    ✅Native html code:

    === Cryptocurrency Price Widget ===
    Contributors: falselight
    Tags: #bitcoin, #coinmarketcap, #crypto, #cryptocurrency, #ticker
    Donate link:
    Tested up to: 5.2
    Requires at least: 3.1
    Requires PHP: 5.3
    Stable tag: 1.1.0
    License: GPLv2 or later
    License URI:

    Gives you a customizable #Cryptocurrency Price #Widget for website with ⚡live real-time price update and flexible settings.

    == Description ==
    Simple and powerful #Cryptocurrency #Price #Widget, does not consume resources of your site, written in pure #JavaScript. Calculations and data are processed on a 3rd-party server. Real-time streaming stock price update and flexible settings — it’s looks like amazing and beautiful.

    = Features =
    1. No Cryptojacking!
    2. 3,896 cryptocurrencies and 162 fiat currencies;
    3. Real-time streaming price update;
    4. Flexible settings and customizable design;
    5. Processed on a 3rd-party server;
    6. Multilingual support;
    7. SSL support;
    8. IE9+ support;
    9. SEO-friendly.

    Comments are closed.

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