Scott Ritter: Iran DEMONSTRATED POWER vs. Israel, IDF truly lost war

    this is why I say we have to have a
    moderator to permanently ban people like
    this because you are a you you you know
    you you come across as a tough guy but I
    know you I’ve known you for a long time
    and your ego is very fragile and the
    last thing I need is for you to break
    down while we’re doing the podcast
    because somebody put a mean comment in
    Rumble actually it didn’t bother me do
    you know
    why because it was Ryan no because I’m
    quite certain that I am sexy oh okay all
    right also we had some anti-semitic
    remarks we had some homophobic
    remarks and uh I posted a comment saying
    that um well basically SC scolding them
    I didn’t delete them or ban them I
    scolded them and then they uh took them
    off themselves I like that that was
    exactly the outcome that I wanted try
    try to make censorship The Last
    Resort yeah exactly
    so Scott has been uh busy at work on an
    article that’s coming probably this
    weekend it’s a work in progress the name
    of the new article is or will be dream
    dream what pre tell is the
    topic well Georgia dream is the name of
    the uh ruling party political party in
    the Republic of Georgia
    and right now there’s great controversy
    Brewing over the passage of
    legislation um basically it’s a foreign
    agents registration act legislation um
    you know like we have here like some
    most democratic nations have you don’t
    want uh foreign entities coming in and
    um taking control of your your
    democracy uh and one of the things that
    you do to prevent this from happen
    happening is to make sure that if um you
    receive foreign monies uh that you have
    to declare that and uh at some Junction
    at some point in time based on the
    legislation um if you cross a certain
    threshold then you have to register as a
    foreign agent that means that you are
    literally working on behalf of a foreign
    um Georgia the Georgian Dream party has
    been uh tried last year to pass this
    legislation and uh
    they basically got swamped by uh
    demonstrators and I don’t think they
    were prepared for uh for that plus at
    that time there was talk about um you
    know there’s a lot of Georgians in um in
    Ukraine right now fighting as part of
    this Georgian Legion and um one of the
    the head of that guy named mamuka um was
    you know making noise about coming back
    to Georg and leading at cou d’a um and
    then uh you know forcefully overthrowing
    the government government so that they
    could open up a second front against
    Russia using Georgia um and I mean this
    kind of insanity took place so I think
    they wisely took a step back but there’s
    uh elections coming up in Georgia in
    October and the concern of Georgia
    dream is that uh if left unresolved um I
    give you an example one of the there’s a
    political party that draw a party um I’m
    sure I mispronounced that but Siri will
    let me know soon enough and uh
    but they
    um their leader inadvertently um on
    social media disclosed that the only
    reason why they were able to participate
    in politics is that they received a very
    generous Grant from uh a European Union
    NGO um so basically you have one of the
    major you know political parties of
    Georgia bought and paid for by a forign
    NGO and others are bought and paid for
    by the National Endowment for democracy
    that’s an American NGO that uh fronts
    for the CIA I mean they were created
    back in the 1980s uh to become a overt
    cover for what the CIA was doing
    covertly they admit it and they’re
    founding documents um and this just
    things of this nature the United States
    through usaid the United States agency
    for International
    Development is basically trying to carry
    out a um a soft coup a color Revolution
    so to speak to throw out Georgia dream
    because Georgia dream dared stand up and
    say we don’t want to participate in the
    sanctioning of Russia now let’s look how
    smart Georgia dream is because they’re
    being called a lot of names right now in
    the European Union and European
    Community um last year while the
    European economy plummeted because they
    made the wise decision to sanction
    Russia um Georgia’s economy grew by
    10.2% H but just in case everybody
    thought that was an anomaly this year
    Georgia which again does not participate
    in the sanction of Russia uh the economy
    grew by 10.3% are we seeing a pattern
    here that maybe buying into European
    Union suicide notes isn’t the the the
    smart course and this is Georgia dreams
    Point um that you know Georgia gets is a
    sovereign state that has to make
    decisions based upon what’s best for
    Georgia and right now you have a
    situation where you know the European
    Union is um Georgia dream is a nice name
    I agree course it’s a very nice name
    it’s a nice party These are nice people
    and they’re doing nice things for
    Georgia like I said Georgia’s actually
    growing uh and they’re not at war with
    Russia that’s sort of a winner um I mean
    the the the Prime Minister the who’s
    also the head of the Georgia dream party
    um you know basically said that one of
    the reasons why they want the foreign
    agent registration law is they don’t
    want to see the ukrainization of Georgia
    basically because what the United States
    is trying to do to Georgia is what they
    did to Ukraine get them to buy into this
    EU nonsense this NATO nonsense use them
    and throw them away disposable um
    Ukraine was never going to be a member
    of NATO Ukraine was never going to be a
    member of the EU ever Georgia will never
    be a member of the EU Georgia will never
    be a member of NATO this is a straightup
    honesty it’s not going to happen they
    don’t qualify they never will qualify um
    Georgia has far more in common with
    Moscow than they do with Brussels and
    this is the growing reality in there I
    know there’s a lot of bitterness in
    Georgia towards Russia especially
    regarding what happened in South oaia
    and in abazia but trust me there’s
    plenty of blame to go around it’s not a
    black and white issue uh but there is
    there is residual resentment but today
    the the Russians they’re not looking for
    trouble the Russians are actually
    engaged in extensive dialogue with the G
    Georgians right now about how to create
    the conditions to return abazia return
    South oasia to Georgian sovereignty but
    the key aspect this is not to have
    Georgia run off and join the EU or join
    NATO um Russia’s not going to play ball
    under those conditions uh you know if
    you if you want Russia to do good things
    for you then you it’s not that you have
    to do good things for Russia just don’t
    be their
    enemy that sort of Russia’s precondition
    is U just don’t do us harm we’re not
    asking you to be our slaves just don’t
    do us harm and um and that’s sort of is
    the the approach of Georgia dream but
    you know it’s time Georgia you know have
    right now you have a bunch of kids
    running around the street who have
    bought into this notion of Easy Money
    free money because that’s what they’re
    getting they’re getting free money from
    the EU to organize and life is good and
    life is easy they think that what’s
    going to happen if they you
    know head in this direction is that
    they’re all going to get these great
    jobs where they get to wear stylish
    clothes go to some fancy building sit in
    an office and drink lattes while they
    stare at a computer screen and do Jack
    Squat and get paid well for it that’s
    not how life Works guys um Georgia dream
    understands that you have to work your
    butt off you have to get out there and
    do things Georgia dream is composed of
    genuine Georgian uh Patriots who have a
    work ethic who have you know traditional
    Family Values you know America we get to
    do what we want I mean if we want to
    sync our ship sync our ship uh you know
    if Joe Biden wants to nullify Title Nine
    so now that uh if I were going back to
    college I could identify as a woman and
    uh maybe star on a female basketball
    team and take a scholarship away from a
    real woman um that’s what America wants
    to do that’s what America wants Georgia
    doesn’t want to play that game Georgia
    is a place where a man is a man and a
    woman is a woman well- defined roles and
    uh Georgia doesn’t want to play the
    transgendered game or the homosexual
    game or any other one of these Western
    games now we don’t have to agree with
    Georgia but we need to respect the fact
    that that’s how Georgia chooses to
    Define itself and I’m here to tell you
    Georgians if you’re watching you have
    far more in common with Russia which
    also Embraces your style of traditional
    family values because the Russians don’t
    do transgendered very well and they
    don’t do you homosexuality I think the
    Russian approach is do what you want
    just don’t do it in public um we’re not
    going to prosecute you but we’re not
    going to promote you um but
    transgendered is out uh there won’t be
    any title n problems in Russia women
    know what they are men know what they
    are women are treated with great respect
    women can rise to high positions it’s
    not like the women are you know barefoot
    and pregnant in the uh in the kitchen
    they’re out there in in the labor force
    uh and that’s that’s the way they Rock
    it’s not the way we rock here in America
    but that’s our business but we can’t
    impose our business on their business um
    but you know this is what the article
    about and the one thing I’m I’m
    encouraging them at the end is it’s time
    for the Georgians to start uh thinking
    less about the EU and more about bricks
    bricks is the wave of the future it’s
    time for people to jump on the bricks
    train you know because that’s it baby
    the bricks train has left the station
    and it’s moving on and get on or you’ll
    be left behind and here George there is
    no EU train no EU train will ever show
    up at the station for you the EU doesn’t
    like you Europe doesn’t like you they
    don’t think you’re really European they
    think you’re Asian Pro hint you are um
    sorry you’re Asian I guess but uh you’re
    not European you’re not one of them they
    don’t view you as one of them the
    Russians view you as part of the family
    you were part of the family part of the
    the Soviet family for the long time
    there was a guy named um Stalin yeah a
    lot of Russians like Stalin Stalin was
    Georgian um the relations can be
    repaired the Russians uh want to live in
    peace and Harmony we are all Georgians
    uh depends which Georgians he’s talking
    about like I said there’s a bunch of
    little kids running around with you know
    if you’re a Georgian you’re out in the
    streets ofi waving the European Union
    flag you ain’t Georgian and we’ll just
    leave it at that all right the article
    is coming this weekend Scott you will
    get it either tonight or tomorrow I just
    wanted to update it there’s um there’s
    stuff happening right now in Georgia
    that uh what I didn’t want to do is
    commit to an article in in haste only to
    uh you have have you publish and I go ah
    something happened so I’m gonna let I’m
    gonna let a news cycle go through just
    to make sure everything’s caught up all
    right better to be accurate than to be
    quick so you can read it this weekend
    Folks at Scott Ritter
    so let’s get to the questions from our
    beloved audience we take some in advance
