A very fun week in my life on the ship going througn the Suez Canal uploaded one year later!!!

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    Hi everyone welcome back to my YouTube videos for semester at c um today is our first day of our sea leg on the way to Cyprus we have four full days at Sea we just left Jordan last night and I’m going to be vlogging a little ship week

    In my life showing you guys what it looks like to live on a ship I’m super oh our TV is working it never works I’m going to show you guys on the map where we are in just a second but I’m super excited to film this um so far this

    Morning I woke up pretty early because we had a time zone change so so in the spring Voyage one thing that’s really nice is you’re always gaining sleep instead of losing it so we gained an hour of sleep last night so I just spent the morning cleaning my room um just

    Like getting ready for the day then I had Global Studies I’m in the later section of Global Studies so I went to class from 10: to 11:00 and it was just all about the suas canal because we’re going through the Su Canal tomorrow so I’m super excited about that and then

    After class I went down to deck 7 which is like a really really pretty um deck at like the back of the ship where a lot of people study and I just wrote down some notes that I needed to and and then I journaled so I journaled from the rest

    Of Jordan that I had missed writing down and now I’m about to head to lunch um I’m going to meet up with some friends that get out of class at 12:30 so I’m going to take you guys with me on a day of my life at C little peek at our room

    Um our Steward Armando who we love just cleaned up our room so it’s looking very pretty there’s always 24/7 a live map that shows us like the front of the ship and then where we are on the map so we’re leaving the Red Sea and going out

    Of the Suez Canal and then I’ll show you we’re going 12.1 knots which I would say is like a medium speed for uslin just eat lunch salad and um Penta yeah maybe don’t don’t eat what is it hey guys it’s people are going like watch think I’m wait what are you

    Drinking prom oh she knows my name um I got this water and I added a little true lime packet oh wait I like that stuff have you put it on fruit what fruit uh I think strawberries and grapes get a lot of those here oh good we literally have

    Never had a strawberry or grape okay fine try it on apples tell them about yourself oh I don’t have anything to say you worked atne that’s cool hi am Mia I did the Disney college program and now I’m studing on a ship and that’s all I have

    To say she’s so cool amazing say hi Angel hi I have a gift for you are you ready a kiss oh my god do you like it yeah thank you you’re welcome hey we’re back tell them about what you’re doing today what you’re working on I don’t think they care no

    They do I think it’s so cool P just this student V can we redo this yeah hey guys hey guys so I made it to Lisa and P’s room say hi Paige what are you working on today I can’t talk to again okay I’ll just tell them they’re going

    To you had to restart so I’m in the room and Paige is working on a video for the ship board shipwide auction she’s filming it with all of the ship kids this was her project and her idea what are you doing over there counting my socks for the laundry service cuz all

    I wash is my socks bras and underwear you have to count them and write them on this list yes that a little bit of algebra all these other clothes your hand i’m hand washing because I don’t look how cute she is definitely print out photos and like

    Decor their room is like so much more homey bring tape don’t bring tape don’t bring tape just set them up here that is so cute also I saw someone’s room future voyagers like little things like a little line with different clips on it like I was thinking about that too

    That’s why I brought that ribbon 19 socks oh my goodness bring a lot of socks I guess I’m missing a sock anyways going to work on my presentation go to class in Kino which is the movie theater ah so fun and it’s my food and interdependence population population food independent something like that

    Population food class um and yeah it’s going to be a good time oh bye back in my room now I have like 20 minutes until my next class I’m going to write down some notes because I have to not really like a presentation but like

    I have to go up and like talk about the port that we just visited for one of my projects so I’m going to write down some notes so I’m not completely Flying Blind back from my class I am like so tired today ironically because we got an extra

    Hour of sleep but now I am free it’s about 3:40 right now and I think I’m going to start working on a paper that I have due before Cypress in 4 days I might go outside but I feel like when I go outside sometimes I’m like not

    Productive so I might sit here and at least finish part of it before I decide to go outside or not but I will show you guys something really cool this whole day we’ve been passing by Egypt and so we’re literally like I think the dean’s memo said that we’re 5 miles I don’t

