LIVE Stocks, Options & Futures Trading with Pros! (Market Open, Last Call & More) April 24th, 2024

    to talk about Market it’s early but not
    too come on wake up now pour that Cofe
    down your throat hole it’s hot now you
    got a hole in your throat Oh no just
    call your boss take a CR from out your
    eyes so
    tast good morning you Knuckleheads happy
    Wednesday to you both
    hello how how’s my team it feels like a
    got Monday Vibes it’s so cold it’s so it
    got cold again it did get cold what
    happened when did that happen what
    happened I don’t know it’s just it’s not
    supposed to be yeah this weather not
    cold in here though no it is not not
    even a little bit uhuh uhuh
    hot I haven’t turned my heat off yet are
    you serious
    yeah that’s a CH turn your heat off I’ve
    had the air conditioning on a couple of
    times oh I don’t even know now I’m in
    that zone in Chicago where
    on the nest you can have the oh the Dual
    mode yeah the Dual mode it makes like a
    cloud you don’t know anything about this
    cuz you have you have gen one and yours
    is a very sophisticated system but us
    peons and common folk um you can put it
    on Dual so if it get down to like let’s
    say 68 the heat comes on if it gets up
    to 72 the air conditioning comes on it’s
    basically raining between although to be
    fair The Nest sucks like it never figur
    it’s just like oh it’s 70 degrees
    outside you must want it to be 70
    degrees heat like it just it’s not smart
    at all it’s like oh I’m learning I’m
    learn this has been learning for
    two years and still can’t get my
    temperature right I agree with I agree
    with you there so it’s Google like you
    would expect it to be so smart so
    intuitive so then you just keep it on
    one temperature yeah you know you just
    lock down like a regular trying to force
    you to do yeah so save mode yeah yeah
    yeah for for the plan I need Carlos to
    come to my house turn my air condition
    out but that guy sucks too cuz he won’t
    he he he can’t show up he hasn’t showing
    up you r at Carlos what did Carlos do
    hasn’t shown up all winter oh question
    since Carlos has been on the payroll
    you’ve had nonstop heat and air
    conditioning prior to Carlos he didn’t
    come this whole year CU he couldn’t make
    it this but it worked but somehow it
    worked maybe Carlos is in Arizona with
    Scott did you think about that bet you
    didn’t maybe he poached him scopi him
    bet it’s an act of God I look at it as
    an act of God this winter I got through
    the entire winter with perfect heat ever
    since you met Carlos everything’s been
    good what temperature do you like to
    have it for sleeping I’m curious for you
    76 no way 76 74 74 in the winters in
    Chicago yeah
    74 69 for us baby 64 64 is freezing
    that’s what blankets and quilts are for
    I don’t like blankets and quilts you’re
    supposed to your body wants it to be
    cool I like to sleep
    naked oh yeah
    you just out here traumatizing
    everybody and please send him the emails
    don’t send them to me I don’t have the
    pictures yeah I like to sleep the warm
    naked you know old yeah baby you know
    they’re making a line I saw it was here
    on Madison there’s you didn’t say how
    you like to sleep banana what she just
    said un quilts under a like in a suit of
    armor in one of those sweat blankets
    what are those things C I have a
    weighted blanket a weighted blanket yeah
    yeah mhm I I don’t like weighted
    blankets you’ve never slept with a
    weighted blanket how do you know it
    really I did I got divorced I don’t like
    it but it feels like a hug it’s really
    nice SLE with a dog sleeping on top of
    me and see that’s nice that’s the worst
    there the reason why they call it a
    Three Dog Night dogs in a bed do not
    belong they make a bed too hot horrible
    dirty you say the same about men
    horrible dirty make it too hot
    Spartan smelling same thing dog Man true
    I no no no argument interchangeable true
    I mean I have to be honest I do not mind
    a dog sleeping in the bed do you mind a
    man sleeping in your
    bed might as well come clean now judge
    as well judge I’ve only done it once
    that was Scott no it was Scott was your
    head to toe or what you what do you do
    what do you actually I don’t think we
    were head to toe it was a water bed so I
    was like you know it was a water bed oh
    this story is from the 880s yeah oh
    that’s amazing was this Idaho too good
    it was in Galina oh yeah that’s even an
    exotic destination that you guys were in
    Gina Illinois with Five Guys in a house
    hey what happens what happens in
    Wisconsin stay and it’s Illinois oh
    Illinois all right right right almost
    Iowa almost Iowa you’re right across
    Iowa it’s actually beautiful part I like
    to ride my motorcycle it’s actually
    really nice it’s really pretty I mean
    you would like C rless area it’s
    kalina’s got your Kina is my wheel it’s
    like historical there’s chachki shops
    it’s like it’s all little downtown two
    or three blocks long though it’s like
    nothing it’s like two three blocks long
    all an st ulys S Grant was was born the
    union general yeah no and then you go
    two minutes further into debuk it’s
    gross debuk is cute there’s like a
    little Casino there you ride across went
    to I can’t say anything B about cool on
    the bike cuz I’ve done this like a bunch
    of times I went to the river boat there
    one night but you ride across the
    Mississippi River like 3 four hours no
    we were staying in Galina went to the
    river what did you go to Galina for I
    actually went to Galina during the
    pandemic it was like the pandemic had
    never Happ stop that’s why he went we
    why did we go to Galina we would go
    every year to for golf
    tournament Eagle Ridge Eagle Ridge yeah
    go to that Eagle Ridge Resort they have
    like five courses and including the
    general um General I played that course
    I played it with my dad yeah they have a
    they have like five different coures
    yeah we would have this golf tournament
    actually best dad organized it every
    year a and and one year we like it was
    it was like 30 40 Traders and uh must
    must been the good traders that poor
    those poor cart
    traumatized yeah one year we won it was
    great straight up everybody else was so
    happy for us I’m sure they were
    congratulations on your wealth they
    probably still talking about it yeah
    they probably still talking about what
    did you do last night watched hockey
    watched hockey well did they win did we
    who’s they we don’t have any
    skin your did your team win um I was
    just wanted to see a great game and it
    was a great game who was playing there
    was a couple games but I watched the
    Tampa Bay um Florida game oh Florida’s
    in it Florida 10 Florida is strong I
    didn’t know that Florida was good I
    thought they yeah the Panthers are good
    wow Rangers won they’re they’re good too
    there’s there’s there’s Rangers are
    making DC look uh the capitals look uh a
    little played pretty good last night
    they played they played better but they
    were never really in Itor but um yeah no
    this is a great Sports time beginning of
    the Stanley Cup is great and the
    beginning of the NBA Playoffs is great
    MH yeah I don’t care about any of this
    but there’s breaking news how’s Taylor
    Swift thank you there’s breaking news
    that Travis is teaching Taylor how to
    play golf oh my God you guys can you
    imagine you do you ever try to teach
    your significant other how to do
    only a couple
    things she does by the way I’ve never
    been able to listen
    so I think we played
    golf well we never played golf we went
    out of the Golf Course once and I don’t
    oh you found the 19th hole no I think we
    just like I think what’s wrong with you
    I think it might be one hole and it was
    one hole we were done it’s a bar in
    Brooklyn the did you ever try to teach
    your wife to do anything like like I
    don’t know like like no like a sport
    something she already knows everything
    like a SP like a sport all right our
    wives went to the same school together
    they already know everything are you
    kidding me I’m here for it yeah they
    they um I I actually my wife taught me a
    couple of Tricks I’m
    not dirty little girl I don’t like
    people that like I hate it here play
    golf with their spouses and stuff it’s
    like you know you hate when couples find
    Mutual hobbies to devation for other
    relationship to quote the old Seinfeld
    episode I don’t like when my Worlds
    Collide church and state yeah I like
    he’s not saying she’s going to have to
    be out every time he goes out with the
    round with the boys but like he’s
    supporting her because just you know I
    can safely say I’ve never played a sport
    with my wife yeah I I never have I like
    the fact that my world’s when we first
    met but it just it’s some say then it I
    don’t I don’t care no I like to do I
    like to do a good
    tribe like Golf and Vegas and things
    like that with my friends like all my
    friends they have mutual Hobbies like
    they they’ll both like snow snowboard
    together or ski together or they’ll the
    snow there’s no doubt motorcycles
    together or play golf together pickle
    ball pickle ball is huge with we don’t
    do anything no no not gonna happen we
    have no Hobbies okay yeah yeah except
    for hating people you two your hobbi
    things so did you do anything else last
    night you just watch
    hockey I mean is that not enough I what
    do we have to do well we didn’t get out
    of what was going on here we were here
    really late and why I don’t remember
    okay cool oh I know why I mean it was a
    business thing but we had a meeting oh
    okay it was so memorable you don’t even
    remember why no no no I do know why I’m
    just saying we had a meeting and we went
    really late okay and so I didn’t get out
    of here with traffic was brutal last
    night yeah tonight I have to go out to
    dinner oh yeah with the big boss we got
    a big group going out to dinner tonight
    I’m not excited about it but I have to
    go out to dinner what kind of food where
    are you how do you think they feel about
    it it excited to have you there too yeah
    it’s kind of like crappy Italian don’t
    say that well I mean it’s mediocre
    Italian at best so this is even less
    than that you can get like you can get
    like there are some decent Italian
    restaurants but this place is very
    mediocre so who piic who picked it then
    only place marketing team
    yeah the only place we get a reservation
    with enough people nice what’s going to
    be your go-to dish then you already know
    cuz if you know this place the way you
    I’ve been here 100 times right so you
    already know what are you get do they
    have like a chicken fio no no no no I
    don’t like theirs
    oh this is cuz they’re chickeni no this
    is there’s only two things you can order
    at this restaurant go ahead Chicken al
    Jo no no they don’t CH this is
    essentially their best thing is their ve
    chop they do an Italian V chop it’s like
    add a budget what’s the next
    thing you order anything you want off
    the menu except the ve guy what else you
    want I get the lasagna yeah lasagna for
    but you just get like a whole big tray
    forever just cut I get it’s not great
    but not everyone eats meat what’s that
    not everyone eats meat you don’t eat you
    have to I get bread on the table their
    lasagna’s good not great yeah yeah
    what’s the best lasagna you’ve ever had
    oh at a restaurant yeah sure no no no no
    the one lasagna your wife made on the
    golf course that one you know I don’t
    order lasagna that many places but the
    last place I went to was that Mart
    Anthony place there lasagna was great
    yeah great you know I don’t think I’ve
    ever little sneak had lasagna uh they
    make vegetable lasagna yeah oh yeah we
    had vegetable make white lasagna you
    could vegetable lasagna yeah maybe we’ve
    had vegetable Las vegetable lasagna tra
    memorable to me I don’t know I don’t
    like crave it like I understand I
    understand I can get I can understand I
    understand I I love lasagna okay
    Garfield I do and you know what lasagna
    I’ll tell you why I love lasagna because
    lasagna is the kind of and I like
    vegetable or meat I don’t really care
    yeah but lasagna is something that I
    never ever make at home well it’s hard
    it’s it’s labor intensive no it’s labor
    intensive come on for your loved
    one okay I want to see you two
    make pans of lasagna saying Las so easy
    lasagna could actually lasagna could be
    probably one of the easiest beyond the
    1900s they even make pasta now you don’t
    even have to cook the pasta first you
    can put it in there beyond the after the
    1900s you’ve made lasagna no okay that’s
    what I thought I have numerous times
    sold you’ve made lasagna sold you made
    Las your wife no I’m texting your wife
    right now you made Las in the last 24
    years yeah I get my kid out here we have
    it all the time I I want to bet we do it
    for Christmas we do it for Thanksgiving
    I want to bet $20 right now says we text
    your wife she says you’ve never made the
    L I mean I believe that your wife makes
    it and like you open the oven door I
    don’t think you’ve actually done
    anything I will sell you at making
    lasagna matter of fact she’s going to
    tell you the last time I made the
    lasagna I’m not going to tell I’m I’m
    going to text I’m I’m going to prove
    this to you I have it in a text last
    time I made lasagna she going tell you
    it was too s because I told her to add
    too much parmesan cheese you want to bet
    but if I’m going to bet $20 that you
    haven’t made lasagna in the last 24
    years I done I’m going to put it on your
    list of money you made it what’s that
    start yeah like not you walked in and go
    hey make
    lasagna bend
    over I hate it here get that pan out of
    the oven oop bend
    over lasagna is in this escal leads to a
    true crime podcast real
    quick um there’s no way there’s no way
    oh my God I have to text it right now
    there’s no freaking way you’ve made
    lasagna last 25 years oh my God that’s
    I’m with you Tom I’m there’s no way yeah
    and and don’t say ask her to say how
    would you like me to phrase the
    question I will ask her yeah don’t let
    how would you like how would you like me
    have I ever made lasagna in the last 10
    years is that that going give you years
    24 years 24 years since 20 last 10 to 20
    my love have I ever made lasagna in the
    last don’t don’t that that’s
    don’t my
    love how dare you use a loving in term
    of IND don’t like don’t that’s like
    almost no that doesn’t count sent it I
    sent it I have to ask the question all
    right well we’re gonna just keep it
    moving here let me ask the question has
    the jerk has that jerk wait you have a
    do you have his number everybody’s got a
    number um oh no shots fired how it’s
    been around for a long time he’s not
    lying he’s not lying she hasn’t changed
    that number has she no no no not in the
    last 30 years you still got it see out
    here catching straight only been around
    20 if I ask her did the jerk go ahead
    did the jerk ever make lasagna no go
    ahead um okay uh we got a great show for
    you today it’s a wonderful Wednesday
    here on TC live little something we like
    to call us assume the position Wednesday
    starting off at the top of the 8:00 hour
    we’re going to do an options Drive uh
    mitigating downside risk with 21 DTE
    that is the topic uh and it is assumed
    the position Wednesday so we’re going to
    do what’s your assumption so review is
    right in with an underlying and a
    directional bias Tom’s going to try to
    do as many trades as possible in 20
    minutes and we got the original geek in
    the house Jacob skinny on options math
    talking about fractal management um with
    Jacob little fractal Rock get it fractal
    Rock no okay uh Jacob also gonna be part
    of the Geeks show uh coming this summer
    so if you love Jacob and he tickles your
    brain uh you can come see him person who
    wouldn’t want a Jacob I love him we must
    protect him at all costs yeah he is a
    treasure he’s a treasure uh and then we
    got live from the trade desk with big
    boy Scotty s Scot shared and counting
    down all the top trending tickers over
    at tasty trade and we got Johnny trades
    Nikki B coming in uh with his trade
    ideas and of course because it’s
    Wednesday we got truth or skepticism Tom
    snoff Dylan rigan what are you talking
    about with Dylan today we’re debating on
    topics but we’re talking about some Fox
    Trot you’re gonna talk about Fox Trot I
    would like to talk about Fox Trot it
    pisses me off but we’ll talk about I
    have it for you but I don’t think Dylan
    knows what that is and so he’s in DC
    well he used to be didn’t he always and
    Dy D’s not Fox TR guy no he’s not a fox
    TR guy never made lasagna last years
    Dylan made lasagna not a CH I bet I bet
    Dylan hasn’t has open up a can of tomato
    sauce Dylan lived in Italy no I love
    this whole eat prey love thing for Dylan
    where he’s just making tell he lived in
    Italy he lives he’s in Italy right now I
    will guarantee how can you live in Italy
    and not be inspired to cook I will
    guarantee you Italian I would bet I
    would go another a step further and say
    Dylan has never used his at the trvy
    fountain look for the next victim theous
    pasta for Dylan I will repeat that has
    never used his stove in Italy we’ll find
    out we’ll find out there’s not even a
    forget about cooking lasagna he has
    never opened his stove he’s like Carri
    Bradshaw he keeps his shoes in there
    would you be willing to take the other
    side of that I would say he’s never open
    to stove I say that he’s a renaissance
    man I I’ll take the other side of that I
    will take the he could pretend for a
    little while I think she may be onest
    something part of his act yeah yeah yeah
    the other side that no but we’re going
    to talk about um I mean we’re going to
    talk about non-compete well I okay well
    you’re going to have me first but okay
    and we’re also going to talk a little
    bit about the ti Tok we’ve already
    talked about Tik Tok we’re we’re it is
    law now so it’s okay but don’t
    yell at me I’m just telling you that
    it’s now I’m not yelling at you you’re
    just like it’s okay well go to
    your room and turn up your death metal
    then and go pout I don’t know I’m just
    telling you that it’s
    law it is written uh but anyway that’s
    the Run of show for today we got to get
    this Boeing going you want your daily
    dose sure hit me my theme music let’s go
    our leading story breaking
    newsing St St to’s
    headin breaking
    news it is so hot in here oh my God
    stoping they literally rivulets of sweat
    no they’re not running down my body you
    want me to lift up my dress yeah baby is
    that all it took it’s so hot it is a
    wonderful I’ll bet you $20 you don’t
    lift up your dress wonderful honey it’s
    going to cost you more than 20 bucks is
    a wonderful Wednesday it’s April the
    24th here tasty live it’s part of the
    show called The Daily Dose where we talk
    about today’s financial news and
    headlines my name is Vana are you ready
    for the news sure earnings for today I
    got you for earnings that happened last
    night but what’s coming up for meta is
    the big name along with IBM if you still
    believe that and then there’s a small
    little company I believe it starts with
    an r ends with an L probably going
    bankrupt but it’s a $ 35 billion doll
    company near that’s Royal Caribbean
    that’s correct oh that th said was going
    out of business that’s correct that’s
    correct doing just the opposite proving
    him wrong correct at alltime high yes
    caterpillar love AAL Honeywell Ford
    there’s a few others there’s a ple of
    them that’s a lot what are you gonna do
    what are you gonna do in uh
    meta I have no idea I lose meta in
    everything I do okay I lose money in
    meta in everything I do you got the
    Golden Touch hey getting to the first
    headline of the day cuz I Hit It First
    the FTC has voted to ban non-compete
    clauses that bar employees from working
    for competitors and sweeping legislation
    is hailed as just I don’t know awesome
    for all laborers uh there um is not
    going to be any non-competes effective
    immediately that’s according to the FTC
    every single business group that exists
    is like we are going to fight this we
    are going to sue we are going to
    litigate really because I I would I
    think this is the greatest thing ever
    yes but other Business Leaders and other
    business groups you can see how they
    would want to protect their you really
    can’t you really you’re purposefully
    being up to I’m not purp why would I say
    that I support this 100% this is you
    support this and I believe but I’m
    saying you can’t really you can’t
    believe why a JP Morgan or a Goldman I I
    cannot believe employees to go work for
    their competitor you don’t
    believe work if you don’t want to work
    here if you don’t want to work here you
    have IP let the door hit you on the way
    out you hav that’s right I got to tell
    you something my emails have been
    blowing up thank you everybody who’s
    trying to hire me I really do appreciate
    it um I will evaluate all of these I
    would like to announce that I’ve entered
    the transfer
    portal I’m see you later I’m totally
    fine with anybody I know but just just
    first of all you know it’s also it’s
    $150,000 under $150,000 okay I didn’t
    know that actually yeah it’s not it’s
    still a lot of work it’s not management
    positions under $150,000 okay and and
    but it’s still a lot of workers is the
    most ridiculous thing we’ve had can I
    tell you this though these the the there
    were companies that were using this rule
    like Jimmy John’s was trying to enforce
    this rule saying that they Rous couldn’t
    go work at a subway or Jersey mics
    that’s how that’s how ridiculous this
    rules I can tell you how it’s applied to
    us over the years we’ve had people that
    you know that are developers in the
    fintech business and they’re like we
    can’t work for you because you have you
    know you’re at some my non-compete
    doesn’t let me we’ve had people that are
    on the trade desk I’ve had CEOs of other
    online brokerages call me up and say hey
    you can’t hire this person they have a
    non-compete they’re on the trade desk
    you know they’re they’re um they there’s
    proprietary my response has always been
    I just can’t believe that you don’t
    think my response has always that would
    want to keep the status quo my response
    has always been the same to all these
    CEOs and people that call us up and say
    hey we’re going to sue you you know like
    you can’t sue us you can sue the person
    if you want we don’t have a not we don’t
    have a deal with you we don’t have a
    deal with anybody we can do anything we
    want if you want to if you want to take
    this you know you want to take some kid
    to court for to try to you know to try
    to go fight the non I go you’re going to
    lose and we’re going to put our money
    behind him but I go but I’m hiring them
    anyway and if you want to fight it you
    know go right ahead be you’re going to
    look like such a jerk there’s not a
    single nobody’s going you’re not going
    to win this game can I ask you about
    this so the other labor um sort of
    benefit that was bundled into this and I
    think you’re going to feel the opposite
    about this is that they increase
    protections uh they increase the
    limitation for getting overtime but for
    salaried employees because right now the
    threshold was super low it was like in
    30,000 now they’re going to raise it to
    40,000 and then in 2025 let me get the
    story out then raise it to
    $56,000 so like middle management people
    and it’s going to keep exped on that it
    used to be a factor but because bat and
    I are do some overtime no no no
    it used to be a factor a weekend off it
    used to be a factor but now with
    everybody working from home and not
    working for two or three days a week
    it’s actually going to work the reverse
    way you’re such a little cheery picker
    man it’s actually going to work the
    other way like I’m all for employees you
    guys are going to it’s you’re it’s a
    slavery contract Hey listen let me tell
    something if if you want if everybody
    wants to enforce that then everybody’s
    gonna owe us money that’s how is okay
    I’m just telling you how it’s work not a
    single scrap of data that you can point
    to there’s there’s there’s pages of data
    that what is the data what are you
    looking at there folders of data I’ll
    show it to you but my point is there’s
    rolodexes of data careful is Tom typing
    emojis be careful be careful where you
    go with that because you’ll end up owing
    money all right go going check you tell
    her Tom all right getting to the big
    getting to the crazy move last night we
    have to talk about Tesla let’s talk
    about Tesla uh Tesla had their earnings
    they missed on top and bottom lines and
    they’re like yeah we’re not doing great
    but they’re like we are going to move to
    launch a cheaper EV sooner than expected
    we’re also going to make a robot and
    then the stock just soared uh after
    hours I saw it up 19 no it’s up it’s up
    about 16 yeah 15 I said I saw it up the
    expected move the expected move was it’s
    not a big deal it’s right in line okay
    yeah and to the upside which it’s all
    good for the bad told you it was going
    to be okay and you did a a rare pre-
    earning but you were sort of Neal yes
    yeah I went neutral cuz he swayed me I I
    it’s been so for the last three years
    not getting swayed by him but he he
    influenced me a little bit I played
    Boeing to the upside other i’ have a
    giant a lot of people though are saying
    that really that the only way for Tesla
    to move forward and to thrive is if they
    get rid of Elon what are your
    thoughts um well stupid people say
    stupid things okay and I’m not even a
    huge Elon fan but stupid why are you so
    angry today like not angry at all you
    just like want to scrap he’s War himself
    up for later on no it’s not no they
    didn’t no you’re wrong like I can’t get
    saying I mean really I’m trying to have
    an intellectual like well anyone who
    thinks that is stupid well that’s not
    adding to the discourse do you really
    think Tesla is a better company without
    Elon just like I’m just I’m ask was
    Apple a better company without Steve
    Jobs you don’t honestly think that he’s
    a distraction though that he and it’s
    Simon good without gar fun no but that
    that like a Tipping Point that he’s now
    more of a distraction than he think that
    he is a distraction but you also he is
    also he is Tesla you can’t get rid of
    them sure okay I was just asking no you
    can’t get rid of them okay well we’ll
    see what happens but also he notoriously
    overpromises and under delivers and so I
    don’t know why the street keeps belie
    him like I know why I keep believing him
    one of like five richest people in the
    world so I don’t I’m not too concerned
    okay all right it’s gonna be that kind
    of day uh Jack dorsey’s payment company
    block is building its own Bitcoin mining
    system uh he says the payment company
    formerly known as square is explain is
    expanding its Bitcoin mining Ambitions
    from uh designing chips to developing a
    full Bitcoin mining system um I’m I’m a
    little sorry that we didn’t get into
    mining well it’s hot enough in here to
    mine some Bitcoin yeah yeah yeah no
    kidding I’m a little bummed that we
    didn’t go that way uh Square SQ anybody
    uh we don’t really have a POS we don’t
    have a position okay all right yeah get
    out of here anyway Square 69 Ivy rank
    hanging out at 75 and change earnings
    May 2nd uh what about just Bitcoin in
    general other digital assets basically
    change 66,000 and change uh flirting
    67 okay had a tight range last night
    what about coinbase you know what
    coinbase let’s take a look I haven’t
    this morning coinbase was trading 390
    sorry 339 oh my goodness I was like 39 I
    was like oh my God up around $3 sorry
    okay uh want to talk about precious
    metals Gold’s 3% dip may help fuel a run
    to Fresh record high eyes gold posted
    its biggest two-day percentage loss
    since February of 2023 is this a time to
    Scoopy um I don’t think so okay that Tom
    said he doesn’t think so then he doesn’t
    think so what are you asking me for okay
    oil oil Rises nearly 2% to top $83 a
    barrel as slowing manufacturing raises
    interest rate cut hopes uh us crude oil
    moved higher um oil prices turned higher
    as Traders SE slowing manufacturing
    activity I mean they found this kind of
    range from around 80 to 85 they’re
    hanging out at 83 the last month or so
    Ivy rank of 22 is neither here nor there
    what what are you doing in oil um I just
    have a short strangle nothing much it’s
    kind of a kind of crappy little position
    an AI boom to fuel natural gas demand is
    coming uh a new report says a spike
    power usage from AI data centers could
    significantly boost natural gas demand
    in the second half of the decade I never
    put the two of those things together but
    let’s talk Natty gas Natty gas uh
    2.07 I’m rounding up by one tick that’s
    uh it was flirting it was under two
    about a week or so ago it’s had about a
    five or seven day rally to the upside it
    down small this morning but at the high
    end of its range what are you doing in R
    19 which um same thing as oil we have a
    short strangle on in there and it’s I
    mean natural gas has been at a pretty
    tight range it’s been a very we’re
    leaning just a hair long but it’s
    nothing it’s been right here to under
    two it’s 2.07 yeah uh Goldman Sachs
    shares have uh um hit uh they’ve notched
    a first record high since 2021 on
    Goldman Sachs shares Rose to a record
    eclipsing their previous closing High
    set more than two years ago the
    investment banking giant reported their
    q1 earnings last week
    that included a massive profit beat but
    why is Goldman Sachs so strong that’s a
    good question I have no idea Goldman
    Sachs hanging out at 421 it is down
    around a buck and a half two bucks this
    morning but you are understand correct
    had two three day rally bringing it to
    New highs in other financial news Visa
    had their earnings and profit surged
    177% as consumer card spending climbs
    adjusted net income for the fiscal
    second quarter Rose 177% to $5.1 billion
    do uh in the US where Visa gets more
    than 40% of its Revenue card spending
    6.2% yeah Visa was on a meteoric run
    from most of 2024 until about middle of
    March killing it lately yeah it went
    from 290 to 270 it’s oh that’s
    interesting it’s 281 right now so it’s
    back in the middle of that range yeah I
    I was short to 280 puts and we were down
    money on them but now I I sold some 77
    and half calls I think that’s going to
    be a nice trade we’ll see it’s the 8077
    half strangle right here okay got to be
    good oh after earnings look who’s
    turning their attitude
    around see how easy it is to make him
    happy I know let’s talk about how much
    more money you made now he was a happy
    camper okay um China has acquired
    recently banned Nvidia chips in super
    micro and Dell servers according to new
    research a review of tender documents
    shows 10 Chinese entities acquired
    Advanced Nvidia chips and Ed and server
    products um made by smci uh let’s talk
    smci remember when they would just like
    be making you know DVDs and stuff like
    that now they’re they gotc was down like
    200 and something last week it’s red
    back like 50 60 70 840 up another $16
    Nvidia yeah huge mov y yeah let’s in
    Nvidia too got you know kind of smoos I
    Nidia 840 I loved it’s 800 but you
    needed it higher though right not this
    High okay well now it’s back into the
    danger zone to balance anything in Dell
    no Dell sucks okay and he’s
    back hey Walmart sucks but it is up $5
    Walmart has a new fintech it’s um the
    it’s called one and it’s introducing buy
    now pay later as the company’s preparing
    a bigger push into lending Walmart’s
    majority owned fintech startup 1 has
    begun offering buy now pay later loans
    for Big Ticket items at some of the
    retailers more than 4,600 us stores what
    are your thoughts of Walmart becoming
    Like A lender I mean it looks like
    they’re competing with what Clara or a
    firm yes yeah I mean you know that’s
    blood suckers that’s what Walmart does
    yeah they’re blood suckers I mean but
    it’s like people are having a harder
    time paying for things now not according
    to m not not at Walmart they’ll give you
    the money yeah uh WMT what are you doing
    in Walmart nothing okay WMT Ivy rank of
    97 looks very good on paper it has
    earnings May 16th I don’t know you may
    done did something I don’t knowk Titan
    there yeah yeah yeah hey uh speaking of
    affirm buy now pay lader affirm is
    expanding into financing elective
    medical procedures uh they want to help
    you finance your vet bills dental
    services or even cosmetic surgery that’s
    right get you some tig old bitties uh
    and put them on a
    firm get ready for summer put on titties
    on layway put some tickle Bitties on lay
    away that’s right time for summer you
    could get your calf
    implants May 8 has earnings I be rank of
    but they stealing the the business model
    the street corner uh Thug I don’t like
    the street corner thug thug finances
    implants yeah I don’t think buy anything
    there right yeah I don’t think we want
    the world to finance yeah yeah but
    sometimes though you have like cripp you
    have crippling vet bills though like you
    were trying to save your best friend and
    they’re like it’s going to cost $88,000
    and you’re maybe we should do something
    about the cost of vet bills well or
    maybe you just go to pound and get
    another one okay that’s not the answer
    uh maybe you don’t get another one at
    all then GNA move on hey Boeing uh and
    spirit a not Aeros systems uh have
    agreed to a $425 million deal to address
    suppliers issues uh spirit Aeros system
    said Boeing would give it Advanced
    payments of 425 million and help it
    address issues like higher levels of
    inventory and lower cash flows
    Boeing Boeing uh finally caught itself
    an uptick it’s up about five or six
    bucks this morning 175 after earnings
    paid lows uh yesterday the day before
    let’s get this Bing going do you have a
    Boeing position I do I played it long oh
    okay yeah that’s what I’m talking about
    nice hey uh Roblox don’t talk about them
    rblx they jumped yesterday after JP
    Morgan upgraded the stock to over weight
    uh shares gained over
    5% um as they got that nice upgrade uh
    Roblox we do not have a position now
    it’s a $36 stock so you’re talking about
    a dollish move in the stock I said what
    I said it has probably has a dollish
    expected move every day Boomers yeah it
    has about a dollish top to bottom
    expected move every day so let’s not you
    know well is is there anything to do in
    Roblox though sure if you like it yeah
    if you like it okay all right people
    like it people like it I like it people
    like Roblox people you hang out with
    people who like Roblox look at the
    picture on the screen you’re not allowed
    to be in your children people like
    it people like it what you hang out with
    people who have played Roblox what’s
    happening I said if you she said there’s
    something to do in Roblox I said if you
    like it yeah he said if you like it
    that’s what I said if you like it he did
    he did you didn’t say people no I said
    if you like it then I stand corrected
    see I can admit when I’m wrong oh my God
    no you really can’t no you can’t moving
    um hey Apple has sent out new invites
    for their May 7th launch event where
    they’re expected to unveil a new line of
    iPads the company expected to release
    new iPads after no new models were
    announced in 2023 millions of people
    tune in to watch Apple launch events
    live the company’s been under some
    massive scrutiny for not really
    innovating I finally have to break down
    and get um new iPads for my house cuz my
    house runs on iPads I have 2012 this is
    the most iPad one Le rich guy problem
    I’ve ever heard I have iPad 1 okay so I
    have to get the new ones okay my my ones
    are dying okay uh they’ve lasted 12 13
    years what do you want a coronation like
    what do you what do you want us to do
    what’s the appropriate response
    yeah what do you what do you want from
    me I’m sweating that’s pretty good we
    should have a corination for yeah yeah
    we should like every time he comes out
    of the studio walks in the studio that’
    be I like that little theule the genu
    flect that’s what it’s called a
    genuflect yes what does that mean to to
    to to bow to whatever oh I think that’s
    a proper way to address me you can’t
    spell genuflect but
    yes uh breaking breaking news breaking
    news uh my wife said um I asked if I’ve
    ever made lasagna last 24 years because
    that’s what you asked you heard me say
    it she said yes with me but I’ve only
    known you for 20 you’ll have to ask the
    other administrations now you got
    yourself in trouble so now I’m in
    trouble I hope you’re happy everything
    you do gets me in trouble at home just
    so you know that’s funny I’m I’m here
    for that what are you guys doing in
    apple as a physician he did say never on
    your own though see that’s that’s what
    I’m saying I mean like the fact that you
    open the here can you like she just does
    to be nice to him she goes go to the
    Butcher Store buy some sausages I’m
    making lasagna can you open this jar I
    can’t open it like you know like she
    tightens it first and goes can you open
    it just
    make him feel better about himself um uh
    um do you guys have a position in apple
    choke choke do you guys have a there’s
    no chance you ever let you to do not
    resuscitate as do not do you guys have a
    position in apple yeah I’m long it okay
    Apple uh even the market a little bit
    higher I guess the minps are n and
    NASDAQ are higher Apple unchanged can’t
    get out of its own way ear a little
    long um there was it it was it was funny
    to watch this un unravel um on on social
    media yesterday my heart does truly go
    out to to the employees that were
    affected but I really don’t care about
    rich people not being able to get 8
    coffees but um out Fox Hospitality after
    literally just merging just like in
    January is announcing their closing all
    Fox Trot and Dom’s Kitchen locations
    nationwide Fox Trot had 33 locations in
    Chicago DC Dallas and Austin and uh
    abruptly like literally people were
    working on the patio they were in line
    they were shopping managers came out and
    said y’all ain’t got to go home but you
    got to get the hell up out of here and
    and all the doors were shut one sign on
    door that I did see said that the
    company was in $180 million of debt I’m
    not sure I thought this was tied to the
    krog AL thing but it’s not it’s not and
    so I okay so here’s but how come but if
    they took the guy from Marianos and he
    was on the board and if he looked at
    that balance sheet why would he agree I
    have no idea
    steal I have no idea because that guy
    $180 million let me CLE stealing
    something the only thing it could be Tom
    well whatever they just be expansion if
    it was exp it was expansion they expand
    Nikki lost $75 on his gift card no Nikki
    didn’t daddy did it was a gift that I
    gave him so Daddy lost $100 but he spent
    25 bucks so net net he owes me 75 I’m
    sorry Tom what do what do you think
    happened what’s WR so I really like
    foxtrot and I love Don
    never been I’d never been to either
    because they don’t serve my neighborhood
    wonder they had the clothes I I was at
    Dom’s last weekend and I was at foxtrot
    last week and all I want to say where
    will the paparazzi find you now yeah
    what are you going to do those are Bond
    scalps just so you know um
    uh but the guy that started Doms here’s
    interesting so he’s always there at that
    store the the first one that opened and
    so I become friendly with him not
    friends but friendly the guy who who the
    guy who actually runs their the car
    parking area cuz it’s very tight uhhuh
    he’s a tasty Trader oh okay trades on
    our platform well he’s going to have to
    trade a lot more now so we we talk all
    the time right and the guy that built
    the store it’s a really beautiful
    Supermarket like beautiful Supermarket
    sure and everything there is great I
    can’t believe they’re like I can’t
    believe they I’m upset cuz remember they
    kicked Plum Market out of old town and
    then that’s like cuz that was more
    affordable and more accessible they
    kicked them out to put a fox trat in and
    like I don’t know how about this who do
    you think did their first interview in
    2015 who’s first use a noun whose first
    interview Fox trots oh Fox trots oh you
    this guy two two thums congratulations
    that’s because our producer to the Stars
    Jules brought them in here that’s right
    and um look at the face on her I just I
    don’t see he was able to scout Talent
    before anybody do that ey for talent I
    care about a store that only serves like
    Rich bougie hipsters I do not wow
    they’re all over DC liberal State all
    over Illinois liberal State I don’t know
    all I can say is all I can say is they
    had breakfast tacos who had breakfast
    tacos Fox so wait wait I I have to I
    have to set I have to set I have to Fox
    Dom sold Fox Trot breakfast tacos and
    they sold breakfast tacos they were very
    inexpensive like let’s say $3.50 or
    something for breakfast expensive I
    don’t think they were $350 inexpensive I
    said oh he has no idea how much I don’t
    think anything in they were very
    reasonable he has no idea how much they
    were I will sell
    3 and they were already made so you just
    go in you pick up a bunch of breakfast
    tacos they were great uhhuh and and I
    can confirm we were having this
    conversation out there yesterday and my
    son Nick goes yes I’m dating a girl
    believe it or not found some well even
    their websites down I went to go just
    check out your you think it’s really a
    girl your Burr story WR you know he’s
    I’m trying I’m trying to be optimistic
    here coming in
    here it’s for Johny tra lat I’m trying
    to be optimistic you think he really
    dating her or did like he just meet her
    somewhere like his elevator is a cousin
    or something no he actually tell he
    actually told me about her because I
    asked I was like oh is she is she a
    Swifty because that’s all I care about
    and he was like she prefers Beyonce and
    I was like yeah I love Beyonce cat bite
    cat bite but he said that she said that
    she loved the tacos but they they
    changed she’s right that’s a very astute
    woman right there that isn’t marry her
    her that’s what we all her lock her up
    lock her up
    because they when they first came out
    with these tacos they were unbelievable
    she said they’re the best tacos she’s
    ever eaten exactly breakfast tacos and
    they were all made up so they tasted
    great and then they something happened
    they recently something happened and
    they someone was skimming money a way to
    do something else has to be I’m telling
    you it has to be we we’ll find out
    Corporation just say say I have there’s
    a place right around the corner from
    this in my neighborhood it’s it’s the um
    donuta people the um you know the
    um ones we have here yeah the TOA Cafe
    TOA why are you looking at me I live on
    the South Side restaurants in my hood so
    so Cafe TOA has they have they have a
    taco place too uhhuh and they make
    breakfast tacos okay they are absolutely
    amazing okay
    uh hey I got to move on Ritz Ritz
    crackers is giving away a 24 Karat bar
    of gold worth
    $100,000 in honor of their latest
    butterer cracker new limited edition
    butterer that’s how it’s spelled cracker
    uh is coming out and to celebrate they
    teamed up with a jewelry designer to
    design the gold bar worth
    $100,000 yay yay you get a gold bar you
    get a gold bar hey this is crazy crazy
    Tom and I don’t know if you’ve seen it
    Gold by the way is down $9 and change
    23 Gold is down $9 and change 23 30 or
    so Tom I don’t know if you’ve seen this
    on your Tik Tok for you page but I am
    excited about this it’s not really in
    our area that Ding was a Reload of bonds
    he bought them bought them sold themy
    them low sold tens bought twos you want
    me to J flect again that’s right can you
    please there you go um
    Chick-fil-A now serves banana pudding
    but only in Georgia oh they got me they
    got me now they got me look how good
    this looks so Tom all of the tick you
    know I’m not a banana pudding you bought
    me banana pudding once at that place
    everybody says great I just don’t like
    banana pudding some of the Tik Tok What
    I just don’t like banana pudding but I
    imagine you like bananas and you like
    pudding yes no nuts you just don’t like
    your bananas touching your pudding yes
    no nuts in
    it uh other reviews call it freaking
    good they say y’all y’all this be a 10
    out of 10
    Mac and cheesee is great I’m going to
    tell you something these goys they do it
    right uh anyway it’s available it’s it’s
    not just go you have to be born again is
    that what it is yeah if you’re born
    again they do it right they do the
    chicken right they do the mac and cheese
    right and I’m I haven’t had this but I’m
    going to give it five stars just done
    prior if you’re born again it almost
    guarantees a great mac and cheese like
    no that’s how it works like if you as
    you ask a Jew to cook mac and mac and
    Che is disgusting horrible horrible even
    atalian they can’t cook mac and cheese
    no people can cook mac Pepe your people
    can cook mac and cheese your people do
    yeah your people do Mac and Che do like
    mac and cheese is
    amazing it is you like breadcrumbs I do
    put breadcrumbs but I make a I make a
    rue for the M but I like it with
    breadcrumbs on I use Pinko I use Pinko
    bread good choice on my those new to
    Tasty live there was a time when Vanetta
    would cook for us every Friday yeah but
    no more cuz you guys are
    jerks every Friday she would cook for us
    it was amazing yeah you guys are jerks
    pinspiration it was wonderful yeah bring
    back pinspiration no bring back
    inspiration uh hey this is funny cuz Tom
    is golfing again because it is now
    spring you’ve already got a round in so
    you’re going to just be hitting the
    links this is the most brutal putt I
    think I’ve ever seen in my life what
    would you do if you were this guy watch
    this I got a video swear all want like
    this that is good that’s that’s going in
    it might what kind of that’s the
    stupidest thing I’ve ever seen come
    what a dog
    wait what oh my God yeah but that’s not
    what do you do in that situation you’re
    not allowed to do that you have to be at
    least 6 feet away from the from the
    French M I think it’s
    just burn it’s actually in the middle of
    yeah I think so too oh you think that’s
    part of the green I do I do I I think
    The Fringe actually starts at the end
    yeah like where it’s scen because
    because the rule is you have to be 6
    feet in I know but that’s that’s
    heartbreak it’s pretty fast though I’m
    not going to lie pry fastens it’s a fast
    well that was probably really you can’t
    tell from there that yeah yeah but he
    was so clo that was like he was so clo
    that was a good read but then he just
    got screwed anyway well his friends are
    really upset about it all right uh well
    that’s my time bat what’s coming up next
    I’m gonna take a quick 90 second break
    this was a very very good segment thank
    you very much time we going take a quick
    90c bring come back we got more tasty
    after this I’ve entered the transfer
    portal looking for a better broker and a
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    hi I’m Ryan Grace with tasty crypto and
    today we’re going to talk about the
    having the having refers to a reduction
    in the reward Bitcoin miners receed for
    mining Bitcoin when a miner successfully
    adds a new block to the blockchain The
    Miner is rewarded in Bitcoin and today
    this reward is 6 and A4 Bitcoin per
    block after the having the mining reward
    will be cut in half and miners will only
    receive 3 and an e Bitcoin per
    block this is not the first having the
    having is programmed into the Bitcoin
    source code and automatically occurs
    after every 210,000 block period as new
    blocks are added to the chain every 10
    minutes habings occur roughly every 4
    years and this is all by
    Design the having process is a feature
    of Bitcoin intended to control inflation
    of the cryptocurrency and ensure
    long-term security of the network the
    having adds a degree of predictability
    and stability to the supply of Bitcoin
    compared to many Fiat currencies which
    are susceptible to abrupt changes in
    monetary policy and government
    intervention there is no Central
    Authority that can manipulate the supply
    of Bitcoin it’s pre-programmed over
    time this matters to investors as prior
    having events have marked the start of
    significant price increases for the
    cryptocurrency think about it this way
    if the rate at which the supply of
    Bitcoin is growing gets cut in half and
    demand stays the same or increases it
    can be quite positive for prices
    following prior having the price of
    Bitcoin has risen 5,000% in 2012, 1400%
    in 2016 and 650 in 20120 no one knows
    what’s going to happen this time but if
    it’s anything like the last having
    Bitcoin investors could be in for a
    ride 90% goes top index
    f% is 20th century advice driving your
    21st century portfolio tasty live has
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    offer the industry’s first
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    new live event building a complex
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    path to Modern portfolio creation Tom
    snoff and other tasty Life personalities
    will cover strategies that will help you
    integrate Futures and options in your
    portfolio sign up at Tasty
    events and see where we’re headed
    next golf play normal distribution
    reduce speed increase standard deviation
    for a wider anger
    strike if you think like the trader
    we’ve got your back tasty trade join the
    genius toas Tomas we are back my friend
    you know what that means time for a
    little bit more um confirm and send but
    let’s take a look at theet Market even
    the snps up
    $6.75 the middle of the range for the
    night NASDAQ up 100 also around the
    middle of its range maybe a little bit
    higher than middle Russell the bucker
    down $7 and change it was the leader in
    the clubhouse yesterday and the Dow down
    46 volatility in by 5 cents trading
    1575 and bonds trading near their lows
    1401 uh 24 tick range so far which is an
    average is by implied volatility range
    but it had some good two side action I
    mean just about uh four minutes ago they
    were trading about 78 ticks higher uh
    than they are right now Bitcoin hanging
    out at 66,000 and change oil down 10
    cents with a tight range today almost a
    point and gold down
    $6.50 silver uh basically unchanged
    let’s take a look at some of the movers
    today uh Boeing for one is up around $6
    Tesla for another is up around
    $16 yes $16 trading 160 and change in I
    know you didn’t do anything in EN pH
    didn’t know what it’s doing I did oh you
    did do a little something in there yeah
    oh it’s only down around $6 or so so
    yeah that stock usually kills me but I
    have a expected move it was down lower
    uh earlier yeah I have a very wide
    strangle on in there which is the
    85150 remember it owes me a lot of money
    so I’m going to make a little tiny bit
    back today on earnings I I’m going to
    make money all the earning St today so a
    little bit whatever meta IBM to name a
    few Royal Caribbean caterpillar Ford
    sure well yeah today the the bonds have
    had a huge range I mean I’ve been I
    bought them at 0102 and sold them at 10
    just bought them back I’m trying to buy
    some at 31 yeah just in the last five
    minutes or so you right yeah yeah
    they’ve been all over the place scalped
    them yesterday so hopefully we get a
    good scalping day the bonds are I’m I’m
    for for some reason way more comfortable
    scalping bonds right here than I am
    scalping well you have a directional
    bias in them you like buying you like
    buying the dip in it sold s smps last
    night but I scratched them um Johnny
    yeah but they were back this morning I
    could have sold them again I’m just yeah
    there was nothing much there anyway
    these are emails that came into US
    overnight we got a pack show today um
    Jacob will be on the show Scott will be
    on the show and we’ve got um what’s your
    assumption coming up as well so lots and
    lots um it’s
    7:56 central time we’re in Chicago what
    is cost to carry these are emails that
    came into US overnight from viewers all
    over the world if you don’t know we get
    about a crazy number of emails per day
    five or 6,000 believe it or not um
    between emails and chats and other
    things like that um we answer them all
    we are a very strange firm in that day
    and night most times here you are buying
    bonds under 114 31 why is my ding so
    loud you’re you’re a little vois like
    that I don’t know what so it was really
    funny yesterday I was doing an interview
    with somebody and um podcast interview
    and it’ll be broadcast soon and and the
    his class question was what are your
    favorite he goes I ask he interviews a
    lot of people in finance he goes I
    always ask this question what are your
    favorite um what’s your favorite
    expression or what do you what do you
    like to hear in finance more than
    anything else like what’s your favorite
    you know two three words but ding you
    know what I said what you’re filled
    you’re filled yeah cuz he goes everybody
    else has something else like about risk
    and whatever he go the first person ever
    said you’re filled goes I’ve only done
    like a 100 interviews yeah anyway good
    that’s good um what is cost to carry
    I’ve heard you talk about that before
    but I’m not sure I understand it is it
    for both stocks and
    Futures sure yeah yeah cost to Carri is
    just how much money something takes to
    control an investment I mean you have
    think of cost to carry you think about
    if you own a home or you’ve ever
    financed a car the cost to carry would
    be the interest rate
    versus the money that you’re putting up
    for the car where you could use it
    someplace else or the house something
    yeah the easiest way to explain interest
    expenses margins whatever you know the
    easiest way to expend explain this
    storage cost could be easiest way to
    explain this is in the business we’re
    in it’s not about how much money you
    have to put up to buy something it’s
    about how much money either opportunity
    cost or or interest you pay to hold that
    position so if you trade options there’s
    no borrowing there’s no cost to carry
    it’s all included there’s nothing there
    if you trade um something like stock
    just as an
    example let’s say you buy $100 worth of
    stock and you only have to put up $50 if
    you want to you can put up the whole
    hundred there’s no cost to carry except
    your except except your opportunity cost
    but there’s no cost to carry if you only
    want to put up $50 then there’s a cost
    to carry on the other $50 like you don’t
    get to buy $100 worth of stock for $50
    you have to actually pay for the other
    $50 you just don’t put money sure in the
    Futures world the cost of carry is built
    into the Futures price so if you want to
    buy for example one S&P future which is
    a quarter million dollars worth of stock
    you only have to put up like $155,000 to
    buy it but you sounds like a great deal
    like somebody’s giving sounds like a
    great deal except that
    $235,000 of carry cost minus the
    dividends that those stocks pay is built
    into the Futures price that’s cost to
    carry let’s go to the next slide under
    what circumstances would you prefer a
    ratio spread over a
    strangle a ratio spread over a strangle
    if I’m directional if I have a
    directional bias I’m going to probably
    go with the ratio spread over the
    strangle so a directional bias would be
    my if I was bullish I’d be doing a put
    ratio if I was bearish I’d be doing a
    call ratio over a strangle um they both
    like high implied volatility every
    strategy we do likes High implied
    volatility strangles more delta neutral
    ratio has a lot more Delta um I would do
    a ratio spread when just like Tony said
    when implied volatility rank is super
    high just like you would for a strangle
    but when I was a little bit more
    directional so if I was bullish and a
    stock was beaten up a lot I would do a
    put ratio spread if I was bearish and
    the stock was you know hyperbolic or
    something I might do a call ratio spread
    I prefer put ratio spreads generally
    speaking let’s go to the next slide I’m
    slightly confused on how you decide to
    size your trades are you using ivr as a
    guide to
    size no I use my account for the guide
    uh to my to my size try to keep
    everything you know under that let’s
    just call it 3% threshold of uh buying
    power you know it’s interesting but um
    uh un naked when we size the amount of
    money that we use we we tend to use like
    different levels of the vix to help us
    you know decide how much money we want
    to pour in the market but when we talk
    about actual TR trade size we really
    don’t um I unless we feel super strongly
    about certain underlying you know being
    oversold or over whatever liquidity
    would be a reason but we don’t use
    generally speaking all my positions are
    relatively close to the same size I
    don’t really use ivr as a
    guide um let’s go to the next slide so
    something struck me quite clearly from
    yesterday’s market measure sleeping in
    on zero DTS that Jacob put together and
    I want run it by you before
    experimenting with real money is it
    profitable to buy long zero DT straddles
    at 12:00 p.m. central Time and let them
    expire this would be a nice long-term
    strategy based on yesterday’s market
    measure right because we showed in
    yesterday’s market measure that if you
    put on straddles oh he’s doing the
    opposite he’s doing the opposite we
    showed that if you put on straddles
    starting at noon in the zero DT that
    over time okay not every day or anything
    like that but over time the number if
    you if you buy them was positive you
    sell them was negative that’s right so
    the question is can you wait this one
    out because you got to take some big
    Winners out of that group of course of
    course and and if and if the market does
    exactly what the research had shown the
    prior year yeah yeah I guess the answer
    would be
    yes I mean I couldn’t do it I mean I
    don’t think I’d be able to to with to
    withhold or withstand the amount of
    losses but I mean yeah yeah net net it
    became positive I say yeah um this is
    really interesting because I wrote back
    to this person and said you know sure
    you can try it if you want to try it go
    ahead because the the over a long haul
    if that means you’re you have to have
    some big Winners because you’re going to
    lose way more than you’re going to win
    sure but over the long haul these
    numbers came out to be negative if
    you’re selling and positive if you’re
    buying so you can try it but I I
    wouldn’t do it but you can try it sure
    but you’re going to have to do it for a
    long time to make sure Works yep yep yep
    you know um like it I don’t know if it
    would have worked yesterday if you
    started at noon probably not anyway um
    let’s go to the next
    slide in the past you said the Spy moves
    based on what the es is doing that’s
    correct but what if there’s no Futures
    product what about something like K the
    banking index does the ETF trade off
    supply and demand or does it trade off
    the underlying components
    um it trades off of the products that
    make up K ultimately gives you the price
    K so exactly it it trades off the
    underlying components of KR now of
    course supply and demand plays a role
    but supply and demand is only because
    it’s the same with spy es moves faster
    yeah it it it’s there’s a there’s
    obviously going to be an ARB and if you
    can buy all if you can you know supply
    and demand will keep the components in
    line but the reality is that who’s ever
    making markets who’s ever putting
    together the K you know the ETF for
    carry and there’s lots of companies that
    all that is what they do they keep those
    components um they keep they they
    basically keep a program going where the
    components are trading here the ETF is
    trading here and if they can buy the
    components or sell the components and
    then buy or sell the ETF and lock in the
    money that’s what they’ll do that all
    day long that’s what keeps everything in
    line that’s called that’s called index
    Arbitrage and there’s so much money
    chasing index Arbitrage it’s very hard
    to do but if you’re the leader and you
    have the best technology and you have
    the most money you know you can
    essentially in some cases you know you
    can specialize in different kinds of of
    you know index ARB or banking ARB like
    that y but that’s what keeps it in line
    the underlying components let’s go to
    slide and the last one does your trade
    size change when you’re trading earnings
    does it matter depending on if you’re
    trading defined or undefined
    risk no I I don’t I don’t think it
    really does size really doesn’t change
    no for earnings especially in the liquid
    products like a Tesla last night or a
    Boeing or maybe meta today I don’t think
    the size uh changes it doesn’t for me
    it’s it’s a it’s a we don’t do the daily
    options now you know maybe if I was
    doing the daily or the weekly options
    that are going to expire for earnings I
    might reduce my size I’m going out to
    May or June I’m probably keeping the
    same size well since we’re on earnings
    here John I’m going to pull something up
    in a second but does the trade size
    change not really um sometimes we will
    get a little you know frisky and we may
    do something a little bit more sometimes
    I’ll do something less because I just
    don’t trust the underlying but for the
    most part our trade size doesn’t change
    very much whether it’s defined or
    undefined whether it’s earnings or not
    earnings I mean consistency is what
    keeps us around and so yeah we tend to
    not change that much now speaking of
    earnings yesterday afternoon we didn’t
    get to this but I wanted to uh yesterday
    cherry pick came out this is something
    that Nikki and Mike U Mike rcky and Dr
    Data put together on a weekly basis this
    is a free quantitative newsletter that
    we have um it goes out every Tuesday and
    what’s interesting here is um can you
    scroll down a little bit
    so we covered kind of like the waiting
    in the NASDAQ because a lot of people
    send us emails can you scroll down just
    a little bit more John and what impacts
    the NASDAQ the most those are kind of
    the the top I think it’s seven stocks in
    there and um and and so you can see kind
    of the the the stocks have the most
    impact on the NASDAQ and all the waiting
    and everything like that and then if you
    22 quarters I believe I’m just doing
    from memory I can’t see it okay but then
    if you go on the next slide we we kind
    of can you scroll down a little bit just
    a little bit so what we start to do here
    is show all the earnings and like for
    today you know we have all the symbols
    whether it’s pre- or post you know
    pre-market or postmarket all the
    information but what’s interesting about
    this is we also show on the last four
    quarters that’s the middle column there
    and we also highlight the ones that have
    moved way outside kind of the expected
    range like on here the on the slide
    you’re looking right now I think it’s
    EMP yeah EMP you can see it there it’s
    highlighted in green the last earnings
    it moved
    19% now I’m not suggesting that that
    means this EMP is going to move again
    you have a huge move but that’s why I
    said yesterday I hate EMP because I just
    that one moved memory because I have a
    memory yes um but everything’s on here
    from so we do description earning States
    earnings Time IV rank implied volatility
    underlying what happened the last four
    quarters and then um overnight price
    moves and everything else there’s a ton
    of information on here so if you wanted
    everything into a simple
    spreadsheet and boom yep and all the
    earnings plays everything in there the
    guys did an amazing job and again and
    there’s also there’s also a downloadable
    spreadsheet in here and you can go
    through everything and like I said it’s
    all free if you haven’t signed up for
    Cherry picks yet uh no harm no foul you
    know again all all our all our stuff is
    free Cherry Bomb every single day I
    write it on Sunday nights TP writes it
    on um Monday through Thursday and the
    Cherry picks uh Nikki and and Mike um
    put that together um goes out every
    Tuesday and there’s so much stuff in
    here so if you want something
    quantitative sign sign up for both of
    them you can delete them obviously if
    you don’t want them but um Cherry picks
    is all our quantitative stuff and the
    other ones kind of more of a you know
    just me telling stories or TP finding
    trade ideas very good so let’s hit a
    quick 90 second break and come back we
    got more option Jive got more tasty live
    with an option Jive
    next looking for a better broker and a
    bonus sweet we got you right now you can
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    events 90% goes to index
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    Tom snoff and other tasty Life
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    will help you integrate Futures and
    options in your portfolio sign up at
    Tasty events and see where
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    option J option J sof that is correct go
    option J give S&P is up four yeah they
    look a little well the NASDAQ doesn’t
    look sick but the S&P is down and does
    look great if I told you Tesla was going
    to be up 16 or 15 it’s you know at the
    NASDAQ Nvidia they’re pretty damn strong
    but everything else looks like yeah on
    look like crapola mhm um I bought some
    notes today too that’s really all I’ve
    done scalp some bonds and notes and
    um uh that’s it anyway I’m Tom S St
    Batista at day 12 in the morning like I
    said we got a ton of stuff today the
    boys on the research team put together
    um something today that’s
