4-22-24 City Council Regular Business Meeting

    Thanks a lot. I called to order.
    The regular business meeting of
    lakewood City Council on April
    22nd 2024. At 7:08 P.m.. To
    connect with the City Council
    meeting this evening. Please
    use for those of you online.
    Please use liquid speaks.org or
    lakewood.org/council videos for
    online public comments. You may
    also post comments at any
    length on lakewood speaks.org,
    and we’ll actually have it open,
    not only through the evening,
    but tomorrow up to 10 A.m.. So.
    If. You’ve got comments through
    any portion of the meeting this
    evening. You can certainly
    continue to add comments to
    that through 10. Anyone who
    would like To address. The City,
    um, will be given the
    opportunity. Throughout the
    evening on different topics if
    we’re going topic related or
    for those topics that don’t
    appear on the agenda this
    evening, we’ve got a space for
    that, In the latter part of the
    meeting this evening. Uh,
    public comment does go for
    individuals at three minutes,
    three minutes and for anyone
    that’s pulling your time with
    others for people. You get up
    to 10 minutes, so we’ll let you
    know when their time is right
    for each of those as we move
    forward, and in the meantime,
    will the clerk please The role.
    Strong. Here over here. Mia
    guerrera here. Stewart. Here
    here. Live your Nystrom. Here,
    Here Here Here you have a
    quorum. Thank you and at this
    point, I will ask that if you
    are able to stand, please do so
    And we will do the pledge of
    allegiance afterwards. Please
    remain standing for a moment of
    silent prayer. Sorry. Two. The
    flag of the United States of
    America, for which it stands my
    mission. I wonder out into this
    one with liberty and justice
    for all. I should say mercy.
    Going to France next week. All
    members of the City Council
    have the responsibility to
    comply with the terms of
    charter 7.2 Prince B an excuse
    themselves from voting on any
    matter in which they determine
    they have a personal financial
    or business interest. The City
    Council is empire empowered by
    charter 7.2 Prince B to agree
    by unanimous vote, excluding
    the member at issue to exclude
    any member or I’m Sorry, excuse
    any member of the council from
    voting on a matter in which
    they determine such member has
    a Small, financial or business
    interest. So with that, Uh, we?
    I will make a a slight change
    to your agenda this evening. Um,
    some of you that that watch us
    fairly regularly may have been
    a little bit confused that
    typically when we get a
    presentation from our esteemed
    liquid advisory commission, it
    usually lands at the beginning
    of a meeting. Um, and this time
    it actually was, in the latter
    part. So what we’re going to do
    before we get started is, uh,
    do the formal movement of that.
    Advisory Commission permission
    Presentation to, um this point
    in the meeting, where it
    typically resides. So at this
    time, I’d like to entertain a
    motion to move that item. 14
    Point a the presentation from
    the Liquid Advisory Commission
    to the beginning of the meeting.
    If you are a member of the
    public who came to speak on
    that particular item during
    general public comment. You are
    still welcome to do so. Mayor
    Strom. I move to amend the
    agenda to receive the Lakewood
    Advisory Commission
    presentation before the consent
    agenda second OK thank you and
    does Council have any comments
    or questions on that? All,
    right. What’s that let’s go
    ahead and vote. OK so that
    passes unanimously. And with
    that, Uh, will the city clerk
    please read item 14 point a
    into the record. Item 14 point
    a a presentation from the
    Lakewood Advisory Commission
    concerning green renovation
    research. Thank you, Mr Robb
    and I will now defer to our
    city manager Kathy Hodgson to
    introduce this item and our
    speakers. Or can they be like I
    could just quickly, Mayor, um,
    in front of you this evening is
    Neil Preer. He’s a member of
    the sustainability subcomittee,
    one of the four L AC
    subcommittees, um, also in
    attendance from the L AC
    tonight is the chair of the
    Sustainability. Uh, Glenn Wedo.
    Um, uh, chair of the full L AC,
    Melissa Cozman and vice chair
    of the full L AC Nate Whiteman.
    And with that I’ll just turn it
    over to Neil. All righty, Mr,
    Priester and company. Thank you
    for joining us this evening. As
    well as Fred Clifford, who’s
    here as well. Hm? Thank you.
    Ladies and gentlemen, the
    council mayor. Thanks for this
    opportunity. Thanks for this
    opportunity to do this research.
    It’s important to us, Um and I
    wanted to thank all the members
    of the committee that have put
    this together. Um It’s taken US
    nine months. And it’s been hard
    work, but it’s been a good work.
    Um I will also apologize for
    the length of it. It’s 22 pages
    I would have liked to made it
    simpler, but, uh, it was a
    constant struggle to make it as
    concise as we possibly could.
    Given the complexity and the
    far ranging issues that we’re
    dealing with, Um We have, uh
    Four main recommendations as
    well as an additional 25 sub
    recommendations again. I’m
    sorry this is this is not
    simple solutions that we’re
    applying to a complex problem.
    Um And. I wanted to take a
    minute to wish you all a happy
    Earth Day and remind you that
    we all live on this pale blue
    dot together and, um Hope to
    hope to leave it better than we
    found it. Um, So what we have
    with you here is, uh, our green
    renovation project. We were
    assigned that in July of 2023,
    and the goal was to identify
    and research, possible policies
    and actions by the city to
    expedite Green renovation and
    lakewoods residential buildings.
    Um, So, the issue is is is
    multi pointed here. We’ve got
    green renovation can help
    address 21% of the of
    Lakewood’s greenhouse gas
    emissions not covered by zoning
    requirements. Um, residences
    using fossil fuels directly for
    heating our locked out of
    reducing greenhouse gas
    emissions through utility mix
    changes. The point of
    replacement of existing heating
    appliances and furnish furnaces
    presents an opportunity for
    beneficial electrification. So,
    the research we’re covering, uh,
    covered cities in Colorado and
    elsewhere. Um, and where
    they’ve taken efforts and
    actions to reduce greenhouse
    gas emissions from residences.
    We’ve we’ve covered multiple
    cities, some in the state. Some
    outside the state. Some In fact,
    even internationally. Um, it’s
    this is a big effort. Like. We
    can supplement incentives
    offered by utilities and state
    and federal entities. Local
    governments. Incentives can
    drive change. The. Hope there
    is that we all put skin in the
    game here shouldn’t be left up
    to just the individuals.
    Recommendations. Um we’re four
    fold primarily tax credit and
    rebate match to supplement
    state and federal funds. Second
    was to add to the Enhanced
    Development menu article 13 for,
    um, targeting homes below 2500
    square feet, which are
    currently exempt. City
    employees to implement and
    administer these adopted
    recommendations. And outreach
    and education by partnering
    with relevant organizations, Um
    I could talk at length about
    these four goals, but I think
    the report is is broad enough
    that it addresses those, Um So
    our summary here is that
    reducing greenhouse gasses.
    Emissions is urgent. It’s
    worldwide and it’s gonna take
    all hands on deck to get it to
    get it to happen. And. We’re
    hoping to, uh, transition
    existing liquid homes to
    electricity. And, um, the
    positions within the city to
    benefit from an improved
    Utility energy source mix. Um,
    what’s on the on the table Here
    are consideration is 42,000
    existing homes in lakewood?
    This issue is complex and wide
    ranging and the L AC stands
    ready to supplement research if
    required, or if needed, Um,
    we’d love to tackle this again.
    We just felt like, uh, The more
    we dug into it. The deeper it
    got, um So we could do to, uh,
    were available to ask questions
    tonight on the report. We’re
    available to dig deeper if
    you’d like, Um Been a pleasure.
    Thank you. Council. Questions.
    And. Thank you for mentioning
    the report. I’ll actually take
    this moment to, uh, let
    everybody know that on liquid
    SP start. Org. Not only can you
    put in public comment, But. We
    do also have staff documents.
    In this particular instance the
    L AC Liquid Advisory Commission
    report is also on there as well.
    So while this was a very brief
    reporting back of the What, did
    you say 22 pages? 21 pages? No.
    It was great. Uh, very Report
    this evening. There’s a lot
    more detail that that you do
    get into in the report, and so
    with that I’ll go ahead and
    hand the floor over to
    councilor sinks, then Councilor
    Mayo guerrero, then councilor
    Mayor Pharez. Thank you? Hello?
    Um good, Excellent job. Great
    report. Let me. Just. Make Sure
    I understand correctly And that
    is that Any electrification of
    homes currently right now, as
    you are proposing is strictly
    on a voluntary basis. Is that
    correct? That’s correct? Yes,
    thank you. So. We’re trying to
    offer carrots. Um the, uh, The
    goal is to try and get broad
    participation. Um, but no, it
    doesn’t doesn’t do any good to
    To force those issues right so
    So for those that don’t want to
    do it. There would be
    absolutely no stick. Just the
    carrot? Yeah, I think that’s a
    great approach. Thank you. Can
    mount Guerrero. Hi and thank
    you so much for your time, both
    this evening and in in general
    in the past many months or so,
    on this project, um this
    question is Likely you’ll have
    Maybe something that first
    comes to mind. But, I hope is
    then a bit of an ongoing
    discussion for us and with
    staff, which is do you have, um,
    of the list of recommendations?
    Anything that you think in
    particular needs to be
    considered alongside or in in
    close. Co ordination with, say,
    our affordable housing planning,
    um versus our comp plan versus
    things that you think are are
    very freestanding, um, on their
    own. Um and again, I. I don’t
    you don’t have to go through
    all of the recommendations. But
    if you’ve got a top view and
    again, I’m hoping that this
    helps us us as a body, like
    start to think about it that
    way. Because. We are not a
    stand alone, Um committee
    Sub-committee, um, operating in
    a vacuum, we We felt it
    necessary and critical to
    address The. Other
    subcommittees, not the least of
    which is diversity. Um, we
    tried to embed, uh, diversity
    equity inclusion into every
    phase of this and in
    recognition that this is not an
    inexpensive prospect that we’re
    considering here. And that
    there are opportunities here
    that are great as the
    challenges, but there are some
    that cannot rise to the
    opportunity and they have to be
    given. Uh uh uh uh, equal
    access to those funds. And to
    that technology. Um, the
    concern is that you could
    potentially lock them out of
    future innovations. If you
    don’t If, You. Don’t initiate
    that process. Um, I think it’s
    probably fair to say the
    biggest our first number one
    recommendation is concerning
    the the rebate match and the
    reason for that is because
    these costs are not trivial.
    And. Um, even though they’re
    state and federal funds
    available out there If you
    can’t rise to the occasion to
    to find seed money to to make
    that a affordable for all
    members of Lakewood. You lose
    the opportunity, so just
    because the money is there
    doesn’t mean you can take
    advantage of it, especially
    with low and middle income
    people. Um Again, Uh, Councilor
    Grell guerrero. There’s 24 sub
    recommendations. Um Probably
    This isn’t the time to cover
    all those, but they’re all
    relevant, and they’re all fact
    and science based group. Thank
    you so much. We are P Dam.
    Thank you, Mr Priester. This is
    great. We’ve had the
    opportunity to connect a little
    bit more. Uh, I think you’ve
    done your tour with many of the
    counselors appear to share
    particularly around the rebate?
    Um, the example that I often
    refer to when we have those
    conversations is what we see in
    Denver with their climate
    action and sustainable
    resiliency office and I just I
    wanted to like flag that for my
    peers on council because that
    was a funded mandate through,
    uh, quarter. Sales tax. It was
    funded through a sales tax tax
    initiative, but they had
    something like $4 million in
    the first year to be able to do
    some really innovative things
    and they offer quite a bit of
    rebates in the city and county
    of Denver to do some of the
    things that we’re talking about,
    And, So we’re gonna have to be
    very creative to be able to get
    this going. Some of it is fed
    money, but you have to come
    with non fed matching dollars
    and that adds a level of
    complexity that we are not
    prepared to act quickly on, and
    so is there ways we know that
    there Um, considerable interest
    in this from the community. And
    I wonder if this is something
    we would maybe wanna explore,
    And this could be a question
    for the budget. Not A, um,
    board as well. But we’re gonna
    We’re never gonna get here
    unless we’re willing to take
    some like creative swings at
    this, and so I really
    appreciate you all have put it
    together quite a bit of work on
    this, and I think you know, I’m
    a real advocate for the rebate
    stuff Because it. It is a good
    incentive for folks, but I do
    think your point is a good one,
    particularly for low income
    income qualifying. Households.
    You do have to put that money
    up front and so that it does
    become unattainable when we’re
    talking about rebates, um, and
    refunds on dollars that you
    have to invest up front to see
    those cost savings, so that
    would be something I’d love to
    see, And. It’s timely that
    we’re having this conversation
    on a night that we’re making
    discussion and decisions on C
    DB G dollars because in past
    iterations that has been a
    priority for us, and I hope
    that we can see that come back
    again in in next iterations of
    those funding cycles, So thank
    you. Um, if I made a point of
    clarification. Uh, Councilor
    chairs I. Some of those funds
    coming from the state and fed,
    um will be grants that require
    matching funds from the
    municipalities locally, But not
    all of them are some flow
    through directly to the
    homeowners we just heard about
    today about $8 billion released
    from the inflation Reduction
    Act. This intended to go
    straight to homeowners. But
    again. Even those have come
    because some of them are are
    are tax credits, which aren’t
    always available. Um, the state
    is about to S to release
    Rebates through the inflation
    reduction Act all help. But
    again. The. The the The
    challenges are great, as is the
    opportunity. Thank you. And
    like To be. The. Other point is
    just the workforce need to. So
    we know you. You have great
    members of your you I know
    you’re part of another group
    that has, like a very nuanced
    understanding because they had
    a business in thermal energy.
    Well. I just try to get my
    furnace replaced and I asked
    for a heat pump, and they
    didn’t know what I was talking
    about. That wasn’t a skill set,
    and that wasn’t something they
    advocated for. So. All of this
    has to be paired with
    Upskilling and Reskilling. And.
    I know that That’s something
    that counselor Lo has a
    personal And so you know I’d
    love to explore how Lakewood
    can be, you know, working with,
    uh McLean and and Warren Tech
    and some of the other. Great,
    um Trade school, uh, focused
    areas that we have to sort of
    help build this bench out and
    that, um, expertise, So thank
    you. All of them is high level
    expertise. I mean some of that
    is just just, um benchmarking.
    Energy audits, which can be
    done without a whole lot of
    training. So yes, absolutely.
    Councilor Liber I. Just want to
    thank you for coming. Thanks
    for the presentation. Really
    appreciate it. Um, I’m
    wholeheartedly in support of us
    trying to look at, uh, figuring
    out ways to, uh, you know, get
    additional dollars and citizens
    back in citizens hands so they
    can make you know good
    decisions to to become more
    sustainable and reduce and help
    the city with our long term
    plans of reducing our Our GHGS
    and I’ve seen a lot of cities.
    Um, do really good work in this
    space. And, uh, Um We’ve, you
    know, seen other cities also
    contract some of this work out,
    uh, to help them be a sort of
    force multiplier. I know, uh,
    Boulder does that they have
    their the contract with their,
    uh, pace, uh, program and they
    do all sorts of broad range of
    incentives. Um, from solar
    panels to cooling and heating
    equipment and lighting and, um,
    electrification of lawn
    equipment and all sorts of you
    know things like that. Um, so
    anyway, I really appreciate you
    bringing this, uh to us. This
    is something I’m really
    passionate about. And. I Hope.
    Uh, you know we can move
    something forward to to, you
    know, help take advantage of
    the opportunities. Thank you.
    Thanks. Right any other council
    questions? Councilor Nystrom.
    Thank you, Mayor. Um Yeah
    Thanks again for all of the
    information I enjoyed when I
    met with you and and and this
    report is amazing. Um, I think.
    Unfortunately, there’s been a
    lot of misinformation that’s
    been conveyed via Um lakewood
    speaks and I and I really hope
    that people take the time to
    read this study. Um, you know,
    and some of the things that I
    learned from you in terms of
    personal air air quality in
    your home, you know, as we
    continue to deal with wildfires
    and things like that the
    advantages of of a heat pump
    Also, you know are Um I
    imperative in that So I. I have
    a tendency to Get over my skis
    a little bit, so I’ve already
    electrified my house and I’m
    working on the battery backup,
    But. I can I can say
    unequivocally that my house is
    more comfortable in the winter
    now and, um you know it. It has
    been an amazing improvement, so
    I hope people keep those things
    in mind when they’re when
    they’re, um considering this
    and I think yes for the greater
    good, the air quality for
    everyone in lakewood and the
    reduction in emissions that
    we’re going to produce as we
    continue to up You know, um,
    homes as well as hopefully city
    buildings and other commercial
    buildings in, uh, Lakewood. Um,
    I think we’ll really see a a
    large improvement in air
    quality. So thank you again for
    your work. Councilor cruz Yes.
    They wanted to echo the thanks,
    Mr Priester for your work and
    for the L a CS work on this
    important topic. Um, I know, I
    learned a lot. Um and I think
    that I also really appreciate
    the clarification regarding the
    carrot approaches that this, uh
    recommends because I think that
    there were some, uh,
    potentially different readings
    in the community, so it’s just
    helpful to have that
    information. Um, in the public.
    Um, I noticed and the
    appreciated the gratitude for
    the sustainability staff that
    you all worked with kind of in
    Developing this report and I
    know you talk. You talk about
    this in the report, but just
    wanted to hear a little bit
    more about how some of these,
    um initiatives and, um Uh, like
    priorities are reflected in
    some of the work that our
    sustainability depart. Our
    sustainability team is doing
    now. I think the first
    sustainability plan was put out
    in 2015 with updates even as
    late as 2122. They’ve done a
    lot of heavy lifting and the
    groundwork um the there are
    areas of concern within the, um,
    codes that that this is trying
    to address as well specifically
    for the existing built
    environment. Um You sustainable
    staff is great one of our main
    recommendations is to get him
    some help. They say it’s
    drinking from a fire hose. Um,
    there’s a lot of work to be
    done and There’s a lot of money
    out there if we could just tap
    it. Um We love an opportunity
    to to carry through with some
    of these recommendations and
    and and work with them on it if
    they would be willing, um,
    they’re they’re, uh, experts in
    their fields. So Councilor
    stewart then Councillor Lo Yeah,
    I kind of actually had similar
    questions. So. Thank you for
    asking those, Um, we do have
    really incredible staff in our
    sustainability division. Um and
    very supportive of making sure
    we get them some more help. I
    know, you know, in the past
    when we started the rebate
    program for the turf
    replacement and the water wise
    landscaping that was initially
    funded through quite a bit of,
    uh, work to get That were
    available, and I know that
    there’s so much money available
    that I wanna make sure that
    we’re prioritizing in our, um
    you know, our grant acquisition
    process being able to make sure
    that we’re taking advantage of
    all of that money that is
    available and then just
    flagging that this is an
    incredible report. I know the
    sustainability, uh, and
    planning division already, Um,
    you know, knows this is a great
    report, and it’s very, very
    helpful. Um, but This is in
    alignment with a lot of our
    council priorities for the next
    couple of years. And I think
    that this is just a great
    opportunity to kind of roll in
    the expertise of folks in our
    community as well as our
    sustainability staff to
    actually, um, use some of this,
    uh, really incredible work that
    you guys put so much time and
    effort into, um, you know,
    putting together our our work
    plans for the year and kind of
    how laying out how we’re going
    to get to some of the council
    priorities, I think This is
    really well aligned and would
    love to see this utilized in
    more than more than one more
    than just presenting it to
    council I. I hope that it is
    kind of taken and and pieced
    apart and and run with and take
    advantage of. Councilor Lo
    Don’t want to sound like a
    broken record, Mr Priester, but
    would echo everything that’s
    been said Thank you. We’re
    we’re lucky to have you and and
    the your other L AC members. Um
    this is really good work and
    gives us a lot of a lot of good
    fodder. Clearly. We’ve got a
    council that wants to
    prioritize. Yes presentations
    and talking, but also action on
    sustainability, and we fully
    intend to to move the ball
    forward on this, Um, on the
    first recommendation and all
    the subparts to it sort of the
    the matching funds piece II I,
    My ears perked up with what? Um,
    a mayor Pro TEM Shahs eye. He
    was saying I. I think she makes
    a very smart point that for
    some of the so look, I mean I’m
    all for matching funds and and
    let’s be frank, right? Some of
    the federal resources right now.
    I’ve had some conversations
    with co counselors about this.
    Are significant and you make
    this point in your report,
    right? Like? We want to
    leverage these opportunities
    Now while there there are
    inflation Reduction Act and IIJ
    a dollars available right?
    Councilor Shez. I makes an
    excellent point that some of
    these folks some of the these
    dollars are rebates that are
    paid, you know, after the fact
    Given, Frankly, you know,
    limited local dollars are
    really strategic place to put
    some of those local dollars,
    maybe some sort of revolving
    fund or some sort of, um,
    upfront investment that allows
    folks to make these retrofits
    that they can then pay back or
    mostly pay back once they get
    the full rebate in hand. Um, I,
    don’t I. I. Look I. I wanted to
    see whether that you think
    that’s consistent with the
    spirit of sort of that that
    first bucket of recommendations
    and how that idea lands for you.
    And if if if the answer is
    you’d wanna talk about that
    further with us. You don’t
    wanna Answer. Now. That’s
    that’s totally fine. But. I’m I,
    I thought as I understood it.
    Councilor shares A’s point
    makes a lot of sense. I
    wouldn’t push back against a
    good idea. Um, again the
    challenges of financial one in
    any way you can assist to that
    end, you’re right. The. Upfront
    costs are are substantial. Um
    and The degree to which you can
    lower those up front is gonna
    help get people in the market.
    There’s plenty of, um, pylon
    effects that that the that the
    economy is gonna be assisted
    and helped by this, so it’s not
    like it’s it’s a decision made
    in a vacuum. It’s gonna It’s
    gonna assist a lot of of
    individual homes as well as the
    the the industry. Um It would
    probably be more of an
    administrative challenge to get
    those upfront then you know,
    after the fact Um I don’t see
    the change The numbers, just
    the the The term. That it would
    be applied in Yep. Well, thank
    you again for all these good
    ideas, I think I. Think again.