    Know if you can see but there’s like Shadows of like mountain ranges right here and and we’re like super close on both sides to different sides of Egypt So Good Vibes outside of our Window random announcement but if you’re coming on SAS definitely bring protein bars this is like my most eaten snack on the ship I eat one for like breakfast every single day we’re good and then also bring some sort of like like fruit snacks I brought these like fruit bars I

    Finished my first paper now I have to write a reflection about the field class that I went on in Kenya so I’m going to start it’s two to three pages double spaced I feel like I know what I’m going to write so wish me luck egyp

    Che me and Lely were doing work I finished two papers I journal and the J smooth yeah I also go to Smoothie strawberry mango our favorite or raspberry mango so you come on get this it’s about to be dinner time noal tomorrow yeah but we still have

    Other classes and tomorrow is my busy day which kind sus like I have to for did you go to breakfast this morning no me yeah there wasn’t bacon the Bacon’s good and that’s the only thing that can get me out of bed bye eat in Berlin I have Angley tell me about

    Dinner it was okay what’ you eat um chicken pasta salad the usual the usual three pairs three pairs pair why over here guess what they had they had carrots do you like those never have kids fun fact about that the food’s not necessarily bad it’s just the same thing

    Every single day pretty much like it’s like a little variation of b a little variation but every day it’s like every 3 days it’s like a flat piece of pork but they also do weird things like like creamy sauce sace but then they put like clams in it and they always make something

    That’s like could be good but then they add something that’s but anyways it’s about 6 6:15 at 700 there’s an inport lecture about a four time St person that made this big documentary and I think we’re going to go listen and then at 9:30 they’re playing the documentary that they film

    So I kind of want to watch that too it’s good back in my room and my laundry also just made it back so I’m going to show you guys and put my laundry away but fun fact about semester at se laundry it gets a bad wrap some people’s clothes

    Shrink but you can make specific requests so I requested that they wash my stuff on cold and return my jeans wet instead of drying them so we’re going to unpack my laundry and see if anything got ruined cuz this time I literally wash everything cannot wash another pair

    Of sweatpants in the sink or I’ll cry so unboxing haul of the Laundry Megan did one bag I think this is hers this is what they do if they like give you back something that was wet okay another thing about Sask laundry they give you these like little sheets of paper so you write down like how many of every item that you have I

    Don’t know if this will focus you write down like the number of how many items you want and then you can write like specials requests at the bottom and then you leave it on top of your laundry and leave it in the hallway oh my laundry appears to be intact and nothing shrunk

    Or anything the only other like surprise thing about the laundry here that I didn’t know was that a lot of times they’ll write like your name and your room number on the tag of your shirt so if you have like really nice stuff that like you want to sell eventually or like

    You just don’t want your name written on the tags or like your room number maybe tell them that ahead of time for dessert I’m going to eat my last dark chocolate sea salt cookie I got this tin in India from like a fancy candy shop individual packages and they’re like dark chocolate

    Sea salt yum but I lowkey want to keep this tin cuz I feel like it’s kind of cute for literally I don’t know what but like low key I don’t know hey guys we’re not moving hey guys so apparently the fans wanted to see me so we just caught done with a

    Pretty boring cross from the lck um but we’re going through this is Canal today at 4:00 a.m. I’m contemplating whether or not waking up’ll be there at 4 a.m. 4 a.m. I don’t want to up and um but we’re also going through it for like 16 hours

    Hey Mom and Dad let’s get zoom in on those dimples show the fans that they might see you later bye than Wow so the pilot has arrived he boarded the ship and we have all of these ships like I guess waiting to get in the canal we don’t really know how it works but all these ships are just stationary and we’re just stationary except we have this Sky waving on

    Us I’ve been waving the seas are like really rough right here though this pil is just likeing by us hey hey hey hey I just thought about what happens if my camera goes overboard that would be horrible oh noot the I know that’s why I’m like I’m going to hold on to her