    it it’s it’s a little I I want to say
    it’s a refresher but it’s not really
    because it’s all brand new research
    and where are how many days to
    expiration in May how many days left
    you’re right there 23 days 23 days right
    so this week you’re rolling yeah Friday
    Friday today Monday what was that that’s
    you oh God Tom’s on a little scalping
    roll this morning that you oh yeah your
    scalping bonds
    406 yeah seven ticks got some offered at
    eight now and some offered at 10 see
    this is what’s going to go horribly
    wrong today things have gone this is
    what this is what we do premarket Tony
    see getting this what you call just
    trading the ranges that trading ranges
    premarket scalpy scalpy Scoopy scopy
    scalpy scalpy got it got it um got it
    like I said I’m offering some at eight
    and some at 10 so we we want to hear
    ding’s gol um mitigating downside risk
    with 21 days to expiration we are going
    to show a little bit different um we’re
    going to look at mitigating downside
    risk with 21 days coming up which is
    this Friday as opposed to holding it
    longer than this Friday a lot of
    positions and um we’re going to show you
    some really interesting stats okay you
    ready yep let’s do
    it so we’ve discussed the largest losses
    and the loss to credit ratio of spy one
    standard deviation strangles without
    applying any management strategies in
    this analysis today we’re going to
    explore the impacts of exiting positions
    at 21 DTE which is going to change some
    of the
    Dynamics next slide
    please so the first one’s a visual we
    found that managing positions before
    exploration can significantly reduce the
    magnitude of large losses if you look at
    the gray bubbles here the gray dots M
    all of the large losses or most of the
    really large losses are all
    gray well there’s going to you’re going
    to scatter in a few red losses in 21
    days cuz stuff happens sure sure but if
    you look at this it is dominated the
    majority of large losers and the
    majority of losers are all gray those
    are the positions we hold to expiration
    the positions that we get out earlier um
    which are the red positions hey at least
    they’re you know when their losses
    they’re wrapped around zero sure let’s
    go to next slide the losses just a
    really good visual y so by exiting at
    positions at 21 DTE we can reduce the
    and that’s this Friday again we can
    reduce the largest losses by almost 50%
    and we can decrease the average
    long-term losses by 60% significantly
    improving our control over downside risk
    because what’s trading all about it is
    controlling the outlier risk everything
    we do is about controlling outlier risk
    because you can’t control what the
    Market’s going to do but we can control
    the amount of risk where taking the
    amount of outlier risk that we’re taking
    so if we’re selling stuff naked you can
    see here that if you sell 16 Delta
    strangles at expiration the largest loss
    this is going back whatever it is 19
    years or something the largest loss 6500
    if you’re doing it at 21 DT it’s 3300
    and the median loss which is kind of
    like the average loss is
    621 um versus 255 so the savings is you
    know over half MH right that’s a good
    starting point let’s go next slide
    but then we take it a step further and
    say a similar pattern is observed in the
    loss to credit ratio so managing
    positions at 21 de DTE can help to cut
    the figures in half so as you see here
    this is loss to credit at um expiration
    it’s one that’s the average and uh if
    you do a 21 DT it’s a third of that and
    then if you look at the high lost to
    credit it’s 27 if 21 DT is the highest
    14 so basically you’re reducing Risk by
    half to 2/3 mhm okay and that’s just a
    different way to look at it that’s loss
    to credit ratio let’s go to the next
    slide it’s a good way of putting it yeah
    no it’s a good way so on this one we we
    went further into the loss to credit
    ratio and we found that for 90% of the
    occurrences fall below two that’s the
    kind of the the area that you know that
    that’s let’s call that the wrapped
    around zero area indicating that the
    large losses rarely exceed twice the
    original credit received if you’re doing
    something at the 21dt Mark so we looked
    at here was just kind of you know um
    just a lot of Trades and when you start
    to look at these trades you just start
    to realize that hey if you manage if you
    manage at 21 DTE you end up with a lot
    of Trades they they flip-flop the colors
    here but you end up with a lot of trades
    in that 21dt area and if you go to hold
    expiration o those were all the outliers
    are sure and you can see them by the
    gray bubbles that off the died line yep
    exactly let’s go to the next
    slide so finally we’re going to analyze
    the loss to credit ratio and some of the
    most challenging market conditions of
    the last 20 years so we went and we
    looked back at 2008 2018 2020 and 2022
    those were kind of the big down moves
    right so we wanted to pull the down
    moves out and see hey is there something
    here that we’re kind of missing or
    something um or let’s just look at the
    worst years in the market let’s go to
    slide so we found here is even in the
    worst years of the market the ratios
    stayed basically the same notably
    exiting positions at 21dt is even more
    effective during significant Market down
    downturns um cutting the largest risk up
    by to up to 75% in certain instances so
    we saw here is 2008 18 2020 and 2022 we
    cut down the um holding it all the way
    to expiration the largest losses and the
    average loss by in many cases by around
    75% between 67 and 75% 2/3 to 3/4 by
    managing early and this is just
    cherry-picking the worst losses so it
    wasn’t something that was just spread
    out over time this actually worked over
    you know um it’s quite amazing I mean if
    you’re looking from a risk stand point
    of view yeah I mean no no it’s great
    sure yeah yeah it’s a really really
    thorough piece of research um let’s go
    to the left slide I mean if you could
    eliminate 75% of the issues you do it
    with anything yeah if I was playing a
    game of golf and I can eliminate 75% of
    my my shots of my bad shots or 75% of my
    lost balls I would do whatever it
    took so does that mean you take a a a
    lesser Club off the T I mean I’m just
    trying to think whatever whatever it is
    yeah um you know don’t tin cupet that’s
    for sure right but
    um yeah I think we would so the
    takeaways exiting a position before
    expiration can effectively minimize the
    largest losses by better managing
    volatility that’s essentially what it is
    so this strategy proves even more
    successful in mitigating losses under
    the worst market
    conditions strong piece very strong
    piece good job good job starting right
    in the middle of the week getting strong
    we’ll be back in 90 seconds when it come
    back we got the opening Bel even he
    hasps only up two s we’ll back in 90
    seconds take
    live rock paper scissors he just played
    paper he’ll do it again no Rock men
    statistically play Rock but he played
    paper and lost and the mind works in
    patterns he’s going scissors he knows I
    know he’ll go scissors but knowing I I
    know he
    knows Scissors Shoot thought we were
    doing Rock Paper Scissors Shoot it’s
    always rock paper scissors if you think
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    genius tasty trade
    one of the things that that was most
    intriguing about the financial space to
    us is just that there wasn’t a lot of
    vision there wasn’t a lot of innovation
    after almost 20 years of open outcry
    standing in the pit trading I felt like
    all the markets were moving to
    electronic trading I saw the writing on
    the wall and I wanted to be first
    building the best technology in the
    world for Traders was one of the coolest
    things anybody could ever do I loved
    every second of it
    thinker swim will always be my baby but
    this one it’s different we built ours
    literally from scratch it’s a much
    thinner it’s a faster it’s a Slicker
    application everything’s on one page so
    you’re always looking at the core page
    and then bouncing around from there to
    get to whatever you want to get to we’re
    here to support whatever you’re looking
    to do we have the tools that you need to
    be a successful
    Trader I found very early on that I was
    um comfortable with having risk and I
    like the benefit of
    it I I found trading in a unique way I
    loved seeing Wall Street in New York
    when I was a a young kid I would drive
    down to the financial district and see
    all those guys in suits very powerful
    looking so to me that was a way of
    having some sort of social status where
    I bettered myself trading was just a way
    a way out of
    Brooklyn I go anywhere there’s action
    really anything that has high implied
    volatility and the ivx 5day change
    that’s the volatility of the products
    5-day change is green and I show that on
    my option trads Today podcast you can
    definitely get the thoughts on why I’m
    making this trade am I leaning a little
    bit longer am I leaning a little bit
    shorter all the things that we talk
    about on the show day in and day out
    it’s not magic it’s just math you know
    by the nature of the strategies I pick
    I’m going to have a high high
    probability of success and I think my
    expertise comes from managing those
    trades when to take them off how to
    maximize the profit on them I think
    that’s what sets me apart from from the
    Trader people are always asking where
    can they find my podcast there it is s
    look at that option trades today you can
    listen here and everybody’s waiting for
    my podcast tomorrow option trades today
    every Tuesday and Thursday around noon
    if you want to learn sir every Tuesdays
    and Thursday option trades today you can
    find me on YouTube or wherever you find
    your podcast option trades today are you
    listening to me option trades today
    comes out every day around noon every
    Tuesday and Thursday you too can stick
    with the
    bat got Traders block we’ve got the Cure
    get get data driven trade ideas with
    cherry picks our Weekly Newsletter that
    gives you insights into the market sign
    up at
    newsletters all right Katie what is the
    Widow Maker the Widowmaker can be any
    spread that is volatile that might dink
    you if you’re on the wrong side of it
    but at Tasty live the Widowmaker
    historically has referred to a spread in
    natural gas Futures and the seasonality
    of injection season and the storage
    around that so it’s typically a calendar
    spread that has the propensity to move
    between the March and April natural gas
    features contracts what does tendies
    mean tendies refers to ordering chicken
    nuggets at a restaurant when you’re out
    watching the game with your boys or your
    girls but tendies in the options trading
    world or the trading World refers to
    profits that you are taking on a
    position what is an offer so the offer
    price is the price at which you can buy
    an option at uh the bid being the price
    to sell at
    looking for a better broker and a bonus
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    trade Tomas Tomas we are back my friend
    you know what that means means even the
    S&S are back too quoted them down sorry
    down around five handles from here they
    were up around three when we went to
    that break just a few short 90 seconds
    ago they’re now up eight NASDAQ is up
    106 they were up around 80 just a moment
    ago Russell down seven still the weakest
    of the group and the Dow down 25
    volatility hasn’t moved very tight range
    in volatility s off down five cents
    Tesla hanging out at the 60 number
    that’s the 160 well now it’s so closer
    to 62 up around 16 or 18 and Boeing was
    up closer to around five it is now
    closer to about eight uh en pH which was
    down around 10 um is now down only
    around five now they like them the
    earnings now they like them and bonds
    they like bonds too you just scalped
    them at 10 they don’t like bonds they’re
    down 17 yes but you bought him at 31
    sold him at eight bought
    him one sold him at six
    mean what can’t you do that’s right so
    how when you scalp like that Fields you
    have a lot of confidence inside you 31’s
    ones and twos 31’s ones and twos when
    you when you scalp like this do you have
    a lot of confidence inside a lot of an
    yeah what do you want to go and do after
    you scalp something like that like is
    there anything I just want to run around
    office like you sleep or or how you’re
    in business ATT
    just curious I just want to run around
    just want to run around doesn’t matter
    how doesn’t matter I got it I got it
    just want to run around you know drink
    the Kool-Aid pound the chest I
    understand oil down
    32 gold down
    $860 silver uh which was making a little
    bit of a run being a bucker now down 9
    cents uh net gas down around five and CH
    if we leave tonight we can make it to
    Detroit in time for the draft tomorrow I
    mean we leave tomorrow morning after the
    show we can make it to Detroit in time
    for the draft it’s only like 5 hours
    sure we could I I’ll Gess up the uh the
    RV for you and it has carrying cost to
    it that’s beautiful because Jules wants
    to go you and Jules are going you’re so
    nice thank you thank you I don’t know if
    Jules is talking to me anymore guess up
    the RV if I guess up the RV we could
    have five hours to work it out you work
    it out I don’t know if he’s talking to
    me anymore you think you could sleep in
    the RV for the night with you and Jules
    yeah there separate separate areas you
    got a bedroom in the back and
    got a guest quarters in the front guest
    quarters got it meta has earnings uh
    coming uh after the market closes today
    or is it after the market Clos before
    the Market opens I can only picture you
    guys driving from Chicago to Detroit
    taking the highway up there and stopping
    at Red Lobster we both make it to
    Detroit stopping at Red Lobster on the
    way and fighting over you got wait in
    line for Red Lobster like Olive Garden
    or something like you know Olive Garden
    we can get to or cracker barell cracker
    barell you can get in there cra bro get
    in there get in there yeah it’s just a
    plate of white food it’s just everything
    is just white I personally like white
    food you do you love white yeah I like
    white food I know you would love CRA
    like I I like like chicken fried steak
    and um they have that mashed potatoes
    yeah chicken fried steak and mashed
    potatoes or or turkey with mash and
    gravy they got that they got that on
    White Bread white beans white beans
    beans yeah they have that for you I like
    all white food I know I know there right
    pancakes pancakes yeah with white bacon
    I show it all the time yes yes biscuits
    biscuits and gravy love biscuits and
    gravy see yeah see I know I know yeah
    you know I don’t order biscuits and
    gravy anywhere because I don’t think
    it’s good for me but anymore I do love
    biscuits and gravy how could anybody not
    like biscuits and gra the problem
    biscuits and gravy is it’s it’s truly a
    tell tell us northerner what is a
    Southern dish and the people here to us
    don’t make it that good what do you call
    your your favorite joice yeah wish bom
    yeah wish that’s the only place it
    doesn’t really but it’s hard for me to
    get to Wishbone now it’s hard for you to
    get to Wishbone now
    yeah cuz it’s downtown I I got my own
    places up north all right all right you
    got less than a minute here em I got I’m
    working Tesla I’m working you mean
    you’re working Tesla I’m working to
    cover some stuff in Tesla EMP Boeing and
    uh Tesla’s going to be up 181 19 right
    now a little bit outside the expected
    move I don’t think it’s going to hurt
    me see how volatility can track started
    out uh volatility in the well in June at
    62 we’ll see where it goes to yeah and I
    and I have a Visa position which I think
    is going to be nice but I put all my
    orders in way below the market like I’m
    like at stupid prices so I’m not going
    to be filling
    anything and why would you do that so
    you just cancel and replace and change
    so they’re all loaded up what the hell
    is that that’s EMP oh you put it that
    stupid price you put in you just got
    filled oh shoot I forgot about that one
    yeah that was it’s okay you only got a
    partial which means it’s it’s a really
    good fill because you were buying
    something you only got a partial so you
    want you don’t want those no I’ll take
    them now you
    know cuz I put it in it
    like oh he got filled he just got filled
    what the hell price did I put that in 93
    cents how much better are you going to
    do on a 23-day option like where is it
    going to go no no no I’m I’m I think I’m
    happy with that I don’t know where I
    sold it at but it wasn’t had to be
    higher EMP you you sold like a like 240
    or something like that and then you know
    I don’t know why I put in 93 cents but I
    did that was it was a good it was a good
    place to put in because you only got a
    partial until you finally got filled EMP
    unchanged so enough unchanged after
    being down 10 Tesla’s up almost 20
    1991 right now and Boeing getting it
    going up
    $630 oh we’re going to take a little um
    we’re going to take a Walk on the Wild
    Side let’s see what else is moving the
    market we go to the buckers Costco down
    four and change UNH down four Goldman
    Sachs Vanetta talked about down around
    250 or three coin down around $4 Home
    Depot down about a buck and change JP
    Morgan down a bucking change on the
    upside smci up 24 avgo up 21 Tesla up
    just about 18 and a half meta going into
    earnings s into earnings up 11 Nvidia up
    10 arm up five and change I hate Nvidia
    hate arm all right let’s take a look at
    Tesla here um and these obviously Tesla
    1840 Tesla right now is a very small
    loser for us um yeah I put on an iron
    conduit it’s a small loser too I think
    uh Visa is a
    winner I would have gotone my put ratio
    spread is a winner Boeing is a big
    winner and EMP is a big winner EMP is
    the biggest winner of the group wow what
    is EMP I know the one you didn’t want to
    trade I
    know see how that works out it’s
    amazing what can’t you do I got to
    adjust Boeing ba was up around $6 what’s
    I got to adjust Tesla I’m
    sorry don’t listen to what he says
    listen to what he’s thinking Tesla
    up 17 and a half yeah
    so traded as high as 16460 it’s about $2
    off of its
    highs all right we’ll take a look in
    Tesla here we’re going to do the first
    one we are going to buy back our what is
    this this is our May
    position’s is May position yeah we’re
    short the May 115 puts and the 185
    calls we’re going to take the
    May let’s cancel
    um I filled in something in Tesla that
    was me maybe no I had I had an iron
    Condor oh um I did too but I just rolled
    up the untested side 185s
    um I have a feeling I’m pull a SAS off
    and both today calls inputs what are you
    gonna do I’m G to pull a s off today and
    roll calls and puts in Tesla are you
    really I just rolled the puts up it’s a
    stock up 16 I have a feeling I’m be
    rolling calls down with the stock up
    seven two bucks these things are just
    um I’m kind of just going to get a
    little bit flat here oh are you
    so I just rolled up my puts in Tesla
    let’s take a look here for a second so
    L we are actually up money in tes now it
    actually worked out rolled up puts
    rolled up puts and took off my iron
    Condor that was a close actually in the
    iron Condor beautiful now let’s get this
    going even the S&P is up five and change
    NASDAQ up still triple digits
    110 he did something in Visa too I
    covered Visa nice so last night’s
    earnings turned out to be good I see see
    you poo pooed them you had nothing but
    bad things to say and they worked out
    um yeah hang on we’re going to roll up
    some putties here putty PTY putty in
    Boeing up 15 and change let’s get this
    Boeing going done and let’s get rid of
    bondin um you’re just rolling up
    puts reducing your
    Delta Bo
    correct okay I got rid of all the NDA up
    134 trading near its highs for our
    session that we’ve been on the show okay
    I got rid of all my working orders so um
    Tesla was a winner Boeing was a winner
    um so far I Haven enclosed them Boeing
    up eight meta up seven and a half after
    being up double digits uh prior
    Visa was a
    winner and the last one was enph winner
    that’s good so your last trans trans of
    bonds up yeah some just flat Bonds in
    day now we’re going to look at all our
    losers today losers who pick your head
    up let’s see where the losers are
    meta uh
    hes spy AMD up four bucks catching a bid
    AMD I hate
    AMD so what are you doing in meta today
    I’m working I’m working AMD also it’s a
    worthy adversary has earnings by the way
    on the
    AMD what do you think for Meta Meta Ivy
    ranked 85 quite good um up
    $850 trading uh I don’t know mid-range
    but really at the high end of its range
    I mean what are you going to do meta
    probably a defined risk trade right I
    don’t I know what to do in
    meta do I do
    another pre- earnings trade thatd
    probably be going into June if I’m doing
    anything in there Tesla was a wash
    basically unchanged on my position yeah
    I I think
    Tesla I’m working in meta position right
    now trying to get it into the back um
    trying to widen out the strike so I
    don’t have to deal with
    it um
    C LEL 14 and change yeah the biggest the
    biggest trade that we had to come back
    to haunt us was actually
    Nvidia stupid Nvidia because of the
    direction of Nvidia nvda up $111 and
    change doesn’t tell you the whole story
    Nvidia um just two days ago sou was
    trading around 760 it’s just about 840 I
    know that hurt that hurt the good kids
    happens yeah other than that we’re in
    pretty good shape today what else has
    there anything to say IBM IBM Ford
    AAL caterpillar are you doing anything
    in IBM love IBM for earnings you really
    have to have an opinion on it yeah last
    the last couple times the last couple
    times it has mve you like to sell puts
    in IBM and it usually disappoints you
    not the last two times though right the
    last couple times it’s really moved
    outside the expected move mhm in IBM
    um I I don’t know what to do in there
    how about love anything to do in there
    Luv again you have usually have a bias
    in here well the United Airlines had an
    absolute freaking massive move
    mhm and love really feels like to me it
    hasn’t gone anywhere it’s heavy I mean I
    know it’s had a good four or five days
    going from 27 and change to 29 and
    change but look at the chart here you
    can see it really hasn’t gone anywhere I
    mean do you sell some puts in there I
    think I you rank a
    54 I think you kind of got to sell the
    markets are kind of crappy no the
    markets are good they’re two cents wide
    3 cents wide it’s just imply volatility
    on a $30 stock is 41 so you got a $2
    expected move for the whole month of
    May doesn’t come very compelling for
    selling premium unless you have a
    directional okay so
    love for meta Royal Caribbean
    caterpillar uh caterpillar AAL if you
    want to stay in that uh genre of Love
    caterpillar we have a very small
    position on it’s a death position forget
    that okay what’s the other one a
    a uh where’s it trading
    $14 it’s kind of feels like it’s not
    feels like it’s not a lot like love like
    you know feels like it’s not as cheap as
    love it looks just as cheap
    used what else you see here for the
    markets bonds haven’t moved they’re
    still 67 no notes 7
    moved um thep is quite a small bid
    volatility uh down 20 cents near the low
    end of its rain but a pretty tight range
    uh in volatility a little bit of a
    consolidation day a little bit of
    sideways day digest Tesla good move for
    the Chinese stocks today I don’t like
    that that’s coming for the pigs Russell
    just turned green up
    two I’m ready for a little what’s your
    assumption what’s your assumption is
    next our viewers that’s you out there
    came to bat for us we’re going to look
    at trades or assumptions that you have
    we come up with a couple of Trades we’ll
    be back in 90 seconds take you
    live morning Uncle Craig I really
    appreciate all the investment advice you
    bestowed upon me this holiday season
    that opportunity Prince Harry emailed
    you about sounds interesting but I think
    I’ll just stick to watching tasty live
    sometimes it feels good to get smart get
    even smarter with live trading insights
    and some life taunting I don’t kick the
    cat or the dog or the small children
    till the day of Christmas from the smart
    mouths at Tasty
    life success is a combination of lots of
    noncorrelated or lightly correlated
    underlyings to reduce
    risk it’s better for your Investments to
    trade volatility than it is to own S&P
    index funds at Vanguard that’s what
    you’re saying I can’t sleep at night as
    a passive investor why not because I
    think the risk is too great here I am
    I’m a derivative Trader I have hundreds
    if not thousands of positions on and I
    sleep fine because I know what I’ve done
    what we do it’s a mathematical equation
    what asset other than fear is mean
    reverting and it requires no additional
    Capital to play both sides of the market
    then why would you even be directional
    in the first place the problem with what
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    much sense it’s logical so it raises a
    lot of skepticism
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    genius tasty trade
    if you don’t come from money working
    with money sounds like the quickest
    place to get to
    money so this idea of allowing money to
    work for you was fascinating with me and
    then the more I get into it the more I
    realized it was just a big competition
    you it’s like a big poker game with
    really smart people who know Game Theory
    and nobody knows tomorrow but they’re
    all just taking calculated risk and when
    I figured out that’s what it was like it
    wasn’t this weird world of like somebody
    knows exactly what’s going to Happ
    happen and this guy’s got great stock
    picks it’s all just calculated risk that
    that gave me inspiration that like well
    I can do that so I think spending a lot
    of time when I was young to learn
    different option strategies and to learn
    stocks options Futures Forex crypto to
    be able to go where the opportunity is I
    think is the most important getting
    hooked in a strategy it’s cool I respect
    it but I I tend to think I like to go
    wherever the opportunity is
    oh yeah tasty nation good
    morning know you need
    it come on come on step music only one
    thing it’s time for what’s your
    assumption are you ready for a little
    what’s your assumption I am ready for
    what’s your assumption what’s your
    assumption for today what’s my
    assumption for today I I don’t I don’t
    with the NASDAQ as strong as it
    is almost 1% even though Russell and DOW
    are unchanged and down I know and I I I
    don’t know why I feel like the the led
    by Tesla right Tesla 14 or 15 bucks 15
    yeah I don’t know why feel like this is
    going to be a tough battle for um I
    don’t know why I feel like this is going
    to be a really tough battle for the
    Bears today just because um you know the
    S&P are up
    14 down 18 on the other side on down 18
    on the other side other side the coins I
    mean I’m a buyer of bonds not a buyer of
    stocks here um our earnings trades were
    great the rest of our positions are kind
    of um I guess you could say a little bit
    of crapola
    um look what happened in
    Boeing what’s going on in Boeing Well
    they um oh only up $2 now yeah I should
    have held out tra up to 177 and change
    about $6 higher than where it is right
    now yeah can’t keep a good Bo
    up um falling from the sky just like
    their doors yeah I know and um it was
    too easy first I rolled up puts in there
    then I rolled up calls see that’s I’s
    going to happen to me Tesla I really
    don’t want it to but I think that’s
    what’s going to happen I think I’m going
    to be snof in there you think so well I
    mean still up 15 I was bullish in Tesla
    I should have played this up 16 and
    change should have played it to the
    upside I my Tesla position right here is
    pretty damn flat um I’m short a couple
    of Deltas would you rather be short
    Deltas here in Tesla or long Deltas I’m
    pretty flat with a little bit of
    shortish delta in Tesla but I’m flat I
    have a tiny bit of short Delta roll up
    puts yeah me too
    question is do you roll up do I roll up
    any more puts let me see where these
    things are I can make myself 100% flat
    if I want to all right I’ll do it talk
    to me into
    it done I’ll wait yeah Boeing was a big
    turnaround I surprised it actually
    surprised me yeah I’m surprised by it
    too a little bit I agreed yep um gave up
    a little bit of my p&l in there video
    still up 10 meta up around seven uh
    going going into earnings here let’s
    take a look at some of those earning
    stocks just real quick real quick stocks
    that have earnings after the close today
    meta is up seven or eight Ford’s
    unchanged AAL unchanged I I don’t think
    you can trade Ford okay Royal Caribbean
    a124 no Google’s have to Market on the
    25th mer down a dollar cmcsa SI of you
    know it’s Comcast your provider for all
    of your
    um my Taiwanese sources are really
    annoyed with you Tesla you made a nice
    profit but all you did was talk crap
    about it all day yesterday hey you got
    to put the right positions on I mean
    actually to be honest with you
    us the other Albatross with myself I’m
    talking about Mr Sheridan both liked
    Tesla for earnings and you didn’t like
    Tesla ferning so we’re a little bit
    annoyed that you made money for Tesla
    even though Tesla’s higher it’s not
    about and your whole short interest you
    know everybody’s everybody’s long Tesla
    short has never been higher but
    whatever it just so you know it it’s
    about the positions you put on not about
    that’s right it’s about that’s right
    you’re good Tesla shortage at three year
    high ahead of earnings
    unbelievable ponds back down to two I’m
    going to put some order to buy some
    bonds here you’re going to have to pry
    these out of my hands
    okay all right you ready let’s go
    assumption again I’m Tom he’s Tony let’s
    do what’s your
    assumption now we can we’ll go through
    these fast so Richard from San Francisco
    is looking at a firm one day to one year
    that’s a big time frame rich rich a firm
    he just likes it an iot long off their
    uh 200 day with moving average with
    strength I think long and shortterm is
    in I got long for earnings and leaps
    Monday morning in both uh did did a firm
    earnings afrm I didn’t realize they did
    no they haven’t they haven’t had
    earnings yet um in a firm just so you
    know earnings are May
    8th May 8th okay well we have some
    crappy little positions earning I have I
    for a firm I have no problem in this
    yeah I I’m I’m good with the side in in
    airm how about let’s sell the 37 12
    calls and the stocks been sliding lower
    right 30 puts let’s do a little let’s do
    a little 37 and a half calls 30 puts
    strangle Okie doie probably have an
    existing position that you’re going to
    roll out into that yeah I’m G to push it
    oh I’m sorry I want to roll this into
    June that’s what I was trying to tell
    you there my friend I want to put this
    in June let me just do this save
    yourself a step I me you’re going to do
    it on Friday anyway yeah I’m save myself
    a step more and more batlike you know
    that I’m going to save myself a step
    here go out to June I’m going to sell
    the June 40 calls and feel to be a
    Johnny I’m going to sell for you 4030
    that’s a little bit bullish Rich I’m
    going your um I’m going your way oh he’s
    team Tom too I know that’s why I’m going
    his way I wouldn’t have done it if you
    said you were team Tony no chance yeah
    all dick from San Francisco thank you
    man really appreciate that let’s go to
    next slide thanks Rich
    um John from the summer is here in The
    Villages Tony you should be down there
    that’s your place John’s my kind of
    guy um you guys should get a room
    Walmart Happy Passover
    John Walmart Walmart Walmart WMT Si off
    you ever been to one uh sure let go
    there all the time I love Walmart Now
    Stocks kind of going sideways bullish I
    wow majority owned oh he’s talking about
    one that been talked about this morning
    buy now pay later same as a firm that we
    just did John wants to get a little long
    here the stock hasn’t done anything
    Walmart up 18 cents you you’re right it
    hasn’t really done anything except to go
    higher okay well like I said we’re
    moving out into the next month already
    um St June right why are the calls so
    cheap in
    here um first thing you should probably
    do why are the options so cheap in here
    at all the options that’s insane
    let’s take a look sorry insane Tony
    what’s going on here um it only pays a
    21 cent dividend later in May it’s only
    2 $3 expected move into June that’s
    nothing oh Meo
    like me no like this is a short put
    um John this is a short put play for me
    I’m not even going to sell calls in here
    way too cheap way way way too
    um Walmart earnings May 16th you’re
    going to attempt to sell
    puts yeah I’m going to attempt to sell
    puts um let’s see right now the puts are
    the 67 puts are
    7879 mhm here bang the bid we’ll get
    filled here John take a Phill Phil let’s
    go to next slide so the
    67 I Nicholas from Buffalo New York uh
    SN Nick I don’t know what stock that is
    actually Sin City shark
    ninja what rank a seven earnings May
    16th those two factors okay what is
    ninja do you know I do not know but I
    will find out for you shark ninja I like
    it what was the movie oh shark yeah I
    love shark
    NATO shark ninja I wonder if it’s those
    those like you know what’s what’s our
    what’s Nick here he’s bullish and
    shark ninja what is what is it Tony I
    don’t know I’m trying to find out I’m
    trying to find out stock hasn’t had a
    down all year
    Nick I should I gotta tell you here’s my
    issue Nick the stock doesn’t really
    trade shark ninja open Interest really
    small this is a little outside of
    our uh
    volume it’s traded zero volume in June
    options today it’s only traded 41,000
    shares I just put it on my watch list is
    an ivy rank of
    seven yeah what are you going to do with
    that I mean with very wide markets on
    the call side I’m going to pass on this
    Nick I just don’t it’s a little outside
    of our wheelhouse okay their product
    design and technology company yeah I’m
    sure I just it doesn’t fit my
    wheelhouse two primary Brands shark and
    ninja yeah I think it’s like you know
    like you probably have one of their
    vacuum cleaners oh one of those things
    oh it’s like uh what’s the other company
    that’s in this
    building Dyson like a yes like a Dyson
    oh yeah I do I do I think I have a shark
    ninja one of those yes yeah yeah yeah oh
    okay yeah I know what it is now shark
    ninja okay cool but no I’m not going to
    do the trade let’s go next
    um contagious
    that’s pretty funny contagious from New
    York City I don’t think that’s your name
    but contagious plld bullish 90 days I
    think more Cold Storage is needed for
    all the Costco Walmart and Amazon
    shipments however I see the plld has
    been going down I thought it would have
    moved up with these stocks our dude here
    another fundamental bull plld Tony you
    ever trade this pris no a little bit
    more stock has traded than the last one
    yeah and that stock has been on its butt
    too it’s gone down for 1 35 to 104 oh
    they’ve absolutely crushed it m um I
    don’t see any earnings coming but iy
    rank is I don’t see any earnings either
    they’ve absolutely mized this stock it’s
    relatively it’s a slightly better volume
    Choice than the last
    one bond in July July 17th who Bond you
    B Back At One
    um what are we doing here
    Tony how do the how do the markets look
    in plld they’re Fair there’s no volume
    there’s a little bit of open interest
    you guys are killing me I want liquid
    stuff there’s there’s some 95 puts
    trading I think the key here is if
    you’re bullish you sell the 95 puts for
    a buck
    10 and I think you got to reduce your
    size cuz I don’t there you go when do we
    reduce size you’re getting a you’re
    getting a l fil 95 puts reduced size
    sold them at a buck 10 okay I filled
    them a buck 10 let’s go next
    slide uh GDX Kon from um pick Pickering
    Ontario GDX we will be going to Toronto
    so join us if you’re in Canada we we are
    making up for not getting there fast
    enough GDX $32 St you know what you
    would have to bring you’d have to buy
    everybody dinner okay been so long I
    have to I will GDX
    maybe it’s time to take a breather the
    stock has been on a nice run it’s come
    back a little bit um really high IV rank
    we currently have have 65 no earnings to
    worry about yep let’s put a I I like
    strangles in here they don’t work great
    they’re a lot of work I should I
    shouldn’t say they don’t work great I
    should say they’re a lot of work I like
    the June you’re up you’re up for the
    challenge like up for the challenge I
    you I like the June as I tend to agree
    with you
    I’m going to go
    31 it’s really all you can do give a
    little bit no
    35 3531 give a little bit of little bit
    3531 filled let’s go next
    slide sold the strangle let’s go next
    slide PA and W haven’t traded this in a
    while and you rolled good D NW
    oh p&w
    boy almost a $300 stock used to be a
    $375 stock going sideways the last month
    or so hanging out right here at
    292 earnings are May 28th I know you’re
    going to be looking at June markets are
    just as good as the last stock you
    traded in GDX is a lot smaller price
    stock PW this is from Ro Rodeo peanut in
    Burlington New Jersey Rodeo
    peanut uh let’s see what we got
    here he’s neutral I’m neutral Ivy rank
    is 90 this this calls for I mean are you
    cool with I’m cool with a 16 Delta
    strangle um I like to look at the
    markets on the on the strikes that I’m
    trading and on the 16 Delta they’re
    about 20 cents wide which is which is
    good I say that only because if you go a
    little bit further down you’ll notice
    like on some of these smaller priced
    options the Market’s 20 cents a dollar
    they’re 80 cents wise I don’t want to be
    involved I’ll go a little lower
    than I’ll go a little so you can go down
    I mean if you really want to go down you
    go down to around the 220s on the
    downside if you wanted to markets are
    good there up to about the 390s 400
    something like that
    yeah um let’s do this all right
    mhm good job out of you
    good job ad of me I’m not filed jet so
    they don’t have the best markets Rodeo
    peanut we’re working the order for you
    okay brother you got it let’s go next
    slide we’re working it Intel isay from
    Israel isay we are long we’re long Intel
    is a complete Pig it is it’s a complete
    Pig and we’re are long hour how do you
    say it
    nicely took us we long our no it
    wouldn’t be tokus it’ be the other side
    I know but I don’t know I mean is this
    you’re going to try to get me in trouble
    now is that what she is that what you’re
    trying to do
    uhhuh uhhuh not the the walls have ears
    you’re trying to get me in trouble
    Brook soft
    serve um Intel we’re already long
    everything that we want to be in there
    I’m with you I think the stock is
    grossly oversold so let’s earnings April
    25th size up that’s tomorrow after the
    close for that reason yeah we’re going
    to wait a little bit and see um we’re
    going to wait a little if you were
    bullish cuz he is bullish and the stock
    has been beaten up what would you do
    today if you were doing a pre- earnings
    trade I’m short puts in there I’m we’re
    filled in PA and W um we sold a strangle
    would I would literally just sell puts
    in there that’s all I like to do in
    Intel and I and they have earnings so I
    mean I mean I would just be close to
    that the money that’s all got it got it
    it is a complete Pig let’s go next slide
    I feel like it’s going out of business
    is so bad ANF I have not traded this in
    Forever it’s abacan Fitch
    ANF um stock’s down two bucks today Adam
    from Jersey City’s bearish um I think
    you painted the top in here too I don’t
    I don’t like this stock at all really
    you don’t like the spring collection
    this year it doesn’t here’s my problem
    big abian doesn’t trade I know you wear
    the perfume it doesn’t trade very much
    you have to sell iron Condor here and
    you have to pray that you get a decent
    may22 earnings got 20 C wide markets
    8590 no volume today so far 140
    150 very light
    volume open interest is sparse yep you
    have to do an iron cond here you have to
    do something that has to find RIS you
    someone def find risk is what say right
    yeah so far no ding so far no bu no I
    this is a tough one oh filled 166 okay
    166 we’ve done worse $5 wide iron Condor
    collecting one3 the with of stes pretty
    classic yep and I did it with a little
    skew to the downside I sold a bigger
    call spread than put spread 60% Pop
    Let’s go to the next
    slide uh don from Cleveland Ohio TSN
    Hogs and cattle are down stock has been
    TSN Tyson Food s earnings May 6th I I
    don’t know that I’ve ever traded this
    Don um hasn’t had a downt in what seems
    forever and we are not going for the
    most liquid underlyings
    today Ivy rank is high when’s earnings
    here the 6th 6th of
    May this is a tough one
    Don I would rather trade Hogs and cattle
    than than and Tyson
    um if I was going to trade this stock
    and I was bullish and I was you I would
    probably sell 57 and a half puts could
    you get bullish in a stock like this
    that hasn’t had a down ticket
    no no I can’t really get bullish in here
    I I got to take a pass on this one
    um I got to take a pass yep yep let’s go
    next slide that’s a tough one for me
    AMD what about a put ratio spread I have
    a lot of AMD positions on AMD finally
    catch a little bit of a bid it’s up 250
    but it was up a lot more than that a
    moment ago was up about $4 just a second
    ago AMD good IV rank cu the earnings
    coming April 30th yeah the Stock’s been
    um Stock’s been whacked pretty good
    whacked not I mean the Stock’s been
    whacked pretty good lately lately yes
    AMD all right what do you want to do
    here this guy wants to do a ratio spread
    Ryan from steam booat
    springs um let’s take a look I like the
    markets I like to play yep Brian the
    lion um I’m going to go to June because
    I already have a May position on MH so
    I’m going to go to June and I think a
    put ratio spread here is kind of
    interesting I got like you might do like
    the 4030 for okay that’s teeny tiny 22
    Cent I was actually thinking of the 4030
    I know in June for a tiny teeny 22 Cent
    but somebody with a little bit more
    intestinal fortitude would probably do
    the 135 130 for a164 credit 430 bought
    the 13 40 puts sold the 130 puts did it
    for 24 Cent credit 24 Cent credit
    um this is so predictable cuz that’s
    what I like to do 10 points wide I like
    that trade I like that Ryan let’s go to
    the next slide or last slide oh that’s
    the last slide okay so
    affirm you buying them at 131 I didn’t
    think you would I don’t like I you’re
    not so confident now I don’t want to buy
    him here I know I know a firm uh these
    are the positions we put on um in a firm
    we did a strangle in uh June in Walmart
    oh what do we do in Walmart um in
    Walmart we sold naked put SN we did not
    fill there wasn’t enough there wasn’t
    enough um volume in there for me right
    plld we sold an out- of-the money put
    GDX we sold a June strangle p and w p
    and w we sold a June strangle aboc cromi
    and Fitch we did an iron Condor that was
    uh we moved it out to June one3 the
    width of the strikes and AMD we did an
    uh a put ratio spread a little bit
    bullish position Intel we didn’t do
    because we’ve already are too long and
    they’re ready and TSN we didn’t do
    because Tyson Foods I just didn’t like
    the liquidity in there so Tyson TSN and
    SN I did not like the liquidity in both
    of those Intel we didn’t do because
    we’re already like lock limit long in
    there very good sir good job out of you
    good job by the team take quick quick 90
    second break come back you know we got
    coming up next the skinny on option math
    with my man Jacob next we’ll be back in
    90 seconds even the S&P is trading their
    High since we’ve been on the show up $10
    back in 90
    seconds I
    swag I know how much does it cost you
    guys to do simultaneous hair flips years
    a practical
    yeah I
    got I got the
    bag looking for a better broker and a
    bonus sweet we got you right now you can
    get a bonus of up to $44,000 when you
    open and fund a tasty trade account plus
    low rates smart Tech with the analysis
    tools you need and awardwinning support
    so get a broker who’s actually got your
    back and up to
    $4,000 at tasty trade Make Your Move
    genius tasty
    trade it was a great show very
    inspirational and motivating I feel like
    you got to know each of the um Traders a
    lot better on a personal level it was
    awesome this is my 10th or 11th live
    event I thought thought the mouth would
    be really complicated it wasn’t and then
    it just made sense they’ve opened my
    eyes to many different strategies I
    realize there’s a a a reasoning and
    strategic planning that you could do to
    be successful I love all you
    guys here’s what your buddies mean when
    they say to catch a falling knife ever
    seen a stock make a huge move lower and
    maybe you had the thought I’m going to
    buy that stock but then it just keeps
    going down that’s a falling knife a
    falling knife is a stock that makes a
    big move lower and then continues to
    move lower the contrarian Trader has the
    idea to go long that stock in the hopes
    for a bounce catching that falling knife
    but you got to be careful trying to
    catch those falling
    knives well he’s more public in his
    mentality I’m a Believer I believe that
    the world is good and I know that the
    world is not good that questioning
    yourself and and questioning yourself in
    dialogue with someone you respect is
    both Pleasant and sometimes extremely
    insightful and useful sometimes
    I think I’ve always been interested in
    finance I have a degree in management
    and I had took a lot of heavy Finance
    classes and I’ve always loved it but
    I’ve always done passive investing and
    so as I went through life uh I decided
    that I needed to have a bit more control
    over my finances I started to dabble in
    the options world when I opened up a
    brokerage account in probably four
    different companies and none of them
    worked really well in terms of Education
    until I got to Tasty you know tasty live
    in particular because of the educational
    background that they Tau in every single
    day on how to learn how to trade options
    it started with the where do I start
    series uh it’s outstanding Tasty Bites
    Market measures from Theory to practice
    I I don’t think there’s a show that I
    don’t like to be honest you know that
    education piece is highly important I
    found the tasty off with that
    if you have any questions feel free to
    TOS them in the
    chat the Delta of paper is equal to the
    partial derivative of Rock with respect
    to rock paper
    scissors if you think like a Trader
    we’ve got your back tasty trade join the
    genius dear Chad thank you for trusting
    me with the workload of five people this
    week it was an invaluable learning
    experience all 97
    hours sometimes it feels good to get
    smart get even smarter with live live
    trading insights and some live live
    taunting you made me print out something
    for you in 40 Point font from the smart
    mouths at Tasty
    live Tom when you talk about the good
    guys who are they they they are they are
    us we are the good guys when you when
    you say they take out the weekend what
    does that means that means when you’re a
    premium seller and they take out the
    weekend that means that that that means
    that all the Decay over those two days
    Saturday and Sunday when the markets are
    closed come out of the market Monday
    morning when I say Bell to Bell what
    ises that
    Bell to Bell is like in horse racing
    they would call it wire to wire and in
    trading they call it Bell to Bell so the
    opening bell to the closing belt if
    you’re saying something’s thin what does
    that mean to you that means it’s not
    very liquid that means that the
    marketplace is relatively IL liquid
    that’s what thin means if you can’t buy
    an uptick what’s happening if you can’t
    buy an uptick that means the market is
    going down and it’s not and it’s there’s
    no bounce how does daddy do it Daddy
    does it good
    in the world of options somebody once
    said for every gimme there’s a gotcha
    it’s all about um generating positive
    expectancy in your portfolio welcome to
    option trades today I’m Tony the bat
    batist and I’ve got not one but two
    trade ideas for you today exploring zero
    DTE we promised you we would take a look
    and here we go
    Tomas Tomas we are back my friend you
    know what that that means time for a
    little bit more tasty live with this man
    the skinny on options math snof Jacob
    Jacob how are you anything I’m good I’m
    good how are you to see you again my
    friend is is spring finally in Chicago I
    felt like you were having snow last week
    or something we’re having it was spring
    yesterday we could have snow today
    perfect really yeah today today it’s a
    little bit um little bit chilly MH MH
    well I we have hummingbirds here now
    yeah yeah it’s a little chilly a little
    chilly little chilly yeah very here yeah
    I I assume so unlike California where if
    it gets chilly we’re
    unprepared you guys know what to do
    great great uh all right well I I think
    today we should we should get into the
    math pretty quick because uh I think
    it’s an interesting topic and it’s sort
    of about the the limits of theory or
    where where Theory kind of runs into
    reality and and butts up against it and
    so we’ll we’ll sort of get into that and
    see at first seem like a very appealing
    thing to you know why one should be
    trading the you know making an infinite
    number of zero DT trades but the
    conclusion will be that that’s probably
    not a good
    idea um okay so I’m C fractal management
    because the the key thing here is that
    suring Mo motion which is the underlying
    driver of all of the the randomness and
    behaviors in Black sches model and in
    pretty much any of its refinements
    anything that takes very seriously in
    efficient market hypothesis has to get
    something like this at the at the base
    level because Browning motion is has a
    number of different definitions but one
    of them is sort of just something that’s
    perfectly symmetrically random so if you
    don’t know which way it’s going if at
    all times you don’t know which way it’s
    going to go you you’ve got something
    like a Browning motion underneath it um
    and what this does is this gives
    Browning motion this scaling property
    which we’ve talked about before this
    square root of time Factor um right
    that’s the C squ is the the square root
    coming in there um right but if you if
    you zoom in on it um so this picture at
    the bottom here is a is a brand path and
    then the little cutout boxes a zoom in
    on just like the first little segment
    and it’s really kind of impossible to
    tell themart and that’s in like a very
    technical sense of it’s impossible they
    have statist probabilistically they have
    identical properties um when you zoom it
    in by all the squiggles have squiggles
    on them and all those little squiggles
    have little squiggles on them and so it
    doesn’t matter how much you blow it up
    um you can keep zooming in and this
    gives a kind of funny result if you take
    it very seriously and apply it to like a
    black sches model and our on our
    traditional sort of open a trade at 45
    DTE close at 21 DTE is that you can then
    repeat that at 21 DTE down to something
    like 10 and then from 10 to down to
    something like five and then from five
    to something like you know middle of the
    third day and then from two days down to
    you know day before and day before you
    close a day of and then Zero D let’s go
    to the next slide I’ve got a picture for
    um yeah right you can you can cut up
    your time until expiration into finer
    and finer pieces Each of which will have
    the same brownie
    behaviors on um right because they’re
    just blown up versions of each other so
    if you scaled up your position sizing um
    and moved your strikes right you’d have
    to bring your strikes in probably by
    trading something like consistent Delta
    and you’d have to adjust your position
    sizing probably do something like
    collecting a consistent amount of credit
    you could get an infinite number of
    holistically identical And uncorrelated
    Trades all in the same underlying and
    all at the same
    expiration um is that a ruler you have
    down there I mean you really making
    for me now yeah yeah it’s it’s just a
    demonstration about how you but this is
    taking the zero to one line and
    splitting it up into a half a quarter an
    eighth a 16th Etc and we doing something
    similar to our expiration we just be
    taking our our 45 days to expiration
    line and cutting it into 45 to 21 21 to
    something like 10 you have to scale
    everything for the the square of time
    factor and the numbers come out a little
    bit messy but they there are numbers
    that exist um right something like 10
    it’s something like five it’s something
    like so so what are you trying
    to what are you trying to figure out
    here what I’m trying to do is I’m trying
    to show that if you took black shs like
    really very seriously and thought it was
    absolutely true or even if not exactly
    black schs any of sort of black schols
    like models we come up to this funny and
    counterintuitive and incorrect
    conclusion that you can get a really
    good behavior portfolio portfolio by
    trading faster and faster and faster as
    you get closer to expiration um and that
    not true and I want to show why that’s
    not true but I’m sort of leading people
    into like why it might seem like an idea
    um right if you take the model fully
    seriously and really believe that what’s
    underneath driving everything is
    literally a browny and motion um right
    that everything can be infinitely scaled
    down right that you can blow up the
    stock price diagram and get another
    price diagram um and that’s not going to
    be the case as we’ll see in the next two
    slides but that this is sort of like a
    tempting mistake um for sort of a a
    precocious young
    Trader to think to themselves oh perfect
    GT is giving an infinite number of
    things um but do not try this at home do
    not do not keep scaling up your position
    sizing and scaling down your time your
    time scales and hope that you’re going
    to get good results um because this is
    really sort of a mathematical artifact
    of the models um and it’s because in ma
    we often talk about infinite things when
    we’re modeling reality even when reality
    doesn’t contain infinite things um
    because is much simpler um so on the
    right is a pretty famous picture
    description of the difference between a
    sum and an integral um in the sum you
    add up a bunch of finite pieces you get
    some sort of discreet chunky thing right
    this is our our polygonal cow and on the
    bottom there’s an integral symbol which
    is the limit of doing that with smaller
    and smaller pieces adding up more and
    more smaller and smaller pieces and the
    thing becomes smooth you get this nice
    picture of a cow um but that’s not real
    the the this next picture the cow is
    actually in in some ways less accurate
    than this polygonal picture of the cow
    because at least in terms of the
    marketplace it is actually polygonal
    right the the when we Zoom way way down
    and we’ll we’ll go on the on the next
    slide into how it affects different
    aspects but when you zoom way way down
    there are discrete cut offs right you
    don’t have every strike available you
    don’t prices move in pennies not
    arbitrarily small increments uh strikes
    happen you know every dollar every
    but they’re not all available uh
    expirations are not all available that’s
    not going to be as big of an issue um
    time ticks aren’t continuous and smooth
    because everything runs on computers
    that are you know maybe four gigahertz
    or 8 gigz and so they’re happening
    billions of times a second but that’s
    still not continuous that’s still a
    click click click click click of a clock
    um that one again billions of times a
    second is probably fast enough that we
    won’t notice the polygons on our cow um
    but for the the strikes on is the and
    the is is one of the bigger ones um as
    we’ll see on the next but in reality
    however there are discret break points
    in all these things right the polygonal
    picture is closer to Accurate um right
    it might not get you as good of an
    approximation if you don’t use enough
    polygons and in fact the infinite one
    the smooth one is easier to do takes
    much less computational power than
    having a really really large number of
    polygons to just do it as the smooth
    picture to take it to the limit is a
    simplification but is not actually a
    real description reality and for most of
    the time this was fine when we’re
    trading 45 days out and you know our
    strikes are you know 23 Delta the fact
    that we don’t have every strike
    available and the fact that the clocks
    move a billion times a second and not
    every instant don’t matter right the the
    approximation is very close to reality
    the approximation is easier to compute
    with we use the approximation but when
    we get down to these really short data
    trades right the the particularly this
    applies to the zero DTE Marketplace the
    discret factors will start cropping up
    and screwing with the math and the
    models and result in much less well
    understood behaviors um the mathematical
    models are going to break down um and so
    we should think about what that means to
    us uh which we can do on the next
    slide um so right here’s here’s the
    various places where things break down
    into discreet pieces time like I said it
    is billions of times a second um right
    it isn’t a continuous process it is a a
    talk a clock that goes Tick Tock but it
    goes Tik Tock billions of times a second
    and so for most human practices that’s
    as good as continuous um there are
    non-human entities working in the
    marketplace right there are algorithms
    doing trading um for them they do see
    these moments between moments uh that
    that is like the speed that they work on
    um and so whatever models are being used
    to program those probably do have to
    take those into account but as
    individual retail investors we don’t
    have to take that into account that
    that’s beyond our our our necessity um
    the strike availability is a bigger
    problem um because it means that right
    when I wanted to make my 21 DTE trade
    that was going to have the same
    properties as my 45 DTE trade right both
    closed early um I needed to bring the
    strikes in in order to like trade a
    consistent Delta or something but as I
    bring the strikes in finer and finer
    it’s going to be the math would be
    telling me to find strikes that aren’t
    there right to be trading a half strike
    or two thirds of a way through a strike
    or a 73 right that I want a strike of
    100.7 3 four five right that’s not
    available so then you actually do the
    trade you have to round and all of a
    sudden you’re no longer getting the
    thing you were promised which was an
    infinite number of math of
    probabilistically identical trades um
    similarly uh price is not being
    infinitely fine right prices only
    happening in pennies or nippel or
    whatever um means that you can’t do
    things like scale up your your position
    sizing to uh have the same credit at
    some point the position sizing is going
    to have to either balloon or collapse
    because you’re not going to be able to
    accurately recreate because you can only
    do a integer number of contracts and the
    contracts are all going to be 10e nickel
    priced and so you’re not going to be
    able to do whatever the model whatever
    your model was telling you to do when
    you were doing your square root scaling
    um expirations uh expirations and
    Strikes not being uh continuously
    available is sort of a blow for local
    volatility models which I’ve mentioned
    many times before is my preferred uh
    Dynamic volatility models uh set but
    they would rely on having an infinite
    supply of strikes and expirations in
    order to be able to compute expected
    volatility Behavior by using option
    prices um so that hurts but in fact not
    just that model every widely used model
    would suffer because every widely used
    model the mathematici don’t do it’s
    called discret mathematics um or
    discreet Calculus if you really take
    seriously all these these finite chunks
    and it is widely regarded as being much
    harder than regular calculus and with
    very little benefit for almost anyone um
    so it’s not used in in the modeling even
    though it is technically more accurate
    um and then I want to throw up a thing
    here I’ve been saying that right pretty
    much every model needs to be looked at
    very skeptically when it starts trying
    to deal with super finely super small
    time scales or super small strike scales
    or right anything where you’re zoomed in
    super far um where in the theoretical
    model you get another brownie motion
    when you zoom in super far in reality
    you don’t you start getting something
    is Jagged but not Jagged Al but has
    straight pieces to it because there just
    isn’t any data between any between two
    points so it has to be a straight line
    where in the model there’s an equally
    squiggly line between those two points
    as well that you could zoom in on
    further um so this here’s a blow up
    every model and means that you probably
    shouldn’t Trust model is nearly as much
    when you’re dealing with your really
    short data trades right if you’re
    trading zero dtes then the black shs
    model is going to be right blacks model
    is always an approximation of reality
    but it becomes a much worse
    approximation as you zoom in near near
    expiration um so every model is going to
    suffer um the efficient market
    hypothesis doeses not technically suffer
    because the efficient market hypothesis
    is generally justified by an idea about
    competition or uh epistemological
    modesty or something like right we just
    don’t know better than the market and
    All That Remains true
    um but if you thought the efficient back
    hypothesis was because big Quant firms
    have absolutely accurate pricing and
    therefore that’s happening that isn’t
    true both because it probably isn’t true
    to start with but then it becomes
    impossible for it to be true when the
    models start breaking down your
    expiration um so you can continue to
    rely on F market aysis and think that
    market prices are the best like are the
    most accurate price you’re going to find
    but that’s not because that’s like the
    most accurate price that you’re going to
    find that anyone knows it’s not because
    they are perfectly accurate this is like
    a a philosophical distinction about the
    officient Market hypothesis that maybe
    it’s good good good thought or for a
    debate in the future Anton’s always
    pitching your debate topics we could do
    an efficient amican hypothesis debate um
    I don’t know who you’d find to take the
    other side but there are people who
    don’t believe in it they they don’t they
    don’t work here there are people that
    will take the other side of everything
    because that’s just what we do we’re
    two-sided Marketplace of ideas
    that’s good um yeah um yeah so that that
    was my my big thing for today is I
    wanted to go into sort of how one could
    in perfect Theory land make this
    infinite number of Trades and then why
    that doesn’t work and sort of how this
    shows the flaws in the model right this
    disconnect between Theory and reality
    should not be taken as a flaw with
    reality it should be taken as a flaw
    with the model um so right in a pure
    Theory World it’ be possible to reach an
    arbitrary number of uncorrelated
    occurrences in a single underlying with
    a single expiration cycle um this is
    because mathematics is easier when it
    deals with smooth objects so we make
    these assumptions that tell us that
    everything is happening continuously and
    smoothly um but the reality of the
    market however is fine but discreet
    right that they in fact things do go
    click they they don’t move smoothly
    between things and when you zoom in at
    some point you start seeing the
    quantized right the molecules show up
    the electron Rings appear and it is not
    an ocean of liquid water it is a bunch
    of water molecules Each of which has a
    distinct distance between them um and so
    the models when you’re dealing with your
    very close dat option trades need to be
    looked at a lot more skeptically but the
    efficient market hypothesis does not
    need to be thrown into question um but
    most other models are not well suited to
    dealing with markets extremely close to
    expiration um so you Contin continue to
    think the prices are fair and if you
    want to trade in those markets you’re
    not doing yourself a particular
    disservice because right the the prices
    are still probably as good as they
    they’ll be but the probabilities that we
    come up with around these things right
    any sort of model based prediction it
    needs to be looked at with a lot more
    skepticism when dealing with really
    finally really close expiration trades
    because the models do all start to break
    down when you start looking very very
    finely and the time to do that is when
    you’re very close to expiration when
    we’re trading further from expiration
    it’s like we zoomed out and the pieces
    don’t matter that much and right the
    spaces between the stock the the tick
    times becomes irrelevant the distance
    between the strikes becomes then becomes
    small right if you think that over 45
    days it’s likely to move at least a
    dollar then the fact that there aren’t
    strikes every thousandth of a penny
    doesn’t matter but when you’re tra if