    This is good fodder for for
    follow up and action and, uh,
    Certainly, for my part
    committed to doing that. Thank
    you. Councilor re Thank you for
    the presentation. And Like. A
    lot of my fellow counselors. Uh,
    I wanna focus on the the carrot
    portion of your your report and
    going into the last comments
    Maybe you can expand a little
    bit in your your report and
    some of the appendix picks up a
    little bit about this. But what
    if some of the other cities
    done to find the money to make
    these matching grants or to to
    help with the these incentives
    right? Because you mentioned
    that some of these money some
    of the money is from federal
    state. Other sources require,
    uh, some skin from the city.
    What. Are. These other cities
    done to find that money. Um,
    the one that was mentioned.
    Obvious. One is the, uh, the
    tax levied in in the Denver
    County. Um, that’s why they’ve
    got a good budget for this. I’m
    Not sure, I can answer that
    question. Dave, I, Mr rein. Um
    I don’t know that we’ve done
    the research into the budgets
    of those other cities. Um maybe
    that’s an opportunity to do
    additional research. Um, a
    point that is fair to say,
    though, is that is again. These
    are great challenges. The
    opportunities are as great as
    the challenges. The concern is,
    if you Don’t do these costs on
    the backside from not doing
    these things is gonna be huge.
    Um, the the social cost of
    carbon is is not at all trivial.
    She, um and That’s part of what
    we’re trying to address here is
    is is to keep those costs from
    hitting, hitting the members of
    lakewood. And and then the you
    know, one of the other points
    that I thought it was, well,
    well taken in the report, uh,
    that maybe it’s not gotten as
    quite as much discussion as
    just frankly in educational
    aspect of it, whether it’s a
    website on the city’s, uh or or
    Web page on the city’s website
    to just say here are all the
    different opportunities and
    here’s how the, uh you can
    navigate some of these, uh,
    sometimes tricky grants I. I
    know from just looking at cars,
    uh, trying to What cars applied
    for different grants or don’t
    or or tax credits are not
    sometimes be a little daunting.
    So just having a resource.
    Where all these, uh all this
    information is located in one
    place, I think could also be
    helpful. Challenge is not
    exclusively that although
    that’s a big one because of the
    cost, but them in combination.
    These are not simple
    technologies, Um, and they
    sometimes need upgrade
    infrastructure within the homes
    to to accommodate these new
    technologies. So the the the
    combination of All of these
    challenges are are again just a
    multiplier. Um But, their
    mature and they’re ready to go
    to market at scale. So. Well, I.
    Thank you very much to you and
    and the L AC for putting
    together a report to give us a
    lot of points to discuss. Thank
    you. All. Right. Well. Thank
    you, Mr Priester and to all of
    our members of the L AC that
    are joining us this evening for
    your work, months and months of
    work leading up to this and
    also for joining us on this
    lovely I believe playoff
    basketball Game evening, So
    thank you for taking your time
    out. And. Um so council has
    received your recommendations
    and counsel what That means
    from here is you know, as you
    all know, sitting through our
    planning retreat last month, Um,
    many of Items that were listed
    here or that were part of the
    research are actually very much
    in alignment with our
    priorities as we’re looking at
    navigating the next couple of
    years worth of our goals, so
    staff will go in and and work
    through this and we look
    forward to continuing the
    conversation with you all and
    seeing what we can put in place
    for the city in the years to
    come. Thank you. And. Thank you
    for the support on that annual
    retreat. It was it was apparent.
    Yeah. Thank you. Thank you.
    Have a good night. All, right.
    And with that we will go ahead
    and transition over to the
    consent agenda for the evening.
    Um, I do, um, personally want
    to pull one item from the
    consent agenda and that would
    be resolution What. It’s item
    number five Resolution 20 24-23
    Does Council have any other
    resolution or anything else You
    wanted to pull from the consent
    agenda this evening. Nope. OK?
    Mm. Mayor. Do you want me to
    read the consent agenda as
    amended? Yeah, let’s go ahead
    and read the consent agenda
    into the public record as
    amended. Thank you the consent
    agenda includes the following
    items. Item six resolution 20
    24-24 delegation of authority
    by the City Council to permit
    the Planning department and its
    divisions to apply for federal
    and state grants and proceed as
    the applicant Item seven
    Ordinance 0-20 24-9. Declaring
    the intent of the city of
    Lakewood to acquire interest in
    property for public purposes
    for the replacement of traffic
    signals and pedestrian
    improvements at the
    intersection of West Eighth
    Avenue and Sims Street and
    authorize the negotiations with
    property owners, acceptance of
    conveyance, instruments and
    condemnation of real property,
    subject to further council
    approval. Item. Eight Ordinance
    0-20 24-10 authorizing the
    conveyance to the Public
    service Company of Colorado to
    non exclusive permanent utility
    easements on property owned by
    the city of Lakewood and
    located adjacent to Civic
    Center Item nine Improving City
    Council meeting minutes from
    City Council special meeting.
    Uh, March 25th 2024 and from
    the City Council regular
    meeting from March 25th 2024.
    OK thank you very much, and we
    do have one Well, let’s go
    ahead and make a motion first.
    Sorry I’m going out of my own
    order. Uh, make a motion for
    the consent agenda, Please
    Mayor strong. I move for the
    approval of the City Council
    minutes Order All ordinances
    introduced on first reading to
    be published in The Denver Post,
    with public hearing set for the
    date included in the ordinance
    and for adoption of resolutions,
    all of which are included in
    the consent agenda item
    introduced in the record by the
    city clerk. Second All right.
    Thank you and with that we’ll
    open it up to public comment on
    the consent agenda. I’ll go
    ahead and make a note at this
    time, and we don’t have any
    public comment online. Uh, I do
    have one signed up for consent
    agenda. Public comment, Uh,
    missing last name, Mike. Mike
    Mueller was it regarding the
    item that we pulled off? OK,
    then we’ll go ahead and hold on.
    Um, we’re gonna go through the
    consent agenda first, and then
    we’ll catch you on the other
    side. OK? So. We’ll call you
    back up in a minute. Thank you.
    All, right. Any council
    questions or comments on the
    consent agenda as amended. No.
    OK, all right, then go ahead
    and cast your votes on the
    consent agenda. And that passes
    11 yeses zero Nos So. Then. We
    have item number five. Go ahead
    and come on up. Well, Mayor,
    I’ll read it into the record.
    Out of five resolution 20 24-23
    establishing an ad hoc
    committee of members of the
    City Council to update the city
    of Lakewood fair campaign
    practices for processes and
    procedures. Mr Mueller. I was
    gonna ask you guys to pull
    number five. And. Uh, thank you,
    Mayor for pulling it for me. I
    think the citizens should be
    well involved in this sort of
    project. Because we have Nobody
    really trusts elections as much
    anymore. And when we have
    developers We have trash
    companies. We have tech
    companies. We have cable
    companies. All donating money
    to you guys. The citizens need
    to have input on how much money
    we’re gonna spend on these
    elections. I think there was
    one election. We spent a
    quarter of a million dollars on
    a mayor election. That’s
    ridiculous. But. It’s blocking
    out the citizens they can only
    donate $25 to $50. When. You
    get a big tech company comes in
    and drops $1000 on a on a
    campaign. And all of you have
    taken money from developers, I
    think. Does. Anybody missed
    developer money. You haven’t
    God. Bless you You’re the only
    one but Don’t know don’t No? No.
    No? No? No, but anyway, thank
    you very much, but I really
    like citizen involvement in
    that because we need to
    straighten this mess out quick.
    You know one mayor. He walked
    out of here. He used to be a,
    uh JC, Penney’s underwear
    salesman. And when he left, Uh,
    the mayor’s job. He was a
    multimillionaire. That’s tough
    to do. On the salary of a mayor.
    Thanks. Thank you, Mr Muller.
    All right. So, um We. The
    reason that I wanted to pull
    this agenda or the resolution
    from the consent agenda. Just a
    quick little civics 101 for
    those of you that aren’t
    familiar with the the motions
    of how we go through doing the
    business of the city on the
    consent agenda. Those are, uh,
    specifically for items that are
    not, um overly complex, like
    meeting minutes. Things that
    are, um you know fairly easily.
    Yes. We wanna move that through
    and do it expeditiously so
    We’re not here all evening with
    this particular resolution, Uh,
    given the fact that we have
    gotten quite heavy in committee
    work this spring, it was
    suggested to me late last week
    that we lighten the size of
    this committee. So that we, um
    aren’t um, being too onerous on
    time commitment for counselors
    that are working on so many
    committees right now, Uh, we’ve
    got a pretty, uh, passionate
    crew that really wants to get a
    lot of work done, And that does
    take a lot of I am So. What we
    did is, um, based on council
    desire and interest went ahead
    and and change this over to
    it’ll be a committee that is
    rather than what’s posted in
    the agenda this evening. Um, I
    am proposing that we reduce it
    to three member committee that
    would include Councilor sinks,
    Co labure and myself. So. Um
    with that I would ask first
    we’ll have Mayor pro TEM to
    make a motion. Actually. Uh, Mr.
    Rob, Do you want to read it in
    as amended, or we’re not
    amending the title or anything,
    though, so we go ahead and make
    the motion. OK so we’ll make
    the motion. Uh and then
    Councilor questions, thoughts
    concerns before we vote, so
    Mere perm. I moved to a men
    resolution 20 24-23 to be
    comprised of the following
    council members. Mayor Aro
    Councilor, La Beer and
    councilor sings. Second Thank
    you. And with that reminder,
    too, that what happens here is
    the committee is formed. Work
    is done all of the actual
    decision making and the actual
    end vote that turns laws into
    laws. Uh, will actually still
    go on here at City Council, so
    there’s still very public
    process through that. So with
    that, Um, let me go ahead and
    we need to clear our votes may
    hang on and hang on one second.
    We’re clarifying. There was an
    there was a motion to Adopt the
    resolution originally, and then
    there was is that correct? And,
    then it would just had a motion
    to amend the resolution that
    was seconded. Did we get? Do we
    get both. Do we get the first
    motion, OK? We did not. That’s
    right. I will remove my second.
    OK? Lots of emotions here. Case
    anyone thought Robert’s rules
    of order was easy. I move for
    the adoption of resolution. 20
    24-23 Second Thank you. Now,
    mayor, there should be a motion
    to amend right. All. Right,
    Mayor. I moved to a men
    resolution 20 24-23 to be
    comprised of the following
    council members. Mayor Strong,
    Councilor labure Councilor sins
    Any council questions or
    discussion. All right. We’ll go
    ahead and open up the vote. On.
    The amendment on the amended
    Resolution, which would be
    authorizing the committee. With.
    The three people only. Right,
    so the motion is to the
    amendment. So. Only the three
    people then will authorize the
    committee. Correct. Thank you.
    Council to mount Grove of
    missing your votes. OK, and
    that Passes 10 years one. Nay
    Nay being CO. Over Okay. Now we
    will vote. For the or
    Resolution. And wishing to
    speak first I have counsel over
    Thank you, mayor. Um the only
    reason I voted no on that was
    Was. I was on that committee.
    And. I just found out now. That
    I’m not going to be on that
    committee and and that’s not
    the way to run a railroad. Um,
    you know if if somebody’s
    getting kicked off a committee
    and or it’s changing, and you
    guys have all decided that
    already that it’s going to
    change, you know, a little
    advanced notice would be nice.
    And I understand you tried to
    call me today. But. Even Today
    would have been too soon. Um,
    since you know you’re changing
    something right out from
    underneath me. I was on that
    committee for the last two
    years. And Now I’m not going to
    be on that committee. And. That
    part is OK. But the notice is
    the problem. So. I’m Gonna vote
    no again. And. That’s kind of a
    protest vote. I. Appreciate
    that counselor over you are
    very clear in December that you
    didn’t want to be on committees
    in general, so I thought I was
    doing you a favor. Any other
    counselors. System. All right.
    We’ll go ahead and vote. That
    OK and that passes 10 years.
    One name Nay being council over.
    OK, thank you, Everybody. So.
    Then. We move on to agenda item
    number 10. Her First Ordinance
    on second reading, and this
    does have a public hearing
    along with it. This is with
    regards to the Community
    Development Block Grant program.
    I will note that there are two
    comments on lakewood speaks for
    this topic as well. And again.
    This is going to be open until
    10 a.m. so feel free to add
    comments whether you’re
    watching this on, um the
    television or YouTube this
    evening or in the morning on
    Tuesday. We’d love to hear your
    thoughts and I do not Have
    anyone signed up to speak here
    in chambers? Is there anyone
    that wishes to speak on this
    topic this evening? Yeah. I
    haven’t May, um Let me go ahead
    and read item 10 into the
    record. OK, Thank you? I didn’t
    want to interrupt you. A 10
    Ordinance 0-20 24-6 2nd reading
    and public hearing endorsing
    the projects and project
    funding levels in the city of
    Lakewood 2024 annual action
    plan for the Community
    Development Block Grant program.
    Thank you. We will now ask for
    a motion. May. I move for the
    adoption of ordinance 0-20 24-6
    on second and final reading.
    Second And with that we’ll open
    the public hearing and again
    ask if there’s anyone in
    chambers that would like to
    speak to this issue. And Miss
    hodgson. Thank you? Thank you,
    mayor. Um but yes, the
    presentation is is on liquid
    speaks. I’m Sure. You’ve all
    reviewed it. But with us here
    tonight is our planning manager
    Roger Rodell who will give a an
    abbreviated presentation on
    this, Uh C DB G program. And as
    he’s walking up. I can tell you
    that Shannon Tyrell is here as
    well on the planning staff.
    Thank you. Mayor and Council
    and Kathy HD and city manager.
    Um see if I can OK, um again.
    Roger Warnell, Comrades
    planning manager. Um we come to
    council every year on the
    annual Action plan for the
    Community Development Block
    Grant program and Again, I’ll
    I’ll get into a little bit of
    detail that should be fairly
    quick presentation. But it, um
    The Action plan outlines both
    the projects and the funding
    levels for the program in the
    upcoming year. And, this cdbg
    as we’re, we’ll call it
    Community Development Block
    Grant program. Um, begins the
    annual The the year begins on
    June 1st, so it will Begin on
    June 1st 2024 through The 30th
    of May in 2025. Again. Um the
    program is administered by
    Housing and Urban Development,
    HUD. In Lakewood has been an
    entitlement community since
    1974 so their annual
    allocations And it. It’s
    focused really on, um
    Affordability. Serving a lower
    income individuals, um and and
    the community. With a range of
    programs and every year the
    funding. Um varies a little bit.
    We We don’t have our total
    estimate in right now, but it
    will be about $900,000 this
    year coming up. Every activity
    in in the C DB G program must
    meet one of these, um, national
    objectives. I’ll just read them
    benefit moderate and low income
    people reduced slum and blight
    or a dress an urgent community
    need. Um, the vast vast
    majority of Lakewood’s program
    over the years is addressed.
    Oops went back there, Um,
    address number one benefit low
    and moderate income individuals.
    Um, A and an urgent community
    need could be like a flood or
    or some sort of natural
    Catastrophe that has to be
    addressed, but primarily Number
    one is is where the program is
    focused. And. It is also and
    I’ll talk a little bit about
    there’s a five year action plan
    that really identifies, um,
    where the program is going to
    go for the next five years. And.
    Actually. This is the the last
    year of the five year program
    that was adopted in 2020, so
    we’ll also be looking at this
    is moving forward here, Um Will
    we also looking a T that this
    year in terms of identifying
    important priorities for the
    next five years that will guide
    the program. Um, in terms of
    benefits. There’s really two
    ways of qualifying projects to
    two types of ways. One is
    direct benefit. So I, uh, a
    family or individual needs to
    meet certain income income
    criteria. For example the
    example of on the slide is
    family of four must earn less
    than $94,650. The other. Um way
    of qualifying projects is
    through area benefit. And then
    you can see on the shaded, dark
    shaded areas on the map there.
    Those are the areas that are
    are kind of pre qualified
    because the majority of the
    residents earn 80% less or less
    of the area. Median income Of
    So, really? There are two ways.
    For example in a qualified area.
    You could build a par, uh, see
    a playground in a park is one
    example or some infrastructure
    improvements that would benefit
    In an entire Segment of the
    community. Um, If. There’s one
    point I’d really like to make
    Is that these dollars come with
    a lot of strings attached. Um,
    they’re federal requirements.
    There are requirements within a
    cdbg program. Um, so we really
    have to balance variety of
    other federal I don’t know what
    happened there. But. I think
    you some some audio on there?
    Roger. OK. Where were we, Um OK
    with all. Uh, let’s see. With,
    our federal, um, making a lot
    of requirements, for example.
    You can see on the list.
    There’s eligible projects not
    eligible. For some things like
    maintenance are not maintenance
    of projects are not eligible.
    Um new construction is not
    eligible. Rehabbing of a house
    is Is, um Eligible. So there is
    a lot of requirements that need
    to be met. For example. Direct
    services can only be 15% like a
    counseling service that sort of
    thing. Um, program Planning and
    administration 20%. So any kind
    of admin, so there’s a lot of,
    um Requirements, and there’s a
    lot of reporting that needs to
    be done. So. It’s really a
    balancing act in terms of
    identifying high priority needs.
    And what fits within the
    program. What fits within the
    budget. Um, well, here are some
    of the the rules again. Every
    project. Not gonna Talk over
    myself again, um, needs to meet
    environmental clearances. Um,
    for example, so an
    environmental study needs to be
    done in any project, for
    example, on a rehab of a single
    family home if it’s in a flood,
    plain or anything like that, it
    has to be taken into account.
    The funds have to be spent in a
    timely manner. There’s, um,
    requirements that typically you
    don’t wanna keep too much of a
    balance. Um, a lot of fair
    labor standards. For example.
    If you’re familiar with
    construction. There’s a Davis
    bacon wages on any construction
    projects. We have an extensive
    public participation. Process.
    This public hearing is actually
    part of that. I’ve talked about
    the administrative cap and the
    direct services limit, So
    there’s just a lot of, um
    Requirements that just need to
    be met. And, then, um, this is
    a reflection of the
    consolidated plan for 2020 to
    2024. And. These are the high
    um High level objectives their
    neighborhood improvements.
    Housing preservation and in
    support of services for low
    income people and special needs
    those with special needs, so
    those came right out of the
    consolidated plan, which again
    we’ll be looking at again this
    year. Again program year runs
    June 1st to May 31st The action
    plan outlines projects and
    funding levels and this will be
    Upon council’s approval. This
    will be brought to heart for
    the annual application. And.
    Here’s the budget. Uh, real
    quickly. Estimate of the grant.
    There’s a bit of program income.
    There are some unspent reserves,
    and that’s when a project
    sometimes takes multiple years
    to to build. That’s especially
    true on construction type
    projects. So that that’s the
    total resources and then we
    have, um, the list of projects.
    I’m not gonna go into detail,
    but if there are questions on
    each one of them, um a number
    of these are kind of on not
    ongoing, but program elements
    that have been funded over the
    years. That, um, would continue.
    This is the budget that is
    before council And certainly,
    um Staff was available to
    answer any questions you might
    have on the program, so that’ll
    kinda that will conclude and
    again. The Action requested is
    to endorse the plan and improve
    the ordinance for council so
    staff is now available if you
    have any questions Thank you.
    Thank you, Mr W. Emotion has
    been made and seconded counsel.
    Do. We have any questions or
    discussion on the motion? Did
    we not make the motion. OK?
    Councilor LA beer. Uh, thank
    you for the presentation. Thank.
    You, mayor. Um, I was just
    curious. Have we in the past
    utilized the section 108 loan
    guarantees at all. And. If so
    could you just speak to that
    history? He has, um yes, there
    has been a section 108 loan
    that is recently been, um
    Almost repaid. Maybe you can
    talk chatting. You can talk
    about that was yes. So. We had
    one from 22,007 to 2021 that
    was used for the head Start and
    Ray Ross park, So. We have used
    them in the past, but it’s kind
    of a long year a long amount of
    time for repaying that loan.
    Great and it’s just wanted to
    elaborate a little bit.
    Typically the one section 108
    program is a loan program where
    you where the, uh, community
    can borrow against future
    funding. Um, and essentially,
    it’s done a commonly with
    larger projects like the Ray
    Ross Pro Park. It’s something
    that can’t be done in one year,
    It has to be phased, or it’s
    just a a larger amount that
    can’t be handled in the current
    budget. So. That’s just a
    little background. Thanks and
    do we have anything on the
    radar that we’re looking at in
    the future for That type of, uh,
    Loan. Not currently. Okay. I’m
    just, uh, curious. Uh, thanks.
    I. Really appreciate. Uh, that,
    um One thing. I just want to
    comment on is with C DB G funds.
    Obviously, I think federal
    Grants are challenging I. I
    work on a few currently myself,
    Um, in my day job. But You know,
    I. I think a lot of this is a
    lot of C DB G obviously is
    geared towards poverty
    reduction. Um And and things
    like that. So I’m kind of
    looking at the list. Of things
    is Um I guess. One comment I
    have is just sort of Um Park
    equipment. I know. Previously.
    We funded park equipment in the
    past as well with C DB G funds.
    I’m just sort of curious How
    That comes up. Uh, when you’re
    sort of looking at all the
    different criteria of You know
    potential projects. Did you say
    park equipment I That’s the
    biggest piece of funding in
    this particular plan, and I’m
    just curious. About that? Yeah
    the well. The process is, um
    There is an interdepartmental
    staff. That looks at projects
    and proposes projects and, um
    Then the staff will evaluate
    make recommendations. Typically
    the park projects are a bit
    larger, so Um, in order to
    build anything in a park. It’s
    fairly expensive so they tend
    to be when they come up to the
    top of the list, and this one’s
    been on the list for a while,
    Um They tend to be a little bit.
    Um You know a little little on
    the more um, cost. Higher end
    than the cost. I. Guess. Last
    question is energy conservation.
    Is that something that’s on
    your radar as far as a
    potential projects. It?
    Certainly it, It can be again.
    We have to make sure that it is
    serving low to moderate income
    individuals and and meets all
    the qualifications. But.
    Certainly that is a part of
    some of the upgrades. Uh, for
    example, there can be a furnace
    upgrade, and then it has been
    done. And that certainly is.
    Energy conservation because you
    know, more efficient. Um,
    furnaces being put in so it
    does happen. It probably Um But
    again. It has to any of those
    objectives have to meet. You
    know the low low and moderate
    income requirements. Great,
    Thanks. Mayor Pro TEM Shaz. I
    Uh, yes, thank you. I had a
    question. Uh, just on page 12.