    and we take some live and before we get
    to New questions we have a little
    housekeeping to take care of uh there
    was a question that came last week that
    stumped the inspector and we put an
    asterisk on it and Scott said he would
    look into it and give us an answer
    tonight asterisk
    asterisk well there’s four Asters I only
    twice I’m you were coughing you were
    coughing over
    it how could Maran barudi how could he
    unite Palestinians and why everybody
    respects him Marwan
    boui is a Palestinian activist or
    Patriot depending on what term you want
    use they call him the father of the
    first and second in fadas he’s the man
    who motivated the rising he um he was
    close with fat the the the military Wing
    or the political wing of the Palestinian
    Liberation Organization later he got a
    little disenchanted with them and he
    created his own offshoot called tanzim I
    believe uh but he was arrested by the
    Israelis in 2002 and he’s been in prison
    ever since um they’ve given him five
    life sentences they don’t want to let
    him go they’ve accused him of a a great
    number of crimes since he was the leader
    of the in and any Israeli who died
    during that time he’s the murder pinned
    or their deaths are pinned on him
    um they um he right now the the Hamas is
    demanding his release Israel won’t uh it
    won’t consider it the Palestinians are
    uh petitioning because if this guy if
    there was an election today um the
    feeling is that he would win the
    election hand down even though he’s in
    prison he would beat aboss uh the
    current uh the current president and he
    would beat the lead the Hamas leader um
    you know so this band’s very popular uh
    at one time he believed in a peace
    process he no longer believes in a peace
    process he doesn’t believe uh that
    Israel is a is a goodan how could he
    he’s been in Israeli prison for 22 years
    and I think he understands the LA latest
    rumor was that the Israelis are so
    pissed off at the Palestinians that
    they’re taking it out on him in prison
    right now beating him up nice people
    Israelis but so yeah I think bar barg
    goodi could be the man if they if they
    released him and let him participate in
    the elections I think he could be the
    next president of Palestine it would be
    nice if uh nations in the security
    Council maybe sat down and and did that
    I mean maybe they could even put it up
    for oh no America would veto it because
    suck all
    right a little bit of an unorthodox
    conclusion to your answer I’m going to
    conclude that you have finished and move
    on to the next question the first of our
    new questions this is from expat 84 in
    Toronto what do you think of reports
    that Saudi Arabia assisted in defending
    Israel during Iran’s retaliation I ask
    because while such reports could of
    course be true I kind of think the
    smacks of
    disinformation well Saudi Arabia has
    made it clear over time that it will
    defend its Sovereign airspace for
    instance when the hoodi the Ella
    movement in Yemen fires rockets and
    drones at Israel and those rockets and
    drones go over Saudi airspace Saudi
    Arabia has been shooting them down uh
    because Saudi Arabia says that it’s
    unauthorized they didn’t give clearance
    and it’s a violation of sovereignty Etc
    so if Iran fired or launch drones cruise
    missiles or ballistic missiles that came
    into Saudi Arabian airspace Saudi Arabia
    has every right to um to deny them
    access and shoot them down uh as they
    should uh if especially if Saudi Arabia
    didn’t coordinate with them Advance this
    was an an
    Iranian this was an Iranian Israeli
    issue Saudi Arabia should stay out now
    if that’s the case um but if Saudi
    Arabia was communicating with the United
    States Great Britain uh Israel sharing
    coordinating um their suppression of the
    Iranian attack then Saudi Arabia is in
    the wrong so I think we have to find out
    what exactly the role of Saudi Arabia
    was were they simply defending their
    airspace or were they part of a
    coordinated um air defense campaign
    against Iran we don’t
    know next question comes from vad who
    calls himself a globe Trotter what if
    mccrone is more clever than perceived
    harboring a strategic plan first he
    dispatches a modest Force to adessa
    anticipating a Russian strike following
    this he SE seeks American Support under
    the NATO treaty expecting denial this
    refusal strengthens his case for rapidly
    advancing the concept of a European
    Army the mind of the lad what do you
    think about
    that Vlad the logic works up until the
    sentence rapidly
    advancing ain’t nothing rapidly
    advancing in Europe so especially in the
    framework of you know the European Union
    or the European
    um and then even if they did rapidly
    Advance the concept how do you uh bring
    it up I mean the Germans are trying to
    rapidly deploy a brigade to Lithuania
    the 45th Lithuanian armor Brigade um
    they’re not gonna be able to do it until
    um 2027 that’s pretty rapid for them and
    uh the French you know you know that
    that Brigade they’re trying to get over
    into Romania rapidly um it may not be
    able to get there in full until next
    year so basically
    um the European definition of rapid and
    the um normal definition of rapid are
    two totally different things the and the
    MC’s just not that clever he’s not a
    clever man uh first of all um any leader
    that sacrifices his troops in that in
    that nature is no leader at all um you
    know so you’re saying that this whole
    thing is predicated on him sending
    French soldiers into Ukraine on purpose
    to die um I don’t uh I don’t see that
    happening and then the other I mean
    you’re right America would reject
    Article 5 so with all of NATO um but
    they’re rejecting Article 5 because
    they’re not looking for a fight with
    Russia so why would you have an existing
    um you’re not going to H how in this age
    of um reduced budgets and reduced
    resources do you tell European nations
    um continue to invest in Nat but oh by
    the way because I’ve decided I want to
    Napoleon we need you to also rapidly
    rapidly build a um a new European
    organization I mean it’s clever Vlad
    that’s kind of stuff that I mean I’m
    people should throw ideas out like this
    but I just think it fails uh pretty much
    across the board in terms
    of reality a reality check but thanks
    for asking the question it’s a good uh
    good intellectual
    exercise well you know what Lily tommen
    says reality is for people who can’t
    cope with
    drugs I’m a very realistic person
    apparently hey if you want to talk to uh
    the inspector live uh on the phone call
    us at
    52525 8359 looking for people who aren’t
    regular callers we love the regular
    callers but let’s uh spice it up a
    little bit with some newbies
    8359 next question is from Ryan you have
    a cough uh I can’t ignore it anymore
    what’s going on
    Scott I’m dying but that’s okay wow
    we’re all dying every day is one step
    closer yeah some at a faster Pace than
    others is this a recur recurring thing
    or something new or I guess you can’t
    really tell huh I think basically I uh
    haven’t gotten too much sleep and I’ve
    been working too hard so it’s catching
    up all right I’ll uh I’ll use my gentle
    voice in that case Ryan in Ontario did
    the drones used in Saturday’s attack uh
    oh Trump in
    impression make America great
    again who who would have ever thought
    that that the selection of jurors is a
    boring activity that might make somebody
    doze I would have thought it would be
    exciting did the drones used in
    Saturday’s attack have operators or were
    automated I don’t know I don’t even know
    if it’s been confirmed there were drones
    in Saturday’s attack there’s just a lot
    that’s uh that’s Unknown about this uh
    about this attack it it appears to have
    been so lowkey and so deniable um so as
    to make sure that the Iranians didn’t
    misinterpret the signals of low key
    deniability sent by the Israelis so they
    wouldn’t launch their massive missile
    attack so
    um the died from laughter that’s pretty
    much it man um you know I’ll tell you
    what whatever happened whatever happened
    last night first of all kept me up all
    night bastards um waiting for the news
    that never came I thought for sure it
    was the real deal I thought the Israelis
    had launched their attack I was waiting
    for the Iranians to make good on their
    massive missile attack and it just never
    happened which is a good thing um we
    just need to draw a line in the sand and
    get the hell out of this this situation
    um I think Iran’s made that decision I
    think um I think Israel’s made that
    decision United States has definitely
    made that decision this
    um this stupidity of um of tit fortat
    and all that it is what it is Iran’s
    made it clear look what we can say is
    based upon the Israeli reaction they
    know the Iranians aren’t messing around
    all right because they thought the
    Iranians were messing around they
    thought the Iranians didn’t have any
    capability Israel just come in and
    Pummel tried to Pummel Iran but Israel
    knows that Iran was locked and cocked
    and ready to rock they were getting
    ready to send a thousand missiles and
    Israel also knows that um a lot of
    missiles a lot more missiles hit them
    than they’ve admitted um on on the on
    the 14th so I think Israel did what they
    did the Iranians went that was pretty
    pathetic but that’s okay uh we’re just
    going to move on they got bigger things
    remember that bricks train that I was
    talking about Iran’s not only on the
    bricks train they’re in the VIP car up
    front um they’re hanging out with the
    Russians and the dining car drinking
    well they don’t drink champagne because
    they’re good Pious Muslims but they’re
    drinking grape juice apple juice um
    something um you know but they’re
    they’re they’re doing well and they are
    looking forward to you know getting on
    to Bricks uh you know getting their
    economy up and running plus remember
    they’re they’re committed to the
    Palestinian cause and um Hamas is
    winning the Palestinians are winning I
    mean it’s a ugly defeat it’s a bloody
    defeat it’s a tragic defeat but they’re
    winning and Iran doesn’t want to disrupt
    this Victory U and and make and moot all
    the sacrifice that’s been made by
    stealing the the the headlines stealing
    the attention having the light shine on
    them they don’t want a war with Israel
    they don’t need a war with Israel and I
    think right now you’re not going to get
    too many people digging too deep early
    on about what exactly happened the other
    night people are going to be
    um people are you know going to be
    speculating and and we’ll get to the
    truth but I think by the time we get to
    the truth it’s going to be so far
    removed from the the actual date that it
    just becomes politically
    irrelevant all right we have a few
    people on hold on the phone let’s take a
    call here hey there you’re on with our
    favorite weapons inspector talk to him
    in your gentle soothing voice he’s under
    the weather and
    coughing okay I have read that Lebanon
    and Israel are in dispute about oil and
    gas reserves in their neighboring Waters
    and that Lebanon in opposition to
    Lebanon claim that part of those belong
    to them have started to started the
    infrastructure to extract that and so