    you want to put a trade on 30 minutes
    before expiration well then the fact
    that you can’t get a strike that’s you
    know two cents different does make a
    difference in what trades are available
    to you and will ma matter for your
    trading um behaviors so this is just my
    remember people when you’re trading zero
    TTS to not trust everything too much and
    to remain really cautious about it
    because they’re not nearly as well
    understood by
    anyone so what you’re
    that if you have no idea what you’re
    doing and if you have no idea what
    you’re doing you want a job and you just
    want to take a shot you’re better off
    doing zero DTS because the counterparty
    has very little has little little Edge
    against you than you think I mean
    they’re just they just have the bit ass
    differential there’s no other there’s no
    other mechanical Edge but yeah though I
    think that in reality it’s right in the
    offici market aboutthis that’s probably
    the edge that they have in the longer
    data trades also but yes if you’re
    looking for a market efficiency um there
    are almost certainly are more market and
    efficiencies in the zero DT the problem
    is how do you know which side of the no
    no you don’t you don’t that’s my whole
    point so if you want to take a blind
    shot directionally you’re probably
    better off in the he’s just looking at
    it from the other side yeah I mean yeah
    yeah Mar it’s tight there’s no there’s
    no I mean the bit ask is all they ever
    have I mean that’s all there is going
    strategy probably picking the there’s no
    mechanics is the point you’re making and
    then the longer data they can they can
    price things much more effectively the
    longer data options I get it I got it
    yeah the models are much better at
    making predictions in a zoomed out way
    it’s like how the weather forecast for
    is it going to rain in your area is much
    more accurate than is it going to rain
    on your block yeah right if it’s gonna
    be scattered showers they can tell you
    oh the city’s definitely going to have
    scattered showers but they can’t tell
    you oh your house is going to get this
    much rain they just right that’s too
    fine the model the model doesn’t do a
    good job of predicting down on that
    scale you got it perfect thank you my
    friend friend good job Out of You Don’t
    Rain on My Parade we’re going to take a
    quick 90c break we got the ever popular
    Mr Scott Sheridan coming up next on the
    tasty trade World Headquarters right
    after this thank you Jacob appreciate
    it rock paper scissors he just play
    Paper he’ll do it again no Rock men
    statistically play Rock but he play
    paper and lost and the mind works in
    patterns he’s going scissors he knows I
    know he’ll go scissors but knowing I
    know he
    knows Scissors Shoot thought we were
    doing Rock Paper Scissors Shoot it’s
    always rock paper scissors if you think
    like a Trader we’ve got your back tasty
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    shop wait a minute I thought these guys
    were Traders not contractors they’re
    putting up a lot of bricks well lucky
    for us Tom and TP are better at writing
    than they are almost anything else
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    don’t die
    like toas toas enough out of
    you ah sound can mean only one thing the
    ever popular Mr Scott Sheridan from the
    Scott Sheridan Studios at tasty trade Mr
    Scott Sharon how are you kind
    sir excellent I hope you are too an
    observation and then a comment oh I love
    observations than comments because those
    how about a dream too can we get a
    Little Dream you have a dream last
    observation is Tom is in a much better
    mood today you know what’s funny is
    anytime anybody ever says to you an
    obser in a comment it’s never a
    compliment he just said you look you’re
    better today than you were yesterday I
    said no that’s the observation the next
    one is not a compliment you’re C don’t
    worry I understand how that works this
    one I’m saying you look like you had a
    nice meal you had a good schuff got up
    you’re eating your nuts you’re good to
    go now the comment is do Tony and I get
    any love for being public and being
    Johnny’s with
    Tesla no I already roasted him Scott I
    already my God you you yingang we were
    so me on the show yesterday it’s you
    guys are such idiots the stock is gonna
    be down what did Tony and I say it’s
    going to be up within the range a little
    out of the range but it’s going to be a
    little higher Tony yes no right 100%
    Scott I mentioned it earlier today he
    gave me a
    gfy oh my God you guys from two guys
    that haven’t been W in 73 years all of a
    sudden all of a sudden you’re puffy
    chested today this cracks me up all
    every everybody’s entitled to a first
    time so let us gloat for the first time
    now more importantly I learned wait whoa
    whoa whoa whoa whoa I learned something
    probably shouldn’t say this but I’m
    going to because it was
    priceless Tom in an interview I did see
    this and it is memorialized so I could
    show this in an interview one asked
    about his childhood
    x quote unquote I was a
    jack I
    was hold it it explains a lot that
    nobody ever wait a minute what I would
    say is you and Billy moods had some good
    street football Edie mosz Eddie MOS
    Stewie mosit sorry Ste Stewie MOS
    there’s Eddie MOS Stewie moscowitz there
    was Kenny
    Rubenstein Rubenstein Kenny ru sorry
    that’s the best one so your double
    clutch pump up fake around the car
    around the park Volkswagen and then in
    okay that’s street football that’s
    Jewish neighborhood football that’s not
    jock looking at you’re looking at
    sitting football for Tom okay there was
    no Street baseball for Tom they just
    took that plot of land next to their
    compound and they made a little field
    out there for it they weren’t playing in
    the traffic not these don’t forget don’t
    forget Joel don’t forget Joel
    seagull it sounds like my my middle
    school there you
    go yeah you had a couple you had a
    couple of dick and
    hites yeah yeah Weinstein lookstein yeah
    we had but look at the kid it came out
    normal right yeah we didn’t have I
    didn’t I didn’t want to roast him
    because you know he the the thing with
    Jews is that they are very good athletes
    and they’re very good athletes up until
    grade you get to eth you get to eighth
    grade and then you’re no longer the
    tallest you know like you’re not the
    biggest on parents no longer sponsor the
    team yeah yeah like all get to play I
    was the best white kid basketball player
    at seventh grade but that’s how it goes
    that’s how that’s how it goes but you
    know what happened but the thing the
    funny thing is like we were all Jews and
    Italians but the Italians never got like
    I could do a stop and go on my Italian
    friends yeah for like 25 years they
    never caught it like what is that too
    stupid Italians are just too stupid I
    know that’s why I’m little little stop
    and go you know many half you know how
    many times they fall for the Stop and Go
    Tony passive aggressive ATT right now
    right now he doesn’t even get it no no I
    know that’s my whole point he doesn’t
    got to look at him right now he’s
    looking into space he’s just staring out
    there he’s like was that the move that
    they kept beating me on to stop and go
    like you call to stop and go
    here oh
    God I mean me and Kenny ruin pulled that
    move off like 700
    times okay speaking we had we had Lori
    we had Lori sackowitz in our
    neighborhood Lori
    saitz she owned
    you w
    yeah I mean like you know she would
    never do a stop and go yeah she just s
    go go
    long we’re we’re bringing we’re bringing
    this one back
    okay this one down seriously snov stop
    and go was just like his Up and Under he
    this that had fake that was it one of
    these but his Up and Under The Paw the
    pa the Paw out in the head duck and then
    under that’s that that was a good move
    oh don’t worry that stop and go you know
    we had it still gets me today go lunch
    is here then I’ll go and he’s in front
    of me in the flun line
    immediately I wish we had squirrel back
    squirrel as it should be all right and
    don’t get me started on the Irish kids
    the Irish
    kids my buddy Kevin cigie I mean man I
    own that kid although he would say
    differently it’s amazing how the memory
    can change facts I like that yes you
    know I mean we played we probably played
    one-on-one for 10 straight years like
    you know two hours a
    day did you ever play stick ball all the
    time oh my God oh my
    God semipro I love stick ball oh my God
    wait a minute you seriously Priceless
    you didn’t miss that first of all over
    under of you ever having played stick
    ball let me let me tell let me tell you
    a story so listen so so I played my life
    Tony yeah you had to go here I’m in
    Chicago what’s your stick ball you
    played against the wall yeah play
    against the wall behind the school
    anyway that’s not really stickball
    whatever and there was we had a we
    actually had a tennis court fence we had
    a home run fence too which was cool
    everything else and you could break
    Windows the whole deal but anyway you
    could break Windows when you move let me
    tell you story is this when you move
    wait wait is this when you moved to
    Chicago no no no this isn’t this is back
    where grw up but then when I moved to
    Chicago this back where grw up the
    country back you can break the window on
    the barn when I moved to Chicago and we
    lived on Lake uh Lakewood there was
    there was an old fact there was a couple
    factories Sugar Factory so Steve and I
    Steve was working for me and stickball
    because Steve played High School
    baseball you know this whole school
    baseball you know this whole Steve story
    so we had Steve story so Steve goes I
    seriously kill you okay so Steve and I
    one day when I I he’s younger than me by
    about what is he seven eight years
    younger than me something like that yeah
    yeah so so one day we go out we buy we
    bought we bought the the sticks you know
    like from the um from the lumber yard
    and from the place from a lumber yard we
    just we bought like the things from the
    things yeah like a dowel whatever you
    want to call them you know dowel anyway
    we bought a couple do we bought a coup
    we bought a couple balls and we set up
    we put a big pig balls a big box Pig BS
    yeah we put a big box on the side of the
    on the side of the hostess Factory I on
    one and Sugar Factory on the side was
    right down the street and Steve and I
    played five hours no we played for about
    two innings minutes he had your arm fell
    off he had a good fast ball what my arm
    fell off and literally after two innings
    I couldn’t throw the ball anymore and um
    we played for two innings stickball
    because we were both convinced that we
    were the greatest stickball players ever
    oh I’m getting a lot of emails just say
    sold sold sold sold no I played a lot of
    how you think I’m kidding you I got like
    six of them so sold sold I don’t care
    what you guys say we played a lot of
    ball all right you know what we’ll let
    you run with it today I know I Like the
    Way New Yorkers pipe up when you play
    when you talk about stickball because
    like there isn’t really any other that
    played stick ball growing up me I mean
    the sheridans had he had a pitching
    machine for sure yeah for sure first of
    all stick ball I think is to New York
    with 16 of softball is to Chicago uh
    probably a little bit yeah yeah because
    if you talk like nobody plays I think
    San Diego they play 16 people even still
    play 16ish oh yeah oh yeah there was a
    guy in the radio I was listening to this
    kid from bar stool the other day and he
    was like he’s from somewhere else he
    just came to Chicago and he was talking
    about his 16inch leak CU he played
    college ball and he goes I think those
    you know those mother effers whatever
    broke my finger the other night he
    wasn’t us to the 16 inch and you know
    like he
    played yeah yeah I played against big
    cat one time Big Cat and Carl yeah
    Carl’s on a in the UIC League big cat
    played there and I were having discuss
    he brought um uh Frank Kaminsky one day
    oh really and he played first base he
    was enormous he’s a big dude couldn’t
    swing the bat though so Marty who’s on
    the trade desk I he brought back to
    memory that one year Marty had a good
    rifle back in the day if I remember
    correctly well we played I forgot we
    played softb he played center field if I
    remember we played for two years
    together yeah and um on on the team and
    uh he said we won the championship one
    year but I don’t remember yeah MH yeah
    because you won so many they caught out
    I mean I even won yeah yeah he lets me
    hold all his trophies hey we even won
    one with Tony and JJ right we even won
    with Tony and JJ on the team I mean they
    were on the
    roster this is how long we’ve been
    together this is this is 10 years before
    you were born me JJ and Tony were
    playing on the same softball team he was
    like a fill in S type thing no he was
    the right fielder right fielder you put
    you put the and I Carri and I carried
    the water I carried the water cuz we
    already had a catcher yeah yeah yeah
    okay fair oh but your Uncle Barry your
    Uncle Barry he was good he was good he
    played Short Stop yeah yeah yeah Barry
    was good it’s
    crazy about that bar played Short Stop
    never thought about that Uncle Barry
    Uncle Barry Uncle Barry Uncle Barry but
    he Bri daddy let me just tell you let me
    tell you something about
    with Barry and Tony the two people that
    didn’t shut up like you always wonder
    who are those obnoxious people out there
    Barry for sure and Tony you can hear the
    two of them yaking the entire HT with
    two it hurts with two every time we
    score with two outs hurts with two yeah
    oh you know was really fun after I
    annoyed the other team how you guys
    would run to get in your car so quickly
    stick up from it they would run you’ve
    never like they didn’t even run their
    faces this fast like when the game was
    over and you know maybe you shake some
    hands and stuff like that they would
    take off they would fly lunch
    lunch lunch and stick ball really throw
    it on one bounce that’s real that real
    stick ball that’s called Cricket that’s
    called cricket
    cricket with them please get to your
    list right now it’s called Cricket you
    got the wrong sport stick ball
    but in the midwest they don’t they play
    they play like whiffle ball games like
    you know like balls like I made a
    whiffle ball strike zone for my for my
    son sure you did because when kids got
    older I I did neglected my son when kids
    when kids when kids in this age the
    parents the moms didn’t want anybody
    throwing mom pitch it’s a momit mom
    pitch hurt the kid with a stick
    ball stands out in the Outfield in case
    a kid actually hits it out there he
    throws it back to him so they don’t have
    to run out there first time I played
    catch Cole in our backyard I threw we
    playing with a regular hard ball I threw
    a hard ball hit him right in the face he
    just missed it hit him right in the face
    last time you ever played with him Kar
    didn’t talk to me for a
    month for a month she didn’t talk to me
    she’s like you get a whiffle ball that
    kid’s never playing hard ball
    again oh that’s great all right let’s
    get to some
    business top 15 symbols going through
    the system first 40 minutes of the no
    braas indices or Futures time for you
    number 15 arm at a 36 for everybody else
    number one Tesla to 32 Nvidia at an 86
    ENT at a 43 B at a 52 meta at a 90 AMD
    at a 77 Visa at a 23 Netflix at a 22
    Apple at a 71 Amazon at a
    62 SMH to a 78 smci a
    74 Microsoft to 72 txn at a 40 and
    number 15 for Tom armm at a 36 rounding
    out the next 10 coin at a 70 VRT at a 39
    tqqq at a 59 TSM at a 43 goo with an L
    at an 88 Intel at a 59 GLD at a 69 r at
    a 36 and Baba at a
    35 I’m reading some of the comments
    on YouTube and says Tom saves the
    explosive speed for the lunch line good
    good job out of you Scott very nice job
    we’re g to go I’m let you go for now
    goodbye so Johnny trades play some
    oh different music but I liked it there
    we there we go there we go
    boom couple trade ideas for two tree
    yeah good couple two tree Tut tree I’m
    ready all right let’s do
    it I think I think you’ll like some of
    these maybe one maybe two I don’t know
    it depends on how spicy you’re feeling
    all right fire away all right first one
    qualcom you got a position yes doing a
    little put diagonal spread here hold on
    I’ll tell you qualcom qualcom qualcom Q
    um we have the 55 the 155 175 it’s a
    delta neutral nothing okay I’m taking a
    little bit of a short Delta position
    here into earnings I’m trading in the uh
    when when are earnings earnings are on
    like the 1st I think May 1st something
    first yep I think all what are you doing
    so I’m buying the 160 in June put I’m
    selling May 3rd 155
    put no oh my God what an eye roll that
    was you’re buying this should I pack my
    bags that was like I don’t think I can
    come back from that one I I you’re going
    to have to get used to it son if you’re
    going to be here you’re going have I
    don’t like doing the weekly now cuz I
    get all you know cuz I can’t follow gets
    all confused he’s a very simple Trader
    he’s a simpleton they call Godfather of
    trading you’re buying can’t do the
    weeklies into earnings no he won’t be
    able to see it in his position get all
    messed up you know the in the money
    thing I can’t I can’t yeah it’s it’s a
    lot of work I’ll I’ll do a Diagon but
    I’ll do the month I’ll do the monthly
    Johnny yeah all right I’m I’m working
    not a great start here Dad my sounds a
    start M meta you got a position yes of
    course you do earnings after the close
    today I did an iron Condor here just a
    little you get filled on Qualcomm all
    right all right all meta what I mean
    meta what do you got 460 450 put spread
    the 560 570 call spread right around
    one3 the width of strikes I sold it at
    $310 credit I did in the
    weekly o here we go again another
    expiring this
    week Johnny earnings
    trade no you’re scared can’t do it can’t
    do it Tesla really got you no no Tesla’s
    fine I’m meta I have the June 390
    650 fair enough 650 gez 390 650 really
    going out on a limb there 100 points
    away on the downside 150 points away on
    the upside wow would’ you do that for $2
    you you want to know yeah I do he asked
    in June I’m glad you asked because
    you’re going to be surprised how much
    this is trading
    for six oh you got 60 days it’s it’s 650
    right now it’s exploding yeah
    yeah all right yeah that’s what you want
    to do all right last one SPX put
    butterfly we’re going back to the well
    we’ve had a little bit of a rally here
    maybe we get a little short Delta here
    you got I like it volatility hasn’t
    crept up yet it’s 1575 SPS are down on
    the day now oh they are three bucks yeah
    okay so this one might be a winner
    already but it’s a long v short Delta
    play you are a Batista I know yeah uh
    this one might you know I I think you
    should put this on because it’ll be a
    reminder for you um what’s the what’s
    the expiration expiration is May 31st
    you know what happens on May 31st or why
    that’s significant no it’s my
    birthday oh and so I want you to put
    this trade on so that you remember that
    it’s my birthday that day you’ll know
    because you’ll be like why the hell and
    you can tell how big a gift you’re gonna
    get him by money exactly the trade so
    you put this trade on and it’ll be just
    a subtle reminder you’ll look at it
    you’ll be like why the hell do I have a
    May 31st end of month expiration then
    you’ll go oh that’s baby bat’s birthday
    I got to get him a
    gift oh 5, 4900 4,800 100 points wide
    you could go 200 points wide you want to
    be a little big big boy little Give me
    the give me the prices again which one I
    did the
    5,49 5,000 round numbers 5,
    4900 4,800 I I try to use round number
    straightly yeah just I’ve done these
    with you 100 times remember the one that
    I got you like two grand out of and you
    were like oh yeah that that was okay can
    you explain to them how it works when if
    we go lower Al tell going to expand a
    little bit these are going nice how much
    you’re going to pay for this I did it
    at$ 850 but I’m a little Johnny I said
    if you want to do a bigger one you do
    4600 you know two 200 points wide you
    probably do it at like 1,500 bucks
    bucks filled there you go wow and you
    Scoopy Scoopy these so if we get like a
    20 30 40 50 point down move these go
    from you know $8
    to150 wow wow got it take a couple bucks
    out of it he paid 825 for this one no he
    must he must have butchered the strikes
    495 wait what did he do did he go
    smaller 57 days he went 48
    495 4 5,000 he bought the 5,000 put sold
    two of the 49s and bought one of the 48s
    oh you did this in June yeah June what
    did you say I did the May 31st for my
    birthday oh I thought said that was baby
    birthday he really doesn’t listen
    he you what that’s it that’s all I got
    for you good job out of you I’m GNA take
    a quick 90 second break even S&P is down
    five NASDAQ up just under 80 78 Tesla
    after being up 20 is up 16 and change
    Russell’s down nine that pig Dow down 92
    volatility only down 5 cents we’ll be
    back in 90 seconds we got more tasty
    live with Liz and Jenny next excellent
    job son than peace
    ex the lizen Jenny show is probably my
    favorite hour of the day it’s somewhere
    where I get to be with one of my best
    friends that I’ve known since I was 14
    years old and do something that I love
    Liz and I always say to get a trading
    buddy and uh we are each others trading
    buddies and I wouldn’t know what I would
    do without her people get to take a look
    at how our minds work as explore Traders
    now transitioned into self-directed
    investors what is wonderful about being
    on this show is that you see The Good
    the Bad and the Ugly because not every
    trade is a winner if it were if it were
    the game would be rigged so you get to
    watch us manage our winners and you get
    to see how we look to get out of a trade
    that might not be going our way my
    biggest piece of advice to beginners is
    to jump in but stay small putting it out
    there and doing it in small increments
    you will learn more than than ever
    reading anything in any in any book so
    stay small um but jump in top
    kid are you on a quest for trading
    Enlightenment driven by an unquenchable
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    genius tasty trade regulation time may
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    the postmarket scrimmage for Market
    junkies join Chris Veo ilas spivac and
    me Dylan rigan as we analyze the X’s and
    O’s for everything from earnings to
    politics to macro events and more
    nothing’s out of bounds on overtime we
    break down the news to provide you A
    playbook for your trades watch overtime
    Monday through Thursday only on tasty
    explain pot
    odds pot odds is my favorite term um but
    pot odds in the poker world or gambling
    World refers to having a greater payout
    than your implied odds would would
    suggest so let’s say I have 3 to one
    odds to win a pot but the pot is giving
    me four to one odds to make that bet I
    would have a positive expected value
    over time so in trading let’s say you
    have a defined risk debit or credit
    spread that’s currently at a Max loss
    and let’s say there’s 30 days left to go
    there’s not really a reason to close
    that position because you’re already at
    Max loss you can only go up from there
    so in that scenario that would be a
    positive pot odd scenario or something
    that would give us pot odds to stay
    in morning Uncle Craig I really
    appreciate all the investment advice you
    bestowed upon me this holiday season
    that opportunity Prince Harry emailed
    you about sounds interesting but I think
    I’ll just stick to watching tasty
    live sometimes it feels good to get
    smart get even smarter with live trading
    insights and some life taunting I don’t
    kick the cat or the dog or the small
    children till the day of Christmas from
    the smart mouths at Tasty life
    okay I think we man you got me yeah oh I
    didn’t I don’t know you that well short
    put short PTY come
    on strangle I for myself I wrote
    strangle for him I wrote ratio Sprint
    strangle triangle strangle strangle
    ratio triangle ratio spr sense
    sure so Liz says you say your favorite
    strategy is a zebra and you got it right
    you said Jenny’s was a jade lizard Jenny
    said short
    bull I’m telling the truth mine is I
    might be oh oh oh oh oh there’s a short
    component to the Jade
    lizard by default I’m accepting
    this Dear Braden big thanks to you and
    the Nerds for the wonderful tech support
    of course I back everything up Cloud
    because I’m 6 years old and I know what
    a cloud is yours truly
    Larry sometimes it feels good to get
    smart get even smarter with live trading
    insights and some life taunting no your
    office is right near the near a
    different you’re like closer to
    the this is English you should watch him
    read from the smart mouths at Tasty
    life dear Chad thank you for trusting me
    with the workload of five people this
    week it was an invaluable learning EXP
    experience all 97
    hours sometimes it feels good to get
    smart get even smarter with live trading
    insights and some life taunting you made
    me print out something for you in
    40.5 from the smart mouths at Tasty live
    hello everybody and welcome to the
    Wednesday edition of the Liz and Jenny
    show my name is Liz deking the beautiful
    Bernett over there is Jenny interest
    lower today do you think so yeah because
    I feel like I’m looking at your nose oh
    I am a little higher to but that we
    don’t have to worry about that the
    cameras move themselves I know but I
    don’t like being low um you don’t have
    to do anything all they watch this oh no
    I went
    down um all they have to do is adjust
    your camera that’s I want to be higher
    I’m not worried about the camera you’re
    high enough now I’m not worried about
    the camera angle I don’t want to be
    typing like this no want to work like
    this well I can see a view of the screen
    and you look amazing well I’m not typing
    like this anymore so I feel much better
    now I can see now I’m looking directly
    into your green eyes um Jenny yeah yes
    we’re live in the studio it’s we’re
    going to be here again today and
    tomorrow but you and I very shortly are
    going to be transmitting live from the
    Chicago Board of options exp oh I didn’t
    know if it was a if it was a public
    knowledge announc it is now I just said
    it so it’s got to happen I guess so yeah
    I’m excited for that excited for that um
    it’s gonna happen soon soon couple weeks
    couple down to the CBOE yesterday you’re
    going to be our old stamping grounds
    when you see the floor shocked shocked
    shocked um it was cool lots of faces not
    old faces lots of familiar faces yes
    lots of familiar faces I can’t wait it’s
    going to be fun I think uh we’re going
    to do it once a week do it once a week
    and still still ironing out the details
    but yes location anyway stay tuned uh I
    think the viewers is GNA like it it’s
    gonna be a fun scene down there for sure
    for sure crazy okay the other topical
    information Jenny how did you how do you
    think you faed in
    Tesla do you want to jump in the
    platform and take a look at it yeah
    let’s go to the platform I know during
    our show we didn’t trade anything in
    Tesla and we said we weren’t trading
    anything in Tesla I did kind of like a
    break the rule anti- tasty trade in
    Tesla I know you did I know you did you
    want to share with the class you’re
    you’re or do you are you gonna get in
    trouble uh well okay so we were just
    talking we were just talking about this
    at the
    table when you look at a
    trade let’s we can look at like we can
    do it with something that has earnings
    today that let’s look at meta let’s look
    at meta and um well first you got to
    look at the IV rank
    just kind of like breaking the rules but
    remember the ivy rank was super high it
    was remember on the Liz and Jenny show
    the rules are there are no rules I’m not
    saying that this is this is a
    recommended trade no no no but I like
    what you did so let’s instead of like
    just pull it up okay open up the two if
    you don’t want to sell something you
    flip the cards over open up the 2day in
    meta and um no this is a 90 I rank I
    will tell you Tesla had over a 100 I
    think yesterday when you put no when I
    put on it was like an 80 similar 0 Okay
    so basically um go to the go to the 464
    buy the 46450 call spread Frank Walsh
    can get through to everything oh Frank
    always okay buy the buy the 460 450 put
    spread 460 45 or 46 how about 465 455
    yeah go 465 455 okay 285 28 282 and then
    by the you know what I don’t even like
    it here I don’t like it here $42
    expected move too much but I’ll show you
    what I did so by the um 525
    535 yeah okay this is this is B
    basically what I did I bought a $10 wide
    iron Condor for about $5 for some reason
    I thought you were closer well here’s
    what I was going to say and this is why
    I wouldn’t do it in meta Tesla had a $13
    expected move so it was much closer
    because we had a $13 move my long my
    shorts were at the at the brown end of
    the brown bar my shorts were at the end
    of the expected move but the expected
    move is only $13 here it’s $42 I
    wouldn’t do it with this kind of move no
    I agree it it doesn’t work here let me
    see if I could find something concep
    let’s kind of talk through the thought
    process so when you’re looking at
    implied volatility put spreads trade
    when you have an implied volatility that
    swings in both directions look at this
    it’s going down there was no there was
    no um it’s going down with the puts go
    go to IBM meta the expected move is just
    too big um IBM if you break down this if
    you move this move the sidebar a little
    bit so we can see the expected move oh
    sorry about okay $9 expect to move this
    it might work here so bu the 170 you
    know 180 175 put sprad how much is that
    bu 180
    175 so I’m buying this bread for one
    yeah okay and then by
    the you got to
    go I don’t know I don’t know but in
    Tesla I bought a $10 wide Aon Condor for
    about five a little over $5 doar and my
    thought process was in the morning if it
    doesn’t move at all it’s still going to
    be worth two or three dollars I’m not
    going to lose that much so I didn’t want
    to risk much I didn’t I thought I don’t
    want to risk more than a couple hundred
    dollars so if it didn’t move I could
    close it down the open and take like
    two2 or $300 hit not a big risk if it
    did move to its expected move I bought a
    $10 wide iron cond for $5 so I closed it
    right before the show for about $8 and
    it’s conceptually do you remember um God
    why am my blanking his name the guy that
    used to be Ellen Ellen used to buy
    straddles for earnings and sell them on
    the open the clothes he would buy them
    on the clothes and sell them on the open
    within seconds of the open because it
    does maintain you know the high
    volatility things are jumping around and
    it would have worked in pass but it
    works if something goes to its expected
    move it doesn’t work if it doesn’t move
    correct okay so I know we have a
    jam-pack show today we did say that
    we’re were to look at Tesla after
    earnings Tesla’s up it’s got a 37 rank I
    say we close it if it had a 50 I might
    jump in yeah it’s hard if it’s down
    great if it’s up it’s tough um let’s go
    to Boeing because we did an earnings
    trade in Boeing we sold a just
    put spread a baby put spread which is
    great okay so let’s walk through this
    here’s the put spread we sold an out of
    the money put spread we were kind of
    talking about this in Tesla bullish move
    this didn’t move everyone’s a winner and
    premium selling if you don’t get a move
    are you surprised that there’s still 30
    cents left in that 162 I am not if if
    the market weren’t the weren’t the the
    market is today’s a Wednesday I guess
    today’s a Wednesday look at Boeing I
    mean if if you were wearing red I’d be
    shocked look at how high it got yeah but
    it’s so
    I don’t I don’t think oh so yeah now I
    guess now it’s like it didn’t even move
    it was up but now it’s as if it didn’t
    even move yeah so right so if you go to
    the open 17 oh no no I’m sorry s moved
    you’re on the wrong day the open is
    whoa yeah yeah so nonetheless it did now
    we got a close Boeing and I’m not
    shocked that it has 25 cents left FYI
    will have to fix this over the break we
    don’t see your mouse oh you don’t mm I
    apologize I am moving it I know it’s
    there it’s it’s like a one one click on
    a button okay so the mouse is there but
    nonetheless okay boing is I’m going to
    make sure we get out of this down 10 now
    winter winter chicken dinner on our
    Boeing what else did we do
    yesterday I’m gonna sort by zero DTE one
    so our iwm working in the right
    direction Apple working in the right
    direction I don’t know that we oh Apple
    we put on that 170 calendar the problem
    is you got 15% on a calendar overnight W
    I like it though I want wasn’t the
    reason for the trade I want to bullish
    trade through earnings yeah that wasn’t
    the reason for the trade was to have the
    170 call through earnings yeah and to
    then be able to do something with it
    okay I’m gonna very quickly go it’s
    almost like having stock then we can
    sell a strangle around it like a covered
    strangle you know then we okay I just
    wanted to quickly look at this nothing
    really needs to be managed MJ had a uh
    Run for the Roses yesterday which we um
    in my account I actually have it bigger
    than a Bread Basket but I just wanted to
    look at this real quick nothing it’s not
    up that much though no do you want to
    jump into Twitter uh well yeah let’s go
    to Twitter I have Bob’s list so thank
    you very much Bob for sending these I
    have Bob’s list up here good morning
    today’s potential earnings and we’ve got
    some big ones meta IBM Ford and if you
    look at Ford our Ford um that we did
    that calendar to get the free 1282 call
    or not free discounted discounted then
    we extended our duration and paid a
    little bit more and now it’s through it
    so just keep we have 86 days let’s make
    a packed we’re not going to close this
    for 86
    days this is the time in my life jenuine
    I wish we had more than a one
    lot well I do I have the same position
    and I’m sure you do too but we only and
    and this was such a baby trade I even
    threw it in my son’s account because he
    has a little account but it’s was such a
    baby trade we paid like 30 cents for
    this I know I know so great keep going
    Ford um so uh Ford is on here they have
    earnings So Meta IBM Ford Chipotle
    Mexican Grill uh now I don’t know what
    that is
    Ro Caribbean okay what we there’s a lot
    of things on this list American
    Airlines yeah mon caterpillar Bristol
    Myers ASN we have a lot and let’s look
    at these now because we have watch your
    assumption second half is a American
    Airlines yes yeah MH yes American
    Airlines group new mining okay so let’s
    take a look six ranked American Airlines
    it’s only $14 I did not see what’s your
    assumption I have no idea if any of
    these earnings are in there so I Advance
    hey guess what guess where we were
    during what’s your assumption talking in
    the car uhhuh I was on the phone with
    you so if you didn’t see it I didn’t see
    it look at your purple drink my orange
    drink what are you drinking today
    Tang purple vodka um can you go to the
    chart in AAL actually zip Fizz for those
    of you this the segment sponsored by zip
    fiz okay what am I going to you want to
    see what it might actually be sponsored
    by next time we go on Twitter I’ll show
    you since we’re always talking about it
    the Polish Warrior no because you might
    actually sponsor our Twitter segment
    all right let’s go uh to I want to see
    the chart because I said American
    Airlines only 14 but for American
    Airlines is never really that high no
    it’s always kind of around 14 but I
    don’t mind selling puts here if we can
    get anything for them you’re not going
    to get much you can go 60 cents how
    about a big lizard 14 15 yeah it’s a
    baby it’s a baby Jade lizard it’s bigger
    than so if it goes up we get to keep
    this 34 no that stinks forget it forget
    it gives us 84 cents to the downside
    close this up get it this is a
    um you know what this is a candidate
    for uh like one of those calendars
    they’d be so they’re so cheap oh you’d
    have to do more than one so if you want
    to do that if you you’d have sell the 14
    and a half you got to go to and Let’s do
    let’s do what we have in Ford like by
    the July and just then leave the other
    so you’ll notice there’s some risk in
    here because I’m I 14 and a half you
    have to buy the 15 if not oh so here
    yeah there’s not going to be 14 and a
    half anywhere and you’re not going to
    get anything for the 15 close it make
    any sense yeah close it forget it all
    right next on the earnings list
    um IBM IBM International Business
    um IBM 183 183 tough it’s a it’s tough
    for me at 183 I just would like to do
    something I’m going to see our activity
    none we haven’t traded IBM this year
    we’ve not put an earning setup calendar
    in IBM shame on us well I don’t know
    maybe maybe we have we usually do we go
    longer than 30 days but I don’t remember
    trading I lately well that’s 365 days
    that doesn’t count that no it tookes
    January was our last trade okay so we
    haven’t done it in a while so we don’t
    have um we don’t have a rank in there so
    well there’s a 90 rank no I mean we
    don’t have a position in
    there yeah we didn’t have anything this
    year we haven’t it’s tough I love
    trading IBM when it’s around like 140
    150 it as it gets to 180 it becomes a
    little more
    um just have wanted to see you’re only
    getting 30 cents there cuz I’ll forever
    have the shadow traders in my head I BM
    to 135 and guess where it went but they
    don’t believe it’s going to be there
    forever well and that I can’t I can’t
    erase it but they they don’t believe it
    happened it’s over it’s gone Take Your
    Mind Eraser shot take a drink at your
    vodka and call it a day all right what
    would we want to do in
    IBM if I’m looking at IBM I don’t
    necessarily know that I want the risk of
    anything Tesla moved its expected move
    look at this it’s been some chop but
    it’s Tesla expected move was $13 yeah
    but so Tesla moved wrapped around its
    expected move it’s moved 17 today it was
    13 last night like it’s not didn’t blow
    it didn’t blow it out of the water yeah
    it didn’t blow it wasn’t like two times
    it’s expensive no and so we’ve got some
    chop up here IBM has been staying in
    this range since its last earnings what
    do you think about um just a calendar I
    know I think IBM can move I feel like
    IBM can move on earnings but I went so I
    went to May with 23 days we’re only
    spending 110 I can move I don’t discre
    it can move so if you buy a calendar
    moves then you’re out you have 23 days
    for it to come right back to the 185
    level 23 days I just see I’ve seen IBM
    have moves on earnings we’ve seen it
    yeah can move it’s right here everybody
    has seen
    it yeah yeah it’s I’ve seen plenty of
    down moves too so so the expected move
    for this cycle is $12 up and $12 down so
    if you wanted to I’m not going to sell
    this but that this would be for the
    expected move for the
    cycle and you’re in May and you’re in
    you’re not in the two day so the two-
    day this expected move is only $9 that’s
    way too little 12 madees sense that’s
    what I’m saying let so so just humor me
    for a
    minute 177 175 look can you if you buy
    the 177 sell the 175 if you buy the put
    spread you want to buy I want to see if
    if like what I did in uh
    No7 177 175 it’s got to be closer
    is that a dollar okay and then to the
    upside like 187
    so 250 wide you’re paying a$1
    60 you can make a dollar you can make
    no it’s only 250 wide but my point with
    these trades if it if it doesn’t if it
    has a big move you make money if it
    doesn’t you can get on the open for a
    small loss yeah I almost feel like these
    are the same things as buying these and
    getting out on the open for as m not
    selling not selling buying um oh buying
    the stradle at the end of the day and
    getting out on the open it’s $10 so
    that’s a lot but I you know you’re not
    going to lose that much if you get out
    on the open even if it doesn’t move that
    much you’re not going to lose
    $10 yeah but I feel like IBM if it
    doesn’t move on the open tomorrow yeah
    lose like you can probably sell for five
    bucks yeah you’re going to lose $6 400
    yeah you lose something but not all of
    it well okay what’s up next do you want
    to jump back into Twitter what are are
    you still in real Caribbean no I’m off
    my cruise I sold aggressive calls until
    it went bye-bye where is it
    uh 137 I think it was up there when I
    sold it it’s been in this range I sold
    calls calls calls I like it Royal
    Caribbean actually because I want The
    State Room credit has been very very
    very good to me so now it’s tough It’s
    So Hard
    I so we’re in Twitter right now by the
    way yeah let’s oh we are yes we are in
    Twitter right now okay Mikey Happy Home
    day L’s not full on pirate mode but
    loving Jenny’s top
    you know I love anything with puffy
    sleeves wait till you see the I bought
    myself a dress yesterday they’re this
    big they’re going to hit the wall wait
    are you bringing it tomorrow no a summer
    a summmer puffy
    sleeve can’t wait to put that over the
    trading if it were red I’d wear your
    training jacket is going to make you
    look like a like a linebacker oh well
    I’m not going to wear that with a
    trading jacket on I know that’s what I’m
    saying you got to uh okay Mike or there
    have been other tweets coming in from
    the Polish Warrior that came in earlier
    but here we got Steve Jones while you
    are at the seabo please get us some live
    shots of the new action in the old
    location so I was talking to them
    yesterday and the SPX still is about 40%
    outcry I can’t wait to be down there
    watching them trade live the Zer DTE
    we’ll get to see like what’s going on
    how many are trading here how many are
    trading there what orders are coming in
    so now a lot of it is electronic so
    you’re going to have to read the board
    in order to see it but there are some
    still that are open outcry which was
    pretty cool it was the SPX the vix pit
    the &ps the rot it was really cool yeah
    there’s going to we’re going to be busy
    down there busy down it was really cool
    um interested to see how much open
    outcry is still happening I mean what
    they told me was about 40% I can’t wait
    I can’t wait for a day when something
    goes Bonkers and we’re there I hope
    we’re there for it I hope we’re there
    for it uh okay and Bob on fire had the
    earnings we’ll get back to those Frank
    came in with the economic calendar Frank
    the great I got your text I’ll for sure
    check the SEO floor for you Frank from
    came from the SEO as well so we’re gonna
    have to get a cast of we need to get
    pictures of all of build Floor Traders
    before we go down there’s quite a few
    well who is it me you Tom Tony Pete
    Walsh oh but a lot of guys from the
    trade desk oh yeah that’s true a lot of
    guys from the trade desk but not a lot
    of onair personalities that’s it for the
    personalities right as far as on air
    personalities but people from the I
    think Dr Data too didn’t Dr Data have a
    stint on the floor well I don’t know
    maybe in the bonds and TP and TP TP and
    TP so there’s eight of us yeah yeah
    um so if you’re on YouTube and you want
    to have something post on Twitter just
    post on YouTube and Frank will share it
    with everyone uh Frank’s amazing now
    Mikey look at this polish princess for
    the win that’s that’s
    me Glen Gary Glenn Ross is correct
    although Jenny getting the movie
    reference before Liz makes him think of
    this cats and dogs living together
    Ghostbusters I never get the movies
    right never I’m not gonna lie to you I
    never saw Glenn Gary GL well here
    remember okay polish Warrior I’d like to
    State my case please keep in mind I’m
    strictly 90s movies once I started
    drinking I stopped watching movies no
    I’m pretty sure Glen Gary Glenn Ross is
    like from the 80s I don’t know but
    that’s not that was not one that I
    watched so 90s movies because we sold
    the videos once we once I went to
    college I don’t think I watched a movie
    again unless Disney movies I mean look
    at how young Alec Baldwin is here let’s
    see I’m G to take it to the tape it
    looks and it’s a gift um it I it’s an
    old movie but it you know why you
    haven’t seen it because you don’t have
    any salesmen in your house if if you are
    in sales you’ve seen Glen Gary Glenn
    Ross it’s all about being a Salesman is
    it mhm
    92 I told you close I told you I I ended
    it 1990 oh and I said 80s yeah October
    2nd 1992 Glen Gary you end it 1990
    watching movies I did you didn’t watch a
    movie I don’t think I did when we you
    didn’t watch a movie in college no come
    on no you never watched a movie in
    college no I never went to the movies in
    college we never really watched movies
    in college I don’t no we were out a lot
    Jenny I liked a lot of movies um you and
    you know you know what I found out for
    those of you
    who I went out with a group of people
    yesterday we do it like once every two
    years my my old neighborhood yeah um my
    old neighborhood got together we are all
    friends because we had our Days of Our
    Lives Club every day we’d meet at noon
    and watch Days of our lives together do
    you know it is still on on their 59th
    season and it’s this please keep in mind
    this group is jam-packed with boys too I
    just want to say that
    they’re on their 59th season still on
    still some of the characters we watched
    When We Were Young really uhhuh yes gree
    lens or lots of lots of work done but
    it’s insane 59 seasons do you think we
    can make it 59 Seasons hey we made it 13
    Jenny and we’re still going strong we
    thought we’d have three months we’ve
    made it 13 years three months 59 Seasons
    we might so this is actually surpassed
    me being on the sibo floor that’s what I
    was talking about yesterday because I
    was there for 12 years and this is going
    to be 13 yeah yeah that’s a lot you were
    on the floor a long time yeah 12 years I
    was only there 97 to
    2004 seven years right yeah eight seven
    eight um okay I want to go back to Bob’s
    list because okay you tell me what
    you’re interested in okay I know we’re
    on the platform on theform but Jenny’s
    gonna read thank you very much let’s go
    to love do we have a position in love O
    Let’s see if we okay let’s go can we go
    backwards I want to see if we have
    positions in any airlines we don’t we
    don’t no we don’t have we might have you
    all we save but you don’t consider that
    I don’t come that it’s just so small
    it’s such a small position kid I’m
    kidding it is an airline but it’s just a
    small position we don’t have U all we
    don’t have American Airlines we don’t
    have Delta let’s get into love um
    there’s enough premium in in here to get
    into love 53 rank earnings $140 expected
    move you might have to look at at the 23
    day I think you got to look at the 23
    day so here’s what Jenny’s I know you
    can’t see my mouse but what we’re
    looking at when we opened it up is you
    know there’s $14 Who’s down 14 I’m just
    letting you know I can see I got a
    screen in the words of Tom and Tony I
    got a screen um there’s not a lot of
    Premium here so even if you’re selling
    it you want to get something you’re
    getting 50 cents you’re not out of the
    way the expected move so that’s why
    Jenny’s advocating going a little
    farther out further out in time May or
    even June but you can do um I wouldn’t
    even in love I might just
    sell here’s the thing the 27 half puts
    for. 50 cents don’t don’t sound like a
    lot but but not when not when we’re
    trading in one Lots but how do you feel
    about a baby Jade lizard I don’t know
    because if it goes through the calls I
    personally I’ll probably just sell the
    27 and a half points I don’t mind that
    it’s 50 cents but it’s only 50 cents
    that’s fine but that’s what I was trying
    to get with the Jade lizard too so
    taking it all we’re doing is taking it
    down by 50 Cents now it’s an it it
    here’s what we say is frustrating like
    we trade in one L we don’t scale in this
    account so we might have a position in a
    bigger product where we have a lot more
    risk and then here we’re taking in 49
    cents where not if we were if we were
    scaling and our risk would we would be
    doing more than one of those and so we
    cut it’s not fair to say though oh
    because we’re a smaller account we have
    to bring it up because we wouldn’t no
    but with a 54 rank 83 cents makes sense
    this gets us so this gets us to 27 and a
    half in the in May I just want to see if
    it gets us out of the way expected move
    down here gets us to the expected move
    then we’re in love we don’t have any
    other airlines if it goes down we roll
    it and let’s look at the chart see where
    we would get in we get in at 27 and a
    half so right about there sure it’s been
    there it’s also been down
    here yeah let’s get into love now let’s
    let’s split the difference so you wanted
    the meaning well you could go to June if
    you want more premium you can go to June
    no I don’t want that time if it goes up
    I want to take this you know what I mean
    I was just thinking you wanted the 27
    and a half I thought the 28 and a half
    let’s split the difference 28 28 65
    cents yeah ship it that’s compromised at
    its finest Jenny Andrews all right so
    that is love and uh caterpillar I don’t
    know caterpillar just reminds me of my
    dad I got to look at it he loved good
    caterpillar he was a farm boy though he
    grew up with farm equipment okay
    so caterpillar a caterpillar $362 it’s
    okay too bad we didn’t too bad you
    didn’t hang on to your caterpillar pry
    sure I inherited it at like 30 what year
    is this yeah you inherited it in the 90s
    you’re still in no not in the 90s when
    did I get it um I got it I think
    probably right here
    oh that this is why and I sold it okay
    so I was talking to you about this
    earlier let’s say you have let’s say you
    have some Stacks in your portfolio and
    you have you know reinvest the dividend
    so you’re building more and then you
    have the you don’t
    have 100 shares you have 100 points
    blah blah blah blah blah you’ve got the
    point and then you end up selling those
    shares but you still have the 0 z48 and
    I want to get rid of all of those 0 Z
    whatever uh you know what fractional
    shares because I don’t want to open my
    account in 10 years and see it I bought
    this because I it happens now oh you
    want to get rid of the prices where it’s
    like yes yes so it happens in City group
    so like I just pulled this up because
    this is the one that I this is my
    fractional STS this is how you know
    replicates T bill so it’s 5% so it goes
    up then it goes down then it goes up
    then it goes down because it’s just
    giving us dividends but City Group um
    okay so City group so I still have
    fractional shares in there from City
    group and it says like I bought them at
    42 but I have my 0 Z you know just a
    very fractional share and so I hate
    looking at it and seeing like oh I
    bought these at 42 and then it’s trading
    62 it’s frustrating so I’m trying to get
    rid of all evidence of previous
    purchases or we open up a new margin
    account for you and you slide everything
    that you don’t want to look at into
    something want the I don’t want the
    fractional shares just want them gone I
    just want them gone Gonzo and drink your
    mind to eraser shot and call it a day
    gzo I want all I want all evidence gone
    so you’re not because otherwise it’s on
    a daily basis you know how you looked at
    caterpillar and you’re like geez I
    bought it at 30 now it’s 350 but I don’t
    look at it on a daily basis no but if
    you had the fractional shares in there
    would you see it every day you’re
    like painful pain all right 1028 let’s
    see there are there any other earnings
    uh well there might be something what’s
    your assumption there could be there
    could be so we did so far all we did we
    only did a trade in
    love meta what meta I’m fine with an
    iron Condor and meta it’s meta’s a
    little expensive it’s got to be but the
    expected move is
    $42 SOA I don’t mind going to meta and
    selling an iron Condor we got a $42
    expected move that’s pretty big let’s
    see how little I can make it
    yeah so you can actually take less risk
    to the Top If you wanted you can take a
    $150 and risk to the top because 250
    wide strikes and $5 on the bottom or
    okay or you take the full $5 I’m
    actually going to take it in yeah I’m
    fine with that you only have a dollar in
    Risk on the upside and you’ve got 340 in
    Risk on the
    downside let’s see where it brings this
    to I want to see it so it’s like
    450 450 right right where it’s look at
    this since it’s last pop up 450
    a dollar is not a lot though to collect
    well $1 60 it’s a third it’s as if we’re
    just selling one side yeah or you’re
    getting 260 which is a chicken on both
    sides yeah to the chicken sure then
    we’re in you know how why did it say
    buying power effect
    485 um because I did an $8 Wi on the
    top that’s why that’s why I like the
    dollar so if you make a mistake
    okay so let’s see we have a $5 wide on
    the downside and we have a 750 wide to I
    like the you wanted a $5 wide $5 wide
    you can’t do with that short see that
    see what happened here I moved it by one
    strike oh that’s what
    happened okay so I’m just going to do
    this I’m gonna buy this back and sell
    that then we’re only getting then we’re
    not collecting enough for the downside
    getting a dollar whatever it’s it’s then
    we have three third it’s a third then if
    it goes down we’re losing more but I
    don’t want $8 S I don’t want $400 RIS to
    the upside I was was more worried about
    the upside where I was going to narrow
    it and you know what so like look at
    this because we’re we’re fast Traders I
    moved it by one strike but it went from
    $250 to $5
    wide so just go back to what we
    originally on the position page we
    collected $259 if we pay a dollar then
    we collected $159 yeah that’s we were
    putting it in it was a$1 60 then we
    don’t have that risk to the upside so
    I’m going to close this one and I’m
    going to sell that one I’m paying a
    okay and just and so usually that’s what
    I’ll glance at as I’m pushing a trade
    through buying power because if it looks
    off then it usually is it usually
    something’s off all right we’ll make
    sure we get filled in that oh we’re good
    okay all right we’re going to take a
    quick break we’ll be back with what’s
    your assumption stay
    tuned dear Chad thank you for trusting
    me with the workload of five people this
    week it was an invaluable learning
    experience all 97
    hours sometimes it feels good to get
    smart get even smarter with live trading
    insights and some life taunting you made
    me print out something for you in 40
    Point font from the the smart mouths at
    Tasty life
    how we respond to the most difficult
    situations is ultimately how we learn to
    build on our successes
    it takes the guesswork out of retail
    trading well he’s more public in his
    mentality I’m a Believer I believe that
    the world is good and I know that the
    world is not good that questioning
    yourself and and questioning yourself in
    dialogue with someone you respect is
    both Pleasant and sometimes extremely
    insightful and useful sometimes
    hello everybody and welcome back to this
    wacky and wild Wednesday it’s what’s
    your assumption what’s your assumption
    and I’m gonna be totally surprised I
    didn’t hear a thing today me neither
    neither I’m GNA guess if I I’m GNA make
    some extrapolations there’s gonna be a
    trade small trade off and John there’s G
    to be some from
    overseas there’s going to be some that
    say me Lord in them good guess
    all right John let’s hit us with our
    music or the first slide whichever comes
    first there it
    is what do we have uh
    airm okay versus iot don’t know what iot
    is is that bullish one year one day to
    one year bullish this is Richard from
    San Francisco affirm and iot long off
    their 200 day with strength I think long
    and short-term bottom is in I got long
    for earnings and leaps Monday morning in
    both uh he’s on team Tom Port Tony Port
    Tony all right affirm and L iot so he’s
    long both I just wanted to see this so
    he’s bullish both because they okay it’s
    not a pair it’s not like get long one
    that’s I was just making sure a f RM you
    ain’t got no Lai okay so let’s go to a
    firm let’s jump in the platform John
    let’s take a look all right he’s bullish
    he got bullish leaps it’s only $32 if
    we’re bullish I don’t mind selling a put
    here I don’t either I just want to show
    what he did real quick if he’s bullish
    leaps that means he went out far in time
    JN 17 is a leap and he bought something
    sure you can so I just buy the stock
    well that’s what I want to see if you
    buy that 15 you’re you’re giving up 132
    in extrinsic value and you’re putting up
    $1,900 to do it and if you so the stock
    must be cash secured it’s got to be cash
    secured no no but you know what you
    could do you could do a leap as a stock
    replacement and you can buy something
    that has more exic value if you’re going
    to sell short shorter term out of the
    money against it so let’s say you buy
    the 22 and a half or the 25 um that’s a
    lot of extrinsic value that’s a lot of
    exter value but what can we what are we
    going to get in May you can get it you
    can you can we okay so if I sell the 32
    so if it goes up you’re not going to
    make anything no I don’t mean get it in
    one cycle I mean get it after like three
    Cycles so put your call at a 30 Delta
    put your call at a 30 Delta and you’re
    getting a $150 well go to the 38 for
    $160 if you get a160 three times in
    three months you’ve covered your exic
    value you’re you’re going through
    earnings on this one which might they’re
    getting a little bit more okay option A
    so I know we’re John we will get to all
    of them but I I kind of like this one
    you got a $32 stock I don’t mind it now
    the other thing you can do if you’re
    long-term bullish would be if you’re
    willing and I’m assuming this team
    Talent they’re a Trader they watch every
    day you can go near term and just keep
    reestablish Ling so similar but you’re
    still paying you’re you’re still paying
    a140 yeah but you’re outlaying less
    Capital right instead of $1,100 and then
    you can go to here and you’re going to
    be paying what we were the 38 level
    you’re going to be paying 772 we cut it
    down by 300 if you know how to trade you
    can just reestablish each month right
    right um but I will so you’re paying
    a140 in extrinsic value for a June so
    you figure if you’re red doing that
    every time and every time you’re you’re
    just covering your exter value you’re
    never collecting
    any yes you are you see what I’m saying
    so the other the other thing too if you
    think you’re bullish I was going to look
    at a zebra with a call against it
    because that’s a synthetic cover call um
    the other thing that you can do that you
    and I do not do but if you’re bullish
    and you don’t want to pay any extrinsic
    value you can buy but you’re paying 237
    extrinsic value you can sell this yeah
    it’s just a it’s just a it’s a one for
    one you can make 200 bucks and it’s only
    $200 yes that’s bullish this is bullish
    um you can do you can do that taking a
    look at a zebra which I would like to do
    let’s go to a June zebra just see how
    much it is so a zebra we haven’t done a
    zebra I was thinking this we haven’t
    done a zebra in a long time it’s uh
    selling a 50 Delta buying 270 deltas and
    this fits all their criteria long-term
    bullish now I didn’t go all the way out
    to I did not go all the way out to it’s
    going to
    be, but you’re paying zero extrinsic
    value you’re paying the same amount
    without extrinsic value right if you
    wanted to then here in this situation
    you can go and still sell this um you
    can still sell that and get something so
    you’ll make money one for one from 3221
    all the way up to 38 and you’re only
    putting $800 to do it if it goes up
    great I think I mean we like the zebra
    because you’re not giving up any
    extrinsic value you’re actually reducing
    your basis it’s not bad if it goes down
    let’s say it goes down to your your
    where’s your long uh 27 and a half then
    that’s going to be the E money that’ll
    gain some extrinsic value as long as you
    get out of it it’s they’re yeah I don’t
    mind the zebra should we do this in a
    firm so I think so this is this would be
    my this is but we’re Traders we like
    zebras Tom now I know your team Tom I
    get it Tom’s got all the money in the
    world so for him he’d go he would just
    go sell puts yeah he’d go sell puts or
    buy the stock and sell something against
    it because it’s so cheap because we’re
    doing the zebra and we’re not using any
    extrinsic value you could bring that
    call down that’s what I was thinking the
    same exact thing so we’re going to make
    money from you know 3230 to 35 in a firm
    sure get into a firm all right number
    two John well ow and we never looked at
    iot which I don’t even know what that is
    that’s why I want to make sure it wasn’t
    a pair I don’t know what have you I
    wouldn’t I’d be curious to see what is
    but Walmart bullish 45d he is trade
    small tradeoff and John okay so trade
    small tradeoff and John he’s made enough
    money trading to pay for his crises this
    year now he’s working on buying new
    countertops sweet he’s 20% or 30% of the
    way there sweet this Walmart’s gonna
    push him over the edge
    so okay ivr 96 W this has to be earnings
    right Walmart’s majority owned fintech
    startup called one has started offering
    buy now pay later services this was
    Vanetta was talking about oh and that’s
    why it’s C currently using a firm huh
    well Walmart went down yesterday but
    bring but bringing in bnpl closer to
    in-house should be a positive buy now
    pay later buy now pay later it’s kind of
    like layway by the dip buy now pay later
    but with layway you would pay and then
    eventually get it you wouldn’t get it
    until you pay remember like did you ever
    buy anything on layway when you were
    young like like Montgomery Awards you’d
    go in yeah okay so we had Venture not
    far from us you go to venture so
    everyone like you’d be like like oh my
    gosh I really want this sweater well
    it’s $50 well back then it was probably
    like $20 I don’t have even been nine
    yeah but I’m going to put it on
    layway I do remember that okay so let’s
    jump into the platform 93 93 rank you
    are bullish but we can go through
    earnings um yeah you can go through
    earnings but okay 93 rank let’s see $3
    expect to move in June and may is 250 I
    would stick with May when you’re so
    close you only have 50 cents difference
    you can see you can see here that this
    is the earning cycle
    yeah Walmart I would just do it the wait
    a second hold on hold on they had a
    dividend or something a split they must
    have had a real big SP they must have
    had a big split right what was the split
    in Walmart if I had my phone I’d search
    it you have a computer the
    internet I’ve got Twitter pulled up I’ve
    got a lot going on over here
    um there’s no news in Walmart at all
    so Trad Walmart is not $59 in Trad small
    it is
    $59 this is actually accurate this is
    Walmart it’s a $59 it must have split it
    must have can you pop out the news did
    you do that I just did it there’s no
    news and what did you see no news we
    must have missed the the Walmart split
    well we don’t trade Walmart that often
    because there isn’t usually that much
    premium in it here I’m going to show you
    I wish I had my phone you go to 58
    you’re you’re using $1,000 in a $50
    product so let’s close this up and let
    trade small tradeoff and John have his
    Heyday in walart let us know how
    somebody tell me on Twitter someone
    posted on Twitter include the hash La
    jny Y what was the Walmart split when
    was it because we don’t trade Walmart
    that often I did I traded in the Walmart
    pit for years they were invited to my
    wedding the whole Walmart crd the whole
    Walmart crowd got invited to my wedding
    all right let’s pop into number three
    John SN bullish trending fundamentals do
    you notice the the trend bullish bullish
    bullish sometimes you get them in
    they’re bearish bearish bearish I know
    now with Market sentiments turned around
    we had upate Monday up Tuesday now
    everyone’s bullish uh SN this is from
    Nicholas from Buffalo okay
    SN I you know what I looked into good
    because Buffalo makes me think of I
    don’t know why it makes me think of
    Niagara Falls I looked into say buffalo
    chicken I’ve never seen the Niagara
    Falls and we’re going to be in Toronto
    do you know there’s a twoh hour we can
    take a two-hour train ride and see
    Niagara Falls and then come back would
    you you put would you put one of those
    coats on with me and go under the Falls
    go go in a barrel yes let’s do it yeah
    do you want to take a two-hour training
    go see Niagara Falls I know but I told
    br I’m only there for one night I know
    yeah okay but here’s can you see the
    live show yes you know what I love look
    at this SN it comes up underneath now
    whoever’s hot on the trigger you’re
    doing a great job oh perfect yeah SN um
    so we could see right there $62 they’re
    bullish trending fundamentals expansion
    and innovation of product portfolio for
    summer camping and tail getting gear
    okay SN SN
    is you got a
    SN shark ninja of course
    okay so there are earnings coming up if
    you want to be bullish you can actually
    just I mean it’s only 127,000 shares
    traded this isn’t really that liquid I’m
    o cash secured cash secured if if I were
    bullish in shark ninja if I were bullish