    The Participant grid wasn’t
    completed. And so wondering if
    that’s something that, um we
    could just get more clarity on
    maybe at a future time, but I
    believe that it looks like
    everything was completed on
    March 5th so just wondering
    like how many people did help
    Inform this? Yeah. So, um, the
    the participation plan gets
    updated when we upload it to
    HUD. Um and so this this public
    hearing is part of that
    participation plan, So that’s
    why it wasn’t completed on the
    plan. OK thank you. That’s
    helpful to understand. And then
    I just had a question about the
    Break down, and I’m looking at
    page 16. Um, so follow along in
    my math, please, but the head
    start 900,000. I understand
    It’s a June 1 to may 30th, but
    recent decisions made by this
    body. What impact does that
    have on this expected, uh,
    revenue source moving forward.
    I don’t know if I if I know the
    answer to that question. So I
    think I think that what was the
    recent decision was to not
    Could you? Maybe? So if we’re
    not implementing head start
    programming and subsequent
    years then we probably would
    not expect to see this revenue
    come back at 900,004 head start
    and that is in this next budget
    application, But. It was my
    understanding that we were Uh,
    moving away from that. Well the
    funding in this in this funding
    source would not be affected by
    by that decision, but I think
    whether to move forward in the
    future on on supporting head
    start. I think that That needs
    to be discussed further than
    But. But at the time this
    budget was put together there
    was that ongoing Uh, commitment.
    So does the 900,000 have to be
    earmarked for early childhood
    education. Because it comes
    from the heads. It’s origin is
    head start. The 900. The
    900,000 is, um The Federal
    Grant that has to meet grant
    requirements and can be used
    for a number of projects and
    that was just one of the one of
    the ways it could be used.
    Right So I’m under Am. I
    Misunderstanding, the number
    three on page 16 that copy at
    the bottom of the page, which
    is reading the lakewood Head
    Start Grant, which provides
    approximately $900,000 annually
    for comprehensive preschool and
    family support services. Is
    that an inflow or an outflow.
    That is an outflow. I’m Sorry.
    I was looking for my copy here.
    I don’t have it in front of me.
    Um But that that would be an
    outflow. Yeah, OK. OK, thank
    you. Councillor Low Yes, Thank
    you? This is helpful. Um You
    know, Obviously. There’s a
    great list of projects that you
    all have. And clearly, you know,
    the the needs in our community
    for these low and middle income
    households are immense. Could
    you just briefly remind counsel
    like roughly what is the the
    time cycle? This is clearly an
    annual process Roughly When in
    you know, over the course of
    the year Does the this project
    list get finalized to the
    extent that you know our
    constituents are folks in
    lakewood or councilors. Maybe
    wanna have some input with
    staff on thank you on the
    project list next year like
    when is the appropriate time to
    have those conversations?
    There’s. There’s two things.
    There’s the annual program
    that’s in front of you now and
    and that’s usually developed,
    uh, somewhat later in the year
    because we have to take a look
    at what the funding source. We
    still don’t know exactly, but
    it’s it. It will be around
    900,000. But. I think the
    greater opportunity Is I
    mentioned the five year plan,
    which will be starting and that
    really sets priorities for the
    next five years, and that has
    an extensive, more extensive,
    um, public involvement process
    and we’re actually the the
    staff will be starting that
    process. In the next few.
    Couple of months. So. I Think
    in terms of maybe Best
    addressing your question, I
    think the five year plan really?
    We’ll have a more like, say, a
    more extensive and a broader.
    Look at what are you know
    what’s important, maybe what
    was important. Five years ago
    is a little bit different.
    Community needs haven’t changed
    that much. But. Things have
    changed within five years.
    Obviously. So I. I would, uh I.
    Guess urge everyone, including
    counsel to, um To get involved
    in the in in that process, and
    then certainly that will inform
    next year’s project project
    list. As well. So we complete
    the five year plan and again
    that will inform next year’s
    budget. So. I think that would
    be the best. The best way to to
    do it and again, um, every year
    it is Um carve and internal
    process based upon a lot of
    priorities that every
    department in the city has or
    the community resources public
    works planning. And, uh, That
    kind of comes together within a
    few months before Our
    presentation like this, and
    before the deadline to set the
    action plan, But we do have to
    have an action plan in place to
    apply to her to start the
    program. Um, June 1st. Very
    helpful so to to put a fine
    point to the extent that we
    have constituents who have
    ideas or input on and want to
    have input on that five year
    plan process, we can expect
    information from from you all
    on how to get those
    opportunities to provide common
    out to our constituents. Yes
    and they’ll be obviously a
    public process on that, and
    that that’ll be coming out soon.
    Great. Thank you. Councilor
    Cruz, then councilor right
    Thank you, um, looking at a lot
    of the priorities. I know
    there’s a lot of these dollars
    that are coming into war, too.
    So. I’m excited for, um, a lot
    of the work that has been
    happening and will continue to
    happen in this space leveraging
    these dollars. So, um, I’m
    grateful for that. And I know a
    lot of my constituents are
    grateful for that. Um, I had
    kind of maybe one question
    slash point of clarification.
    And then another question. So,
    um, kind of to counselor Lows
    question regarding like, Let’s
    say, a constituent or a new
    provider, or whom Wants to get
    involved in this process or be
    considered as a potential, um,
    grantee or applicant for these
    funds with the, um, process to
    direct them to be this
    engagement process, or are
    there another means of doing
    that? But certainly be part of
    this process and also, uh,
    directly contact staff. I mean,
    you know, we listen. If someone
    has an idea and they want to
    bring it forward. We. Uh, They,
    certainly, um, would have
    consideration and could
    potentially be put on the list
    again. Looking at eligibility.
    I keep bringing that up. But
    it’s It’s. It’s important It’s.
    Well. It’s critical. It’s
    critical. But so Being involved
    in in the public. Processes. Or
    or directly urge people to
    directly contact staff with
    ideas and certainly we could
    take a look at that, and that
    could be put into the mix for
    potential projects for the next
    cycle. Great that’s super
    helpful. Um, and then my second
    question. I appreciate you, um,
    informing us about this, uh,
    participation process that’s
    coming forward, Um, looking at
    the geographic map right of
    this, uh, this area and
    thinking about Lake was Latino
    population. It’s like pretty
    pretty aligned. Um and So. I
    know that there’s mention of,
    uh, involving the Spanish
    speaking community, but I was
    just curious kind of in this
    new in this participation kind
    of process for the new plan. Um,
    what does that look like
    particular with a particular
    focus on our Latino community
    and in lakewood and for our
    Spanish speaking residents.
    Well, certainly. Um We want and
    we do this in on, Hopefully not
    hopefully on all of our
    projects as they are intent. Um
    To reach out to the community
    and If. It’s a Latino
    population to have, um, the
    appropriate materials, the
    inappropriate language or or,
    um, interpreters, if if we need
    be, so that’s kind of And I say
    standard, but that’s the
    approach we we take, and and we
    have to. We need to take to to
    reach all segments of the
    community so depending upon Um,
    the geographic area or the type
    of or the population that we’re
    looking at. We would You need
    to do that. Councilor re Thank
    you for your presentation. And,
    uh please, uh, In advance to
    put up with my ignorance on on
    on these types of funds as I’ve
    just been learning about them,
    Uh, this year we We heard a
    presentation. I think you were
    present? Uh by, uh, the
    sustainability group that was
    talking about what kind of
    incentives we can give to our
    low to moderate income families
    to take advantage of certain
    grants that might be available,
    and, uh, one of the questions
    that I had was where cities
    finding that money could these
    type of funds Used for that
    type of purpose, if if that
    should be a priority of the
    city. The short answer is yes.
    Again meeting meeting
    qualifications. You know if it
    would serve, uh, the population
    with certain income levels. And,
    um Yeah. I mean, I think some
    of that is is occurring.
    Already, but certainly if
    that’s a priority that can be
    reflected in the program. I
    know Shannon, if you have
    anything to add to that. Yeah.
    I think, um, these funds are
    kind of used for nonprofits and
    organizations like the city. Um,
    and so if there that was an
    initiative that the city wanted
    to do, they might be eligible
    for that. Thank you. Alright
    with that we’ll go ahead and
    place our vote. So again. We
    are voting on endorsing the
    projects and the funding levels
    for our liquid 2024 annual
    action plan for the Community
    Development block. Grant
    Councilors, Will you please go
    ahead and cast your votes. That
    passes. 11 yeses zero Nos Well,
    the city clerk. Please read
    item 11 into the record item.
    11 Ordinance 0-20 24-7 amending
    Title, five of the Lakewood
    municipal code to enact a one
    year moratorium on the annual
    adjustment of the city business
    and occupation tax rate, second
    reading and public hearing.
    Thank you and I’ll notice.
    Point out that there were no
    comments on liquid speaks on
    this topic. I have no one
    signed up in chambers. Do. We
    have anyone else that would
    like to Contribute or make
    comment in the public hearing
    for this ordinance this evening.
    Alright with that we’ll go
    ahead and close. Public comment
    and Miss Hodgson. I understand
    there is Presentation thank you,
    Mayor Strom. There’s not a
    presentation tonight. The
    presentation was on liquid
    speaks, but we do have our CFO
    Holly Bjorklund as well as, um
    Nicole stare from from our
    finance department who are who
    are both here to answer any
    questions you might have. All,
    right. Thank you then And with
    that I’ll Ask the mayor Pro TEM
    for a motion. May. I move for
    the adoption of ordinance 0-20
    24-7 on second and final
    reading. Second Councilors do
    have anyone who wishes to speak
    on this topic. We’ll start with
    councilor over Thank you mayor.
    Uh, I would actually ask that
    you give the presentation. It’s
    like, Yes. We’ve all seen it.
    But. There’s people here that
    probably don’t know what we’re
    talking about now, and there’s
    definitely people at home that
    don’t know what we’re talking
    about. And. So. If. There’s a
    presentation I. I think it
    should be presented. Um so I
    would request that we actually
    Like, run it. Thanks. Thank you,
    councilor over. Wh. Um, the pro.
    We don’t have a presentation
    available. It is available on
    liquid speaks, though. Um, we
    actually changed our practices
    a couple of years ago when um
    City council asked us to not
    always have presentations and
    that they are available on
    liquid speaks so that meetings
    didn’t last in the In the sake
    for the sake of time. So. What
    we’ve done is we’ve shifted to
    I’m trying to remember the year
    and I can’t it’s only been
    within the last couple of years.
    We shifted to doing a full
    extensive presentation on
    Lakewood speaks posting that
    with a lot of advanced notice
    so that you can do that in Ask
    your questions in advance so
    that staff can um, be really
    thorough in their answers and
    and complete whatever research
    is necessary for additional
    questions, so At. This point in
    time. We’re not. We didn’t
    receive questions from City
    Council, so therefore we aren’t
    prepared for a presentation
    this evening. OK, I But I
    understand? OK. So. You changed
    it before I would I. I would
    wish we could change it back.
    Uh and, uh, it’s for the
    citizens. It’s not for us, It’s
    for them, so they understand. I
    don’t think we should be giving
    them homework for watching us.
    Um Run run our show. Thank you
    and we absolutely can do that,
    If. That’s, um, something that
    the majority of council would
    like us to do. We can certainly
    do that. We can shift back to,
    um, long form presentations
    during council meetings. And.
    We’re happy to do it. And
    counsel over thank you for
    pointing out reminding me
    gently to, um, let the let our
    attendees know that this is
    available on Lakewood speaks.
    We do have a video. Actually
    that is up actually uploaded
    through YouTube in addition to
    a staff memo and the full
    ordinance itself, so that is on
    there and, um, has been for the
    last 10 days or so. So. Uh, do
    we have any other counselors
    that wish to speak this evening?
    Councilor labure. Yes, Thanks,
    Mayor I. I Just Want to thank
    uh Our CFO M Bjorkman. Uh, Um,
    both for bringing this but also
    for, uh, answering my questions
    earlier in the week, so I
    really appreciate that, Um
    Always want to encourage staff
    to bring us bold ideas and try
    different things and and be
    creative, so really appreciate.
    Uh, you bringing us uh, this,
    um, but also just wanted to, um,
    make a note and make a comment
    that I personally, Um, even
    though I really appreciate you
    bringing it I, Don’t. I won’t
    support it today. Um I just
    feel like we have a lot of
    community priorities, uh, that
    citizens are asking for, you
    know, Bike lanes, sidewalks,
    Parkland Incent as we heard.
    Out today for conservation and
    and all sorts of different, um
    Challenges that I think the
    city faces and so I don’t
    really feel comfortable at this
    time. You know doing another
    moratorium on this particular?
    Um, item, but you know, future
    ones come up. I and I suspect
    it’ll pass, but future ones
    come up. I hope they come back
    to us, and we have more
    opportunities to weigh in on
    these things, but I just
    personally won’t be supporting
    it today. The councilor low
    Thank you? Thank you very much,
    Ms Bjork, London And, thanks
    for the helpful materials. Um I.
    Honestly, II, I Thought about
    this a bit over the last week.
    I. I Think Councilor beer makes
    makes an excellent point. Um, I
    also thought you made a very
    compelling case for for the
    value of doing this on balance
    on consideration reviewing all
    the materials, I will be a yes
    vote tonight. Um, and I think
    we should pass this You know we
    are foregoing. Um, I think your
    numbers were 100 and $81,000
    over the next eight months, And
    I mean? I just wanna know. You
    know, we just, for instance,
    had a conversation with some of
    our city staff just last week
    about you know, some of the
    other really important needs in
    our community around, you know,
    affordable housing around
    homelessness. I mean, these
    these There are important
    priorities. So I. I am frankly,
    a little torn on the on the
    wisdom of of of just sending
    this money back. Um, but on
    balance, I’m gonna vote for it,
    Uh, for it tonight, I. I think
    it makes sense under the
    circumstances. Um I. I think it
    would be worth just taking a
    look, You know next year and
    going forward, um, to make sure
    that we’re using, um these
    funds as strategically as
    possible in 2025 and beyond. Um,
    but for the moment for this
    evening, I will be yes. Vote
    and thank you for answering our
    questions. Council Mia guerrero.
    Um, thank you. I. Think. I have
    similar concerns. But I, I I’d
    like to frame that as a
    question What counselor, Lo
    just said I do think that in
    particular the study session
    that we Just recently went
    through about our emergency
    shelter. Um, one of the real
    constraints about how to make
    sure that that Program, which
    is literally saving lives every
    single time we have a cold snap.
    Um and has been, uh, an
    innovation and a difficult, uh,
    innovation at that that we’ve
    managed to do. Um, thank you
    for the time. Keep Councilor
    over. I appreciate it. Um, but
    I think that one of the things
    that we heard was OK. It’s
    approximately $50,000. If. We
    have this many people It’s
    approximately $25,000 if we had
    a different amount of people
    were dealing with
    transportation because we have
    vouchers. And, so I think in
    total we were looking at
    somewhere between 203 $100,000
    on that program this season. Um,
    and this is very close to fully
    funding that program as an
    example. And so I wonder if
    this is a question that you
    could, uh, speak to, um, on
    that program. In particular we
    were able to fund it this year,
    and I hope we’re able to next
    year as well. But. Those types
    of things do come up. So as, um,
    a both motivated staff that
    works to do really incredible
    programs like this. And, um
    folks who are trying to be
    fiscally conservative, fiscally
    responsible and also give back
    when we can to our Can. You.
    Just talk about weighing out a
    bit, and I know that was in the
    presentation. But I’d love for
    you to speak to that. Um Can.
    You. Hear me now, Um so we look
    at those in two different ways
    in terms of, actually, uh,
    looking at what the revenue we
    get And. Is it appropriate, are
    we, um Uh, chart. In this case.
    It’s a fee. So. Are, we
    charging the appropriate amount
    for that fee. Um, and that’s
    what it was evaluated based on
    as well as the current economic
    situation that we’re in that
    there is a lot of inflation and,
    um That. Uh, people are trying
    to be able to balance their own
    budgets. So, um, looking at
    that, in terms of what is the
    revenue that’s coming in? Um,
    is a different question or
    consideration than actually
    looking at that program that
    you were talking about in terms
    of, um supporting, um, the
    unhoused in that we look at the
    entire amount of money that we
    have. And. What are the
    priorities for all the
    Different things that, um the
    council wants to consider the
    citizens want to consider, um,
    that staff have brought forward
    as well. Um, so it’s more
    considered in a larger bucket.
    Um versus saying Well. This
    particular item could funds One
    other thing? Um, we look at as
    in total. How. Do. We want to
    support the city as a whole and
    the reason for doing that is we
    really want to make sure that
    we’re, um Considering all the
    things that need to be
    considered as well as
    prioritizing and efficiently
    using the funds. That answer
    question. Yep. That was that
    was exactly what I was looking
    for. Thank you so much. And
    with that, Um, we have made a
    motion in second. And. Are
    there any additional
    discussions on the motion
    Councilor Ryan and Councilor
    sinks? Apologize for not asking
    this in advance. So, if you
    know I love the answer. Do. You
    know where we stand in
    comparison to other cities for
    this fee. I don’t have that
    with me, but that’s something
    that we can provide, if needed.
    I. Mean would you say we’re on
    the high side or on the low
    side? Is there any ability to I
    I believe we were, um We have
    been on the higher side. But
    with the two moratoriums I, I
    think with several cities that
    we’re getting to be closer to,
    Um, some of the All the cities,
    but some of the higher cities
    so we’re approaching the
    average then. OK. Thank you.
    Thank you. Cancer sinks. Thank
    you. Not so much a question,
    but just to highlight The, um
    The extreme concern to be
    fiscally responsible, and
    there’s so many needs in the
    city. So many and yet Let’s
    also balance. You know some of
    the needs that businesses have
    with low income, etcetera, So.
    I really appreciate this effort.
    I appreciate the fiscal
    conservative and responsibility
    that the city has, and also
    appreciate the, um the wanting
    to support businesses with this
    balance, so I think it’s a
    great idea. All. Right Council.
    Thank you so much, And with
    that we’ll go ahead and Start
    voting. OK? And that passes six
    yeses five Nos OK? Mr A, Will
    you please read item number 12
    into the record. Thank you. A
    12 Ordinance 0-20 24-8
    repealing and reenacting Title
    three Chapter one part three of
    the lakewood Municipal Code
    regarding imposition and
    administration of the city’s
    sales and use tax license.
    Second reading public hearing.
    Okay? And. I’ll note it this
    time that we have no comments
    on liquid speaks. There is a
    staff presentation on lakewood
    speaks.org again. We have, um
    Holly Borland, our chief
    financial officer here and
    available to answer questions.
    Did you have a You Don’t have a
    presentation for this evening,
    right, OK? Um do we have a
    motion, please? Mayor. I move
    for the adoption of ordinance
    0-20 24-8 on second and final
    reading. Second And. I have no
    one that has signed up to speak
    on this topic here in chambers
    before we move on. Is there
    anyone that would like to now
    speak on this topic this
    evening. No, OK. Alright, then
    council will open it up to
    questions and dialogue. Do. We
    have anyone that wishes to ask
    questions or Discussion. All.
    Right. Well. We’ll go ahead and
    open up the vote. We are
    repealing and reacting Title,
    three of the lakewood Municipal
    Code regarding imposition and
    administration of the city
    sales and use tax license.
    Please cast your votes. And
    that passes 11 yeses. No nos.
    All, right. And with that we
    will go ahead and open general
    public comment for the evening.
    I will make note that we have,
    um, we do now have six public
    comments available on lakewoods
    speaks.org so quick note to
    counsel that we do have at
    least one new comment. That’s
    come in this evening, so we
    will keep an eye on that
    through tomorrow at 10 AMI do
    have, um, folks that have
    signed up here to speak this
    evening. This again is for
    items that did not, um Fall on
    the agenda this evening. So
    anything that you otherwise
    were wanting to bring to City
    Council tonight? We’re now
    opening up that karma period
    again. The, Um rules of order
    are speakers Get three minutes
    Unless. You have pulled your
    time And with that we would
    need a pool time sheet for
    speakers will get up to 10
    minutes and I will ask that.
    You know we wanna be supportive
    of of everything, And. I do
    know that we have differing
    opinions in here. I will ask
    that. We refrain from any kind
    of laughing, applauding, booing
    all of those things. Um, this
    is a business meeting and, uh,
    welcome to hear everybody’s
    comments, questions and
    concerns this evening, But. We
    do ask that everyone remain
    peaceful. And. I will then go
    ahead and we’ll start calling
    our commenters up this evening
    and we’ll start with Mr Mace.
    Mr May there you are. Mr James
    Mace. And with that commenters
    as you come up, Please announce
    your name and address or name
    and ward and then we’ll get
    your clock started. Good
    Evening Man Good evening
    Council J May for one Um, I’m
    here tonight because I have a
    major concern. Again. The
    elevators. For All over the
    city have been used as toilets
    again, the homeless are causing
    problems I’ve sent in numerous
    pictures. Today in Staten. Mere.
    I’ve sent in numerous pictures,
    and I’m very concerned the
    crime is rising in Lakewood.
    I’m concerned because the crime
    against people with mental and
    physical challenges is also
    raising. I don’t know if you
    guys got my My, uh Pack it to
    my little pamphlet today, but
    at the same time, I’m tired and
    I feel like my safety is being
    compromised because this
    council will not do anything
    about it. You cannot get a hold
    of the police department. It is
    like pulling teeth out there to
    get a hold of like with PE D.
    It is You can’t even get a hold
    of the police chief. And. I
    don’t even know why. The City.
    You hired him because the
    bottom line is You can’t get a
    hold of him. I have tried and
    tried and tried. Time and time
    again, Guys. I’m tired of
    reporting stuff. Do something
    about it. Thank you. All. Right.
    Please. I’m gonna ask No.
    Noises OK, Thank you guys. Um,
    thank you, Mr Mace, and next we
    have Bernie Renno. Word three.
