4-23-24 Part 2 RFK Jr.’s blockchain budget plan

    now it’s red ey radio Gary mcamera and
    Eric Harley talk about everything from
    politics to social issues and news of
    the day whether you’re up late or you’re
    just starting your day welcome to the
    show from the Uniden America studios
    this is red eye radio all across America
    we are red ey radio he is Eric Hardley
    and I’m Gary mnam and we’re everywhere
    around the world too
    online all right so just I I I like to
    be a helper I like to help people out
    and I know it’s tough if you do uh
    Sports uh you know Sports Talk or music
    talk you know because the you know the
    the the debates can get the debates on
    things that aren’t really important can
    sometimes get over the top and I
    mentioned before the whole Taylor Swift
    stuff and on Sports a bunch of different
    stuff out there which is at times is
    like okay please stop it but I have
    another one the ESPN liberal host for
    example can use this Jamal uh Hill she
    can use this I did some
    figuring now Scott Scott sheffler Scotty
    Sheffer uh won the golf tournament in
    South Carolina yesterday won the master
    last week he’s won four out of his F
    five uh last tournaments
    caddy as of yesterday now I’m rounding
    this off his
    caddy remember Nunan from catty Shack
    his caddy well it’s not really Nan from
    CAD Shack no it’s not it’s not Michael
    O’Keefe that’s
    not his caddy and we’re not even through
    half the year mhm we’ve only played one
    major has w won
    million and I say one because he’s part
    of the team of Scotty Sheffer so right
    right and chear says my team yes we
    we’ve succeeded 1.8
    million Caitlyn Clark only
    $76,000 a caddy has
    made 24 times
    more than WNBA player
    discuss i’ love to be I think it’s time
    I think it’s time that
    uh radio people make as much as anyone
    actually we can do that next time you
    for for our next contract talks get our
    agent look maybe you can go to the
    management and say these guys should
    make make more than a
    caddy right you can’t have
    that could we please raise our salary to
    that of a WNBA
    player please
    please well well they said please so
    they use the magic word I can see I’m
    going to get an email you guys only make
    $76,000 I wish
    if you combine
    it if you combine over a period of years
    yes over a period of a decade possibly I
    just signed a
    $76,000 contract why do you why do you
    think our number one topic is inflation
    exactly you’re killing me that guy’s
    going to call us up again and go you
    guys stop it you’re billionaires
    remember that guy that said Yeah we
    actually got a call a couple years ago
    you guys are
    billionaires yeah you know what there’s
    leeway if you want to make you know
    lifetime Savings of somebody who’s our
    age I’m not referring to ourselves but
    you could you know say millionaires from
    a million in total assets on up above
    but a billion
    billionaire yeah
    uh if I were work till I’m
    978 somewhere in there I work I get I
    finally get that big WNBA race then I
    may be a millionaire then I might over a
    period of
    Lifetime uh yeah yeah the whole
    billionaire thing was like all right
    yeah yeaha and the guy was serious that
    was the the thing he wasn’t joking he
    was like right
    now he’s horrible at math but he he was
    serious he uh he now works for the
    treasury Department he’s the head of
    calculating the debt right he’s the one
    that came up with the whole transient
    transitory transitory the the three
    different levels of inflation I thought
    my career was going to be
    transitory I thought I’d have a job by
    now mine was yeah as our friend Richard
    came up with with the
    three three classifications of inflation
    mhm well they came up with the first one
    transitory and then he came up with
    perator MH and then his latest
    suppository yeah which is
    true I’m not going to say that’s exactly
    what it feels like but that’s exactly
    what it feels
    like all right speaking to
    billionaires this is what’s going to
    happen I mean what’s seriously what’s
    going to happen to the Ivy League
    colleges Eric they can’t change what
    they are can they no no no what I mean
    what does
    happen you know it’s not like uh this
    semester is going to
    end and then all of a sudden you know
    the summer goes by and we come back in
    the fall and everything’s just hunky
    dory no no no no this is this just this
    cultural deeply embedded into the
    culture of these campuses
    and I don’t see any reversal in our
    lifetime now it may be the case that
    fewer people go there and they’re
    scrambling for money but tell me what
    liberal Administration or liberal
    Congress wouldn’t want to you know hand