    in shark ninja and it’s cash secured i’
    just buy a call I’m buying buying the 55
    call I’m actually if I were bullish in
    shark ninja this is oh yeah yeah yeah
    yeah you’re spending $278 you’ve got a
    50-50 shot same thing as if you bought
    stock and you can only make you know 22
    good idea good idea but it’s only 128 we
    try to stick stick with liquid product
    so we’re going to have to kind of that
    one wmart three for one stock split that
    was uh January 30th
    2024 it’s not that long
    ago but is $50
    but three four on stock $150 let’s pop
    the next one I mean it yeah I think they
    all split around that time but let’s um
    pop back in for the next one um plld
    bullish 90 days this is from um
    funny funny
    Kent from New York okay PL D bullish I
    think uh that more Cold Storage is
    needed for all the Costco Walmart and
    Amazon shipments however I see that plld
    has been going down I thought it would
    have moved up with these docks all right
    I don’t know anything about cold storage
    do you uh no not really
    prologis do you know them they’re
    everywhere like drive down the
    expressway and all you see is prologis
    prologis prologis they must be
    refrigerated semi- trucks yeah no
    like um Standalone buildings oh Cold
    Storage yeah for they everywhere I
    didn’t know what was going on in those
    prolog loes now I
    do um okay so $102 they’re
    bullish let’s take a look I don’t see
    earnings I don’t see earnings either
    this seems very I’d go to May this seems
    I just want to see this I mean I’d go to
    June so take a look what were we just in
    where it was $5,000 for that was uh
    shark ninja shark ninja thank you very
    much shark ninja now here we still it’s
    still pretty IL liquid we have $102
    product but you’re only putting up 18
    1.3 million traded go to June definit
    because otherwise we’ll be rolling this
    in two days we’ll be rolling in two days
    you know what we’re going to stick to
    the rest of this year we’re rolling at
    21 days come H high water unless you put
    it on at the 22 day Mark unless we’re
    rolling at 22 days unless it’s full loss
    unless it’s like0 50 cents or less away
    from Full loss we’re not GNA take it hey
    I’m just listening to the market
    measures I’m just I’m just following the
    rules I told you on the listen and Jenny
    show the rules are I am a rule follower
    I I am a rule follower you claim to be a
    rule follower you are the least rule
    follow I know your parents are watching
    and I apologize in advance but you are
    the least rule follower I know in what
    way life except for driving slow she
    drives very very very very very slow we
    have to book our flights to Toronto I
    saw that the flight Tom wanted to take
    was $100 more a ticket than the uh than
    the United flight so what did I do I let
    our I let Britney know Britney this
    flight is $200 okay she’s gonna come
    running in here right now to defend
    herself if you go any farther no and I
    just said I don’t want to book something
    and Beyond Beyond uh our I don’t I don’t
    want to get in trouble I don’t want to
    get denied on my expense report which
    we’ve already we because Liz and I were
    recently denied I get denied all the
    time we we bought the uh we bought the
    United club for 50 bucks each yes denied
    which was cheaper than our wine would
    have been out we’re like yeah free
    drinks they were saving them money
    denied R watching okay plld prologis if
    you want to be bullish in this sure uh
    yeah always find my risk though I you
    know this only using $1,200 we don’t
    even need to we’re money money calls
    money bags we had $20,000 in buying
    power fine we get filled we get filled
    hold on let me see it’s got take a look
    at this 135 at 150 we’re going to let
    the fates decide we’re going to let the
    market makers that are running this show
    running this it’s quoted in nickels so
    nobody’s going to see our 142 offer
    quoted in nickels traded in pennies
    Jenny Andrews this is the this is the
    I’m just telling you no one’s our offer
    is not goingon to go up the 145 offer
    went up yep so we might as well just ask
    for 145 can see that stuff in the book
    or it’s electronically and no one sees
    it no you can see it in the book that’s
    what I’m saying you and I cannot wait to
    get back to the seat to see the book
    okay uh what’s
    next GDX we have Smalls and they’re
    bearish we have GDX um what do we have a
    big lizard something like that oh never
    mind what we’re going to Toronto not
    Ontario what were you gonna say I was
    going to say come to see us in July 22nd
    oh he’s in Ontario yeah that’s not as
    close to Toronto as you’d think it is
    Canada is a big place big really big
    okay I just saw I saw and got excited
    GDX bearish we have a GDX
    position we’re bullish want to jump in
    see so we we have 35 31 35
    37 it’s a big lizard it is a big lizard
    now let’s jump in the platform so
    everybody can see what we’re doing and
    in two days this is getting
    closed in two days well yeah in two days
    because the point being the point being
    at the 21 Day Mark we’re closing and
    putting a new one on in June giving
    ourselves better foot in GDX I’m not
    just going to leave this we’re closing
    at 21 days I’m I’m following the rules
    so the
    GDX when you take a look at this here’s
    what we need you can um and he’s bearish
    he’s bearish he’s bearish so this is
    similar to like when Anton and I were on
    in GDX bearish well we put on look at uh
    if you go to the trade page if you if
    you look at a butterfly like 32 3130
    butterfly oh you want the put
    butterfly it’s cheap 10 cents
    yeah look at that 40 cents if you’re
    bearish I’d pay 40 cents 58 days it’s a
    long it’s a long time that’s a long time
    that you almost have to go in May yeah I
    don’t know and Tim night I are bullish
    in GD yeah you Liz’s got we’ve got a
    bullish trade so Tim said that not that
    it matters but he said this could have
    some room to run oh GDX possibly maybe
    all right well all right what’s next
    because we have we have 10 minutes and
    we’re on number five five we better get
    moving we and six B pnw P also networks
    APO Aldo networks June
    21st this is from the rodeo peanut from
    Burlington New Jersey p a n w um they’re
    neutral earnings you’ve got earnings
    It’s Tricky you’ve got earnings and may
    is getting running out of time okay so
    we don’t I don’t we don’t trade neutral
    through earnings because it’s like
    running in sand can you get there yes
    but it’s going to take you a lot longer
    because the Decay and the Theta doesn’t
    come in because it’s going to expect to
    this the implied volatility continues to
    go up in the earning cycle yes yes okay
    next next next next and we will get we
    have some tweets we’ll get to them at
    the end okay um Intel Intel they have
    earnings Intel is a complete Pig but
    they’re foolish uh but Pig stands for
    because it’s p period IG because they
    say pig pig Tom and Tony say pig pig uh
    so Intel is a complete Pig but at these
    levels it looks enticing tomat what are
    your thoughts I have a bullish position
    in Intel right now
    um this is the only thing that has not
    worked like not the only thing but this
    is one no I sell puts sell some puts do
    it no but being bullish up here I think
    I got in like right around here been
    like oh this this is the only thing that
    hasn’t had a massive run I’m so
    smart uh the question is though they
    have earnings April 25th which is
    tomorrow but that doesn’t matter if you
    are directional you can go through
    earnings you go yes but what I would
    look at is the so we’ve got $2 expected
    move in the two- day three in the 23 day
    or 370 I might stick with the 23 day and
    we could roll it out after earnings so
    taking a look at this you’re getting 70
    cents for the 32 and a half it brings
    you to you know the expected move of the
    cycle you’re only putting up 474 to do
    it not bad not bad J not bad not bad
    okay that was quick we’re actually
    putting on quite a bit yeah we didn’t do
    bad you’re allowing us to open trades
    today uh a ANF bearish is this still do
    you remember it was Bonkers this is from
    Adam from Jersey City New Jersey
    um assuming the top is in ANF let’s go
    to the Chart well he did it yesterday
    it’s down three bucks so good job Adam
    but so assuming the top is in so I would
    sell a call spread and try to give
    yourself some room take for us that’s
    what I’m saying to it’s not a trade
    recommendation I mean this is the one
    this is I I’ll never forget Chris vaco
    being like hey I know every was looking
    at Nvidia and all the stuff what about
    what is happening in Amber kampi and
    Finch this went from $10 to1 130 I know
    it’s crazy it is crazy so if the top is
    in you have earnings out but if you’re
    directional it doesn’t matter no but I
    still might stay in the May sure do yeah
    just sell a call spread let’s see so
    keep in mind this goes from $1 to $5
    yeah 1225 130 you’re not getting enough
    you well it’s that’s not bad yeah it’s
    St that that’s a pretty big you’re
    getting $10 away gets you I mean would
    you say this was like a meme stock I
    think so something happened with it
    happened something happened 125 130 and
    you’ve got three days I mean you’ve got
    3 days until we have to roll
    it 3 days go to well it’s different when
    you’ve got earnings cuz you’re trying to
    avoid earnings no but you could go to
    either one so yeah I’m you’re trying to
    you’re trying to get this get this on
    and off before earnings yeah because
    Amber CR is gonna kill it they’re back
    on earnings no idea everyone’s wearing
    their cologne
    again all right what’s next
    John uh TSN is that Taiwan semiconductor
    Don from Cleveland Ohio Cleveland Ohio
    nice city have you ever been did you
    ever did you go visit John Caroll with
    us when we went no but I have uh
    relatives in Ohio so I’ve been in
    Cleveland did not visit John Carol why
    would I gone to John Carol with you we
    all went there when we were in college
    Oh I thought you went with your son I
    was like you
    never no Cleveland is is not close to um
    where Logan is Logan’s close to
    Cincinnati Cleveland is not close to
    that okay Tyson C are down stock has
    been trending up so he’s both oh TSN
    it’s not Taiwan some Tyson Food Tyson
    Foods yeah big difference big difference
    Hogs and Kett are down okay go to I’m
    just curious go to lean
    Hogs if you’re trading Hogs and cattle I
    think I’d rather trade lean Hogs than
    Tyson what is lean hog there we go live
    cattles that’s live no no Ln right or h
    e h
    e lean Hogs H lean Hogs there you want
    live or
    lean okay so if we wanted to sell a call
    spread in lean Hogs we could or no but
    they’re bullish enticing Foods they’re
    bullish still didn’t they say bullish I
    guess so so if they’re bullish in tison
    you we don’t mind going through earnings
    you can go after earnings let’s take a
    look at these if you’re bullish sell a
    puts spread look at or or sell a jade
    lizard are you shocked that Tyson Foods
    is 290k in N&M no because we’ve never
    traded Tyson Foods when I saw TSN I
    didn’t even know what it was but I’m
    shocked because look at this what I
    guess when I opened it up usually the
    illiquid products have you know just the
    monthlies this is weeklies it’s three
    who’s giving out these
    Stars they’re way too generous handing
    out these Stars it’s three stars you can
    do a jade lizard though and the buying
    power is not bad it’s 58 put 6465 call
    spread but again I are we going are we
    really doing may when we got a roll in
    days well it’s through earnings that
    would be our earnings trade yeah yeah
    fine see breaking the rules
    already I said come H high water we’re
    rolling everything in 21
    days okay we’re in t all what’s next I
    thought I think it’s we thought it was
    Taiwan semicond conductors uh oh bullish
    AMD Ryan from Steamboat Springs and then
    we can get to our Twitter because you
    said there’s some coming in um I was
    kind of excited about where he was from
    but you didn’t really care oh I do love
    you know I love Colorado it’s probably
    skiing right
    now AMD uh Advanced Micro Devices and
    you are bullish I let’s go to the Chart
    I think it has fallen so yeah puts I at
    79 rank they have earnings uh here I’d
    go to May probably you can get 250 just
    I just want to see how much U how much
    it costs $1,300 that’s not bad no it’s
    not bad I like 250 at
    135 yeah it’s $5 i p i like this I’m
    shipping it sh and then let’s pop in
    into Twitter oh yeah I just wanted to
    let the crew know because Uncle B2 says
    kudos to the production Peeps and I
    agree kudos to the production peeps uh
    than everything they do but he said says
    he really likes the new Twitter crop box
    for on
    screen and then are you going to finish
    oh did y’all ever invent that additional
    strategy dance for the new tour y’all
    promised uh yeah the zebra the because
    because mine’s on the road is the Jade
    lizard and I was gonna make a dance the
    Jade lizard yeah maybe I will maybe I’ll
    just do the
    worm can you do the
    worm I probably I don’t I think I could
    that just reminds me of our friend
    remember when she tried to do the worm
    and her husband’s like it’s a dead fish
    she’s doing the dead
    fish yeah maybe I’ll just do the worm if
    Jenny does the worm I I will pay a
    significant amount of money if you will
    do the worm on stage
    um no I you know it depends on the
    crowd Toronto I don’t know it depends on
    the crowd okay how about this how about
    you worm on the SEO floor just to test
    it out when I say it depends on the
    crowd you can’t assess that ahead of
    time it’s because do you remember last
    time I said I forgot what I was going to
    do oh I was gon to make everyone get up
    and do the naked put Dan and I was like
    this and then I no you’re not gonna and
    then when I scouted out the crowd I
    thought they’re not gonna like
    that they’re not gonna want to do that
    this is not gonna go over well this is
    not gonna go over well um all right did
    we make it through all 10 I think we did
    10 for 10 now we did quite a bit of
    stuff today so let’s pop in the platform
    real quick go to activity we did a lot
    we did a lot yeah how much wait I just
    want to check while if you want start
    from the bottom up and say what we did I
    want okay Boeing we bought back our put
    spread that we sold on earnings uh
    Southwest we sold a put meta we sold an
    iron condor in the two-day for earnings
    um and then we adjusted it so I don’t
    know when we push things out I guess we
    have to push all of that out yeah you
    got it I mean it happened it was a
    mistake yeah um a firm we did zebra and
    then sold a call against it that’s
    covered call so that’s we’re putting you
    know we just jumped in on his bullish uh
    bullish assumption and airm put a lot of
    money into it um it’s got Walmart
    everybody’s in there until we sold a put
    AMD we sold a put and plld we sold what
    plld oh it’s whatever is everywhere the
    free refrigerated
    storage so I’m gonna put um I think we
    have we have a minute or two I’m gonna
    try to put some gtc’s in Johnny just
    because oh well if they’re on earnings
    on earnings we don’t a lot of them wen’t
    earnings I don’t think we traded
    earnings love except for love I’m not
    going to put GTC in for that and meta so
    we won’t do that love and meta we’re
    going to be in the car meta love and
    meta go together put it so we’re not
    gonna be we’re gonna be in the car on
    the open tomorrow so put in something
    for love and
    meta okay I will even though I don’t
    like to put gtc’s I’m not putting GTC
    for 50% in for those but we’ll put GTC
    for like 80%
    100% I don’t mind actually so I’m put in
    for uh yeah like 85 85% sure 10 cents
    the back for sure okay and then Meta
    Meta is different because it’s an iron
    Condor and they’re still going to be
    tomorrow’s only Thursday so yeah put in
    50% I
    think especially because no it’s only
    two days oh then put in like 80% yeah
    let’s put in quite a bit just in case it
    gets hit
    okay all right and that’s it it’s 11 o’
    yeah we are done done IND dusted for the
    day uh we did it we made it and again
    kudos to the uh production team
    production team yeah they’re doing
    they’re doing a great job all right
    everybody have a wonderful afternoon
    good luck with your earnings and
    remember to trade small trade often
    laugh with us learn with us and watch
    the Liz and Jenny show tomorrow
    everybody hi I’m Ryan Grace with tasty
    crypto and today we’re going to talk
    about the Bitcoin habit
    the having refers to a reduction in the
    reward Bitcoin miners receed for mining
    Bitcoin when a miner successfully adds a
    new block to the blockchain the minor is
    rewarded in Bitcoin and today this
    reward is 6 and A4 Bitcoin per block
    after the having the mining reward will
    be cut in half and miners will only
    receive 3 and 1 eigh Bitcoin per
    block this is not the first having the
    having is programmed into the Bitcoin
    source code and automatically occurs
    after every 210,000 block period as new
    blocks are added to the chain every 10
    minutes habings occur roughly every 4
    years and this is all by
    Design the having process is a feature
    of Bitcoin intended to control inflation
    of the cryptocurrency and ensure
    long-term security of the network the
    having adds a degree of predictability
    and stability to the supply of Bitcoin
    compared to many Fiat currencies which
    are susceptible to abrupt changes in
    monetary policy and government
    intervention there is no Central
    Authority that can manipulate the supply
    of Bitcoin it’s pre-programmed over
    time this matters to investors as prior
    having events have marked the start of
    significant price increases for the
    cryptocurrency think about it this way
    if the rate at which the supply of
    Bitcoin is growing gets cut in half and
    demand stays the same or increases it
    can be quite positive for prices
    following prior
    2016 and 650 in 2020 no one knows what’s
    going to happen this time but if it’s
    anything like the last having Bitcoin
    investors could be in for a bullish
    ride TI me and Mikey Valentine’s
    ready eight years and you say nine yeah
    it’s 8 to n it’s same same thing it was
    right there right we started he was my
    friend first
    clearly met at work yeah tasty we met
    here Mike interviewed me for a support
    role uh right when I was starting off so
    Mikey was here that was where the Mike
    and his whiteboard came he’s nervous uh
    he gets nervous sometimes when we’re
    this close together what I remember
    about Nick was uh his beautiful brown
    hair and brown facial hair which no
    longer say it say
    it looking for a better broker and a
    bonus sweet we got you right now you can
    get a bonus of up to $44,000 when you
    open and fund a tasty trade account plus
    low rates smart Tech with the analysis
    tools you need and awardwinning support
    so get a broker who’s actually got your
    back and up to
    $4,000 at tasty trade Make Your Move
    genius tasty
    trade need a little more luck in your
    life I’m Vanetta and this is your first
    look at the spring issue of luck box the
    latest luck box is all about the Auto
    industry and once again your free
    digital subscription is available at get
    luckbox tocom in 2022 the US Auto
    industry sold
    13.75 million vehicles and it feels like
    I got stuck behind all of them this
    morning in traffic and in 2023 the total
    value of the US Car and Auto
    manufacturing Market is an ipping
    billion this issue of luckbox looks at
    what’s ahead for the Auto industry and
    who are the winners and the losers EVS
    have hit a speed bump the last 6 months
    dealing with slowing demand more
    competition and lagging infrastructure
    what lies ahead we also take a look at
    two EV Titans battling for Supremacy in
    Asia Tesla versus byd and US versus
    China on the American side of things
    baby you can drive my car we also take a
    look at GM versus Ford plus we look at
    why hybrids are so hot and is there a
    play to be made in lithium the massive
    Rare Earth deposit is the key to
    powering Vehicles will lawyers and
    lizards stand in the way of mining I’m
    sorry what now we also show you the 12
    hottest new cars of
    20204 I hope they’re bringing back the
    El Camino business in the front party in
    the back and and I went to the Chicago
    Auto Show and I want to know why there
    were Adventure Vehicles everywhere when
    people are only driving to Starbucks and
    AM radio is back and more relevant than
    ever finally for all you investors we
    have 50 Auto sector trade ideas but hey
    don’t take my word for it do you want
    the best in life money and probabilities
    get your motor running and go to get
    luckbox dcom and hit that subscribe
    button to get the digital edition of
    luckbox magazine for free make your own
    luck get luckbox hey get luck box let
    go at Tasty live we live and breathe the
    markets but when the live show is over
    are we out of breath if you want to
    inhale the latest breaking market news
    we’ve got you covered the tasty live
    research team and onair personalities
    post refreshing content updated daily
    covering earnings economic reports trade
    ideas and much more if you want a breath
    of fresh air and not scale takes visit
    the new news and insights tab at Tasty
    don’t die like
    s well he’s more public in his mentality
    I’m a Believer I believe that the world
    is good and I know that the world is not
    good the questioning yourself and and
    questioning yourself in dialogue with
    someone you respect is both Pleasant and
    sometimes extremely insightful and
    sometimes here’s what your buddies mean
    when they say to catch a falling knife
    ever seen a stop make a huge move lower
    and maybe you had the thought I’m going
    to buy that stock but then it just keeps
    going down that’s a falling knife a
    falling knife is a stock that makes a
    big move lower and then continues to
    move lower the contrarian Trader has the
    idea to go long that stock in the hopes
    for a bounce catching that falling knife
    but you got to be careful trying to
    catch those falling knives
    good morning everyone and welcome back
    to the show this is option trading
    Concepts live my name is Nick ba I got
    my man Mikey Butler and of course Thomas
    westwater in the house with me today for
    westwater Wednesday and if you want to
    come join us hop over to YouTube Type in
    tasty Live come to our Channel give us a
    like And subscribe to our videos because
    that helps us immensely but more
    importantly just come chat with us live
    CU we’ll be taking questions through
    throughout the show whatever you got
    questions on from strategies Concepts
    trade ideas trade management whatever
    just come hang with us for the next hour
    of the day my favorite hour of the day
    because I can spend it with my buddies
    Mike and Thomas Thomas how are you sir
    I’m doing good you know I was off last
    week I was missing you guys but um you
    know everything is going swell we missed
    you too we did miss you thank you thank
    you um I would like to report
    that the corn trade soybeans trade and
    weat trade all winners and I had an iron
    condor in oil after I don’t know if it
    was last week or two weeks ago when you
    did you gave us yeah so we you are
    officially the Oculus yeah intimately
    known as the Oculus love it love it see
    all I mean to be completely honest I
    might have to switch you with him
    he who if if you will review my follow
    Trader account from yesterday Tesla that
    was a good trade yeah I saw that on
    Twitter yeah yeah so I actually I did
    not even check the news check Twitter or
    anything at all while I was gone I came
    back so I’m still catching up full
    disconnect you know reconnected with uh
    Mother Earth and everything so that’s
    awesome love it that’s awesome love to
    see it yeah well you missed some
    volatility so maybe maybe you’re the guy
    that because we always joke that like
    when Mike
    leaves usually it’s something breaks
    like internally like my my support inbox
    will break or my computer will break or
    something like yeah when he’s gone
    specifically um something goes wrong I
    know that we talk about when Tom’s fly
    Tom Tom sof when he’s flying we usually
    get some volatility a little bit of
    downside because he usually you know
    wait he’s always short and then when you
    know it actually happens he’s like
    flying and can’t do anything about it so
    maybe you’re the the indicator for some
    popping volatility all right well I’m
    taking the last week of May off as well
    so we’ll have to test this Theory okay
    mark your calendars people
    yeah um yeah love to see it the The Boys
    Are Back in
    Town and we’ve got a continuation of
    some fireworks earnings announcements uh
    meta after the close today down 11
    selling it’s down 25 points from the
    opening print that’s a big move they
    just didn’t they put the kabash on the
    Tik Tok
    stuff yeah they dided it along with like
    the Ukraine package and stuff yeah SL
    that one in there I think that starts
    the clock for them to divest okay that’s
    something yeah we shall see what happens
    there um what else we got Microsoft to
    today tomorrow after the close that’s
    tomorrow yeah Thomas Jordan earnings
    preview on the news and insights tab
    there Google tomorrow Amazon on on the
    30th that’s next week yeah or is that
    yeah next week yeah so I’m going to pin
    the news and insights tab at the top of
    the YouTube chat so you can get all of
    your earnings previews there The Meta
    one I just finished writing so that
    that’ll be released in the next couple
    hours here ahead of the announcement
    butth yeah after the close today meta
    reports big expected move relative to
    the stock price almost 10% that’s a big
    number um especially when you look at
    the weekly relative to December 120
    points for December 40 points for the
    week it’s a big ratio yeah so we will
    see apple the only stock green in a sea
    of red seems it seems I know we’re gonna
    get bailed out Mikey you think so yeah
    the stars are aligning for a nice little
    apple rally after Tesla was the same
    thing too yeah all bad news sentiment
    yeah not good very bad stock moons yeah
    y ah what a world we live in look at
    this Market though e min’s down 19 we’re
    at the low of the day NASDAQ down 12 you
    got the Dow down 150 and the Russell
    down 19 the Russell just getting killed
    today uh oil selling off a bit forc down
    54 cents
    8282 volatility picking up a tiny bit
    for VX
    1595 you got bonds down almost a full
    point here gold down six bucks silver
    down 12 cents and then Bitcoin down uh
    spots down
    2200 uh Futures are down 1,800 this is
    little turnaround
    Wednesday yeah weird day yeah weird day
    and especially ahead of meta earnings
    kind of ominous yeah when meta was up 15
    to open what’s Nvidia doing type that
    they were up 20 yeah they’re
    they’re down down 17 wow full reversal
    in a lot of these stocks yeah what’s
    going on here I don’t know I might have
    top ticked it in the Johnny trades who
    knows you just never know uh have you
    done any trades today Mikey yes you
    closed out of your Tesla it’s a nice
    that’s a big boy winner it’s a good one
    it’s a good one that’s a home run that’s
    about as good as it gets steak dinner
    that’s that’s a this is a Ste dinner for
    three this is a station this is like
    steak dinner for three yeah yeah there
    you go Mike um yeah that was a that was
    a really good one I mean the expected
    move was 13 points it was up like 20 MH
    on the open and um you know we had the
    the positive gamma in our favor we had
    the short premium kind of the short
    option was a loser by itself but it
    still reduced the cost basis and that’s
    why this that was such a nice one would
    you have the 160 in the weekly yeah the
    160 150 yeah just to put some context
    into it
    a60 it cost you 80 cents right as of
    this moment right it was probably a
    little higher when you closed it yeah
    but you know for everybody else if you
    held it it’s right at the money it
    didn’t hurt you yep because of how high
    volatility is how how little time there
    is left so and Visa Visa I played it to
    the downside stock mAh
    downside Visa opened up like eight
    points and it’s selling off with the
    rest of the market so we might double Jo
    this here Y is the position I have is
    only down 30 cents now it was down like
    180 bucks or something there ler
    beautiful um I did a number of things
    this morning for my Johnny trades there
    I’ll put some comments in there I’ve
    been a little busy meta I did a little
    iron Condor here uh with the stock at
    503 so it sold off a little bit there
    I’ll be leaning a little tiny bit long
    with this move close out of Boeing I a
    put spread there took a couple bucks out
    of that did a wide butterfly and SPX uh
    so that one should be good right now at
    the 5,000 strike for uh May 31st which
    is my birthday I told that to Tom just
    to try and get you know a present ready
    you know so he can get something ready
    for me got some short Delta in Qualcomm
    rolled my Visa put I did a similar thing
    to what Mikey did uh Tesla I got bailed
    out on an upside crab trade I closed
    that one out I actually just put on a
    new position in Tesla as well I turned
    my um Tesla Tesla crab trade into a
    calendar trade and my Johnny Trader
    account in apple I turned that one into
    a calendar spread into this up move and
    then took off some risk in coinbase by
    buying in the risk on my but broken wi
    butterfly that I had on the upside so
    I’ve been active today uh it’s been a a
    good little morning good little morning
    for the
    Johnnies love to see it yes love to see
    um yeah there’s my Tesla my new
    Tesla Tesla Tesla Read All About It um
    yeah we’ve got uh some nice slides for
    you today if you want to join us on the
    YouTube channel we’re streaming live
    there just pop over to Tasty live you’ll
    see this video front and center you can
    pop in your trade ideas questions along
    the right hand side chat uh and we’ll
    get to them shortly but first Japanese
    Yen something that I’ve been keeping an
    eyee on
    uh one of our co-workers is in Japan
    right now going to Japan later this year
    and the Yen cannot buy a bid oh which
    means and shun just ended Shogun just
    ended great show great show I hated that
    ending amazing show but we got Fallout
    now Fallout is great I love fallout
    Fallout three body problem I mean these
    shows just keep rolling in yeah we got
    to do the there’s one uh there’s a
    Netflix one the baby reindeer something
    baby something like thater haven
    heard baby deer I don’t know everybody’s
    been talking about this one it’s a wild
    one so on next on the list yeah but yeah
    Japanese Yen uh
    just I don’t even know what to say about
    it it’s just it’s red day after red day
    yeah the green days are not uh big at
    all it’s kind of wild to AR n yeah but
    does that mean intervention is looming
    we shall see yeah it has to be I think I
    mean okay kind of my trade idea today so
    just go over a quick uh intervention
    history now um there’s plenty of
    interventions that have happened between
    these purple lines I’ve outlined some of
    the kind you know the key points turning
    points for um you know these Yen swings
    here so 1991 uh you know we had um Japan
    sells dollars buys yens uh so this is
    USD JPY the chart right here so when
    when the line is high around 160 right
    there at the beginning that means the
    dollar is strong versus the Yen um as we
    are now if you look at you know the most
    current date we’re now at you know a
    three decade uh 90 yeah three decade
    high right here 30 years 30 or so years
    um so we’re coming up to this point
    where you know um we’re going back to
    1991 um where Japan the Ministry of
    Finance started buying all these yens
    then uh we saw currency drive down now
    I’m going to go over Speculator data you
    know uh shorts Longs in the next slide
    but the cftc data doesn’t uh go back um
    that far so we can’t see where um
    positioning was all the way back in 1989
    1991 uh things like that but then again
    we have the 1990 Asian financial crisis
    again the end was very weak uh boj moof
    stepped into by Yen sell dollars um go
    up to n or 2004 15 month intervention
    period uh that was to curb Yen strength
    uh so when the Ministry of Finance when
    Japan stepped in it’s mostly been to
    defend against a weak Yen uh when the
    Yen gets extremely strong it’s usually
    um you know it’s it’s a much more rare
    but there’s International pressure to uh
    get that Yen um the Yen strength to uh
    kind of weaken there so why when um why
    is that is it I think it poses a risk to
    the world economy Imports exports um
    things like that the whole carry trade
    that a lot of Traders do um the carry
    trade is very big right now that’s a
    reason why the yen is so weak um so when
    you’re taking out a loan in JPY you’re
    using that money to put it in a higher
    interest currency a lot of people are
    going into the Australian dollar right
    now uh it’s a good one especially with
    the sticky sticky inflation they have
    there um and it just kind of causes when
    these um these big currencies the dollar
    the yen the British pound when they get
    to these extreme um levels it kind of
    you know it causes a lot of risk a lot
    of Financial Risk um companies um
    countries their balance sheets they have
    a hard time forecasting accounting uh
    for these extreme swings um I’m sure
    there’s more to it as well not an expert
    in that area per se um but in any case
    we go to um today the latest official
    intervention was um 20
    21 um or
    2022 October 21st to October 24th the
    boj bought Yen sold dollars and we saw
    that that kind of had a after effect it
    knocked the end um strengthened the end
    there knocked the dollar down a bit but
    then we continue to climb higher and the
    reason that’s been is because you know
    um these Fed rate cut bets have been
    pushed back and at the same time a lot
    of Traders going into this year thought
    that the boj was going to be a lot more
    in um getting rid of their Ultra loose
    monetary policy setting now they did you
    know bump rates out of neutral with the
    25 basis point uh hike they did things
    like they ended your yield curve control
    although they’re still buying certain
    bonds um more so on the long end but now
    um they’re pretty much stuck in a
    stalemate they’re saying they’re not
    going to uh raise anymore for quite a
    while and of course at the same time the
    Fed rate bets have been pulling back
    that’s put the yield spread which uh
    plays a big part in currencies between
    the US yields and the Japanese yields
    it’s driven it higher the spread between
    the US 10e and the Japanese 10e right
    now is sitting at 3.75 eight% um and the
    Yen you know at those 30-year highs now
    it’s interesting to note when the Yen
    back in um November
    2023 the Yen was trading around
    151 and the yield premium was actually
    higher than it is today today uh so
    there’s some disconnect now and I think
    that’s you know we have to account it’s
    not only be being driven by that yield
    spread but we’re also getting uh
    monetary policy expectations so this
    Friday’s PC report could uh could
    definitely play a part in this big Yen
    swing um but what you want to see is all
    these shorts get pushed out and that’s
    what the next slide is going to show uh
    so there could be a potential pain trade
    ahead this is the biggest short on
    record for the
    EV and uh let’s you’re speaking my
    language take a look at
    this all right so here we go oh yeah
    this is the net positioning so if you
    take Longs subtract shorts out of it uh
    shorts at record levels this is the
    highest ever recorded for shorts um so a
    lot of people believing you know chef’s
    kiss yes yes so you know that poses the
    potential for a short squeeze uh all
    people rushing to get their trades out
    at one time um and that’s called a pain
    trade people are getting stuck they’re
    in painful positions everyone’s rushing
    for the exit door um so this kind of
    plays into the risk reward when you’re
    looking at the trade um now I think you
    know doing something like selling a put
    spread is probably best taking a defined
    risk approach um giving yourself a
    little breathing room with that short
    strike is probably the best way to do
    this because just because we’re at
    levels that have previously been
    intervened because we’re approaching
    these 30e highs or lows it doesn’t
    necessarily mean that theof is going to
    step in immediately um they don’t want
    the market to be able to
    choreograph what they do and what you
    know a lot of Traders expect is when the
    Yen dollar currency pair got at 155 they
    said maybe the boj it’s a round number
    it’s 155 maybe they’ll step in now
    doesn’t look like they have usdj Y is
    trading 155 .124 so we’re above that
    Mark yet they do nothing uh now
    interventions in the past a lot of
    people say a lot of things happen on
    Friday the pce data also comes out on
    Friday um it’ll be nighttime there in
    Japan but you know the last time in
    October I believe they intervened around
    midnight in Japan it was earlier in the
    day here when markets were closing so
    what I’m kind of thinking is we’ll get
    this Friday intervention Maybe
    um you know but I’m guessing the
    Japanese policy makers also want to see
    the PC pce data for the us on Friday
    because if that drives the dollar
    strength higher if it drives US Treasury
    yields higher um you know that’s going
    to put more pain on the Yen yeah and is
    that the point where they’re going to
    want to say all right let’s start buying
    Yen selling dollars and kind of send a
    warning shot to all these
    shorts is you know if the yield spread
    keeps increasing the US yield premium
    and they don’t do anything are shorts
    going to get more emboldened are they
    going to start shorting it more and you
    know at that point theof is going to
    have to spend even more money defending
    this currency so my my take on this
    trade is kind of set up for a Friday
    intervention depending on this pce data
    if the pce data is hot and I believe it
    heightens the risk of
    intervention um but you know it’s it’s
    an unknown we don’t know what they’re
    going to do which brings me into the
    defined risk uh play here selling a
    short put spread um something like that
    giving yourself a little breathing room
    maybe the short strike at
    645 64 something like that I think it’s
    got you know you got the IV rank at 69
    point sticks um some decent premium in
    there for a low priced option
    yeah I I like the story um would you go
    would you look at like the shorter
    duration like this nday expiration or
    are you more looking at like further out
    in time to just well you either do the 9
    day or the 44 day I mean it’s kind of I
    your pick I have an in the money put
    spread in the nday so if we do get an
    intervention and we do get a rally in
    the end I I’ll definitely make some
    money back on that spread which would be
    great so I’m going to lean towards going
    to the 44 day do you have a position on
    I do now you made one while we I didn’t
    hear the I know my ding is muted but I
    sold you’ve loading yes I’ve loing uh
    the 44 day uh cycle I sold the 65 and
    bought the 64 you did it right at the
    money did it right at the money and I
    got in at uh
    420 and that translates to 525 bucks so
    I have 525 bucks of Max profit I think
    like 700 uh in change of Max loss but 44
    days out so if there is a nice rally
    on Friday maybe 100 bucks 150 bucks Max
    I would say but I would just take it off
    if we got that all right I I did one
    strike out of the money from where you
    did it there you go I like it yeah to
    find risk 44 days out the real time risk
    for this week in regards to what you’re
    referring to is probably 250 bucks just
    because even if the spread goes
    completely in the money it’s not going
    to trade for Max loss and uh I collected
    just under half the width and and you
    know you could email the
    boj you know encourage them a little bit
    if enough of us do it
    yes um squeeze those shorts yeah please
    but yeah you mentioned the uh interest
    rates here and I looked at the
    June Target rate probability and the
    July and June is at an 80% that we don’t
    cut and July is a 55% that we don’t cut
    so this is turning into an interesting
    little year
    here after they said we’re gonna cut 600
    million times I don’t know why I keep
    landing on that number 600 million I
    think I used it yesterday too but they
    wanted to cut what seven or eight times
    this year and now it’s
    probably yeah yeah wild yeah that is
    interesting the uh probabilities keep
    going you know down for a cut um the PC
    data this Friday I’m not seeing good
    things on people who are you know have
    usually been on the money with this PC
    reporting um core PC price index which
    is what the FED looks at forecast
    2.6% um it was 2.8% in um February
    so if we go over that I think I think
    it’s risk off there’s a 50 point
    expected move in SPX from now until
    Friday which is pretty high yeah well
    it’s probably you’ve got all those
    earnings that are coming up this week
    plus you have the PC end of the week so
    you certainly do have a little bit of of
    extra juice baked in but volatility
    Futures themselves it I this was I was
    not expecting the Swift of AOL Crush
    like typically when you get to you know
    around 20 at some point you get a little
    bit of stickiness in volatility like
    volatility doesn’t usually come from 20
    back down to 15 in two trading days and
    that’s kind of what it’s it’s been like
    yeah yeah V has been the Forgotten yeah
    thing we’re we’re used to like you said
    get to 20 maybe it pop to 30 maybe go to
    35 and then you come back down to 20 and
    then you come back down to 15 but it
    takes time yeah not two days where it’s
    just like oh you know what just kidding
    yes never mind yes back down to lows yes
    it’s usually not that quick
    but what do you guys think about the
    rise of ETF investing causing you know
    the LW involatility
    mean I think it’s a good story I it’s
    definitely there is there are passive
    flows that you know are just static buys
    right I mean you you have that naturally
    via 401ks and retirements and just
    natural buying and and all that stuff is
    so much more accessible
    so I think that does play into it um
    also the rotation of products like the
    fact that Nvidia and AMD have come off
    their highs pretty aggressively is kind
    of offset by your Tesla cenor rally your
    Google’s going their recent low to a new
    alltime high like it just helps keep it
    afloat the market in general if you’re
    talking about the NASDAQ specifically
    and that is low that creates low
    volatility yeah so many theories out
    there on it it’s zero Day stuff I mean
    there’s you can pin it on so many so
    many different things what’s surprising
    to me was the uh the Iran scenario where
    remember the the market was like was
    down like 70 points yeah more were down
    yeah 70 80 90 points Bitcoin is down
    like five grand and I was like I was
    just looking at it at night and then the
    next morning I looked at the platform
    and I was like we were up five I was
    like uh are you is this am I is this
    broken like yeah because that usually
    see craziness in two but it was just
    like as if it never happened yeah very
    weird I think I think markets move at
    least in my own opinion they move much
    quicker like like the the air is taken
    out of it like there’s no uncertainty
    anymore it literally happens overnight
    where you know everything is digested I
    feel like that wasn’t the case even like
    recent recently like five or six years
    ago where there was like still some
    uncertainty it feels like everything
    moves so quick now yeah but the last
    like honestly the last big uncertainty
    event was when the entire world was shut
    down side like when you think about that
    it’s kind of insane yeah that that is
    what that was what was required to
    create a 40 Point sell off in the
    market need another
    virus no please no more please more I
    need human interaction here you go um
    well the the Vick’s Futures curve uh
    it’s looking like October it’s getting
    up to 21 for the October contract that’s
    because of the election but yeah
    election should should create some yeah
    some volatility
    yeah but yeah great stuff so we’re both
    6j I’m in the 44 day cycle you’re in the
    44 day cycle and you have the nday
    little shot trade MH um but yeah defined
    risk short putut spread post it to the
    follow page shortly here and we’ll see
    happens beautiful good stuff good stuff
    um popping over to the YouTube chat now
    I see some people mentioning the cornman
    being back what are what’s your view on
    some of the um the AGS I know Katie put
    us in a soybean trade last week that we
    took off for some profits do you have
    any um are is anything popping out at
    you with any of these uh with the grains
    yeah uh not too much you know it’s um
    there’s still a lot of over Supply in
    the market last time I checked
    um crop progress you know it’s dependent
    on weather week to week um really I’m
    really still catching up from yesterday
    being out a week ah I’m sorry maybe I’ll
    get i’ll get back on a grain trade I was
    going to say they’ve had a nice little
    bounce you’ve been talking about kind of
    all of these at lows they’ve all kind of
    had a nice bounce I’m wondering if it’s
    like now kind of taking the other side
    or maybe like more neutral Delta but I
    don’t want to push you yeah I mean if
    you if you remember last year we had a
    really bad start to the planning season
    in the like June May and we had some
    nice nice upside and corn soybeans
    things like that um a lot of that’s
    dependent on
    elino okay um from what I understand it
    creates dry conditions in the midwest
    the whole Corn Belt but elino is
    weakening now which I guess is good so
    um like the longer term crop forecasts
    are kind of
    improving but yeah I’ll get back to you
    on that very
    good uh
    Colin no longer needs to sell his
    kidneys after Tesla’s rally there you go
    love to see that uh and stock Messiah
    trading the opposite of the move today
    thinking we’re going to retreat back to
    140 in Tesla I just got I just added a
    little bit more long Delta here I took
    off one that I got bailed out on and put
    a new one on closer at the money but I
    know 1501 140 spread for 35 C YOLO this
    week there you go why not 35 cents I
    mean the options are like they’re cheap
    so yeah you could do that no with no
    harm in that I mean other than the 30
    cents um
    see let’s see let’s see Amazon
    earnings expected move too
    wide so you think it’s going to be an
    inside move trade idea sell next week’s
    165 190 strangle and buy the following
    week’s 160 195
    so not my my cup of tea
    I have I have some long Delta already
    so yeah so this trade is kind of just a
    staggered iron Condor yeah it’s an iron
    yeah Sian Condor you’re collect you’re
    still collecting a credit here because
    of the premium uh inflation in the short
    options but it’s an iron Condor it has a
    little bit more juice in terms of IV
    exposure in the nday compared to the 16
    day that’s pretty much it uh so
    basically that translates to if you have
    an inside move uh you could see a little
    bit of a profit there and if you get a
    move to your strikes you you might see a
    uh kind of a flattened p&l you might not
    see the that full loss there because
    your shorts will lose value your Longs
    will still maintain value so it’s kind
    of a it’ll it’ll act like an iron Condor
    at the end of the day yes nothing wrong
    with it though I don’t I don’t mind
    it just make sure realize that once
    those shorts uh the shorts expire before
    the long so you’re going to have
    Dynamics uh and you’re going to get V
    coming out yeah of the Longs of the
    Longs so it’s going to be you know you
    want to be at one of your strikes I
    would rather just do an iron Condor to
    be completely honest but it’s up to you
    it’s a cheape 90
    Cent uh yesterday’s shop anatomy of a
    trade when it was inverted the trade was
    loss of
    potential probability or potential
    profitability why was it all this
    management is only possible in high
    stocks yeah so the the the probability
    obviously of profiting was Zero at that
    point because I had collected I forget
    the exact numbers but I was probably
    like $10 inverted and I had only
    collected let’s call it $8 of credit
    throughout all the roles so within the
    that cycle like at just looking at that
    current position with what what I had
    done prior I wasn’t going to be able to
    to bail out of that position for a
    profit in that expiration so as I
    continued to roll I started collecting
    more premium took off some of the
    inversion took off some of the intrinsic
    value and the combination of all that
    allowed me to get to a point where I
    could exit for a potential profit or a
    very small loss so I was just trying to
    note that at that point in time the
    trade was like a five or six month
    uh trade with all my roles and whatnot
    at like month two or three it wasn’t
    possible for me to get to get any price
    on shop that would let allow me to exit
    that trade for a profit I had to
    continue to roll that to collect
    extrinsic value to get to that point
    sometime in the future so that’s what I
    was trying to
    convey like it yeah because we get that
    question all the time like stock you
    know blows through one of the strikes on
    earnings and you’re looking to roll up
    and somebody will say well if I roll up
    to this put I won’t be able to profit on
    this position like a lock in a loss and
    yes you will lock in a loss in that
    expiration but if you’re able to stay in
    that position and continue to roll you
    can collect enough premium to offset
    that locked in loss and exit at some
    point in the future for a profit or
    smaller loss
    uh mits does not trust the up moving
    Tesla diagonal put spread 145
    150 you did it earlier this morning that
    was probably a good trade yeah yeah I uh
    I wouldn’t be surprised to see some more
    two-sided action here MH I mean it’s
    sold off pretty hard from the highs it’s
    it saw
    today um but glad we got that bounce
    worked for worked for us here uh sold a
    strangle in algn today for earnings 270
    put 340 call just got to be careful with
    this one I mean I’m off the strangles
    for earnings
    bus um this is a juicy one it’s a juicy
    one if you’re in the two
    days, but if you look at a chart of this
    product it dropped 100 points in
    November when it released earnings I
    assume uh it ripped up 70 points in
    couple months later so this thing moves
    yeah you’re getting and you’re getting
    paid to take that risk you just got to
    be able to withstand that
    risk uh anything in F zebra perhaps well
    God you’re are you still long shares
    yeah I have 100 shares of
    Ford and I’ve had those for like they
    they must have did they do
    a a special dividend or something I’m
    trying to look for the NS so it looks
    like there was something in here oh I
    have f two I what did oh no I have F
    okay let’s see why are these strikes
    like this I’m guessing it has to be a
    special dividend of some sort in
    January or June what do you looking at
    June May they have these 1182 yeah so I
    got uh I sold a 21 put for a dollar on
    February 3rd
    2022 and I have I’ve had the shares ever
    since so I’m
    long I’m long I I mean come on but yes a
    zebra in here you’ve been collecting
    dividends you’re a dividend investor
    yeah love it what the hell happened to
    you I just I’m getting that dividend
    pump every quarter
    nice yeah you’re only missing out on a
    extra percent versus uh the risk-free
    rates so that’s know you’re only losing
    1% on that dividend hey hey but Ford can
    rally that’s the hidden thing Ford
    reports today don’t they do yeah so I’ve
    okay so no no let’s let’s talk about
    this okay so Ford reports today yeah the
    move 65s yes if you got a dollar off
    move would you close that position I
    will close this position if we get a
    dollar out move if you get a 50 Cent up
    move would absolutely
    not so the 50 cents so the 50 I’m I’m
    just I’m just trying to Rally you up
    here um we get a dollar move that will
    bring us back to
    14 which is the recent high and I’ll
    close the position okay because I was
    going to say if if you if the 50 c up
    move is isn’t enough why don’t you sell
    the 13 strike call for 30 cents 35
    that’s 30 cents I’d rather just I’d
    rather I’ve been in this trade for two
    years I don’t need 30
    cents But to answer this
    question zebra perhaps yes I like the
    zebra uh if you’re trying to get in this
    it’s a $110 stock so like the stock is
    so low price that we’re calls in the
    money calls zebras like it’s going to be
    cheap to get Delta but yeah the IV here
    isn’t that crazy like to get 100 Deltas
    in Ford to the upside or downside it’s
    150 bucks how about you sell three of
    13s absolutely not because what if they
    say we’re we’re an AI company we’re what
    they say we’re inventing flying cars and
    they’re going to be on the market
    two years and it goes to 20 I don’t need
    two extra short calls but if we get a
    dollar rally I will close my position
    okay make me
    sick I just want to let you I just want
    to free you from the chains of your bags
    your your ball and chain that you’ve
    been carrying around for a year now it’s
    like I don’t even think about it it’s
    I’m fine that’s fair that’s fine yeah
    but uh I’m accustomed to the misery yeah
    really is he he actually loves it in
    deep down he likes a masochist yes
    trading masochist holding holding a 100
    shares of Ford yes for two years
    although I did that the bailout on mttr
    was kind of funny because
    mttr it’s at50 it was like it was like a
    dollar stock so like I’m not closing
    this I’m not closing it and then
    obviously it’s still a loser yeah um but
    we got this huge rally and I was like
    like a buyout rumor or something it goes
    from a dollar1 70 to 480 in one day and
    I was like what is this and then I
    looked I was like oh it’s these shares
    I’ve had for two years oh man so that
    that felt good good so that was that was
    when you were gone I got that rally a
    300% rally in a stock that I’ve had for
    two years that I’ve didn’t he was short
    when did you get into that uh it wasn’t
    too bad of a cost basis no I know but
    well you
    were I I’m I forget which day wanted I
    think it was like a day or two before
    the massive squeeze yeah of course that
    that short gold trade is a nice one
    because I’ve been eyeing a short gold
    trade since like the end of March
    thinking it has to pull back and it just
    has kept on yeah keeping on you know
    April 5th you did it April 5th that’s at
    2347 April 5th you almost mid you almost
    top ticked it on April 5th but then you
    got your face ripped off for 100 points
    yes okay so you got bailed out on that
    yes bail on that got bailed out on Mt to
    a degree and then there’s something else
    I’ll find it uh you’re so back oh AMD
    AMD no actually no AMD sorry corn corn
    corn corn had an intraday rally at the
    same day and I was I was just looking at
    the platform I’m like this is the
    weirdest day I think I’ve ever had
    you’re so back yeah I’m so happy we’re
    uh so yeah f zebra in the money options
    that’s pretty much all we’re doing 30
    Cent options not selling
    those uh do you think Fallout you need
    to have played and appreciated the video
    game to appreciate the series no I don’t
    think so yeah it’s it’s a new story
    within the universe itself it’s not like
    there’s lore like from equipment yeah
    like you know the factions yeah yeah I’m
    not going to spoil it but I do once
    there was something happened in the show
    cuz I watched the first episode and I
    was like oh I’ve definitely played this
    game yeah and I don’t remember playing
    it it came out a while ago right like
    this was like early 2000s was it not
    yeah if you if you play Fallout if
    you’re starting into it I would say go
    with New Vegas or Fallout 4 but I don’t
    think you have to watch or play the
    video game to watch the show I mean
    there’s a joke going around that the the
    show is so good that they’re going to
    make a video game out of it oh yeah
    H wow there’s been a lot of these games
    didn’t realize this I mean Amazon
    finally nailed it because they kind of
    dropped the ball with Lord of the Rings
    or whatever the show called it wasn’t it
    wasn’t that good I stopped watching
    after like the third
    episode um who trades without a ding
    it’s like driving a convertible with the
    roof closed yeah yeah
    I I get
    um let’s see here
    let’s see let’s
    see how much did 6j pop last time
    there’s an
    intervention back in October 2022 it was
    like 15 to 20% it was a pretty good run
    over like the course of two or three
    weeks so they sent the warning shot they
    did the intervention over like two days
    it got a lot of shorts out covering in
    the you know couple weeks following um22
    you said yeah 2022 October it was around
    uh we we’re at the Lowe’s back there
    where was it oh yeah here yeah this is
    our you had like a two Monon pop two or
    three months right here it was like
    October 21st they did the intervention
    again I he goes a Friday if I’m not
    mistaken so I I specifically remember
    talking to either Chris or Ilia about it
    it was like a Friday night and I was at
    my desk um but yeah I ried like 15 20%
    after that for the next few weeks
    uh how would you hedge currency risk my
    currency is zero and I have every
    investment with you in dollars any easy
    hedging strategy you would consider
    options for for hedging which
    currency uh the euro dollar I
    assume I’m trying to see the question um
    currency is
    Euro yeah so if you’re in dollars
    dollars are high right now so I mean
    that’s that’s good for yeah I mean that
    it’s good that you’re in I mean if
    you’re carrying your currency I mean
    like we saw this this month in the the
    Mexican peso it collapsed because the
    currency Mexican peso was at like
    11.25 a few weeks before it happened
    they cut rates by 25 basis points it’s
    still a good carry currency to have your
    money in to get that interest but um
    it’s looking like the path the
    expectations for the peso were coming
    down but if you’re long dollars you’re
    short everything else everything else so
    if you have your money in tasty trade
    and you have dollars your long dollars
    which is good right now because dollars
    have gone up um but you’re short
    Euro synthetically just by having
    dollars can we do which is which is good
    because your currency that they have is
    Euro so if their currency is going up
    yeah so I mean if you want to had your
    dollar exposure You’ just buy a
    different currency yeah the one with the
    least correlation to the US dollar which
    I’m not sure which one that is right now
    but it would be whichever Central Bank
    is most opposed to the policy
    path so I mean probably maybe the Yen
    yeah the Yen would be yeah
    so maybe get long some yen to whoever
    put that out there great question that
    was fun it’s good um can we do a zero
    day iron Condor and
    SPX I feel like it’s a little late for
    that but normally we’ll do it like right
    on the morning when there’s still
    implied volatility now with a 15o
    expected move for the rest of the day
    it’s a little tough you’re pretty close
    to the market
    price 15 20 points in the other
    direction um still collecting one/ third
    the width here but that’s usually what
    we do is go to the expected
    move keep it small should I do one for
    the end of the week if you would like
    one standard
    deviation let’s see if we could do
    this I lean a tiny bit short or a little
    bit that scares you oh man I mean you
    got meta earnings Google earnings
    Microsoft earnings
    all right this is like for like for me
    this is a week I would not do any iron
    conders in the weekly all right which
    means that’s means that you should the
    best time to do
    it here we go I’m I’ll do one for the
    end of the week one standard deviation
    I’m going to try and get $3 there we go
    5115 is my short on the upside 4985 on
    the downside
    I’m in I like it um all right Larry
    let’s get through some meta trade ideas
    here So Meta earnings after the close we
    should have a uh news and insights
    article out in a little bit here um yeah
    the thing that stood out to me is just
    that the expected move for the weekly
    cycle is really high relative to the
    annual cycle of December 20th let’s say
    127 points for December 40 points for
    this week
    uh I think there’s a lot of people that
    are bullish on meta but High ex High
    implied volatility in the weekly
    relative to the
    annual doesn’t necessarily mean bullish
    or bearish it just means lots of
    uncertainty uh I’m sure they’ll talk
    about AI maybe they’ll talk about the
    dividend will Zach be like sexy Zach or
    is for real for reals yeah he lifting
    he’s been lifting is he wants to do a he
    wants to do a UFC fight
    yeah that’d be I would watch
    that um but yeah in terms of strategy
    we’re dealing with a $500 stock with 40%
    IV so it’s going to be really hard for
    us to do anything other than a defer
    trade obviously but even like even
    calendar spreads are really expensive so
    I kind of lean towards vertical spreads
    in the May cycle cuz may you’re looking
    at 57% IV the back months are the low
    40s I would imagine IM that June July
    August September all these like 45 42
    43% are going to go to 40 or below which
    means May 57% is going to go to 40 or
    below as well so you’re going to get a
    big V Crush in May don’t really like
    selling vertical spreads in the two-day
    because if you get blown out you’re done
    where at least in may you have 22 days
    from tomorrow to see a reversal
    potentially um
    Soh I kind of like a put spread here o
    sorry everyone yeah like a 450 440 put
    spread in May I like that I’m around
    where you are I have an iron con or
    butterfly you know you can do you can do
    cheap stuff here if you do
    butterflies like a dollar collect a120
    on a 10o wide broken butterfly 10 by 20
    that’s really narrow though you
    shouldn’t expect like much to happen
    so I assume Larry wants to do something
    like a call zebra with a put butterfly
    or a put Z or sorry diet a put crab with
    a called Butterfly or
    reverse so yeah Larry likes to do the
    symmetrical the the symmetrical
    butterflies for Hedges could you imagine
    what we sound like when like if you just
    like didn’t yeah if you just tuned in
    and we’re like yeah butterfly crab Jade
    lizard like
    anyway oh god um but yeah getting
    roasted for your Ford just so you know I
    know yeah putting it I I see all the
    chats the bullies are coming for your
    head oh man but yeah I’m I’m thinking
    like 450 440 put spread do it what’s a
    trade for
    four that keeps it above above where it
    Skyrocket to when they announced the
    dividend yeah uh 450 440 trading for 260
    there you go May one3 the width of
    strikes yeah just inside the expected
    move go for it there you sold at 260
    beauti um but yeah there is a there is a
    nice differential if you’re trying to do
    our traditional strategies like diagonal
    spreads crab trades it’s just too
    expensive yeah for us so got to stick
    with where the premium will crush from
    IV and see if we get the direction right
    so that’s May for me
    M puts on
    meta sorry about the sexy Zuck thing I I
    really put it out there you said it
    again I’m really sorry
    unreal oh my god um so yeah I’m in on on
    meta short putut spread or
    5440 so real time risk here again Max
    losses 700 bucks in change on a 10p
    point w sprad we collecting 260 but
    overnight if we open at
    400 uh you got like 200 bucks or risk
    bucks yeah yeah and if we rally same
    thing with the Netflix trade that you
    had yes where you were out like 200
    bucks is
    Y which is fine which is where I’m at
    now again Netflix is down 25 points I
    know I was thinking I would get back
    into my upside crab trade that I closed
    yesterday yeah Clos at 15 it’s now
    marked at 12 it’s back down a dollar
    below where I opened it yeah crazy but
    uh yeah meta if it rallies probably 100
    bucks 12 buck winner if it sells off
    maybe a $200 loser but I’ll just hold
    it uh and see if we get that reversal if
    it happens and then Ford ideally they
    announced flying cars goes back to 20
    and we get bailed out I give you
    0.1% probability because it can’t be
    zero it has to be something um last last
    thing here Natty gas okay big day Natty
    gas what do you think oh no oh oh whoa
    whoa yeah I’d probably buy it if it gets
    back down to 1 n somewhere around there
    I’m not sure what’s causing this drop
    today though um time forecaster looking
    mild I guess that’s about it free Port
    um they LG facility bre Port started
    again yesterday after two we unexpected
    outage um Asian prices are pretty high
    that’s kind of tamping down on uh import
    demand i’ wait for it to get back to
    like 190 and then maybe buy we need a
    Chicago Natty gas trading product we’d
    all be rich just long to the gills oh
    yeah it’s like 10 degrees outside right
    now frustrated it’s going to be like 70
    this weekend
    yeah see you later what’s DC weather
    this time of year should be good should
    be good you got some golf planned I got
    some golf planned yeah we’re g to do it
    beautiful I think that’s it for us
    thanks for tuning in if you have any
    questions you can reach us on the
    Twitter’s I’m at Trader Mikey B Nick’s a
    Trader Nikki bat Thomas is at FX
    westwater um check out his Microsoft
    earnings preview we’ll have a couple
    more on the news and insights tab I’ve
    got that link pinned to the top of the
    YouTube chat for easy access but uh yeah
    stay tuned we got plenty more content
    coming your way on tasty as
    well as the YouTube channel and we’ll
    see what happens with these earnings
    trades meta after the close uh we’ll be
    back same time same place 11:00 a.m.
