins too.

    Next open up the Stellite miner, remembering to create an exclusion with any anti-virus software (only need to do this once). Then boom, your up and mining!

    Miner Rocks was paying out every 500 XTL, which for me meant about 6 incoming transactions per day 😀 nice…

    I sincerely hope that ALL of those who have upgraded their Moocharoo ninja member to ninja master, will be trying this out for themselves and getting started mining for the first time.

    If your not yet a Moocharoo Ninja Master, make sure to check out our video over at that explains more about our research and analysis tools for crypto currency investors.

    However, if your not yet ready to take the leap into the crypto pool and are just looking to dip your toe in, then you can also register as a basic ninja for free and earn yourself a little bitcoin each and every day.

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