Learning how to build a blockchain app can give your app an advantage over the competition.

    After all, blockchain is an extremely powerful technology for businesses due to its wide application use.

    What comes to mind for most people when hearing about blockchain is Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

    While this is one way of utilizing blockchain, there are so many other uses for it.

    It can be used in securing the sharing of medical data, tracking music royalties, personal identity security, monitoring supply chain and logistics, cross-border payments, and so much more.

    But what exactly is blockchain?

    While many are familiar with the term, most people don’t have an understanding of how blockchain works and why it’s such a powerful technology that’s being used in various industries.

    Blockchain is a type of ledger that can record data in a timeline.

    Bitcoin is just one example of this. While being anonymous and decentralized, every single transaction is recorded using the blockchain.

    Let’s say you pay for something with Bitcoin. When you make that transaction, it becomes a block on the chain once it is confirmed.

    The address that sent money, the address that received money, the amount sent, and the time at which it occurred is all stored within a block.

    Each block is added sequentially to the chain, creating a linear ledger of data that can be referenced. This is why it’s called a blockchain.

    Think about how blockchain technology can enhance the user experience for your mobile app and what platforms and resources you can leverage in your next project.
    #webiotic #blockchain

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