Here & Now, Wed. April 24, 2024

    tonight the ffaw expects it to be a
    difficult season for
    Harvesters you know what the temperature
    of water is at this time of year was
    literally minutes that you have to get
    out of that water before the hypothermia
    an uncle and nephew taken too soon
    fellow Harvesters are heading west to
    pay tribute to two men who lost their
    lives at Sea in Lark
    Harbor this is a great example
    of what we need to do in our country
    which is get more homes built faster
    Federal Finance Minister Christia
    Freeland was in Mount Pearl today to
    talk housing we’ll take you
    there they hit a half court shot and
    they thought it was a buzzer beater but
    we had5 seconds left on the clock and a
    local basketball player helps hit a
    Highlight Reel Shot
    this is CBC Here and
    Now good evening and welcome to herein
    now we begin tonight with a fishing
    tragedy that has devastated the west
    coast of the island many Harvesters are
    making their way west to attend the
    funerals of two men who died after their
    boat capsized near Lark Harbor the ffaw
    says Harvesters in that community and
    neighboring York Harbor are in for a
    difficult season two generations were
    lost Sunday when a boat capsized
    44-year-old Trevor Childs and his nephew
    Nicholas Skinner died while setting
    Lobster pots near the shore sadly today
    would have been Skinner’s 27th birthday
    ffaw spokesperson Jason spingle says
    he’s heard the men were wearing
    flotation devices but says this time of
    year hypothermia can occur in mere
    minutes I don’t know if you can make it
    anymore heart r ing than it is I think
    it’s lot like as uncle
    Trevor a quiet friendly young man
    excited about being involved in the
    fishing industry as I understand that as
    Trevor had taken him under his wing and
    he was uh looking forward to uh building
    a career as a professional fish
    Harvester it’s a blow it’s a blow in
    many fronts to the communities to the
    region to our Province really and we we
    got to we got to move on but it’s uh it
    doesn’t make it any easier for sure
    spingle was an inshore council rep for
    that area for 16 years and he knew
    Trevor Childs we spoke with him while he
    was on route to the West Coast for the
    funeral and we’ll hear more about how
    this tragedy is affecting everyone who
    works on the water that’s ahead in 30
    minutes on here and now well police are
    investigating after a woman was struck
    by transport truck on the Trans Canada
    Highway yesterday afternoon it happened
    outside St John’s west of Patty’s Pond
    now according to the RCMP the woman was
    walking in the eastbound Lane when she
    was struck she was pronounced dead at
    the scene police say the driver showed
    no signs of impairment and no one in the
    vehicle was
    injured now to Mount Pearl where Deputy
    Prime Minister Christia Freeland made a
    housing announcement this afternoon she
    was there selling the federal budget to
    voters and she also broke ground on two
    new apartment buildings which received
    accelerated fun in and approvals to
    build Freeland says it’s a step toward
    building more homes faster Heather
    Gillis was there and she’s joining us
    now live from The Newsroom so what did
    the Deputy Prime Minister have to say
    today Heather well Caroline she was here
    to sell the 2024 budget and all the
    housing initiatives that the fed’s
    recently announced to tackle the housing
    crisis and like you said she was here to
    break ground on 24 new apartment units
    they’re in Mount Pearl Donovan Holmes is
    going to build them on the corner of
    Mount Carson Avenue and dun Robin Street
    the company president Phil Ryan says
    that new federal provincial and municial
    Municipal housing initiatives helped
    them get started on the project which
    had been on hold for a while notably the
    exclusion of HST on purpose-built rental
    properties both federally and
    provincially uh as well as cmhc approval
    of this project under their M mli select
    program which was turned around in what
    I think would be a record time of just
    over 30 days okay we have to CL
    also we’ve had fantastic support from
    the city of Mount Pearl uh who were able
    to turn this development approval around
    in 60 days which I think is
    fantastic now the 2 24 units that Ryan
    is building is just a fraction of the
    number of homes that are needed to solve
    the housing crisis in this province and
    the country in the federal budget the
    government promised 3.8 million new
    homes by 20 31 the Canada mortgage
    housing Corporation says this province
    needs to build 60,000 new homes in the
    next six years so to break that down
    that’s 10,000 housing starts a year but
    the most productive construction year
    ever in this province only 3,300 homes
    were built Freeland acknowledges that
    the housing plan they have is
    ambitious I think the key to it is what
    you’re seeing to today which is all
    levels of government working together
    and government and the private sector
    working together but of course we have
    to keep on going we have to do more
    faster that’s what we’re going to
    continue to do what you’ve seen in the
    budget is a really ambitious plan I
    would say a plan of unprecedented