    Central tomorrow peace peace
    to my trusted financial adviser let me
    know your thoughts on reinvesting what
    very little remains of my money into
    ramen noodle stock now that I’ll be
    eating it for every meal until I
    die best
    Cynthia sometimes it feels good to get
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    lies what happens when two Titans of
    trading come together to harness the
    power of their prowess you get a massive
    display of um whatever this
    is oh thought he had it
    there come on Jens it’s not that hard
    hit the ball with your paddle mate oh
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    we are back it is still Wednesday April
    24th 2024 this is Futures Power Hour I’m
    your host Chris Veo he’s Anton kulakov
    Anton Tesla earnings got the NASDAQ
    running higher out of the gate this
    morning but we couldn’t keep the gains
    bond yields higher across the curve once
    again even as oil prices come back in
    the dollar is resurging here the tone
    has shifted over the last two hours or
    so wouldn’t you say my friend yeah
    interesting uh little reversal here um
    can’t say I’m surprised honestly um
    usually when we kind of come off
    the kind of the backs of a selloff which
    we you know have in the last couple days
    um sometimes it takes Market sentiment
    for to shift a little bit and you know
    you get some gyration at the bottom
    which is you know i’ still say we’re at
    the bottom relatively speaking and
    compared to the last couple weeks um but
    I don’t know uh I’ve been liking the
    two-sided action honestly it’s been very
    refreshing uh I mean you know for a
    long-term portfolio of course you just
    like it to go straight up obviously but
    from a traders’s perspective uh this
    type of action I think um begets more
    opportunity uh from a Traders
    perspective at least for me um
    especially scalping kind of you know
    readjusting positions um looking where
    there’s premium and stuff uh so
    personally I’m not I’m not too worried
    or complaining about the market Market
    even though you know we did sell off a
    little bit from the
    open uh Anton you’re seeing the Gams are
    given up in the middle of the day we
    still have a lot of action ahead of us
    right now not just meta earnings today
    uh of course but we’re going to have the
    US GDP report tomorrow there’s still
    more earnings ahead of course at the end
    of this week so people are feeling a
    little anxious perhaps Tesla provided a
    nice jolt but certainly not worth
    anything hanging on to at least here for
    the broader index Tesla Apple have not
    been participants this year and so do we
    really see them as Bell weathers right
    now well Tesla’s earnings results
    themselves weren’t really good it was
    the promise of future production that we
    may see a mass-produced lowcost vehicle
    that Drew everyone in so my attention is
    turning to the GDP report we meta this
    afternoon the GDP tomorrow morning uh
    for me the GDP report should probably
    come in good and it’s not going to do
    anything for people out there in my
    opinion that are hoping that we’re going
    to see some sign that maybe the FED has
    a glimmer of hope that maybe they can
    get that rate cut going in June and
    there’s there’s lots of Mayes in that
    sentence Anton because there’s so many
    contingencies right if GDP comes in
    softer okay then what about inflation
    then what about the labor market do we
    need to see three good months in a row
    after what was three bad months in a row
    does that get us back to a place where
    the FED is comfortable talking about
    Cuts it’s a very difficult hurdle to
    think that tomorrow’s GDP report is
    going to be some sort of antidote for
    the market malayas that have come across
    in recent days although Monday Tuesday
    this week we good it’s been a down month
    uh I think it a little bit more risk if
    it comes in warm then we’re still where
    we are if it comes in hotter then we
    have a bigger problem the odds of it
    coming in softer given the distribution
    of data seem low the Atlanta fed GDP Now
    growth tracker
    2.7% consensus forecast from Wall Street
    call for 2.1 to 2.4 so just looking at
    it through that lens knowing that the
    Atlanta F GDP has been accurate I see
    that there’s some upside risk to
    tomorrow’s print so bonds a little sof
    here stocks feeling a little sof here uh
    it makes sense High hurtles need to be
    cleared and it looks increasingly likely
    that we’re probably not going to clear
    them yeah um you know looking at the S&P
    500 uh Futures we have the volatility
    reading for tomorrow which is um said
    the GDP reports in the morning correct
    so tomorrow 8:30 a.m. eastern 7:30
    central time so tomorrow tomorrow’s
    close getting a reading of 35 points in
    the S&P 500 uh 18% cense that’s not big
    it’s not a lot um for a binary event
    compared to you know the fed or even the
    CPI we’ve seen readings higher than that
    oh for sure so you know for the rest of
    the week we have an about a 51 Point
    expected move it’s not a lot you know so
    I mean despite all the stuff happening
    in the markets it I can’t help to think
    that the news really doesn’t matter as
    much as people think it does
    um just I mean you go into next week and
    you’re seeing volatility in the in in
    the you know below 15 you go later in
    the month you’re seeing volatility creep
    up to 16 but still that’s just that’s
    not that’s not enough for me to say that
    that’s a huge expectation that’s going
    to increase as we get later into the
    um so again you know from a technical P
    or sorry from a from a a from a research
    perspective um you know it’s almost like
    everything that’s piling up in terms of
    quote unquote Bell weathers I would
    honestly fade them like I mean I in
    other words I would go long um because
    it doesn’t seem to me that the market
    really cares despite all those things
    being a risk factor already and that and
    it’s known um I don’t know I mean it’s
    and and here’s the thing you know Tesla
    earnings you know you look at the Wall
    Street Journal this morning and it’s
    like big front page Tesla huge Miss in
    earnings huge Miss Tesla earnings yeah
    the Stock’s up 10% today I mean so you
    know for uh for for somebody talking
    about sentiment that’s something you
    can’t really ignore that is the clearest
    that is the clearest example of bad news
    is good news and good news is great news
    I mean I don’t know the reports of the
    earnings but when there’s a headline
    that says earnings suck and the stocks
    up 10% to me that doesn’t really scream
    that we’re in a market en enironment
    that people are dumping risk even though
    the S&P sold off a little bit today and
    the NASDAQ well NASDAQ sold off but
    still positive but you know so to to me
    there isn’t really much signed for
    concern as much as there is a place
    where I would be looking to get a little
    bit more long
    perhaps just curious about your take on
    Tesla it’s off 5.3% from the high that
    we said intraday today is that not a
    meaningful turn sure it’s up 10% still
    but like you’ve given up a third of your
    gain since
    108 a.m eastern time yeah but it’s
    that’s a pullback but so so is the Dow
    and the Dow has nothing to do with Tesla
    I mean of course not I mean the Dow was
    you know open today at let’s see it was
    38710 um you know so we’re about 100 100
    points lower on the Dow but that has
    nothing to do with Tesla you know the
    Russell sold off that has nothing to do
    with Tesla um so I mean I think it’s the
    market that that kind of dragged Tesla
    down with it but it’s still up
    10% you know so the singularity risk in
    Tesla doesn’t seem to be there because
    if it was that’s the stock would be
    lower by let’s say 10% and then it would
    sell off to being down 15% if the rest
    of the market you know took it lower to
    me this is more of the market took Tesla
    lower intraday not Tesla itself because
    again it’s still up 10% I mean you you
    know you can’t really ignore it now here
    is something different that you know
    here’s here is the flip side to that you
    know we was want to kind of portray both
    sides here um or as much as we can you
    know it is still Tesla is still trading
    where back on April 16th Just A Week Ago
    despite it being down oh sorry despite
    it being up 10% because it’s been beaten
    up uh significantly this year so you
    have two sides of the coin was it
    overcooked and no matter what the
    earnings said there was there was going
    to be a pop just because it was so
    overed cooked um or is this an
    environment where you know bad news
    still isn’t really bad news for the
    market I would think it’s a mix of both
    I obviously I don’t think anybody could
    tell you oh it’s definitely more of a
    sentiment play or it’s definitely a
    contrarian play I don’t think anybody
    who makes a claim like that I think you
    have to take it with a huge grain of
    salt um because I don’t think anybody
    could actually know um but regardless
    the price action is in it’s up 10% and I
    think anybody who’s looking at this
    Market has to understand that Tesla is a
    big component of the NASDAQ it’s a big
    component of the S&P and it was um a a
    huge move over the last few years and
    it’s up on a day where theoretically it
    should be
    down Anton the Tesla earnings release uh
    reaction piqued my interest not just
    because I was holding a underwater short
    put spread which today certainly helps
    save the day a little bit it’s not going
    to be a winner it’s just not going to be
    as big of a loser there you go Chris but
    I’m I’m I’m I’m interested in the fact
    that it gave us a positive reaction
    despite a negative EPS surprise I talked
    about this and let me explain I
    mentioned this St a few times this week
    when I’ve been on air but coming into
    this week according to fact set
    companies that had positive EPS
    surprises were seeing a0 percent change
    in their stock prices for the two days
    before and two days after the earnings
    release historically speaking companies
    usually got a 1% bump in that 4day
    window when they had a positive EPS
    surprise over the past five years on the
    other hand companies that were missing
    their earnings with the negative EPS
    surprise uh they were getting hit to the
    tune of
    6.1% historically speaking over the past
    five years that four-day window two days
    before two days after a negative EP EPS
    release had produced a an average loss
    of negative 2.3% so coming into this
    week we are looking at an earning season
    so far where winners were not rewarded
    and losers were
    punished and Tesla has a loser of an
    earnings release free cash flows expect
    to be positive it’s actually deeply
    negative if they were to continue along
    this run rate for their hemorrhaging
    money the business would only be able to
    stay operational for the next two and a
    years right earnings Miss on the top
    line and on the bottom line there’s
    nothing good in there there’s really
    nothing to like it all but you get this
    announcement and Elon Musk has a really
    good earnings call and the stock comes
    out of the gates today so it’s trading
    higher but if we can see that same type
    of behavior
    maybe it’s because short interest in the
    stock was at a three-year High coming
    into the earnings report right really
    difficult to disappoint people because
    everyone was already short everyone was
    already disappointed in the stock so how
    much worse could it get but if you can
    go through meta today if you can get
    through Google and
    Microsoft and instead of it being good
    news is not rewarded and bad news is
    punished if it is bad news is not
    punished and good news is handsomely
    rewarded that’s a very important tell
    for the state of the market and that’s
    fundamentally different than what we saw
    during the state of the decline in April
    we’re starting to get back to a more
    positive place now I’m still not
    convinced technically here here Anton
    that Bulls are out of the woods just yet
    even though that 100% extension at
    500025 was hit in the head and shoulders
    pattern you look at the rally here so
    far and yes while was two very nice
    green days up we actually haven’t really
    cleared former support turn resistance
    just yet and I see the neckline at 5167
    and a quarter coupled with that 2134 EMA
    envelope looming right above head in
    that 5150 area and if that was support
    all the way up from the October swing
    lows then this would be an area where I
    don’t want to see it come up as
    resistance so the fact that today we
    tried to Rally close to it and have
    turned around is a little bit of a you
    know raises my eyebrow a little bit here
    I really would only feel comfortable
    being bullish above 5167 and granted
    that’s over 200 points from the low that
    we had last week but it’s because of the
    technical pattern that the down TR
    intram mon Still Remains that I feel
    like this is still you know if you’re
    trading this long you’ve got to be very
    small you’ve got to be very cautious
    this isn’t the as I’ve said a lot this
    week this isn’t the reverse mortgage or
    home and uh and get in levered Long
    right sell naked puts get long out of
    the money calls because this thing is
    going up and there’s no way you can stop
    it it’s not that kind of conviction
    trade which that’s very you know tongue
    and cheek I hope no one actually does
    that when they’re feeling High
    conviction in a trade yeah that’s never
    trade please don’t ever do that we’re
    not giving Financial advice but please
    don’t ever do
    that but the point is like it’s not this
    isn’t the technical setup it’s not the
    sentiment environment yet given how we
    responded to earnings given how the
    Market’s been sensitive hey if it’s a
    good data release that implies stronger
    growth bonds are still getting really
    itchy about it very jumpy trigger
    trigger happy so that’s why this window
    Market saying V is high tomorrow and
    then you get a little bump around FY
    next week otherwise who cares it’s not
    really a significant week I think this
    is the most pivotal week of the year
    because if you can see the sentiment
    flip back with these big tech companies
    where all of a sudden losers are no
    longer being punished and winners
    winners are starting to be rewarded and
    we can get through farmy and the market
    hasn’t cleared last week’s lows I think
    you’re in great shape so it’s survival
    right now survival is the name of the
    game for the Bulls here today’s not
    great but it’s it’s still very much a no
    man’s land for both directional type of
    Traders yeah and and I think you H it
    right there it’s the there is no clear
    direction to the upside or the
    downside um and I say that specifically
    for the Bears because I think after a
    down week like last week and the week
    before it’s easy to get kind of you
    know convinced into thinking okay we’re
    going to have a reversal or we’re going
    to have a continued pullback or or
    whatever you know all this bad data is
    going to come hit a smack dab in the
    middle of our faces and you know we’re
    going to have flash crash whatever I
    mean you know you you pick your analyst
    or whoever’s saying but honestly I think
    that one of the biggest things today
    that I think should be very skeptical
    for the Bears is is Tesla earnings there
    is no like even from a fundamental case
    that the Bears make which I’m not really
    convinced of it but the case from what I
    understand go something like okay well
    if there’s going to be inflation or or a
    risk thereof or um I mean whatever what
    else is there beside inflation I mean
    you can you can jump in you know after
    after the fact but but if that’s the
    case then you do not want to buy a
    company that is expected to be depleting
    its cash
    reserves like Tesla or or that not is or
    that’s not generating any income at all
    that’s like the most inflation sensitive
    stuff it should be among at least
    doesn’t have doesn’t have a moat as
    people say exactly you know inflation
    you want to have you know at least
    assets that can grow or generate cash
    Beyond how much you know inflation is to
    preserve purchasing power if inflation’s
    5% you got to have your assets generate
    at least 5% so that you don’t lose
    purchasing power right and in that
    environment risk risk assets tend to be
    sold off but Tesla is both a risk asset
    and an asset that’s not generating any
    cash or negative cash in this case so
    how how could it possibly be going up
    especially given that that’s one of the
    most traded stocks in the market if all
    of those inflation concerns that the
    Bears have is true I think that is a
    huge red flag for the Bears now I’m not
    saying that that means we’re we’re
    shifting tomorrow or this afternoon
    we’re going you know we’re going to
    Rally back to 50 you know
    5150 but I don’t think that if I think
    that if it happened I don’t think there
    would be any surprises we had we have a
    late day int late day rally that would
    be very welcome in my site and I think
    that there would be no surprises if that
    happened because this is not a market
    that is uh fundamentally bullish or
    bearish at this point and I think any
    any side can take the Reigns at any
    point and if you’re bearish that is a
    double that is a when a when you have a
    market like this it is a higher risk for
    the Bears than the Bulls because if you
    if you have a snap back to the upside I
    think it’ll be very very very
    significant very very quick and
    everybody caught short it’s going to be
    it’s it’s just a very tough trade it’s
    like going long and short it seems like
    you know a binary decision but going
    short is significantly riskier no matter
    when you’re doing it than going long
    because there’s an inherent floor to the
    market and yeah Max loss right Max
    profit you can only go to zero you can
    only go to zero unless it’s April
    2020 but right like oil goes negative
    like yeah that’s there’s a m there’s if
    I short a stock at 10 what’s the most I
    can make 10 what’s the most I can lose
    infinite because a share could go to a
    thousand or 10,000 or a million right
    yeah and you just have to be careful
    when you’re short it’s always riskier
    than being long so in this case it’s
    like I don’t know it’s it’s tough to
    find a short case for me Anon I want to
    point something out here today I’ve been
    tinkering with the moving average Cloud
    here just up the Fibonacci scale from 5
    to 34 five being the one week moving
    average we close below it here uh on
    April 12th and we don’t move back above
    it on a closing basis until yesterday
    yesterday intraday today we hit a low of
    5,082 the 5 EMA onee moving average
    right now was 582 and a half so this is
    an interesting change in Behavior where
    you can just see how i’ I’ve bolded the
    line here every time that we kind of
    touch it after April 12th that marks the
    high point for the day granted it’s only
    a few trading days but intraday we’re
    just riding the rails of that onewe
    moving average lower today we’re finding
    it as support after having broken above
    it yesterday this one of those little
    nuggets where if you’re a bull that’s
    something that’s a little bit of
    encouraging sign that yes while we sold
    off we found the short-term Trend
    support and that’s exactly where the
    rally start to pick back up again so 598
    right now the S&P 500 we gapped open
    higher we’re trading a little bit lower
    yesterday’s close was 5,16 and a half so
    you know tenth of a percent or so it’s
    not really a huge day to the downside
    holding here and really this week again
    why I talk about survival bottoming
    topping that takes time how long did it
    take for the top to form the S&P or the
    NASDAQ NASDAQ was what end of February
    through the first week and a half of
    March or April excuse me it took seven
    weeks if this is a true the low not just
    a swing low but this is the low we want
    to hold here we want to make it through
    this week where we can just stay around
    where we are you don’t need to make
    significant progress you just want to
    deprive Bears of the oxygen and that
    confidence that they have that they just
    got your 10% correction we just wiped
    out the year-to day gains and they
    couldn’t do anything more with it and
    then all of a sudden looks like oh we
    just got through all these earnings and
    the May FY meeting and the Iran the
    Irani and Israel conflict and like all I
    got was this lousy
    t-shirt that couldn’t push us over
    what’s really going to do it you got rid
    of all the FED Cuts this year what’s
    going to do it and you start to feel
    dejected you say you know what maybe I
    take some profit see if this thing it
    can’t go lower right now maybe I can see
    if I can reestablish at a higher point
    so psychologically again very important
    right now in es and NASDAQ a very
    similar type of setup these two have not
    had the kind of rebound that the Dow or
    the Russell have had you see her here
    today that where do we find support
    again right along that onewe moving
    average this
    highlighted Robin blue sky blue I don’t
    know what color that is line here in the
    chart we were riding the rails lower
    last week we poked above it today we
    find support on it today the low is
    17567 and a quarter the five EMA is
    me 17577 so I mean literally within a
    one point in the NASDAQ which is nothing
    as you know Anton it hits that point and
    then it
    bounces seeds green shoots small bits of
    technical Hope begin to emerge showing
    that this is a rebound that may actually
    have some Pace to it a nice little
    Morning Star Candlestick pattern there
    not quite but close enough in NQ andon
    when I think of you I think of the
    Russell though so you’re not really a
    NASDAQ guy that’s more of a Jamal thing
    like when I talk with Jamal it’s the qes
    with you it’s
    rty what are you seeing here here today
    is this still an environment where you’d
    feel comfortable selling puts it’s a big
    reversal off of last week’s low and V is
    still high 61.7
    ivr yeah I mean the
    Russell again there’s something um about
    the Russell That’s Unique compared to
    the rest of the equity indexes the
    Russell tends to be kind of like cross
    between NASDAQ and bonds which is a
    weird thing to say but I think
    technically it plays out almost every
    single day and and in this case um what
    I mean by that is there are multiple
    days where the Russell whatever happens
    at the open it tends to stay there um
    regardless what the rest of the market
    does so and you saw this a few times in
    the last few weeks especially the you
    know the market sold off russle uh sold
    off as well um or rallied had worked
    both ways and then the market like the
    S&P to the azq Reversed later in the day
    but the russle stood
    steady that is a characteristic that
    bonds have actually where bonds usually
    make their big move at the close to the
    open and then they tend to stick close
    to where they open for the rest of the
    trading day which is why trading bonds
    Inay isn’t really a common trading
    strategy because there bonds don’t move
    much Inay yeah um you know so and and
    interestingly the Russell has had a lot
    of those days today and especially um on
    a day where you know the Russell opened
    lower um I’m sorry it didn’t open lower
    it opened higher yeah it opened higher
    this morning um on the day it opened
    we’re actually trading at the same level
    that we were at at 9:32 a.m. for what
    it’s worth like we we opened higher
    lower than we jumped up to a new high
    932 yeah yeah yeah so but but you say
    like we’ve got nowhere at the start of
    the day we are literally right around
    the same place where we were in the
    first five minutes of the cash Equity
    open in New York right and but but the
    key is that there was a lot of two-sided
    action this morning 9:32 were at the
    same level but you know 9 uh you know
    940 uh we were 16 points higher um and
    now we’re 16 and then we basically sold
    off to hit a low of let’s see
    1994 and now we’re trading at 2002 which
    is basically six points higher point is
    we’re seeing a lot more two-sided action
    the Russell intraday um and seeing these
    midday rallies um is actually in my
    opinion at least is very bullish for the
    Russell because we don’t usually see the
    we haven’t really seen the Russell um
    move much after it opened especially if
    it was a down day but we are seeing a
    lot of um two-sided action today for me
    personally um that’s it’s hard for me to
    Short that it’s very difficult
    especially the Russell being the index
    that you can have a 30 40 50 point day
    um 60 point day sometimes
    and and you know and that’s basically
    exclusive to the Russ you don’t have 3%
    up dayss in any other index um you know
    yesterday was a good example I think uh
    yeser yesterday we were up at one point
    I think over 40 points which over 2% at
    one point yeah over 2% and that’s a lot
    more common for the Russell than the
    rest of the equity market so for to be
    short the Russell especially when you
    have the rest of the equity Market
    coming off of a low and the Russell
    isn’t no is no longer being sticky at
    the open which means that if the rest of
    the equity Market rallies you could see
    the Russell pop two three% in the day
    and if you’re short there is nothing you
    can do about that you are just and and
    and then here’s the interesting thing
    over time I want to elaborate a little
    bit why it’s so risk so much more risky
    to be short over long periods of time
    Equity markets go up and as a Trader
    even though we don’t trade and hold
    positions for you know years it’s still
    very critical that we know that upward
    drift exists because what happens when
    we go short and we’re wrong we get
    double whammy because we ESS
    miss an up move that is eventually going
    to happen anyway um I
    forgot there is a statistical word for
    this but it’s basically saying okay if
    you know at some point the S&P is going
    to go to 6,000 well then you know
    there’s a th000 points of up of of an up
    move at some point in time if you’re
    short and you get caught in a 100 Point
    rally in the
    S&P then you’re basically you lost on
    you lo you basically lost 100 points but
    then you weren’t able to make 100 points
    on the way up but that has to be
    factored in because you’re trading in a
    market environment that does inherently
    have an upward Trend so if you lose on
    the upward Trend you You’ basically
    screwed yourself
    twice um it’s it’s hard to explain I’ll
    get the statistical I there is a word
    for it but my point is in terms of risk
    it’s a lot it’s a lot harder to so and
    and an interesting way to think about is
    on the reverse right if you were long
    and the market sold off 100 points it’s
    not as bad because you can eventually
    you can roll the position until the
    market comes back because statistically
    speaking it’s going to but if you’re
    short and the market goes up 100
    points there’s nothing you can do you
    can’t bet and roll the short position
    until the market comes back to where it
    was that’s that that’s a better way to
    explain it and because of that you are
    basically um you basically have to eat
    your loss as soon as you do as soon as
    you have it when you’re short but where
    whereas if you’re long and you have a
    selloff or some kind of reversal there
    are things you could do to wait out the
    loss or even have another opportunity to
    buy a dip and make it all back and then
    some on the up move because that’s
    inherently what Equity markets do so
    anyway that’s just my two cents on it um
    yeah I’ll hand it back off to you now no
    it it it makes a good deal of sense to
    me Anton uh you know reading the T here
    we talk about using technical indicators
    to examine their characteristics
    one of the things that drives me crazy
    about DED in the wo technicians and like
    well you know RSI is doing this or that
    or the other thing it’s like well is
    this a range bound Market or you know
    who cares if RS is overbought or
    oversold tell me what happens
    historically when it gets overbought or
    oversold tell me what happens in what
    when it’s in environments like this
    what’s been the defining characteristic
    of that indicator during the recent
    Trend so for this moving average
    envelope is a 21 EMA and a 4our time
    frame or a six hour time frame any sort
    of important length of time not
    whatsoever so don’t get wrapped up
    around why I have that on this chart the
    point here is that we’re using the same
    EMA Cloud that we do on every single
    time frame 513 5813
    2134 on the way down after the CPI
    reading on April 10th that EMA Cloud was
    pretty clear resistance I’m on the six-
    hour time frame here on ES pretty clear
    resistance the entire time every time we
    rallied up into it we really just
    couldn’t even crack through and during
    the way down you could see that were
    more responsive to the shorter term
    moving averages in the cloud than the
    longer term ones I will point out here
    that for the first time that we’ve seen
    since April 10th we actually have closes
    on the six- hour time frame on the other
    side of that cloud and the six- hour
    candle is giving us a very long lower
    Wick right buyers are stepping back in
    over the course of this six-h hour
    window and pushing prices higher it’s
    almost as if the cloud which was
    resistance over the past two weeks is
    starting to flip over and become support
    so early still right we are off the lows
    of 4964 NES we’re trading at 5104 we’re
    still over 200 points to move from the
    high we haven’t broken the downtrend
    from the monthly highs yet here in es
    although that has happened in the
    Russell and it has happened EXC me it
    has happened in the Dow Jones not the
    Russell um so you’re starting to see
    some of the puzzle pieces come back
    together but I say bold trap because I
    really want to see 5167 cleared out I
    really want to see the neckline of this
    head and shoulders pattern maybe it’s a
    little bit lower even where you could
    feel more confident the last swing low
    that you have before we finally really
    sell off and that’s closer to
    5150 either way though
    Anton you know if you’re bullish some
    nice things to look at you start to feel
    really confident once you get back
    through that 5150 5167 area right now
    and so if we’re there then all of a
    sudden we could say Okay false break out
    to the downside well that means The Head
    and Shoulders pattern needs to be
    nullified which means a return to the
    head which gives you a 53 33 and a half
    Target and then Anton if we’re at
    5160 and we think that we have a 53 33
    and a half Target we can get creative
    for how we express that point of view
    maybe that means a long at the money
    call maybe that means a short put spread
    with a maybe a just a simple long call
    that’s out of the money kicker right try
    to juice it up a little bit
    more we have to think about that but
    technically still wait for this Market
    to come with come to you don’t get over
    excited about the rebound one day at a
    time right now survival mode this next
    week is the name of the game for bulls
    and if we get more than that then we’re
    really cooking with
    fire yeah I agree and I think especially
    when you look at uh something
    like this very slow grind higher um
    without any resistance really um and
    what I mean by that is you know we we
    essentially in the last let me see
    this pull up a minute chart here um
    essentially since uh 12 45 Eastern um we
    have essentially stair stepped higher
    very very slowly without any resistance
    to the downside Whenever there is some
    25 points huh easy 25 points yeah easy
    25 points you know and and and this is
    one inherent thing about bullish
    sentiment bull market is you would just
    get these very quiet stair step moves to
    the upside um that just total like 25 or
    30 points in the blink of an eye and you
    don’t even really realize it until it
    happens um without any resistance to the
    downside right when you have a bearish
    market like 2022 um what you will see is
    attempts to reverse higher you’ll maybe
    have five points 10 points of reversal
    and then 15 or points of selloff and
    that’ll just continue throughout the day
    or you’ll have essentially a stair step
    lower day where you’re you know 45
    minutes later you’re down 30 points but
    you’re not seeing that and you’re seeing
    it to the upside um so again this is
    very it’s a very precarious case you
    know if you’re bearish I would highly
    highly suggest just you know just taking
    a look at the positions and um
    readjusting at least being very small
    you know maybe a short call spread if
    you want to be bearish um having that
    defined risk very very tight a very
    tight stoploss um because once this
    reverses and there’s a clear bullish
    signal to the upside where everybody’s
    bullish now there’s going to be a lot of
    money to be made to the upside and you
    don’t want to be holding a short
    position that’s just losing and then
    there’s nothing you can do about it
    yeah Anton I before we go over to bonds
    here because we had a five-year auction
    that wasn’t
    great but it do really showing any sort
    of negative impulse to the market I mean
    look at that we’ve done since 1 pm did a
    1M Bond auction scare anyone here today
    or note auction rather not really can’t
    say that to be the case I shared the
    stats from uh this Dow Award winner uh
    Wayne wh the other day about what
    happens I told you on Monday I was going
    through over the weekend what happens
    when you have five months in a row that
    are green followed by a six- month that
    red this has happened 30 times
    previously for the S&P 500 since 1950
    yeah one month forward return 22 times
    up eight times down 1.88% gain three
    month forward return 25 times up five
    times down 3.86% average gain six Monon
    return 27 times up three times down
    8.95% higher on average a year later 24
    times up six times down 10.24%
    gain so yes it was a step back in the
    month of April and it certainly bucked
    what had been the historical tendency of
    a market to Rally after two consecutive
    quarters of 10% gains uh when you have
    November December January February March
    all green April typically is green as
    well April is the second best month of
    the year for stocks over the past 20
    years prior to coming into this
    month all those things were a let down
    but that still doesn’t mean that the
    game’s over not for the Bulls
    and when you look at the stats even as
    you have some of these setbacks in what
    has been a very strong bull
    market the odds are if this is not if
    this time isn’t different if this is a
    roll of the dice will it be the typical
    outcome you have to favor the market
    going up still and so that’s why even
    though there was a nice pullback here
    Bears if you had your chips on Friday
    night Anton I was talking to you Friday
    night around midnight right I’m like oh
    gotta cover got to get long right gotta
    reverse this get out of your B position
    it’s going to fade if you had the
    opportunity at the end of last week to
    get out the window may be closing and so
    it was a nice pull back this is a dead
    man Zone this is not a place where I
    would initiate long or short quite
    frankly if I wasn’t already in because
    it can go either way right now you get
    above 5167 you got something to play
    with as as a bull you’re feeling a lot
    better if you don’t bears are going to
    be looking back to last week’s low real
    quick 4964 is going to look juicy and if
    you break 4 964 Anton then technically
    speaking you have a market that looks
    like it can go a lot lower
    47s easily before you find any sort of a
    bottom and that’s a very different
    outcome than talking about a market with
    a return profile of 70 90% of the time
    trading higher over the next one to 12
    months given what we’ve seen interesting
    so patience just patience right
    now I know but it’s itching Chris it’s
    itching look at this the on the day
    Russell’s not even down 10 points
    Tesla’s back up 11% I mean you know I
    don’t know I maybe maybe return to some
    of those long call spreads perhaps or
    you gonna wait return we’re still in
    them I don’t know you told me in the
    span of one in the span of 24 hours yeah
    that’s what Traders do we get in and out
    of positions that’s what we do but not
    the market was panicking on Friday night
    because of rockets being fired on the I
    birthday like that’s a clear the market
    was panicking that’s something that
    changes it’s an exhaustion what are you
    subscribe to what news is I know you
    were watching Iranian television but
    besides that as you’re you know where
    Twitter everything is on Twitter as much
    of aess poool as the websites become if
    you know where to find if you have this
    is what was great about having the old
    verification system aside from the fact
    that I was verified was when you were
    look following a reporter you knew it
    was that reporter it was so much easier
    to get verified news now granted
    information comes out quicker but the
    veracity of it you know do you trust you
    see this all the time now especially
    with what’s happening between Ukraine
    and Russia and Gaza and Israel you’re
    seeing oh this bomb goes off well no
    that was a bomb that went off four years
    ago in a different part of the world and
    people are repurposing it so it’s
    difficult to figure out what’s real or
    what’s not but if you have the right
    sources uh then you can get information
    a lot quicker than what’s being reported
    through traditional Western media
    channels and
    I don’t think that
    hurts all right it goes back to the old
    movie what happened in Wall Street with
    Gordon gecko right like information’s
    King do you get the information first
    you’re the first mover and first mover
    use yeah well anyway TW I know who you
    follow on Twitter but you know what if
    it works you can so you can see my
    follow list go go check it out I do have
    a I do have feed though specifically a
    list that of like War reporters in
    Eastern Europe and the Middle East that
    I find very useful um and you just can
    translate their tweets directly on
    Twitter so I don’t need to follow them
    even if they don’t you know even if they
    don’t speak English you can still follow
    them um Anton let’s talk about this Bond
    auction here uh not good not good tailed
    by about four basis points uh investors
    they want more
    compensation this was the largest
    fiveyear auction ever by the
    way bit to cover ratio is 2.39 which was
    lower than the past auction and I think
    we’re seeing a pretty clear Trend here
    in some of these auction results
    recently short end debt not a problem
    you kind of know where the short end of
    the yield curve is going the FED might
    cut they might not if they hike again do
    we really think we’re going to like six%
    or 7% maybe five to five at seven five
    or maybe six right but you really think
    we’re going to 7%
    8% so demand for twos is fairly stable
    when you’re going out along the curve
    though over the past few weeks you’re
    seeing that the weakness in the auction
    results is piling up much higher yields
    much bigger Tails lower bit to cover
    ratios lower indirect andir
    bids andon over the course of this
    session the bond bounce
    really hasn’t done much of anything I
    want to go to ZF first just because it’s
    where the fives are obviously for the
    auction I’m GNA go out to one
    year there we are
    okay Friday night we get that rally up
    we sell off we haven’t done much of
    anything in in Thursday night into
    Friday morning we rally up we sell off
    we haven’t done much of anything the
    past few days V is coming back in here
    though are you still of that proposition
    that you want to be long
    bonds do you find this price action
    compelling do you find the environment
    that we’re in from a volatility
    appealing what’s the play here because I
    see nothing
    oh here we are the thorn in my yearly
    well you know
    I think
    despite I put this correctly um over the
    last few months I was you know vocal
    about kind of extending duration kind of
    taking some risk off the table from the
    long position but still remaining
    um I think that I think that I still
    retain that but I think on a much
    smaller uh size um and a longer duration
    again extending duration does reduce
    risk on a daily time frame if and if
    you’re buying premium let’s say which
    again ZB despite an IV rank of 24 which
    is like you know low moderate um still
    some of the lowest implied volatilities
    on the board which is kind of crazy to
    say uh just a couple weeks ago you know
    24 would have been rich now 24 is
    basically bottom of the barrel and in
    terms of Premium I can’t help but notice
    that premium is still very cheap in
    bonds MH very cheap in bonds
    and you know despite the fact that we’re
    not seeing a directional move to the
    upside I just think that if you have a
    long enough Horizon maybe now it’s not
    60 days maybe you go out to 90 days
    interesting but you go out to 90 days or
    even closer to the end of the year um
    it’s just it’s very difficult for me to
    say you know what I’m going to be out of
    this trade completely because look at
    this implied volatility of you know
    13.7% and this is closer to the election
    when things are expected to get more
    volatile anyway
    um you know if you go to the November
    options or if they have November options
    what’s the latest you can go out to
    November 22nd right after the okay right
    after the election this is I guess the
    IV reading is not coming through but
    let’s go to the one right before I think
    October um or oh August okay well okay
    fine if it’s 13.7 there and then you
    have an extra August September October
    November 3 months um it looks about the
    same I mean from a let’s see F you get a
    five and a half Point set was that eight
    and a half yeah eight
    8.7 um I mean I mean look that 13.5 uh
    IB index for May 24th you go out three
    months to August 23rd it’s now 5.58
    three-point step up another three-point
    step up to November you know probably an
    ivy index or Ivy that’s 13 and a half to
    maybe yeah most but but even at 15 you
    know Equity Market priced
    higher so it just seems
    it seems too cheap to not nibble um and
    listen those options by raw dollar
    figures do seem expensive of course
    because they’re further out but on a
    daily basis your Theta is the lowest
    that it is compared to any other option
    that you that you buy um which means
    that you won’t be paying to hold this
    much and and the thing is is any move to
    the upside will yield some profit even
    if nothing happens for the next 30 or 60
    days you have one month until November
    where bonds have a nice bounce this
    position can easily go into the
    money um and to me that’s justifiable
    enough to put a small position on now
    again would I be looking to do as big of
    a size probably not would I be looking
    to you know
    um should I put it would I be looking to
    um you know manage it at it’s yeah there
    are no bids over there but um you know
    would I be looking to manage it at the
    same level maybe I’d be more
    conservative in my management
    Target but again if it’s cheap enough I
    don’t see a reason why you have to bail
    on a trade especially in a market that
    does indeed have more of a natural floor
    than stocks
    do to me that’s where I stand I I mean I
    don’t really have a good answer besides
    just going to the volatility and saying
    it’s cheap and saying if you give
    yourself enough time eventually this can
    turn around but that’s sometimes how
    trading is you make your best judgment I
    can’t I can’t convince myself to be
    short and I can’t convince myself to
    stay out of them because at the end of
    the day by the election time bonds will
    have to move I think and if if that’s if
    that’s your if that’s your
    take premium’s cheap enough to justify
    it so uh justify putting a position on
    so uh that’s where I stand um but again
    not as bullish as I was and not as
    active of a position that I had that I
    will give you um but in terms of getting
    out completely I’m not there yet andon
    you know I’ve stayed away for a little
    while here I have nothing good to say
    about bonds uh and certainly I have
    something worse to say today when I look
    at ZB technically speaking whatever’s
    going on here in the 4our chart since
    the start of April it’s been a pretty
    clear downtrend it looked like maybe
    we’re starting to round out a bit of a
    bottom here a symmetrical triangle
    perhaps coming into play we just went
    back and hadit our lowest level since
    April 17th you may say that’s not really
    a lot over the past
    week in one day you know going back to
    April 16th the fact that the series of
    lows off the bottom has now been
    broken doesn’t make me sit easy Anton I
    don’t see it in ZN either where it’s not
    looking pretty good uh again not quite
    the setback just yet but when you look
    at the chart here does it look like it’s
    wants to
    break this is really rough I know we’re
    at support right now but volatility is
    not high and given my own disposition
    about how commodity prices are moving
    and what the FED should be doing I have
    I just don’t see it right now there’ll
    be a point in time where I want to be a
    bond bull again and that was certainly
    one of my long expectations for this
    year long bonds and long Yen how did
    that work out not good so far eventually
    I’ll get there with you Anton just right
    now the technicals momentum put these
    snps up nine
    points that’s fine that’s okay we’re
    okay with that that’s fine I’m telling
    you Chris I’m telling you
    I’m this is a measure twice cut one
    situation right this wasn’t like it was
    in October or early November where I was
    like a rabbit
    animal this is I my long disposition
    feels very different here so we can get
    the confidence back we can go back to
    how confident we’re on April 1 without
    200 points in the last hour that Chris
    is that allowed to happen is that okay
    by you
    all right medals dinged here today Anton
    uh we’ve been watching we’ve been
    waiting we’ve been
    hoping silver finally gave us a reason
    to get back and long I did it yesterday
    I wasn’t going to chase was waiting for
    it to come back to the one month moving
    average and indeed it did and it gave us
    that hammer candle so I’m long silver
    here there’s a multi-year breakout that
    very well may just be getting started
    the longer term charts as I’ve shown
    many times over many weeks but we’ll do
    it again assuming that people aren’t
    listening every single day uh what’s to
    dislike about what’s going on in silver
    long term you look at a 20-year chart
    you go back to the highs you have in
    2011 April 2011 uh February
    2021 we just broke out of
    that left shoulder head right shoulder
    neckline up near 30 which we just got
    rejected from so opportunities to get on
    on the long precious metals trade is
    certainly my cup of tea we had seen V
    come back in considerably at a point
    yesterday ivr was below 50 whereas just
    a few days ago Anton we were looking at
    ivrs north of 100 so back to the one
    month moving average like where we were
    at the end of March I missed the
    opportunity to get back in long then not
    making the same mistake twice can’t fool
    me more than once Mr kulakov how are you
    feeling about precious medals here now
    that we’ve seen a setback and a little
    bit of
    basing I don’t know Chris I don’t know
    if you know I don’t know if I can agree
    with you there I think that precious
    metals may have seen their top for a
    little bit um I mean if we don’t have
    follow through to the upside in the next
    couple days well let me say this if we
    don’t have follow-through or
    consolidation in other words it stays
    around this level if we don’t have that
    or a follow through to the upside and we
    just have kind of this like slow move to
    the downside I think it’s over for a
    little bit
    um yeah I don’t know it’s hard for me to
    be I mean I know I said this on Monday
    um that I was kind of agreeing with you
    here I’d be looking to a place to get
    long and I think I think still that’s
    not necessarily uh changed all that much
    you know if if there’s a small enough
    position like a long call spread that
    you know you put on and you’re like okay
    with a a little bit of a bounce I’ll get
    out maybe make my profit Target very
    very small and you know we go down then
    you know it’s a call spread Define my
    risk fine whatever um
    but but we haven’t hav really seen any
    move to the upside that’s
    sustained um and I know it’s only been a
    couple days but I mean gold gold doesn’t
    really I mean I don’t know from from
    when I’ve traded gold and again it
    hasn’t been a lot I’m not a professional
    gold Trader but on the way up gold never
    really had uh many days where it just
    hung around before making another move
    higher I mean maybe middle of March but
    that’s it and I think that if you’re
    going to be long gold you need that
    follow through other wise you may just
    fizzle out and especially with the
    volatility high this is a trade it’s
    essentially the opposite of equities
    right so in equities right if you have a
    move to the downside and you don’t have
    continuation chances are not all the
    time but chances are you’re going to
    have a move higher and volatility will
    come down Gold’s the same way volatility
    goes higher when it goes up so if you
    don’t have follow through to the upside
    and volatility goes down you’re going to
    have gold sell off and I think that is a
    huge risk for anybody wanting to be gold
    right uh be long gold right now um you
    just have to you have to see a very
    quick follow through um and if not I
    would bail on the
    trade fair enough point my friend uh
    gold just like silver finding support at
    its one month moving average while there
    has been a little bit more damage
    technically maybe we’ve exhausted the
    geopolitical event
    risk difficult to say that we’ve really
    come off the board here uh that Iranian
    General is killed on April 3rd in
    Damascus we opened that day at
    $231 so while we have pulled back and
    maybe some of the the geopolitical event
    risk since then has been taken out of
    this Market where do we hit a low
    $2,346 an ounce the high for April 3D
    $2,321 180 so I see the wash out of the
    geopolitical event R from the Israel
    Iran tensions that was washed out
    yesterday we’re now back to where we
    were effectively in this market prior to
    it and what was gold doing prior to the
    flare up of the tensions it was already
    rallying it was already making a
    multi-year breakout from what was a
    let’s go to the monthly chart here it’s
    already making a multi-month breakout
    multi-year breakout relative to the
    highs back in
    2020 so as far as I’m concerned can this
    be a near-term top yes would I still
    want to have some long gold exposure
    over time over a long period of time
    like you say 60 days 90 days I have no
    idea what’s gonna happen over the next
    week this thing could come back in 3%
    but given the longer term technicals I
    think the long exposure and will be
    willing to ride it out patience patience
    patience is worthwhile so I’ll take my
    first stab at that long side again at
    the one month moving average where we’ve
    previously found support in silver ever
    since we started breaking out over the
    past two months Anton we’re running out
    of time here because it is Wednesday
    which means it’s truth or skepticism day
    here on tasty live we’re going to hop on
    over to what’s happening in oil real
    quick because we need to talk about the
    uh yariz of the Japanese Yen which is
    hitting a fresh yearly low here today
    oil prices traded up they’re now trading
    back down $82 53 a barrel we’re
    continuing to hover right along that
    descending trend line from the June 22
    September 23 swing highs we haven’t
    really made that definitive break yet
    like that we saw in uh uh gold prices
    we’ve erased all of the gains that were
    in place going back to April 3r when the
    Iran Israel conflict really starts to
    heat up so maybe now we go back to doing
    what we were doing beforeand which was
    rallying for what it’s
    worth I don’t see a really sexy trade
    here right now on 22.5 ivr do I really
    want to sell this call spreads against
    the highs of all this low do I want to
    buy out of the money puts we’re not
    really breaking back under the triangle
    just yet so again I’d feel a lot more
    comfortable on the bullish side if we’re
    above 84 and a lot more comfortable on
    the bearer side of her below 80 and at
    82 and a
    half not interested give me more no yeah
    I I don’t disagree it’s kind of a dead
    trade for me right now yeah and you
    could say well if you’re bearish at 80
    why not get here because I could flip a
    coin and tell you if it’s going to get
    above 84 below 80 right now I have again
    no conviction no confidence when you
    look at the charts the technicals are
    muddled you know it’s above the 34 and
    sitting at the five but below the 21
    there’s no clear momentum sun right now
    so just again patience wait uh although
    if you’re short the call spreads like I
    know rigan is right
    now the lack of follow-through that
    we’ve seen to the downside even the
    cooling of the geopolitical tensions
    again makes you think maybe the floor is
    higher here like it’s higher in Gold
    we’re not seeing all that give back just
    yet Anton I talked about the wi
    merization of the Japanese Yen I just
    saw that Zero Hedge tweet popped through
    my screen as well I will say that this
    is a good day for the dollar the yen is
    down by 38% right now as we see here in
    6j we’re going to pop on over
    like this okay uh weakest the Japanese
    Yen has been since 99
    over 30 years I’ve been staying away
    from this even though the ivr is Juicy
    because quite frankly I don’t know why
    the boj Ministry of Finance would
    intervene at this
    juncture they like to do so when they
    have Tailwinds at their back like when
    yields are coming down or when oil
    prices are moving lower there’s a reason
    why they started talking about potential
    shifts in policy back in December
    because in early December what was
    happening oil prices were coming back in
    US Treasury yields were coming off the
    board so they had that tail and when
    they talked the market was already
    receptive to it right now you know it’s
    kind of like Anton if you asked me what
    I want for dinner tonight and you ask me
    at 7 o’clock at night chances are I may
    have already eaten but if you ask me at
    4 in the afternoon I may be very excited
    to have dinner with you because I’ll be
    hungry then so the timing aspect of this
    like when the make the ask is right and
    this is not the right time for the
    market right now so if I think about a
    long Yen position or even trying to fade
    this with an 84.4
    ivr I don’t know where you find your
    strikes you’re really in Uncharted
    Territory here most traders that are in
    the market right now were not trading in
    1990 the average lifespan of a Trader at
    a bank is about seven
    years so this is a tough spot to just
    arbitrarily say this is going to be it I
    know the temptation’s there it’s there
    for me too I think we need to wait and
    find something technically where we see
    a little bit of a bottom maybe forming
    some rounding out and then we could take
    a shot see oil prices get below 80 see
    us yield stop moving up and then we can
    take a shot but right now this thing is
    a falling knife
    I guess the only blessing here for the
    my month of April is it’s not the Yen
    that’s causing me all the pain I finally
    learned to stand out of the way until we
    find any sort of any sort of
    Hope yeah uh Japanese looks a lot like
    natural gas to me um which is which is a
    thing it basically looks like just a
    falling knife that has literally it’s
    essentially a coin flip W even though
    there is a strong downtrend which is
    like the worst type of trade you can put
    yourself in um you know at least with
    crude oil if it’s a coin flip you have
    essentially like you know a pretty good
    idea of what your risk is with this like
    I guess you can find on a Define risk
    trade and just continue to nibble on the
    way down and at some point you’re G to
    right if that not say that’s not a
    strategy uh that’s that’s you know but I
    don’t know yeah it’s it’s been a tough
    uh thing the only thing I will say about
    Yen um is that its IV rank uh is very
    very high so if you want to consider
    putting like a put spread below the
    current price right now um or maybe like
    a strangle a wide strangle that may be
    an interesting play uh just because um
    you know there you at least have the
    potential for volatility to come down
    and then you’ll get some you know profit
    in that way but directionally it’s near
    impossible to find a trade there for me
    at least and before we wrap this up
    because we do have to go I I want to
    point out one thing here that I want to
    kick around with Ilan overtime later so
    be sure to tune in uh Canadian dollar
    here took a little bit of a step back
    today but it’s finding a nice little
    tail I is only 40.1 so it’s not through
    the roof while the Canadian dollar has
    weakened uh here we’ve also seen that
    the US Canada uh yield spreads have
    moved in a more favorable direction for
    the Canadian dollar so the fact that
    we’ve seen this move off the lows and
    yields are moving the way they are there
    could be a little bit of a floor right
    around 72 and a quarter
    7225 uh we saw that swing low last week
    we saw that low actually at the end of
    October beginning November and so I
    myself I’m looking at a put spread down
    there to see if that floor holds not the
    highest aier on the board but I feel
    better about selling a put spread in the
    the Canadian dollar that I do in the
    Japanese Yen right now that’s that’s for
    sure um what’s next on this calendar
    tomorrow busy day big thing GDP 8:30
    a.m. eastern and 7:30 A.M central time
    there’s pending home sales later on in
    the morning and then that seven-year
    auction look at the fives and the tens
    and of course we’ll be covering that
    with Jamal on Futures Power Hour
    tomorrow as we do at the end of every
    one of these shows we do a brief bit of
    Education go to Tasty top end
    or learn beginner Futures where you can
    find this great coursework put together
    by the fine folus on the tasty live
    research team and time we click in we’re
    going to go over to market products
    today due to its Diversified nature many
    companies representing many different
    Industries the S&P 500 is one of the
    most widely traded Futures contracts the
    interest rate sector is actually
    composed of five different Bond products
    ZT ZF ZN ZB and UB for twos fives 10 30s
    and Ultras you go to currencies there
    are now six products available because
    we have the Mexican peso Futures as well
    for energies and metals there are four
    products to choose from clng G ho and RB
    but you can learn more about all the
    different products available when you’re
    trading Futures here on tasty with the
    tasty trade platform that we talk about
    here on tasty Liv Futures Power Hour go
    to top Banner learn beginner
    futures or simply click the link here
    seen on the bottom of the screen it will
    take you there directly Anton this
    slide’s old six products now I haven’t
    updated this since the Mexican peso
    Futures came online so that’s
    exciting I
    think maybe it’s not we’ll end the show
    though foron kov I’ve been Chris Veo
    this has been fut power see you everyone
    tomorrow up next after a brief break
    it’s Wednesday you know what that means
    truth of skepticism snoff rigan stay
    tuned got friends get
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    possible now the fun stuff let’s talk
    about managing those winners right you
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    goes down that’s going to work out
    pretty well you have a long call spread
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    luck get luckbox hey get luck box let
    go hello everybody we are back sorry for
    the short delay I Tom snoff he’s Dylan
    rigan this is truth or skepticism
    heading into a solid 10 years of being
    the longest running podcast in America
    maybe not but close Dylan rigan truth or
    skepticism are you ready I am prepared
    I’m prepared yeah are you are you are
    you kicking us off here today because I
    I’m I’m ready to go um I am I can I can
    I can do this either way well let me ask
    you a question let me just ask you a
    question okay fine have you ever been
    restricted by a non-compete yes
    currently have it i’ I’ve had two
    non-competes in my entire life one when
    we one we sold thersome and one when we
    tasty and has anybody ever invoked the
    non-compete clause and used it to
    prevent you from taking actions
    no are you gonna ask me the same
    question now um sure have you
    ever been um held back by a non-compete
    yes really tell me oh yeah so when I
    left CNBC yeah so C the NBC contracts
    all have non-competes yeah so that a TV
    host can’t go from NBC to Fox or from
    Fox to CBS yeah
    without either six months depends on the
    negotiation I’m sure okay with I would
    say the shortest is six months and the
    longest is a year or even a year and a
    half I’m sure like for Tom broa they
    probably had an 18mon cooling off period
    something CBS right yeah
    so when I left
    CNBC and was hired at
    MSNBC which is technically two divisions
    of the same Corporation because it was
    all owned by Comcast
    yeah but I my contract was not with
    Comcast my contract was with CNBC which
    is a subsidiary
    thereof and my new contract was not with
    Comcast it was with MSNBC which is a
    different subsidiary there
    of CNBC invoked section
    42-4 34741 2276
    47322 on page
    943 which
    states that thou shalt
    not broadcast for any other
    organization or affiliation
    and so CNBC actually invoked the
    non-compete because at that point I had
    a very hot hand at fast money I was in
    the sense that I had a big audience the
    show was very popular the financial
    crisis so the ratings were off the
    charts and so CNBC deliberately invoked
    and use the non-compete to force me off
    air you know because the head of MSNBC
    and the head of CNBC hated each
    other and so that when the head of MSNBC
    hired me
    after I resigned from CNBC that was
    already like a screwed up thing to do in
    the sense that like you know he’s like
    this guy should never work at this
    organization ever again meaning the
    parent company and then the guy from the
    other division gives me the best job of
    my life money whatever
    things so then the first guy the CNBC
    guy invokes section 47374 21276 473
    74222 on page
    943 in order to obviously prevent me
    from having keep bringing the audience
    from CNBC to MSNBC to pre and to prevent
    the MSNBC executive from harvesting the
    CNBC audience over to the MSNBC audience
    even though all the money is going into
    the same bank account in Philadelphia by
    the way at Comcast was kind of a screwed
    up thing um but I was in a non-compete
    the non-compete was invoked and it was
    now I think that was a probably it must
    have been a six Monon you know a garden
    you know kind of a thing yeah um but I
    do believe if memory serves that the CEO
    of MSNBC went to the CEO of Comcast
    after two months or something and S of
    made his best case for why this is
    against Comcast interest and then they
    waved section 4737 4212776 4322 on page
    943 after three months instead of six
    months so I feel very I feel like I have
    a lot of domain expertise I guess is
    what I’m getting at um
    and I think they’re a good thing and I
    think they’re a good thing you think
    what’s a good thing non-competes I think
    non-competes are a necessary way to
    protect the equity of so in other words
    so I would not have had a big audience
    and and everybody knows my name and I
    can get these big million dollar
    salaries at the time and all those
    things if CNBC had not spent
    years sticking my beak in everybody’s
    face and you know spending their giving
    me producers and giving me things and
    things and things and so I wouldn’t have
    been in a position to command this new
    fabulous you know Financial contract and
    job if I had not had the investment of
    the initial employer now it was stupid
    in this sense because it was in
    corporate invite yeah yeah I but another
    okay so if Microsoft or or Google or
    whoever invests all all their expertise
    all their support access to their
    resources that that that’s an equity
    investment that makes you Tom soff the
    24 more valuable than you would
    otherwise be and they’re protecting
    their investment because if I’m
    investing all the training all the
    resources mean I think about the
    training they put into us at Bloomberg
    when I was 22 a lot of money was spent
    on paying trainers and paying I mean I’m
    sure you know you you’re very familiar
    with the costs of educating and training
    new hires and all these things sure of
    course and and so it’s a way to protect
    companies protect what protect company’s
    investment in training Talent so that
    they don’t how are you protecting the
    investment because I’m preventing young
    Tom how’s that protecting the company’s
    investment all you’re doing is you’re
    not protecting the company that’s all
    yeah I’m keeping Tom from
    ripping me off no you’re not keeping Tom
    from ripping you off either you’re not
    protecting anything you’re not keeping
    from ripping off that’s that’s total
    garbage and you know it that’s not what
    that is that isly exactly what that is
    no it is not it’s strictly just it’s my
    ball and you can’t use it and what
    you’re saying is essentially that that
    this is almost like it’s a penalty
    Clause but you’re not protecting
    anything like here there’s a reason why
    we’ve never asked anybody to sign a
    non-compete ever in 40 Years of running
    my own business never asked anybody to
    sign a noncompete you know want to know
    why why because if you don’t want to be
    here I don’t want you I don’t care what
    the hell you do next okay okay so can I
    can I address this can I speak this sure
    go ahead address it because I’ve had
    sort of two huge
    corporate Adventures right 10 years at
    Bloomberg and then 10 years at NBC ter
    yeah sure I just gave you the NBC’s
    culture right which is heavy I don’t
    care I’m I’m not I I understand trying
    make a I’m trying to make a I’m trying
    to make a point here okay at Bloomberg
    there were no non-competes of course
    Michael Bloomberg agrees with Tom snam
    yeah of course and he says you know what
    if you don’t want to be here get the F
    out that’s right in fact in fact at Blue
    Bloomberg the whole these places where
    they’re like oh two weeks notice and oh
    it’s Tom’s last day and let’s have a
    party no Tom quits he has 30
    minutes 100% agree from the moment he
    quits to get the F out of the building
    one yeah two he can never work here
    again you will never like you can’t come
    back in five years and be like oh you
    know hey no no you want to stay here you
    stay here you don’t want to be here get
    out right now I I did not know that