    out more money I mean this is exactly
    what they’re doing now
    so well you have billionaire donors like
    Robert Craft owner of the New England
    Patriots and Leon cooperman who are
    weighing their support for Columbia
    University friction at Columbia has
    escalated in recent days amid reports of
    anti-Semitic speech on and around campus
    not just anti-semitic speech
    pro-terrorist speech where students have
    set up a 10 encampment to protest uh
    Israel craft who was donated Millions to
    the school condemn the protest on Monday
    after uh hours after the Colombia
    president announced the classes would be
    held virtually to
    deescalate uh the uh situation on the
    campus quote I am not comfortable
    supporting the university until
    corrective action is taken craft said in
    a statement is my hope that Colombia and
    its leadership will stand up to This
    Hate by ending these protests
    immediately and will work to earn back
    the respect and Trust of the of the many
    of us who have lost faith in the
    now that’s why I asked the question well
    doesn’t matter if they clear the campus
    they’re not going to stop with it we we
    have said and thanks to somebody who
    showed an example of Dei being sued uh
    and and said you guys have talked about
    this yeah I mean Dei will eventually be
    gone because of lawsuits right the
    philosophy will still still exist I
    believe on the college campuses but the
    practice of Dei in its form of teaching
    critical race Theory and or which is
    again the part of critical race theory
    that whites are culturally racist to the
    point where it might as well be in their
    DNA and all Society must be structured
    that way you won’t be able to actually
    use that as a policy Andor teach or
    teach that or make it you know something
    that is required that an employee must
    with but it’s going to be gone from
    practice because of lawsuits it it will
    federal law is clear on that it will I
    have no doubt that it will survive and
    and move on as a part of what it’s
    always been and that is indoctrination
    you know the the The
    Unofficial um part of it where it
    doesn’t come with any level of
    enforcement it it’s it is more of okay
    we’ll just teach this to be the fact
    yeah and we don’t we don’t need to do
    anything in terms of um any kind of uh
    uh direct policy we’ll just teach it as
    if it’s you know sky is blue grass is
    green by the way if if it is still the
    case that the sky identifies as blue and
    the grass still identifies as green and
    so it’s going to survive in
    Academia but you see I mean there’s
    already I reading a story yesterday more
    young people turning to tools and not uh
    College we’ve already seen a reduction
    in the enrollment of many colleges today
    but you just
    wonder it’s the same thing with the uh
    radical transgender movement you know
    it’s the uh it’s out there now and now
    that it’s out there it’s not going to go
    away it may be suppressed in popular
    culture because our popular culture
    rejects it because of its
    misogyny but it’s still going to be
    there these Concepts yeah that the left
    Embraces is not going away and so you
    ask what happens to these Ivy League
    schools what happens we’ve stated this
    about the Democratic party how does the
    Democratic party eventually change they
    can’t go on with what they’re preaching
    I thought they would make a turn in
    2018 I was wrong completely they have
    doubled down they’ve quadrupled down
    they have become so much more radical
    than they even were in 2018 I mean
    promoting Concepts that are not based in
    any type of critical thinking or truth
    it’s just it’s pretty
    mindboggling where they have gone and uh
    gotten the mainstream media to a agree
    with the agenda colleges to agree with
    the agenda corporations to agree with
    the agenda now the backlash is coming in
    the form of lawsuits there’s always es
    and flows in a free
    Society but you just wonder where it is
    going to be where the where the
    Democratic party is going to go how do
    they change how do they revert back you
    and I have mentioned the right to share
    an article and then the article in the
    hill.com from Douglas shown where they
    said their advice to the Democratic
    party you know they may say it you know
    it doesn’t go this far but it was
    communicated to me they need to become
    magga yeah right when Douglas Shon wrote
    in the
    hill.com oh I think it was Douglas Shon
    I forgot which one it was that that came
    out and said that the Democratic party
    has to promote secure borders a wall
    right or or more barriers you and I
    looked at each other and went okay we
    are on drugs somebody is slipping us