    OK, thank you. And. Then After
    that, Connie Reddick. All right,
    Bernie Renno. Ward Street. I
    get that thing is that, um, on
    this general discussion I got
    here early tonight so I could
    sign up so I wouldn’t have to
    wait for but I really shouldn’t
    have to. Um IFI found out that
    many other of the cities in the
    area have either made Non, you
    know, people. We are talking
    about national and
    international issues other than
    city issues either not allowed
    to speak at all ruled as a
    general, non city business or
    wait to the end of the line,
    and Lakewood hasn’t so now we
    are a magnet and I’ve heard
    this from some of the actual
    people who who are, you know
    are the problem is that they
    come here because other cities
    have not allowed them to do
    their international politic
    political speech at their CI
    City councils. I I would really
    like the council to check with,
    you Know, City attorney and
    find out what can be what can
    be done? I think on the sign up
    sheets there. There should be a
    pecking order, You know first
    priority people who are
    residents of liquid They were
    in the first group. And, you
    know for City issues. Second
    Group, you know, maybe I Then
    you know other You know
    non-residents on anything you
    know that city related And then
    After that non-resident that
    are on and if possible on these
    internationals just to ban them.
    You know I’ve had people that
    some of the people they told me
    Well, we want to get the city
    to donate money to certain
    causes. Well. I. Don’t say I
    believe state laws and charters
    say that I don’t think you can
    spend money on political
    activity or political causes I.
    I don’t believe that’s even
    legal. I don’t want it to
    happen, but I don’t think you
    could. And so I think we really
    got? I think you gotta clamp
    down? And just either if you
    can ban international talk any
    non city issues or make them
    wait, So th those of us who are
    residents who have city issues
    to talk about that we Uh, You
    know don’t have to wait for
    them. And you know, a lot of it
    is, I Think imposing a certain
    political view. That and and
    you got a captive audience.
    Maybe Let them say OK the band
    stand at bill that’s not being
    used at time. You can go there.
    Whoever cares enough to hear
    you talk week after week on the
    same thing can come and listen,
    but They’re they’re imposing on
    a captive audience, and I don’t
    think that’s right. That’s all
    thank you, Mr Ms Reddick. This
    is Earth Day. So what I’d like
    to say that all people should
    have the equality to speak and
    have a place to live and a and
    be able to eat. The thing is is
    I. See that you, uh, have
    helped the homeless But? My
    question is what about me? I
    come in every Meeting and bring
    up the issues about what’s
    going on in my living
    conditions I gave you, uh, all
    two weeks ago, some paperwork
    that they had given us in our
    apartment building about the
    whole building being invested
    with bad bugs. I have beautiful
    clothes. I have a service dog,
    and I don’t want to have to
    deal with this and it is a
    public health problem. I don’t
    think that’s Jacob. That is
    funny. Um And so I wanna see
    what you can do about it? And,
    um Some of you do think it’s
    funny. It’s OK because it’ll
    come back on your karma and on
    you. Because. I am not asking
    for anything that anybody else
    doesn’t get as a person that
    has lived here all their life
    as put money into the system.
    My family members that put into
    the system I am indigenous. So.
    When I see people smirking at
    me and treating me
    disrespectful. It really
    bothers me. I mean it is not
    funny, the things that’s going
    on in that building because
    it’s not only gonna be
    affecting me it’s affecting
    other elderly people. And the
    problem is we have dogs. If.
    They walk out, They go into the
    public, and if there’s a bug on
    them, I actually was gonna
    bring you all the little water
    bottle with a bug in it that I
    found in the hallway so that
    you could have it in front of
    you to see what’s going on when
    you see A public health problem
    like that. You do something
    about it. I also wanna say I’ve
    come here over over and over
    and over again about the issue
    of my housing, and you heard
    this hot man Say about how you
    know we have to live in a
    healthy environment. We also
    have these machines that spurt
    out. Uh um like gasses and
    black. Where all the runners
    are going through and right by
    my door practically and nobody
    seems to know what’s going on
    in the city. I mean this causes
    cancer. And so when I bring up
    these issues, it’s not only
    about me it affects everybody
    in that building. Everybody out
    in the public, and I want you
    to do something about it. I
    want you to take me seriously.
    I’m not a joke. And when you
    treat me with disrespect, I, I
    don’t H you that way. I. Don’t,
    Uh, tell you it’s OK. Your.
    Time is up. I’m living. So I’m
    asking you please to do
    something about this. Then we
    have David Winslow? After Mr.
    Winslow. We have Fareed Amin
    and then Aisha. Amen and then
    Sarah Napier. I’ve been Ward
    one and I’m here to protest or
    let you know that a lot of
    people that are disappointed in
    closing the Whitlock outdoor
    pickleball courts. And I. Just.
    Wanna bring up a few things.
    The Pickle ball. I. Imagine
    most of you know what a pickle
    ball is. Here is Outdoor pickle
    ball. Anybody know how loud
    that is. How many decibels. Do.
    You think that was Well That
    was about 80 decibels at 20 ft.
    An indoor pickle ball. Is about
    70 decibels at 20 ft. I. Don’t
    think anybody here wins as I
    hit a pickle ball in here. But
    Pickle ball courts are being
    shut down because they violate
    ordinances that are not
    designed for big ball. They’re
    just Ordinances that have been
    set up. Few other things. A
    schoolyard. Is 90 to 100
    decibels. Remember, these were
    8070 decibels. A baseball bat a
    wood baseball bat. Is about 80
    decibels about the same as a
    pickle. A metal baseball bat.
    Is 100 and 10 decibels. I.
    Don’t See You, shutting down
    ballparks with metal bats.
    There are a lot of things that
    go on. Lakewood used to be a
    really popular tennis
    destination. Not so much tennis
    has died out. Pickle ball is
    the number one growing sport in
    the world. So number one
    growing sport in the United
    States. China is building
    hundreds of thousands of
    pickleball courts. They’re
    planning to win the Olympics.
    12 years from now. Pickle ball
    is growing. We shouldn’t be
    shutting down Pickleball courts.
    We should be encouraging them.
    The Whitlock community polices
    those courts. They clean those
    courts they clean up after the
    homeless when the homeless come
    in those courts. We were given
    12 days. To leave those courts.
    They’re going to be shut down.
    Lakewood used to be a
    destination where out of
    staters came to socialize to
    play Pickleball. That’s moving
    Nevada. It’s moving to
    Littleton. Because Lakewood is
    shutting things down. Lakewood
    shut down the green Mountain
    Pickleball courts because one
    neighbor complained over and
    over. There was never a hearing
    on this. It was a two posters
    posted on the fences there,
    saying they’ll be closed May
    1st Where was the community
    hearing about this. Mr Winslow,
    Your. Time is up, all right.
    That’s 100 and 20 decibels.
    Every money. You jumped when I
    blew that. Thank you. Thank you.
    Trade. I mean, OK? Good evening.
    Distinguished members of the
    lakewood City Council. My name
    is far I mean, as a resident of
    Lakewood. I am here to
    earnestly ask you to call for
    an immediate and permanent
    ceasefire in Palestine. My
    colleagues have been
    frequenting the meetings here
    in order to help stop this
    ongoing genocide. If You are
    sick and tired of hearing about
    this genocide. Imagine how sick
    the entire the Palestinians are
    experiencing it. Trust me it is
    not about Hamas or the October
    7th. In fact Never! It never
    was. There are They. They. They
    are used to continue this on
    this ongoing genocide. And here
    I am trying to convince you of
    that. Let’s listen to Yakov.
    She, the son of the second
    Israeli Prime minister, who
    says I am I am collaborating
    with a criminal country that
    state of Israel and the Zionist
    and Zionist enterprise were
    born in sin. Israel is the
    country occupying and I’m
    abusing another people. Our
    Nation agenda. Our National
    agenda is blood, Death and
    violence. Israel lives on the
    sword and sharpens it. I am
    completely alienated from it.
    Unquote talking about Holocaust
    the well known Holocaust
    survivor. No. I’m Chomsky says
    it quote Education is
    memorizing that Hitler
    memorizing is not that Hitler
    killed 6 Million Jews education
    is under education is
    understanding how millions of
    ordinary Germans were convinced
    that it was required. Education
    is learning how to spot the
    signs of history, repeating
    itself further at Tel Aviv
    University archaeologist
    professor Zaf Herzog who seems
    to be related to the current
    President talks about the
    Israeli relation. The Israel
    Israelis relationship to the
    Land of Palestine saying quote
    after 70 years of digging and
    excavations in Israel, we have
    reached dead end. The Whole
    matter is fabricated. We have
    not found a single piece of
    evidence confirming our
    historical presence in this
    land. But That said. I wonder
    why this why some fall for the
    lies the hypocrisy and the
    genocidal policies of Israel,
    Israeli officials while their
    actions are not only criminal,
    anti fabric barbaric but also
    anti Semitic as they are
    imprisoning, beating and
    torturing real Jews and
    ethnically cleansing their
    cousins. The Arab Palestinians,
    who are who are also Prophet
    Abraham’s descendants. One
    beautifully explains the
    situation, say, quote as the
    world acts as silent Spectators
    to Israeli war. It is not
    Palestinian who are dying in
    Raza. It’s also humanity’s
    moral compass that is dying.
    Please call for a ceasefire.
    Thank you. Ayesha. Please. No
    clapping. Hello. My name is
    Aisha Min and I’m 12 years old.
    Today. I’m here to call on the
    lakewood City Council to pass
    for a permanent ceasefire in
    Gaza. I am not Palestinian. I’m
    an Afghan, but I have lived
    through the nightmare of
    Western bombings tearing apart
    my homeland. Leaving behind a
    trail of death and unspeakable
    suffering. I have witnessed the
    dehumanization of my people.
    Their deaths have reduced to
    mere statistics. So no I’m not
    Palestinian, but I’ll be damned
    if I don’t stand up for them.
    Israel’s genocide campaign has
    destroyed at least 70% of
    Gaza’s infrastructure.
    Including homes, schools,
    mosques, churches and hospitals.
    More than 70 more than 3637
    600,000. Civilians in Gaza have
    been killed by Israeli forces
    since October, 7th This number
    includes more than 15 300,000
    Children. 134 journalists and
    media workers and at least 490
    health workers and at least 244
    aid workers. At least 28
    Children have died due to
    malnutrition and dehydration.
    The, youngest. One was one day
    old. One child is killed or
    injured every 10 minutes More
    than seven Thou 77,000 people
    have been injured, many of them
    critically wounded. C fair now.
    Thank you. Thank you. Then we
    have Sarah Napier Heather
    trainer and then Rick Cresswell.
    Hi. I’m Sarah. I’m an educator
    and I work with Children and I.
    Look at them in the eyes, and I
    cry every single day. Because
    Children deserve better. The
    fact that a 12 year old just
    stood up here probably really
    scared to speak in front of you
    should say something. I want
    you to look at her again. I.
    Look at those Children every
    day, and I tell them that they
    deserve better, But it’s a lie,
    right? It’s hard to look at
    Children these days and tell
    them that things are going to
    get better. To ease their fear
    to make sure that they feel
    seen and heard and are act and
    they want to know that adults
    are doing something right. But
    apparently We ease the pain for
    certain Children, right? We
    make stances when it comes to
    Ukraine. We make stances when
    there are white Children. We
    make stances when they look
    like us. Sorry, sir, can you
    you guys, please? I’m asking
    for quiet. This is a meeting. I
    appreciate all of you coming
    out, but we do wanna give every
    speaker the opportunity to
    speak and allow every person
    here to hear what they’re
    saying. Please continue. Right.
    We made stances when it ca me
    to Ukraine. We stopped it
    immediately. So why So a RE We,
    saying that Ukrainian Children
    are better that they deserve
    more than Palestinian Children,
    right? We would never say that
    stuff out loud. Would You say
    that stuff out loud? No,
    probably because I wouldn’t
    would come off racist, right?
    You don’t want to do that. But.
    You have sat here for 200 days
    in your comfortable seats and
    have done absolutely nothing.
    We have tried every single
    thing. People are like, Why
    City council meetings. Why. Why
    should we care? Why? Should, we
    come here, right? What can you
    do? We elected you? These are
    our tax dollars that are going
    to aiding Israel’s war crimes
    We can stand here and tell you
    every single Thing that they
    have done, but apparently you
    do not care because it’s been
    200 days. So we’re asking you
    to do your job. To. Look at
    those Children they eye to eye
    every single day like I do on
    the news into care. To do your
    job because when I don’t do my
    job as an educator, right that
    works for Children, I get fired.
    Right. So your job right is to
    listen to the people that live
    in your communities and to do
    something When. It comes to the
    biggest moral Crisis of our
    time. Right? So. We’re asking
    you just to do something to
    make a stance. Clear. It’s
    simple. It’s a moral stance.
    It’s not a political stance.
    It’s a moral stance. It says. I
    deeply believe that all
    Children deserve the right to
    live. Regardless of skin color,
    regardless of where they were
    born, because I didn’t get to
    decide that. Did you decide
    that. No so why do Palestinians
    die? For 200 days, but
    Ukrainians we did it instantly.
    We stopped it instantly. Just
    to think about. I. Don’t know.
    Thank you. Here, Heather
    Trainor. Hello. I’m Heather
    trainer, Ward two. Um and I do
    want to connect some dots.
    There’s been really great
    speakers and just discussion in
    general. Uh, yes, Today is
    Earth Day, right? And? I wanna
    highlight? Um, we see patterns,
    right? Even chaos if you let it
    run long enough, it finds a
    pattern and oppression has a
    pattern worse than chaos
    because it happens even quicker,
    right? We heard from
    constituents that are saying
    they’re being neglected, And.
    We know that our disabled
    population in America is fodder
    right in the same way we
    Overseas Palestinians. It’s the
    same. It’s rising tides.
    There’s a lot of talk about
    money. We have to find money.
    We always find it for war. And
    we can choose to shower less,
    and we can absolutely make
    inclusive green spaces and get
    rid of invasive species. But if
    we do not stop the US military,
    and I am talking about the
    contractors, not the people.
    I’m bases living paycheck to
    paycheck off of donations. OK.
    I’m talking about where our
    bunny gets spent right? We have
    blank checks for genocide, and
    we cannot take care of our
    neighbors. And abroad, right
    thoughts and prayers don’t save
    Children in schools. We still
    have that challenge. I get it.
    It’s scary as other people have
    decided. These are all of our
    Children. We are part of a
    community We talk about land
    pack. We talk about stewards of
    the earth. The. Palestinians
    are stewards of the earth. We
    need to learn from them before
    it’s too late. They have shown
    up for us for those that do not
    know when there was uprisings
    in this country and there was
    tear gas. In people’s faces
    mainly black and brown youth.
    Do, You know who is telling us
    how to save ourselves. It was
    Palestinians saying Your
    government has already done
    this to us. Please put milk in
    your eyes run to the wind. Do
    not use water. It will pass the
    stinging passes if you do it
    correctly, you can retain
    eyesight right? They have been
    teaching us how to care for
    ourselves and we cannot
    reciprocate if we do not wanna
    listen. At least try. It is a
    first step, but if we don’t
    make it, how do we move forward?
    Thank you. Thank you. Rick
    Cresswell, then Valerie
    Passerini and then Mr Miller
    Europe again after valor. Oh,
    OK. Uh, Valerie Pastorini. Hi
    there. Valerie Passerini, Uh,
    Ward two. And, um Lakewood as
    Colorado’s fifth largest city
    has its share of problems. Lack
    of affordable housing, a
    plethora of derelicts and
    abandoned businesses, which, if
    you know anything about me, you
    know that’s I. Just. It drives
    me nuts, Um, high property or
    high property crime rates,
    check, check and check. And I
    know that People would argue
    that city Council, you have
    your hands full with all of
    these problems and that you
    shouldn’t take any time to
    weigh in on anything that
    concerns you as foreign policy,
    But I disagree. As, the famous
    saying Goes. All politics is
    local. And. I have four reasons
    why I’m standing before you
    tonight. Asking you to use your
    voice? City Council members.
    You share constituents. With
    your congressional delegation
    here in Colorado. There’s a lot
    of overlap. City Council
    members. You possess a unique
    ability to be proxies for these
    shared constituents. We have
    run into a situation here in
    Colorado, where We do not
    appear to have any
    representation for those
    members in Congress. I am very
    thankful that here in lakewood,
    we have public meetings. We
    have lakewood speaks. We have
    some face to face time with our
    city Council members, um, you
    know, many of you have made
    yourselves available. You’re in
    the community. I can’t say the
    same for a congressional
    delegation and I know that
    there are conversations had
    between our congressional
    leaders. Um Congressman. Uh
    Peterson, for instance, is a
    Lakewood resident. I know that
    elected members here in
    lakewood, do, um, speak and
    have a way to say you know we
    are. We are listening to our
    constituents. Unlike our
    congressional, um
    Representatives in Colorado,
    who emails go into, you know
    some sort of purgatory. They’re
    not available for any public
    facing, um Events at all. They
    have refused to meet with us
    and, um I, I did wanna say that
    while you may think that we
    don’t have any ability to
    directly change US policy
    within the four walls A rounded
    wall and the other three behind
    me. Um, but we are sending a
    message. Uh, That, not in our
    names and never again means
    never again for everyone and
    those of us that are active in
    local politics will remember
    what our city council did
    during this time. And, So
    that’s why I think it’s
    important and to answer the
    question of You know why you
    should take a stand on this.
    Like 100. Other cities have
    done so far in the US. So, um,
    ceasefire now. Mr Miller. Good
    evening. My public servant. You
    know I was I was gonna come in
    tonight. Do a recap of all the
    homeless problems that we’ve
    got, and all that stuff and And
    I’ve been listening tonight and
    I thought No. I’m gonna talk
    about something else. And, then
    I’ll have one question at 10. I
    mean and three of my friends.
    Three, all three of which have
    died. We? We had a little group
    together that we went and took
    care of Families that were poor
    fixing their hot water heaters
    or fixing their furnaces or
    fixing their toilets or fixing
    sinks. Fixing decks. And
    seniors were the worst because
    they they took such a beating
    this year. I mean we got a 3%
    increase 9% cost of living
    increase, but we only got a 3%
    increase. And. Then. They
    raised Medicare up three. So we
    got So seniors are taking a
    beating. I mean, terrible,
    terrible beating. Any time.
    Right now, especially with the
    cost of food. The cost of gas
    public service They’ve taken so
    many hits on natural gas and
    electricity. These seniors are
    getting run out of their houses
    because they can’t afford the
    bills. So. Every time you say
    we’re just gonna take another
    $50 out of their pocket? It
    really hurts these people and
    it hurts me. You know I’ve been
    retired for I don’t know. 12
    years. 13 years now. And. I’ve
    helped so many people that that
    just needed their decks fixed
    or Or rails put up so they
    could go outside. Bathroom
    holders. All the stuff we
    donated our time to But when
    you raise prices. It kills
    these people. It kills these
    low income people. They don’t
    have the money to even buy food
    and and your raising their
    taxes and their fees. Storm
    water fees you double them, for
    Christ’s sake. I had one little
    old lady. I had to fix her
    toilet. She says. Why. I just
    paid this bill. No. No. I got
    another one. I said. That’s the
    city of Lakewood. They’re
    greedy. They think they can
    spend their money but your
    money better than I You can I
    need to spend it on food. I
    think that would be a better
    option. Then giving it to the
    city. You’re taxing seniors to
    death. You’re putting fees on
    them that are killing them.
    We’re taking a beating. What’s
    the cost of living. It. It’s
    horrendous to they can’t fix
    their cars That’s completely
    out of the question. I have one
    lady said. Can. You, fix my
    transmission. No, I can’t be. I
    took it to a dealer and he said,
    it’s gonna cost $12,000 to
    replace the her transmission.
    It’s just called junk dealer.
    Tell him to come and pick it up.
    You C. You can’t afford it, and
    that car’s not worth it. Why.
    Are you doing this to these
    seniors in the low income
    people? You’re so worried about
    them, and it’s nothing anyway,
    my last question. Your time is
    actually expired. Mr Muller.
    Can. I Ask one question your
    time’s expired. You can email
    it IN and thank you for the
    reminder. Public comment is is
    way. Um, we are not, um, able
    to answer questions this
    evening. If. You do have direct
    questions. Feel Free to email
    your City council and we’d be
    happy to help you there. You
    always get an answer. Yeah. All
    right, Miss Weathers, You’re up.
    And. We have also can you point
    out for me, Bruce, Morrison and
    Tom T. I’m sorry, Tom Gottlieb.
    Yeah. Thank you both. Thank you.
    Hello. Everyone, My na me is
    Andy Weathers I live in Ward
    three. Dear esteemed members of
    council. I Come before you
    today exactly Three months
    after my last ask for counsel
    to pass a ceasefire resolution
    three months ago, I submitted a
    letter with my concerns that
    our congressional delegation is
    ignoring its its constituents.
    They’re continued. Sidestepping
    is why I renew my call today. I
    want Lakewood to set an example
    of listening and addressing the
    concerns of its constituents.
    During the last three months. I
    want to call attention that
    there have been an additional
    10,000 deaths in Gaza. I want
    that to sink in for a second so
    since the last time I submitted
    my request, 10,000 additional
    people have died. I also want
    to mention I did have the
    opportunity to have this
    conversation with councilor low
    before he was even sworn in at
    that time, the death toll for
    Children was 1000 200. Today.
    We’re at 14,000 dead Children.
    Please let that sink in as well.
    For, those of you who say it’s
    not council’s place to weigh in
    on foreign matters. I disagree.
    When our tax dollars pay for
    the £2000 bombs used to kill
    innocent Children. We should
    all weigh in $2 million from
    Lakewood. We are all guilty. Of
    committing this genocide. This
    does not sit well with me and I
    refuse to be complicit in all
    of this. So for the past six
    months. I’ve done everything I
    can to get my congresswoman’s
    attention. This is included.
    Send sending emails calling
    meeting with their staffers.
    Protesting outside of her
    office and disrupting
    Democratic party fundraisers.
    None of this has worked.
    Congresswoman Peterson, a
    lakewood resident continues to
    vote for Israel to receive
    money for weapons. In fact.
    Just this weekend voting yes.