    about Michael Bloomberg and we have the
    same exact policy the day you tell us
    like people have come into us and say
    listen I’m going to give my two weeks
    notice and we’re like nope you’re out
    now just walk out don’t come back
    exactly yeah we don’t it was it was
    legendary because there was a guy who
    was one of the equity co-founders like
    original head of sales who was the
    biggest of the big in terms of not being
    Mike Bloomberg you know whatever and
    everybody walked into the office one day
    I don’t remember his name but he walked
    in and they’re like oh where’s Tom you
    know whoever like Mr Big and they’re
    like yeah he quit and and you’re like
    and and every’s like you mean Mike told
    him who had been with him you know for 4
    30 forever from day one kind of a thing
    30 minutes get
    out yeah we we have the exact same
    policy so would you do the same would
    you throw Scott out within 30 minutes if
    you could oh in a heartbeat no no I mean
    you know listen is my partner that’s
    little different but no it’s different I
    know we have we have been that way him
    and I have been United on that front for
    for the last you know 38 years or
    whatever how over long we’ve been
    together and and once you leave you can
    never come back and once you um uh I
    shouldn’t say there’s been a couple of
    exceptions over the years and there were
    a couple of exceptions at Bloomberg as
    well but generally speaking once you
    leave you can’t come back couple of
    exceptions and then and then but when
    you leave you just you’re gone walk out
    right now right
    and I would say there’s two competing
    schools of thought which are represented
    by the off Bloomberg School which is if
    you’re here no one’s going to take
    better care of you than I will and
    you’re going to work your ass off for me
    and I love you yeah and if you don’t
    want to be here get out right now if you
    don’t want to be here I don’t I’m not
    going to I if you’re not GNA if you
    think you have a better opportunity
    somewhere else go there and if you don’t
    want to be here go there I don’t care
    I’m not I hate F but but but but okay so
    but if I am the best baseball player in
    the world yeah anyway I’m not going to
    get into sports because it’s that
    contract where it’s too crazy okay but
    if I am Tom Broker or I am the head of
    healthcare investment banking at Golden
    Sachs and I want to take my entire
    Client List and all you know hundreds of
    millions of dollars in fee income from
    Goldman Sachs to Morgan Stanley or if
    I’m Tom broka or whatever whoever Lester
    whoever the boss is whatever or the
    anchor man is and I’m gonna go from NBC
    ABC you don’t think a non-compete is
    appropriate in those situ in some in
    those types of situations EIC asset I
    don’t think a non-compete is ever
    ever and and I also think that the that
    non-competes are actually first of all
    why does anybody want somebody working
    with them that doesn’t want to work
    there and but again that there’s I’m not
    saying you have to work here I’m saying
    you can’t take my investment in you and
    go I can’t you can’t take your tasty
    trade expertise over to Robin Hood and
    why not sell it there why
    not because tasty has taught you
    everything you know about so online
    brokerage so somebody taught now you’re
    gonna sell it to someone else you little
    bastard everybody lost everybody learned
    something somewhere else and where do
    you draw the line if I’m pumping gas at
    Mobile I can’t I can’t go you know
    across the street to sooko because I
    have some certain skill that I could
    stop it right when you say $5 I stop it
    right in the number I mean like where
    you going to draw the line I’m making a
    maybe I am maybe I am yeah if you’re
    cutting locks at Russ and Daughters I
    can’t cut locks at zabars because I have
    a non-compete I mean come on be you
    think some somebody’s really are you
    that much more special because you can
    answer a telephone different or you can
    code put a line of code down give me a
    break but there is a spectrum between
    that and no there’s not extremely no you
    said you have a non-compete right now I
    I the the the the you’re under a
    non-compete as you speak yeah I not
    because I wanted it just because it’s
    the only way they do they op break their
    deals you know yeah that’s what they all
    that’s what everybody you think anybody
    wants a non-compete you think anybody
    walks in they’re like I would like a
    raise I’d like I I mean sometimes you
    have no I would like a non-com you ask
    me what I I mean if this if the if the
    if the choice is mine I don’t you know
    when and it is when somebody comes work
    my point is the motivation in your
    instance for the non-compete is because
    your scene is extremely
    valuable by
    them and they don’t want you to go and
    do do what you do for them for someone
    else yeah sure but it’s it’s probably
    enforceable yeah it probably isn’t but
    your point is even at the at the extreme
    Talent level for a Tom snoff or for a
    professional athlete or for the head of
    invest the head of an investment banking
    division or a huge you know TV host of
    whatever doesn’t matter every all of
    them should be Outlaw they’re all
    ridiculous every single one yeah and
    again your logic once again my logic is
    that that nobody you know listen when
    when you when you hire somebody to do
    something the expectation is that
    they’ll do what you hired them to do
    there’s not a lifelong obligation that
    you can never do it somewhere else it’s
    ridiculous that’s what you do like the
    the whole idea of a non-compete is okay
    so so I’ll get Tom sof to sign and
    non-compete so he doesn’t go somewhere
    else to compete with us or to open
    another business but that’s this is what
    do so if if if I don’t want to work here
    or if I don’t want to work here or you
    don’t want me to work here this is what
    I do I don’t have another skill set this
    is my thing you know I don’t want to do
    another kind of business like why should
    somebody that this is their business
    this is their skill set be forced to do
    something else it’s ridiculous that’s
    why so why do you why does anybody the
    company is investing resources in Europe
    like if if you don’t the P company’s
    giving you large amounts of
    money and devoting much more in the way
    of resources than it is in giving you
    money really do you think do you think
    do you always think that that’s the way
    it is I think that I make the company
    way more money than they make me
    or that they pay me so in that sense I
    think that the the the scale is weighted
    towards them like 50 to one so it’s I
    think it’s the completely the other way
    around I don’t think they would have an
    argument in court and I think a lot of
    people are like that I think a lot of
    people that have signed non-competes
    whether you make $50,000 a year or
    $500,000 a year add way more value than
    their 50,000 or their 500,000 and
    therefore I think it’s it’s swayed the
    other way and so the company gets the
    non compete on top of the fact that
    they’re making some multiple of what
    they’re paying you listen I this is an
    argument this this is and how is this
    even and my other concern with this
    whole situation is this is a private
    commercial contract between employers
    and individuals sure you no one’s
    forcing you to sign yeah you are if you
    want if you want the job or you want the
    sale don’t take the job then don’t take
    the job don’t need to take another job
    like what’s the government doing getting
    involved the problem the with it is that
    there’s only you know of of all the
    companies in the financial service
    business that I know of tasty is the
    only one that where we where we don’t we
    don’t ask you every other one does so if
    you want to be in Financial Service what
    are you going to do you can’t you can’t
    dictate those terms so and most meaning
    that it’s not fair to you’re saying
    critic calling it just a a private
    contract is disingenuous yeah of course
    of course and theage for the employer
    and the person that’s hiring let’s say
    you go let’s say you want to get a job
    with JP for example you’ve got 250,000
    employees they’re not going to change if
    you said hey I’m not signing this
    they’re going to be like he find another
    job yeah I mean we got 250,000 employees
    that sign so you’re basically saying
    that it’s collusion so in other words
    the fact that the FDC basically saying
    it’s collusion it is
    collusion it’s un it’s Universal and
    it’s industrywide and in in many cases
    it’s much bigger than industrywide and
    yes and and that’s why they’re getting
    rid of it there’s a good reason for
    getting rid of it it’s wrong
    I you know it’s obviously not wrong
    because you’re assigning no value to the
    investment that’s being made by the
    organizations that’s right in that’s
    right in these individuals because do
    you know why companies hire people in
    general the reason that you hire
    somebody is because you are going to
    make some multiple on that person that’s
    the reason you hire somebody you don’t
    hire like we just don’t indiscriminately
    hire we hire somebody because if we pay
    them X we’re going to make three times x
    in revenue on that from that person okay
    so you’re getting paid for it it’s not
    like you’re not getting paid so you’re
    training that person and you are getting
    paid for it if that person decides to
    leave you replace them with somebody
    else of which you make three times x on
    otherwise you’re not in business anymore
    so the idea that you’re giving them
    something no they’re not they’re giving
    something meaning that I’m selling you
    my labor at a discount to its value to
    your organization by definition you are
    not selling at a discount you are
    selling it at fair value but the company
    is able to take that fair value and turn
    it into a profit Center and therefore if
    you’re not there they replace you with
    somebody else and they do the same exact
    thing and the and the training process
    is part of their cost of just doing
    business it’s already built into your
    salary and it’s ridiculous when they say
    oh my God we took you and you’re taking
    our industry secrets and all that stuff
    it’s all garbage complete
    garbage well not to mention I would not
    to not to to take not to Advocate
    anything on your side but there are
    there are you don’t need to non-compete
    like if I work at Google and I take a
    bunch of proprietary TR intellectual
    property from Google and I go over and
    take it to
    Microsoft a non I don’t need a
    non-compete for legal recourse I can
    there are laws around Trade Secrets and
    intellectual property of course you
    can’t steal be enforced like if I take
    the design of the back end of tasty work
    of course and I and I sell it to Robin
    Hood of course you don’t need a non heat
    to come after no no no that is that is
    something completely different you’re
    right you’re right but we’ve had
    situations we’ve had situations where
    we’ve tried to hire somebody from a
    trade desk of another firm to come to
    work at a trade desk of ours you know I
    mean it’s like are you kidding me you’re
    going to try to stop this kid from
    coming over here because because because
    you paid for their registration of their
    licenses give me a break go sue the kid
    if you want and we’ll back him you know
    and I like when I love when companies
    when companies tell you because this
    happens to us all the time because we’ll
    hire people that have non-competes you
    know other companies because we don’t
    believe in them and people and other
    firms will you know their their Chief
    legal team or their compliance offic s a
    big letter big big fat or their CEO will
    call up I’ve had CEOs call me up and say
    hey Tom you you better not take this
    person or we’re gonna come after you
    guys I mean you I go Section 9443 7274
    but I’m always say the same thing I go
    you’re going to come after us for what I
    don’t have a deal with you so you’re
    going to tell me who I can can’t hire
    and and they they would say well you
    can’t hire this person because we have a
    non-compete with them and I go you have
    a non- compete with them I don’t have
    anything with you and if you want to go
    after them go after them and whether or
    not I decide to pay their legal expense
    whatever but you’re going to look like
    an idiot and they never ever ever ever
    go after him
    ever so how do you reconcile your
    advocacy for the ftc’s Govern overreach
    to intervent to intervene or government
    I won’t call that’s that create exhibits
    Prejudice on my part how do
    you I was gonna object to that counselor
    but instead I apologize I I I I I self
    objected um how do you reconcile your
    alignment with the ftc’s intervention on
    the perceived collusion regarding
    non-competes with
    your resist istance to the FTC
    intervening in the obvious monopolies of
    the giant tech
    companies hold I don’t like like like
    like the most obvious Monopoly I would
    say I’ll take the the most the layup of
    all the monopolies right because you can
    debate Amazon or Google or whatever sure
    but for sure the Apple App Store okay is
    the close is is the purest you know the
    least debatable example of a uh
    Tech Monopoly where if you want to get
    your app into the system the only way
    you can do it is to get it into the
    Apple App Store all right sure and they
    and they pound you on the pricing okay
    so what’s your point what’s your
    question and but and so you’re and so
    you’re okay with the FTC stepping in to
    powder the non-competes but you don’t
    recommend that the FTC step in and P
    powder the the Fe structure at the App
    Store what do you mean I don’t why why
    would you I’m saying every time I bring
    up using the f to address the tech
    monopolies you’re like oh leave them be
    the market no no no no no no there’s a
    big difference between Tech
    monopolies and certain things that they
    offer I am I am a huge um I’m in huge
    opposition and I was very supportive of
    um what was the company that was going
    after the App Store um not take two
    video game company I think yeah the
    video game company but not take two the
    other one um Activision yeah Act
    Activision right was it I don’t know if
    it was it was I feel like they started
    with an E it was whoever did World of
    Warcraft so whoever the company was
    video game company yeah the company
    behind World of Warcraft anyway and sure
    I was a huge supporter of them going
    after apple and apple I the Apple you
    know app store is ridiculous it drives
    me crazy but that’s you know those
    that’s apples and oranges no I am not in
    favor of protecting the Apple you know I
    store you call it Monopoly I just you
    know what whatever it is um but I am in
    favor of allowing tech companies to get
    bigger to do their thing but but you say
    that but it’s you know clear that Amazon
    for instance has been has exerts a lot
    of Leverage because of its size relative
    to every other but 25 years ago Amazon
    didn’t even exist so my point is that we
    need disruptors in the world of techn
    ology and the stuff you know we can look
    at Amazon and if you take a few steps
    back is the world a better place this is
    what drives me crazy about the argument
    you’re making is the world a much much
    better place with Amazon or without
    Amazon or would it be without Amazon
    better better for who better for who
    better for you Dylan rigan the consumer
    better for you Dylan rigan the
    entrepreneur the technology you know the
    techn not every single thing that we do
    we’re all better off for Amazon being
    around couldn’t disagree more oh my God
    how do you how can you even say that
    because the lack of differentiation from
    small stores offering unique artisanal
    products from one vill okay so you’re
    mad at you so you hate Walmart too and
    everything else yeah okay for sure
    that’s fine so you want to live in the
    world where we go back to like you know
    beautiful little streets with lots of
    boutiques on it and you know you go
    shopping for your you go shopping for
    your food on a daily basis you pick up
    your fresh bread and everything else and
    not only that I stop at the cheese store
    of course you do the bread store yeah
    I’ll I’ll send you I’ll send you a list
    of countries that you can move
    to and cities in those countries that
    that will that will support that
    lifestyle you know and and even those
    places in like Italy and other places
    like that that have that still have they
    they hate the tourists there that
    support that economy how dumbass people
    are yeah no I’m not buying this whole
    argument don’t give me that crap no So
    speaking of monopolies since it’s a sort
    of recurring side theme of this podcast
    and the world we live in it also appears
    that I won’t say it’s a monopoly but
    that there’s an increasing concentration
    of the total Enterprise value of all of
    the equity stock in the world that is
    held in private as opposed to available
    in the public markets I I don’t know if
    it was The Economist there’s somebody
    had a big article recently talking about
    how the the relative percentage of total
    Equity that is held in the hands of
    private Equity as opposed to the public
    Equity markets is increasing to the
    point where the the actual net
    percentage of all Equity that’s held
    privately relative to that which is held
    has um shifted in favor of private
    yeah that would seem to be a move move
    away from the democratization of Finance
    to the availability for the a average
    Joe and Jane to participate in the
    long-term value of equity positive drift
    and appreciation in favor of the
    extremely wealthy who are the only ones
    who are owners of private Equity firms
    increasingly whole holding a
    disproportionate disproportionate
    percentage of the overall Equity
    appreciation in the world at the expense
    of the little guys so it’s a Advantage
    for the super rich over everyone else
    and at the same time it Narrows the
    available pool of equity in general in
    the public markets making them less
    Dynamic less interesting and on the
    margin more fragile very interesting
    argument and you’re and your argument is
    that the reason that this is happening
    is because of
    what because public being a publicly
    traded company is burdensome expensive
    and a royal pain in the ass quarterly
    earnings sarbanes Oxley a bajillion
    dollars a year in legal fees a bajillion
    dollars a year in administrative fees
    who needs it and you’re right and so who
    are you mad
    at the
    government the Govern everybody yeah
    okay so
    you really should I’m not mad at anybody
    I just believe that the government has
    made the cost of being a public company
    so burdensome that it’s created a
    massive so you’re not mad at the private
    Equity firms and you’re not mad at the
    companies in themselves right because
    you can’t no no one is mad here okay
    okay so here’s the problem it’s not
    really the government all right the
    government had The Regulators had very
    after post all the abuses of you know 08
    and prior to 08 so so their their their
    hands were tied and that they had to do
    something and you know companies
    financial service companies among the
    offenders um you know put the economy on
    the brink because they were unethical
    and they should have been given the
    death penalty or a version of the death
    penalty they should have been put in
    jail for a long time meaning the
    corporate jail corporate jail the the
    the financial service companies that
    abused the system and put the system on
    that exploited the too big to fail thing
    Banks Banks Banks brokerages everybody
    that exploited it lenders everybody now
    in in response to that the government
    had to do something so the regulator
    stepped up and did what they had to do
    which was put things in place to protect
    the Integrity of systems we can’t blame
    the government for this okay this was
    not we can’t we we can most assuredly
    blame the government this is this is if
    you want to blame somebody you can blame
    the financial service world because
    can’t blame the private Equity firms
    can’t blame the companies themselves
    okay but the structure that we had
    created which is an exchange structure
    and which is a
    um whatever you want to call the
    financial service distribution structure
    essentially you know the whole um uh the
    whole the whole the whole way we bring
    companies public and the whole Corporate
    Finance structure that’s that the the
    fee structure and the friction of going
    public and operating publicly is exactly
    is that the friction of the transition
    from private to public is so so so
    brutal the pressure on Financial Service
    to M to beat their earnings and the fees
    that they charg these companies to go
    public that we put ourselves in a
    position where the financial service
    companies were ripping off the
    individual companies the exchanges were
    ripping off these individual companies
    and then ultimately the consumer got
    ripped off because everything fell down
    to the consumer and the companies that
    should have been punished and
    essentially put in corporate jail for
    this were walked away because they were
    supposedly too big to fail and part of
    that it was systemic there was nothing
    you know I’m not sure what we could do
    except fix the system the world of
    private Equity see private Equity needs
    the public Marketplace let’s be fair
    about private equity for a second
    there’s no such thing private Equity
    doesn’t exist without an exit right you
    need an exit you can’t have private
    Equity without an exit and every company
    cannot be bought and sold privately just
    doesn’t work that way so the only way to
    get an exit is to take a company out
    into the public market space and so
    every private Equity Firm wants a public
    response or a public event somewhere
    down line three years five years seven
    years nine years whatever it is they
    want a public response now to me that’s
    that whole thing is really fascinating
    because the same group that that needs
    you know the same group that needs those
    public events
    didn’t do enough to protect the
    Integrity of those events they didn’t
    really understand it now I think they do
    and now I think the world has changed
    now I think that there’s not something
    necessarily broken except that we have
    to get companies that are willing again
    to go back to the public Marketplace by
    reducing the fees the overhead let’s
    talk about because I as you know I’m I’m
    on the board of a hospitality company
    that approached and I IPO on the NASDAQ
    a couple of years ago backed away the co
    thing was no friend of a hospital of a
    travel company at the time and is
    re-approaching that now a second time
    albeit no longer in an American Market
    but Po in a non-american market meaning
    a different like a public market in
    London versus New
    York what became apparent to me in that
    process was the obscenity of the fees
    whether it was the legal fees or the
    banking fees or the accounting firm fees
    by the way the accounting firms out like
    a bandit yeah to certify I mean it’s a
    Madness just the you know I can spend
    many millions of dollars just with an
    firm in in a in a weekend I can spend s
    million if you’re not paying
    attention the reason the fees are so
    high whether it’s legal accounting or
    Banking is because of a
    collusion between
    the big accounting firms KPMG blah blah
    the big law firms and the big investment
    Banks okay I don’t I don’t disagree so
    my point is that that’s another place
    for Linda Khan in other words the the
    nothing the reason so you have a
    conflict of interest right where it’s in
    the interest of private Equity to have
    it to be cheap to go public because they
    love to get the lower the fees to get
    their private company public
    it’s in the interest of any private
    company owner to have the fees to go
    public get
    lower the only person who has an
    incentive to charge High fees to
    transition from public to private is
    those who control the the doorway right
    The Gatekeepers lawyers accountants and
    bankers there’s a small enough number of
    lawyers bankers and
    accountants that they can get away with
    seven and eight
    figure um Fe fees service fees to
    facilitate these transactions only
    because of the collusion between
    them other words you have would you have
    the FTC step in and Target the fees
    for Equity transactions from the public
    private markets into the public markets
    because I can tell you and I’m sure you
    already know this but I’ll just remind
    you that the fees to go public in New
    York have to be 10 times if not more 20
    times more than the fees to go public in
    London for
    um yeah that’s probably well I don’t
    know if it’s 10 times but it’s pretty
    significant a lot more but the
    opportunity is more it’s all based on
    cost would you have the FTC Target the
    same way that they’ve now targeted real
    estate brokers on their 6% vague
    for the first time in the last
    year I you have the government Target
    the 7% IPO fee or the you know the
    the the accounting and legal fees which
    quickly become five And1 million I think
    that the exchanges us exchanges and us
    um financial service companies that
    bring um that sponsor you know that do
    basically that underwrite all the
    corporate debt and corporate um IPOs and
    stock you know listings need need um
    some regulatory boundaries and I think
    that’s an absolute no-brainer and I
    think if you did that you would clean up
    the marketplace and bring a lot more
    public because if companies could could
    actually figure out what their cost will
    be and what they will actually net out
    they would be much more inclined to take
    to go public than they would be to say
    you know one of the reasons that people
    love spaxs even though they didn’t work
    um was because it was so much easier
    process to take a company public you
    didn’t essentially need a brokerage firm
    you didn’t need a financial service firm
    that’s why spaxs were so popular that’s
    why so many companies came out I mean
    there we needed to learn a lesson from
    the entire Spa debacle the bad part
    about spaxs was way too many companies
    came out and went public that shouldn’t
    have because they saw the opportunity
    without the costs but we didn’t learn
    the lesson that that’s that’s what drove
    all those companies to the marketplace
    we can do that easily in a regulated
    Marketplace and that’s how it should be
    done the spec experiment didn’t work
    because there was there was um uh
    because nobody anticipated the amount of
    companies that were going to come out
    that way but they didn’t it didn’t
    require the the normal funding and the
    normal kind of like pipeline to getting
    Capital so it worked so I I think the
    the the spa experiment was huge to show
    that the demand is actually there the
    system the way it exists today is
    broken how would you fix it if the spack
    was spack was obviously indic the desire
    for a solution but it was not a it’s a
    regulatory thing it’s easy hey you know
    what we’re only going to we’re only
    going to you you can only charge x
    amount um to bring a company public you
    know you can only charge x amount the
    exchangers can only get so much and the
    the underwriters can only get so much
    you know I mean I mean I mean yeah
    Goldman Sachs wouldn’t be happy but the
    smaller Underwriters would be fine and
    Goldman Sachs doesn’t do anyway
    they don’t sit there and protect the
    stock price they don’t sit there and do
    anything that anybody else couldn’t
    do same with morg only brings the best
    companies public no they bring the they
    don’t that’s all garbage they don’t
    bring the best companies public they
    bring the only companies that can afford
    to pay them public Goldman Sachs never
    ask the question what does your company
    do Goldman Sachs and and Morgan Stanley
    and JP Morgan they only ask here’s the
    amount of money we’re going to charge
    can you pay this I don’t care what you
    do it’s a biggest bunch of crap ever
    theyve never asked they never asked once
    what do you do I don’t know I talked to
    my friends at Goldman Sachs they say
    they only bring the best companies
    public no that is garbage they only
    bring the companies they can afford to
    pay them
    public trust me if you could not afford
    to pay golden Sachs golden Sachs is take
    telling you to go jump in a lake
    they’re not running a charity hey hey
    I’m gonna tell you a quick story and
    then we can end this segment today but
    it’s one of my kind of going back in the
    Wayback machine but when we were
    building thinkers Sim we needed a place
    to clear and we had really good
    connections at bare Sterns because we
    had connections from the floor so we
    went to be Sterns and we said we’d love
    to clear ther Sim’s business through
    Bear Sterns because they were a
    reputable firm
    everything and they said you know what
    we’d love to have your business but
    it doesn’t look like you can afford to
    pay us enough money to make it
    worthwhile so come back to us in a
    couple years when you grow
    up which is to say that Bear Sterns or
    any of the giant Banks could give a damn
    about the business of course they want
    to make sure that you have cash in the
    bank to pay the number of course which
    at that point I cursed them now it took
    eight years for them to go out of
    business but I gave them the soff curse
    you know they went out of business the
    the snoff Sicilian hex yes yeah and we
    went and cleared at a firm that came to
    us and said we would love your business
    you’ll help us grow we’re like beautiful
    let’s go did you do the same thing to
    Arthur Anderson by the way was that you
    no no the only other firm I ever put the
    hex on well there’s a couple but uh
    American Express but they’re still in
    business and um uh Global Crossings
    they’re out of business oh I I I person
    took Global Crossings down no question
    about it with a combination of the snoff
    curse the Sicilian hex and a voodoo doll
    yes trip all
    three I’m Tom snoff he’s Dylan rigan
    this is truth or skepticism we’ll see
    you next Wednesday 1 pm Central Time
    thank you Dylan all right see you later
    Lawyers Guns and Money I was just
    remembering that song as you were
    talking about that the I think it’s old
    watch out for Section watch out always
    watch out for section 9447 3 27477 22122
    on page 943 you don’t even read it until
    they use it against you and then you’re
    like well I didn’t sign that yes you did
    Sir I like
    it all right thank you all right
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    SLU so Tom what is your definition of
    underwater the Futures close 15 minutes
    after the cash Market’s closed so
    underwater means when the Futures close
    under Fair Value under the cash price if
    you’re selling in the hole what are you
    doing oh man if you’re selling in the
    hole you’re puking that means you’re
    selling it at a price you don’t like but
    you have to do it because it’s hurting
    too bad Tom in the pit when somebody
    would say it was an out trade what would
    that an out trade is a mistake that
    means one person thought they were doing
    one thing and the other person thought
    they were doing something else and so an
    out trade is just another word for
    mistake you can use an out trade in any
    anything in life when you just have a
    Mis misunderstanding that’s an outray
    when Tom says double whammy what does it
    mean by that o double whammy is when you
    roll down calls cuz the Stock’s going
    lower and then all of a sudden stock
    goes higher and you start rolling up
    puts you’re getting double
    whammied what’s going on welcome back to
    today’s assignment today Wednesday back
    in the classroom with Dr Jim Dr Jim how
    are we doing today after Tesla’s
    earnings last night man Tesla earnings
    pretty goodle for the Tesla Bulls out
    there which I happen to be uh just for
    the day or so so very good day for me
    from a Tesla standpoint but man bro dude
    your Lakers are just your Lakers are
    just not looking good dude I know you
    saw the second game Dr I know you saw
    game two dude you gotta get your boy
    Braun to stop whining to the refs un let
    this play some ball dude I know let’s I
    mean let’s let’s protect a 20-point lead
    I’m just saying how are you feeling now
    with your Lakers down 20 even though
    it’s going back to LA how are you
    feeling about that my Lake my Lakers
    20 my nuggets put in work on game two if
    any team can come back from a 20-point
    deficit in the second half of the game
    it’s Nicole Nicole yit Jamal Murray
    Michael Porter Jr Aaron Gordon everybody
    so I hope everybody enjoyed the
    entertainment that we got that night
    buzzer beater to win the game if you
    missed it almost like the same Buzz
    beater to my uh Nvidia position that
    expired last Friday we were 180 points
    we were 180 points away from my short
    strike and we made it all the way back
    at the buzzer so uh I think it’s just
    it’s just a Colorado thing I think is
    what it is Dr Jim but I’ll take it so
    what so what was your biggest so what
    was your biggest takeaway from that
    Nvidia trade that you had on because I
    mean it took it you took it all the way
    down to the final day and then it
    finally came back I mean so well
    seriously though what’s your biggest
    takeaway having gone through that
    experience um my biggest takeaway what
    is my biggest takeaway uh uh be more
    mindful about power of um uh Ai and
    chips and just uh um no to on a serious
    note um just be mindful about how
    prolonged some of these hyped up sectors
    can really last like even when a lot of
    the marijuana stocks are running uh when
    AI stocks are running when a lot of
    crypto stocks are running sometimes they
    can just run a lot further than you than
    you can expect them to so I guess I
    guess it’s just one of those things but
    uh um no that thing that thing was wild
    I don’t know Nvidia was one of those
    ones that’s just kind of just blows your
    mind how much how much it can run within
    I don’t know just a few months I think
    we were around $100 and we went to like
    900 something um and then earnings it
    tanked and then recovered and then made
    a new high so it was just one of those
    crazy ones but um another thing that I’m
    happy with Excuse me um is if I do want
    to take in trades like that with hype up
    sectors just to be mindful about using
    Define risk which I did because I don’t
    have a a choice most of the time but um
    I would say Define risk helps because
    some of there were some pretty big gap
    UPS overnight like 60 point gap ups and
    that would be pretty nasty to catch on
    an undefined risk trade but um you know
    I’m happy I use Define risk and I think
    I’ll leave it at that yeah no I think
    that’s really really good I think those
    are some really good takeaways you know
    one thing that always I mean watching
    you go through that and and and just
    kind of thinking about what type of
    strategy that was and going all the way
    to the end and you know like what what
    can we learn what can we learn from that
    well I think everything you just said is
    100% right especially when you’re
    talking about these really really super
    hot sectors AI like robotics like
    marijuana like yes 100% another thing
    though just kind of stepping away from
    the sector specific stuff and just going
    to like quantitatively based probability
    based you know I think one thing that a
    lot of people either forget or they
    don’t quite realize on the front end is
    when you put a trade on like it was a
    short call spread right is that right
    yeah it was okay so when you put that
    trade on your pop was probably what
    maybe 60% yeah 55 60 65 yeah whatever
    right it’s a little bit better than 5050
    it’s not you know it’s not a coin flip
    just slightly better than that the odds
    are in your favor okay that is what we
    do man 49 times out of 50 I mean that’s
    the game that we play selling premium
    with high probabilities okay most people
    inside the tasty Universe they got that
    but here’s the part that I think a lot
    of people either forget or don’t quite
    realize those probabilities are based on
    the entirety of the expiration cycle if
    that’s what it comes down to now most of
    the time in a situation like that it’s
    not going to come back right it’s not
    necessarily going to come back on that
    final day but I think what a lot of
    people don’t quite realize is if you
    really want to play the probabilities
    when you do a defin risk strategy man
    size that thing correctly size that
    thing appropriately so that if it comes
    down to it you can hold it all the way
    to the end because I’m sure there were
    plenty of times with a week to go or 10
    days to go when it was kind of already
    pricing at Max loss you’re like man why
    am I still in this trade like I should
    just close it and be done with it it’s
    not coming back that’s a mistake man
    when and you didn’t do that so good so
    kudos to you but when you’re in a trade
    like that I just see this come across my
    desk all the time from New Traders and
    Traders trying to find their way it’s
    like man hold the trade you’ve paid for
    that time the probabilities that you
    traded on an entry are based on the
    entirety of the cycle of that’s what it
    comes to and so that’s a really cool
    example of that kind of coming to life
    and actually proving to be beneficial no
    yeah it was one of those that actually
    went to a Max loss I think within 48
    Hours Dr Jim and I think I had that
    position on for a total of 57 days so
    almost two months so I was kind of in
    that position of I really had nothing
    else I could do uh for like the next two
    months because of how because of how
    quick Nvidia moved uh relative to when I
    put the position on so it was one of
    those things where I was like man this
    thing’s pretty much been sitting at a
    Max loss past month and a half only like
    I’ve been sitting in the worst position
    I could in in this time and it’s like
    only good could come out of this because
    I’m already at the worst case scenario
    uh in this position from when I put the
    trade on but um diff uh which I mean
    sometimes that that’s helpful because
    it’s like it’s not going to get any
    worse so as long as you recognize that
    it’s like I’m just going to hold it and
    just not worry about it yeah had so much
    time value still I’m like wow literally
    like it was I picked a 50 something days
    contract and uh Nvidia ran that much for
    it to sit in a Max loss within 48 Hours
    of collecting that credit but um
    differently I had the uh the Tesla out
    of the money put spread that I sold and
    Tesla actually started making new lows
    uh Tesla had earnings last night we had
    a massive rally in Tesla overnight I was
    sitting at a Max loss in Tesla and I um
    I had 23 days left to expiration I was
    going to need to manage it this Friday
    um then when I woke up this morning it
    wasn’t sitting at a Max loss anymore I
    was down about 35 bucks um and then I
    ended up just taking it off and I just
    took the $35 loss because um it was one
    of those ones that helped me get out of
    a Max loss so it was one of those ones
    that kind of went to a small loss slash
    kind of break even but was still a win
    considering the context of the situation
    that I was in with the Tesla position so
    the earnings helped me overnight I
    didn’t even want to be in the position
    until earnings came but because I was in
    such a bad position uh if anything the
    earnings was going to help me if it
    could go in my favor um so I just ended
    up getting out of that one not gonna
    hold that one down to the wire and I’m
    gonna take the small small red slash
    break even as a as a win in my book but
    that’s update on the Tesla vertical
    spread position that’s good stuff man
    that’s real good stuff yeah yeah and
    speaking of vertical spreads I know got
    vertical spreads today um so we’re going
    to touch on that uh we just have one
    slid we have some bullet points just to
    just to touch on Dr Jim if we have a few
    more minutes we’re going to put a
    vertical spread on because I don’t have
    too many positions on right now and I
    needed to deploy something I took out
    the um CRM position that was a SK iron
    Condor to the upside and then the Tesla
    and then I put on an iron Condor and SMH
    today and I need one more thing on but I
    want to find something that doesn’t have
    earnings I feel like I’m walk spread and
    meta come on bro
    come meta dude ah we’ll take a look at
    it but I’m not gonna fall into peer
    pressure this time I got it for I got
    the trade that you need all right we’ll
    check it out we’ll check it out but uh
    vertical spreads uh again we talked
    about this before but it’s the most
    common strategy that I use because it’s
    just the most conducive for me and my
    portfolio size as well so vertical
    spreads involve buying and selling
    options of the same type on the same
    underlying asset but with different
    strike prices and the same expiration
    date um so same expiration date
    different strike prices we’re we’re
    selling a call we’re selling a put and
    then we’re buying an extra one a little
    further out to hedge the position that
    we sold so um bull spreads use call
    options buying the lower strike and
    selling the higher strike while bare
    spreads use put options buying the
    higher strike and selling the lower
    strike do you have a preference on
    selling call spreads versus vertical or
    versus Dr Jim
    um and why so for me for
    example I I think I would prefer to sell
    um put
    spreads because uh no I think I I’m
    sorry which one would I prefer to sell
    when volatility
    increases um um um um no I prefer to
    sell P spreads yes so when the market
    when the market typically reverses if
    I’m trading a little directional I like
    seeing that volatility get sucked out of
    the contract a little more aggressively
    than I’ve seen my call spreads but uh do
    you have a preference Dr Jim if you were
    to take into consideration
    volatility yeah so um so generally
    speaking when it comes to Vertical
    spreads I actually prefer to sell call
    spreads over over put spreads and the
    reason why is because of the volatility
    skew that’s in the market so normally
    when you have volatility skew you have
    implied volatility increasing on the way
    down on the put side and decreasing on
    the way up on the call side so what that
    means is to slow that down just a little
    bit as you move further out of the money
    the implied volatility is increasing for
    puts and it’s decreasing for calls just
    generally speaking now of course there’s
    exceptions to this rule like you know
    Nidia and Teslas and I mean there’s all
    kinds of situations where the skew is
    not the textbook version of the skew
    it’s a different type of skew that’s why
    you have to look at the market to see
    what the market is telling you but when
    implied volatility is decreasing as you
    go further out of the money on the call
    side it’s going to allow you to sell
    your call spreads for a pretty good
    price because you end up selling a call
    that’s only a little bit out of the
    money and then buying a call that’s
    further out of the money so you’re
    selling a call with relatively High
    implied volatility and you’re buying a
    call with relatively low implied
    volatility so you can generally get a
    pretty good price on your you know
    you’re getting $2 on your $5 widespread
    it’s pretty easily things like that on
    the put spread side it’s the opposite
    right because now as you go further out
    of the money you go further down in
    strikes the implied volatility is
    usually increasing so you end up selling
    low implied volatility on your short
    putut and buying High implied volatility
    on your long put which kind of It kind
    of you know uh suppresses the price of
    that vertical it can make it a little
    bit more challenging to get a good price
    on a short put spread Dr Jim doesn’t
    sell vertical spreads he sells naked
    calls and naked puts all day left and
    right just you know I I am subscribed I
    am enrolled in the AOL Coleman School of
    trading there we go I’m not even doing
    that dude I’m scalping M and Q bro come
    on dude like you’re not scalping you’re
    scalping NQ and Es scaling I’m scaling
    mnq scaling the no dude but I’m going in
    there with five or 10 at a time dude so
    I could size it correctly just like Erol
    Coleman I me I was there man I bought
    the course I’m enrolled in the
    membership like you see my payments
    coming through yeah on now that makes a
    lot of sense when you put it that way Dr
    but we’ll go to bullet point number
    three you know it does you know it does
    it does it does um no uh so vertical
    vertical spreads they create price
    ranges within uh Within which Traders
    can expect underlying assets to stay
    offering potential profit opportunities
    based on Market Direction so we always
    refer to Vertical spreads as directional
    strategies but we do still kind of have
    that neutral component to it since we
    are selling it but um we would consider
    that a directional a directional
    strategy would you agree with that Dr
    Jim oh 100% it’s absolutely a
    directional strategy but the neutral
    component comes into play because
    whether you sell a put spread or you
    sell a call spread if you’re selling it
    out of the money you always leave
    yourself a chance to make money if the
    stock doesn’t move or even moves against
    you by a little bit like you’re always
    going to have that little buffer kind of
    kind of worked into the strategy and
    worked into the different price points
    like yes if the stock moves in your
    favor so you sell a call spread the
    stock goes down you sell a push spr the
    stock goes up then that’s going to be
    easy it’s GNA be profitable you know
    it’s just going to be a pretty
    straightforward trade but still if the
    stock doesn’t move or even goes against
    you a little bit with enough time you
    can still be profitable on those trades
    no I hear you um that’s gonna be it
    pretty much I would want I want to find
    one trade let’s look at a up bro let’s
    do it I know we’ll take we’ll take a
    look but I don’t know if I can do it
    come on dude you and I both you and I
    both know no no no hold on and all week
    Dr it doesn’t matter dude you and I both
    know that if you put on a meta trade
    right now and it goes against you you’re
    just gonna scalp it back and the mq
    picks tonight dude you’re just gonna get
    it tonight you just won five or seven
    lot of you away from just erasing
    whatever meta might do so there tonight
    I don’t know there’s not enough
    volatility overnight in the yo it’s a
    good thing in fact you won’t even do it
    tonight you’ll do it after the earnings
    call later on today you’ll do it in like
    an hour and a half come on dude what are
    what are your thoughts on the
    conversation around 247 uh Market
    environment oh man yeah I think yeah I
    mean I think wait you don’t think you’ll
    have hair after that or like or or what
    what what do you what I’m hanging out to
    this hair dude I’m pretty proud of this
    I gota be honest at 42 almost 43 you’re
    right right no of my brethren they I got
    some I got some lettuce up there I gotta
    be real dude I respect it I respect it
    yeah got you you have to you have to
    Choice yeah I have no choice yeah it’s
    not it’s not your choice this is not up
    for debate yeah I think that 247 trading
    it’s gonna be really hard to get good
    liquidity in the off hours and I just I
    I know this because you know the Futures
    markets are 247 essentially I mean they
    take a break for like an hour or
    whatever and unless you’re talking about
    out like the creme de La Creme which is
    going to be es of course the liquidity
    in in some of the other products like
    even the micros like Mees and mnq the
    liquidity in some of those options are
    just atrocious yeah it they’re atrocious
    and so I mean I I think it’s going to be
    one of those things where they can
    rubber stamp it and say yeah we have 247
    trading but I think we’re a long ways
    away from people actually using it you
    know enough around the clock to where
    the liquidity is there the pricing is
    good and you know I would ever be
    interested in something like that no I
    hear you even when it comes down to es
    versus NQ it’s like Futures Market isn’t
    even that volatile overnight unless
    really something’s going down overnight
    but that’s not even the case usually and
    then at that es is a pretty thick Market
    that’s kind of why I like NQ because
    it’s a little bit thinner so it’s a
    little bit more volatile but uh yeah I
    don’t think it’d be very attractive I
    mean it would be nice to be able to
    adjust a position or maybe like get out
    of something if you needed to over night
    if you could get a fill but for active
    trading for volatility I don’t know I
    don’t know if it’s and I kind of like
    having an off an off time in the market
    you got you got to have an off time dude
    I mean if we’re talking like work life
    balance and stuff like that you gotta
    have an off time even just so it’s not
    running in the back of your mind but go
    ahead yeah dude you got you got to be
    able to hit the pause button for two
    hours or whatever right but so I I want
    to comment on the point that you just
    made okay so I think so I think on the
    surface what you just said it’s 100%
    right right it’s like all right
    something crazy’s happening now I can
    access my positions I make an adjustment
    I can control my risk I can do all those
    things that’s all true on the surface
    here’s the problem if that were to be
    the case where something crazy is
    happening in the market what’s going to
    happen in a thin Market the spreads are
    going to explode dude the spreads are
    going to be so wide because the market
    makers are going to know and they’re
    going to be like hey there’s some crazy
    stuff going on we’ve gota you know we
    got to drop our bids and and raise our
    offers and widen out that spread and so
    if you are going to go in there to
    adjust your position more than likely
    it’s going to end up costing you a ton
    of money in the long run and so yes in
    like a really truly Black Swan
    environment it might be beneficial but
    that’s so rare I think net net you would
    end up down for from even doing that
    yeah no I hear you interesting topic you
    heard that topic went around on on
    social media I did yeah no I did I did
    it’ll be interesting because yeah I mean
    you know with like Bitcoin and all that
    kind of stuff and like you know I mean I
    mean Bitcoin on the weekends like what
    is bitcoin like on the weekends is it
    pretty pretty active I mean I don’t I
    don’t even know it really depends on the
    weekend you know it’s been a lot more
    active just because I think there’s a
    lot more talk around it but before
    before it was really going on a rally I
    don’t even think it was doing anything I
    think it’s doing things on the weekend
    now because it’s it’s just moving now I
    don’t know though yeah yeah but okay um
    meta So Meta earnings uh I’m not gonna
    take part in this but just checking out
    what these contract you are dude said
    you needed a vertical spread dude come
    on bro I have a vertical spread on I got
    sem I put on two ver spreads today Dr
    Jim that’s an
    own don’t dress that up it’s two
    vertical spreads Am I Wrong Dr J you’re
    not wrong technically but nobody’s gonna
    look at that and say oh look at those
    two vertical spreads it’s a vertical
    spread come on dude I go I’m just going
    by the definition you’re confusing all
    the new Traders out there that’s an iron
    Condor for every got two vertical spre I
    went long and short at the same time all
    right um no let’s quickly I want to
    quickly look to something look to put a
    vertical spr on something Dr Jim it’s
    just wa wait so you’ve got your cursor
    right now on Eli Lily right
    L you’re telling me so you’re telling me
    hold on a second I was G make sure I get
    this right okay so you’re telling me
    that you’re gonna bypass meta earnings
    tonight to go into Eli Lily instead with
    earnings in a week I’m not going into
    anything okay all right I’m not going
    into anything what I was gonna say was
    just I feel like I’m just saying your
    Lakers better go back into LA and get a
    game dude otherwise this thing is going
    to be over in four dude it’s going to be
    over know is all I know is we’re
    repeating it’s a two Pat this year and
    uh saying oh man I remember the three p
    beat dude you’re taking me back dude to
    the bad boys
    theam I’m talking about the p no the
    Pistons the Pistons from like 88 I think
    it was 88 89 90 then one in 88 and then
    one in 89 I think and then 1990 I was
    like nine and like the threee beat dude
    I remember that oh yeah like James James
    Edwards and like Vinnie johnon
    yeah you were nine in 1990 you’re
    actually pretty young Dr Jim I was nine
    in 1990 yeah you’re you’re you’re
    actually you’re you’re a millennial I
    think I I am I’m I’m on the front end of
    the Millennials
    yeah um smci yeah I mean what uh you
    want to do little Donald Trump media oh
    it’s up today wow that thing’s been
    getting hammered lately smci what has
    been going on with that I was looking at
    AMD too a little bit earlier um sell a
    put bread look at that we could sell a
    bread we could sell it oh earnings April
    30th after the but maybe I won’t even be
    in this during earnings
    ah come on man just go to June don’t
    worry about earnings don’t be scared
    away because listen dude the mq pits the
    M andq pits are only a click away
    they’re just a click away you’re right
    it is a click away $10 wise at the
    expect no not even collecting enough
    here maybe 590 580 collecting 270 still
    in 610 600 collecting three still
    slightly under a third no you got to get
    you got to get over a third you got to
    get over a third go up to like
    670 go to like 670 660 let’s get you
    like four bucks 670 660 I might as well
    go naked in meta right now I mean hey
    I’m trying to help you out 670 660 I
    mean that’s not look at that thing dude
    look at that thing it’s
    $430 57 425 you got pretty wide market
    so we’ll see where you get filled but
    look at your probability dude it’s still
    almost 60% that’s not bad that’s not bad
    but it’s not good but it’s not terrible
    that’s because it’s great that’s
    actually not bad at all so if we were to
    sell the 670s where 670 sitting at over
    here 670 670 is a little up there I mean
    if I sell the 670 that’s pretty much
    selling that’s pretty much selling the
    low it put in like three days
    ago then plus the break even like a $4
    doll break even so I’m pretty much
    sitting at 670 660 665 66
    666 666 actually I don’t know about that
    my break even is 666 we don’t have to
    change that up yeah no I hear you there
    I get off of that real quick I might
    have yeah I think you go down to 660 650
    I think 660 because I mean I still click
    385 I know it’s oh yeah no that’s Sol
    that’s not bad so maybe we do something
    like this um I like it cool and ship it
    let’s go and we’ll just we’ll just trade
    probabilities that’s it look at you fil
    right away look at you man come on now
    inant you got like a special dude you
    got like special connection with the
    high frequency Trader guys something
    like that I don’t think I’ve ever look
    at that fail dude wow you’re you’re
    routing that through your own exchange
    or something exactly that was nice yeah
    let me know if you want to hop on this
    exchange but uh I’m just saying dude it
    looks like it looks like it’s it’s
    nuggets and four bro I think it might be
    y all right just to be real did you were
    you able to watch any of the game do you
    just see how dominant of a team they
    look though like they’re just I just saw
    the highlights I just saw the highlights
    I saw LeBron crying in the press
    conference and I was like all right so
    everything pretty normal yeah that’s
    tough I mean that’s pretty that’s
    classic LeBron Michael would never never
    never do that so I don’t ever want to
    hear this
    conversation MJ he would never he would
    never be whining about replays and
    throwing people under the bus no my man
    just won dude my man just just dropped a
    hammer on you and just took your soul
    and walked away with the championship
    that’s what he did is crying in the
    press conference like LeBron come on all
    right all right anyway I’m done no
    you’re right you’re right you know mean
    the only reason why I’m not going for
    LeBron right now is cuz LeBron’s going
    against my nuggets that’s the one time
    that I got to put that aside but uh no
    we’ll see what we get it’s going to be
    an interesting Series going be really
    competitive um I think the Warriors are
    done for uh it’s kind of sad how Klay
    Thompson went out I don’t know if you
    saw anything about his game but it’s
    crazy what confidence it’s confidence is
    so important in life in general I mean
    especially whatever career path you take
    but especially when it’s Performance
    Based like that no confidence you see
    you see a guy like that just just fall
    off I mean confidence really can affect
    everything crazy man no it’s crazy yeah
    um no we’re running out of time here
    today Dr Jim but that’s vertical spreads
    just wanted to touch up on that we got a
    couple positions on anything to add
    before we head on out of here today no
    man I think it was good good discussion
    yeah vertical spreads and again I mean
    short put spreads short call spreads you
    can play it either way I mean there’s
    gimmies and godges on both sides so you
    can kind of you can kind of examine it
    and I think that was good cool cool well
    that’s gonna wrap it up for today Dr Jim
    we always appreciate you having you here
    um in the teacher seat and we’ll catch
    you guys next time peace peace
    rock paper scissors he just played paper
    he’ll do it again no Rock men
    statistically play Rock but he played
    paper and lost and the mind works in
    patterns he’s going scissors he knows I
    know he’ll go scissors but knowing I
    know he knows Scissors Shoot thought we
    were doing Rock Paper Scissors Shoot
    it’s always rock paper scissors if if
    you think like a Trader we’ve got your
    back tasty trade join the club genius
    regulation time may have expired but the
    conversation is just getting started
    this is overtime the postmarket
    scrimmage for Market junkies join Chris
    Veo ilas spivac and me Dylan rigan as we
    analyze the X’s and O’s for everything
    from earnings to politics to macro
    events and more nothing’s out of bounds
    on overtime we break down the news to
    provide you A playbook for your trades
    watch overtime Monday through Thursday
    only on tasty
    live hello Tim night here and it is meta
    day this time um we’re in the thick of
    the earning season this is when every
    Day brings us well most usually like
    Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and for some
    reason Tuesday and Thursday are the big
    days but yeah we’re in the med of right
    now um where you can see the big
    household names come out with earnings
    and see what that does to their stock um
    I’m pretty pleased with what I’m seeing
    in the market uh this is kind of what I
    was hoping for because on Friday it was
    like uh well big rally coming because
    they a’t going to they a’t going to sit
    still for this uh and a big rally did
    come added about a th000 points to the
    Dow in just a few days and uh a lot of
    retracements a lot of pushes and as of
    morning it was looking like maybe it’s
    done and so I bought uh I I can’t
    remember the last time I bought SMH
    puts um but I bought those this morning
    because the retrace is
    beautiful um I have raised a giant white
    white flag on my xlu trade I’m just sick
    of it uh which probably means it’ll work
    out great ultimately but i’ I had enough
    so I’m uh dispense that completely so
    I’m just in three positions now all
    bearish um iwm SMH and
    XLF I’ve got a way too many charts to be
    talking so let’s get in there and I’ll
    I’ll go
    swiftly uh here we go all right here’s
    the spider and that dash line there is
    my best guess at resistance maybe I can
    lower it in a day or two but uh at the
    moment we’re down a little bitty bit on
    that and so the the um merciless rise
    from Monday and Tuesday we’re getting a
    break from that here’s the diamonds also
    red and in this instance as I said
    yesterday it looked like we might be
    just about done and so far so good we
    have not crossed above Ash Red Line you
    see uh one cool item is the iyt I’ve
    been pointing this one out it’s uh it’s
    actually on the move here because we got
    this top we fell pushed back and
    yesterday and I don’t recall if I shared
    iy yesterday I think I did I certainly
    did a post about it on slope that is for
    sure uh about the transports but we um
    we did a big retrace yesterday peaked
    and then have reversed hard so we’ve
    undone all those gains in recent days
    and we’re at the today we’ve reached
    prices um that were lasting like early
    in February so we’ve undone a lot of
    those gains so that’s pretty cool and
    iwm uh is down nicely about 7/10 of
    percent uh and here too uh tight stop at
    that dash line right there and that’s
    one of my three bearish positions
    jumping overseas eem is actually in the
    green and we’re watching the sine wave
    on this one uh I’m not in this one I got
    out last week at a pretty good price uh
    and the hard stop on this would would be
    this price Gap up here but I’m not
    participating that myself and then EFA
    is weirdly down even though uh eem is up
    but EFA is down a little bit and um it’s
    not as important as like the diamond and
    the spider horizontals but on this one
    I’ve got it uh
    7824 so that’s the quick Round Up Now
    Tesla Tesla Tesla Tesla um yesterday I
    said maybe it’ll go down $15 or maybe
    it’ll go up $15 cuz we’re in this no
    man’s land well it was the ladder it
    went up $15 and then some it had a great
    uh after hour session even though I
    think they missed every single number uh
    they rallied and someone wrote me said
    do you still think this will be the most
    valuable company in the world actually
    yeah I think that’s still a possibility
    and I’ve I’ve been clear the whole time
    I’m not talking about like next month
    I’m talking about like in a decade or
    maybe in five years but it is it is
    within the realm of possibility that
    Tesla is bigger than anybody because I
    believe that transportation will be
    unrecognizable 30 years from now if we
    had a really cool governments that
    really to move fast it could be 5 years
    from now but we don’t so it’s going to
    take decades to go through all the labor
    unions and all the so insurance
    companies and society change and all
    that but maybe sometime before I’m gone
    to the great Parian graph in the sky
    we’ll see those changes take place so um
    Tesla is uh is on the Move now I do not
    think this will last in fact I did a
    post this morning saying well that’s
    probably about it cuz when I say most
    valuable coming on the planet that’s
    like a long ways off right now I’m still
    pretty D about uh the price prospects
    here and sure enough we went zipping
    higher there’s just this incredible uh
    population of owners that want to get
    out which is going to suppress um any
    any price ascendency um and so we peaked
    today uh for one almost
    168 we’re at 162 now um and so there we
    have it I I think that you know
    obviously we have L literally years of
    overhead Supply that’s going to be a
    barrier to any easy price uh ability you
    know if you ask me like all right 6
    months from now will it be higher or
    lower I’m kind of thinking it’s going to
    be lower um it’s going to be a tough
    slog so uh Tesla was the big one last
    night um Uber is taking it on the chin I
    I suppose at least partly because of all
    this robot taxi AKA um cyber cab I think
    is the latest term um from
    Tesla but uh good Heavens I got all
    these duplicate tops up here let’s clean
    that up um but yeah we’ve we’ve uh got a
    nice big top there on uh
    Uber and uh cuz just this is kind of an
    question um for companies like
    that okay uh couple of bullish charts
    just to confuse people um this one still
    looks good we’ve talked about this the
    uh the most Blas company name in history
    Dave I guess Bob would be worse but
    there’s Dave uh and it’s up um again so
    after this space here it’s been blasting
    higher and uh this one we’ve talked
    about which I like better Oscar health
    um nice steady push higher it is just
    sort of ignored all the uh the melstrom
    around it so Oscar is looking real sh
    and a little close to my wheelhouse just
    some various bearish looking charts here
    um Alexandria real estate a monster top
    on that one craer barel cbrl it’s lost a
    lot already but it’s in a formation it’s
    kind of the scallops I’ve heard it
    described as just down down we go just
    progressively making these rounded tops
    and working its way lower um and so most
    recently we had this top and it’s gone
    bounding back uh approaching resistance
    there so long long term you can see just
    how high this still is and then shorter
    term really more like medium term you
    can see how it’s been carving out this
    series around the tops and progressively
    working below each one of
    those um Cleveland cliffs
    clf a little bit of the same idea
    although it’s not um you know lowering
    each time it’s just uh a series of of
    patterns this one is chart Industries
    gtls monster round the top one this one
    not quite complete yet this goes back a
    full four
    years uh Huntsman hn kind of the same
    idea you can see history of topping
    patterns here typically followed by uh
    big drops and one more insight I Inc Y
    which is a big right triangle pattern
    spanning back a decade incredibly and
    we’ve been working lower on this and
    approaching um a new kind of decade low
    um the lowest we saw in this was way
    back last year so we’ll just put that
    little marker there but it’s definitely
    um looking like it’s progressing um
    lower and lower on that one too I can
    today’s a very different day I’m just
    glancing all my screens here very
    different feel past couple of days cuz
    like Monday and especially Tuesday we
    just like resolutely bullish just like
    blasting higher now it’s like you got a
    tug-of war going on you can see on an
    intraday basis up down up down up down
    we got an up going on at the moment U
    maybe because there’s so many earnings
    coming up maybe there’s some optimism
    around those but it’s uh it’s nothing
    like yesterday definitely a battle going
    on haven’t talked about Crypt a little
    bit because it’s been really doing
    nothing for two months here in spite of
    all the the having um H Ving excitement
    but uh yeah here’s ethereum just kind of
    mandering around we’re at the same price
    we were as I said a couple months ago
    almost to the day uh Bitcoin off
    thousands again um but still pretty
    lofty this really won’t matter until and
    unless we breach this level way down
    here um got this very histrionic message
    to myself crypto collapse but the just
    below 60,000 should have breached that
    that would be a pretty big deal and for
    a lot of reasons so um but that’ll take