    something because this cannot be coming
    from any Democrat analyst that the
    Democratic party needs to endorse a
    wall yeah and that was just part of it
    that they were talking about you know
    the identity politics has to go away but
    the whole party is built on victim and
    oppressor yep yep and so victims are
    labeled and the oppressors are all
    labeled there are no individuals that
    they wish to exist inside there there
    are simply individuals that agree that
    you judge all
    groups uh you you stereotype all groups
    you don’t judge a person individually
    how do they go against that how do they
    completely reverse it and say we’re
    going to be the party that promotes
    individualism and autonomy
    I don’t see any way of again turning
    around because what happens inevitably
    if there’s any dissent at all within the
    ranks because that’s where the
    turnaround would have to start well that
    person or persons are singled out and
    they’re they are severed from the entire
    movement and then they’re targeted
    you that’s the way these individuals act
    this is how they
    behave and we’re seeing it right now
    well you’re seeing it with so many
    Democrats trying to play both
    sides of well we need to listen to the T
    side that’s Pro terrorist they have a
    you know they’ve got a point no they
    don’t no and this is where they’ve
    reached the
    point of not being able to convince the
    public so they try to play both sides of
    it but that’s not going to work that’s
    not going to work for
    them because you see the sympathies for
    example Colombia and the president was
    trying to say you know they’re moving
    away with it you know we’re we’re going
    to really clamp down and they didn’t
    clamp down no no then they regretted
    clamping down and it’s like okay no now
    we need to allow them to be
    free because this is about Free Speech
    think about how saw an article that said
    you know 40 years ago death to America
    was said not in the United
    States right it was said in Iranian
    protests right and then we saw it around
    the world death to America now it’s
    right in the heart of the United States
    right death to America has now become a
    rallying Cry of a significant portion of
    people on the left in this country right
    anti-Semitism has been embraced by a
    significant portion of the Democrat
    party including the the Biden
    Administration and they need they look
    they’ve signaled now officially they’ve
    said it they need that vote they want
    that vote they’ve got to have they need
    the terrorist vote they need the
    vote in order to win the election by
    what they’re saying and by their
    behavior in the past it would be the
    media calling on them to
    disavow no yeah
    and it’s not the radicals endorsing
    Biden it’s Biden the candidate endorsing
    the rad endorsing the radicals
    yep and that’s why this election is so
    hard to figure
    out because so many things have changed
    you you know you said it
    earlier I don’t want to put words into
    your mouth I so I don’t even want to
    paraphrase you I want you to say it when
    you were talking talking about we’re
    talking about people out there that
    they’re they’re sort of stunned because
    they you didn’t use the word stunned
    they’re just sort of in a fog because
    they sort of can’t believe everything
    that they see every day right no I I
    think they are and I’m not I I can’t
    remember how I phrased it earlier but I
    think there’s a significant number of
    people and we can we can expand on this
    uh here after the break but there’s a
    significant number of people out there
    that look at this and they’re wondering
    what the world is going on but if you if
    you’re one of these standby people and
    you’re just watching it and you’ve
    tolerated the extremism up until now
    well there is no more of that because if
    the longer you stand by and do nothing
    about it and keep voting for the same
    side that is now endorsing this radical
    Behavior the more you’re a part of it
    86690 red ey this morning’s USDA farm
    Report is brought to you by house
    products tested trusted guaranteed since
    1920 despite some spring storms over
    some Midwest growing areas soils remain
    fairly dry and warm and that combined
    with warm spring weather has led to
    fairly rapid planting and emergence
    progress as well as winter grain
    development USDA meteorologist Brad
    Rippy says just about any way you look
    at it this has been a fastpaced planting
    season no doubt yeah you look at the big
    picture just about everything is is
    going into the ground ahead of average
    with a few exceptions we see emergence
    pretty much at or ahead of schedule and
    that is again a consistent message
    across the country perfect example corn