    Extra tight right now so update no idea what’s going on our Bo our sh slowly moving with little other boats following us to spend the night have a party literally wait what they’re that bad yeah Megan just tried these wait now I really want to try but that was like an

    Intense reaction Nitro or is it cuz it’s spicy I don’t like whatever Theo is okay wait I have to try oh it tastes like little dog food there’s not really a smell what if I love them I don’t these literally no taste like normal t no they don’t no they don’t

    All right you can have them since you sit try again no please try one more okay one more I throw out wow these are good okay update instead of popcorn since how you got to eat all those Takis I mean I didn’t eat all of

    Them but I’m going to have one of these for a dessert I’m eating so unhealthy in this Vlog I’m literally like I’m going to have a cookie I’m going to have Takis um I’m going to have a Nutella be ready some sort of like crispy Nutella snack

    Snack wait earlier earlier I was on the top deck and I was like wait do y’all think they’re letting us go in front of all these ships cuz we have like passengers they were like no we’re about to go watch a documentary I probably would up leaving

    I’m forcing Megan to like at least start the documentary with me okay start right here this is the scary this is our room this the best room actually kind of sucks these are all our fun neighbors um let’s see we know her oh best part when you get down here there’s

    Elevator walk everywhere there’s an elevator but it only goes to seven which actually this went to 9 if this went to n it would change it would change the game but it straight up just goes to seven are we’re using it to get to six it’s a little while later

    Megan’s in the shower we just went to the documentary screening um it was for a documentary documentary called hunger Ward that was filmed by ass sass alumni that’s been on four voyages is and it was a very very sad documentary but it was super informative he was like the

    Lead director the guy that was speaking so we did like a Q&A at the end it was screening like showing at 9:30 and I was like exhausted but it was only a 40-minute documentary so it flew by but I’m about to lay in bed and journal a

    Little bit about today and then I’m going to hopefully edit pictures from the Dead Sea maybe post on my Instagram story a few like slides cuz I haven’t posted anything from the Dead Sea and then go to bed my goal is to wake up for sunr some people are waking up at 4:00

    A.m. to watch the ship pull through the Suez Canal but it’s going to be pitch black and I just don’t know if like it’s going to be that exciting or if I’m going to be able to see anything so I might just look out of the window

    Because anytime our ship starts to move our room rattles like nobody’s business cuz we’re above the engine I’m probably going to be woken up when we start to move anyway oh my gel nail just came off um by the way if you’re coming on S bring a gel nail kit because I borrowed

    Someone’s and it’s lifechanging but I will see you guys tomorrow when we’re going through with the Su can now morning Kenneth good morning good oh no morning so we’re in the Su um the sun’s Rising it’s like 6:20 a.m. houses and buildings like everywhere give them um your little out

    Get show them your outfit do an out oh jacket I don’t remember coat PR what PJ pants Target cuz I’m going straight back to bed after this you guys don’t like he you guys take this we’re watching Sunrise the the S the sunrise is actually pretty oh we even have our little our

    Little ship bulb lights I know I just so everyone knows how cold it is I got hot coffee and now it tastes like ice coffee oh wait I like ice coffee I know it’s good but like I thought I was I thought the sunset was pretty I thought the

    Sunrise was pretty but she thought I was Prettier good morning 2.0 um I fully went back to sleep after that Sunrise I’m not even going to lie we ate a little bit of breakfast and I just literally crawled back in bed um and I woke up at 10:00 which is kind of late I wanted to wake

    Up at 9:00 but you know you win some you lose some and I already saw about an hour of the sez Canal this morning so we have about it’s about 10:30 I think 10:40 we have about about 5 hours left traveling through um but I have class

    For like part of that so it’s a little sad we don’t have that much time left in our like Transit we were 4:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. but I just got ready for the day it’s freezing outside and I am about to go down to the computers to do some

    Searching for grease um semester at C travel planning is low-key strength I just like lost my breath semester at C travel planning is lowkey stressful um especially like planning for a group of like 10 to 12 people it’s just kind of like a little bit chaotic up right now