    some doing that’s that’s a good $4,000
    from here but yeah there’s
    Bitcoin um earnings big big afternoon
    for earnings a few of the companies out
    there um and I hope these dates are
    right dates are squirely things I try to
    verify these but I think think these are
    all correct uh Chipotle CMG quite
    obviously an amazing stock for a very
    long time um had a rough going here for
    a while it it basically uh spanning from
    2012 all the way to 2017 so 5 years just
    kind of Unwound all those gains but
    since then it has been pretty Resolute
    in its progress so we’re near lifetime
    highs on this um pretty rich as always
    it’s always had a high PE um you know so
    a 65 right now this is a favorite of
    Bill lman kind of a principal holding of
    his but um that doesn’t tend to
    disappoint uh service now in ow this one
    also pretty richly valued like nearly
    90p on this one uh in this
    case obviously longterm very strong we
    were in this channel for years and years
    and years this finally broke down here
    but then it dusted itself off and it’s
    been generally progressing higher this
    round the top here did not complete so
    it looks very interesting it was it was
    looking uh like it was going to take a
    plunge and it did not quite do it and
    then blast it higher maybe we’re having
    a repeat of the same thing right here in
    fact uh it’s already
    repen um that so-called topping pattern
    but uh that’ll be an interesting one but
    better known is Big Blue IBM
    which has been on a tear for a while um
    this too had its own sort of dower
    history because if we dial this back uh
    if you look from say way back to like
    1962 to
    1993 so you know three
    decades of loss uh lots of ups and downs
    in the meantime but basically three
    decades and just a dog of a company
    since then tremendous so we had this
    incredible rise right here this this
    amazing run that had in the late 90s
    consolidate another big run consolidate
    and then another run like so so we’re uh
    we’re we’re not at lifetime Highs but we
    it wasn’t that long ago that we were
    we’re not too too far away from those
    and the one everybody knows and probably
    the biggest um attention get is going to
    be meta um this company looked like a
    goner not that long ago and it just had
    one of the the most amazing recoveries
    about a 400% gain in equity price since
    then um and the most recent earnings um
    you can see here just a eye popping lift
    this tremendous Gap like so so that’ll
    be quite interesting to watch as well
    and will really inform kind of the
    sentiment to tech stocks uh and in doing
    so um the cubes have managed to uh Still
    Still Still show some green I would say
    that something like 430 is a reasonable
    um bottom for that top so that’ll be
    worth watching and SMH which as I said
    early today I went ahead and got a puts
    on that um this one pretty much opened
    at its high which is a beautiful one
    here uh like so and has been weaker
    since then uh I’m not showing a video
    today but wow it’s got a pretty chart um
    in terms of its own retracement you know
    I had I had some Forex charge I was
    going to look at but I’m out of time I’m
    going to not step on the toes the next
    show so I’ll just say goodbye and good
    luck and I will see you here on Thursday
    bye if you missed the live show here’s
    our cherry on top weekly
    recap back my friend what are you still
    eating while we’re on the show like a
    gone honestly what’s wrong with you I’m
    have I’m eating a um posio I know
    pachio we seriously remember you’re from
    New Rockford or New Rochelle wherever
    the hell you’re from Ronan I mean you
    know don’t be giv me
    pistachio don’t give me that pistachio
    what are you doing those pictures of
    me that sounds terrible I was taking
    pictures of me yesterday and and
    giggling yeah when I walked out of the
    office she was doing that yeah because
    it’s funny
    in an in an almost totally empty parking
    garage bat guess who again is parked
    right on the
    line it’s not me people think I lie it’s
    not me no I saw no I clocked it this
    morning oh please the garage is
    literally empty you did not I’m
    perfectly parked
    oh I forgot cuz you’re a really good
    driver right that’s right um before the
    show started this morning cuz I know
    you’re such a good driver that the oh
    you took a picture of my car I did that
    on purpose the security came up here to
    ask who’s parking like this banetta like
    take a look at the screen please yes I’m
    going tell you why I did this when
    you’re done I would like you too I would
    like you to notice where the yellow
    lines are oh in exhibit a did you see
    the little car next to me now I park my
    truck all the way against that wall
    there cuz I can’t make the turn it’s you
    know it’s a hard trck big it’s a hard
    turn there was somebody in a little tiny
    tiny car in my big spot that I park in
    so I just moved over a little B you park
    in another big spot cuz there’s nobody
    else in the garage except those two
    spots everything has its place every
    place has its thing so you could have
    parked in any that’s where I go big spot
    you know what it’s so funny that you did
    this cuz I knew when I did it that you
    were going to do that you didn’t know
    funny you know I drove it I’m like oh my
    God for all the crap he gives me about
    just being close to there’s a car
    already to my right I don’t know but all
    I’m saying is you are unbelievable sat
    here all morning 45 minutes together we
    talked about everything we shared
    pictures we talked about family members
    we did everything we talked about all
    the types of bread that all the types of
    bread there are in the world that’s
    right that’s right I forgot to mention
    forgot to mention it you had production
    had production prep it you forgot to
    mention forgot to mention about the
    lines MH plus playoffs and stuff like
    that probably no playoffs for the
    Blackhawks he has all three rings sure
    sure yes yes so he does work for the
    Blackhawks cuz they gave him three rings
    it’s cool to have three rings I don’t
    care what your relationship is with
    Hawks you sing the national anthem or
    your you know the I mean they give you
    know you have three rings whatever I’m
    out here fighting for my life for just
    ring I probably have a leftover ring
    somewhere if I looked around you been
    engaged nine times I could find one you
    should wear an engagement ring because
    it attract people yeah it attracts
    people yes I don’t want the kind of man
    that wants to cheat on somebody or wants
    to be you might think about broing your
    that’s not that’s it’s not about guys
    that want to cheat go ahead explain this
    to me because I got nothing go ahead
    break this out why would I yeah Tom
    explain it to why would I a woman not in
    a relationship where an engagement R
    are more attracted to people that they
    are are attractive to somebody else well
    we should
    stop we should cut your m i just just
    try to do the schedule back get the full
    scoop by checking out the archives at
    Tasty get a bonus of up to
    $4,000 when you open and fund a tasty
    trade account make your move genius
    tradeing the alarm hey Ring the Alarm
    boys turn up the charm listen up y get
    out the damn it’s the last call hey the
    last call the last call the last call
    toas toas we’re back my friend you know
    what that means time for the last call
    even snps basically unchanged up
    a175 NASDAQ up 60 the leader to the
    upside and the leader to the downside
    the Russell down 0 even the snps have
    1.26 cars or million Futures good volume
    not fantastic but good Dow down 22
    volatility unchanged s off volatility
    doesn’t know where it wants to go bonds
    down 23 they’ve been soft most of the
    day looks like they’re settling in
    mid-range for the day Bitcoin got a
    little bit weaker this this this
    afternoon traded down to 635 I’m talking
    about the cash it’s about $1,000 higher
    than that right now oil also reversed
    after being a little bit higher down 41
    cents to
    8295 and gold down $7 and change seem
    seems like a breather day sof in the in
    the market to the downside you have
    Nvidia there was some two-sided action
    Nvidia Trad all the way up to 840 it’s
    now 796 under 800 uh another one you
    might know is I I I like that by the way
    oh I know you do in in in Netflix for
    sure no no Nvidia I don’t have a Netflix
    I mean in Nvidia that’s what I meant
    yeah and meta now also made a reversal
    after opening and trading up to 510 it’s
    493 Netflix down 22 bucks coin down $10
    coin was
    $239 it’s 225 right now so you had a lot
    of stocks that kind of um had a nice
    little run when the NASDAQ was what do
    you think about meta
    here I think I’m going to surprise you
    you think you’re going to surprise me
    yeah curious okay A little
    bullish that doesn’t surprise me really
    it doesn’t okay good well I mean I’m
    surprised stock was 510 this morning uh
    opened at 508 open near its highs sold
    off been selling off for most of the day
    I don’t
    know a little but it’s Define risk trade
    I mean a $500 stock there’s a lot of
    buying power for naked options you can
    get and with the call skew you can get
    quite wide if you can go naked if you’ve
    got the
    uh quite a down move in um natural gas
    today just as an FYI yes 12 cents 12 and
    a half cents I don’t have a n guas
    position but that’s the biggest mover on
    a percentage basis of all the Futures
    that I look at
    here nice move in Apple today to the
    upside for a change um like I said nice
    move in Nvidia to the downside
    um uh one stock that has earnings this
    afternoon Apple opened lower too 166 and
    uh trade up to right here in near York
    TI I’m sorry good I have a very very
    small position on in uh on what’s my
    position in love
    Luv they have earnings this afternoon um
    do 16 cents Ivy rank of 49 yeah the
    options haven’t moved much I and by the
    way Tesla Tesla volatility got hammered
    today uh Tesla monthly implied
    volatility out in June yesterday uh you
    can see here how volatility has come
    down from the high 70s into the 30s but
    in June alone it was 62 it’s now 51
    that’s 10 ball points in a 58 Day Option
    that’s a big move in volatility I’m
    sorry God I did not make nearly what I
    should have made in Tesla today given
    the Vol move given everything else no
    why do you think that is I don’t know
    probably because I’m a bad Trader but um
    you know we have an app for
    that um I did not I did
    not do well I mean I made money but all
    things considered yes me Lord of course
    you did you’re well I mean I should have
    because I had a good position on but all
    things considered I would say I stunk
    yeah yeah all things considered I would
    say not
    impressive these are loud what the hell
    is not even Saturday and you’re not
    impressive right not I’m I’m not
    impressive on a Thursday on a what is it
    Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday
    not impressive on a Wednesday um let’s
    see what else do we got got here that’s
    uh just looking to your EMP is down $6
    and change EMP I covered on the opening
    and Visa I covered on the opening if I
    if I just covered Tesla and Boeing on
    the opening I would have done I would
    have had a better day um I kind of
    butchered Boeing and I kind of butchered
    Tesla they offset each other so one
    Tesla was a winner Boeing was a little
    bit of a loser they should have both
    been winners oh I’m trying to see Tesla
    here sorry everybody there it is I kind
    of butchered it
    I kind of made too many adjustments
    Tesla was one of those stocks there that
    if you covered on the opening you done
    good if you waited till the end of the
    day you didn’t do as
    good um yeah Tesla has a little bit of
    um uh Tesla’s a little bit of upside
    there’s some skew to the upside for sure
    what do you think of what do you think
    of the overall Market here today
    unchanged after a kind of a all things
    considered I think the market looks like
    crap two or three day rally yep all
    things considered I think the market
    doesn’t look that good
    um I’m not that impressed with the
    market tape action today at all um but
    let’s go through tonight some of
    tonight’s earnings plays
    and um which one Ford yes sir I don’t
    trade it awesome I’ll go to meta then
    since you trade it okay what do you
    meta more importantly than what a Johnny
    like I thinks okay So Meta is down $2 it
    was down a little bit more it was up
    early than it was down blah blah blah
    about $10 lower than this about $20
    higher than this I have a very small May
    position on I have the 440 540 I went
    exactly to the expected move on both
    sides 445 expected move is 50 bucks in
    May right yeah I went $50 higher $50
    lower um on a small strangle I did not
    take it that big a shot that’s trading
    $19 uh I’m sure 1912 mid price yeah I
    think I’m sure at 1920 so it’s eight
    cents higher nothing but um I have that
    position on small that one I’m keeping
    on small and then my main position in
    meta is a June position you have a main
    position and a little like a yeah a
    Johnny position and a main position my
    main position my June position 390
    625 I hate it
    39625 I hate it I know I hate it because
    I never make any money in meta no I was
    just repeating what you said yeah 16
    short Deltas on that uh June spread 76%
    Pop I said it’s a it’s a tough naked
    position use a lot of buying power yeah
    it’s I don’t even like
    it I I I I might do something with it by
    the end of the day let’s see I’m short
    options bullish bearish or neutral on
    meta um that position would be a little
    tiny bit bearish I could see that but
    I’m asking you what’s your what’s your
    call on on I I don’t honestly I I I
    think it’s going down okay meta
    surprises tell me you don’t have an
    opinion this what we do here all day
    long we’ve been sitting out there
    talking to Liz and Jenny now for 17
    hours I mean they have an opinion on
    everything I come I ask you one question
    you have no opinion on that I have an
    opinion I’m bearish on it Okie doie but
    I’m gonna I’m gonna take a little bit of
    risk off the table and just light I
    think it continues inside the expected
    move it’s $40 is expected move I hope it
    does well I mean that we’ve had some
    markets inside the expect to move like
    Tesla I guess Tesla’s a little outside
    Tesla’s a little outside the expected
    move Boeing was inside the expected move
    somehow I lost money in there should
    have covered on the opening um but
    anyway uh so that’s meta I’m not really
    doing that much in meta IBM IBM your
    beloved okay I’ve had a position on here
    for quite some time it didn’t do
    anything today I have the 170 195
    strangle on it’s 12 got a good Ivy rank
    yep and uh Stock’s up a buck 27 today
    170 what 17
    70 uh 170 puts I’m short 195 calls I’m
    short is the stock going to go to
    200 probably not on the opening you’ll
    have time it’ll probably open
    198 $9 expected move in IBM $9 expected
    move approximately little less maybe I
    might widen the strikes out a little bit
    problem in IBM is the markets aren’t you
    just sell puts in IBM what happened to
    you I used to when the stock was 130 now
    the Stock’s 190 83 yeah yeah whatever
    and I thought I was going to trade 200
    before um what else you got and I have a
    very small position in love I’m just
    short some naked puts okay I won’t even
    mention how about a no position are you
    doing anything there I have not IV rank
    a 58 kind of a tough stock uh for me to
    get uh after the up move in IBM if I did
    anything in a I would get long it but
    you have to have a directional bias it
    has a dollar and a half or less expected
    I’m going to pass in June all the way to
    June I’m going to pass uh
    caterpillar uh you oh yeah I’m short of
    call spread in there but I’m at Max loss
    in caterpillar yeah so I need this I
    didn’t do anything in there so I need
    the stock to go down how many points you
    need uh
    caterpillar $15 expect the moving
    caterpillar that’s why I ask I need 15
    one five you you all 15 it’s a little
    bit greedy but okay see what I can do
    for you I’m already I’m basically
    already at Max law so it doesn’t matter
    right I get that I mean yeah and love
    you sold puts no need to talk about
    yeah so I got you I mean there are
    plethora other uh stocks with the with
    earnings but I mean if you don’t like
    these you’re probably not going like any
    of the others yeah the question is do we
    do anything in bonds here because you
    got a big number coming out tomorrow
    morning I think I bought
    a bval has been creeping up that is for
    sure yeah um personal income personal
    spending what’s your big number bonds
    tomorrow I hope the surprises to the
    upside I can’t tell you hope the
    surprises to the upside um it yeah
    something um they they looked sick all
    day today they did matter of fact when
    you bought them at 1331 they’re two
    ticks higher than that right now when
    you boy be like oh I don’t feel good
    about this this does not feel right not
    this I loved them at 1401 and 14 even as
    soon as they traded under 1330 I hated
    them I know um I I think I bought some a
    little bit lower than that did um I’m
    going to sell some here on the close at
    1401 if I can just just to lighten up
    because you know I got I got to do
    something between now and tomorrow
    morning um I’m a little too long bonds I
    also bought a bunch of notes let’s see
    how we did there I don’t I think we
    might have scratched is family getting a
    little getting on you with this Bond
    position a little bit you a little
    actually notes we made money today how
    explain that yeah I’ll explain it to you
    we named a magazine after it luckbox is
    what it’s called riddled me that capy
    ton um I’m bad as you thought see no I
    might sell some of the notes Here at 50
    if I can get filled 2550 25 5550 perfect
    Apple helped you a lot today Boeing
    didn’t do you any favors
    yeah coin EMP helped you what about your
    coin position what’s that um that should
    be good today let me see I should have
    done okay in coin oh no you made money
    in coin I just asking what your position
    was oh I have no position I’m I mean I
    have a big position it’s just I’m the
    155 390 I’m really wide strangle you are
    very wide yeah and I roll to
    June nothing to see here I just was
    looking at your p&l you had a good p&l
    so yeah it’s fine maybe it had uh some
    directional bias no no nothing I’m all
    good um my positions were okay I just
    needed I needed Nvidia to go down and it
    went down mhm um that was the gift from
    the gods cuz it opened pre-market this
    morning it was trading at
    844 yeah and now it’s closing at 795
    unbelievable yeah I need sit right here
    for 20 how many more days we got
    20 something well actually I’m rolling
    on Friday so I needed to sit here until
    Friday what’s earnings May 22nd roll
    into earnings no I just needed to sit
    here till tomorrow um oh and then you
    can get
    out Nvidia let’s let’s just
    see I I’ll tell you what I have in
    Nvidia okay this is interesting position
    I have the May I’m long the May 845 puts
    those closed at the money this morning
    I’m long the May
    8:45 835 put spread and I’m short the
    760 put
    spread the Christmas tree AC going on
    you look
    golden yeah pretty golden right yeah I
    think what I can do here is well there
    is a 60% chance of a touch of
    750 blows this whole thing out of
    water I know I know I’m trying to figure
    this out as long one puts bread sure
    another puts bread it’s like
    a I can sell my 760 puts stupid and buy
    the 755 puts I could do that spr
    for yeah I could do that that’s a good
    adjustment that’s a good
    adjustment you know Nvidia trades like
    water it seriously trades like freaking
    water it’s as liquid as water it doesn’t
    trade like water water doesn’t trade
    it’s as liquid as water you see the the
    Paradox that you’re using it’s liquid
    it’s water liquid is water to describe
    trade do you get
    it I’m going to adjust my Nvidia
    position you’re going to try I’m going
    to make it into the Paradox of the
    century um I like messing around with
    the videoid the only reason I’m doing
    this is because inidia has um I’m going
    to roll Nvidia
    to uh to June by Friday yeah what did
    you just do it’s too you it’s too
    complicated for you to understand what’s
    that it’s too complicated for you it’s a
    complex four-way I sold a put spread and
    I rolled down a put
    I’m sorry I sold a put spread and rolled
    down a call thank you okay you said puts
    but you rolled down calls thank you I
    rolled down a put spread picked up big
    credit and then rolled down some calls
    got it got it thank you sir thank you
    sir M I was just gonna say same thing
    yes good um and let’s see what do we
    have going on into the close here I’m
    thinking of pce release on Friday PC yes
    I I could he actually took that class in
    high school didn’t
    PC class yeah something like that I like
    guys what is that
    personal what is PC personal consumption
    person pce index I don’t know personal I
    don’t know I don’t know but you said
    there was some number coming out and I
    said what and you didn’t know so they
    told me okay well the big question here
    is inflation number do you do anything
    else going into the close into these
    earnings because you know earnings have
    not hurt us yet they haven’t exact
    looking to get so you’re looking to get
    into trouble to get hurt no they haven’t
    hurt us yet and they haven’t really done
    anything spectacular yet we made a 100
    trades today so I definitely you were
    active yeah you were active that way
    yeah we’re definitely active
    um I’m ready I know I know you are give
    it to me let’s go let’s get this party
    let’s get you’re ready you’re ready to
    go yeah I I’m kind of feeling
    like you know some of the stocks today
    turned around in an ugly fashion Nvidia
    and that that was what I started off to
    show I know I’m saying but Nvidia uh
    Boeing which opened up you know a lot
    higher Tesla really didn’t move much all
    day and just some of the stocks that
    were super strong meta this morning you
    they all turned around I mean question
    is can they rally again tomorrow on the
    heels of you know really good meta news
    or is
    it what happens if meta is
    bad it doesn’t seem like individuals
    stocks have really hurt this Market at
    all to be honest with you yeah but meta
    is kind of a different
    animal um meta is GNA do good because of
    Tik Tok ban how about MK MRK no
    untradeable I already told you
    caterpillar how about n I’m this my
    Taiwanese stes n yeah I don’t know what
    that is now I know I don’t know what
    that is I don’t know what it is either
    that’s what it is I don’t know now never
    heard of it are you looking at the
    talking points that they sent you lrc X
    yeah and
    CMG o CMG a little Chipotle um I would
    say my recommendation is to not trade
    Chipotle if I were you I can’t trade
    seven eight doll wide markets I can’t I
    know it’s a $2,000 almost $3,000 stock
    but I I just I can’t get in I mean if
    somebody told me they were sell they
    were selling a one lot strangle that was
    what is what’s stock $2,000 three 3,000
    up on the screen
    and what is the expected move in
    there for May $200 $170 for the next two
    days okay so say $200 yes so you got to
    go $400 out of the money in May so you
    got to go $800
    wide you probably probably collect $2
    right oh I think this be a little bit
    more than that $3 so you want to go what
    down to the 25s in May you go $200 wide
    $400 wide I’m sorry $400 yes so it’s the
    2500 the down 29 3500 to the upside yeah
    you’re going to get like $12 or
    something oh really that much yeah yeah
    I guess so $3,000 talk 10 $10 $10.45 mid
    price yeah you don’t want to sell that
    they’ll never get it
    back they’ll they’ll they’ll close it at
    $10 they’ll mark it at 14 and they’ll
    open it at 18 and then you have to wait
    all day to get it at
    99 yeah you will eventually you will but
    I wouldn’t do
    that yeah use a lot of buying power for
    sure I wouldn’t do do that mhm yeah no
    that does not work for Tom
    um yeah I have a little bit of going
    home with a little bit of short Delta
    same Theta numbers as last night same
    extrinsic as last night um flip the risk
    over from Tesla to meta we have not had
    good success in meta earnings wise no we
    haven’t we haven’t my timing Source
    would like you know because you are a
    closet um closet
    what not going to say it you are closet
    um chartist you you know sure you do
    what do you want to know what is this uh
    what is this candle called hat candle
    yeah that’s graestone dogee no what is
    it that’s an that’s that was what they
    engulfing candle yeah it’s like an
    engulfing is that bullish or bearish
    that that’s super bearish what is that
    that’s Boeing Boeing yeah it’s super
    bearish I mean according to I forgot who
    the candle guy was but whoever the
    candle guy was that’s super bearish
    according to the Candle Maker according
    to the Candle Maker Diego Jason bearish
    go Jason that’s the ugliest pattern you
    can have the full full bearish engulfing
    pattern there you go yeah that’s when
    you’re surrounded that’s like the that’s
    the the old um you know they got it
    surrounded yeah they you’re totally
    surrounded you have nowhere to go you
    tra like a rat so you can bet your butt
    that stock will be higher tomorrow you
    can bet everything you want on it yeah
    you bet everything you want that’s
    that’s about as ugly as it
    gets understood that’s all I
    got that’s all I got what do I have for
    tonight looking at this Market I was
    trying to sell some bonds and some notes
    going in the close but I did not get
    fill did I get no I did not get filled
    um I think we’ll have a chance does come
    out after the market closes just to give
    you some background yeah IBM comes out
    after the market closes meta comes out
    after the market
    closes uh love I’m not sure
    about oh
    F on bonds F on notes love comes out in
    the morning okay I think with
    caterpillar take a look yep yes
    caterpillar comes out of Mo too bonds
    and& notes just got filled and SPO a
    little that’s a good thing you light
    lightened up in bond and& notes a little
    bit SPO and the NASDAQ I’m watching the
    NASDAQ here because I’m trying to get an
    idea of if they’re leaking the Netflix
    number oh there you go oh Netflix number
    these are all the different ones that
    they printed meta number I’m I’m sorry
    The Meta number mhm these are all the
    different ones that they printed up
    today in the Cherry picks but uh yeah I
    mean it’s funny when you look at the
    first of all the Russell is pig pig and
    when you look at the NASDAQ you know
    even with Nvidia selling off today and
    everything else the NASDAQ did not
    really turn around well it lost half it
    was up 13040 at one point right I mean
    it was went red today all four indices
    were red at one point today yeah it was
    was red for a point but um so I would
    rather buy bonds here I’ve said this
    before I sold Longs i s have plenty of
    them um I’m lung bonds and I’m long
    notes and I want them to go a lot higher
    sources just so putties and Boeing
    because of you oh yeah I agree no I I
    think you should be a little bit long b
    a couple Deltas
    Long hey hey hey who cares what you
    think I’ve got some other guys that have
    an opinion too got Dilly Dylan Ilia and
    Chris Dylan Ilia and Chris how are you
    gentlemen I just got done spending an
    hour goes it
    everybody they now call us dilus sorry
    Dylan that was not on purpose hey that’s
    that’s that’s nicer than what I thought
    he was gonna
    say it’s like a celebrity hybrid this
    one’s in
    triplicate you saved me that was a kick
    saveing abuse write it down that’s a way
    nicer I thought he was say call People
    magazine we will we will I apologize
    that made you famous ER now thank you
    you’re welcome I need I need that like I
    need a hole in my head I have a hard
    enough time walking around trying to
    pick out my bread and cheese at my
    various artisanal shops the few that are
    left after snoff got busy running Amazon
    and Walmart over everybody you can’t
    even get a a decent loaf of bread in the
    in in any town in America dyl come to my
    town next time in New York we have an
    olive oil store so spefic talking this
    is what I’m talking yeah come to San
    Francisco we’re prepared for you all the
    quality bread you could possibly want
    There You Go San Francisco’s got a fine
    loaf of
    bread there you go you see Dylan and you
    were all worried you weren’t going to be
    able you were G to be you were gonna be
    just lock
    yeah with with guys like you looking to
    clickity click oh send me send it all to
    my house you know you don’t even want to
    get out of your pajamas you just sit
    there with
    actually actually I don’t really care
    about Amazon’s food delivery or their
    the speed of which they deliver things
    because I’m still old school and I like
    to go get my stuff but I think the other
    things that Amazon has brought like the
    technology you’re using now today to do
    this show is all on Amazon CL you mean
    cloud services about sure AWS yeah yeah
    what you’re doing right now uh I don’t
    think we could have done this without
    Amazon so so let’s the stock that’s how
    about a little Peter
    Lynch oh my God today oh my God God God
    God save me um all right boys what do
    you think here what do you make of
    today’s tape action before you answer
    I’ll give you some inside information
    from our little Cherry picks there Met
    has a tendency to increase on earnings
    uh over the last 22 Quarters at least
    with the medium move of up 5% or plus
    minus 5% 5% uh IBM has a tendency to
    increase as well over earnings too about
    1% there you go sof now you gentleman
    can that’s actually very misleading
    because over the past 22 quarters in IBM
    the net was up 1% but the but have you
    took the media move was 1% the standard
    deviation was a plusus 5% yeah most of
    the IBM moves have been down for the
    past 22 course but I but meta’s been
    meta’s been off with your head
    misleading person yeah meta’s been meta
    has a tendency to just do crazy stuff
    that’s all I’m going to
    say anyway what do you guys think about
    these I reloaded on my uh on my NASDAQ
    puts so nice that’s where that that’s
    where my head is at U I think maybe this
    correction has run its course and next
    leg and the down move is maybe coming I
    think you’re going to get paid tomorrow
    and this is a nice little sell off here
    into the close they just were up five
    now they’re well it’s unchanged that’s
    sort of why I did it um I was looking at
    uh what happened midday we were having
    this conversation on overtime yesterday
    with Chris and I was telling him look I
    think there it’s going to be a positive
    first half of today and a negative
    second half as everybody distributes out
    and gets ready for the big macro risk on
    Thursday which is GDP um and they’re not
    going to want to be overly long in front
    of it and so that seems to be what we’re
    seeing here so uh I saw it roll over and
    I got in well if this is a market that
    was carried by Tesla with Tesla earnings
    good they were not good no this is all
    about the hope of a model two this is
    not a good earnings report it still
    feels very bull trappy we we haven’t
    cleared out any of the levels that you’d
    want to clear out to feel comfortable as
    a bull right now the stock got decimated
    for three months prior I mean it feel
    short covering make this pivotal moment
    and the stock actually rallied but I
    mean like you know the news is out well
    boys we’re gonna have to let you guys go
    because we got to jump on something so
    we’re going to let you go I hope you
    debate it we got a sandwich out there
    got sandwich sure we’ll let you go and
    we’ll see you tomorrow thanks I’m I’m
    gonna go buy I’m gonna I’m buying some
    Amon you should buy some meds up three
    p hi I’m Ryan Grace with tasty crypto
    and today we’re going to talk about the
    having the having refers to a reduction
    in the reward Bitcoin miners receed for
    mining Bitcoin when a miner successfully
    adds a new block to the blockchain the
    minor is rewarded in Bitcoin and today
    this reward is 6 and A4 Bitcoin per
    block after the having the mining reward
    will be cut in half and miners will only
    receive 3 and 1 eigh Bitcoin per
    block this is not the first having the
    having is programmed into the Bitcoin
    source code and automatically occurs
    after every 210,000 block period as new
    blocks are added to the chain every 10
    minutes habings occur roughly every 4
    years and this is all by
    Design the having process is a feature
    of Bitcoin intended to control inflation
    of the cryptocurrency and ensure
    long-term security of the network the
    having adds a degree of predictability
    and stability to the supply of Bitcoin
    compared to many Fiat currencies which
    are susceptible to abrupt changes in
    monetary policy and government
    intervention there is no Central
    Authority that can manipulate the supply
    of Bitcoin it’s pre-programmed over
    time this matters to investors as prior
    having events have Mark the start of
    significant price increases for the
    cryptocurrency think about this way if
    the rate at which the supply of Bitcoin
    is growing gets cut in half and demand
    stays the same or increases it can be
    quite positive for prices following
    the market was open today it’s Wednesday
    April 24th 2024 this is overtime I’m
    your host Chris Veo the man in Orange
    jius BC the man in blue Dylan rigan here
    to take you through the next hour as we
    get through the Futures close it was a
    mixed stay on Wall Street where stocks
    came out strong out of the gate we
    slumped midm morning only to Rally back
    early afternoon before then selling off
    softly into the close B yields up across
    the curve we are waiting for those meta
    earnings do out uh in a few moments time
    we see here that gold silver take a
    little bit of a step back today although
    quite frankly holding a better in the
    face of a stronger dollar and higher
    yields and the dollar does continue to
    rip Ilia fresh yearly highs versus the
    Japanese yen is it time to put on an
    intervention trade yet I know something
    that I was kicking around with Anton
    today I was kicking around with Thomas
    westwater today I’m gonna kick it around
    with you as well I’m gonna do it oh boy
    well we’re gonna I me I mean if ever
    there was a madman’s delight this is it
    I mean if you can’t buy the end now win
    Kenya anyway Chris is trying to do his
    job I’m sorry I’ll let
    uh outside of that we see that energy
    falls down and uh if you’re trading the
    NG K4 contract I guess it’s a bad day
    for you because it’s off by 9.16% n gm4
    is only up by about five but there may
    be an interesting Trad up in there oil
    slumps down a little bit otherwise
    gentlemen it’s all about the market
    reaction of Tesla uh we were not with
    you yesterday and meta earnings I assume
    are out now because I see the share
    price is down 7% here my screen the one
    minute chart just flashed a big red
    candle for me so
    Mazda boots forget the Tesla story for a
    quick second let’s take a look at these
    meta earnings as we see the share price
    is at
    449 we’re tracing a little bit right now
    show us a chart show us a chart and Oh I
    thought I did the share already oh
    better show than tell what was I doing
    I’m like oh why is no one they all the
    way that I am here uh meta earnings meta
    earnings meta earnings
    well I’m gonna say something very I’m
    gonna say something very soffian right
    does it matter what the EPS was does it
    matter what the revenues were the
    down who cares well who cares why am I
    bothering looking for this information
    who cares the stock’s down okay uh and
    obviously not something that gonna help
    the nasic here after hours we look at a
    performance where IIA the tape today
    you’re getting a little bit of a rally
    in this market but it didn’t feel that
    strong we’re shaving off a little over
    100 points here after hours now thanks
    to these meta earnings daily Candle on
    the NASDAQ uh looked pretty good um I
    was watching it um on the hourly
    basically all day as I was waiting to
    see how it would close and that dogee
    there I think is very interesting if we
    look at the way that that NASDAQ went up
    from October call it that that you said
    he called it a dogee that’s that that’s
    a dogee candle yeah um dogee candle um
    in uh Japanese Candlestick analysis
    essentially a candle that goes nowhere
    it’s a candle of in decision so you go
    up you go down you close almost with no
    change a perfect dogee candle would be
    the open and the clothes are identical
    this is not quite that it’s a little bit
    better I would argue if you’re bearish
    it’s it’s de down just a touch but I was
    looking at this um and basically saying
    on the way up the
    NASDAQ would make its 4 a up it would
    retrace then make the next 4A up retrace
    and if you look at most of these
    retracements they don’t go all the way
    back to retest former resistance as
    support there’s usually a little bit of
    a gap here on on on the way up it’s not
    quite um exactly
    so I was looking at this and thinking
    well I could wait for it to get back
    1800 and miss the boat let me just
    reload here this looks like momentum has
    been sapped and so I was looking at it
    on the hourly and once it rolled over on
    the hourly uh chart I reloaded a put
    spread looking for it to get back into
    something like uh 405 on the cues which
    would be just a little bit under the
    recent low on NASDAQ
    on NQ
    here well I mean this this meta thing
    that’s got to help your NASDAQ short the
    it definitely
    does that’s your best friend in town
    I’ll tell you that’s that’s a good thing
    for you yeah is is Zuckerberg pulling
    the old Jack welshire earnings for the
    first quarter 471 versus 430 expected
    4 billion versus 35.7 billion expected
    so those are three numbers that beat
    here’s the
    problem second quarter Revenue
    expectation estimated 38.2 four billion
    guided 36.5 to 39 so yes while the
    estimate Falls within the range it the
    estimates at the higher end of the range
    that’s not really something you want to
    see right with Nvidia you had the market
    consensus for what second quarter
    revenues may look like and Nvidia came
    out and said no no no it’s gonna be much
    more than that the market goes oh we
    have to price in more money
    uh here the Market’s effectively saying
    oh you’re guiding lower fine now that
    may be a good thing for the stock longer
    term I call the old Jack Welsh where you
    beat and then guide lower that way it’s
    easier to clear the hurdle moving
    forward but this is a market coming into
    this week we’ve been saying it for a few
    days the expectations were very high
    price for Perfection the fact that you
    came into this week where companies with
    positive EPS surprises were not seeing
    any benefit to their share prices and
    those companies that were having
    negative EPS surprises not having the
    typical 2.3% loss in the two days before
    and two days after but it was a 6.1%
    loss for those negative EPS surprise
    companies you really had to have perfect
    earnings you had a beat on the top line
    you had to guide better moving forward
    and meta just didn’t do that here and so
    the stock is down does it change
    anything about the nasda though and the
    technical setups and I suppose this is
    an interesting checkpoint now about
    three hours after Futures Power Hour
    when we last discussed this at least
    last I discussed this here on air and I
    think the answer is no because this is
    just such a crummy place to enter don’t
    you think but don’t you think that I
    mean because meta for sure is a bell
    weather Beyond itself more so than Tesla
    is right now absolutely and so if meta
    is bringing in guidance to go this is
    enough to make snoff roll over in his
    grave God help us all but if meta
    bringing in
    guidance does that not basically lay a
    little cold water a little a little uh
    damp towel across the ENT higher hyper
    growth hyper AI I understand the OR at
    the very least indicate that if there’s
    AI momentum it’s still locked in the
    hardware chip transition and is not
    really radiated out into hyper growth on
    the consumer you know adoption rate that
    the Bas of the expectation of AI
    deployment in the consumer
    Market is not as rapid as as would have
    been indic ated by a very elevated meta
    forward guidance I am so unconcerned
    about meta and their approach to AI they
    they are the single company that
    concerns me the
    least no but I’m saying but to what
    degree is meta tempering tempering their
    guidance indicative more broadly of
    consumer demand for AI
    ortion That’s not surprising I mean if
    you if you want to like read through the
    te leaves Zuckerberg and I’ve said this
    a few times this week as well talking
    about AGI and the AI narrative
    Zuckerberg was out there with an
    interview last week that was circulating
    on fin twit where he said we’re not
    going to have the power generation that
    we need to successfully build and
    sustain an AGI model for perhaps this
    year and maybe even through the end of
    next and so when when gu and guided far
    I mean he was talking like
    2050 yeah yeah and he was like this is
    to get there you know it’s not going to
    be like we have the power and then AGI
    comes about it’s like there’s going to
    be a lot of incremental steps until
    we’re fully there so when I see him say
    something like that and I look at their
    forward guidance you’re asking this
    question about AI I kind of connect the
    dots and say maybe they’re guiding lower
    because they don’t see the fruits of AI
    coming down the pipeline so then where
    does that leave Microsoft for instance
    is I I’m gonna have to look you know
    obviously only looking at the share
    price response and the market responding
    directly to the forward guidance I’m
    this is an earnings call that I’m very
    interested in listening to because I
    think that one thing that met is doing
    with its llama uh L model right it’s
    open sourcing it which seems like okay
    if you do something good why not charge
    for it if if if you can spend your time
    on a worm man or people should
    compensate for you for
    it what Zuckerberg has done in the past
    and and this is a alpha capitalist move
    it’s kind of like something that comes
    right out of the uh Jeff Bezos Playbook
    is when he sees that there’s a
    burgeoning industry he’s more than
    willing to throw a bunch of money at it
    or a new product and throw a bunch of
    money on it and get something that
    and give it away until you’re
    addicted and and make sure that people
    are in it and more importantly it
    prevents other companies from
    establishing a foothold because you have
    this significant substitution effect
    where it’s like well I can use this
    product for free and it may not be as
    good as chat GPT but it’s 95% of the way
    there and now you have the ability for
    all these researchers to look at the
    Llama Or look at the llm model and look
    at the waiting and Tinker with it and
    fine tune it itself and constantly
    feedback to it so it’s helping improve
    in real time it’s not a closed box so I
    think Zuckerberg’s goal here is to
    basically develop the open source model
    that’s Head and Shoulders above everyone
    else so that it crowds out the private
    closed models at the end of the day so
    that chat GPT may have been the first
    but Zuckerberg is going to be the winner
    here because who’s goingon to pay when
    both are indistinguishable to the human
    eye for the average
    consumer I’m not concerned about
    Facebook strategy um quite frankly this
    pullback in the stock is having me
    thinking like where is a place that we
    could potentially look to get long I
    think the fact that we’ve now moved
    below the Gap that we had around the
    last earnings report remember we closed
    that day at 39478 we opened at
    45960 if the NASDAQ does roll over here
    right my whole game plan this week is
    just survival don’t clear last week’s
    lows to the end of the FC meeting next
    Wednesday if the NASDAQ starts moving
    through the lows that we saw last week I
    think got to put Gap fill on on the
    board for meta first I think you got to
    394 and at the Gap
    fill hoping that volatility is still
    elevated it’s a 109.5 ivr right now if
    we can have elevated volatility into a
    gap fill that becomes a very interesting
    point in which you look to sell puts but
    now this is not necessarily in a place
    technically speaking where there’s any
    sort of support we’re in the middle of a
    gap it’s no man’s land there’s no volume
    here so this thing can continue to fall
    could easily rise back to where it was
    pre- earnings release of people say oh
    you know what they’re just trying to
    Tinker with our expectations because
    they don’t want to let us down but
    they’ve been still printing money either
    way though I think this is too too soon
    to try to buy the dip or or fade it but
    you have a level I mean talk about mad
    man’s Delight any of these stocks in the
    first you know hour after
    earnings good luck it’s a wood chip yeah
    yeah exactly do I want to sell the 400
    or like a 350 $400 put spread right now
    at $442 no but if we get to 420 or
    410 and we’re on approach to it I will I
    will play The Gap fill and look for that
    to be the end of the sell
    off one of those where like if you like
    oh I’m gonna sell the iron Condor coming
    in because on on a volatility
    contraction which would be very sopian
    but now you’re getting your face chewed
    off because the lower wing is is a mess
    you know I mean this this
    is I’d rather own a djt put than be
    anywhere near this as a Madman well yeah
    djt everyone’s F favorite former
    Congressman Deon noones is in the
    news because he put in a request with
    the uh with the House of Representatives
    to formally investigate manipulation by
    Brokers and Traders into the share price
    djt he’s now the CEO of
    djt um what’s funny about this is that
    is he coming for us for buying
    those on the
    website they put up instructions are you
    worried about your shares being lent out
    for those bad Brokers and and Elites who
    are trying to rob you the hardworking
    American of your harder dollars you
    invested because you believe in the
    president and his vision and here are
    these Brokers trying to short the market
    into Oblivion here’s what you can do you
    can tell your broker to not allow your
    shares to be lent out for short sale
    sales so they have all these
    instructions on their website now how to
    tell your broker to prevent your sale
    your shares from being L out
    Citadel put out a statement about this a
    few days ago I’m curious as
    to whether you think they nailed the
    here quote Devon Nunes is the proverbial
    loser who tries to blame naked short
    selling for his falling stock
    price Nunes is exactly the type of
    person Donald Trump would have fired on
    The Apprentice if he worked for Citadel
    we would fire him as ability Integrity
    or the center of everything we
    do that’s really that’s a really
    aggressive statement against the CEO by
    the way I’ve never heard a hedge fund
    put out a statement like that against a
    CEO of a company and K and Ken Griffin
    by the way big Republican big Trump guy
    not like you know it’s not like it’s a
    deep leftist saying this this is some
    you know no this isn’t the Soros fund
    yeah this is this is a guy who’s
    actively backing you know Republican
    candidates across the country at every
    single level who’s a big supporter of
    President Trump and his firm is coming
    out and being like what is this stupid
    crap but I think everybody agrees that
    Devon Nunes Nunes is a proverbial loser
    Republicans I mean when
    you blaming markets and you start when
    you start blaming markets you’ve already
    lost you’ve already lost you’ve already
    lost I mean this is this is very
    um this is very rip ER
    that’s what this sounds like this sounds
    like oh uh what do you mean rate cuts
    are not bringing down inflation
    obviously this is some kind of a
    conspiracy I need to fire my
    Central Bank head five times over until
    I realize this is not how monetary
    like no the difference with the DJ
    that’s not that’s not what this is but
    the difference Crow and you can’t blame
    them at least with the president himself
    is no one has proven more effective at
    distorting factual reality to his own
    desires than this man has and so I mean
    the fact that there’s a a company that
    makes no money basically that has still
    has an Enterprise value of God knows how
    many billion
    dollars you know I’m just saying that
    the that the delusion runs deep in this
    world well and by the way people back go
    and buy a flyer on on
    hopium I mean how much of the tech rally
    is hopium I think the Republicans should
    just shift their allegiance to Ken
    Griffin we’d all be better off to have
    Ken Griffin be the new Republican leader
    than Donald Trump I think I think this
    might be a political play by Ken Griffin
    to decapitate djt the man and step in so
    then then Ken can be the Republican
    candidate for president that might be
    what this is he’s definitely a
    billionaire uh and to beid he is
    definitely a billionaire well it’s not
    like yeah like and Trump’s a billionaire
    too that’s not what I’m saying here but
    like Ken Griffin is a different kind of
    billionaire than Donald Trump yeah Ken
    Griffin is a billionaire that created an
    revolutionary technology that displaced
    the New York Stock Exchange and as one
    of the most the most efficient operating
    culture on Wall Street for Market making
    to the extent to which he clears $400
    million a month in income for himself I
    mean this is an icon of Wall Street
    greed glory and and and and expertise
    with love him or hate him I mean he’s a
    real person who’s done a really created
    led the revolution he basically ended
    Market making as we know it and created
    a new system well you know there’s aside
    from the palace Intrigue here which is
    fascinating you know Dylan I think it’s
    really you and I didn’t talk about this
    before the show but when I saw the Trump
    media response to Citadel had said in
    response to Deon
    Nunes I actually got to the point where
    I said is this is this going to be a
    problem for Trump for the
    election and if it’s going to be a
    problem for the Trump for the election
    the market begins to think that Trump
    does isn’t going to win does it begin a
    price in a future in which you have say
    a democratic Trifecta what does that
    mean for deficit spending right because
    the Trump media organization says back
    quote Citadel Securities a corporate
    Behemoth that has been fine and censored
    for an incredibly wide range of offenses
    including issues related to naked Short
    Selling and is world famous for screwing
    over everyday retail investors at the
    behest of other corporations is the last
    company on Earth that should lecture
    anyone on integrity and quote world
    famous for what now you do we know of
    any cases brought for screwing over
    investors well you know because they
    were on the opposite side of the gme and
    AMC stuff they were in cahoot with Robin
    Hood they’re on the opposite side of
    everything though I mean come on that’s
    to they Market because they’re
    Market they
    do that’s the point of the business
    that it wasn’t like they were just
    making a market in Rob if you’re trying
    to buy somebody’s got to sell it to you
    I mean they buy it yeah come on yeah
    like you want an apple you need an apple
    vendor I think Ken Griffin is trying to
    get I think Ken Griffin is trying to be
    the Republican nominee and I think that
    there’s no greater nothing scares Donald
    Trump more than being a loser well and
    so to call dein a loser is a to call
    Trump proxy a loser that’s the that’s
    that’s that’s the worst thing you could
    say about the man it’s also very very
    trumpian language because he’s he’s used
    that particular epithet a lot well it
    sounds like they were speaking in
    Trump’s language to say signal to Trump
    hey this is a guy that you don’t want
    around you you want someone serious
    running your company you don’t want this
    guy there right because if I’m Ken
    Griffin and I see this going on I’m I
    get a trou on the phone I go why the
    hell is this going on in public why
    don’t you just call me up and and say
    like can you get on the phone with one
    of my people at my company and explain
    to him what’s going on with the share
    price because you don’t want to risk
    losing his support but this entire stock
    is an obvious
    self-evident and well understood
    scam yeah sure sure but the the the the
    bigger picture for the market is Right
    Trump’s election odds Trump doesn’t have
    a lot of money he put up this money for
    the bond in New York right but he’s
    clearly strapped cash right now there
    there’s a reason why he’s selling shoes
    didn’t Cal on the bond get pulled anyway
    I think the Attorney General back no
    they they let it the judge allowed it to
    go through right um as of yesterday I
    believe okay but the point is that he’s
    he’s he’s he’s strapped for cash and so
    he really needs Republican donors to
    come in with the money and so if he’s
    picking fights with one of the biggest
    Republican donors then how’s he going to
    run ads later on in the year I mean it
    could affect his ability to successfully
    run a campaign if he starts biting the
    hand that feeds him proverbially
    speaking and if Trump election odds go
    down materially which by the way as of
    today he’s
    winning uh Bloomberg just put out new
    polls seven swing States Donald Trump
    has leads in six of the seven states in
    four of the seven states the leads are
    outside of the margin of error so if the
    election were held today Donald Trump
    would be president based on the polling
    data that’s available so I wonder if we
    get to a point there’s no trait here
    right now it’s just something I have I
    wrote it down today and I have it on a
    sticky note here just to remind myself
    of it watch Trump’s election odds
    alongside djt because it could have an
    impact on the bond market in the runup
    to the election where the market says
    okay we’re not going to have a split
    Congress anymore Democrats going to be
    full control because the top of the
    tickets melting down what does that mean
    for deficits what does that mean for
    taxes what does that mean for the
    potential of tariffs with China what
    does it mean for future Ukraine funding
    or Israel funding right right now the
    Market’s in a place where it looks like
    we’re going to have gridlock again and
    that’s a pretty comfortable place
    because where we are now isn’t going to
    change much over the next year or two
    but something that could dramatically
    impact Trump’s chances where he no
    longer looks like he’s the front runner
    president that could possibly Ripple
    through the rest of the market I don’t
    want to dismiss there a possibility the
    DJ put I have again it’s talk about
    being a proverbial loser that’s the
    proverbial loser here this out of the
    money put granted it only cost A110 C so
    max lost what 110 bucks that’s why it’s
    the madman’s trade High convexity
    payout basically no expectation of it
    ever hitting
    uh but I’m not a fan of come around
    it’ll come around I’m in there with
    it’ll be all right it eventually gravity
    will kick in just like it does with
    everything over time
    eventually uh but this is a stunk it’s a
    meme stunk it’s not a regular single
    share right and so you can’t treat it
    normal and I still wouldn’t be trading
    this day in and day out because it’s so
    easily manipulated like the fact that we
    have an 11% rally today
    because the CEO of trump media asks the
    house to to investigate manipulation
    into the stock specifically he’s calling
    up his old Republican friends hey guys I
    need a favor it’s going to hey it’s
    going to help Donald Trump hey Donald
    Trump will look favorably on you if you
    announce the investigation because it’s
    gonna make him
    wealthier this is this is a highly
    manipulated share price obviously
    somebody’s got to call the
    SEC oh with my one single put I’m not
    gonna be that person but I think that
    just be this is the risk though right
    again this is about the risk and being
    aware of the this is a stock like
    anything else but I think it’s an
    interesting thing to watch if you’re not
    trading it because as you’ve pointed out
    Dylan it seems to be a direct barometer
    for uh his perceived election chances
    and he said himself that the market was
    rallying in anticipation of him getting
    elected and there’s just like that
    little stupid voice in the back of my
    head that says yeah that’s ridiculous
    but then again when djt got crushed and
    if it is a barometer for his election
    chances as Dylan holds out and Trump
    says that the market was rallying
    because his election chances were up and
    the poll shifted against him the last
    few weeks
    and maybe djt is down because his
    election chances are down and maybe
    that’s why the market was down broadly
    which is nonsense but it is a thought
    that cross my
    mind I I I don’t attribute anything
    about the way the stock market more
    broadly has behaved to to anything about
    this election whatsoever I don’t think
    anybody I don’t think anybody could even
    begin to care uh when when uh stock
    markets here are are concerned about how
    this election in November is going to go
    I think it’s so close when you look at
    the average polls and there is such
    relative consistency when you look at uh
    kind of the
    big ideas as far as fiscal policy I mean
    are we going to get any smaller of a
    deficit if get a trump president
    no no uh both of these are are are big
    deficit uh type of
    administrations I would say the really
    big difference
    here would be something like currency
    policy and and we’ve talked about this
    before the Heritage Foundation put out
    um something like their recipe for
    fiscal policy uh and it’s been talked
    about admittedly and I I want to
    disclaim this loudly the Trump Camp has
    not endorsed this but there’s been
    chatter that this Heritage Foundation
    thing is kind of like a blueprint for
    the uh fiscal policy yeah
    project2 framework for
    um a trump Administration and in
    particular the part about the the US
    dollar uh the part about um neutering
    the bed and its independence the uh the
    part about uh trying to get the dollar
    back on some sort of a a asset based or
    a commodity based or something based
    other than Fiat kind of thing that would
    be a stark difference were they to
    actually embrace it it would be
    essentially the end of us hemony as we
    know it were that to be adopted because
    it would undermine the most important
    for the US’s ability to sustain large
    deficits with impunity it would
    undermine US dollar liquidity we don’t
    have to go far when the UK got back on
    the gold standard in um early Winston
    Churchill as prime minister days uh
    we’re talking sort of early 1900s in war
    period it
    absolutely I mean to say that it was
    destructive is to say nothing it
    basically spelled the the the pound’s
    demise as a global uh force and handed
    the Baton to the doll so our
    ability to borrow with
    impunity rests on the idea that the US
    dollar is the quintessential unit of
    commercial exchange and there is no
    alternative and that’s because of its
    liquidity if we screw with that
    liquidity it’s
    over and if it’s over then we can’t
    borrow with impunity and everything
    comes crashing
    down that would be a key difference were
    it to actually be
    embraced were it to be embraced IL you
    brought up the US dollar I’m gonna skate
    away from from Trump here a little bit
    obviously not supposed to be a political
    conversation we’re just thinking about
    how this particular fits into the
    broader you know influence of the market
    and politics obviously influence markets
    so Dylan using your theory it’s a
    proxity for Donald Trump’s election
    odds how are you trading this thing
    right now and is it really tradable and
    and when you look at the statements made
    from the CEO and from Citadel and going
    to the
    house it’s difficult to get a read on
    the on the thing because it’s so heavily
    no no no it’s a clown show it’s clown
    it’s it’s it’s a gossip I mean it’s very
    pleasant but it’s really useless we
    we’re it’s good that we’re moving on let
    us come on so some actual TR we had our
    fun we had our fun IIA dollar Yen spot
    rates cross 155 today we haven’t seen
    these levels since 1990 6j trading at
    Double o64
    945 uh this has been one of the places
    both you and I were optimistic earlier
    this year obviously it hasn’t worked out
    because bonds have not exactly
    cooperated I know for myself I’ve stayed
    away for a few weeks now having been
    burned a few times and I said you know
    what I need to see some very specific
    the conditions set back in place before
    I get
    long and while those conditions haven’t
    been met it feels like we’re getting
    awfully close to a point where the boj
    and the Ministry of Finance have to do
    something because they keep trying to
    verbally intervene and warn everyone and
    yet the Yen continues to
    weaken uh zeroedge said earlier today
    that Japan is watching the Y mization of
    their currency happening in real time
    that may be a little obtuse of or an
    exaggeration of the situation SS like
    these that Zero Hedge makes me roll my
    eyes back uh into uh the I’m buy I’m
    buying the end tomorrow first thing this
    is ridiculous okay so oil hasn’t stopped
    rallying it hasn’t stopped falling it
    hasn’t stopped ring it’s been moving
    around sideways the last few days but
    it’s not going anywhere us yields
    continue to push up there’s been a big
    breakdown at the long end of the curve
    you look to ZB today the little bit of a
    rally that we’ve seen over the last few
    days you go on a 4our time frame right
    this move off the lows in the middle of
    April bounce bounce bounce today we
    break that up Trend so bonds are
    weakening are taking another leg up oil
    hasn’t collapsed why would the boj or
    Ministry of Finance intervene tonight
    why would it be this week right now when
    the winds are not blowing at their back
    IL because I want this is a this kind of
    is a madman’s trade right selling a put
    spread really isn’t mad Manny because
    you’re doing it in RIS defined manner
    the madman thing here to be to be to buy
    like a a 10 Delta call right so if there
    is an interv go all in yeah no just just
    like something small so if if like the
    market doesn’t do anything keeps falling
    you have a defined loss yeah whereas if
    the thing actually does happen you’re
    going to get a big Tailwind it’s going
    to be a waterfall kind of trade where
    you’ll make the 10 to one and fxy might
    be a way to do it if if the 6j future is
    large um fxy uh is uh an ETF way of
    getting size down so if you wanted to
    put something on that’s small uh you you
    could do it here okay so my question
    though is forget product right we can
    have once we once we have the idea
    settled we can talk about like I do with
    silver okay bullish on Silver can I get
    this in si do I have to go to SLV we can
    have the conversation about fxy about
    dollan spot about 6j but it the question
    is before we even get to deployment is
    this the right time to deploy this
    idea I don’t think so because we have a
    boj policy meeting this week and that’s
    a very significant event risk for this
    whole conversation but isn’t it a
    catalyst I mean what on Earth is a boj
    going to do other than anything in their
    power to support the end yeah and to his
    point isn’t it true that after the last
    boj meeting where we got the changes in
    policies the immediate response by the
    market was they’re not going to do
    anything else the rest of this year so
    how can the boj meeting disappoint
    us well I think what we’re looking for
    here isn’t really the outcome of the
    meeting so much as we’re looking at the
    markets who are aware that the meeting
    exists and so they’re looking at it and
    they’re not going to front run it
    they’re going to wait and hear what the
    boj is going to say this is much the
    same as the US GDP numbers tomorrow it’s
    ultimately I think more important that
    there is a release than what the release
    actually says getting on the other side
    of event risk is just Baseline risk
    management and so I think what you’re
    going to look at here with this boj
    meeting is essentially the market is
    going okay let’s let them say what
    they’re going to say
    now there’s been a lot of squawking from
    boj officials about we don’t like that
    the yen is being so erratic we don’t
    like that this is um happening so
    quickly yada y y
    now are they going to actually announce
    some sort of Yen policy
    no I don’t think so uh what about an
    intervention what about something
    aggressive that says
    listen the I do think that there is room
    here for them to kind of chin check and
    basically have in the language like look
    we don’t think this is
    helpful we think that uh inflation isn’t
    helped by the Yen weakening to this
    extent because obviously that’s
    inflationary and so if the bank of Japan
    signals something along the lines of
    look we don’t like the traj to
    here this is a concern the last CPI
    number incidentally was kind of a mixed
    bag but a little bit softer ultimately
    than expected so it’s not like CPI
    data is screaming for the boj to hike
    again but if they come out here and say
    something along the lines of look if the
    Yen keeps doing this we’re going to have
    an inflationary issue it’s going to
    start to undermine our ability to keep a
    LD on this thing then you’d get the kind
    of thing that gets the Yen moving a bit
    higher off the
    announcement and if you create that
    Tailwind that’s where the
    and so meaning they meaning they’re
    gonna the only way they intervene is
    intervene is into something that that
    that has already has some buoyancy that
    is already occurring yes because the
    bank of Japan it seems like figured out
    right around 2010 or so yeah they don’t
    want to fight the market they want to
    let the market kind of shoot its shot
    run out of bullets get to a point where
    everybody’s like oh my
    God crazy okay and and and then bump it
    when it’s going your way and then bump
    it when it takes a back step think about
    what happened in December when did we
    hear the boj start shaking the tree
    about how they could potentially start
    thinking about a policy
    shift it was after yields started
    falling back and oil prices came down it
    was in De it was early December think
    about how bonds had bottomed a few weeks
    earlier how oil had topped out a few
    weeks earlier I mean that was why the
    boj started planting the seeds when they
    did because they realized they could get
    the most bang for their Buck at that
    moment in time so that’s why I see oil
    prices doing what they’re doing if I’m
    going to play this right obviously the
    high convexity thing would be to buy an