    planting we saw a doubling of the corn
    planting progress for the week ending
    April 21st from 6% a week ago to 12% on
    April 21st that remains ahead of the
    five-year average pace of 10% also
    soybean planting at 8% is twice what it
    was a year ago Crawford reporting for
    the US Department of Agriculture this
    report brought to you by senx fuels and
    Loops coming up more with Gary mcamera
    and Eric Harley it’s red ey radio
    it’s TR radio he’s Z Cary and I’m G
    mcnamer why it’s always important to
    have a follow-up question uh to
    the to the Press Department of the White
    House give you an example of what
    happened yesterday and it was uh pretty
    interesting and uh also uh NYU
    University just looking at this headline
    here Eric from Fox News NYU requested
    NYPD to gain control of disorderly and
    anti-israel protest did not need to lead
    to this just wonder how far it’s going
    to be expanding here over the next few
    days we’ll tell you why we believe
    there’s a good chance that we’ll expand
    you’re listening to Redeye radio from
    the Uniden America
    studios it’s Fred radio he’s Carly and
    I’m Gary magar now what did you say
    Kennedy is doing Robert Kennedy J it
    says I’m going to put the entire us
    Budget on
    blockchain which is basically kind of
    this transparent Ledger kind of thing
    for the entire budget yeah no you’re not
    number one you won’t be president number
    two that’s not going to happen but it’s
    it’s an it’s an attempt to appeal to the
    crypto crowd and to sound
    hip let’s just
    stop well it does sound better than I
    will put Social Security in a lock box
    mhm yeah remember that yeah when Forest
    Gump was running
    I remember that I may not be a smart man
    but I know what Social Security abuse
    is uh yeah it’s you know it’s a sad it
    really is a sad attempt at trying to
    seem hip and and but that’s who he’s
    trying to go for you know all these
    people that are going I’m not voting for
    that guy or that guy I’m voting for
    RFK Junior and then they you know go on
    to tell you how much of a conservative
    they are and how would putting the
    budget on
    blockchain blockchain yeah uh solve
    anything it wouldn’t because you would
    assume people even if you could do it
    you can’t even if you could do it you
    know people would have essentially have
    access and see where the money is
    going you’re well you’re acting as if
    people would be interested in seeing
    where the money is going we can see this
    through our elected representatives and
    nobody’s looking nobody cares right now
    what what would what would change about
    the caring of it I I know where it’s
    going now it doesn’t take that long to
    figure it out right if you’re interested
    it’s right this isn’t like it’s a
    mystery no you know the the the budget’s
    out there all the time we know how much
    we spend on what so right uh I don’t
    know okay I I well you know that’s
    that’s the other thing too if you you
    wanted to get into the minutia of all
    right this is I mean
    again this silly conversation about
    something that’s not going to happen but
    if you wanted to get into a a a
    blockchain type of Ledger system for the
    budget then you start breaking it down
    to me actually I think a lot of liberals
    would love that you know why because you
    get into the minutia of things and then
    people would really lose interest not
    that they have interest now but you can
    say we spend this much on military
    spending well you break that down in
    blockchain fashion and it’s like we
    spent $126 on this Hammer at Shepard Air
    Force Base in Texas we spent $940 and
    then it’s like what huh what I’m out
    when you when you put the budget stuff
    out there like Congress does and you go
    back and you do the back and
    forth and they say okay not that they’re
    spending the way that I want them to
    spend but there are only a handful of us
    conservatives that are really concerned
    about the whole uh fiscal mess that
    we’re in right now and the lack of
    responsibility um so so there’s the
    other thing you know that that that’s
    the biggest whole part of it but we can
    see it we we are watching it that’s why
    it’s a huge concern to
    us he’s pretending like it’s a concern
    to other people and I don’t know if he’s
    to gain some street cred from uh I don’t
    the crypto conservatives I don’t know
    who that would be that he’s trying to
    the crypto conser I like that crypto
    crypto conservative the name of my next
    band and and so I I don’t know who he’s
    trying to gain favor with but the fact
    of the matter is is that you’re you’re
    saying well we should put it out there
    it’s already out there all right I want