    ambition for
    Canada meanwhile there was only one
    provincial representative at the event
    liberal backbencher Mount Pearl North MJ
    Lucy stoyles no new provincial housing
    Minister Fred Hutton now Premier Andrew
    Fury has been critical of the carbon tax
    writing the prime minister Justin
    Trudeau last month to call for a pause
    to the April 1 increase in the carbon
    tax with Trudeau then hitting back
    accusing him of bowing to political
    pressure so when asked about the
    relationship between the federal and
    provincial parties Freeland says she was
    in touch with the premier this
    morning um I um was in touch with the
    premier this morning on my way here um I
    and I know Sheamus and Joanne have a
    very good working relationship with him
    as well um look my view is that Canada
    works best when we work
    together now those new apartments in
    Mount Pearl they’re expected to take 18
    to 24 months to build with a third one
    in the works but not until interest
    rates and inflation settles down I’m
    Heather Gillis reporting Live From The
    Newsroom well the official opposition is
    slamming the province’s plan to provide
    more housing and services in St John’s
    saying the cost just doesn’t add up but
    as hearing now’s Mark Quinn reports the
    Liberals are defending what they’ve done
    and asking for
    patience we’re now four months into a
    lucrative sole source $21 million
    contract with the airport in the
    opposition Progressive conservative
    leader is questioning the province’s
    plan to shelter and provide services to
    people living in places like this here
    at 106 Airport Road the former Hotel was
    set to open last month with rooms
    dedicated to people without adequate
    housing with a plan to Usher them into
    more permanent housing we’re spending
    $600,000 a month wow or
    $48,000 a room I asked the minister does
    he believe that this is good value for
    money we were told that everything would
    be done by the 1st of March here we are
    it’s almost may we still don’t see
    anybody actually moving in to this hotel
    speaking with reporters after question
    period the new Minister of Housing
    defended what the liberal government has
    done is this a wise investment
    absolutely can you put a cost on what it
    would be to get somebody out of a tent
    and put them in a in a in a safe hotel
    room with a bed a warm bed and a
    bathroom right there and you know like
    other a television and food offered and
    and the supports they need somebody who
    is in uh you know mental having a mental
    health crisis having to live in a tent
    of course not Hutton says it will take
    more time to find staff and convert the
    hotel to provide Living Spaces and
    services today he said when that is done
    this former Hotel will have enough space
    for more than 100 people in the meantime
    this tent encampment near downtown
    continues to grow Mark Quinn CBC News St
    John’s Well a Happy Valley goosebay
    radio station has been hit hard as a
    result of an explosive fire in the
    community the investigation into
    Friday’s Raging Fire continues and so
    does the cleanup a fire at an old Air
    hanger led to a state of emergency late
    last week part of the Town being
    evacuated among the losses the local
    headquarters of V
    vfm it’s the largest Christian radio
    station in Canada it’s now off the air
    in central Labrador after the building
    that housed the antenna and other
    technology burned the church that runs
    the station says it has lost upwards of
    $40,000 in equipment and nothing is
    salvageable we think we may have located
    a another transmitter and uh an antenna
    of course we we would need that as well
    but the challenge that we’re facing is
    is that uh you know we had been uh
    working with uh industry Canada and
    Consultants with the crtc to make sure
    that you know we were in the area that
    would be uh a best service and we’re not
    sure if we’re able to uh to put things
    back on that location because it wasn’t
    our building we were simply using that
    well meanwhile in Labrador West police
    are investigating a suspicious fire at a
    20 un NL housing apartment building
    early this morning the fire was
    contained to just one unit one person
    was treated for smoke
    inhalation well depending on where you
    are across the province today you’re
    either seeing an absolutely beautiful
    day snow or you’re socked in fog uh
    temperatures are sitting in the single
    digits pretty much across the board uh
    for the island but take a look at these
    temperatures in Labrador specifically
    Southeastern Labrador 15 degrees in
    Happy Valley goosebay 15 in cartrite and
    then you head a little bit further west
    to uh lab City and your temperature is
    about minus six so if we take a look at
    the cameras certainly seeing snow uh for
    Western portions of Labrador at the
    moment in fact uh lab City or wush has
    uh recorded about 20 cm since yesterday
    and then of sunshine and beautiful in
    Happy Valley Goose Bay and then for the
    northern Peninsula a whole lot of fog so
    as we head through the next couple of
    days really into tomorrow this cold air
    is going to head east and that is going
    to drop the temperature significantly
    for parts of Labrador uh we’re going to