    For $23 billion in funding for
    them to buy our weapons. She
    condemns pro Palestinian free
    speech She voted against UN R
    humanitarian aid funding and
    continues even after October
    7th to accept donations from
    the American Israel Public
    Affairs Committee. Today. I am
    begging for your help. Please
    take a stand against genocide
    and call for a ceasefire
    resolution. We need to
    demonstrate to our morally
    bankrupt congresswoman that her
    constituents do not share her
    pros. Real values She works for
    us, not them. I am well aware
    that the 10 of you in front of
    me. 10 out of the 11 are
    Democrats and You’re in action
    on this matter. You for
    whatever reasons you you have
    to not bring a cease forward
    for forward has just let led me
    to believe that party politics
    are behind this decision. I’m
    getting the impression that
    loyalty to Britney Peterson is
    more important than the cries
    of your constituents. I know
    many of you personally with my
    heart of hearts. I do not
    believe that any of you agreed
    to run for office because you
    wanted to be loyal to the
    Democratic party. I truly
    believe each and every one of
    you are up there for the right
    reasons, So, I will ask you
    again. I, beg of you. Please
    put forward a cease fire
    resolution. I know you’ve rec
    received a long document
    outlining an in depth
    resolution for you to review if
    this document is too
    overwhelming I ask you to
    please do what Glenwood Springs
    did they decided to vote vote
    on the first sentence, which is
    an immediate and permanent
    ceasefire in Gaza and occupied
    West Bank. Immediate unhindered
    humanitarian aid to Gaza and
    release of all the hostages and
    arbitrarily detained
    Palestinian civilians in order
    to work towards a long term
    lasting peace. It’s that easy.
    All we need is two people one
    to make the motion and the
    other to approve. We want
    everyone to go on the record
    for this? Other than upsetting
    the congresswoman. I don’t
    understand the risk. I. Really?
    Don’t, Um please be on the
    right side of the of history.
    Please stand with us your
    constituents and not on the
    side of our freshman
    congresswoman. And and I do
    wanna end saying a few things.
    I do empathize for all of you.
    You guys have to listen to us.
    Our Congresswoman doesn’t
    obviously she prescreened her.
    Her town hall meetings and has
    staged Um callers So I. I get
    it. It’s not fair. It’s not
    fair a lot of this, but we
    don’t have a choice and we’re
    not just gonna sit still idly
    by while this is happening on
    our watch. Um I also want to
    mention I was grateful for the
    L AC presentation because it
    reminded me about Earth Day if
    we’re concerned about climate,
    we need to stop funding the
    military industrial climate. Um,
    excuse me Military Industrial
    complex because they’re a big
    cause of our our climate crisis
    and This money. You know
    they’re saying we want, you
    know, I heard the guy. He’s
    like we want money to do this,
    and we can’t because, well,
    where’s our Where’s a lot of
    our money going? It’s going to
    war. It is our tax dollars from
    here are going to war. It’s not
    OK, um Have a video that, um
    I’m gonna ask Mr Rob to play in
    just a second Hold on just a
    second. This video. I. Just
    wanna preface it just a little
    bit because as I mentioned we,
    me and my friends have been
    working really hard to try to
    get the congresswoman’s
    attention. We did go to her
    office hours in Edgewater
    recently and we presented her a
    letter. Um, we had delivered
    this letter. I am going to give
    you a copy of this letter. If
    you’d like to sign Please be my
    guest. I’d like you to see this
    in the video that’s gonna play
    is us giving her this letter.
    So thank you. You know why
    she’s And the congresswoman, Um
    Very concerned about the On OK?
    Concerns should be neatly. Is
    in Coming into the That’s
    hardly Wasn’t That Men. To me.
    Wanna be careful. OK? I was
    told I Argue that So I don’t
    know how That I That I. I
    certainly And, um and I Israel
    has killed me. 3000 44 We are
    Children. Work over Now. My
    Children injured over 70. So
    many people. Nearly Sure, OK.
    200 Human You. 70 Yeah. Not a
    trucks from Much need. Life and
    medicine. A refugee camp
    churches, kindergarten and
    university. Time every hospital
    in Gava. Kidnapped and tortured
    doctors. So To receive food
    rhees What was that? Type two
    has nothing to do with sugar.
    Was that did you know that
    every single organ of your body
    needs sugar to function. Here’s
    the truth. If you I’m guessing
    you’re done. Are you done OK,
    Thank you. Right. Um, Next. We
    have Doctor Mohammed Kue. I’m
    Sorry. I’m sure I didn’t say
    that right? Respect the council
    members before I start. I’d
    like to have, uh, Richard stand
    up and show us all the shirt he
    chose to wear as we are here
    discussing the council taking a
    stance and council members
    already taking a stance. For
    the rest of the people here who
    are interested in actually
    hearing what we have to say.
    I’m here to make an argument as
    to why we need to pass a
    ceasefire resolution, not just
    for people in Colorado, but
    specifically for the people in
    lakewood. As. We gather here
    today. Our hearts are heavy
    with the weight of the traumas
    unfolding in Palestine and Gaza
    where innocent people are
    caught in the crossfire of
    Israel’s unjust and relentless
    assault on humanity. And yet
    even as we moored the lives
    lost in the name of Zionist
    colonialism, we must confront
    the uncomfortable truth. Our
    own government is complicit in
    these atrocities with our tax
    dollars funding the terrorist
    state of Israel, the running
    total of $300 billion since its
    foundation in aid to Israel is
    not just the number. It is a
    testament to our government’s
    prioritization of military
    might over human rights of
    oppression over justice, but
    the injustices we Not confined
    in distant lands here in
    Colorado, our own communities
    are grappling with the crisis
    of homelessness and migration,
    with individuals and families
    struggling to find shelter,
    support and solidarity in the
    system That too often fails
    them as Martin Luther King
    Junior once said the bombs in
    Vietnam explode at home. They
    destroyed the hopes and
    possibilities for a decent
    America. The sentiment rings
    even more true today as we
    witness the devastating impact
    of our leaders misplaced
    priorities, while some would
    have you believe these issues
    are foreign and have no
    relevance here, we speak
    publicly at multiple city
    council meetings and protests
    precisely because this issue
    affects us all. According to
    recent data, the number of
    homeless individuals in
    Colorado continues to rise year
    on year, depending on the
    season. There’s about an
    average of 9 to 10,000 people
    experiencing homelessness on
    any given night in lakewood.
    That number goes up to about
    2000 when the weather improves
    as I’m sure you guys know in
    addition to the currently
    pending $26 billion bonus
    package to Israel, which will
    cost one of 330 million
    Americans $100, So all of you
    guys today invested $100 or
    what? This Week we will be
    investing $100 this year. I
    really hope it pays off for you,
    which Um and sorry in Colorado
    alone, Um in Colorado, a loan
    from the Three from the Oh, my
    god. Um in Colorado alone,
    nearly $76 million of our heart
    of our hard earned tax dollars,
    4 million of which come from
    Lakewood have been allocated to
    Israeli weapons funds that
    could be used to make a
    tangible difference right here
    in our communities. I was here
    when we were discussing the
    navigation center, arguing over
    a fund of $1.5 million y’all a
    tiny drop in comparison. Why do
    Americans and American citizens
    always come second when it
    comes to funding and action
    instead of fueling violence and
    oppression abroad. Imagine what
    we could do with so much money
    right here at home. We spend an
    average of $25 per day per
    person to provide housing.
    Think about it. We could house
    over nine. And mothers, fathers
    and Children, um, effectively
    ending homelessness in Lakewood
    and Colorado streets, But we
    don’t because our system and
    some leaders prioritize murder
    and profit over humanity. A
    call for a ceasefire today in
    the future is a direct
    repudiation of this broken
    system it it’s clearly an
    unequivocally that the
    Honorable Council and people of
    Lakewood are tired of the death
    and destruction in our name
    that we are tired of wasting
    our money feeding and bombing a
    captive population of Children
    to further the goals of a
    terrorist foreign nation. It is
    a strong statement that you
    stand against injustice
    anywhere and that you stand
    with people and recognize their
    humanity wherever and whomever
    they may be. I encourage you to
    call for a cease fire and as an
    aside speaking on my own
    personal experiences, certain
    members of Council have
    disrespected me, um,
    specifically outside of this
    council, but it is
    inappropriate for anyone who
    claims to represent this
    council to behave in that
    manner. Thank you? Hannah. Are
    you now you that that’s not how
    this works, Please. I don’t
    wanna ask you to leave I we’ve
    got folks that are here to
    we’re not here to have an
    argument. OK. Thank you Hannah
    Simons, You’re up next. And. I
    do have three people seating me
    their time. Um so I should have
    10 minutes. Thank you. Thank
    you. My name is Hannah. I’m
    here today On the three month
    anniversary of my younger
    siblings suicide as an
    exhausted, disabled young adult
    who is tired of the reality. Of
    having my free speech impinged
    on from all sides. From, the
    national government trying to
    ban our communication apps in
    the name of data protection. To,
    a local government who allows
    the rhetoric rhetoric that we
    should quietly accept the
    status quo of violence,
    violence that each of you is
    making the conscious choice to
    perpetuate. Sitting atop the
    pedestal of privilege that a
    position of power provides. I
    wonder if many of you have
    forgotten the concrete ways
    that your lack of moral
    integrity in a taking a stance
    against the act of genocide
    being committed against the
    people of Palestine affects the
    most vulnerable individuals
    with their own within your own
    population here in lakewood.
    The same people of this city
    who express being made
    uncomfortable by the idea of
    Lakewood taking action to aid
    the local migrant crisis are
    emboldened by your lack of
    support for displaced people
    abroad. While your citizens who
    are most at risk of being
    targeted by violence due to
    their minority status most at
    risk of houseless due to job
    insecurity, discrimination or
    medical debt from disability
    are made to be more unsafe. The
    point of difference here being
    that the people with the most
    wealth and power are being made
    to feel uncomfortable and the
    people who are in the highest
    risk groups are being made
    physically unsafe. This paints
    a clear analogy with the
    dynamic between the settler
    state of Israel in the country
    of Palestine. And impresses
    upon us how silence and the
    enforcement of politeness
    culture gives power to the
    cruel people who take advantage
    of a power vacuum to echo their
    hateful falsehoods over the
    facts of an oppressed
    population. My family is Puerto
    Rican and the violence I have
    witnessed upon Palestine and
    using our tax dollars mirrors
    in many ways that of which has
    been done in Puerto Rico as
    well as against black and
    indigenous Americans. The
    violation on women by the
    Israeli occupation forces is
    well documented. A recent case
    of a pregnant woman being raped
    by an Iowa soldier in an in
    Alsa hospital during the IOF
    raid of the hospital, her
    family members forced to watch
    under threat of death.
    Historical case of forced
    sterilizations of black
    Ethiopian Jews within the
    borders of Israel itself, make
    clear Israel’s goals not to be
    a safe haven for Jewish people,
    but to be a white ethno state.
    The fact that Palestinian Jews
    are being murdered alongside
    the Palestinian Muslims and
    Christians living in Gaza
    reinforces the fact that this
    is not a religious war. Trauma
    from violence like this goes
    beyond the physical. Aside from
    bloodlines being wiped from
    existence with what we know
    about trauma being passed down
    genetically even those who were
    spared come out of this with an
    inescapable shadow of these
    wounds and of cultural loss. I
    mentioned that I lost my
    sibling to suicide three months
    ago today. Within, my family
    the wounds of a cultural
    genocide Generations ago are
    more than invisible. The
    violence of Christopher
    Columbus in the Catholic Church
    showed up through the hands
    that my grandfather lied laid
    on my mother. And. It shows in
    my 22 year old sibling being
    being alienated from a colorful
    history of gender, non
    conforming indigenous ancestors.
    It shows in my family’s lack of
    access to ancestral homelands
    and how we feel displaced in
    the very country of which we
    were born into. It shows in the
    fact that money is flowing from
    my taxes in the form of at
    least $2,500,000 from lakewood
    alone into funding Israel’s
    weapons of war instead of
    programs for our communities
    here. I. Don’t think I need to
    elaborate on how much that
    money alone could accomplish in
    the hand of community minded
    citizens like myself. I close
    today with the request that you
    pass a resolution supporting a
    ceasefire in Gaza, which
    includes the immediate and
    unhindered. Passage of a
    humanitarian aid into Gaza. A
    release of all arbitrarily
    detained Palestinian political
    prison prisoners and an end to
    all US funding and weapons
    support to Israel. Support that
    has been used indiscriminately
    by Israel to support violence
    in which 44% of their
    casualties about 15,000 out of
    40 of nearly 40,000 murders
    have been Children. I beg of
    you to not just call for an end
    to the funding but to do
    everything in your power to
    bring our tax dollars back home
    to the US to support community
    care programs that can
    eliminate the eliminate the
    need for city discourse about
    houseless and migrant crises.
    Because these subjects should
    be a national issue being
    addressed with the billions of
    dollars we are instead sending
    AB abroad to support a genocide.
    And. If you should pause it
    that my vulnerability here
    today comes from a from a place
    of naivety childishness or
    mental illness. I ask if you
    what kind of mental illness is
    it to hear The news that
    Israeli drones have been luring
    Palestinians in with the sounds
    of crying Children. Before
    shooting them. And still choose
    to put your future potential
    political career. Within, this
    crumbling system overtaking a
    stand with the power that you
    have right now. Right now, at
    this very moment, I just saw
    the news before I came up here.
    The US Consulate in Istanbul is
    working to prevent the freedom
    flotilla from reaching its goal
    to deliver age to Gaza. A fleet
    carrying hundreds of
    international human rights
    observers transporting 5500
    tons of humanitarian aid to
    Gaza. Every day. Our country
    takes further actions to
    continue This forced famine on
    the besieged population of Gaza
    and without national pressure
    from all levels of our
    government. This violence will
    continue. Sandy said. We are
    having our voice silenced,
    unable to communicate with any
    of our higher represent
    government representatives in a
    meaningful way, and if you
    continue to refuse to stand for
    us, we will have no choice but
    to organize to replace you with
    people who will If. You take
    one thing away from my words
    today. I hope it is a better
    understanding on the complex
    ways with which these local and
    international issues are
    intertwined and why the
    responsibility lies in your
    hands to take take a stance and
    fight for us your constituents.
    Displaced people. I See them
    here in lakewood. I. See
    Venezuelans. Desperate Children.
    I see two women with a little
    girl who can’t be more than
    seven years old on our own
    streets. We have the funding.
    We’re just putting it towards
    the wrong places, and all of
    you are complicit in not taking
    a firm stance against this. And.
    I Hope. You realize how painful
    it is to people who have
    already gone through so much
    pain so much unnecessary pain.
    My non binary sibling. They
    went through so much from
    Religious violence to violence
    against them for their
    sexuality and their gender
    presentation. And all I can
    think of now is the students
    like next Benedict and Alex
    Franco, who were murdered here
    in the US. The anti trans
    sentiment, which has become so
    prolific that same idea of our
    politicians refusing to
    solidify rights for trans
    people applies for our houses,
    people for our disabled people
    for our immigrants. Every
    single group is at risk right
    now. Thank you. Cease fire now.
    Thank you, Miss Simmons. Next.
    We have Had trees, either
    Patrice or Patrick BC Fox, then
    Laura Gonzalez and Doctor Patty
    Foster. Aguilera is after that,
    um, for anybody that’s come in.
    If you wanna speak this evening
    have not signed up yet, Mr Rob,
    or do we have the sign up
    sheets with you? Okay over here
    On the end of this table,
    Anyone can sign up and again.
    Lakewood speaks.org is
    available if anyone wants to
    sign up, and, um, just make a
    comment directly towards that.
    Miss post and I do have yours.
    Do. We have a Patrice Patrick.
    OK, Laura Gonzalez. Thank you.
    Time. Minutes. OK, just give me
    Second When I start this
    Quality of Cat. Good afternoon.
    My name is Lara Gonzalez and I
    identify as Maya moan and it’s
    an indigenous woman. I am here
    to speak on behalf of only
    myself as a descendant and
    survivor of one of many settler,
    genocidal Colo colonial
    projects. In total I Island,
    which is now known as the
    Continent of America. I
    acknowledge that I’m standing
    on Apache in a indigenous lands.
    That means that you’re not
    indigenous. You are a settler
    as the land we’re currently
    standing on is a 500 cellar
    Colonial project, which is an
    almost copy page method for
    what Israel is doing in
    Palestine. My demands are
    passing in Maria and permanent
    ceasefire resolution defund the
    almost 2.5 million City tax
    dollars that you sent to Israel
    assured that our freedom of
    speech is protected in our city.
    Let me tell you why I’m here
    today I will try my best to
    speak in three minutes about my
    personal connection to the
    Palestinian cause as a non
    Palestinian indigenous woman
    unearthing and Howard
    liberations are bound with each
    other and not against each
    other. Again. I’m, a Mayan
    person. I come from Guatemala
    and the south of Mexico. We
    survive. The silent Holocaust
    which a lot of you, I bet Don’t
    know right now that Holocaust
    lasted more than 40 years from
    the 60 ended in 96. Almost a
    million of my people were
    murdered. My mother remembers
    what happened. There was 17
    bullets in my grandma’s house.
    It’s not just that I’m trying
    to heal the inner generational
    trauma of 500 years of the land
    that you’re standing on, But
    I’m still just trying to heal
    my mama’s trauma, and you know
    what I feel when I see these
    Children? I know that if this
    genocide were to end tomorrow,
    we have caused so much harm for
    so many generations and you’re
    still silent living a settlers
    and there are some settlers
    that are trying to do good work.
    But there are settlers that do
    not care like Richard Oliver.
    Also Today is Earth Day. What
    is the point of having Earth
    Day if we’re not doing anything
    while we’re watching an ECI,
    we’re not just what? Seeing a
    genocide. We’re watching an
    ecocide live. Let me give you
    some statistics 97 90% of water
    Sources of gas are contaminated
    the planet warming emissions
    generated during the first two
    months of the war in Gaza were
    greater than the annual carbon
    footprint of more than 20 of
    the world’s most climate,
    vulnerable nations. This will
    eventually impact Lakewood. We
    did not live in an isolated
    global community. 40% of
    agricultural land is destroyed
    one third of greenhouses is
    destroyed. 90% of agricultural
    land destroyed in northern Gaza
    the legal right to phosphorus
    indiscriminately thrown at
    Palestinians and Lebanese
    people have a long term effect
    in the environment, which
    leaves 10% of its toxic
    properties in soil and water.
    70% of gas infrastructure is
    destroyed. Schools March
    universities, one of the oldest
    Christian churches, if we have
    Christian people, why are you
    not saying anything right now?
    99% of the world’s CO2
    emissions come from from the
    first Days of Israel’s genocide
    in Gaza. 50% of the missions
    come from the US cargo plane,
    sending Israel weapons for its
    massacre. There is plenty of
    evidence that Israel’s
    intentionally commuting eco
    site and genocide with the
    intent of destroying all hope
    of life and future Palestinian
    in Gaza being Al Nahar el al
    Bahar from the river to the sea,
    Palestine will be free. There’s
    Del Rio as Delmar Palestinia
    Cerra libre, and I No. You are
    not allowed to answer questions.
    You are not allowed to Tell me
    who you stand with. And. You
    are a settler and let me tell
    you that as a seller, you don’t
    get to tell in Don’t point at
    me. What kind of disrespect is
    that do you not have any rules
    for your city Council members
    to be hit that way and to laugh
    at that. That is a huge
    disrespect. You’re an old man
    your name to be trying to argue
    with a constituent that you’re
    not representing? No, you don’t
    get to speak right now. That’s
    the rule. I get to speak. You
    get to listen. You. Don’t Get
    to answer you don’t get to
    Monday when I’m cut because I’m
    an indigenous woman, and you’re
    standing on a stolen and that
    is what’s happening in Israel
    right now. So, you shut your
    mouth. Dr Aguilar. Then we have
    miss Joan Poston and then Brad
    Bruce. Hello. Uh, my name is
    Doctor Padi Fuera Guerra. I’m
    here to ask you to send a
    message from the people of this
    city to our federal officials
    that they need to stop funding
    the genocide that Israel is
    committing against indigenous
    peoples of the occupied
    territories of Palestine.
    Rather than condemning war
    crimes and collective
    punishment or stopping the
    transfer of arms. Jonah Gus and
    the rest of Congress have
    instead moved to condemn a
    phrase that calls for the Ali
    uplifting and liberation of
    people. This is extremely
    dangerous, and if people don’t
    rise against these against
    these now it will only get
    worse. They want to try try to
    stop us from showing solidarity
    with the Palestinian people.
    From the river to the sea.
    Palestine will be free calls
    for the dignity and humanity of
    Palestinians for the end of
    occupation and the end of
    apartheid from the river to the
    sea. Palestine will be free
    does not call for the ethnic
    cleansing and oppression of
    Jews from the river to the sea.
    Palestine will be free does not
    call for the bombing of
    hospitals, schools and Children
    playing in the street from the
    river to the Sea Palestine.
    Will be free. That’s not call
    for the massa the massacre of
    hungry people trying to get
    flour from a truck. From the
    river to the sea. Palestine
    will be free. There’s no call
    for the destruction of
    universities, farms and entire
    towns from the river to the sea.
    Palestine will be free does not
    call for the assassination of
    eight workers, journalists and
    doctors. Your Silence in this
    matter makes you accomplices to
    these murder, including 14,000
    Children killed in the past 200
    days. We need to listen to our
    Palestinian people. And
    indigenous siblings showing up
    here trying to help the rest of
    us understand how misled this
    is This all is Do. You not see
    that our complicity in this
    genocide and our and your
    inaction in the face of it will
    come to haunt us all of us. Do.
    You not see that anything other
    than an immediate and permanent
    cease fire makes us all all of
    us, Palestinian, Israelis and
    Americans less safe. Those that
    push for these condemnation of
    words of freedom and claim
    their fear and victimhood
    justifies the murder of
    Thousands, including 14.
    Children do so because the only
    view they understand is the
    colon colonialist paradigm in
    which the freedom and dignity
    of a people needs to come at
    the expense of another. The way
    that you vote on the ceasefire
    resolution betrays that you
    feel the same. The House of
    representatives have already
    approved of $26 million
    supplemental package to Israel
    and tomorrow the Senate is
    voting on this package, stand
    up and speak against these
    genocide or we will do anything
    in our power for you to not get
    elected again. Don’t post in Mm.
    I’m Joan post and my address is
    10642 West vor Place lakewood,
    Colorado. Um And. I’m here
    today for to speak about
    something totally different.
