While the conversation about shifting away from fossil fuels to mitigate climate change is not new, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought new attention to the need to accelerate the roll out of clean energy technologies. Russia – the world’s third largest oil producer after the US and Saudi Arabia and second largest gas producer after the US – is a major part of the global energy system thanks to its huge fossil fuel resources. That system is now in jeopardy. On March 1, 2020 the Times reported on comments from Shell, which warned that Europe needs to “make urgent reforms to address the vulnerability of its gas supplies”.

    Join us as Benjamin Link, Managing Director of the Ralph O’Connor Sustainable Energy Institute, and Jonas Nahm, Assistant Professor of Energy, Resources, and Environment, discuss the role of Russian natural gas in Europe’s energy transition and what the options are now that vulnerabilities created by that dependence have been made obvious by Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Followed by live Q&A.

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