    hang on to some of that mild air across
    the island that will be the story really
    through Friday and another cold uh
    pocket of air we’ll move in for Labrador
    I’ll get into all the details coming
    up thanks Ashley we go now to come by
    chance where a Refinery that was brought
    to its knees by the pandemic has roared
    back to life but this time instead of
    being one of this province’s biggest
    carbon emitters it’s refining its focus
    here in now Terry Roberts
    explains four years ago upbeat scenes
    like this could have been considered a
    thing of the past at the come by chance
    Refinery a room filled with leaders in
    the energy sector deep pocketed
    investors political leaders but more
    than 140 people crammed into this
    building today to mark two occasions the
    50-year legacy of the refinery in this
    province and a new era one with a future
    pinned on supplying the growing demand
    for cleaner fuels instead of refining
    fossil fuels and the tone here was
    hopeful Brea and come by chance are now
    a world leader in the energy transition
    it’s a big departure from these dark
    days the pandemic crippled world energy
    markets in early 2020 and one of the
    casualties was the oil refinery in
    Placentia Bay the refinery’s future was
    Bleak until this news conference in late
    2021 new owners promising something
    novel to convert the petroleum based
    facility into a producer of renewable
    Diesel and sustainable aviation fuel
    using feed stocks derived from plant and
    animal based fats and oils in other
    words refining products like corn and
    soybean oil into fuels that can power
    heavy industry and heavy Transportation
    sectors more than 2 years later and with
    about 1 and A2 billion invested that
    promise is now a reality Brea renewable
    fuels began commercial operations this
    winter says it’s producing between 14
    and 18,000 barrels of renewable diesel
    every day there’s plans for expanded
    production in the future with aviation
    fuel production Yet to Come the refinery
    employs more than 200 people and the
    first shipment of diesel was put on a
    tanker in March shipped all the way to
    California where generous government
    incentives and clean fuel regulations
    are driving the demand for these fuels
    there’s a massive amount of private
    investment into this operation but the
    federal and provincial governments have
    also been generous eager to support an
    operation that will help Canada meet
    ambitious emission reduction targets
    it’s a huge win for the people it’s a
    huge win uh for the economy and it’s a
    huge win for the climate not only has
    come by chance alive and well and got
    significant backing now but it is
    showing the rest of the country and I’d
    say the world how it’s done it hasn’t
    been a smooth transition the work took
    longer than expected Bria officials
    admit a $90 million investment from
    Ottawa saved the project and 19 months
    ago a flash fire injured a handful of
    workers Shawn ped eventually died from
    his injuries but but those In This Crowd
    are focusing on the future a future that
    hopes to capitalize on the push to
    tackle climate change and lower the
    amount of pollutants entering the
    atmosphere Terry Roberts CBC news com by
    chance well we may never know the full
    cost of the 2021 Cyber attack on the
    Health Care System the provincial
    government is keeping the details Under
    Wraps the attack shut down the
    province’s Health Care system in the
    middle of the pandemic with a attackers
    stealing the personal information of
    nearly 60,000 people officials say the
    group known as Hive a Russian ransomware
    gang was responsible the health Minister
    says about $20 million has been spent
    upgrading the it system but when the
    opposition asked about how much
    government paid the group behind the
    attack here’s what Tom Osborne
    said I’m not sure the information on
    what’s uh been paid out uh is
    available Mr Speaker I know that
    International uh agencies and and uh
    federal agencies have indicated to us
    that there is certain information that
    should not be uh put into the public
    realm uh to help prevent future cyber
    attacks uh this is one of those pieces
    information a young basketball player
    from Mount Pearl took part in a large
    basketball ball tournament in the United
    States over the weekend and while the
    team did go 5-0 it’s a pass that she
    made that’s getting a lot of press now
    if this is something that you didn’t
    know about let me tell
    you they hit a half court shot and they
    thought it was a buzzer beer but we had5
    seconds left on the clock and there was
    no timeouts left for either team their
    team flooded the floor like they to get
    everyone off the floor and then we had5
    seconds left no time out so I had to
    talk to all my girls on the team and on
    the floor and I just told one of them go
    long get open and then I just threw it
    and hope for the
    best it played out great it missed one
    of the girls and another girl caught it
    on my team and then she just chucked it
    up from the three-point line and then it
    went in and we won by
    one I was really nervous I didn’t know
    what was going to happen when she caught
    it I was so excited and then when she