    I’m just wondering Scott if you know
    anything about that because Lebanon is
    in very very bad economics Straits
    thanks for taking my call thanks for
    calling um You Can Tell She’s deeply
    concerned about you being under the
    water it’s touching go on I’m glad
    somebody is I am I am are you Jeff are
    you or you just you just propping me up
    for the two hours and then when we’re
    done you’re gonna say die um anyways
    um what what what was her name an an
    yeah what an’s talking about is off the
    coast of Israel Lebanon Palestine Egypt
    there’s giant between Israel and Cypress
    there’s giant um gas Fields
    um potentially oil but primarily gas um
    under the water and uh the thing about a
    gas field is that it uh it doesn’t care
    about lines on a map it is what it is uh
    but lines on a map
    are linked to reality economic zones of
    interest and all that stuff so when you
    when you
    um the exact legal terminology is going
    to escape me so please all you maritime
    lawyers out there I’m going to speak in
    general terms don’t hold me too much to
    account but there’s exclusive economic
    zones I think is something that is
    talked about there’s also the
    territorial Waters that extend out I
    believe 12 miles uh but so you draw
    lines off of the map the border and you
    extend it out there and that’s how you
    define your ezs your exclusive economic
    zones which belong to Israel or Lebanon
    what the Israelis did when they uh
    because they had this big old gas field
    and they didn’t want to share it with
    the Lebanese imagine why not so they
    drew the line coming off of uh the
    mainland and they they skewed it up a
    little bit so sh to the north so that
    they took in uh the the the gas field
    the totality of it
    um and Hezbollah not Lebanon Hezbollah
    said that ain’t G to fly we want that
    line put the way it should be extending
    off the
    um off the map and um and that that
    stuff belongs to us and
    um Hezbollah made it clear that they
    were willing to go to war over this and
    so the United States flew in people
    everybody flew in people and they
    negotiated in Hezbollah one the map was
    drawn the way they wanted now Lebanon
    has gone out there to do initial
    exploration and unfortunately for
    Lebanon I don’t think that they have um
    unlike Israel which has found you know
    viable pockets and has begun extraction
    and things of that nature um the
    Lebanese have yet to uh hit money um but
    they’re they’re they’re they’re trying
    um now my information is like six months
    old um I haven’t seen any headlines um
    that would suggest that six months ago
    that what what was real back then is
    today the fact that Ann’s calling
    me has an alarm going off of my head
    because unless she’s like a energy
    security expert uh who sits on this
    information it indicates she might have
    read something recently which means
    somebody’s writing about it somewhere
    which means there might have been an
    update so what’s that magic word we use
    again there Jeff we we call it it begins
    with an a and ends with a
    risk asterisk that one asterisk we shall
    put a double vocalized asterisk on um on
    this question because I’m going to go
    and um and do the research to find out
    if there’s something current going on
    that may update what I just said because
    I don’t want to impart misleading
    information to people so I I need to go
    back and um and dig on that one but um
    thanks for the call and uh thanks for
    motivating me to go and learn more about
    what the hell’s going on off the shore
    Lebanon enough
    said hey there you’re on with our
    favorite weapons inspector how are you
    tonight hello
    hi okay do you have a
    question yeah hi hi Jeff hi SC
    I watched your interview with garl Nixon
    a few days ago so two Corrections and
    one question if you don’t mind two
    Corrections in one question in a heavy
    accent yeah can we can we endure this
    Scott what do you think sorry do you
    understand me or all right try try not
    to take forever
    please okay so the word you were trying
    to find was Haram not hamam
    come on give me a break someone
    corrected okay great so the second
    correction is you said that Iran stopped
    exporting their Islamic revolution in
    1985 so that can’t be really true
    because in the early 90s Iran exported
    thousands of jihadists
    and about a dozen of Planes full of
    weapons with silent USA support into
    so they were exporting their Islamic
    revolution to a p islamist that left the
    Bosnian muss so maybe you got that wrong
    the date
    the and uh the question the last
    question is uh you said that Iran could
    build a gun typ nuclear weapon and that
    if they detonate that uh the Israel will
    be inhabitable for a thousand years if
    I’m not mistaken a gun type nuclear
    weapon was used on Nagasaki and
    Hiroshima don’t and it’s habitable today
    so would you explain
    that all right before you hang up did
    you understand the question Scott yeah
    yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay he got it
    thanks a lot take
    care um I mean that’s a good point uh
    Nagasaki and hirosa were both bombed
    with the nuclear bombs one was a
    plutonium bomb one was a uh a uranium
    bomb and um they’re both you know
    habitable places today um so
    uh and yeah Chernobyl they they had a
    horrible accident but it’s it’s an
    exclusion area um I think maybe if uh if
    Iran was to use a gun style weapon
    similar to
    um uh was it fat man or little boy boy
    um one was an implosion weapon one was a
    gun weapon I would think it was probably
    little boy that’s the gun weapon fat man
    sounds like he’s round and rotund uh
    which would be good for an implosion but
    I could be wrong on that too anybody out
    there want to correct me go ahead um so
    I mean yeah maybe uh I’m wrong
    Scott what am I wrong about um I mean I
    have no problem being wrong I’ve been
    wrong many many times
    but um if if um if Israel I mean if Iran
    used a gun style weapon um against an
    Israeli city uh maybe it’s hyperbole to
    say it wouldn’t be uh inhabitable for a
    thousand years using the Nagasaki and
    Hiroshima um examples if on the other
    hand they used a um you know a modern
    thermonuclear weapon that generated some
    pretty dirty um Isotopes um I could be
    correct so
    under the scenario that I put in I stand
    corrected I will I’ll take the loss on
    this one I spoke out my ass and um and
    made a hyper hyperbolic hyperbolic
    hyperbolic a hyperbolic an exaggeration
    I exaggerated
    irresponsibly and um I think he’s taking
    advantage of you while you’re under the
    weather and just you ordinarily would be
    more feisty I think no no no I’m gonna
    know there’s some feisty in me left I
    got it because I’m going to take UMD one
    of my favorite words at the Bosnia thing
    um I I think that Iran wasn’t exporting
    Islamic revolution to Bosnia Iran was
    supporting a um a fellow Muslim entity
    um and uh and they they went in and they
    provided a and I know this because I
    have a friend who uh was in the military
    at the time and he had some closeup and
    personal um communication with uh
    Iranian revolutionary guards in Bosnia
    um the kind that only he walked away
    from so you know there was violence um
    and they they they did provide weapons
    and they were there and uh you know and
    all that but that’s not a revolution
    that’s providing assistance where the
    I’m gonna watch it where the heck is the
    revolution what they’re not exporting
    Revolution where was the revolution they
    were exporting don’t conflate provide in
    assistance material assistance at the
    same time by the way that the United
    States and NATO were providing
    assistance to the croats and you know
    and things of that nature of you know
    the bosnians got assistance from the um
    the Revolutionary guard and the United
    States paid attention and we sent people
    in and made them pay a price um which
    and then some of them had stayed there
    they they intermarried it’s sort of what
    happened in South Lebanon where you had
    mingling of people but this was not the
    exportation of the Revolution there’s a
    distinction between exporting revolu
    ution trying to encourage an Islamic
    Revolt uh a Shia Islamic revolt against
    things like they were doing in eastern
    Saudi Arabia for instance or in Bahrain
    uh or elsewhere um fat man was an
    implosion thank you with a solid tonium
    cor well how come that person said I was
    wrong I’m hurt what was I wrong about
    I’m really curious about this one you
    are wrong
    Scott please tell me where I was wrong
    but I take I I don’t agree with you on
    your assessment about bosia that’s why I
    with my uh my 1980s date but again
    um there there’s topics that I have
    extensive knowledge on and I will go to
    war over there’s topics that I have less
    than extensive knowledge on and I will
    yield to those who correct me so if you
    think I’m wrong if you think I’ve got
    this one wrong and I admit I could I
    could say that I have a that I that I
    haven’t interpreted the data correctly
    if you have evidence that
    shows that the people dispatched to
    Bosnia or sent to foment an Islamic
    revolution um share it with me and I
    will be more than happy to uh to to
    re-evaluate my stance on this but right
    now I I I don’t think that what happened
    in Bosnia fits the definition of Islamic
    revolution it was more like material
    assistance to a fellow Muslim
    entity all right well let’s see what uh
    Larry C Johnson thinks about this I mean
    I agree with Scott so
    good man you know he there’s a time when
    he he he would challenge me you know we
    we had a little little fuss up about um
    about you know game changing and uh but
    he learned his lesson he’s reformed
    every time we talk to Larry he he he
    backs me up so I I’m really appreciated
    of that Larry all right I believe in
    Redemption uh let’s take this is an
    international call this number looks
    Vaguely Familiar I asked for newbies to
    call so let’s
    see hey there you’re on with our
    favorite weapons inspector is this Mark
    in Ireland or somebody
    else Jeff how you doing it’s Mark from
    irand yeah thanks for ignoring my
    request thank you so much for ignoring
    my have a b r for
    you okay he
    yeah okay right and by the way at the
    very end I’m gonna give you a couple of
    suggestions for some T-shirts okay okay
    all right but uh I want to call out Ron
    Paul he was on Judge in a palatano the
    other day and I call bulit he had uh
    what you call it um uh saman the power
    and and he was questioning her about
    what US Aid had done right now all well
    and good but he should have had the
    person who was actually in charge of
    usaid in front of the Senate and
    answering question not her but the
    person who was in charge and he should
    have had a federal judge and a federal
    prosecutor he said he had has evidence
    why not hand it over to them and say
    look at here there’s the evidence you’re
    the prosecutor you’re the judge send out
    the West once right all right this is
    not the Ron Paul complaint line Mark you
    might have dialed the wrong number I no
    no no no no no no no no there’s a method
    in the madness trust me all
    right you had you had uh judge n
    palatano and he had uh oh he’s Sante
    he’s good friend from the Trends Journal
    yeah and he was talking about