    We have 4 days at Sea and then Cyprus and then we have I should look oh it’s 1 day longer so 5 days in between Cypress and Greece but Greece we’re going to be flying to a different part or like a different Island so we want to book some

    Flights and find like a place to stay so we’re thinking about doing Athens in santerini I’ve never been to Greece so I’m like pretty much good with anything Athens is where we Port like we port in the port like right outside of Athens so I really want to see the Acropolis I

    Think is how you say it um but besides that we don’t really have any plans so we’re going to go try to book that Cypress is already booked we booked that before Jordan which was smart cuz we only like I said had four days at Sea in

    Between Jordan and Cyprus so trying to stay on top of it but like I said it’s a little bit stressful so we last they heard we went to look for grease things in the library sorry I’ve not been filming we went hopefully it all works

    Out we’re going to try to book the rest of it tonight then we went to lunch lunch was not smacking for me today I had like a pasta it was all right then we had positive psychology together ah really so we talked about stress and post-traumatic stress own brand

    Different things like that not the pgsd just the stress part the stress part stolen apple or pear you’re not allowed to take those but we did I have a oh we just read the de Deano and we’re getting to Cyprus a day early um we going to

    Dock I didn’t read it we are docking a day early but we aren’t getting off the something that sucks is like I guess with immigration and stuff there’s just like rules on like when we’re approved to be there and whatnot also the Deans memo did you know know about

    The dean memo before you got on sass no the dean memo is like a newsletter that’s sent out every day at 2 p.m. at least on our voyage and the dean doesn’t even write it does he I have no idea I don’t even think the think but it has

    Like upcoming events the time of the sunrise the time of the sunset how far we are from Land how fast we’re moving um like literally everything you can think of everything you need to know information going on the boat it’s like a new blast once a day and there’s

    Announcements twice a day I think it’s like 6:30 p.m. that’s the most important3 rer Ranger also I’m curious for other people that went on SAS was rum Ranger like a group chat like a c chat for y’all because for us it’s just like a section of the dean’s memo not

    Sure update I did go to deck 7 but I didn’t film got a coffee hazelnut with almond milk it’s I don’t like the coffee on the ship but I forced myself to drink it sitting here we left and what am I doing oh I’m working on my

    Instagram post I’ll show you guys okay caption nothing Dead about it no no no no but like I’m like Dead Sea reading in the Dead Sea Dead Sea dead sea beach welcome to kindall and Caroline’s room hi we’ve got an outside double couch edition Bad configuration Edition but do

    Have a lot of sh my mattress is like thin as a literal piece of baloney it’s not good I like y’s window space though wait when did you get this at the bookstore no way yeah I didn’t see you atlas of the world that’s pretty

    I really want to buy the like you know the pretty colorful travel books yeah I want to buy those for like the places I’ve been yeah they one for Dubai no way there’s one for duai yeah we’re supposed to be on a scavenger hunt for Angelo but we somehow made it

    Here look at my rose that Dexter me that is so cute Angelo he made he made Megan like a heartwork on me thing guys I literally ask him every single day for something else I’m going to ask him and we added this to our wall the other day

    To add some just to be happy make it a little homier happiness tour life haul tour so this is the fifth deck the best deck the odd numbers not the best deck l oh he has origi too um and we’re walking towards the end of the hall why does this haul feel shorter

    Than the the hallway probably is there’s my friend Thomas little mid hallway that connects them cool W those are interesting I’ve never been over here before feel like I’m on a ship tour ship tour Good Vibes authorized personnel only they put little cute name tags on your door by

    The way here’s our friend’s room even side of the hallway wait who Nikki and Emily’s are here wait what cute wait they have the little Polaroid definitely get pictures and add them to your door bring magnets yeah we did do that oh losers really we thought it was we

    Thought it was your break we couldn’t find you we’ve been searching he fa again so he has long experience love for semester open Henry’s about to eat It I’ll hang on a second Adam Barry can you believe this is happening I can’t believe it I’ll pick you up it’s 10:30 open mic night just ended 30 minutes early a lot of poetry and guitar a little bit of singing we didn’t participate I give you a little a little