    made it I didn’t even know how to react
    like I just ran over to her didn’t know
    didn’t know if it was going to count
    didn’t know what was going to happen but
    it did count in the end and it was just
    awesome my parents freaked out they
    didn’t actually watch the game online
    because they were in a championship game
    for grade 11 provincials so when I
    called them after they freaked out and
    it was just awesome
    there’s talk of gold and gold and more
    gold here at Central monx a mining
    conference taking place today in Gander
    folks that are looking for employment uh
    we’re certainly hiring a lot right now I
    I think we’ve got something like 60 job
    uh ads out at the moment uh for
    different positions and we’re hiring uh
    we’re going to be we’re hiring about
    another 150 before the end of the year
    we’ll have that story tonight on here
    while temperatures are certainly warm
    for parts of the province teens up
    across parts of Labrador there is snow
    on the way though and I’ll get into all
    of that when I come back
    this weather update is brought to you by
    the healthare
    foundation this weather update is
    brought to you by the Healthcare
    Foundation home lottery the early bird
    prize deadline is midnight Friday May
    10th order tickets now at hcf homel
    [Music] all right time for a look at
    the weather and not great out there
    today Ashley we saw the Deputy Prime
    Minister at Mount Pearl earlier and uh
    she looked pretty cold she looked cold
    uh certainly and uh you know other parts
    of the province so as I mentioned a
    little bit earlier certainly seeing some
    nice weather not the Cas for most of the
    island let take a look at what’s going
    on right now so we’ve got an area of low
    pressure to the South lots of moisture
    associated with that as well a couple of
    fronts also playing a role in what’s
    happening at the moment uh warm front to
    for Southeastern Labrador there’s no
    surprise there you are seeing
    temperatures well into the teens uh but
    we do have that onshore flow that is
    keeping some of the cooler temperatures
    across the island uh at the moment and
    we’ve got this cold pocket of air just
    to the West that is affecting lab City
    at the moment and most of uh Northern
    portions of Labrador and this front uh
    is going to sink South as we head
    through the night so that is going to
    creep uh that easterly uh the cold air
    East as we head through tonight
    temperatures uh overnight we’re sitting
    into the minus single digits uh even
    through parts of central we were seeing
    that as well but they’ve recovered quite
    nicely uh especially for Southeastern
    portions of Labrador as I as I showed
    you but 3 to 7 degrees 8 degrees even uh
    across the Island today but we do have
    some colder temperatures on the way
    tonight uh especially for the northern
    Peninsula so uh current conditions the
    fog has retreated just a little bit at
    the moment uh just about a half hour ago
    this was completely uh covered in fog
    but we’re at about six degrees in St
    John’s feels more like two degrees with
    that windchill but we’re seeing those
    southerly winds uh at the moment so it
    is leading to windchills feeling more
    like minus four in Bonavista minus two
    in Gander and uh still a evening uh for
    those of you that are lucky enough to
    see those temperatures uh tonight so the
    satellite radar we’ve been seeing on and
    off showers for most of the day more
    steady showers for the west coast and if
    I stop the radar picture here uh we are
    going to start to see some of that
    freezing rain uh likely for the northern
    Peninsula and that will be the story
    tonight some of the heavier showers
    though for the West Coast we can
    anticipate that will continue tonight as
    well um eventually easing as we get into
    the morning but Environment Canada has a
    couple of warnings in place freezing
    rain warnings for Southeastern portions
    of Labrador as well as Northern
    Peninsula East and then a blowing snow
    advisory for uh Movic and uh it is going
    to feel very wintry over the next couple
    of days for you but as those
    temperatures drop tonight for the
    northern Peninsula Southeastern Labrador
    in fact you’ll probably see the start of
    snow and then it will transition through
    to freezing rain uh but that’s really
    the best place that uh the best chance
    where we’re going to see that otherwise
    the chance of showers will generally
    continue across the island then we’ve
    we’ve got this snow in a swath uh pretty
    much from Lab West through the northern
    Labrador and that will uh fill in
    essentially as we head into tomorrow
    morning now temperatures tonight are
    going to stay relatively mild 4 to about
    8 degrees across the Island northern
    Peninsula though Southeastern labor much
    cooler than that hovering around zero
    hence that freezing rain and then into
    about minus 12 uh for those of you in
    lab City now along the south coast of
    the island where you’re in onshore flow
    definitely fog tonight and you’re
    looking at temperatures between 1 and
    four degrees now as we head into
    tomorrow that snow will fill in like I
    said temperatures really cold in the
    upper levels so we’re looking at uh you