    uh that that when when the person was
    stood in front of the police station and
    he was given out about the brutality of
    the police and then somebody threw a
    stone hit a police officer and the next
    minute he’s in court and uh the court
    threw it out the next another Court
    brought it up went to the Supreme the
    Supreme pushed it back down again and
    stuff like that okay
    now my take on that and he was talking
    about the first and the Fourth Amendment
    but it it’s it it’s actually they’re
    going after Trump because that’s they’re
    trying to use that as H what you call it
    precedent of actually
    shown and that’s my opinion okay that’s
    just my opinion at the end of the day
    that’s that’s the way I look at it you
    can throw it up to judge in a Pat and
    ask them that simple question basically
    speaking do you think that they’re
    trying to go with that
    angle uh ozie kazak I don’t know if
    youve been on his show Scott but uh you
    should be familiar enough with him that
    he is living in the uh Russian Embassy
    in Australian Sydney but he had
    um a general by the name of he’s no he’s
    Andre I sorry Jeff but there is a m
    mettis in the my my my madness I’m sorry
    I have a wedding to go to in October so
    I hope I’ll I’ll you won’t hold me up
    okay but he was talking to him while he
    got a phone call from ABC News and they
    CH they they wanted to try and get him
    on a on a sort of sort of like for for
    for what happened on a stabbing in um in
    Australia that guy who went stabbed
    inside the the mall in in
    Bondi the BBC tried the same thing uh
    Mrs Spring came on to him his show again
    but he had the
    Russian lawyer who defended um Saddam
    Hussein which I think
    if up on this guy what well don’t hang
    up but we we do need to get to the point
    I mean um Unk I mean I told you like
    three four
    times yeah okay the point was I’m going
    to go back to what I said to you about a
    week ago about uh fena and the fact that
    he he suggested that they maybe Sue and
    they got the people to donate which I
    think a lot of people would actually do
    it around the world all the other
    yourselves uh redacted Jan whoever at
    the end of the day you want to turn
    around say that if you had a sort of
    like your own sort of like Law Firm that
    lik of jul Sange to turn around do that
    okay okay uh to actually fund it now
    Jeff I can’t for t-shirt raise money for
    the show 20 seconds yeah I know you’re
    going to kill yourself but that’s that’s
    the the the T-shirt okay the t-shirt for
    the show I recommend that you have
    yourself looking like because you love
    your hats you know what I mean you love
    your hat um dressed as uh Indiana Jones
    which says as inspect on the top and
    you’ve got three minutes at the bottom
    okay thank you byebye Scott you could
    turn around and I can’t I can’t take
    this guy I can’t take well actually I I
    like that T-shirt idea uh the other
    stuff look I I I’m not an illegal um
    expert I um I I I dabble in law when
    required to but um I um I you’re it’s
    it’s over my head I mean and why Rand
    Paul did what he did he’s a senator he’s
    not he’s not a prosecutor his job isn’t
    to convict or anything his job is to
    score political points that’s what they
    do in Congress if you’re waiting for a
    judge and a prosecutor to come up and
    make some sort of Legally um you know uh
    sufficient um move it’ll never happen
    and the other stuff I just don’t know
    enough about so I I mean I I’ve I’ve had
    Aussie kasac I’ve talked to him before
    I’ve been on his show I like him and I
    understand that there’s a lot of dirty
    tricks trying to be played against him
    it is what it is right you know Scott I
    think there may be no more than four
    people in the entire world who don’t
    have their own podcast now and I think
    Mark might be one of
    them and I think he needs his own
    podcast well Jeff you’re good at uh
    setting people up you could set mark up
    for the mark the mark podcast yeah
    democracy brewing in California what
    would happen if Iran told Israel to stop
    its genocide against the Palestinians or
    else well
    nothing Israel would ignore it um and
    then Iran would be struggling to figure
    out how do they um how do they
    operationalize the or else under the
    rule of law um it’s a tri you know it’s
    it’s a tricky one Iran’s not going to do
    that they’re not in the business of
    doing the or else um they they operate
    under the rule of law
    and that would just be an empowering
    move for uh for Israel it would
    strengthen Israel’s hand uh Israel
    suddenly becomes the victim we don’t
    want Israel to be the victim we like the
    not like but we we you know Israel’s the
    per we don’t want them to become the
    victims so Iran’s not going to do
    anything to help facilitate that so I
    don’t think that scenario would ever
    come to fruition if Iran ever did I
    think the Israel would just ignore them
    and wait for the or
    Els all right we have a voicemail
    message from Phil in London and no I’m
    not sure if it’s that Phil but maybe
    remember hi Scott uh Phil from London
    here in my view for Europe to have an
    independent foreign policy it needs to
    get closer to Russia do you
    well I think this the the the
    the the hidden part of that question is
    um the implication is
    that by being close to the United States
    the United States basically just takes
    over everything and that Europe just
    becomes an extension of American
    policy and so but before you go over
    towards Russia
    I think the first thing is that Europe
    has to become Europe what is Europe how
    do you define Europe um I mean is
    the is the European Union really the the
    true face of Europe the European Union
    dysfunctional um I mean just ask uh you
    know Germany and France to come up with
    a unified economic
    theory they can’t just look at the case
    study of
    Greece so I I and I don’t think Europe
    wants to be in anybody’s orbit and I
    don’t think Russia wants Europe in its
    orbit um I think what Russia would like
    is to have a good trading partner um and
    I’ll use Ambassador anaton antonov’s
    favorite word predictability they want a
    predictable European partner so someone
    that you know if you don’t want to be
    Russia’s friend at least be consistent
    you know but here we have a situation
    where imagine you’re the Russians and
    sitting there going all right we sell
    gas for a living um the Europeans say
    they want to sanction us hell the
    Americans blew up the nordstream
    pipeline everybody’s screaming how evil
    we are um and we really we don’t want to
    hang around these guys but we do enjoy
    the paycheck that comes when they buy
    our gas and they’re still buying our gas
    what the hell is going on where’s the
    predictability in this we got the
    Europeans screaming about how they have
    to be divorced from Russian gas how evil
    we are how bad it is to buy and yet they
    keep buying it in fact they want to buy
    more Europe is dysfunctional so um I
    don’t think Russia wants Europe close to
    them Who Wants A Dysfunctional Friend I
    mean it’s like get your act together
    then we can go out and have a beer but
    until then uh stay over there with the
    Americans they they they deserve you I
    think Phil deserves uh extra points for
    his bravil quence after the previous
    call I appreciate that
    breviloquent Dave from Olympia
    Washington are nuclear missiles rendered
    inert if they are shot down or can they
    still detonate when they fall to the
    ground they could still detonate I mean
    there’s there’s safety mechanism built
    in um the specifications of which are
    not going to be shared on on a podcast
    to the world but um you know if if you
    build a nuclear weapon without safeties
    in it uh yeah I mean look at the history
    of the testing of the Trinity device and
    things of that nature um you know if if
    if if if there had been an accident if
    uh something happened that triggered the
    um look a gun device the dangerous part
    is if you if you trigger the gun and it
    fires that slug into the uh into the
    target that’s what gets the boom Going
    On An implosion device you need actually
    all of the high explosive lenses that
    surround this device to detonate as
    they’re designed to do generally
    speaking instantly but again with
    sophisticated designs and you know now
    we get into you know physics and we get
    into waves and how to how to shape the
    waves how how you design the lens so
    when it blows up you get the waves to
    compress it at the same time perfectly
    you know and if uh if if you get 90% of
    them to go off but 10% don’t that whole
    wave design is out the window and you
    get a you get a fizzle you get a partial
    um but you still get something going
    boom um most modern all modern nuclear
    weapons um in the United States Arsenal
    and in the Russian Arsenal and the you
    know the the Chinese Arsenal the French
    Arsenal the British Arsenal have
    multiple safeties built in uh to
    preclude this sort of thing um one would
    hope that Israel has these safeties
    built in one would hope that you know
    the United States did work closely with
    the pakistanis to get safeties put in
    there uh and that the Indians have it um
    you I don’t know I don’t know you know
    what their what their standards are Etc
    it’s it’s possible um depending on on
    your design at what point in time do you
    um unsafe the weapon I mean when when
    when in the flight because you know
    missiles do malfunction so what happens
    if you send a nuke up let’s say we send
    one of our lovely Minuteman threes up
    and we decided what the hell we’re in a
    good mood and we’re going to upgrade it
    from one Warhead to three Warheads so we
    got three wonderful American
    thermonuclear Warheads loaded on to This
    Minute Man 3 and profit goes to the wild
    BL we’re going to take out three Russian
    cities because we’re so happy today and
    then the missile starts spinning like a
    like a Roman candle and we blow it up
    but the WarHeads jettison and um they’re
    in the
    water you
    know are they
    active did as it launched the United
    States program in you know the the
    safeties come off and so the thing’s
    ready to go or do they stay safe up
    until a particular Point uh the point of
    no return where does that point reached
    um that’s nuclear weapons design I’m not
    going to get into it because Frankly
    Speaking I don’t know the answers for
    for this so uh but the the the thing is
    you even if the weapon itself is
    safe the the fyson material is still
    there um so it’s entirely possible that
    somebody could uh gain access to that
    Warhead and then you know if they smart
    enough people um disassemble it and gain
    access to the fysal core um which is the
    the hard part
    um the the the easiest thing out of this
    question is why don’t we just stop
    making nuclear weapons and uh then we
    don’t have to worry about it that would
    be a nice thing all right great answer
    to a very sensitive issue a lot of
    people to them you know it’s just a word
    nuclear weapons nuclear weapons they
    don’t really understand uh what’s
    involved in it
    so thanks for that let’s take another
    phone call hi there please lower the
    volume on your computer or phone and
    what is your question for
    Scott my question for Scott is the um I
    don’t understand the La Flair
    attitude uh that people have nowadays
