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    Italy has agreed to continue with the US$2.5 billion GALSI gas pipeline construction project, which will allow Algeria to supply gas to northern Italy and Europe through a pipeline connection. The new partnership was agreed by the Algerian Minister of Foreign affairs Ramatane Lamamra and Italy’s Paolo Gentiloni during a working visit to Algeria.

    GALSI will transmit 8 billion cubic metres per year and Algeria owns 41.6% of the gas pipeline construction project.

    Established in 2003, GALSI is a gas pipeline owned by Sonatrach, Edison, Enel and Hera group and will stretch of 837 KM.Approximately 565KM of the pipeline will be offshore across the Mediterranean sea and 272km onshore.

    The project will enable Italy to sustain its energy requirements by getting natural gas supplies from Algeria. Once GALSI gas project is rolled out, it will help create more employment opportunities and increase investment opportunities in the two countries.

    The gas pipeline construction project is a move by the two countries to create favourable economic cooperation between them and promote interest in Italian firms to participate in housing and seaport projects in Algeria.

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