    know 10 to 15 maybe even 20 cmers of
    snow possible with those cold
    temperatures in the upper levels there’s
    no uh it’s very easy for the snow to
    accumulate and we’re eventually going to
    see things clear out for a good chunk of
    the island tomorrow except for those of
    you on the west coast onshore flurries
    uh certainly possible temperatures much
    colder than they have been and
    eventually we’ll see that clearing as we
    head into Friday morning uh further east
    as well and the weather will eventually
    improve improve for those of you up
    across the Big L daytime highs tomorrow
    are really going to vary depending on
    where you are central eastern areas of
    the island 12 13 degrees for tomorrow uh
    you’re in onshore flow though along the
    South Coast 6 to 7 degrees through the
    day you can expect some fog to linger as
    well West Coast very windy tomorrow 50
    to 80 kilm per hour uh those onshore
    flurries again 2 to 4° as your daytime
    highs and then Labrador single digits
    for the southeast but you’re still
    sitting well below zero for the West
    we’ll talk about the long range when I
    back thanks Ashley gold prices hit a
    record high this month so you can guess
    what the Hot Topic is at a mining
    conference happening in central Newland
    hundreds of delegates have gathered in
    Gander for the central minex trade show
    and as here inos Troy Turner reports
    it’s gold that’s all the rage
    there were Prospectors service and
    supply companies and people in
    Exploration but gold took center stage
    at Gander MX conference we’ve been in
    development now construction that is
    since uh October 2022 uh we’re
    approaching 65% complete in terms of our
    construction uh things are going quite
    well we’re on schedule to uh to reach
    actual gold production in uh in the
    first half of 2025 caliber mining who
    purchased marathon gold is leading gold
    exploration in the province located near
    Millertown an area the company says
    contains the largest undeveloped gold
    resource in Atlantic Canada it’s really
    good uh I’ve been I’ve been a part of
    projects all over the province for for
    about 25 years now uh very few prod like
    from a mineral Discovery to actual uh to
    actually creating a mine and producing
    uh minerals and and uh from the ground
    takes a long time but it actually is
    very rare and people don’t realize how
    rare that is the central MX trade show
    is a great networking tool for caliber
    it’s an opportunity to meet with
    suppliers uh folks that are looking for
    employment we’re certainly hiring a lot
    right now I I think we’ve got something
    like 60 job uh ads out at the moment uh
    for different positions and we’re hiring
    uh we’re going to be we’re hiring about
    another 150 before the end of the year
    and there are companies here following
    calibur’s lead hoping to be the next big
    gold project in the province we’re
    exploring for gold we had our first gold
    Discovery uh on Bullseye property we’ve
    got a great land position on the Alon
    fault which is the famous fault line
    that has new founds had like 20 gold
    discoveries so far it’s uh germinating
    right now and so with the high gold
    price and also uh more focus on the the
    area and the land uh there’s been and
    things haven’t stopped so we’ve been
    working really hard over the last two
    years to get everything ready and now
    you know hopefully we’re on the start of
    a new bull market for gold and that’ll
    allow not just Matador but all the other
    gold exploration companies in Newland um
    to make a big Discovery and and that
    would be ultimately benef The Province
    Chrisman Pike was a panelist at the
    session on investments earlier today he
    says the record high price of gold is
    helping them attract investors been a
    hard industry uh mining and mineral
    exploration the last couple of years uh
    to raise the capital but things are on
    the turn the price of gold now has just
    hit $2,400 which is the highest it’s
    ever been and there’s new sentiment now
    moving forward to to to you know invest
    into newf labador for the next big gold
    mine a bright future of mining could
    mean great employment opportunities for
    Youth of the province
    schools in the area are taking in the
    conference I’ve learned that there’s a
    lot more like opportunities and job
    opportunities with like the mining and
    like the oil and all that and I find
    that’s really fascinating yeah a lot of
    people talk about it pretty often since
    they find a lot of like gold there and
    stuff and a lot of people I’ve seen have
    been interested in going into it for
    Robinette the conference was an
    eyeopener to the entire mining Community
    I thought they only found like gold here
    but it turns out they find multiple
    other things and I never realized just
    how many companies and different
    businesses are in this area I’ve only
    really heard about the one in Glenwood
    but coming here I found out there’s
    multiple as caliber expects to take gold
    out of the ground in 2025 the future is
    looking bright here in newf Labrador and
    the exploration companies agree they say
    gold will be a game changer for this
    province for years to come Troy Turner
    CBC News
    Gander wasn’t their first trip for the