    to see if I see that anywhere some said
    I got Kennedy because of he’s putting it
    in a lock box or not a lock box
    blockchain yeah blockchain
    yeah sorry I’m going back to gore
    yeah the thing is anybody who is
    interested anybody who is criticizing
    the debt situation in this country that
    actually cares know knows where the
    money is going well okay I I I I have in
    fact I have one number that proves that
    okay that that that this doesn’t go
    anywhere with the overwhelming majority
    of Americans and that number would be 33
    trillion thought it’s
    34 hold on that was at the beginning of
    the show okay
    trillion we don’t care
    no I mean our audience does we do but
    we’re we’re a small small part of it
    when we looked at that latest poll that
    came out that showed only 2% if you talk
    about the top problem 2% say the federal
    debt yet you have when on on the economy
    and inflation
    25% which means people are concerned
    about inflation where do you think
    inflation is coming from right the
    spending and the debt right so there is
    more of a realization of it but not
    enough a realization of it that you know
    we still because we still want to spend
    well we can still afford to do that well
    everything that you’ve felt in inflation
    is directly because of that
    what I made the joke that it was yeah it
    was 34 trillion when the show started
    it’s a 34.5 trillion no no okay all
    right I want to play this audio because
    last night we played the only clip I had
    was the first question this was when
    uh uh and I’m playing this for a reason
    uh this is where Pete Ducey uh asked
    green John Pierre why is President Biden
    saying that his uncle bossy was eaten by
    cannibals and she goes into a long
    explanation he did have a follow-up
    question we did ask that yesterday what
    was a follow-up or was there a follow-up
    there was and it shows you the value of
    a followup with the incompetent people
    in the white house because she’s not
    even prepared to to answer the first
    question you make a followup and she
    proceeds to lie yeah right and that’s
    what you wish to do that’s how you shake
    them up but uh here it is when Pete duy
    asked the question a couple of days ago
    here we go why is President Biden saying
    that his uncle boie was eaten by
    cannibals so you know I I I answered
    this question yesterday um I believe
    I’ve seen some clips on your on your
    network about me answering this question
    I don’t have much to say uh beyond what
    I said to some of your colleagues uh
    look I was there I think you traveled
    with us too to Pennsylvania I’m not sure
    if you were there at the memorial uh in
    um in Scranton the president had a
    emotional and um I think a symbolic
    moment he had an opportunity as
    president uh to honor his uncle service
    in uniform he had an opportunity uh to
    be there at president uh to to you know
    to speak to The Bravery of his uncle and
    not just his uncle but many US service
    members that put their lives on the line
    on behalf of this country so his uncle
    who lost his life when the military
    aircraft he was on crashed in the
    Pacific after taking off near New Guinea
    the pr the president highlighted his
    uncle’s story as he made the case for
    honoring our sacred commitment to equip
    those We Stand we sent to war and take
    care of them and their families when
    they come home and as he iterated the
    last thing American veterans are or the
    last thing Americans are should be
    called are suckers and losers and uh and
    that is those types of words should not
    come from a commanderin-chief as we have
    in the past and we should actually be
    lifting up our American veterans and
    honoring them and that’s okay that was
    the follow-up question right because he
    asked that question twice that was the
    follow-up and you saw where she said
    suckers and losers he got her to lie by
    asking the follow that was the followup
    right okay cuz he asked the initial one
    then he asked the same question again
    well why did he you know and that was a
    follow-up and she used the suckers and
    losers that never happened nope never
    happened it was a lie when Biden said it
    the other day it was a lie when they
    first said it it was a lie when he said
    it the other day it was a lie when she
    and yet you know you can still get away
    with the you the mass of
    lies and and you have to ask yourself
    why why do you have to lie about those
    things BEC because on the issues you
    can’t beat them you can’t beat your
    opponent on the issues well you also
    don’t have any record of him actually
    saying anything blatantly racist right
    well so you Charlottesville yeah the
    Charlottesville and well the
    Charlottesville for the race racist and