    relative to nukes uh it’s almost like a
    com see com so who cares or something
    I’m a little older than Scott I grew up
    with that fear and my other question is
    if there are um uh if there are nukes on
    Earth um why not have them in space what
    the heck’s the difference with this
    point thanks so much okay thank
    you your mic’s off scott well I was
    coughing I didn’t want to uh cough in
    front of somebody’s question
    um look I agree with you I I’ve said
    I’ve talked about this many many times
    how I grew up in absolute fear of
    nuclear weapons because it was part of
    my daily reality as a kid growing up I
    mean we lived right next door to North
    Point nuclear weapon storage facility in
    Germany and um if there was a war that
    thing was going up we were going to die
    um I mean nuclear weapons I was
    convinced when I joined the Marine Corps
    that there was going to be a nuclear war
    I mean I was in a nuclear capable
    artillery unit uh that trained um to
    to employ nuclear weapons uh but then I
    had the honor and PR privilege of being
    part of the intermediate nuclear forces
    treaty and we
    began the process of nuclear disarmament
    um and I was hopeful and I think what
    happened is the the Soviet Union went
    away and
    disarmament became sort of P you know oh
    yeah it’s like you know when Neil
    Armstrong landed on the moon that a big
    deal whole world was
    watching but just a couple years later
    we got dudes landed on the Moon driving
    around in Moon buggies you know doing
    wheelies hitting golf balls collecting
    rocks doing cool stuff and nobody cared
    because like oh yeah they went to the
    moon again H so what um and it just
    became sort of p and I think today
    people just forgot how dangerous nuclear
    weapons are
    they if you don’t like what someone
    comments ignore them or laugh at them
    I’ll do my best I will do my best to
    ignore them or laugh I’m trying to grow
    up but there’s you know some people say
    it’s important to retain your inner
    child and so I’ve retained a lot of my
    inner child but every once a while that
    means that I go into an ugly temper
    tantrum you get to see what
    three-year-old Scott was like in a 62y
    old man’s body um but that didn’t even H
    that didn’t even happen tonight why is
    he scolding you for something you didn’t
    even do I don’t know maybe he’s waiting
    for his
    moment he got his moment first of all he
    typed it in it was our producer that
    made it public um yeah Ryan Milton
    Chrome Dome as we call him in the
    neighborhood he’s a troublemaker wait
    wait wait wait I was def I think he was
    defending you I know I look look at me
    smiling I’m a happy guy I’m laughing
    about it hum don’t attack the messenger
    why not who I by the way Scott if if if
    you uh I just want to tell you uh we are
    gonna have some trivia questions later
    if you can hang in there but I
    understand I’m here I’m here for the
    ride Jeff I’m here for the ride all
    right R and Ryan’s Ryan’s gonna play
    like he did last week too I’m studying
    right now cheater no no no you don’t
    know the questions there’s nothing to
    study get out of here but going back to
    the question um yeah I don’t know why
    people aren’t scared of nuclear weapons
    today it frustrated me you know I went
    and saw that movie opener um good movie
    deserved all the awards I could get but
    the nuclear bomb didn’t scare me and it
    didn’t scare anybody in the audience um
    there wasn’t this sense of fear about it
    because it hell we unfortunately I saw
    Dune the week before or no I mean not
    the week four but I saw some cool movie
    uh I did just recently see Dune special
    effects are great that movie scared me
    none of it’s real it’s about a freaking
    universe that doesn’t exist full of
    things that don’t exist and that scared
    me the way they did it but here on Earth
    watching them make the Aton there was no
    fear factor I didn’t I wasn’t sitting
    there shaking and I should have been but
    and and neither was anybody in the
    audience today um I I think we need to
    become very very scared of nuclear
    weapons um let me say something should
    scare everybody how many people know
    that yesterday uh one of the senior
    officers in the Iranian revolutionary
    guard command said that if Israel
    attacks Iran’s nuclear facilities that
    Iran is probably going to rethink their
    stance on nuclear weapons meaning that
    right now they have fatwa religious
    edicts that make it uh remember that
    gentleman it called and I I would have
    said hamam but he corrected me and he
    said Haram see I learned old dog new
    trick baby um be
    Haram against against the U you know the
    Edict of the ayatolla um but the uh the
    fact is now they’re saying we’d rethink
    it and has anybody thought through the
    consequences that because Iran could
    have a functional nuclear weapon in less
    than two weeks um and what has the
    United States and Israel committed to if
    Iran develops nuclear weapons attacking
    them but now Iran has nuclear weapons so
    to attack them Iran has missile that
    will hit Israel now Israel goes
    boom are you guys scared yet is anybody
    scared you should be what about the
    French the French General that sat up
    there and talked about how France has
    200 thermonuclear weapons and Russia
    would be very afraid because France
    could destroy 200 Russian
    cities have you thought about what the
    consequences of that would be
    um guys this isn’t a game Haram Haram
    Haram I get it I got it um this isn’t a
    game this is reality nuclear weapons are
    real and we have here in the United
    States a nuclear weapons posture um you
    know that says we can preemptively use
    nuclear weapons hell we went out and
    build so-called usable nukes imagine
    that usable nukes they’re designed to be
    used not deterrence we’re going to use
    them preemptively low yield nothing to
    worry about no Thousand-Year poisoning
    baby so let’s just blow the [ __ ] out of
    guys nuclear weapons are very bad uh we
    need to get rid of them this should be
    the number one priority of everybody on
    Earth getting rid of nuclear weapons but
    hell it’s not even on your bingo card
    you know so Bo now he had me reflect on
    nuclear weapons and then he asked part
    two of his
    question Ryan I know you have a good
    memory you’re a young man you have a
    bald head so what was part two of his
    question oh I don’t remember at all God
    damn it you’re talking about the comment
    that was flashed on the screen no no no
    the gentleman who called he he said he’s
    older than me nuclear weapons be afraid
    and what honey oh and use them in space
    use them in space Oh nuclear weapons in
    space why yeah why not use them in
    well remember that the ban on nuclear
    weapons in space dates back to 1968 when
    the outer space treaty was signed and
    that was part of an eort effort to limit
    um the the the spread of nuclear weapons
    that’s when we’re we’re in the midst of
    this this nuclear arms race and it was
    out of control so you know we couldn’t
    stop building ballistic missiles and
    missile defense at that time we’re still
    doing it but the idea was okay we’re
    we’re going insane here let’s put a
    check up top let’s let’s blank that out
    let’s just say that space isn’t going to
    be used for nuclear weapons but when you
    read the treaty it also talks about the
    prohibition of the militarization of
    space now we have a situation because
    the Russians believe that the United
    States is already militarized space and
    we have um and so one of the things the
    Russians are saying
    or that the the Russians aren’t saying
    it at all’re actually the Russians are
    saying they’re not doing anything but I
    would imagine that um the Russians when
    looking at the satellite
    networks that we have deployed into
    space know that if they put off a fairly
    decent sized electromagnetic uh pulse up
    our entire satellite infrastructure goes
    blind and we can’t function um that’s
    why the United States is putting such an
    emphasis on it right now because the
    United States is scared to death we have
    spent a lot of money putting satellites
    up to give us complete connectivity
    makes everything work in theory um and I
    mean I mean everything our entire way of
    fighting our entire way of
    functioning yeah the Dave Crockett
    tactical missile um Battlefield rocket
    um but the the the entire way of war is
    defined by these satellites we put up
    there and one little EMP and they’re all
    gone so America’s in a panic right now a
    panic about nuclear weapons in outer
    space but I mean you’re right I mean we
    can blow them up on Earth why not blow
    them in space let me give you a pro hint
    if we use nuclear weapons on Earth
    they’re going to go off upstairs too I
    can guarantee you you don’t have to
    actually design a weapon do that you can
    just make it happen and one somebody’s
    going to make it happen to silence all
    the satellites but it doesn’t matter
    because we’re all going to die I don’t
    know are we um because I’ve been told
    that places on Earth won’t be
    contaminated for Thousand Years now so
    maybe we can just look forward to living
    in cities that have been hit with
    nuclear weapons but life isn’t H or life
    is is going to be sustainable afterwards
    I’m still betting on a thousand years of
    in um inability to live there but
    hoshima Nagasaki that was a good point I
    have to uh have to concede that
    one what year was it Scott when you were
    with seamour HH in New York and you were
    warning about what would happen if we
    use nuclear
    weapons oh that was right after Target
    Iran so that would have been in
    2007 yeah pick your city pick your city
    tell me which one you want gone Seattle
    La Boston New York Miami pick one
    because at least one’s going that sounds
    like Joe
    pesky pesy or whatever the hell did I
    say pesky yeah I pronounced as zinsky
    volinsky on our new podcast last couple
    of nights ago I don’t know why Pierre P
    from the Philippines the Brewing
    Philippines China conflict took a huge
    turn after the US Army deployed a Typhon
    missile system will this deter the
    pla just so everybody knows that the
    Typhon missile system um
    is do you remember the uh intermediate
    nuclear forces treaty we talked about
    that a little while ago I was one of the
    guys that implemented it um in the
    United States while thef treaty was
    still in force we put on the shore in
    Romania and in Poland I think it’s still
    being built in Romania but Poland it’s
    ready uh the agis ass Shore the Mark 41
    system which is basically this giant
    sban rad are and then you have these
    launch systems on a ship they’re four
    they’re four pods launch in a vertical
    launch array they put them on the
    ground on the ship the vertical launch
    um you you can you can either launch um
    cruise missiles out of it the tomahawk
    cruise missiles or you could launch the
    SM two or sm3 Interceptor rocket and we
    promised Russians that it’s not able to
    be used used we only hooked it up so we
    could use the the Interceptor rocket and
    the Russians are like but that’s not
    true because all you have to do is put
    the different pot in and it’s G to fire
    no no no we’ve done things we’ll show us
    what we can’t show you what we’ve done
    but trust us one week after we left the