    day uh the weather wasn’t perfect but it
    wasn’t terrible as again that’s a report
    I’ve received tragedy on the west coast
    as two Harvesters two generations of one
    family lost their lives while fishing in
    lar Harbor we’ll hear from a friend and
    fellow Harvester just ahead
    well the local fishing industry is
    reeling from the latest tragedy at Sea
    on Sunday Trevor Childs and his nephew
    Nicholas Skinner died while setting
    Lobster pots both men were from the
    South Shore of bay of islands Jason
    spingle was the ffaw inshore council rep
    for that area for 16 years he’s driving
    across the island on his way to attend
    the funeral and he stopped in Gander to
    speak with us uh thanks so much for
    being here Jason and so sorry for your
    loss thank you so much uh I guess it was
    on behalf of all Harvesters and all
    members you know we’re all uh deeply
    deeply saddened heartbroken really by
    this on so many fronts and uh say on the
    way now back to the West Coast the
    funerals on Friday and uh I’ll be
    attending I’m sure with a lot of
    Harvesters from all around the region
    for sure to pay our respects to Trevor
    and Nicholas and your families and you
    knew Trevor child’s personally uh what
    can you tell tell us about
    him uh just a very uh positive young man
    had a smile on his face most of the time
    really uh
    softspoken and uh if he had an issue he
    dealt with it in a very uh direct but
    calm way easy to talk to what I’ve been
    thinking about with Trevor is you know
    that smile the grein kind of positive
    grin that if your side you know would
    just make you feel better and just how
    happy he was about you know making a
    living in his community where he grew up
    excited about the fishery lobsters were
    picking you know starting to pick up and
    catching price and uh you know we had
    secured some halibut quota and just uh
    just happy about uh the the the looking
    forward to building a life uh with his
    family and uh being a part of the
    fishing industry and of course he was uh
    there in the vessel with his his nephew
    nick uh who you didn’t uh know but he
    was such a young man and I believe today
    would have been his 27th
    birthday uh my understanding is uh
    pretty sure 27th birthday today I don’t
    know if you can make it any more
    heart-wrenching than it is Carolyn but
    uh you know to when I heard that
    yesterday that it was Nicholas’s
    birthday today it just uh I don’t know
    it’s uh really unbelievable and
    uh I can’t get any sadder but I guess it
    adds another element to it about the
    realization of this right should have
    been uh fishing today and celebrating
    his birthday right so what have you been
    hearing about him I think it’s lot like
    as Uncle Trevor a quiet friendly young
    man really uh excited about being
    involved in the fishing industry as I
    said that as Trevor had taken him under
    his wing and he was looking forward to
    uh building a career as a professional
    fish Harvester and you know being a part
    of the future of our Coastal communities
    is communities of uh you know lar haror
    and um and it’s like I said to have two
    young people taking away as uh like I
    said before every life is precious but
    when you’re talking about young people
    that’s you know that’s had many many
    decades in front of them to be uh you
    know unfortunately Tak away it’s a it’s
    a blow it’s a blow in many fronts to the
    communities to the region to our
    Province really and we we got to we got
    to move on but it’s uh it doesn’t make
    it any easier for sure you mentioned
    their age and I’ll just say that Trevor
    was 44 years old so 44 year old and and
    27 year old
    taken yeah and like I said I mentioned
    Trevor’s uh children there and his wife
    young family uh three children
    uh two uh two under between five and 10
    and one I think their youngest is only
    two so it’s uh certainly everyone’s
    thinking about his wife and his children
    and his mom and dad and and sister there
    so I just can’t imagine uh you know what
    they’re having to deal with but we we’ve
    got to be strong we’ve got to help them
    get through it that’s that’s what we’ve
    got to do but it’s going to be a tough
    season for uh for everyone I think on
    the west coast in many respects for for
    Harvesters everywhere you know this
    seems like I think it is to to most of
    our members Harvesters in particular
    that have reached out to me with their
    condolences and their
    respects uh but it’s going to it’s going
    to be a tough year in lar Harbor and
    Harbor and uh and I guess time will help
    but it’s it’s uh it’s going to be very
    difficult for 2024 that’s for sure we
    know that they were out setting Lobster
    pots but do we know yet what went wrong
    or do we have any idea yet about what
    happened I guess the details will come
    out the authorities with the province
    and you know Federal involved here the
    transport safety board for example I’m
    sure will be evolved I’m sure there will
    be a report at some point but uh The
    Vessel capsized and they they went into
    water and we know what the temperature
    of water is at this time of year it’s uh
    literally you know uh even with
    and you know it’s literally uh minutes