    and you and the soldiers you’re trying
    to make Biden seem like he’s the Patriot
    and Trump is not by stating something
    that Trump Never Said So patriotism and
    racism they’re trying to
    get the lead they’re never Biden’s never
    going to get the lead on that but that’s
    their attempt that’s their weak attempt
    yeah to up the president on racism and
    say the you know that uh that Trump is
    the racist and Trump is the one that
    hates the troops so if you’re keeping
    score the guy who endorses the death to
    America crowd is the Patriotic
    one that’s what they want you to
    believe and that’s where we are I
    mean I’m always curious to see what the
    results of any election cycle
    are but my
    goh November 5th of this year November
    6th of next year when they finally get
    all the results
    in I can’t I can’t wait to see where we
    are because it is a
    Crossroads either nothing much changes
    politically in how people vote which
    means it is absolutely cart blanch for
    the left to keep doing everything and
    more or we put a stop to this madness
    with a massive massive massive massive
    message politically and that would be a
    significant win for Trump uh Landslide
    not I don’t know how it’s going to go
    it’s it’s going to be if it’s close even
    and Trump EES out a win the left will
    take that as okay we almost won and
    we’re going to keep doing what we’re
    doing the polls do not
    show I mean that some of the you the the
    overall polls you see movement in some
    demographics M but you don’t see a
    landslide of Americans rejecting what’s
    coming from the left yet right not in
    the it might be there and maybe the
    election in November will be it but you
    don’t see it yet there are tons of
    Americans that endorse the left in this
    country that Endor they may be Qui
    but they endorse what’s going on they
    endorse the anti-Semitism they endorse
    the pro-terrorist message of the
    Democrat Party now it hasn’t changed how
    they will vote according to the polls
    yet will it all the insanity that we see
    you know they say people say well we
    care about the debt then you ask them
    well the level of importance not big but
    inflation is yeah but the debts the debt
    is what caus the inflation the spending
    which causes the debt is the reason we
    have the inflation today end of story
    every major problem we have is because
    of the democratic party in control on
    the federal level every day we spend 2.4
    billion on interest according to the
    debt Clock
    website now go back to 2016 and the wall
    that Trump wanted to build was 25
    billion right now we surpass that that
    in 10 and a half days in just interest
    on the national debt alone and that’s
    today it probably keeps going up exactly
    tomorrow to be
    2.40 uh three and it just keeps going up
    exact and and it’s every 10 days 10 and
    a half days we’re spending that on just
    the interest on the national debt 86690
    red eye
    lines open for your calls
    86690 red eye on red eye
    radio it’s t radio he’s J Carly and I’m
    Gary mck look I just saw the story right
    now why kamla Harris’s laugh has sparked
    concerns from Democrats as they rush to
    turn around their dire approval ratings
    wow uh the Democratic National Committee
    has conducted focus groups on kamla
    Harris according to new CNN report to
    understand why voters do not like her
    some voters in the focus group said they
    do not like Harris specifically citing
    her laugh as
    criticism look we’ve talked about how
    are a huge part of the political
    landscape and the lter is different in
    that it’s it’s not just kind of you know
    off-putting but it’s it’s
    also that it’s it it’s indicative of
    nervous thing that she has it’s a
    laughter it’s also dismissive
    when you laugh at your own joke when
    there’s not really a
    joke well when she was on that tarmac
    and it was a very serious topic and the
    media came up and then she’s laughing
    and it’s like wait whoa this is a very
    serious moment what are you laughing
    about you know yeah it is weird
    this is red eye radio on Westwood One

    In part two of Red Eye Radio with Gary McNamara and Eric Harley, what will happen to the Ivy League colleges with anti-Semitic/pro-terrorism speech growing. RFK Jr. says he’s going to put the entire U.S. budget on blockchain. The Democrats “suckers and losers” lie. Focus groups dislike VP Harris citing her laugh, causing concern among Democrats.

    For more talk on the issues that matter to you, listen on radio stations across America Monday-Friday 12am-5am CT (1am-6am ET and 10pm-3am PT), download the RED EYE RADIO SHOW app, asking your smart speaker, or listening at RedEyeRadioShow.com
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