    From what we’ve heard the last
    hour. Um and I do wanna stand
    with rich Oliver in saying that
    I would have liked to have seen
    the presentation from the, uh,
    green recommendations, um,
    presented to have presentations
    and not have them presented is
    just not right. Um, I’m here
    today to speak out against the
    recommendations of the green
    Research summary. Um, this is
    basically an incentivizing of
    taxpayers’ money for An extreme
    Left agenda in July of 2023 I
    brought to the sustainability
    committee that they cannot
    mandate the electrification of,
    um Residential homes because
    there is federal laws, Um,
    Public Utility regulatory
    policy Act of, uh, 1978 and I
    would recommend that you have
    the city lawyer. Look at this
    before you start making any
    kinds of, um Spending of money.
    Um This is a copycat of the
    city of Denver agenda, which
    the taxpayers have said they
    want to fund and I think that
    you should put it to the
    taxpayers if they want to fund
    this kind of thing. I am not
    certain where you will find the
    funding. Um, rebate are through
    certain, um, businesses in
    Denver and one of the questions
    I have is how will you be
    picking winners and losers for
    who is going to, um, do the
    rebates? Uh, And once again,
    I’m asking is Lakewood Uh,
    Denver or boulder And maybe you
    should take a little concern
    about that as well I posted on
    next door and there were 3000
    views and the most interesting
    part of that was the lack of
    public input on this. Um, there
    are major questions that we’ve
    heard tonight to be asked as
    how you should be pursuing some
    of these recommendations at
    this time, like more staff, Do,
    we have money for more staff.
    I’m just curious about that. Um,
    I believe that there um are
    other priorities that need to
    be addressed. And For. Those of
    you Who think that, um federal
    and state money is free. Um, I
    like to remind you that it is
    taxpayer money, and we just
    paid our Last Monday. Um Martin
    Luther King used to say Sunday
    is coming, and I would like to
    say to you November is coming.
    Thank you very much. Brad Bruce.
    Hi everyone. Uh, my name is
    Brad. Bruce. I’m, a Colorado
    state employee and a resident
    of Ward two. I am here to urge
    the City Council to pass a
    permanent ceasefire resolution
    in Gaza. A genocide is
    currently occurring in
    Palestine with our tax dollars
    and with weapons created right
    here on the front range. 35,000
    plus Palestinians have been
    killed in the last six plus
    months. Most of those killed
    have been women and Children.
    This is a genocide where the
    World Health organization has
    reported that a Palestinian
    child dies every 10 minutes. Um,
    in the last Hour or so that
    we’ve been listening to public
    comment. That means about six
    Children have died. Over the
    weekend, the House of
    representatives voted in favor
    of giving an Israel an
    additional $26.38 billion in
    aid to Israel. The Senate is
    scheduled to vote on this bill
    tomorrow. I’ve heard from a lot
    of people that this city
    Council is not the correct
    place to talk about
    international issues such as
    this. Let’s think about the
    local implications of a bill of
    this bill by doing a little
    math. Let’s assume that every
    American paid an equal amount
    of that tax dollars that comes
    out to, uh, out of with every
    every one of the 333 million
    Americans, every single one of
    them gave about $90 to to
    Israel, assuming this bill will
    pass. According to Census data.
    Lakewood has about 100 and
    50,000 residents. Now. What if
    we were to instead take all of
    the $90 from 100 and 50,000
    residents, um, and use that for
    local issues that comes out to
    about $13.5 million, and that
    is on top of the 2.5 to $3
    million that Lakewood residents
    give to Israel annually. Um,
    I’m willing to bet that every
    single person on this council
    has a better idea on how they
    would use $13 million here.
    Lakewood to help their, uh your
    constituents. We have people
    living on the streets and you
    were letting our federal
    representatives get away with
    giving millions of dollars away
    from this community without
    even a word of condemnation.
    The people sitting on this
    council did not vote directly
    to give millions and of aid to
    Israel, but I’m sure that it
    was an easy decision for my
    federal representative Brittany
    Paterson to vote in favor,
    considering that none of her
    counterparts in local
    government seem interested in
    pushing for a cessation of
    hostilities. In Palestine by
    the Israeli apartheid regime. I
    can confirm that reports from
    others who have spoke before me
    stating that Brittany Patterson
    does not care about our
    concerns, and it is incredibly
    difficult to even get a hold of
    her if we can at all, we are
    only at the City Council
    meeting because that is the
    case. We need her to listen to
    us. And. I hope that, uh, you
    can help us get her to listen
    to us. Please pass a cease fire
    resolution to show our federal
    representatives that we do not
    want our tax dollars going to
    genocide and instead want them
    go to fixing local issues. Sign.
    Thank you. And. Then we have
    Jim Washer. Washer. Jim here.
    On Arizona place. Does that
    help help! OK, uh, Amber Vig.
    Let me turn the light up on my
    Here we go. Is it a better over
    here. Either. Either way. Um
    Amber Barwig Ward two. And
    we’re just I’m sorry. Amber var
    World War two better. I have
    something going on with my
    throat? Sorry about that. Want
    to start by saying that 40% of
    agricultural land has been
    destroyed in Palestine. A.
    Third of all greenhouses have
    been destroyed. So one in three
    90% of all agricultural land in
    Palestine has been destroyed in
    northern Gaza, which is where
    all the food has to be grown
    because Israel won’t Let food
    in so that’s important to note
    that now the only place they
    could get reliably get food
    from Pretty much gone, so
    that’d be like if every grocery
    store except for like, one for
    every 10, Miles is just blown
    up in America. But, you know,
    good luck to you. We’ve all
    killed Palestinians today
    because our tax money whether
    we liked it or not went to do
    that. Whether we liked it or
    not? We did that. Because
    Brittany. Patterson won’t even
    listen to us when we ask her if
    maybe she could look at not
    agree to send our tax money to
    kill Palestinians. Eco
    destruction of Palestine is
    ancient in origin 17 years in
    the making, and morally and
    largely illegal by pretty much
    any any standard. You wanna
    look at Aid workers have been
    killed. Chefs People all along
    the humanitarian corridors like
    those exist, um, predetermined
    co-ordinated aid efforts
    because accidents happen
    hospitals because Right. I’m
    not clear on that. Mosques
    water sources. Homes, cropland
    monuments. You know the sorts
    of things. You’re not supposed
    to be able to attack or kill or
    destroy. Have all been attacked,
    killed destroyed. They have tw
    Israel has 28 violations of
    international law and apartheid,
    according to the United Nations
    Security council just in case
    we were unclear about that, but
    you’re all really smart and
    intelligent moral people and I
    actually don’t really need to
    stand here and tell you that
    any of this is wrong. I don’t
    believe any. I believe almost
    not one of you. Almost not one
    of you believes that this is
    wrong. Some of you have made it
    clear that that’s not how you
    feel, but that’s cool. You, do
    you? I’m not asking you to pick
    a side between Palestinians and
    Jews, though I understand some
    of you may be Jewish. Lots of
    you know Jewish people. I have
    Jewish people I love in my life.
    I understand this is a nuanced,
    complex issue beyond just
    Killing all Palestinians is bad.
    I mean, that’s You can’t argue
    that but I understand that this
    isn’t something where you want
    to say without any nuance
    whatsoever, But I’m not asking
    you to pick a side. I’m asking
    you to say that killing
    everything that you see is
    wrong, no matter what The
    reason is, and because if you
    look it up and you check it out,
    we would stand with Israel if
    they committed October 7th, we
    would say that we had to get
    Hamas accidents happen the same
    things we’re saying Now, we
    would change absolutely nothing
    except it might be less
    controversial than we might
    actually end up giving more
    money to Israel. You know, we
    We should legalize Palestine
    realize Palestine recognize
    Palestine and Free Palestine.
    But. Let’s just agree to let
    him live. Let him exist every
    time you drink coffee, a kid’s
    ding. It takes a motion and a
    second. It takes two of my
    friends. Ceasefire now. OK? We
    have next, Um Linda Bad one.
    And. I have pooled time. Uh, is
    Ryan Leong still here? Thank
    you and David Weissman. OK.
    Thank You. All right, Linda?
    You’re up after Linda. We have
    Khalid Ali and then Flanders
    Norton and then Stevie Hendrix.
    Linda. You have T, Uh, 10
    minutes. I’m sorry I missed
    Baldwin. So a peace be upon you
    all. I just wanted to for today,
    Um, be able to yield my time to
    a video that I wanted you guys
    to be able to watch. I really
    hope you will take the time.
    Including yourself, Mr Oliver
    to really be able to pay
    attention to what’s being said
    in this Well. Mr Labour be here
    too. That was a restroom visit.
    At. This point. We’re almost
    three hours in. Thank. You guys,
    I appreciate it. Excellencies.
    It is with the the heaviest
    heart that day. I appear before
    you today. To deliver my phone
    report as the special
    rapporteur on the occupied
    Palestinian territory.
    Following nearly six months of
    unrelated Israeli assault on
    occupied Gaza. It is my solemn
    duty to report on the worst of
    what humanity is capable of.
    And to present my finding. The
    Anatomy of the genocide.
    History. Teachers of the
    genocide is a process, not a
    single act. He starts with the
    dehumanization of a group as
    Zaba. And to denial of the
    group’s humanity. And ends with
    the destruction of the group.
    All the part. The demonization
    of Palestinians as the group as
    a group is the hallmark of
    their history of ethnic
    cleansing, dispossession and
    apartheid. In the words of
    Edward Side. Palestinians were
    made orphans of the homeland by
    the creation of the state of
    Israel and its continuous
    policies intended to erase
    their presence from their land.
    Did aside, is defining
    international law as specific
    sets of acts committed with
    intent to destroy in whole or
    impart. A, national, ethnical
    racial or religious group. As
    such. It is often referred to
    as the crime of crimes due to
    its complexity and because of
    the challenge of doing the
    specific intent, as I mention,
    requires, And. Yet this
    complexity is not about the
    creation of a hierarchy among
    atrocity crimes. It’s rather a
    reflection of a different
    nature and scale. The re
    threshold for intent. Namely to
    destroy a group as prescribed
    by optical, two of the genocide
    convention. Must be proven
    directly or inferred from facts,
    which are made of no other
    reasonable inference. But when
    genocidal intent is so
    conspicuous, so ostentatious as
    it is in Gaza. We cannot avert
    our eyes. We must confront
    genocide. We must prevent it
    and we must punish it. The.
    Catastrophic situation I
    investigated is known. As. It
    has been broadcast to the world
    in real time by its victims.
    Astoundingly rather than hing.
    Its momentum. A minority of
    powerful member states that
    provide a military, economic
    and political support for the
    atrocity. Compounding, the
    devastation it has worked for
    the Palestinians. And. These
    assault, the sixth and most
    egregious. In 16 years Israel
    has killed More than 30,000.
    Palestinians, including 13,000
    Children more than the Children
    killed in all conflicts
    worldwide in four previous
    years. Journalist doctors,
    nurses, artists, academics,
    engineers, scientists and their
    family members. Whole society
    as integrated. A third year to
    1000 Polys started working
    missing most presume that Some
    some some 71,000 Palestinians
    that are working in missing
    Sorry. Most will Sorry. Some
    71,000 are injured, most with
    life changing wounds made worse
    by the decimation of the health
    care system and overwhelming
    unsanitary conditions created
    in Gaza. In the first week,
    Cesar prevented all monetary
    aid from entering Gaza and the
    ensuing months it has imposed
    extreme restrictions on water,
    food, electricity and fuel.
    These run has blocked the entry
    of metal supplies, including
    anesthetics, incubators and
    even baby formula. For boys and
    hardly reached northern Gaza.
    The delivery policy has induced
    the rapid and sustained very
    few insecurity in the entire
    population with those trapped
    in the north, forced to eat,
    I’m not I’m not feed and grass.
    The occupying power is also
    undermining Andra, the main
    lifeline to Palestinians in
    Gaza. Growing numbers of
    Palestinians are dying of
    starvation as we speak. And the
    hostages in the families and
    also not escaped this
    devastating circumstances. The
    collective scars of those who
    survive are certain to last a
    generations. In the initial
    weeks of the assault. The
    Israeli forces killed around
    250 Palestinians day through an
    apocalyptic ar of weaponry on
    one of the most densely
    populated places on earth. 20
    to 25,000 tons of explosives
    equivalent to two nuclear bombs,
    unguided munitions and hundreds
    of £2000 bunker buster were
    used to let the entire
    neighborhoods The ground
    offensive changed the pattern,
    but not the scale of
    destruction in less than six
    months, Israel has destroyed
    Gaza, erasing goods or severely
    damaging almost civil
    infrastructure and agricultural
    land, most of home health
    facilities, telecommunication
    infrastructure, every
    university most educational
    facilities, municipal services,
    mosques and churches and
    innumerable cultural heritage
    sites, which are integral to
    the social fabric of Palestine.
    Israeli soldiers have published
    footage boasting about their
    killing of families, mothers,
    Children. The bombing of homes,
    mosques and schools. Self
    incriminating videos show them
    sadistically mocking and
    humiliating the Palestinian
    victims not only by violating
    their physical integrity and
    right to life, but also their
    dignity, their most intimate
    possessions and spaces that the
    soldiers had entered and looted
    and by degrading cemeteries and
    places of worship. When. They
    were offensive started the
    number of daily casualties
    seemed to reduce, but in fact
    the atrocities increased. Must
    dis appearance and arbitrary
    detentions, widespread and
    systematic torture and inhumane
    treatment After the experience
    of endless death and loss.
    Desperate people had to search
    through rubble with their heads.
    Many have been unable to bury
    and grieve loved ones. These
    acts of genocide have been
    motivated by the event. Anti
    Palestinian discourse, which
    characterizes the entire
    Palestinian people in Gaza as
    enemies to be eradicated or
    forcibly removed. This rhetoric
    has been pervasive across all
    segments of Israeli society
    that Israel inheriting
    officials command the authority
    routinely called on soldiers to
    annihilate the people of Gaza
    is compelling evidence of
    explicit and public incitement
    to commit genocide. Evidence
    further indicates that these
    are an incitement has been
    internalized and about by
    soldiers on the ground. One of
    my key findings is that
    Israel’s executive and military
    leadership and soldiers have
    intentionally distorted rules
    of international humanitarian
    law, distinction,
    proportionality and prep in an
    attempt to legitimize genocidal
    violence against Palestinian
    people by deliberately
    stretching the definitions of
    human shield. Evacuation orders
    warnings, safe zones,
    collateral damage and medical
    protection. These runners use
    their protective Humanitarian
    camouflage. The effect of
    conceiving patterns of conduct
    from which the only inference
    can reasonably be drawn is a
    state policy of genocidal
    violence against the
    Palestinians. Blurring. The
    distinction between protected
    civilians or city
    infrastructure and combatant or
    legitimate military targets.
    Israel has effectively
    characterized the whole
    civilian population in Gaza as
    human shields or terrorist
    accomplices as a matter of
    legal policy. Those who managed
    to evacuate to areas that
    Israel defined as safe
    humanitarian zones have been
    met with further attacks, their
    deaths and injuries justified
    as collateral damage. By making
    repeated claims, which have
    been systematically discredited.
    The Hamas used hospitals as
    operation centers. Israel
    appears to be on the premises
    on the premise that if you tell
    a lie long enough People will
    believe it. Israel has used the
    camouflage of humanitarian law
    to characterize the entire
    Palestinian people in life
    sustaining and life saving
    infrastructure of Gaza has
    target Key destroy. These
    runners attempted to legitimize,
    for example, the devastations
    of Gaza’s medical
    infrastructure, which has led
    to potentially thousands of
    additional deaths, like
    changing injuries and trauma.
    Are. You chill as done as that
    being distorted to justify a
    war of manipulation. In light
    of this I find that there are
    reasonable grounds to believe
    that the threshold dedicating
    the commission of the crime of
    genocide against Palestinians
    as a group in Gaza has been met.
    Specifically, Israel has
    committed three acts of
    genocide with our visiting
    intent, causing seriously
    serious bodily or mental harm
    to members of the group
    deliberately inflicting on the
    root conditions of life
    calculated to bring about its
    fiscal destruction in whole or
    in part and imposing measures
    intended to prevent births
    within the group. The genocide
    in Gaza is the most extreme
    stage of a long standing
    settler career process of Asia
    of the nine native Palestinians
    for over 76 years, this process
    has oppressed the Palestinians
    as a people in every way
    imaginable. Sing there in the
    in a right to self
    determination, demographically
    economically territorially,
    culturally and politically.
    Israel has attempted to
    displace them expropriate their
    land and not the resources and
    ultimately replace them. The
    colonial amnesia of the West.
    As condo, Israel’s colonial
    secular project from the
    climate history of the very
    birth of the state of Israel to
    its oppressive occupation.
    Since 1967 the crippling
    closure of Gaza since 1993 and
    its military assaults on Gaza
    since 2007 The world now sees
    the bitter fruit of impunity
    afforded to Israel. This was a
    tragedy foretold. While the
    International Criminal court
    will have to deliberate the
    international green sorry. Well,
    the International Court of
    Justice will have to deliberate
    International criminal court
    will have to investigate. It is
    my responsibility to remind you
    that the genocide convention
    includes a you ho against, nor
    and their government’s
    obligation to prevent the
    commission of a reality. There
    is a national Court of justice
    recognized as plausible exactly
    two months ago. The time for
    states to act was then. And
    that they did not. The time is
    now. And. It’s not CASS sour.
    The international community
    cannot continue to ignore that
    it’s Israel’s project to read
    Palestine or Palestinians in ne
    of international law in the
    world sphere to go to Israel to
    account It has led to genocide
    laid bare in Gaza. Denial of
    the reality and the
    continuation of Israel’s
    security and exceptionalism is
    no longer viable. Mr. That’s
    time resolution. I implore
    member states to abide by their
    obligation. Thanks, ma’am.
    Khalid Ali. A respected council
    members. My name is Can. We
    have a recess. It’s like three
    hours into this. My name is
    Khaled Ali and I. Assume. The
    Pro Zionist here can spell my
    name cause if you know some
    Hebrew, you always speak. Ha Ha
    Ha ha Like Hamas. You Call
    Hamas. Can, you say Khalid, Can
    You speak Khalid allow the
    speaker time And then if you
    want to, I’m trying to speak,
    so don’t don’t interrupt me. I
    have the right to interrupt me.
    Yeah. Yeah? Yeah Change your
    shirt first, OK? No. The time
    You restart the time I have not
    even started. Yeah. Can. I
    start again or go ahead and
    start again. Thank you My name
    is Callie Dal Ali and I am here
    to pass a ceasefire resolution
    for Palestine. But it is said
    that despite many attempts,
    this council has failed us to
    Pass a resolution which is the
    bare minimum. We are asking. We
    should ask for way much more
    after those genocides and
    killings of those babies and
    women. But. Even that is not
    even going anywhere. The city
    of Gaza was wiped out because
    of silent co members like most
    of you, So thanks for your so
    called support for this cause
    Last week the how the US House
    of Representatives pass a
    resolution that whoever says
    from the river to the sea,
    which is what I’m wearing right
    now. I hope Richard watched
    that, um, are considered anti
    Semitic. Let me explain what
    from the river to the sea means
    from the river of Jordan to the
    Mediterranean Sea, Palestine
    will be free means given
    Palestinians the right to
    return to their lands that were
    And from them the right from
    the indigenous people of the
    land to exist. It does not mean
    elimination of Israel or as
    they are claiming, Also On.
    That. Same Day, the United
    States vetoed Palestine to have
    a full membership at the United
    nations, obviously to continue
    the Israeli genocide against
    our people in Gaza and the West
    bank, including occupied
    Jerusalem, which we call Al
    Quds. Then, surprisingly, two
    days So. The. United States
    House passed a bill of $100
    billion to Ukraine, Taiwan and
    Israel instead of funding the
    people of this nation who needs
    uh, that help the most Condemn
    this veto and every veto that
    the United states has placed
    against Palestine and I Promise
    everyone here specifically,
    Richard. I. Promise You OK that,
    uh Our. Palestinian. People
    will continue their struggle
    until they defeat the
    occupation that, uh, take away
    their rights just like they
    took our rights from us and
    establish an independent
    Palestine with Jerusalem the
    capital of it. I promise you
    that will happen. Lastly, last
    week was a national day for
    Palestine Palestinian prisoners
    over 10,000 prisoners, most of
    them without charges, charges
    and hundreds have lost their
    lives from torture from the
    Zionist regime. I would like to
    take a moment of silence for
    all those prisoners who are
    mistreated under international
    law. Thank you. Thank you. OK
    counsel. We have five speakers
    left. I. I do have a point of
    order. I do just wanna say that.
    Technically, we can move for a
    recess at any point. We do need
    to vote on the matter Correct.
    We have five speakers left. Six
    speakers left. Is anyone making
    a motion? All. Right. Let’s
    Continue Flanders Lorden, then
    Stevie Hendrix, then RIA. Naga.
    I’m sorry. Sure. I didn’t get
    that right. Thank you? Um Thank
    you council. Good evening and,
    uh, first I wanna say thank you
    for listening. I have spoken
    before a couple different city
    councils in Colorado and I feel
    that this one is the most, uh,
    attentive and it is not to be
    Frank. The only council I feel
    actually does, uh, actually
    listen to what we have to say.
    However. I am very disappointed
    that, uh, this council has not
    been able to put forward a
    cease fire motion. We are six
    months into the most well
    documented genocide in history.
    Um A lot of younger people, but
    a lot of other people,
    especially like see these
    videos on their phones every
    day of like dead Children and
    dead women, dead doctors dead
    hospital workers, ambulance
    workers. It’s really horrible
    and I think seeing videos like
    that on a daily basis like
    really is is not good for your
    mental health, and I think, um,
    it’s it It shakes you to your
    core and it it forces you to,
    uh, acknowledge that that’s the
    reality of the world that we’re
    living in. Even if that’s not
    what we’re seeing in our
    personal lives, Um The world
    has become so interconnected
    that that is what we’re seeing
    across the globe, and
    unfortunately it is the US that
    continues to support this. I
    wanted to read a CNN headline
    from today. Um Specifically
    that says, uh, Mass grave was
    found it says nearly 300 bodies
    found in mass grave at Gaza
    Hospital. This is a Nasser
    medical complex. Um, and this
    is not to be confused with the
    mass graves that were found
    outside of, uh, the other
    hospital. Um Al Schefer
    Hospital, uh, this mass grave
    had owned for 300 bodies, many
    of them missing skin, many of
    them wearing, um, medical
    scrubs and with their hands zip
    tied behind their backs. Uh,
    there were patients that had
    catheters and IV still in their
    bodies that were buried in this
    mass grave as well as many
    having their organs removed,
    which is a very common practice
    by the Israeli military and
    they bring these organs back to
    Israeli organ banks. Um, Israel
    has the largest Oregon bank in
    the world. Of them taken from
    Palestinians. Um, the things
    that we have seen in the past
    six months have really been
    horrendous and horrible. And.
