Originally designed and developed for the finance industry, Corda – the permissioned blockchain since last year opened up and expanded across industries like health-care, insurance, and energy. R3, the company behind Corda is a consortium partnership between 200 companies like Intel, Microsoft, Amazon Web Services and banking industry giants who are working together to incorporate advanced distributed technology across the world.
    Corda shares similarities with many existing blockchain platforms, but the advancement in the technology helps it to stay on top of the competition. What makes Corda most popular, is the fact that the ultimate objective is to remove costly intermediaries from business transactions.

    Queries Solved
    1. What is Corda?
    2. Can Corda interoperate with other platforms?
    3. Is Corda limited to the finance and banking industry?
    4. Can you adopt Corda for your business?

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    #Corda #BlockchainForEnterprises #R3 #PermissionedBlockchain #Blockchain

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