    View of the Union where we have class and Global Studies and event and preport and preport everything so we sit over here for Global thank you R and this is what it looks like Elisa hi hi what do you need my computer for so I

    Got all my email and I won back in help us 10 minutes AGS and I can’t ask back in and my aop is working my computer I by 1 a.m. email it myself I can’t my email so I have to email to you now and on your that’s sounds great good morning

    Everyone I sat in the union with Alisa and until like like 11:30 um working on some random stuff she needed to borrow my computer for an assignment so I sat there with her came back literally just went right to sleep and now I decided to wake up for breakfast it’s 8:10 one of

    My favorite things in the ship is the bacon it’s kind of like turkey bacon um but it’s really really good and it’s the only reason I’ll wake up for breakfast and it’s every like 2 or 3 days so there wasn’t the last two so I’m waking up

    Today for breakfast so I’m excited but me and Alisa are meeting Maria and Megan my roommate up at Leo inside cuz it’s freezing for breakfast and then I am in the later Global Studies so I won’t have class until 10:00 right now it is 8 I

    Want this to focus but it’s okay um it’s 8:11 and I’m about to run down um too or run up too morning vloggers so right now I’m eating banana and peanut butter Mom are you proud getting some fruit my dad would be so disappointed he thinks bananas are horrible for you um with

    Lisa Maria and megie I didn’t get to Vlog the bacon I know you guys were really looking for that I’m sorry going to show you guys how I’ve been eating my banana she can feel like a cracker just watch like a little like Shar board she’s like

    And then bites into half of it when you put the whole thing that we semester at you right now that was me reenacting what I just told them a minute ago yeah hey guys okay back in my room I read a little bit right now I’m reading Janette

    Mcc’s um biography and it is really interesting so I’ve been reading that the last few days and I just got ready for the school day our friends just texted you can see Cypress which is so weird cuz we’re supposed to get there a day early which would be tomorrow

    Morning so we’re there 2 days early so I’m about to head up to the pool bar fill up my water bottle if you’re coming on SAS bring like a br water water bottle or something with a filter makes the water tastes a little bit better I have Global Studies today and then at

    2:10 I have my food and population class in Kino um um so not a super busy day I’m going to mostly be editing and reading today but last night I think I told you guys we booked an Airbnb and we booked our flight for sanini and I think

    It’s going to be a good day so about to run down I also want to show you guys my backpack that I use on the ship I got this bag from Amazon it says you need this one enjoy your life um but it’s super cute and this is what I literally

    Carry all of my belongings in hey guys welcome to cypess Welcome 2 days early Cy went to the library and did some more research on like finding a bus or a taxi or something in Cyprus for our transportation still a little confused on that um then I went to lunch there was like this really good Mexican tortilla soup the soup like lowkey is

    Sometimes good went to class I just got out of class saw my favorite remember Angelo in the hallway a sweet little surprise um and I’m about to go buy a smoothie with Alisa because she said and I quote you only sass once so she’s not wrong guess what it’s time for it is

    Time for the Swing Dance Club tonight at the first generation dinner in Berlin right now at 18:30 to 19:30 hang okay let’s just be real I have not done a good job of filming anything today um I went and go to Smoothie me and Alisa tried um pineapple mango with strawberry

    Ice cream not too shabby but it’s officially dinner time hey guys um or should I say hey all my fans so it’s Kendall once again just in case you forgot my name um drop it in the comments today I went to my 810 publ class with my bestie kit here and we

    Learned our persuasive speeches and then Global Studies and then I sat outside and now we’re all sitting here at dend getting ready for our C council meeting tonight which should be a lot of fun um it’s weird because we all our phones are working because we’re like literally 4T

    Off of land so we’re becoming antisocial Elisa just told me that I was talking too close to the camera but I just really wanted you guys to see what I do okay bye for now toah Why is it So A

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