    that you have to get out of that water
    before the before the uh
    hypothermia takes away your uh your
    abilities right yeah and as you say the
    investigation I’m sure we will have all
    of this information do we know if
    flotation uh devices were being used my
    understanding again this is so I’m given
    unofficial report but I believe from a
    very good source uh is that yes they
    were both wearing flotation devices yeah
    well Jason spingle it’s just such a
    terrible tragedy but we really
    appreciate you taking the time to speak
    with us and uh safe driving on your way
    to the West
    Coast thanks Carolyn and uh you know
    like I said uh we’re I’m going to attend
    the funeral on behalf of our membership
    and uh hopefully there’s some comfort in
    knowing that there’s so many people that
    are sharing some of this heartbreak with
    them uh although none of us can really
    understand it but we’ll do the best we
    can and uh certainly that’s what we have
    to do so thank you thank you
    well a homeless tent encampment in St
    John’s is growing desite government
    promises months ago to have everyone
    living there moved into housing by
    Christmas a fire at a tent there earlier
    this week has raised more concerns about
    the safety of the people living there
    and in the House of Assembly today the
    new housing Minister faced tough
    questions about the
    situation Minister of Housing who still
    doesn’t have a mandate said that those
    who are living at 10th City are
    protesters quite
    clearly while the organizers make call
    their involved a protest I asked the
    minister and the premier for that matter
    are you actually saying that you believe
    that the people are living in this tent
    in the tents during some of the most
    harshest weather are are are simply
    protesting because I can assure you
    they’re not despite what you just said
    Mr Speaker it is not what I said but let
    me be clear there are there are two
    aspects to this there are people who
    need help and we are offering the help
    on a regular basis we understand that
    nobody on this side of the house that
    side of the house or outside side of the
    house is disputing that people need our
    help which is why we are making a record
    investment in housing but what I will
    say Mr Speaker is there are very clearly
    uh protest aspects to this and I will
    quote one of the organizers from the CBC
    yesterday this is still 100% a protest I
    asked the
    premier will he admit that his key goal
    here is to clear out 10 City before the
    start of the tourism season The
    Honorable min
    rousing Mr Speaker the key goal is to
    clear 10 City so that the people living
    there are living somewhere safe that is
    what our goal
    is that is why this government is making
    a record investment in housing that is
    why we have a transitional supportive
    initiative we are we have partnered with
    our Community Partners who know what the
    are but I will tell you this as well Mr
    Speaker sometimes and I have heard from
    our Community Partners that the folks
    who are protesting are impeding our
    ability to convince people if what
    options are available might be better
    suited for
    them well let’s head to Prince Edward
    Island now for a little inspiration Joe
    dun is turning heads by doing flips
    handstands and rope climbing all at 79
    years of age people try to keep up with
    him but he’s Leaps and Bounds ahead just
    see for yourself
    anytime I’d ever watch the Olympics or
    anything like that it was the one sport
    would hold my attention and I said when
    I was in my 40s I said I’d love to give
    that a try sometime thinking I’d never
    get the
    opportunity every time I’m here I’m
    inspired by Joe but what he does he was
    definitely growing the sport everyone’s
    OB was like oh no too old and like I can
    assure you you were not we have someone
    who is 79 turning 80 um and he comes and
    he participates and he’s catching better
    time and I said to the coach well uh I’m
    not a parent I’m a grandparent and he
    said well it’s a pretty rugged class but
    if you want to give it a what do people
    say to you when they see you doing
    gymnastics well they’re surprised most
    of them well they think like you said
    they think it’s for younger folks which
    it is if you’re going to be a competitor
    and that it is too but you can still
    have fun with
    it okay I’ll do it as long as they can
    as long as they feel healthy and great
    yeah give it a try you’ll enjoy it
    there’s a few Growing Pains until you
    get in condition for it but once you do
    great well new US military aid is set to
    start making its way to Ukraine US
    President Joe Biden has signed a funding
    bill will provide up to $60 billion in
    assistance for the fight against
    Russia I’m making sure the shipments
    start right away in the next few hours
    literally the few hours we’re going to
    begin sending in equipment to uh Ukraine
    for air defense Munitions for artillery
    for Rocket systems and armored vehicles
    Biden calls the bill an investment in us
    and European security he says defeating
    Russia and Ukraine will greatly reduce
    the risk of a wider conflict that could
    draw NATO into the fighting the bill
    also provides assistance to Israel Gaza