    Uh, I know a City council again.
    You guys, um, cannot stop this.
    You don’t have the power to but
    what you do have the power for
    is to, uh speak out against it
    and to make it clear to our
    higher up government officials
    that at a local level we do not
    stand for this kind of violence.
    I also wanted to make it clear
    that this is an entirely
    intersectional movement. Um, at
    every event we We have Muslim,
    Arab people, Muslim, non Arab
    people, Jewish people,
    Christian people, atheist
    people, gender, queer people,
    all types of people Yesterday.
    I went to the, uh, Jewish voice
    for peace. Passover, uh, cedar,
    and it was a very lovely event.
    I. I’ve never been to a cedar
    before. So. That was a really
    cool experience for me to be
    able to engage, Um, with the
    Jewish traditions, a Liberator
    context and, uh, that’s the
    future. This intersectional
    movement is the future that
    we’re building and we’re not
    gonna go anywhere. So. Really
    your options are, uh, speak now,
    uh, speak later. Or, uh, Never
    speak, but this movement will
    continue. Regardless Thank you
    for listening. Thank you.
    Stevie Hendrix. Hello and Good
    evening. Um So. My name is
    Stevie Hendrix. I was born and
    raised in the Denver Metro area.
    I am now located off 3335 South
    Clarkson Street. I would like
    to start off with saying how
    appalled I was to hear people
    that are standing for the
    Palestinian cause to be called
    internationalist. I. Think. If
    our tax dollars our military
    resources if Israel is allowed
    to have a lobbying group in the
    US, we should definitely be
    speaking on that on all levels
    of the government. We are
    currently on day 199 of the
    ongoing US taxpayer funded
    Israeli genocide of the
    Palestinian people. 34,000 have
    been killed more than 78,000
    injured and over 8000 are
    missing since October 7th out
    of the 34,000 killed more than
    13,800 Children have been
    killed. I’m sick and tired of
    seeing my community and the
    people around me struggle all
    because our government would
    rather fund a rogue state to
    complete a genocide on
    indigenous population. A
    ceasefire in Palestine is the
    bare minimum and I’m urging the
    council to at least start with
    the bare minimum. All life is
    precious and all life
    inherently has so much value to
    it. Violent settlers states
    such as Israel would never be
    able to understand that Richard
    Oliver. You are guilty of
    aiding and abetting a genocide
    on the Palestinian people to be
    clear when you stand with
    Israel. This is what you are
    standing for. You are standing
    for genocide. You are standing
    for ethnic cleansing. And. It
    is not right ceasefire now and
    the occupation and halt all
    military funding to is not real.
    Thank you. RIA. No. On in Green
    Meadows. Then we have Jeanette.
    Finia Valencia. And. Then
    Joshua calmed him. Hello. My
    name is Rokia. And. You Think
    that by now I know better as a
    black person not to come to a
    bunch of white people and tell
    them about my struggles, but I
    will once again but this time
    hopefully I’ll be able to die
    it just a little bit to
    yourselves just so that you can
    think about beyond yourself
    today, hopefully So. Let’s
    Compare the police here in the
    United states to the police in
    Israel. If, you’re a
    Palestinian in Israel right now.
    You’re shit scared of the
    police. Just like me. I am
    terrified of them. You know why?
    Because. They’re just shooting
    people that look like me in the
    street. Same thing with the
    Palestinians just so happens
    that I’m also Muslim, So That
    just brings another reason for
    them to bring their gun up and
    shoot me while I’m in the
    street. Thankfully I have
    scripts to wear, which
    sometimes can be a good grace.
    So. They’re like, Oh. She’s one
    of the good black people, not
    of the bad ones, so maybe we
    wouldn’t have her at this time.
    Unfortunately in Raza. It’s the
    opposite If, You are wearing
    scrubs. You are targeted.
    You’re a reason to be killed.
    Why because you’re saving lives
    and they don’t want you saving
    lives. Second thing. Children
    in America are being killed,
    left and right, whether in
    schools in parks in their homes,
    if you’re black, same thing
    that is happening in Palestine
    right now Children are getting
    bombed in their homes in their
    schools in churches in mosques
    anywhere anywhere where
    civilians can be. They’re being
    killed. Third thing is prisons.
    We’re like filled. We’re
    filling the prisons in America,
    Black and brown people. Why
    because we’re getting
    discriminated against. We’re
    getting literally profiled in
    the streets, and that’s the
    exact same thing that is
    happening in Palestine. They
    Profile Palestinian using a I
    you would think a I helps you
    write emails? No. They use it
    to literally profile
    Palestinians so that they can
    bomb them. Health care. I work
    in health care, So I maybe I
    know a little bit. My patients
    suffer every single day because
    insurance refuses to cover
    certain things. Why because we
    give insurance that power while
    in Israel, they have free
    health care. Wouldn’t you want
    that right to have co pays and
    have to have to pay insurance
    just so that when you do go to
    the office, you have to pay yet
    again. While in Israel. They,
    get free health care something
    to think about. Housing. You
    know, I’m not gonna talk much
    more about that. Food and water
    and food. We have contaminated
    food in water around the
    country, and that’s something
    that is just OK to have around.
    But in Israel. They have
    Healthy organic food. And that
    is affordable compared to here
    and I. Well. I have one last
    second all I hope for you is
    everything that has been
    happening to the Palestinians
    happened to you. Jeanette
    Valencia. Good evening and
    thank you for hearing me out. I
    know it’s been a long night. My
    name is Jeanette and I live in
    Ward one. I’m here in support
    of an immediate permanent
    ceasefire in Gaza, the level of
    casualties and scale of
    destruction in the occupied
    Gaza Strip is unprecedented.
    Brothers and sisters. We are
    all part of the human race. We
    all breathe the same air roam
    the same planet and need the
    same essentials to survive. How.
    Many more catastrophic videos
    and pictures Do we need to
    witness before we put an end to
    this genocide. I cannot fathom
    the amount of human suffering
    I’ve witnessed on my phone for
    seven months now and most of
    the time. My own brain has a
    difficult time processing what
    it has just seen. Just when I
    think I cannot get any worse,
    it does. This morning I opened
    up my phone and see that
    doctors are extracting babies
    from dead mothers in Gaza. And
    more than 300 bodies were found
    in a mass grave in Gaza,
    including Children executed
    with their hands tied behind
    their backs. Hear that again.
    Children executed with their
    hands tied. This is not
    Self-defense. It is a genocide.
    More Children were killed in
    just over three weeks in Gaza
    than in all of the world’s
    conflicts combined in each of
    the past three years, let that
    sink in. This is not a cry for
    my own suffering for what I
    witnessed. This is a
    humanitarian cry that is in
    dire need of a resolution for a
    permanent ceasefire. Please
    consider pushing immediate
    humanitarian assistance and
    establishing safe zones in the
    Gaza Strip. Safe passage of
    humanitarian aid and resuming
    access to water and electricity,
    as well as fuel for medical
    facilities in the Gaza Strip.
    We’ve all failed at life. If,
    these words remain words. This
    must end. Thank you and free
    Palestine. Joshua Compton.
    Hello. If. You, take some time
    and watch the cameras that are
    looking at Washington DC right
    now and just turn off the sound.
    You’ll notice that everyone is
    working together in a very
    bipartisan manner. They’re
    working towards genocide. And
    when you turn on the sound and
    listen to it. The quarrels are
    over one side once genocide
    quicker. The. Other side wants
    genocide quieter. But. That’s
    what they’re arguing over. I’m,
    hoping as a nonpartisan body
    here. That. We can actually say,
    maybe just maybe. Genocide is
    not good. Maybe. It’s bad and
    we shouldn’t be doing it
    because we’re participating. I
    had something else to say. But
    I’ve forgotten that. Please, uh,
    cease fire now and send in the
    eight. Thank you. Mm. Mr A.
    That’s the last one I have here
    to you more down there. Thank
    you may I just have one more
    blurry, blurry. Z. Thank you.
    I’m So. Sorry that by now you
    don’t know my name, but I’ll
    Say it again. Thank you zenith
    Sharif Belkin Ward for Good
    evening, Councilman Ryan Good
    evening the rest of the council.
    Thank you for having me up here,
    and I know it’s been a long
    evening. Been a long evening
    because there is a genocide
    happening. It’s been a long
    evening because your
    constituents need you to hear
    them. We need you to hear us.
    We’re not you heard from the
    United Nations. You heard from
    Palestinians. You’ve seen
    television. You’ve watched
    countless countless Children
    and mothers being killed. And.
    I. Guess my question is how
    many is enough? I mean, really,
    That’s what it comes down to
    right if it’s not 34,000, is it
    34 2? Is it 17,017 2 like what
    is the number? What is the
    number that is enough. At what
    point Will. We, As. Individuals
    say Enough is enough and not in
    my name. Today is is a high
    holiday for the Jewish people,
    which is why, in fact, many why
    many Jewish folks are not here
    tonight? Jewish folks who stand
    in solidarity with me and I
    know I speak on behalf of my of
    my husband, Mark Belkin, who is
    also standing in solidarity
    with us here, But they are not
    here because it’s the one of
    the highest of holidays and
    it’s a holiday of peace. It’s a
    holiday when you don’t stand
    around Watching other watching
    humanity suffer. So. I’m here
    to say if you as a body Frankly
    don’t have the courage or the
    wherewithal or the ability to
    stand up against a genocide.
    I’m gonna actually challenge
    each of you individually. Each
    of you individually will be
    hearing from either myself or
    the rest of my group, our group
    to say. Why. Won’t you stand
    individually? Against a
    genocide. I. Hope you have a
    really good evening, but it’s a
    really heavy thought that I’m
    sending you home with. I hope
    the numbers have not just been
    numbers to you. These are human
    beings so Ceasefire now. And
    free Palestine. I think Sure. I
    can Yeah. Keep going.
    Discussion up here is whether
    we now want to recess for a few
    minutes Restroom break. Do. I
    have a motion. All right. My
    first Maybe. Alright, I’ll
    motion for five minute recess.
    All right, Everybody vote five
    minute recess. From the river
    to the sea and that pass 10
    years one day the day being
    Councilor Stewart. It will be
    free from the river to the sea.
    All, right? I called back to
    order the Lakewood City Council
    meeting on Monday April 22nd at
    10:29 p.m.. Thank you everybody.
    I hope everybody had a chance
    to stretch legs and we are
    close to done. Um first one
    item we have this evening in
    general business is a our
    council request for action
    councilor over I will defer the
    microphone to you to Um, bring
    that forward as you’ve
    submitted. OK, Thank you, Mayor.
    Um OK. So. I put in a request
    for us to have a study session
    or or workshop. With, the topic
    being open meetings and open
    records laws. So the motion. Do.
    You want me to make a motion? I?
    You can explain your intention
    behind it, and you can make the
    motion if you want, OK? Um,
    yeah, Basically. We are all
    subject to these open meetings
    and open records laws. And.
    We’re pretty much just
    civilians and and, uh,
    especially as new people. Come
    on. They’re not sure what’s
    going on, and it’s confusing,
    and I think it should almost be
    a buy in not a bi annual thing,
    an annual meeting. Um so that
    we get to learn more about open
    meetings. I’ve. I’ve heard a
    lot about open meetings and
    open records. But. There’s
    still a lot more to be learned.
    Um, there’s confusion. There’s
    certain Top. Um it seems like
    the laws are such. But then
    they’re also seems like case
    studies are different. Uh and
    I’ve seen a lot of people not
    just on this council, but other
    councils and other government
    entities that are And fear of
    of three people being together.
    At any time and that’s
    definitely not a problem. I
    mean you can. We could we could
    have a party with everybody
    here and we wouldn’t have to
    call it call a meeting not have
    an official meeting and
    something like that. So. I
    think it should be. I would
    like to have this so it’s
    cleared up. Especially for the
    newer people, Uh, after you’ve
    been here while you kind of
    learn a little bit more, Um I
    wrote down. Um, I would like to
    invite an outside experts along
    with our own, um and people who
    have real world experience with
    those laws. Um, who have been
    lawyers or judges and have
    tried cases in Colorado. Or,
    someone whose area of expertise
    is open meetings and records,
    and it sounds like CML should
    have people like this that we
    can invite in. Um And. There
    might be other people. So
    that’s just wrap it up like
    that. It’s just, uh, I think
    that would benefit everybody
    here to know a little bit more
    about the open meeting laws and
    the open meeting for the open
    records laws. And. I move that
    we, um That Council schedule a
    work state work, a study
    session or a workshop with the
    topic being open meeting. And
    open records laws. It doesn’t
    sound like we have a second. Um,
    why don’t we open it up for
    discussion? Um Mayor Pro TEM is
    I Yes, Thank you, mayor. I’m
    Gonna Vote No on this. I think
    you probably could have guessed
    that, though, I. I’m feeling
    frustrated that we’re using
    this is like your personal
    research project. I would point
    you to the Eovaldi case that
    was out of our purview that for
    some of us who have school age
    Children to sit through a study
    because you were interested to
    know how the police handle
    school shootings has nothing to
    do with us. You have to own
    your learning. This is
    something that if you have
    questions about open Laws and
    the fact that you’re speaking
    on behalf of others who haven’t
    articulated this need, you know,
    At some point we’re gonna have
    to take those steps. The CML
    resources are available to
    everyone. There was a request
    that you shared today It was a
    personal research project like
    that is not the purpose of
    staff is to research things
    that you’re interested in. We
    have these, uh, immense study
    sessions with multiple topics
    and so to add something like
    this on there when this is
    something that people can
    access on their own, I think is
    not judicious with time and
    it’s not Opportunity and how
    we’re using Stas time. It’s not
    a great resource for those of
    us who have full time jobs and
    don’t enjoy the perks of being
    retired. So. I’ll be a no on
    this. Thank you. Councilor Matt
    Guerrero. I have a similar
    sentiments and I also in
    particular recognize that this
    is not something that happened
    for, um All of the folks who
    are who have more recently been
    elected, but we did, in fact,
    have AC ML training at a, um
    City council. Uh, retreat and
    annual plan a few years ago. Uh,
    that included actually
    conversations about the
    Sunshine Law and how to make
    sure that we were building that
    into how we think about leading
    and how to be really cautious
    about that, in particular in
    order to be the best possible,
    transparent yet effective
    leaders and that was actually a
    portion of that training that
    you missed. Um and so Not only
    is this something that feels
    very Searchable like something
    that you can find out that you
    can request from CML and that
    you can learn more about but it
    is also something that in
    particular I did receive a
    training on it, and you chose
    not to be there. Um, And so I
    will also be a no vote.
    Councilor low Uh, All I was
    gonna say is I. I appreciate
    the spirit in which this is
    being brought forward. Um, I’m.
    I’m not opposed to learning
    more about an issue but in this
    particular case like I think we
    have a number of different ways
    to get this information. I feel
    that in the on boarding that we
    had with city staff, this was
    covered. Um, if there are
    specific questions about open
    meetings, I mean it is a very
    complicated topic. So I. I
    fully appreciate that. May. I.
    Just respectfully suggest maybe
    we we ask our city attorney for
    some follow up information. A
    memo an email if there are
    specific questions, I mean it
    is a complicated topic. I
    wouldn’t be opposed to reading
    more about it. I just I think,
    given how crowded the calendar
    is I. I don’t think it makes
    sense to add this to our
    already very packed schedule,
    but I appreciate bringing the
    motion forward. I’m going to be
    a no vote on it. Core. So. I am
    very interested in hearing more
    about the open records open
    meetings, but I think we do
    have an expert, uh, in the city.
    I mean there are issues. I
    think that I would agree that
    it would be good to bring an
    outside person, But. I do think
    we have an expert within the
    city. Um, so whether if you’d
    like to amend it so that we
    have AAA session. That’s an
    optional, uh, workshop, uh, in
    which we can attend, uh, to
    learn more about that. Or if,
    uh, resources are made
    available, uh, so that there’s
    an outside group like CML is
    presenting something on open
    records, open meetings, uh,
    that we can attend. Uh, that’s
    made available to us. You know
    I’m always in favor if I have
    the time to be able to attend
    something like that, I just
    don’t know that I wanna bring
    in an outside person for this,
    you know, with at a retreat,
    there was a discussion about,
    uh, the Bob’s rules of order
    and having I forgot his name,
    Bob. Buddy, uh, to to come back,
    Uh, perhaps and give a more in
    depth discussion about the The
    rules, which could include open
    records, open open meetings.
    I’d be in favor of something
    like that. If there. Is that
    follow up. Uh, Councilor over
    Yeah, I. I’m really Sorry. Uh,
    that, uh It Mayor Pro TEM
    Shehzad doesn’t want to know
    what the police are going to do
    in case of a shooting. I
    certainly wanted to know. And,
    uh, As for this. I I’m Gonna, I
    already made the motion If. We.
    Don’t get a second. We. Don’t
    get a second. That’s the way it
    works around here, Um I. I did
    say, by the way that We could
    bring in an outside person to
    complement our expert. And. So?
    Yeah II. I think it if you
    wanna do it, you can do it. If.
    You don’t you don’t I’m like
    trying to help everybody here.
    I’m. Not. Really. It’s not all
    that necessary for me. I just
    see confusion. Um And Yeah.
    That’s enough really about the
    and so as for Having A lot on
    our calendar. You have to
    remember that I was on council
    last year where we canceled 10
    study sessions, So. We’re doing
    a lot more this year. That’s
    for sure. Uh, And. Maybe the
    calendar is full, but I’m still
    looking and going and we don’t
    always have something to do. So.
    Maybe here’s something that we
    could do, and we don’t have
    something else to do. That’s
    All I have to say. Thank you,
    Councilor over and thank you
    for being so considerate to
    your new counselors. I will
    also add to any of our new
    counselors. Especially that, um,
    our city attorney, Ms McKinney.
    Brown has offered to be a
    resource ongoing for one, You
    know questions that come up, um,
    as well as to sit down and and
    have a little bit more of an in
    depth conversation. And. In
    fact, the Colorado Municipal
    League conference is coming up
    in June. We’ll have a
    presentation on this exact
    topic as well. So lots of ways
    that we can learn about. That.
    Um, I’m happy to help guide
    people in the right direction.
    If, You’re looking for anything
    and, um so we’ll go ahead and
    we’ll consider that one not
    moving forward for lack of a
    second. And with that, then we
    will shift over to our ward
    meetings. Um or our ward
    reports this evening. Who would
    like to go first one or five.
    Ward one or five. Miss Glenda
    Sinks. Jump there at it. So we
    had A combined Ward Wards one
    and two meeting on Saturday
    Saturday morning and, um, it
    was very well attended, even
    though we had some snow and are
    very excellent sustainability
    manager Jonathan Wachtel
    presented and I think it was,
    um Again. Very very
    enlightening. Very good.
    However. Some attendees wished
    for more time to discuss issues
    in the community, uh, which
    would be common to North
    lakewood, and, uh, so I’ll just
    make the point that you don’t
    have to wait until Ward
    meetings to tell us your issues,
    and in fact, it’s really good
    to know the issues ahead of
    time, especially me. I. Now. I
    have a wonderful co counselor
    that she’s got it, But I, Don’t,
    and so if you will tell me
    ahead of time, what issues and
    then And besides that, I love
    agendas at meetings and so, um,
    we set the agenda and we can
    set the agenda with your issue
    on there that I’ve had time to
    completely research and, um so
    I Just. Ask for your
    understanding in the way that I
    have to work and have an agenda
    set and I know, and I’ve I know
    that I’ve prepared so, um, I
    hope that helps those that were
    disappointed and not having
    enough time to just bring up
    issues so please let me know
    issues and we can handle them
    appropriately. Um, we will be
    back in May with, um Ward one’s
    regular schedule, which is the
    first Saturday of the month and
    we will talk about the comp
    plan New comprehensive plan.
    That’s all I have. No. I’m
    sorry. I have one other thing.
    I’ll just say it. So. Um, when
    I heard, Um Councilor Olver say
    that last year we canceled 10 I
    went. Wow. How is that happened
    And, so I looked him up and
    it’s like, Oh Memorial Day is
    one of them and all of these
    holidays and so, actually, I
    said, Well. It’s really that
    they’ve never been scheduled
    when their holiday ones Labor
    Day, et cetera. They’re not
    even scheduled, but we still
    use the word canceled. And if
    we check the calendar this year,
    there’s probably also 10 or so
    that are canceled, which really
    means never really scheduled
    because their holidays, so I
    just wanted to bring that up.
    Thank you. Thank you? I Just. I
    Wanna recognize everyone that
    came out tonight and shared in
    public comment. I really
    appreciate that. Uh, you know,
    there’s some of us who’ve had
    the opportunity to connect with
    leadership in your group quite
    frequently, and I. Don’t need
    Zenne to contact me. You all
    know where I stand on this and
    so I continue to, uh, offer the
    small sphere of influence that
    I have, um, to help support
    this cause my liberation is
    tied to your liberation. I
    recognize that my identity is
    so much in this space. You all
    and so I just appreciate the
    sort of heartache that you face
    every day. My rage. Equates to
    your rage as well. And I’m
    disappointed with our
    representation in Washington,
    and I hope that these moments
    are helping them realize, uh,
    where their constituents land
    that is, you know also where I
    share my space with you. And.
    So you know, Please hear that
    from me, and I hope that we can
    continue to have these
    conversations. I recognize that
    you’re here because you’re
    screaming into a void and we’re
    a space that’s listening to you.
