Tuesday 4pm UTC, noon ET
    Keystone 3 is the next evolution of one of the most secure crypto hardware wallets. Founder and CEO Lixin Liu joins us to share the new security features and answer your questions.

    We’ll cover advanced security features such as airgap signing, dice roll seed phrases, Shamir Secret Sharing and Keystone’s unique approach to using a secure enclave while also open sourcing their firmware.


    Lixin Liu
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/BitcoinLixin

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/KeystoneWallet
    Web: https://keyst.one/

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    Disclosure of Vanessa’s crypto investments and associations: https://twitter.com/technologypoet/status/1655214515972198402

    I also received an early alpha version of the Keystone 3 in preparation for this interview

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