    out-of the- money call right now and you
    know I was looking at what happens for
    the nine days xpre if you buy like the
    66 or
    67 6667 calls your max loss is gonna be
    like a 100 bucks 200 bucks I mean how
    about this but this is a call spread
    this is 44 days out right so let’s say
    we don’t let’s say we need to have a
    little bit more time because oil isn’t
    coming in we want to just get some skin
    of the game with the j meeting this
    week along at the money or along out of
    the money call spread buying the 068
    selling the 68 and a half again
    intervention type of play not the tasty
    methodology whatsoever Tom would
    absolutely be saying don’t do this but I
    think he’s in a meeting right now so the
    inmates run the Asylum 133% probability
    of profit Max profit 581 and a quarter
    against a Max loss of negative
    43.75 so there’s your madman condition
    Dyan 10 times Max profit rela to but I’m
    second guess so here’s the thought I’m
    having as I’m as I’m creeping in this
    direction is what if Japan likes a
    weaker Yen they don’t like a weaker Yen
    they don’t like a weaker Yen so makes
    Toyotas cheaper makes here’s the thing
    makes their it’s a bump to their it’s an
    export economy it’s you know they’re
    never going to be the reserve currency
    they know that the dollar already is is
    UN is UN the only thing that’ll wreck
    the dollar is the United States no one
    else is a threat to the dollar no matter
    what anybody thinks so take a little
    discount and and and throw some Toyotas
    around and have a good time like what’s
    problem so I think this is really the
    historically that would be a
    very potent argument for Japan because
    you would say here’s an export based
    economy they could use a cheaper
    currency that makes the export cheaper I
    mean the Chinese are famous for keeping
    their currency weak to to to you know
    it’s mercantilism 101 the problem so the
    difference it’s not even a problem the
    difference in Japan is Japan figured out
    quite a long time ago the near Shoring
    idea because they are the oldest
    population in the world they know they
    can’t build these things in
    Japan so this is a difference that that
    their number one issue is population
    collapse not uh meaning that Toyota
    factories are in Mexico and Canada and
    the United
    States this to so Toyota is producing
    and selling in dollars from the
    beginning exactly exactly and so it’s a
    different story it’s more like if the
    collapses consumer purchasing power goes
    W with it and Japan Imports 60% of its
    food and Lord knows what basically food
    cost with and food cost and energy costs
    go up to the roof and the only thing
    that’s keeping Japanese inflation high
    at this point is food mhm imported food
    is overwhelmingly the reason Japan has
    inflation anywhere north of even 1%
    never mind and what does the going for
    that that why on Earth what’s what’s the
    reason to own Yen what’s the best
    fundamental reason to own Yen at any
    price I think the reason value
    proposition for for a Yen falling
    falling rates if you if you are going to
    have rate Cuts this year of some amount
    it’s just there is only one major
    Central Bank that’s not
    cutting only one and that’s Japan and so
    basically higher longer has been banging
    on the end all year yes yeah look at
    what happened with the yen in 20 uh 22
    as the r hike Cycles were going it got
    demolished the only the only kind of
    major yen optick that was tradable and
    that I did very well with was the tail
    end of last year so as I was buying easu
    to have exposure to uh riscon rally
    through European stocks the other thing
    I was doing was buying Yen because rate
    cut expectations were getting built into
    everything yields were falling and the
    Yen’s kind of Perpetual 30 40y year
    yield disadvantage was getting squeezed
    tighter to the Yen’s benefit it was a
    great buy but of course as soon as the
    year turned and the data out of the US
    started getting better and those rate
    Cuts started to fade out the Yen got
    smoked yeah know at 155 356 here in
    dollar Yen spot rate the
    highs Ilia you’re talking about like
    what 160 for the 1990 effectively high
    like it’s a nice round
    number I feel like when I lived there it
    was like a
    120 I’m just trying to figure out like
    what the impli what the 6j implied rate
    would be which I suppose you could
    simply do by just flipping dollar gun on
    its head that’s close enough
    right so
    60 two and a half
    you know the long call spread thing is
    obviously nice but the tasty methodology
    way of doing this would be looking at
    the the the short putut um vertical and
    I’m looking at this 45 days out 67%
    probability of profit it’s kind of right
    in the neighborhood of where we like
    things you know
    603 64 65 anywhere around there uh I
    kind of like the long call spread idea
    better because it’s defined it’s a much
    smaller defined loss and it’s better
    risk reward yeah right because here
    we’re effectively saying like
    the this is saying the rally is gonna
    stop the other side of it is like I just
    want to have something on the table in
    case they
    intervene and with oil doing what doing
    have much for right because like just
    look at it here like if we were to do
    the short call vertical right now in the
    45 days out just at the money 66%
    probability profit Max profit 250 Max
    loss 375
    that’s okay that’s actually pretty good
    for a 66 probability of profit The
    Profit versus loss is pretty good all
    considered but you’re you’re calling the
    low then doing it this
    way I like taking a longer duration
    going out of the money that’s why I was
    looking at the long call vertical if you
    go out to the uh July contract here the
    6jn contract 72 days from expiration and
    we can do like a 69 A5 60
    so it’s only 133% but Max loss is 62
    bucks and it’s more than double the max
    profit potential so you talk about the
    convexity of the trade you’re taking a m
    this is obviously I don’t think it’s
    going to go to dou 069 but we’re just
    hoping for the market to move up now one
    of the problems with this someone in the
    chat’s probably saying I don’t have it
    open but Chris if the Yen goes up
    doesn’t that mean volatility is going to
    come off the board because the Market’s
    been going down as B has risen and so if
    you’re long and out of the money call
    isn’t it possible that the crush
    inv prevents the call from realizing its
    full potential yes
    absolutely so Dylan I say all that to
    say this the point you brought up
    earlier I think it went went on noticed
    but it didn’t go in the back of my head
    Condor may be the best way to do this
    quite frankly because you can bracket it
    out on either end yes maybe even the
    strangle here quite frankly if you’re
    GNA do it wide enough because of where
    volatility is but you can blow the
    strangle out wide you can give yourself
    somewhere in the neighborhood of 70%
    probability of profit you can have the
    max profit that’s a little bit more than
    it was if you were simply doing the
    short put
    spread and if V comes back in and the
    price rallies you should benefit from
    this as well there’s a different few
    different ways to skin this cat I prefer
    not to do short spread right now given
    the price action if it’s an intervention
    trade I’d rather do the long out- of the
    money call spread but the most practical
    way of playing this market right now
    with an ivr of 81.9 maybe just doing the
    sell the strangle which is I’m sure
    something that snoff would be thinking
    about right now when you look at market
    like this uh at Dylan yeah I mean this
    is old school straight up snafi and
    tasty trade right especially with an 81
    on the
    IV especially with an 81 will we see a
    intervention this week Ilia I think
    you’re on the no side for now I’m on the
    no side for now but if it happens and
    you have one of these flyers on you can
    benefit I’m going to take a look at this
    a little bit more later today guys we
    have about 13 minutes left in today’s
    session we were mentioning oil prices
    Commodities here are not exactly coming
    back in even though we’ve seen some of
    these geopolitics come off the table
    Dylan as our resident oil export who was
    selling calls last week and caught the
    big down move and even held through the
    overnight tension I’m I’m sitting here
    it’s not I’m losing right to tr this I’m
    not losing a lot but again I am
    uh no longer making money it just it’s
    it’s it’s a it’s a it’s a minor Rock I
    still hold on to
    uh the this thing’s going
    lower do you have a specific price in
    mind that you see as a Tapout Point like
    hey if the market crosses the April High
    the high that we had on Thursday night
    last week when Israel was launching
    those attacks in the Iran the high the
    high is the one that you’re looking at
    which is I’ll call something around 85
    plus or minus okay I think that makes
    sense right if we CLE gets north of 85
    I’ll be like you know I better pack this
    thing in and be happy with the remember
    I had that I did whatever was a two-day
    option off of that Friday made a killing
    you guys then scolded me for being uh
    you know well you didn’t scold me but
    you were like you were like you know you
    can stay in there you I was a little I
    was I make a couple bucks I’m like I
    gotta take it I know but then I but then
    I reloaded and then on the reload it’s
    gone nowhere but but the reload you were
    going to Rel anyway right had you
    reloaded with and I added duration right
    I just bought exactly because if you had
    done the shorter duration the trade
    would be a lot more lopsided right now
    yes no no I would have lost everything
    because if I just was rolling you
    know click like because the first outing
    after Friday was an was a two-day think
    I picked up 48
    hours and I got lucky obviously because
    it just got blasted and so then I
    cleared out of there but um yeah the re
    I wouldn’t be surprised if it if if if
    this goes better come 24 hours from now
    my trade or the price of oil the trade
    and uh and the price of oil would be
    lower um it seems
    like it seems like uh if we look at the
    way that markets responded to us PMI
    data earlier this week There’s a very
    clear kind
    of markets want bad data sort of thing
    going on
    and when that PMI number came out I mean
    much weaker than expected dollar got
    rocked stocks rallied it was
    unmistakable it happened at the minute
    that the data came out it was like right
    there you couldn’t ignore it
    so when you have this GDP number
    tomorrow if you get a sense that
    okay this number even if it’s a little
    bit softer by the way is giving us an
    economy that’s on a trend that’s hotter
    than what the FED wants and I think it’s
    going to have a really hard time being
    meaningfully disappointing in that sort
    of relative sense it it might miss the
    headline but it can afford to miss the
    headline by a
    little the dollar is going to
    run and crude oil is priced in dollars
    so I think I think you you might get
    some some relief here it seems for what
    it’s worth that this has rounded
    something like a top it’s still holding
    at support like immediate support uh but
    it it’s clearly struggling on its
    attempts to bounce off that support
    which suggests that yes it recognizes
    that there’s support but it doesn’t
    really have the oomph to do anything
    about it so it seems to be just waiting
    for a
    reason I will point out technically the
    2134 uh EMA envelope support starting
    after the close on February 8th every
    dip since then into that envelope has
    been caught we have been catching along
    there you go back to the uh weekly no
    that switched to a different product
    ticker we go here and back down to the
    two we go back to the highs that we had
    in June 2 September 23 and like we’re
    still bouncing on that area too that’s
    that yellow line cutting across the
    screen diagonally on The Daily time
    frame um the point is that you know oil
    hasn’t really given it up just yet
    tomorrow is an interesting day too
    because with the GDP report there’s a
    little bit of a Divergence that I see in
    the expectations like the consensus
    forecasts are 2.1 to
    2.4 Atlanta fed has it pegged at
    2.7% and they’ve been pretty accurate
    they’ve been a good forecasting Bunch
    they missed but they been a lot more
    accurate than other interesting range
    there I was looking at the uh the three
    big nowcasts uh Atlanta New York and um
    St Louis St Louis St Louis so bad St
    Louis is terrible St Louis is at
    1.7 um New York is at
    2.2 Atlanta revised from 2.9 to 2.7
    today so there’s there’s a spread there
    um there’s always a spre there St Louis
    had the had the economy Contracting in
    the third quarter when we put up a near
    six% growth rate so I be like yeah that
    that’s just that’s also the thing for me
    like let’s look at the most recent
    quarter which was the most accurate one
    okay that’s the one you should trust
    immediately because they’ve done the
    fine tuning to the model and so when I
    see St Louis people like oh the St Louis
    fed says we’re in recessions like but
    they haven’t gotten any of the calls
    remotely accurate for the past few years
    so you can’t trust the model no the
    model’s no good uh but there’s there’s
    clearly a rage is what I’m saying but
    when I think when you look
    at the central tendency in the fed’s
    summary of economic projections right
    that I think is is the key that tells
    you that the FED sees a central tendency
    of 2 to
    2.4% average for the year the median is
    2.1 now if the median is 2.1 and the
    central tendency is 2 to
    2.4 then the range skews low it skews
    closer to two than it does to 2.4 just
    arithmetic there uh which means that if
    you get a number out of this GDP report
    which is expected at 2.5 so outside the
    fed’s central 10 see if you get let’s
    2.4 maybe even
    2.3 that’s a hotter economy than the FED
    wants to
    see because if the median is 2.1 and the
    spread is 2 to 2.4 it’s skewing to 2.1
    2.2 so you get
    2.4 fed’s got to rethink this whole
    three Cuts thing well they’ve already
    started to do that well we start to get
    that that talk already but in the market
    reaction we’re getting a
    hike no but
    that’s your Pal’s your pal and Williams
    comment last week yeah prior to the
    Blackout Window going into effect to
    effectively temper the Market’s
    expectations so that if you get a hot
    GDP and a hot pce the market doesn’t say
    oh God what’s the FED gonna do that
    they’re gonna go oh you know the FED
    recognized that this is a possibility so
    we don’t need to fully freak
    out that said though bonds are already
    breaking down again and you mentioned
    that the central pendency for the FED
    because of the recent Su of economic
    projections is actually in the lower is
    more geared towards the low end and is
    certainly below the Atlanta fed’s
    looking right now so if it’s a 2.5 or
    2.6 or let’s say it’s the Atlanta fed’s
    2.7% tomorrow bonds here if it’s ZN
    which is kind of like just bouncing
    around and gliding around the lows but
    still no higher high in this recent
    series of swings since the start of
    April ZB already started to go down the
    pipe we see that break today you look at
    UB it’s a very similar situation the
    long end of the curve is getting hurt
    more than the short end of the Curve
    I mean that makes a good deal of sense
    you could also see in the bond auctions
    that kind of kind of hit me today when I
    was looking at the fiveyear auction
    results which were not great they
    weren’t good at all they were bad but
    they weren’t like terrible you tailed
    through by about point4 basis points the
    bid to cover ratio drops the indirects
    fall the directs fall um it’s the
    largest fiveyear auction on record so
    seeing a little bit of softer demand
    wouldn’t be a surprise but over the last
    few weeks you’ve noticed that the the
    the note and Bill auctions have been
    fine the short end of the curve and as
    you move into the belly they get a
    little bit worse and then the long end
    of the curve results have not been good
    at all and you talk about shifting term
    premium milia and we talk about possible
    reinflation and the economy is not
    down and that’s the situation that just
    demands higher yields plain and simple
    particularly at the long end of the
    curve the FED doesn’t need to do
    anything ZT doesn’t go anywhere right
    it’s stuck but ZN and ZB need to reflect
    the new world so GDP tomorrow oil is not
    breaking down yet and bonds are not
    bouncing even though all the
    geopolitical risk is
    off I I I got a hard I know Tom says he
    likes the bonds here Dylan I just don’t
    see it still am I missing something see
    I don’t see it yeah I don’t know I we
    had three minutes left and I would just
    like to note that meta is getting face
    pounded absolutely face pounded here I
    have it down
    at four
    you know I have this chart up on trading
    view right now and I had 6j and dollar
    Yen spot rates on there at the same time
    and so I just clicked to meta but it
    kept on the dollar end spot rate so I
    have a tick on my screen for 155 and I
    thought meta’s share price was down at
    155 right now so I
    almost I was like oh Ilia you’re you’re
    paying for dinner next time by the way
    holding NDA shorts and I made you to go
    have a conversation with my wife about
    our uh retire savings but no metat at
    43604 down 11.64% after hour ex here
    honey we’re going to we’re having hot
    dogs tonight’s house that’s it San
    Francisco it’s hot dogs and matah for
    dinner for the failable future
    um look they guided lower is the big
    problem here the numbers itself it’s so
    interesting how this Market you see it
    with Tesla and with with meta now the
    street did not care about the first
    the street cares about what’s happening
    in the
    future so guidance from Microsoft may be
    more important than their actual
    earnings results probably actually gu
    especially especially for Microsoft as
    like the the Cradle of the AI
    civilization as it were and Microsoft
    down too about 1.4% after hours here
    40238 on the chart and you could see
    this is an AI bellweather at least for
    Consumer adoption
    yeah as you like to say not madiz levels
    matter a lot you can see it coming to
    play here right around 410 4:15 going
    all the way back to where we in March
    and then what do we do we rally up there
    overnight yesterday and we can’t take it
    out I’m just going to draw this
    little there’s your little swing Zone
    resistance support support support and
    resistance and we failed right around
    that you know 410 415 area again so
    Microsoft here right this is why week
    long even with the the the rally you
    know I myune has been yeah it’s nice but
    do you trust it it feels like a bull
    trap because we have not cleared out the
    former levels of support that have
    become resistance in every single market
    so as a bull someone who believes in the
    mark long-term still given the forward
    return stats of what typically happens
    in markets like these I want to just
    survive the next five trading days I
    don’t want to see 4964 cleared out in es
    I don’t want to see a new low in NQ I
    don’t want to see a new Lo and
    Russell name of the game this week is
    survival Ilia as a bear you guys got to
    get it done this week we need to we need
    to uh get we need to get this thing
    together if I’m looking at the market on
    Thursday May 2nd and the S&P is still
    trading at 5,000 550 5100 and it’s not
    through the lows I’m I’m gonna get
    worried right because the the Bulls say
    to themselves hold on a second you just
    gave us World War III threats you just
    gave us spiking bond yields just gave us
    declining rate cut odds you just gave us
    companies that are getting killed by
    earnings even when they’re good not just
    companies but you’ve taken you’ve
    punched the a consumer adoption of AI in
    the nose in terms of the rate the rate
    of adoption I should say which by the
    way I mean you know this my my my song
    and dance on this whole AI thing for
    months now has been the market is
    trading as though this is all realizable
    on a global scale tomorrow but actually
    before the promise of all this actually
    starts to pay dividends like I’ll see
    you in like 10
    years which means the three of us at
    least have a job for the next 10 years
    before they get uh you know AI or IL
    AI yeah I’m just gonna end the show here
    in the immortal words of Sean Price I
    work so hard this
    stupid I think hear the Billy Madison
    quote like what you’ve just said was
    incoherent in Rambling we’re all dumber
    for listening to it and with that over
    time is now out of time you’re welcome
    for that tibit at the end I’ve been
    Chris Veo man in Orange has been Elias
    spivac the man in blue Dylan Radigan uh
    we are not here tomorrow we are off
    tomorrow we’ll have a video on demand so
    be sure to come back we’ll replay
    today’s episode so if you actually heard
    this and you want to hear us again
    that’s a good time to do it if not don’t
    come back we’ll see you on Monday for
    the next episode of overtime good luck
    trading the rest of this week we’ll see
    you on Future’s Power Hour but next we
    get more Ilia with macro
    money coming up next on tasty live
    stay tuned
    everybody hey Doc your tips on diet and
    exercise have been Illuminating I’m sure
    busting my ass to the gym 5 days a week
    is going to be way quicker than just
    giving me the Skinny
    Shot sometimes it feels good to get
    smart get even smarter with live trading
    insights and some live taunting bat down
    hatches everybody he’s going on the
    skinny diet he’s going to be
    hangry from the smart mouths at Tasty
    life one of the things that that was
    most intriguing about the financial
    space to us is just that there wasn’t a
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    got I got the
    bag yeah I got the B
    and macro event risk is back welcome
    everybody this is macran I’m milus pack
    head of global macro here at Tasty live
    and you know I’m excited because we’ve
    been waiting for some economic news of
    weight and substance to give these
    markets something to really chew on and
    we are finally going to get
    it we are looking down the barrel of the
    release of first quarter US GDP data uh
    coming at us uh in less than 24 hours
    and what we are asking ourselves of
    is would do anything or will the markets
    not care and if it does
    something how should we think about it
    what are the
    expectations how might the results
    influence the
    markets and is this something that has
    power so what we’re going to do here is
    we’re going to look at what this number
    is expected to be what the range of
    outcomes might look like
    and then really focus on the price
    action Dynamics what do the markets want
    see and are they going to even care what
    comes out will it be
    impactful and then from that
    perspective attempt to kind of Benchmark
    a trading
    strategy around what seems to be the
    path of least
    resistance so let’s start here
    with just the Baseline
    expectations we’re looking for the
    annualized GDP growth rate so this is
    not the year- on-year growth rate this
    is what happens if you take the
    quarterly growth rate uh quarter on
    quarter and then you extrap it into an
    annualized rate basically saying that
    the annual growth rate were every
    quarter to be like this quarter would be
    this so what we’re looking at here is a
    climb down a little bit in fact the
    second consecutive quarter of climb down
    we had a really blistering uh set of GDP
    numbers toward the middle of last year
    uh as a matter of fact
    4.9% in the third quarter of last year
    then a step down to 3.4 in the fourth
    and this is seen as another step down to
    2.5 for the first quarter
    now why do we
    care should we
    care I would argue emphatically yes we
    should certainly
    care and here’s the
    logic if we look at the way that the
    stock market broadly speaking as a kind
    bellweather a kind of barometer for risk
    appetite across financial markets if we
    look at the way that it’s behave and the
    way that it has reflected overall
    willingness from investors to take
    risk willingness to buy stocks
    willingness to buy things like Bitcoin
    or Commodities or corporate bonds or
    anything that isn’t cash
    or ultimate safety like the treasury
    bond and of course in relative
    terms we can see that the motivation has
    been the path of
    expectation for Fed rate cuts and this
    sense it makes sense because if you’re
    investor and you’re faced with
    oceans of
    uncertainty in this particular moment in
    time you have one of the most aggressive
    rate hike Cycles in 40
    years and you’re waiting to see what the
    cumulative impact is going to be
    especially at a time when outstanding
    debt is the biggest it’s ever been
    globally both
    public and the private sector
    you have now not one but two critical
    Wars occurring in uh in key choke points
    for Commodities one in the Russia
    Ukraine situation one in the Israel
    situation and those are just the big
    eye-catching ones you have an election
    year in the
    US with potentially significant
    consequences for economic policy de
    globalization is is gaining momentum
    China can’t seem to get up off the mat
    having reopened after co uh lockdowns
    and that’s the second largest economy in
    the world so what does that mean for
    Global growth so there is no shortage
    issues so as an investor how do you
    distill all of that well what you might
    is if the
    money if the cost of credit is going to
    be cheaper in the future well then I can
    feel much more comfortable about taking
    Market risk in this environment because
    worst case scenario I lose some money
    and borrow it back at lower
    rates if you are then looking at what
    the FED began to signal in
    November as a matter of fact November
    1st was that policy
    meeting and you hear the FED saying we
    think we’re done hiking rates we think
    the next move is going to be a cut
    that’s music to your ears so it’s not
    surprising that as we start to see the
    buildout in interest rate Cuts late
    October early November going into that
    fed meeting and certainly
    thereafter risk appetite thrives and
    stocks start going up
    the FED defines what it means by its cut
    expectations in late December and says
    we’re looking for three Cuts in
    2024 by the time the calendar year turns
    the market has already veered well past
    that and is calling
    for something on the order of
    six 150 basis points with even a little
    bit opt of optionality to go
    further and then us economic data starts
    coming out repeatedly better than
    expected we start to see hotter jobs
    numbers we start to see hotter inflation
    numbers and what starts to happen is the
    markets begin chipping away and how many
    rate cuts the FED can actually afford to
    do in that
    environment you can see that
    here what’s interesting is that stocks
    continue to levitate through this effort
    until they don’t and so the question
    becomes well what’s different
    here well here is the fed’s Baseline 75
    points until you get here the markets
    are expecting more easing than the FED
    is benchmarking and so the underlying
    story still is we’re going to get more
    easing money is going to be cheaper than
    what the central bank is saying they’re
    going to have to make that adjustment
    eventually until they do risk
    on because the gravitational force
    pulling markets up here is still the
    promise of relatively cheaper
    money and of a Fed that will have to
    eventually Mark a pivot that way or at
    least that’s what investors
    think what occurs right here and this
    just happens to be the March 20th fed
    meeting is that the Market Outlook flips
    on the hawkish side of fed
    expectations you get the 61 basis points
    baked in for the year which is two cuts
    and a less than 50% shot at a third one
    and the moment that shot at a third one
    gets less than
    50% in fact within 24 hours of the FED
    policy announcement reiterating they
    looking for 75 basis points or three
    cuts which is March the
    20th within 24 hours of that the market
    stop and start going the other way you
    can see that right
    here in this context what the markets
    ostensibly out of GDP data and economic
    data in general is weaker
    data because if the data is weak that
    would mean more rate cuts and that would
    start to move this back in the opposite
    direction which is of course at least
    looking at the evidence here what the
    markets want to
    see we got a preview of how this works
    in Spades just earlier this
    week with we saw much weaker than
    expected PMI data out of the
    us as you can see here the composite
    coming in
    50.9 much softer than the 52.2 expected
    and in fact a four month
    low weaker on Services weaker on
    manufacturing a do report all around so
    what did the markets
    do here’s the S&P 500 when that did that
    out here was the previous swing High we
    came down to digest into it came up to
    essentially right where that swing high
    is what catalyzes it to puncture through
    this is a
    chart here’s the PMI
    data we sail higher thereafter
    here’s the
    NASDAQ same story here’s the preceding
    swing High We digest in range reset the
    even here data comes out we punch higher
    We rise since
    then so the way this works is very
    clearly on display the price action is
    showing us what the markets want to see
    they want to see Soft Data that brings
    more cuts into the picture as it happens
    when that PMI data came out we saw an
    instant adjustment in fed policy ODS now
    of course it it wasn’t the biggest
    adjustment in the world because you
    would need more than a single piece of
    economic data to do all that but if we
    take a look at the way that the
    markets reacted as soon as that data
    came we went from 30 two basis points
    instantly down to
    38 so the the market immediately
    adjusted to something less hawkish
    stocks went up dollar went
    down so this is our Benchmark this is
    why we
    can now what’s the likelihood that this
    number deviates from from
    2.5% well there’s a range of outcomes
    here on
    display the Atlanta fed’s GDP now
    forecast which they call a nowcast that
    essentially takes an incoming economic
    data puts it through a model and gives
    us expectations for uh what GDP might be
    as of today is at 2.7 percent so we can
    see here north of where the markets are
    expecting you can see there’s the market
    range right
    there if we look at the fed’s St Louis
    branch and their
    model they’re a lot more on the
    pessimistic side of things they think
    it’s going to be
    1.7% in the red is that GDP now uh model
    that’s what you see here uh and in the
    blue is the St Louis feds Now cast the
    New York fed the other big fed branch
    that does this and admittedly they
    haven’t updated it since the
    19th they’re somewhere in the middle at
    2.2% so clearly even at the FED there is
    a broad range of possibilities now the
    Atlanta fed model has been performing
    better recently it’s been closer but
    that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t
    stumble and it doesn’t mean that
    economic conditions can’t change such
    that the other models are more
    telling which is to say that from 1.7 to
    2.7 there’s quite the spread
    here now if we look at the way that US
    economic data has performed relative to
    expectations what we find is that first
    of all here’s how we lost all of those
    rate Cuts we can see here data since the
    beginning of the year has been
    increasing performing better than
    expected this is U an index from City
    group and the further it goes into
    positive territory the more the data is
    tending to outperform relative to
    forecasts at zero the realized results
    and forecast would be basically in
    line but what’s important here seems to
    be how this is actually trending and
    what we see is when we put a simple
    20-day moving average on it which is
    essentially Just A month’s worth of data
    5 days in a week about four weeks in a
    month that’s crudely a 20-day running
    aage and so what we see is when it when
    the index pushes through the
    monthly Dynamic the monthly sort of
    average here it tends to have follow
    through in that direction so we can see
    here when it breaks the 20-day here we
    get a period of data deteriorating when
    it breaks higher
    deteriorating even when it gets stuck in
    a Range a a a break through this seems
    Seems telling we got it here again on
    the upside here again on the downside
    and we’ve just done it one more time now
    this does look a bit range adjacent but
    certainly can’t be ignored that once
    again we’ve moved through the 20-day
    moving average and so maybe we’re
    starting to see economic data biased in
    the direction of weaker surprises here
    so perhaps what we’re looking at
    is something
    like the risk of a
    Miss now to contextualize what that
    means and what kind of a Miss is good
    bad and what does that
    mean we can see that in the summary of
    economic projections that the FED
    delivered to us in March the same one
    where they reiterated their call for
    three Cuts consider here that’s a rate
    4.6% this year the average fed funds
    rate now is
    5.33 that’s the middle of their target
    range of five and a quarter to five and
    a half if we have a range of
    4.6 that’s a change of 73 basis points
    so that’s three
    so there’s those three cuts that we were
    just talking about we can see that this
    is contingent on a median GDP growth
    rate this year of
    2.1% and the central tendency is
    somewhere in a range of 2 to 2.4%
    now if that central tendency is 2 to
    2.4 and the median is 2.1 the median is
    just the
    middle not the average but the
    middle 2.1 is the middle in a range of
    two to 2.4
    then the expectations here skew toward
    the lower end toward 2.0
    2.1 rather than let’s say 2.3
    2.4 so ostensibly any number here on GDP
    that comes out at 2.4 or hotter maybe
    even 2.3 but that’s a little bit of a
    stretch that would be a meaningful Miss
    versus the 2.5 expected but even if we
    miss a
    little and land at
    2.4 in line at 2.5 or
    hotter we are looking at an economy that
    is fundament Mally trending
    stronger than where the Fed was when it
    said we’re going to need three
    Cuts because if we were on a pace to
    growth then the FED would look like it
    sense but if we’re on a pace to 2.5 or
    even 2.4 the upper end of range
    here then three Cuts look a little bit
    of a St
    and so from that
    perspective any range of outcomes that’s
    2.4 or hotter look like they are the
    kind of thing that would underpin the
    recent evaporating of Federate cut odds
    and give us the kind of thing that
    stocks don’t
    like as a
    response now besides stocks there is of
    course course the US dollar which has
    moved very cleanly in line with fed
    policy expectations when there were more
    Cuts being baked in the dollar fell as
    the number of cuts started to diminish
    the dollar has been
    rising it’s had a little bit of a back
    step here in the wake of those PMI
    numers but if we get a GDP number here
    that endorses the idea of a more hawkish
    fed then what this is going to look like
    is a pull back of
    sords where this was resistance this
    was a breakout we’re pulling back here
    and perhaps with the strength of this uh
    GDP number if it goes the way that we’re
    talking about
    bounces in this
    direction the other important thing to
    keep in mind here is of course the
    Japanese Yen and that’s because not only
    are we going to get this GDP number we
    are also going to get a monetary policy
    announcement from the bank of Japan
    where everybody will look for them to
    say something about the fact that the
    Yen has crumbled to the lowest level in
    34 years against the US dollar and
    that’s largely thanks to Rising rates we
    can see here that when we had these rate
    getting built out once the move really
    started to gain momentum here especially
    uh of course lined up with the stocks
    rally in October late October early
    November the Yen
    surged as these rate Cuts started to
    diminish so too did the yet now for
    Japanese authorities this is not the
    best of all possible things it of course
    complicates their problems with
    inflation because it makes the yen uh
    able to have purchasing power of foreign
    goods and Japan Imports most of its
    energy Imports most of its food it is
    after all an island so this would make
    inflation go up this is not what they
    want to see so if the GDP numbers eat
    further into rate Cuts or at least
    underpin the idea that we’re going to
    get one maybe cut this year rather than
    three and the Yen gets another shove
    lower than when the bank of Japan then
    meets you might get something like
    conversation about their discomfort with
    these levels which might set the stage
    for them to intervene in markets as
    they’ve done before so potential snapb
    here could be
    violent and that is what we’re looking
    at here this that’s macro money for
    today thanks very much for joining as
    ever I am here with this show Monday
    through Thursday right after overtime a
    show that I co-host with Chris Veo and
    Dylan rigan looking at the Wall Street
    close and what it might mean going
    forward I am also later today and every
    Wednesday on the price of Truth with
    Victor Jones his great new show back on
    with Chris on Fridays for futures Power
    Hour back on with Victor and Tom for
    first call on Sunday days writing for
    the news and insights portion of tasty and opining sporadically on the
    platform formerly known as Twitter at
    ilas speack thanks very much for
    watching see you
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    if you missed the live show here’s our
    cherry on top weekly recap you’d look
    good in either you know what would like
    a nice Panama Hat in the summer a Panama
    Hat a skirt oh my God you look so sexy I
    mean you look like you look you look
    like you just got out of bed like you
    hair we just ripped higher up to 50
    points and I just thought we would stay
    there but the thing the market does best
    is it keeps you very humble you get paid
    a lot for being right and you lose a lot
    for being wrong so give me I don’t know
    a couple hours and I will give you
    everything that you need to start
    trading options see you inside
    it was a great show very inspirational
    and motivating I feel like you got to
    know each of the um Traders a lot better
    on a personal level it was awesome this
    is my 10 or 11th live event I thought
    the mouth would be really complicated it
    wasn’t and then it just made sense
    they’ve opened my eyes to many different
    strategies and I realized there’s a a a
    reasoning and strategic planning that
    you could do to be successful I love all
    you guys
    in the money it seems pretty easy to
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    with a strike lower than the current
    stock price for a put op option that
    represents an option with a strike
    higher than the current stock price
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    options 90% index 10% straight
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    portfolio sign up at Tasty
    events and see where we’re headed next
    all right welcome back tasty crypto show
    I’m Ryan Grace he’s mad Mike Martin it’s
    Wednesday April 24th Episode 23 23
    already yes sir when did we start doing
    this about 23 episodes ago M wow wow two
    shows a week coming at you 25 minutes of
    fire are you ready I’m always ready all
    right how are you sir I’m doing great
    it’s uh Springtime in Chicago we have
    some rough weather coming in but this
    weekend it’s gon to be the 80s beautiful
    yeah any fun weekend plans I’ve got no
    weekend plans man just trying to make it
    through the week here and uh we’ll see
    if we can do that but just taking a
    quick look around the board I know we
    don’t talk about this all that often
    since this is the crypto show but um you
    know really red from what I can see here
    equities down bonds down Commodities
    down in terms of crude oil you’ve got
    gold down bitcoin’s down everything’s
    down Facebook’s down or yeah Facebook is
    down huge if you caught those earnings
    so we’ll see um you know there is at
    times a pretty strong positive
    correlation between crypto and what
    happens with the rest of the world right
    I I don’t think that’s any surprise um
    people will say oh you know you this in
    your portfolio as a diversifier I think
    you do I think there’s potential you
    know upside returns there obviously that
    um that this diversifies uh or adds that
    component to but when you have a selloff
    when volatility picks up in the markets
    you typically see you know it spill over
    into crypto as well we’re seeing that
    here today yeah and you know these are
    just healthy markets as I look at them
    um my father gets frustrated on every
    down day but that’s not how it works
    yeah well can’t win them all you can’t
    win them all if you could win all we all
    be billionaires by now but you can’t
    Mike I want to talk about a concept here
    today on the show or maybe more so you
    came up with today’s topic so you want
    to talk about a concept on the show
    we’re going to get into the details of
    tokenomics explain what that means um
    how we think about it we’re going to
    break down the differences between a
    cryptocurrency and a token the different
    types of tokens that exist out there
    some basic stuff but I think it’s a
    great place to start we’ve also got a
    new little segment that we’re going to
    add to the show here called ask tasty
    crypto and you guessed it we’re going to
    answer a question so little Q&A session
    if you do want to ask a question on the
    show um you can email us support tacy you can hit me up hit M up
    Ryan at Tasty crypto Mike at Tasty
    crypto shoot us an email follow us on
    Twitter all that good stuff also got the
    live chat open here on YouTube so if
    you’re watching on YouTube Pop something
    in the chat and with these questions
    feel free to get as personal okay well
    um we’ll let you handle that side of it
    but but sure um there’s no question I
    won’t answer fair enough let’s kick it
    off tokenomics explained uh maybe to
    start with what the hell is token
    tokenomics you ready for this yeah what
    is this we have tokens okay and we have
    economics plow them together and you get
    tokenomics okay so tokenomics is
    important because without tokenomics
    what are cryptocurrencies it’s like
    buying a stock without having any idea
    what the stock is about um if they make
    make money how they make money where
    they’ve been historically what community
    is involved just kind of like the board
    sure um so tokenomics really gives us
    visibility into the health of both
    crypto coins and tokens um crypto can be
    confusing I know I was confused years
    ago when I learned about tokens coins
    and cryptocurrency right about if you’re
    brand new it’s very confusing because
    it’s all the same but it’s different
    what are we talking about cryptocurrency
    is on top underneath cryptocurrency we
    have coins right it’s a hierarchy of
    sorts and then underneath coins we have
    tokens so cryptocurrencies ENC capules
    all forms of crypto um and it’s divided
    into a coin and into a token okay that’s
    like your term then you’ve got these two
    categories yeah so let’s talk about
    coins let’s talk about crypto currency I
    think you’ve really got to key in on the
    currency aspect here that’s what’s
    important to me and I think that’s what
    kind of you know stands out or that’s
    that like bald moment when you’re
    talking about this what is a coin versus
    a token a coin is the product of what’s
    called a consensus mechanism but perhaps
    we don’t need to go into that right now
    okay a coin is the medium of exchange
    for a blockchain okay um and when I say
    blockchain I’m talking Bitcoin is a
    blockchain uh ethereum is a blockchain
    some people say the blockchains but
    there’s different you know it’s not the
    blockchain there’s many different
    there’s hundreds of different
    blockchains and there’s thousands of
    different tokens so a coin you can think
    of as like it’s a network right the
    Bitcoin Network the ethereum network
    almost like like you can think of the
    internet right sure and on top of the
    internet you could build web two apps
    but on top of these blockchains you can
    build decentralized applications web
    three apps web 3 apps and these apps are
    called the the product of these apps how
    the how you know you you interact with
    these different protocols they have
    their token okay so sticking with coins
    for a second we have a few of those
    blockchain networks here at the bottom
    of the screen layer ones if you will
    we’ve got salana Bitcoin ethereum
    Litecoin I think the best known
    cryptocurrency is obviously Bitcoin the
    first that’s what we’re talking about
    when we talk about a native coin native
    to that blockchain the cryptocurrency on
    that blockchain it’s not that there
    aren’t others that or in a sense that
    there’s tokens on the Chain but this is
    that pure value mechanism on the Chain
    this is the value transfer mechanism so
    if I’m going to send value across the
    Bitcoin Network I’m going to do that
    through Bitcoin the cryptocurrency or
    the coin if I’m going to pay fees to use
    a decentralized application that runs on
    top of ethereum I’m going to pay those
    Network fees or those gas fees in eth
    the native cryptocurrency of that
    blockchain that’s the really important
    thing to understand beyond that we have
    tokens what’s a token and how is this
    different from a coin so a token um well
    first of all let’s back up just a little
    bit here so Bitcoin vers ethereum okay
    okay tokens are almost 50% of all tokens
    at least 50% are associated with the
    ethereum network the other ones are
    divided up between salana a few other
    networks that are called proof of stake
    um the Bitcoin network runs on proof of
    work okay this sort of this was the
    first Network everybody knows Bitcoin
    it’s the oldest um but they don’t have
    the capability to natively store code
    right so code is they call them smart
    um in terms of comparing it to what’s
    happening on ethereum right so a smart
    contract is all tokens have what’s
    called a uh a decentralized application
    and there’s a front end right so Unis
    swap is a decentralized exchange all
    these Protocols are the websites are
    front ends to interact with the smart
    contract so when we’re talking tokens
    we’re talking blockchains that can store
    smart contracts because you can’t build
    a platform or host a smart contract on
    bitcoin because Bitcoin doesn’t na allow
    it there’s some workarounds that are
    happening now yeah there’s some some
    upgrades some improvement some Evolution
    occuring but yeah I think of the token
    then as existing on the blockchain like
    we have written here on this on the
    slide but it runs on top of it it is
    that’s kind of how I think about it in
    my mind at least it’s on top of that
    blockchain Network compared to the
    underlying cryptocurrency which is the
    value transfer mechanism on the network
    itself or is is native to that and the
    token I mean tokens can be created like
    you said there’s thousands and thousands
    of tokens there will be thousands and
    thousands more they’re deployed using a
    smart contract we’ll get into you know
    some of the details around that but what
    I want to talk about next is why they
    exist in the first
    place sometimes it’s just fun mem coins
    are fun uh it represents culture in some
    sense it represents Community onchain
    it’s a way to
    participate but when you look at a lot
    of the protocols that exist out there I
    think you had mentioned or we have here
    on the screen we’ve got uniswap we’ve
    got a we’ve got
    these tokens play a role within that
    ecosystem these tokens could be utility
    tokens security tokens um well not so
    much in an ecosystem but when I think of
    a security token we’ll talk about what
    that is in just a second it represents
    something onchain it could be used for
    onchain governance as well these are
    decentralized protocols but they have
    Dows there is a governance component to
    it and this is the role that the token
    then might play doesn’t necessarily mean
    the token has value itself but given how
    this all fits together quite often you
    know people find a lot of value embedded
    in this so let’s talk about those types
    of tokens it’s it’s almost like uh when
    we look at things like um like
    governance it’s almost like a like a
    proxy for the equity Market where if you
    have a share of stock you can get a say
    in certain things um if you own let’s go
    back to Unis SWAT for example so if you
    own the majority of those tokens you
    could essentially dictate what happens
    to the network right yeah I think in the
    same way that you know going back to
    your analogy when you think about
    corporate finance and corporate
    governance and and you know the role
    that shareholders play in terms of
    voting rights if you own a significant
    number of shares then you’re likely
    going to have a seat on the board you’re
    likely going to because you you know
    control a lot of the Voting Rights
    you’re going to have a say in the
    overall operations of the company that
    does exist to an extent in these
    decentralized protocols so we have the
    governance component to it where you
    might have voting rights
    you’re going to have various proposals
    and then if that proposal passes as
    everybody that holds these tokens has
    the ability to vote on it then it’s
    going to be implemented but when you’re
    a token holder or if the purpose of the
    token is for governance purposes then
    that’s going to be part of the role the
    other thing that’s interesting here is
    just utility token and I think when you
    look at most of these you know one of
    the components of utility is governance
    so we’ve split them out into kind of
    three different types but you really
    think about it as utility tokens and
    security tokens utility sometimes they
    can all they can all be tied into one
    too yeah it absolutely could be could be
    but this is the same thing this is the
    reason um one of the the primary reasons
    to own a crypto is you have a say in the
    network um and this is this can tie into
    what we we were talking about before
    tokenomics because before you buy a coin
    you want to make sure one party doesn’t
    have 51% control because they dictate
    everything that happens to the future of
    the network right so you want to have
    you want to have those tokens spread out
    you know maybe people they created the
    pro protocol at 15% and the other you
    know 85 is allocated to um just to
    people across the world that’s kind of
    an ideal uh scenario so you want to
    spread that control out so there’s not
    one person if one person for example had
    51% uh you know the Bitcoins that are in
    existent they could essentially crash
    the network this it’s called a 51%
    attack yeah it’s not so much
    decentralized in that case if just one
    or two entities own all of the tokens
    right which they could do I don’t know
    how much that would costs but it would
    cost you know several hundred billions
    of dollars to crash the Bitcoin Network
    which is not impossible so utility
    tokens governance is a function of that
    the other token that I want to talk
    about here are security tokens and this
    has definitely become a theme I think
    it’s going to be a larger investment
    theme here this cycle when you look at
    what’s happening with protocols to
    facilitate real world assets you look at
    a lot of assets that are moving on chain
    but when we talk about security it’s not
    so much cryptographic security or making
    something secure protecting it this is
    Security in the sense of financial
    securities tokens that represent real
    world assets rwa so you think about that
    as a currency equities derivatives that
    are tokenized bonds fixed income that’s
    tokenized other instruments there the
    biggest one being you know everyone
    looks at real world assets oh we’re
    going to have money market funds that
    move on chain you’re going to to get
    some yield the biggest real world asset
    on chain is the US dollar Bea a stable
    coin sure so that’s another way to think
    about security tokens and when you think
    about a stable coin like usdc on
    ethereum ethereum is the blockchain
    obviously usdc is a token then that’s
    yeah being transferred on top of it and
    we use it in this country mainly as a
    you know a means a volatility hedge but
    these tokens these are worldwide this
    gives everybody in the world access to
    the ility of the US dollar um in the
    future there’s anybody can buy a share
    of Amazon it’s very restricted now to
    get access to US stocks and a lot of the
    world um this democratizes the entire
    Financial system and access to it um you
    know as we talk about the future of real
    estate with nfts I guess that’s a
    different subject but not all all too
    different and that it allows everybody
    to participate and it adds so much
    liquidity to the system because there’s
    so many more participants in it the
    options are just they really take off um
    so yeah security tokens especially of
    real world assets I think in the next 10
    years you know there’s been studies on
    tokenization and it’s all astronomical
    everyone I’ve seen the potential growth
    for tokenization coming up in the next
    10 years yeah I think it’s only going to
    continue right and um I think if you’ve
    got it on your screen when you click on
    that it’s it’s kind of bouncing around
    on the um the slid I see that it’s all
    good um but when you think about that
    you know I I really don’t think it’s
    much of a step a
    jump from where we are today to say that
    Securities like Apple stock are going to
    be tokenized they’re going to be
    represented on chain when you think
    about settlement you think about
    decentralized exchange automated market
    makers facilitating transactions I don’t
    think that’s going to be the only way
    but I really do think that you’re going
    to move from you know what’s a digital
    representation today in centralized
    databases to you know something where
    you’re going to see
    you this just exists on chain in terms
    of um you know your Apple stock it just
    moves around on a blockchain instead of
    files between different counterparties
    or different clearing firms it’s I mean
    the efficiency is hard to ignore it’s
    it’s an inevitability to me that in time
    you know once everything is straightened
    out and the people actually figure out
    how to access this and they feel safe um
    it will take off unless somehow it it is
    completely shut down but
    well look I mean like you mentioned this
    is the Internet it’s is global you’re
    going to have varying degrees of
    Regulation and enforcement obviously
    we’ve seen that in the US here so
    there’s going to be some constraints to
    this technology at least early on um as
    there are today with the internet right
    the internet is not the same for
    everybody in every country um but I
    don’t think it’s going to go away I
    don’t think it can be shut down in that
    sense but let’s move on really quickly
    let’s talk about you know how these can
    be deployed because really anybody can
    create a token um you can launch it
    you’re going to have to pay gas fees in
    order to do this depending on the
    network that you’re on you’ve seen the
    rise of meme coins um you just wrote an
    article about the Bas Network and some
    of the the mem coins that exist on base
    recommend everybody checking that out at
    but how do you deploy a token you’re
    going to need a smart contract um
    there’s a lot more that goes into this
    obviously than what’s up here on the
    screen but when you do that you’re going
    to decide what is the token’s name what
    is the symbol for this token um when you
    deploy these sorts of tokens they’re
    fungible so you have to have a you know
    token standard when we think about
    ethereum you have to decide what token
    standard you’re going to adhere to an NF
    non-f fungible token versus a fungible
    token is a non-fungible token is unique
    yes it’s a piece of art fungible token
    which is the vast major identifier have
    been attached to digital art but you
    know so we kind of think about an nft is
    digital art it’s not nft is just an nft
    it’s a nonf funable token one of the use
    cases though has been to
    kind of create a degree of Rarity or
    Providence in a sense when you attach it
    to um to digital artwork but I hear what
    you’re saying the other things that you
    have to decide when you use a Smart
    contract to deploy a token is the
    overall supply of that token and then
    the rules in terms of you know how you
    can interact with this how it can be
    transferred and so on one thing I want
    to hit on before we wrap up this
    discussion on tokenomics is something
    that’s maybe a bit more applicable to to
    trading in the market and so if we we
    can jump over to the browser here we’ve
    got coin uh coin market cap that we’ve
    pulled up and I just want to show where
    you can look at some basic details
    around Supply because when you’re
    trading something it’s really important
    to understand what the issuance looks
    like um in the same way that you know
    think about a a recent IPO a lot of
    times companies go public we’ve seen you
    know quite often that stock gets pumped
    um you know maybe it trades higher than
    the initial level whatever it might be
    but ultimately there is a lockup period
    that ends and there’s more Supply that’s
    going to come to the market or the
    ability for insiders to
    sell that gate opens and you see a
    little bit of selling pressure you have
    similar situations at times in crypto
    when you look at the supply the total
    issuance of a token versus what’s
    available in the market so I’m just
    going to pick something here it might
    not be the the best example but this is
    where you can see this information we’ll
    click on chain link and what I want to
    point out on the left hand side here is
    you can see the market cap right and
    then you can see the circulating Supply
    versus the total Supply and what that
    fully diluted market cap would look like
    or is implied given the current price I
    would say everybody should just at least
    be aware of this right it’s not
    necessarily going to have an impact on
    the day-to-day price there are certain
    points in time where all of a sudden
    there’s going to be a lot more tokens
    that are available to trade um there’s
    an unlock in a sense and so people might
    sell them doesn’t mean that they’re
    going to sell them but you could
    certainly see selling pressure when
    those events occur and so if we just use
    chain link as an example you can see
    here the circulating Supply what’s in
    existence right now that could be traded
    is only 58% or almost 59% of the total
    Supply so if all of the supply were out
    there it would imply a fully diluted
    market cap of 14 billion versus the
    current market cap of 8 billion 8.6
    billion doesn’t mean that this couldn’t
    be or shouldn’t be worth 14 billion but
    it’s something to be aware of that there
    are a lot more tokens for sale in theory
    um versus what’s you know being traded
    in the market what’s trading hands right
    now you can see this information a lot
    of different places you can see this in
    the tacy crypto
    um other platforms as well certainly
    here on coin market cap I just wanted to
    point that out because it is it is
    definitely something that should go into
    your overall investment um thesis what
    you should be aware of um certainly when
    we think about the economics of tokens
    this is going to play a role yeah
    absolutely and you have to remember that
    that crypto tokens are not like stocks
    there’s no regulatory approvals anybody
    can launch a token so if you’re thinking
    about buying a token that um isn’t
    mainstream or popular always do some
    research on it because there’s a chance
    a good chance you know it could be what
    they call a a rug pole absolutely so
    this stuff is very important all right
    moving on from tokenomics want to take a
    quick look at uh our ask tasty crypto
    question if we can throw the slides back
    up here and then we’ll take a quick
    check of the markets before we wrap
    things up but I thought this was a great
    question here um following the recent
    Bitcoin having event so we had an email
    that came in and is asking you know will
    something similar happen
    to ethereum and there’s a very quick
    kind of straightforward answer to this
    but let’s just address this really
    quickly here on the show does etherium
    have having events programmed into the
    code in the same way that Bitcoin no has
    having it does not okay yeah and it’s
    just really a function of you know what
    Bitcoin is answer the question yeah what
    the Bitcoin code um you know ethereum is
    is similar to bitcoin but also much much
    different right um you think about the
    consensus mechanism proof of work you
    had mentioned earlier when we talk about
    Bitcoin proof of stake when you talk
    about ethereum but there is no ethereum
    having uh there are not the same sort of
    Supply Dynamics I believe that it’s
    currently deflationary ethereum is in
    terms of issuance but uh it could be
    inflationary it it has shifted into
    those um those zones I suppose at times
    but it’s definitely not the same when
    you think about Bitcoin as a you know
    hard money or store of value so to speak
    uh ethereum is much different from an
    Investor’s perspective I personally
    believe that you want to have uh
    exposure to both right we’ve talked
    about this on the show before um again
    similar but two distinct categories um
    of cryptocurrency you know if you think
    about Bitcoin as the digital gold
    ethereum is kind of like this world
    internet sort of computer yeah caliz
    like we said before there’s 10,000
    different tokens that run a top ethereum
    so buy ethereum is like you know buying
    the internet and that you can profit you
    know if the tokens profit the protocols
    work the network is going to work as
    well yeah it’s really it is that I think
    what’s key is it’s that Network effect
    right I mean the kind of my view is um
    the value of ethereum is in more and
    more applications and more and more
    users coming to ethereum when you think
    about that from the macro perspective um
    I think there are definitely Dynamics in
    markets that that play a role as well
    right um they’re all positively
    correlated for the most part when you
    look at crypto if we think that you know
    Bitcoin as a store of value as a digital
    gold is going to go up because the
    dollar is going to get weaker or pick
    your your favorite country’s uh currency
    and and it’s being debased right if you
    believe that um that’s going to continue
    then you’re likely going to see higher
    crypto prices in in those currencies uh
    same thing with with eth but definitely
    not being viewed as this kind of digital
    gold or store value whereas Bitcoin is
    um I think again ethereum is the you
    know the internet computer in yeah
    they’re completely I mean they’re
    completely different in my opinion um
    that’s why you have to have exposure it
    even divers you know it’s diversifies
    your crypto portfolio nobody knows
    what’s going to happen but if something
    does happen in crypto these two are
    going to be leading the pack not as
    terms as in price as far as um
    adaptivity and yeah for now I mean the
    market caps are are two of the largest
    the two largest and you know there’s
    nothing really indicating that that’s
    going to change anytime soon long enough
    time period who knows what’s going to
    um got an interesting love this comment
    here in our YouTube chat Samurai wallet
    website seized Founders arrested and
    charge with moneya laundering when will
    tasty introduce token
    mixing I think we’re going to stay away
    from token mixing it seems like that
    gets you into trouble with um the
    highest of powers in some sense right
    yeah tornado cash uh ofac sanctioned
    we’re trying to stay away from from that
    so no token mixing anytime soon but we
    do have some cool feat that are coming
    to the tasty crypto wallet I can speak
    to for a second we’ve got salana coming
    soon U we just launched on the polygon
    network but we’ve got salana coming soon
    we’ve got a complete revamp of the token
    details so a lot of new data points
    completely different look and feel
    that’s going to be fun we’ve got push
    notifications coming so that any onchain
    activity will notify you right away so
    some nice updates coming in the next
    couple of weeks token mixing though is
    um it’s not on the road map that said
    Mike let’s wrap it up and take a look at
    our um expected move moves apologies we
    were running late to the show got the
    wrong date on here but this information
    has been updated for today we’ve seen
    volatility come in quite a bit even
    though you’ve got a little bit of
    downside price action here today um you
    still have you know eth up over the last
    five days though it’s lagged on a
    monthly basis but when we look at both
    bit excuse me when we look at both
    Bitcoin and ethereum know volatility
    coming in by about 10% or so so we’re
    well off of those highs I think the high
    in eth for the year is closer to 85% if
    we look at a 30-day implied VA that’s
    come in a bit um certainly doesn’t mean
    that it’s going to stay there I do think
    that you’re going to continue to see
    volatility kind of at these levels um
    but much smaller expected moves than
    what we’ve seen as a function of that so
    your weekly range right here this is the
    one standard deviation as everybody
    knows on tasty live simply a function of
    the underlying spot price and the
    forward 30-day implied Vall so 64,000
    63% implied Vall IV rank is still up
    there but you’re looking at about a
    $5,500 $5,600 move well off of kind of
    that 10 to 11% expected move on the on
    the weekly basis right so that’s your
    range eth same thing eth is uh you know
    clearly trading at higher V so you’re
    looking at about a 10% move there and
    we’ve been you know we’ve we’ve kind of
    been trading around these levels too V
    implied vs have come in but realized is
    um you know you you’ve seen larger
    swings here in the
    market what do you make of that Mike you
    seem be you seem to be deep in thought
    over there I don’t know like I said
    before we’re going to be quiet for the
    next few months in crypto that’s what
    you think that’s what I think okay I’m
    always right yeah I’m gonna take the
    other side of that and then again shout
    out to our uh our one comment question
    in the chat if you guys have any
    questions hit us up um Ryan tasty Mike tasty
    dcom AI gon wrong shout out to you love
    the name in there but that’s going to do
    it for our show we’ll be back back next
    Monday I’ll be back with Frank he’ll be
    back from wherever he’s camping at and
    then Mike glamping sorry glamping
    glamorous camping Mike will be back next
    Wednesday stay tuned thanks again for
    watching have a wonderful rest of your
    week thanks guys till then peace
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