    Taiwan and the Indo Pacific
    region and staying South of the Border
    the clock is ticking for the social
    media app tick talk the funding bill
    signed by President Biden today contains
    contentious legislation that could ban
    the platform in the United States
    the new law calls on Tik tok’s Chinese
    parent company to sell the app by the
    end of the year or be blocked in the US
    American lawmakers say the platform
    could be a national security threat Tik
    Tock has 170 million users in the US the
    company says it will fight the bill
    calling it unconstitutional
    well engineers at columia Columbia
    University have made a robot that can
    mimic human facial expressions
    researchers say uh the creation of the
    robot named emu represents a major
    advance in communication between humans
    robots as so robots become more advanced
    and complicated like those powered by AI
    models there’s a growing need to make
    this interactions more intuitive emo can
    anticipate human facial expressions and
    mimic them even predicting a forthcoming
    smile milliseconds before it happens
    robots have made strides in verbal
    communication in recent years but
    they’ve lagged behind when it comes to
    facial cues the engineers plan to
    integrate verbal communication into to
    EMU to allow the robot to take part in
    complex and natural
    conversations yeah and that’s not creepy
    one bit not at all no no not wor at all
    that’s pretty incredible though it
    really is it really is uh what’s
    happening in AR artificial intelligence
    and all of that is uh it’s wild Leaps
    and Bounds yes for sure okay so let’s
    talk about the weather something a
    little bit more simple I
    guess it has not been that simple this
    winter uh yeah we’re returning to more
    winter Lake uh especially up across
    portions of Labrador uh but let’s just
    take a look at what’s going on so you’re
    going to see uh that snow uh through the
    night on Thursday and uh eventually we
    will see that taper off as we get into
    uh the overnight period but we could be
    talking about 15 to 20meters of snow
    especially towards coastal areas like
    around Movic uh back towards Happy
    Valley goosebay you’re talking about 10
    to 15 that’s likely uh but that will
    clear out as we head into Friday uh
    afternoon we should actually see some
    sun in the mix uh generally cloudy
    though for the Southeastern portions of
    Labrador most of the island as well uh
    there’s there’s likely we will see the
    Sun at sometimes but we will see uh
    those clouds uh move in for a good chunk
    of the afternoon daytime highs will be
    around one degree for those of you on
    the west coast through Central and
    Eastern areas of the island you are
    looking at your temperatures around 7°
    and most of Labrador you will be above
    zero except for the north uh where your
    temperatures will hover aroundus 4
    through the afternoon now as we head
    into the evening hours on Friday into
    Saturday Ridge of high pressure
    generally on tap which means we are
    going to see some sunshine quiet weather
    uh for the most part but we’re still
    going to see that onshore flow which is
    going to keep cooler temperatures around
    it looks like for Saturday it’s been a
    flip-flop in the forecast but uh for now
    that’s what it’s looking like uh we’ll
    see some more clouds move in for those
    of you on the western uh portion of
    Labrador and then maybe uh a few showers
    uh towards the north overall daytime
    High single digits uh really not moving
    too too much across the island double
    digits though up across Labrador 12 Dees
    in Happy Valley goosebay 10 in lab City
    but you head towards the coast and those
    temperatures will be a little bit uh
    colder than that long range forecast
    four or five degrees through the day our
    overnight lows will dip into the minus
    single digits uh at this point looking
    like some showers will return Sunday and
    Monday uh but a nice stretch of weather
    until we get there although it will be a
    tad cooler and then for Central areas of
    the island you’re looking at a daytime
    high around 14 degrees for Sunday and
    then dropping as we see some showers
    move in on Monday and then uh for
    Western newand staying in the double
    digits just barely but you’ll see some
    showers as well Eastern Labrador nice
    stretch of weather I guess we don’t get
    to see the rest of everything that’s
    okay well you can
    see there let show you the weather photo
    cuz it is a beautiful weather photo uh
    this one another golden hour I had to uh
    share this one it was a lovely shot
    there and uh yeah this is KCK Island it
    looked uh yeah look I thought it was all
    rock and click for a second there when
    it was smaller but now I can see its
    trees it’s beautiful yeah great shot
    there thank you so much uh yeah Sherry
    you sent that great shot in if you have
    any other photos that you would like to
    share with us you can send them to NLOS you little gremlins in our system
    tonight I think all good yes it’s live
    television is the way way it is emo at
    work there you go all right well that is
    it for us uh thank you so much for
    spending part of your evening with us
    good night

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