    treaty we took one of those pods and we
    fired a tomahawk Cru missile out of it
    proving that the Russians were right the
    whole time we were cheating the tyon
    missile is the
    6 and what it is is it’s a missile that
    was originally configured for surface to
    air uh use
    um but because of its range uh can be
    turned into a ballistic missile uh with
    long intermediate range it’s a surfac to
    surface missile so now we’ve taken the
    Mark 41 concept but no now we don’t need
    the radar because we’re no longer
    shooting down missiles we just put it on
    a truck you can fly it in on the back of
    a C130 pull it off up it goes and now we
    can fire intermediate range missiles
    either the sm6 Typhon or the the the the
    landbased version of the tomahawk um and
    we just deployed it to the Philippines
    is this a a game
    changer no it’s not um because the
    Chinese have their own version of these
    missiles what it’s done is make the
    Philippines a Target the Philipp phes
    just basically congratulations
    Philippines you’ve just made yourself a
    nuclear Target um in Russia or China
    when the time comes if there is a
    conflict and it goes south um they will
    probably they’re now programming their
    missiles their nuclear missiles and say
    we gota throw a couple at the
    Philippines because they were dumb
    enough to let the Americans put missiles
    on their territory Philippines got to
    grow up man you um you’re picking the
    wrong horse in this race it’s um not a
    smart move
    good evening you’re on with our favorite
    weapons inspector how are you tonight
    how are you tonight yes uh Scott Scott
    Jeff good good evening good
    evening well just take a nice deep
    breath don’t rush right into the
    question just let it
    settle no um this is John from South
    Carolina hi John and my question my
    question to Scott is regarding the
    statement by uh the NATO commissioner
    from Norway regarding all NATO countries
    to send their Patriot missile batteries
    to um the Ukraine to protect I don’t
    know what and I I’d like to know if that
    means that we’re going to take the
    Patriot batteries out of Washington and
    send them over to protect
    zilinski that’s a it’s it’s a good
    question and it’s a fair point I mean
    let’s let’s talk about a come on man
    stick with me get in
    Focus somebody said it’s eyeballs if I
    look at it my eyes did you get the USB
    hub we sent you I did but it’s still
    doing this thing I think it’s a lighting
    issue um all right now I’m in Focus I
    think maybe my eyes are out of focus you
    have the new camera hooked up or no no
    oh okay I mean I’ve got the USB thing
    but I don’t have it hooked up yet okay
    um Patriot
    missiles we’re being told that the
    Russians are getting ready to attack
    Europe and um if they beat the
    ukrainians right now everybody agrees
    they’re beating the ukrainians that
    they’re just going to keep rolling and
    if that’s the case one would imagine
    you’d want those Patriot banties or
    batteries AR raid around your your
    sensitive facilities in Europe
    protecting your Capital protecting your
    defensive industry and all this stuff
    but no Jan Stenberg in His Infinite
    Wisdom wants to strip Europe dry of
    these things and send them all to
    Ukraine they’ve already sent a bunch to
    Ukraine They’re All Dead uh which sort
    of tells you what’s going to happen to
    whatever we send to Ukraine they’re not
    going to live very long uh but by the
    time the Russians end up chewing those
    up which will be sometime this spring or
    summer they won’t have a u a long
    lifespan that just means that Europe is
    further depleted of uh air defense it
    claims it needs now the good news for
    Europe is Russia isn’t planning on
    attacking it so you don’t have to worry
    but at some point in time there has to
    be a
    um sort of a logic check a quality
    control check of the logic coming out of
    uh out of NATO and it just it doesn’t
    make any sense this is just stupidity in
    the extreme and the other thing is the
    um the expense I mean these things
    aren’t cheap they’re a lot of money when
    is Europe going to get outraged about
    the the amount of taxpayer money is just
    being thrown away in
    Ukraine you’re not helping ukrainians by
    doing this you’re actually killing more
    ukrainians you’re extending this war
    you’re going to cause Russia to up the
    ante so to speak um this is cruel and
    inhuman punishment but I think we found
    the the
    answers Ron likes it when this happens
    because then the Nations that send
    Ukraine the Patriots to be destroyed
    will order new Patriots and Ron is in
    the business of making Patriots so they
    can make a lot of money so
    congratulations Yan stoltenberg you win
    the P the Patriot salesman of the Year
    award you uh you’ve done a very good
    job Roma and mova why aren’t jordanians
    stopping the flow of trucks from Jordan
    into Israel like is Israelis are with
    Aid trucks from Israel into
    Gaza good question I don’t know why um I
    hope jordanians are watching and
    understand that the world is looking at
    you and uh wondering you know are you
    going to and when we say jordanians of
    course we’re not talking about the
    Jordanian government because we know
    they’re not going to do anything against
    Israel we’re talking about the Jordanian
    people who uh cheered when Iranian
    missiles were hitting Israel um and who
    have claimed that they’re on the side of
    the Palestinians indeed many of some
    would say maybe the majority of
    Jordanian citizens are actually
    Palestinians so um yeah why aren’t they
    stopping it um probably because the
    Jordanian government will crack down on
    them and there’ll be problem but at some
    point in time these are the things that
    have to happen if uh if you’re going to
    put the kind of pressure that needs to
    be put on Israel to uh to stop the
    genocide in
    Gaza we have a voicemail message from
    Pekka in
    Finland okay question to the dynamic duo
    and no offense Jeff but by du I mean the
    Beloved inspector and his sidekick mck
    so now that the drooling NATO idiots
    here in Finland have made us part of the
    Frontline conflict zone of the nuclear
    powers on opposite sides of the world
    the other one of course being our
    neighbor to the east so how far should I
    run from the Northern Hemisphere to
    avoid the nuclear fallout if these dumb
    [ __ ] tivate the next I guess final
    world war trying to please their
    overlords in
    Washington you know I don’t think you
    can run far enough
    um look you’re you’re you’re I know
    there’s you know some tongue and cheek
    in your question but it’s a serious
    question and I know you know it’s a
    serious question Finland has made just
    stupid comments about um you know
    wanting to allow NATO to deploy nuclear
    weapons on Finnish soil so that they’re
    closer to Russia all that does is turn
    Finland into one giant nuclear Target I
    mean didn’t you learn your lesson um
    when you joined NATO and the Russians
    said okay we’re going to uh build a St
    Peters B um uh defense um district and
    um we’re going to deploy a new 70,000
    strong core there um
    and finland’s going wait a minute what
    wait a minute you’re not supposed to do
    that NATO’s supposed to make us safer
    you’re now putting 70,000 dudes right
    next to
    elsi yeah Welcome to the Real World and
    now you’re going to let nuclear weapons
    on your soil well that means is the
    Russians are going to equip those 70,000
    guys with nuclear weap to hit you and
    Russian nuclear weapons are better than
    anything that’ll be on your soil you
    just guaranteed that Finland will become
    a smoking ruin now I can’t say a
    thousand years though I was GNA say a
    thousand years but I’m not allowed to
    say that anymore because Helsinki may
    just go the way of Hiroshima and
    Nagasaki and and be you know
    you I’m sorry that that question just
    got me because
    um modern nuclear weapons you know are
    of a different design they they have
    different contaminants uh the different
    uh Isotopes are produced and the
    contaminations work which is why I used
    the Thousand-Year cycle because um
    that’s what’s going to happen it’s not
    going to be repeat but he did bring up
    the point that if the Iranians simply
    copied the gun design that was used in
    the um the little boy bomb that it might
    not be a thousand years but the bombs
    that Russia will use against Finland on
    the other hand I’m sorry they’re going
    to be a little bit dirtier and you are
    going to not be able to live there so
    run away uh don’t run to a America
    because we’ve become a giant Target
    you’re not going to like it here the
    Canadians no they’re not good uh
    Australia no they made a mistake they
    joined ala so where can you go nowhere I
    would go to Northern Finland way out in
    the middle of nowhere and uh hang out
    with some raineer and um play reindeer
    games and that might be a good way to
    spend the final moments of your
    life Michael in New York City many
    people such as Alexander mcus think the
    Russians won’t go beyond the Neer River
    but the Neer runs through keran oblast
    with Kiran City on the right bank and
    the Russians have annexed Kiran oblast
    won’t they take all of Kiran oblast
    explain yes they will take all of keran
    oblas because keran oblas is Russia it’s
    Russian territory they’re not going to
    leave any inch of Russian territory or
    centimeter Russian territory and
    Ukrainian hands so at a very minimum
    they will be crossing the Nea River to
    to take control of the uh the right Bank
    um you know and then the question is do
    they continue on do they take Mia do
    they go on through Odessa you know these
    are these are questions that have yet to
    be answered um I I
    saw some commentary coming out of the
    Kremlin that talked about COV playing an
    important role in any future uh buffer
    zone uh that a buffer zone would be
    dictated by the maximum range of the
    longest range system that NATO provides
    Ed to Ukraine but that implies that
    there’s going to be some sort of
    negotiated settlement not unconditional
    surrender um I right now don’t think
    that the Russians are planning on going
    too far beyond the Neer River until they
    get additional resources but they are
    building two combined arms Army and a
    Neer River flotilla a Neer River
    flotilla that means they plan on taking
    control of the Neer River and so um yeah
    I I think the deeper river factors
    heavily in Russia’s future
    plans I don’t want to make a big deal
    out of it but just out of curiosity did
    you and muris ever kiss and makeup after
    that Gonzalo L dust up or is
    that have you have you been on a show
    since then I haven’t been on a show
    since then I mean that’s his business
    it’s his show if he invites me I’ll be
    more happy to go on I you know we have a
    difference of opinion I don’t care I
    know what I know I know what I believe
    and uh I stand by it for all all the
    people are out there I see their little
    snide comments you know Gonzalo L was an
    sbu asset you’ll never get me to change
    my mind on that one um you know the man
    was arrested released a week later and
    allowed to use the computers to commit
    the same crimes that he was arrested for
    but this time he had an ankle monitor
    and he had to report to the sbu now if
    you have an ankle monitor reporting to