    And, So I appreciate that, and
    thank you. Word. Two. OK. I am
    going to start with, um A
    couple of just logistical
    updates, and then I will also
    recognize the people that have
    spent a lot of time with us
    this evening and some other
    evenings as well. Um So last
    week, I was able to go to the
    Iber annual meeting and got
    really useful. Updates from
    Iber sustainable from various,
    uh, topics that are important
    to IB, including on some of
    their thoughts on the on the
    comp plan, and the next phase
    of, um, being a part of
    committees that will get more
    in the weeds as residents of
    lakewood on our long term
    zoning planning, um, even some
    cultural levels. Uh In Lakewood,
    and so I wanna really encourage
    anybody who is interested? Um,
    it doesn’t maybe yet know how
    to apply for those things If,
    you reach out to anyone here on
    the bench, but also really
    anyone on staff. Everyone can
    direct you to how to apply to
    be on one of those committees.
    We definitely wanna see some
    good war. Two representation,
    um, to make sure that the next
    10 years of liquid grows in the
    way that we all want to see it
    happening. Um the Iber. The
    sustainable Iber neighborhood
    also is doing a lot of really
    great projects. And so now in
    Ward two, we have active,
    sustainable neighborhoods in,
    uh Morse Park iber, Uh, OK and
    then two creeks doesn’t
    technically have a separate,
    sustainable group. But they do
    a lot of sustainable work and
    are hosting a clean up as they
    do every year alongside, Um The
    City for the Colfax Marathon.
    So on May 11th, which is the
    weekend before the Colfax
    marathon you can sign up to
    help to clean up Colfax for the
    runners the next week, and it
    is a really interesting and
    strange experience. I highly
    recommend it as a way to get to
    know your city. Um, and to make
    it a little bit more beautiful.
    And then Let me. Just. Make
    sure checking notes. Oh, and,
    um, the Mint and Sara has
    reopened in their new location.
    They had their grand opening
    this weekend. I was
    unfortunately not able to
    attend either the the Joint
    board meeting in the morning or
    their grand opening, Um,
    because I had a cold this
    weekend. And in an effort to
    not spread that germ throughout
    the community. I stayed home,
    but I heard that it was a
    really great event, and I
    highly recommend that people go
    and check it out. Um and I will
    leave our next board meeting to
    Councilor cruz. Talk about I
    can talk about it. It’s May
    18th is our next word, meaning
    we’re specifically looking into
    locations because we think it’s
    going to be too big, probably
    for our normal location of the
    Clement center. So, um, this
    arm may word meeting is going
    to be a Town hall or community
    conversation. Um, alongs, uh,
    talking about public safety and
    sort of all of the aspects of
    that, so we will have some
    members of, uh police. The CAT
    team. Um And. We will really be
    looking to think about sort of
    the Upstream crime prevention
    and thinking about the quality
    of life the support for people
    that we can to help prevent
    people having to take Petty
    offenses or survival acts. Also
    thinking about like what is the
    current full strategy of our
    police force? We have a new
    chief. As of not that long ago,
    And so, um and we, of course,
    have a lot of that tension come
    up in our word meetings in our
    neighborhood association
    meetings, and I’m sure in every
    word, but in war two in
    particular, we have a really
    high percentage of the
    pressures. Um of of a city life.
    But with the infrastructure of
    lakewood and so really trying
    to think about how we are
    wrestling with, um our values
    as compassion and inclusion our
    values of public safety and how
    those things actually can work
    together. If we’re really if we
    really try, so that will be. I
    think a dynamic and interesting
    conversation but hopefully The
    first of lots of good
    conversations to come on. Like
    what that gets to look like in
    the community. So. Lastly. I do
    just wanna really acknowledge
    the people that were here today.
    Um And. I Wanna say I
    absolutely appreciate the way
    that I hear your rage and your
    anger and your frustration and
    your distrust and I also heard
    compassion and love and I wanna
    especially shout out that the
    critique of some calls for
    ceasefire being anti Semitic
    the way that you all have
    chosen to respond to that by
    being really clear that you are
    hoping for peace and for safe
    For all people in that region
    and that a ceasefire has to be
    how that happens. Um, and I
    appreciate the way that you all
    are persistent and consistent
    in the way that you keep
    showing up in lots of different
    places. I think that this is
    one of many issues as you all
    talk about that. It’s it
    doesn’t make sense for us to
    really have to address this
    here and I personally, too.
    Feel frustrated that I have to
    think about it and talk about
    it all the time in this role
    when I have lots of things.
    Want to be doing, but that is
    not a frustration. That is
    because of you. Um And that
    there are really a lot of
    Important issues. That, the
    largest amounts of progress are
    happening at the local level
    right now, and that is true for
    our local resources and
    emergency shelters. It is true
    for the way that we are feeding
    people and this is just another
    thing that people aren’t
    feeling hurt and not seeing the
    movement nationally. And I know
    that that is you coming here
    with your frustrations? I.
    Think as counselor share as I
    shared is because you were
    screaming into a void, and you
    think that we might actually be
    listening to you? And? I know I
    certainly am And so So. Thank
    you all for Your energy and
    sharing your frustration and
    continuing to care when it is
    very, very easy to stop caring.
    And I absolutely feel aligned
    with you all and continue to
    let us know and to let me know
    specifically like how I can be
    helpful in this conversation.
    Make a motion I cannot make a
    motion at this time of the
    meeting. It is not actually
    within the rules. I’m happy to
    talk to you all about this. In
    the future. But. That is not
    how this this process currently
    works. But. We can have these
    discussions. Um And. I. Also. I
    also wanna just recognize the
    way that in general on lots,
    Lots and lots of these heart
    issues. I see people who
    started coming to the City
    Council meetings on other
    issues showing up and the way
    that that intersectionality is
    so clear to me, not just on
    issues of peace. Um, I was
    raised in a household that
    believed that Calling for
    global peace was actually very
    necessary and important, and
    that is always the philosophy
    that I have had. But the
    intersection in recognizing
    that all things are local,
    because all international
    things all national things they
    are happening to us as
    individuals where we live, and
    that is just a fact that we
    have to address and deal with.
    So. I don’t have that large of
    a sphere of influence at this
    juncture, but, um, I do thank
    you all for continuing to help
    it grow. And I will pass it to
    my co counselor. Thank you? Um
    I will mirror your structure
    and do some procedural updates
    and then speak to what we’ve
    heard tonight. Um, so just to
    put a finer point on, Um
    Councilor Maya Guerrero’s point
    on the advisory groups for the
    comprehensive plan. The
    application for that was, uh,
    extended to April 25th so you
    can have a voice in shaping the
    future of housing in the
    economy. Um, quality of life
    and community and Green
    infrastructure and
    transportation. I Think I got
    those three right ish. Um so
    please, please. Um, these are
    gonna be really helpful in
    shaping the vision for what we
    want to see in our community.
    Um, Additionally, speaking of
    representation of Ward two,
    particularly because many of
    you mentioned you were in war
    two, which makes me very
    pleased. Um, we do not have
    representation on the Lakewood
    Advisory Commission. Um and we,
    um, are still waiting on and
    hoping for applications to
    represent community. Trust and
    move forward. Um Uh, from our
    our ward to compliment, um,
    very robust representation for
    Ward one and from some of the
    other wards. Uh, to, uh, to to
    inform what we’re speaking
    about. Like. We saw the
    presentation earlier, so I
    would encourage you all to
    apply. Um, that will be on
    lakewood dot org. Um So. Yeah
    and I. Think speaking to events
    we attended last week, I was
    really honored to be a Panelist
    at, uh, the what? What is
    called A Passage at the Jeffco
    Open school. Um, so that is
    that’s at our, um, that’s in
    War two. But. It’s a resource
    and a kind of a choice of of a
    school for people across
    Jefferson County, Um, and
    instead of some of the testing
    kind of regime, a lot of us are
    used to, um, they do these
    projects. Um And so I had the
    pleasure of, um, walking around
    with a student who showed me
    the school taught me about the,
    um, model, um, and spoke in her
    project. Um, kind of about her
    learnings on missing and
    murdered indigenous women, um
    in our country, and she said, I
    recognize you, isabel and I
    said how I’ve never seen you
    before I was at a City council
    meeting asking you for a cease
    fire several months ago, and I
    in the in that room, there were
    other student Who were there
    who recognized me in that
    capacity, too, and asked me why
    we hadn’t done anything. And so
    I just want to recognize that
    our young people in our schools
    are watching us and I know, and
    I’ll be honest, right? Not all
    of the the outreach that I’ve
    gotten from constituents is is
    positive on this issue, right?
    Um not all people want us to do
    this. We can be honest about
    that. But that moment of the
    one City council meeting that
    people go to school a couple of
    blocks away from me was on this
    topic. Um, I. Think really
    highlights a lot of the themes
    that you all spoke to tonight
    and really, um, does connect
    for me my role in this local
    capacity in which I have a very
    limited sphere of influence, um,
    to these larger themes that you
    were speaking to and I, I do
    want to reaffirm right which I
    know some people brought up
    that tonight is a is a very
    high holy day, um, for our
    Jewish residents and Folks who
    are, um, observing this and so
    I do want to wish a blessed and
    meaningful Passover to folks.
    Um, and recognize that that for
    a lot of the the Jewish people
    in my life today is is really
    bittersweet, right? Because of
    what this holiday means for,
    folks. Um, and that this is yet
    another holiday on the heels of
    Easter. Just a couple weeks ago,
    Ramadan and just a couple weeks
    ago, um, where the Israeli and
    Palestinian hostages are not
    with their families. To
    celebrate where people in Gaza
    are subject to deplorable
    violence, horrendous living
    conditions watching their homes
    and communities get destroyed
    and seeing their neighbors,
    including over 14,000, Children
    and counting die in front of
    them. This is another holy day
    where members of our community
    Remind us that even though this
    conflict may feel far away for
    some our fates across the globe
    are connected. And. So, the
    student, um, whose passage I
    was kind of listening to you. I
    quoted Dr. Angela Davis in her,
    uh, her presentation, So I will
    quote Doctor, Angela Davis and
    saying our history is never
    unfold in isolation. We cannot
    truly tell what we consider to
    be our own histories without
    knowing the other stories and
    often when we discover that
    those stories are actually Our
    own stories, So. Thank you for
    bringing your stories and those
    of our siblings across the
    world to focus to focus to shed
    light on how the tragedy
    unfolding every day in Gaza is
    deeply connected to our lives
    here in lakewood, our federal
    government’s choice to value
    international war and weapons
    over funding to solutions that
    we see here every day and are
    trying to tackle as a city
    council like homelessness and
    lack of affordable housing,
    food insecurity, inequitable
    access to health care. That’s
    my other job. Um, and, uh, so
    much more makes us all
    complicit. As was mentioned in
    the harms perpetrated by the
    Israeli government and prevent
    us from meeting our community’s
    needs. I have been publicly um,
    standing as an individual and
    calling for a bilateral and
    permanent ceasefire as again
    for months, and many of our
    federal representatives have
    come to that table, too,
    including the president and the
    vice president, but notably,
    not the majority of our
    congressional delegation and
    not our own represent. Live
    here in Lakewood. Um So it
    again. It pains me that with
    the limited power I have as a
    member of this body that we
    have not done more to listen to
    all of you and send this
    message more formally, but I do
    commit to continuing to listen
    to being here to listen to your
    voices and to push on our
    federal government by our
    federal delegation to listen to
    you at and to us as their
    constituents and do everything
    in their power to end this
    suffering ensure humanitarian
    aid can enter Gaza redirect our
    precious tax dollars to so Most
    pressing problems and pave the
    path forward towards a free
    Palestine. 43 Well. Good
    evening, I will do the same
    thing. Then, um We have a ward
    three breakfast coming up this
    week on Thursday, as I’m like
    thinking through this at 11
    p.m. making sure I get the time,
    right? Uh, we will be having
    breakfast at sunrise Sunset.
    8:30 a.m. Thank you 830 to 9:30
    A.m. for our ward Three
    residents. Uh, we’re doing a
    rotation where we have kind of
    a more town hall style meeting,
    Uh, a breakfast and then office
    hours just because different
    times and different formats
    work for different people, and
    we wanna hear from as many of
    our constituents in Ward three
    as possible. So, counselor Lo
    and I will be, uh, doing that
    this week and Would love to see
    folks there for Eggs and
    pancakes or whatever, Um
    they’re very accommodating. Um
    the other thing that I just
    want to flag is that the 25th,
    which is this Thursday is also
    the deadline to fill out the
    community survey that the
    budget and audit board has put
    together Anna’s working with a
    firm to put out into the
    community. This is an
    incredibly important piece of
    understanding what the prior
    That are community has for the
    way that we spend our dollars
    as well as, uh, our future
    funding and our revenue sources
    and the sustainability of that
    as a city. So if you have not
    filled that out, as, um,
    somebody who cares about how we
    spend our money and what our
    priorities are in lakewood. I
    would really, really urge you
    to. It’s going to be incredibly
    instrumental in helping us kind
    of shape. What the Future, Uh,
    funding and and our funding
    priorities in like what are
    going to look like? So? Um, you
    can go to a lakewood dot org
    backslash funding survey. Uh, I
    believe there are a couple of
    different ways to find it. You
    can also go to lakewood
    together.org. It’s one of the
    first hyperlinks on there, So,
    please, Please do engage, Um
    You know? This is gonna
    potentially shape You know
    whether or not we have an
    affordable housing fund in
    lakewood and our long term,
    sustainable funding for things
    like our navigation Center,
    which I know we all care very
    deeply about our investments in
    sustainable infrastructure like
    we talked about tonight and
    sustainability and equitable
    access, um to all of the spaces
    in our community that you know,
    I know, we all care about the
    future of this community and I
    think There’s actually somebody
    in this room who, uh, is a dear
    friend of mine. Who said that,
    um One thing they appreciate
    about me is that even if we
    don’t always totally agree that
    I’m I’m honest, So. I’m gonna
    do that. I think these Issues
    that we just spoke about and
    and heard about tonight. You
    know around sustainability
    around serving our, um folks in
    our community who are unhoused
    and making sure that people
    have access, um to housing,
    which is a human, right? Um are
    are the things That and the
    places where the 11 of us up
    here working together can and
    have already had an incredibly
    significant direct impact on
    our community. Um and Quite,
    frankly, are the things that as
    a body I do believe should
    continue to be our focus as a
    body. I’m not speaking to our
    individual capacities as people
    who are elected with power and
    spirits of influence. Um So in
    that regard, though, I’m going
    to take this moment to say
    Thank you all for coming. I
    know that it’s Incredibly
    frustrating to feel like the
    people who can do something or
    not listening. And This
    humanitarian crisis is
    incredibly dire and I am up
    here today, urging our federal
    government to do absolutely
    everything in our power to
    ensure that aid is getting to
    the people who desperately need
    it and that we are working
    towards peace, which everybody
    deserves, especially right now
    in this region. Um I know. I
    know. And I am going to
    continue to commit to use the
    small sphere of influence that
    I do have to Make sure that our
    elected officials who do who do
    have the power to do something
    or hearing what our community
    is saying. I’ve been I have
    been doing that I committed to
    doing that months ago. And. I
    just wanna make sure that
    everybody up here knows that. I
    believe very deeply that
    everyone deserves to be heard.
    So I’m gonna continue to make
    sure that that happens. Um, I.
    Just. Wanna, Uh, logistics.
    First. I. Wanna Second one
    councilor, Um Stewart said
    about, um The war three meeting
    coming up this Thursday We hope
    you come 830 at sunrise Sunset
    1424 South Wadsworth, Um and
    I’ll second, her plug as well
    to weigh in on the budget and
    audit board process we really
    need as much feedback from
    across Lakewood and or three
    and the rest of the city as
    possible. You know? With, your
    indulgence. I This is a A tough
    enough issue that I actually
    took the liberty of of drafting
    some thoughts. Earlier, um, and
    over the last few days just to
    kind of sort my own thoughts
    out because I I, Frankly just
    don’t trust myself to get this
    quite right on the fly at 11
    p.m. So bear with me here. So.
    Far I have declined to speak
    publicly on the ongoing Gaza
    conflict for a few reasons.
    First with council facing many
    urgent and regional issues, it
    does not make sense for us to
    act where we have no authority,
    jurisdiction or agency. We’ve
    also seen an alarming rise in
    documented anti-semitic
    incidents over the past year
    nationally and in Colorado,
    I’ve spoken to Jewish friends
    and community leaders about
    this. They do not have
    monolithic views, but some have
    expressed heartfelt concern
    that public criticism of Israel
    platforms and fuels that anti
    Semitism I take those worries
    extraordinarily seriously.
    Further. I worry that enshrine
    tonight to acknowledge
    injustice. I will inadvertently
    exacerbate trauma elsewhere.
    That that is the maddeningly
    zero sum calculus of hurt anger
    and pain swirling around this
    issue in our communities.
    Having said. All of that we
    have heard repeatedly from
    passionate activists from all
    of you here tonight. Um, some
    of them from lakewood, who have
    asked us to speak out, and I
    really did listen
    extraordinarily carefully to
    each and every word that you
    said tonight. The situation in
    Gaza has reached a point where
    I personally believe, saying
    nothing in response is
    increasingly problematic for
    all the reasons that you
    eloquently articulated So,
    having been asked repeatedly
    for my two cents here is what I
    believe First. Hamas is a
    terrorist organization in a
    region with a complicated and
    long history. Nothing can
    justify the horrific rapes and
    murders of civilians, women and
    Children that Hamas per
    perpetrated on October 7th.
    Hamas deliberately triggered
    the current conflict. I call
    for Hamas to immediately return
    all remaining hostages safely.
    Having said that second The
    violence. The Netanyahu
    government has unleashed in
    response has been horrifyingly
    disproportionate. The. Precise
    counts are hard to verify aid a
    chaotic war. Tens of thousands
    of Gaza civilians have died as
    a direct result of the
    Netanyahu war cabinets
    bombardment. Many are innocent
    Children as we have heard
    tonight, many more civilians
    have been badly injured. The
    Netanyahu government and its
    agents have also deliberately
    intercepted and blocked food,
    humanitarian aid and medical
    supplies at the Gaza border as
    a direct result, as many as 1.1
    million Palestinian civilians
    face catastrophic food
    insecurity. Children have died
    in agony undergoing surgeries
    without anesthesia. This is
    sickening. I. Think about how I
    would feel if my family were in
    Gaza right now. It has to stop.
    There is no justification for
    the horrors that the Netanyahu
    government has unleashed on the
    people of Gaza. We do need a
    ceasefire. We need a permanent
    ceasefire and we need it now.
    President Biden said this in
    the state of the union and I
    was glad he did, but I will go
    further. In my opinion, it is
    time for President Biden and
    our Congress to deliver a clear
    ultimatum to Netanyahu’s
    government, making clear that
    if critical food and medical
    supplies continue to be
    intercepted, or if the
    Netanyahu government continues
    mass attacks on civilians or
    attacks Rafah the US will cease
    aid and support for any Israeli
    offensive weaponry until the
    situation changes
    satisfactorily. I also join
    Senate Majority leader Schumer,
    the highest ranking Jewish
    official in the US government
    in denouncing Prime Minister
    Netanyahu as a barrier to peace
    and then calling for new
    elections, hoping Israeli
    voters will choose less cynical,
    less destructive leadership. In
    truth, the Netanyahu government
    and Hamas are both fundamental
    barriers to peace. Turning to
    closer to home. I. I do wanna
    note again. The recent spike in
    anti Semitic incidents and
    acknowledge the enduring
    Islamophobia. So. Many of our
    Muslim and Arabic neighbors
    face In speaking about this
    tragedy, I think we have to do
    better to avoid racist,
    xenophobic or anti Semitic
    rhetoric and treat our
    neighbors of all faiths and
    creeds with respect and
    compassion. As. It happens as
    we already heard. Our Jewish
    neighbors are celebrating
    Passover this week. As a result.
    I am honestly concerned that
    some Jewish residents of
    Lakewood may not have been able
    to speak this evening on this
    important topic. I will soon
    release a written version of
    the statement out of respect
    for those neighbors. I will
    wait until the end of the
    celebration of Passover to do
    so. Finally while acknowledging
    the gravity of the situation. I
    note again that this city
    Council, this body does not
    have a foreign policy role, and
    rightly so, having taken a few
    minutes to clarify where I
    stand this evening. I’m not
    planning to address this topic
    again as a lakewood City
    councilor. We need to leave
    foreign policy to our president
    or Congress and focus on all
    the important work that some of
    my other co counselors have
    already referenced and that
    lakewood elected us to
    prioritize. I Really do thank
    you for your passion. Your
    activism. I know this is some
    of what I said is probably
    disappointing. Um, thank you
    for being here and thank you
    for your passion and your work.
    Word for Thank you, mayor. Uh,
    uh, first. The Counselor sinks.
    I’ll send you a I’ll email you
    the list of all the times the
    10 and yes, there are others. I.
    Actually, I. Actually, I went
    through. I went down that list
    One time in council I. I read
    off all the dates. Uh so I have
    a list and I. I can’t find it
    right now, but there was like
    five other days. With holidays
    additional days and so it felt
    like we were meeting like once
    a month for a long time, and
    and you’ll probably get that
    feeling around in the summer
    and then around the holidays,
    and it just it’s just we didn’t
    seem to be doing much. And so
    that was part of my thinking on
    the The motion tonight is like,
    well, there’s always something
    out there. We can do it and and
    some of the, uh you know, they
    were not canceled the day
    before they just would never
    scheduled. And, So we’re
    supposed to have a study
    session twice a month or
    workshop or something, and they
    just were not scheduled. OK so
    turning to our people who came
    in tonight? Uh, isn’t it great
    that we can do this? You know
    where you can come in and speak
    and I can I can take the other
    side and and and we have a
    conversation. And. Um, I think
    you know That’s one of the
    Advantages of of living in
    America. And, uh, No, you
    already did. You already did,
    uh, you can come back in some
    other time and respond. Um, now
    here’s the problem. And what
    you’re doing wrong. I have to
    give you some advice the the
    from from the river to the sea.
    You said that many times.
    Callie. You, have it on your T
    shirt. Collie. Yeah. I already
    showed you so any rate. OK, so
    you want to keep arguing here?
    Is that what you want, or you
    gonna listen. Mayor for mayor.
    I make a motion to adjourn. Do.
    I have a second Second. We’re
    done with you, Councilor over.
    Yeah. You guys. Well, you know,
    my Harvard one in this horrible
    time, I have been more that
    We’re open for a vote to
    adjourn. Councilors adjourn.
    $550 So. If. You can buy the
    marrow. That passes, six yeses
    and five Nos Yeah, thanks. Mine.

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