Uulala is a financial solutions platform that provides the world’s underbanked populations access to the financial inclusion tools they need to change their future. The platform focuses on emerging market growth sectors domestically and internationally including
    minority and millennial underbanked populations. Through the implementation of our services suite, Uulala users will build or enhance their credit profile. Our database tracking capabilities across our service line suite will determine both which users currently qualify for and what level of creditworthiness, they currently qualify for
    as well as a path to obtaining higher credit thresholds. Our proprietary micro-credit algorithms and processes can extrapolate users’ purchase history and behavioral habits to forecast their true financial abilities on a moment by moment basis. Most financial activities do not count toward a standard credit score. The FICO system does not
    work around the world, and a change is needed for global consumers to have access to products and services they desire. The Uulala platform is a unique system that tracks all financial activities and combines that with patented decentralized database technology
    to show what level of creditworthiness a user possesses.

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