    the sbu while you’re committing crimes
    on the computer that was the scene of
    the crime that you arrested for you are
    a controlled
    asset explain it otherwise you can’t I
    rest my case sc’s on
    fire Mo in Serbia Iranian retaliatory
    strike has been executed very
    effectively in my opinion the plan for
    such strike or strikes is not just a two
    weeks job maybe it was just fine-tuned
    to meet the objectives what lessons if
    any will Western governments and Israel
    learn from
    this well hopefully the lessoning is
    that Iran now possesses um a well
    articulated um deterrent policy they’ve
    made it very clear um what their red
    lines are and they made it very clear U
    what the consequences of Crossing those
    red lines are um like any Nation uh when
    you have potential
    adversaries you have operational plans
    um I’m fairly certain that Iran has a
    wide variety
    of uh
    options uh that have been planned out uh
    when it comes to striking Israel you
    know a targeted limited strike a medium
    Spectrum strike a full spectrum strike
    each one has targets those targets have
    been broken down into what you want to
    accomplish um so if you want to take out
    a Runway uh for so long you need to
    create so many craters of such
    dispersion of such a depth um how many
    missiles will that take where these
    missiles going to come from where were
    the missiles launch from when the
    missiles are transiting from Storage to
    the launch site what kind of air defense
    will you have up what kind of logistic
    support do you need what kind of
    Maintenance do you need to keep these
    MDS wrestled the whole thing is planned
    out it’s called an operational plan they
    got one for every aspect of it because
    they’re professional soldiers so you
    it’s not like the Iranians woke up and
    said oh damn it we’re g to hit Israel
    what do we do what do we do let’s just
    make something up right now they had a
    plan they had a plan in place they knew
    exactly what they wanted to do that plan
    is updated with intelligence um you make
    the modifications as required but that’s
    that’s it um the Iranians right now have
    I believe a uh a number of plans in
    place that can be pulled off the shelf
    and executed at a moment’s
    notice Red Ranger in somal land on
    Garland Nixon you said Russia helped
    North Korea build up the Hypersonic
    missile why would Russia or any other
    Nation give its most advanced Tech to
    others aren’t they afraid that one day
    those weapons will be used against them
    or do they have counter measures for any
    Tech that they
    export well first of all the notion that
    Russia helped North Korea is purely
    speculative on my part all I was saying
    is that um you know having witnessed a
    number of um missile um
    programs um and look at the testing
    involved in that um it’s
    almost unheard of that you deploy an
    operational system
    after one static test and two flight
    tests and say we’re ready we’re ready to
    rock we’re good
    um because normally you you know
    especially if you’re if you’re just
    getting into the game how do you know I
    mean you’ve done the theory of it you’ve
    you know you you’ve worked up your
    formulas but how do you know that that
    missile stage is going to burn
    consistently you have to test it and
    um it just never happens that it works
    perfectly the first time first of all if
    it worked perfectly the first time how
    do you know that wasn’t just a glitch
    you got to repeat the experiment it
    doesn’t work again do it again does it
    work again consistency uh but they only
    burned it once
    that tells me that they already had a
    design that was was functional formulas
    are functional and they just were doing
    that just to make sure that it worked
    the way it was supposed to work but they
    didn’t need to keep doing um you know
    proof of concept test because the
    concept has already been proven the same
    thing when they launched the the first
    stage U you know the the missile that
    they have the huad 16b I believe it’s
    called um is basically they have a
    missile called thead 18 that’s a
    three-stage intercontinental ballistic
    they took the first two stages of that
    and put a Hypersonic maneuvering Warhead
    on top of it and fired that off back in
    January um this was a ballistic missile
    not a Hypersonic missile ballistic
    missile just so everybody understands
    the concept I don’t know if I’ve
    explained this before but a ballistic
    missile launches up and then gravity
    takes over it gets up there in the orbit
    and then an amazing thing happens
    gravity starts pulling it back down to
    earth and it goes into a parabolic
    motion and as it comes down it generates
    it it accelerates and it goes at
    Hypersonic speeds and everybody’s going
    that’s a that’s a Hypersonic missile
    Scott look it’s going Hypersonic speed
    no you idiot it’s a ballistic missile
    Hypersonic missiles don’t fly in
    ballistic trajectories that’s why we
    call them Hypersonic missiles to
    differentiate between a ballistic
    missile flying at hypersonic speeds
    Hypersonic missile goes up and then on
    its own propulsion does a straight line
    it Maneuvers but it’s not using gravity
    to generate its speed so they tested a
    ballistic missile but they said that was
    a booster uh phase so to see if the
    booster could get it up in the space and
    then it released they also tested the
    maneuvering Warhead on its way down it
    separated and they see could see if it
    maneuvered it did but that wasn’t a test
    of a Hypersonic system then in March
    they burned the second stage and this is
    the Hypersonic stage this is the one
    that has that new design the the highp
    speeed high impulse Burning uh solid
    fuel to give it that burst of power so
    it does so it can fight against gravity
    because remember it’s it’s like when you
    fire a bullet Ryan you know this one go
    to the rifle range and the further you
    get away from the target you got to
    click up why because your bullet’s going
    to drop it’s called gravity and so you
    fire Bull it goes and it drops and if
    you have clicked it up enough it drops
    right into the bullseye but you had to
    fire above the bullseye to get it to do
    that little parabolic motion um the
    Hypersonic one says screw that fire the
    bullet and it’s like you put a little
    primer of juice or fuel on it you fire
    that bullet and it goes off it lights
    and it just keeps going screw gravity
    it’s going to fight its way through
    gravity and fly straight that’s what
    gives the hyper so they tested that
    stage one time and then
    just this month they took the
    non-parabolic motion with high speed
    damn it somebody smarter than me and has
    better words thank you that’s what I was
    trying to say um you take the first
    stage of the ha song 18 you put on this
    second stage this new second stage and
    then you take that maneuvering Warhead
    and you slap it on top and now they call
    it the hang 16b this is a Hypersonic
    missile they fired it booster took it up
    separated second stage did its thing it
    flew to a certain distance it popped off
    the maneuvering Warhead at Hypersonic
    speeds and the maneuvering Warhead did
    what it had to do and Hit the Target and
    they called it a success and now they’re
    getting ready to deploy them um you
    don’t do
    that first time around so who helped
    them who gave them this uh this this
    stuff um because somebody
    did I’m just this is my assessment the
    North Koreans can get their panties in a
    bunch if they want to and say nope we
    did it all ourselves and I’ll say
    congratulations but I don’t believe you
    because nobody does it the first time no
    matter how good you are and I know you
    guys are pretty good somebody help them
    and the question is who and the people
    that have that technology are the
    Russians and the Chinese now could the
    Chinese have helped them yes but the
    Chinese and North Koreans don’t have the
    greatest of relations um I mean they’re
    they’re friends and everything but
    there’s some Str there because China
    understands that if there’s a war
    involving North Korea and South Korea
    that China is going to be directly
    involved and they are in the business of
    not or they were in the business of not
    provoking South Korea Japan the United
    States because if North Korea develops
    these very capable missile systems then
    the United States is wanted going to
    want to deploy The Fad missile defense
    system in South Korea that has
    sufficient range together with radar
    to impact China’s ballistic missile
    capabilities the Chinese are saying I
    know you’re saying that that deployment
    in South Korea is for the north but it
    impacts our strategic posture as well
    we’re not happy so they want to
    deconflict and deescalate um believes in
    Hypersonic missile teleportation that
    they can bypass a literal field of chaff
    from the latest
    Patriots it amazes me that Scott
    believes in Hypersonic missile
    teleportation that they can bypass a
    literal field of
    chaff from the latest
    Patriots okay um amazes me that I
    believe in that too I mean it’s stunning
    that I would believe in that did I ever
    use the word teleportation do I even
    know what teleportation mean I don’t
    think so so we’ll move on um but the the
    point is they did it the Russians on the
    other hand made I think the initial uh
    strategic decision that because remember
    Russia’s feeling the way weight of the
    West earlier than China’s China’s
    conflict with the West is still
    theoretical Taiwan is still a
    theoretical fight the fight between
    Russia and the collective West
    is in Ukraine and it’s real it’s as real
    as it gets and so Russia is looking at
    that saying what can we do to make life
    more miserable for the Americans plus
    what do we do to secure our our
    Frontiers it’s my guess and again the
    Russians could tell me no and I would
    never ask them this question because
    it’s far too sensitive and they would
    never answer it because it’s none of my
    damn business but I believe that Russia
    made a strategic decision that um
    certain Technologies would be made made
    available to North Korea so they could
    rapidly field uh this missile because R
    it’s in Russia’s interest for North
    Korea to change the Strategic Balance
    power in the region right now you have a
    situation where the United States um has
    impose sort of a nuclear deterrence
    model on North Korea who built their own
    nuclear deterrence in response and now
    you have a situation where you have this
    you know this this so-called nuclear
    balance but it’s a very dangerous thing
    because what’s the line between
    deterrence policy and um you know
    military power policy uh if you have
    nuclear weapons invariably the new the
    the deterrence model is going to get
    it’s it can get fuzzy as you come in and
    you say we’re going to have to use them
    at some point in time Russia doesn’t
    want nuclear weapons to be used and so
    what Russia I believe encouraged was
    North Korea to develop a conventional
    deterrent capability by giving them
    Hypersonic missile capabilities that’ll
    gave North Korea the ability either to
    preempt or retaliate in a non-nuclear
    fashion um that’s what I think happened
    here um I could be wrong pure
    speculation I admit it pure speculation
    uh but it’s the only thing that makes
    sense because nobody tests and Fields a
    Hypersonic missile the first time around
    it just doesn’t happen now maybe the
    North Koreans are that
    good I’m not saying it’s impossible I’m
    just saying that history shows that it’s
    never happened
    before here’s a voicemail message from
    anoir hello gain sir this is Salim anoir
    from a stumble uh quick question I I uh
    heard what you had to say about the
    white helmets I had a similar suspicion
    there was a they call an e they called
    him an expat living in a stumble who uh
    was found dead on the pavement the
    guardian said it was a horrible tragedy
    humanitarian had uh died under
    circumstances I suspected he was
    probably an agent and that uh a team had
    finished him off but given your
    expertise and
    contacts uh can you shed any more light
    on the death of this ex-royal Marine who
    I suspect was probably sonda Dam my6
    anyway thank you very much and uh take
    um I mean I don’t have any direct
    knowledge uh I will say this that I have
    a a very good
    friend who is a marine former Royal
    Marine Brit um and he knew this guy and
    thought highly of them um and my
    friend’s a good judge of character so
    you know it’s it’s possible for you to
    be involved in something um for instance
    somebody can be involved in something
    that I don’t agree with that doesn’t
    make you a bad person it just means that
    I don’t agree with you on your goals and
    objectives um this this
    person whose name I can’t remember um
    somebody can and need sign my
    bar okay
    um this this guy helped create
    a uh a rescue service um received money
    to do this but I whether it was his
    intention or whether or not he was used
    is is a question I can’t answer that um
    but you know this these white
    helmets started getting this is where I
    think he he actually knew what he was
    doing why I actually was part of a urban
    search and rescue team a medium
    capability team that means uh that if a
    collapses the team that I was on would
    come in and rescue people inside that
    collaps structure and you can have light
    teams you can have medium teams and you
    can have heavy teams each one has a
    different level of training um to
    certify your capability because they’re
    not going to let you anywhere near a
    collapse scene if you don’t have the
    training to do that and These Guys these
    white helmets
    were running around doing medium and
    level rescues and filming it um but then
    when you looked at their training the
    only training they got was for light
    rescue which tells you that the heavy
    rescue they were doing was all for a
    show it wasn’t real they don’t know how
    to shore they haven’t been trained on it
    they don’t know what Shing is they don’t
    know how to use the tools safely they
    haven’t been trained on it they’re out
    there jacking away with hammers and
    doing stuff
    if you don’t know what you’re doing
    you’re going to bring the whole damn
    thing down and kill everybody so it’s
    all an act it’s theater that was going
    on and this guy was part of the theater
    he’s out there you know talking about
    their Brave work he’s training them he’s
    getting them up he’s getting the
    equipment to come
    in but what was really happening is they
    were they were actors in The Stage
    designed to you know create the
    theatrics of rescuing innocent civilians
    from the horrific bombing of the Assad
    the double tap that’s where it came in
    you know they would drop the barrel bomb
    the barrel bomb was the other one the
    barrel bomb and then we’d run in to
    rescue and then they’ double tap us with
    another Barrel bomb and he was spreading
    this crap and it’s all lies every single
    thing is lies um I mean did some of
    these white helmets die hell yeah um
    you’re in a war zone uh did they ever
    save anybody maybe maybe they did but
    they’re not a medium team they’re not a
    heavy team they’re not training to that
    the vast majority of what did was
    theatrics I’ll give you an example of
    theatrics they
    um they created a hasmat response team
    not just any Hazmat response because
    again the reason why I could talk about
    this comfortably is that’s what I used
    to do I was a you know a um oh god what
    the hell it’s been so long now
    uh specialist it was a
    Hazmat technician and Hazmat specialist
    um and on the H on the team I was a
    Hazmat specialist um that means that I’m
    qualified to respond to a scene and I’ve
    been to the school live agent training
    um Cobra the Sarah nerve agent and the
    VX nerve agent and the mustard and you
    did all the training in a live agent
    environment so that uh you you would
    have the confidence that you ever had to
    go into a real world situation you you
    said well I’ve been there I know my
    protective GE works and all this kind of
    stuff these boys are out there
    collecting against sarin nerve agent and
    uh they’re running around wearing
    training suits I’m going that’s presides
    zero protection there one guy’s in full
    you know mop gear you know level a suit
    and the guy next to him is wearing
    sandals and he’s collecting samples
    handed off the guy with no gloves
    putting in a box bagging it up and I’m
    going it’s theatrics 100% theatrics and
    yet this is the guy this Brit who ended
    up taking the dive off the Bild in
    Istanbul he’s the guy training all this
    now what happened with him my
    understanding is um
    he was dipping his hands into the
    finances um money was going into his
    pocket that shouldn’t have gone into his
    pocket and he got caught um he had
    received a large amount of money from I
    think a Dutch um source and when they
    were doing the audit the audit found
    inconsistencies uh this was a big shame
    and um he ended up going off the ledge
    of a building now some people think he
    committed suicide um some people think
    that he was pushed um what do I think I
    don’t know I would say that given his
    military background uh given the fact
    that he at one time was a man of honor
    and principle um and that he had gone
    through a lot of effort to create the
    facade of a honorable principal
    principal man as he helped build up the
    white helmets to have all of that his
    entire life be thrown away by stupidity
    um I’m thinking he he he might have done
    the deed himself but we don’t know I
    don’t know the Turks don’t know I mean
    maybe they do maybe they did an
    investigation have released it
    but this this is a uh it’s a tragic
    situation it’s a human trag like I said
    I have a very good friend who knew this
    guy and and he he thought highly of him
    so at one time this guy was a man of
    honor and maybe he was always a man of
    Honor everybody’s human everybody’s
    freaking human and you know he got
    involved in something clearly there were
    people who uh who were who were driving
    the scenario I don’t think he invented
    the white helmets I don’t think he
    invented you know this mass production
    he might have started something that was
    that he thought was the right thing to
    do and then it got taken over by others
    who started bullied him or manipulated
    him or he thought he was doing the right
    thing and the next thing you know he’s
    in over his head and uh tragedy strikes
    um but let’s take him out of it and
    let’s just focus on the white helmets
    they are the scum of the earth these are
    not good people they’re propagandists
    who exploit uh the suffering of others
    to uh to create a false uh image of the
    Assad regime that is used then to
    justify uh the provision of billions of
    dollars to
    alqaeda uh to Isis uh to Islamic
    fundamentalists salafists uh who
    continue their murderous Rampage and
    it’s continuing today in idlib Province
    where the white helmets still reside
    these aren’t good people um they
    hopefully will be eradicated at some
    point in
    time let’s do a live teleportation
    now hey you’re on with our favorite
    weapons inspector how are you
    hey Jeff Scott how are you hey I didn’t
    really have a question I just wanted to
    add something about the youran Israel
    matter as someone who’s Iranian and
    spend like up until my 20th up my 20
    years old and it was there I just wanted
    to say that um I don’t think Yan’s
    response was
    really as as strong as it you should
    been um that’s what I don’t really want
    to say because um this guy’s been
    killing Iranians were like God like
    forever now you have this opportunity
    and um you send a bunch of drones I just
    I think it was weak and I thought that
    would be interesting to say but I don’t
    know I think it wasn’t good enough all
    right that’s it okay thanks for the
    call so I you know the one of the
    problems with not feeling good is that
    my head is very stuffy and um I don’t
    hear very well
    and I was having trouble I think he was
    saying that he had trouble with the
    Israeli response to Iran because it
    wasn’t strong enough is that the gist of
    what he was saying yeah I think so I
    it’s hard to hear it’s not just because
    of your C he didn’t ask any question
    anyway no but it’s a it’s a it’s a fair
    point I think that there there’s an
    implied question there um you know was
    this there’s some speculation um that
    this wasn’t the real Israeli um
    retaliation that this was
    some sort of um ruse to get the Iranians
    to drop their guard and then at some
    point in the future Israel come in and
    Bam Bam Bam hit him hit him hard um I
    don’t think that’s the case but I mean
    we don’t
    know we also what we don’t know is what
    really happened I mean the Iranians you
    know they they’re making uh noise about
    these three drones I mean I’ve been
    checking I don’t claim to be the world’s
    best uh the the the best you know use of
    Twitter and or X and all this in the
    world but I can’t find any uh film
    coming out of Iran that shows the the
    remnants of these three
    drones um you know so I don’t know if
    they were
    drones now I’m hearing that they’re
    finding U missile Parts in in Iraq and I
    look at the size of that
    and if that is indeed remnants of an
    Israeli missile that’s uh that’s
    probably you know delivered by by an Air
    Platform did the Israelis um Fly
    aircraft into Iraq that would have been
    detected by the Iranians the Iranians
    aren’t squawking um there’s a lot about
    what happened on Saturday it still
    doesn’t make too much sense uh but at
    this point in time I don’t
    care because I’m thinking it was one
    giant um bit of theatrics to make this
    damn thing go away um I think everybody
    was involved in just making this go away
    um and someday Washington Post is going
    to publish the story about how William
    Burns bravely went to the Middle East
    and met with the Iranians and cooked up
    this scheme and then went and sent his
    you know somebody else to Tel Aviv where
    they sat down with Netanyahu and they
    all worked out the secret deal how it
    was going to happen the theatrics who’s
    going to say what and just make it go
    away because I think everybody realized
    that Israel had gone too far with the
    consulate attack and Iran’s response was
    a very tailored but heavy response even
    though they didn’t destroy a whole bunch
    of stuff they proved their point but the
    the the the the visual of 300 plus

    Scott Ritter: Iran demonstrated power vs. Israel, IDF truly lost war

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