Episode 17: Cryptocurrencies

    welcome to PWC ifess talks your source
    of all things if technical accounting
    matters business issues current standard
    setting and Regulatory updates I’m your
    host Ruth predy in today’s episode we’re
    going to be talking about something very
    which is the new world of
    cryptocurrencies and really talking
    about what the debits and credits are
    now this is obviously a new and
    expanding area so we’re just really
    starting to think about what we might do
    with our debits and credits today and
    this definitely isn’t our final view but
    we’re joined today by Gary berkovitz
    who’s going to give us his thoughts on
    cryptocurrencies welcome Gary thanks
    very much Ruth hi everyone okay so you
    were almost expecting them to say hi
    back then weren’t you they can’t back to
    us it’s sad times right
    okay okay so what was let’s start with
    the basics what is a
    cryptocurrency okay that’s a great
    question so obviously we’re accountants
    and this is about the accounting so I
    could probably try and convince everyone
    I knew what I was talking about in
    detail about cryptocurrencies but uh try
    and keep that brief I think in its
    simplest form a cryptocurrency is really
    just a medium of exchange like uh like
    the US dollar so if you want to exchange
    something with someone you’ll use a
    cryptocurrency and then they’ll give you
    other goods and services
    okay so I’ve heard Bitcoin all the time
    is it just Bitcoin no so Bitcoin is one
    of the cryptocurrencies out there and
    then if you want to get even more
    technical cryptocurrencies then based on
    that blockchain technology and that’s
    about as much as I know about blockchain
    so again it’s you know it’s a form of of
    of Ledger which tells people you know
    what they own and what other people own
    um but as to answer your question no
    Bitcoin is just one of the
    cryptocurrencies we have there are other
    cooler funkier names out there like um
    ethereum or maybe some folks have heard
    of Ripple or Litecoin um I’m waiting for
    if for S coin to come out then maybe
    we’ll all invest but uh yeah it’s just
    they’re all they’re all types of
    cryptocurrencies okay so in my basic uh
    mind rather than having money in a bit
    of paper I basically got some sort of
    digital currency yeah yeah so um so like
    the US dollar a cryptocurrency has no no
    intrinsic value so it’s not like you can
    exchange it for another commodity like
    just just like a US dollar but there are
    some very important differences um and I
    think it’s important to understand them
    because it it makes a difference in the
    accounting between a a cryptocurrency
    like Bitcoin and a US dollar and and
    those are for example um a
    cryptocurrency has no physical form so I
    can you know get my dollars and you know
    show everyone and impress them with my
    dollars I can’t do that with a
    cryptocurrency because it’s only digital
    it only exists um online it’s also
    another very important thing it’s not
    legal tender so I can’t you know it’s
    not backed by any government Authority
    it’s kind of created in the air so
    that’s also very important and and as
    part of that it’s it’s not um its Supply
    isn’t determined by a central bank um
    and all the transactions are actually uh
    entered into and validated by the users
    on the system rather than a central
    repository like a bank or an
    intermediary that’s that’s actually the
    key economic rational behind it is that
    you you you take out the middle man and
    therefore for it’s adds trust and and
    and value to to the transactions so
    those are those are the important things
    and then also the cool bit of crypto in
    cryptocurrency the the reason that is
    because it’s obviously all um in crypted
    online and uh you know that’s about as
    much as I know it’s just just means it’s
    very safe yeah okay I love how you said
    the cool like we I feel like we’re cool
    accountants talking about this today the
    cool bit is all around the crypto okay
    so that’s really useful that’s giving us
    some characteristics of why
    cryptocurrencies are different from say
    just the US dollar why why do I even
    care why do I care about it
    why should I care why should you care
    because I mean well as as you know the
    the latest and greatest things is a lot
    of people are actually investing or
    buying into these crypto currencies I
    said Bitcoin is probably most of us have
    heard of Bitcoin so a lot of people have
    bought into Bitcoin companies are buying
    into Bitcoin and I think the reason we
    need a care is its popularity seems to
    only be growing over time and these
    assets values are actually becoming
    quite significant to potential balance
    sheets of what could potentially be our
    clients and so why you should care other
    than potentially invest investing and
    making an absolute killing like a lot of
    people have done um is that the
    accounting is probably going to become
    more important as these cryptocurrencies
    like Bitcoin and others become uh more
    popular and potentially get onto the
    balance sheets of many of our clients I
    can’t even afford one coin I don’t but
    anyway neither can I just to be clear I
    think neither I nor Ruth are currently
    invested in Bitcoin we not we’re not
    punching the any any other any other
    cryptocurrency yeah that’s right um Okay
    so we now know what it is obviously the
    key thing we care about on this is IFRS
    and accounting so how do what accounting
    standard does cryptocurrency fall into
    yeah so this is where folks might be
    slightly surprised and or shocked so I
    think at the moment folks would probably
    say that a cryptocurrency if you’re
    going to try and put it into a standard
    is most likely going to fall into is2
    standard on inventory or more likely
    into is38 our standard on intangible
    assets okay that yeah I wasn’t expecting
    you to that I was expecting you to say
    it was a financial asset to be honest
    why isn’t it a financial asset and that
    is you know you wouldn’t be a lone with
    that’s generally we most supposed to
    gravitate to this feels like currency
    and so my shocked face yeah okay yeah
    cuz I was waiting for the but obviously
    for those who can’t see ruther’s got her
    shocked face on but uh yeah the reason
    why unfortunately it doesn’t get into
    our financial asset accounting is
    because to get into financial asset
    accounting you need to either have
    something that is cash and unfortunately
    to be cash you need to be legal tender
    and remember when I was explaining about
    the characteristics it’s not legal
    tender so unfortunately you fail that
    important part of the definition the
    second bit is it’s it’s not a cash
    equivalent because to be a cash
    equivalent um your the value in the
    underlying shouldn’t be exposed to
    significant fair value changes I think
    anyone who knows anything about Bitcoin
    knows that these things are exposed to
    significant fair value changes so
    unfortunately it it fails to meet the
    definition of a cash equivalent and the
    last bit of definition is to be a
    financial asset it needs to evidence a a
    contractual right to receive either cash
    or another Financial instrumental cash
    equivalent and unfortunately it fails
    that part of the definition as well and
    because you fail those three pieces of
    the definition unfortunately you fall
    out of the financial instruments
    guidance which means we can’t account
    for it um in the scope of that standard
    so trying to like hunt around within the
    big ey FR book we found that it sort of
    meets the definition of either inventory
    or in tangible so if today I’m looking
    at the standards how am I accounting for
    that then yeah so unfortunately then if
    we fall into kind of uh inventory or
    intangibles the base measure there is
    cost so if you’re in inventory you’ll
    measure at cost and that’s it if you
    fall into intangibles initial
    measurements is at cost as well and then
    most folks subsequent measurement
    default is to cost but remember there is
    that little bit in in N is 38 un
    tangible standard that says look if
    there’s an active market for the
    intangible asset very rare cases where
    it’s observable what its value is you
    have an option to measure it after
    initial recognition at at fair value um
    I think to date the only thing we
    thought there was an active market for
    used to be think cab
    licenses milk examp but I think if ever
    there was a there was a you know an item
    that might actually get through the
    hurdle of saying there’s an observable
    market for this it would it would most
    likely be something like a Bitcoin which
    is is actively traded is is only getting
    more popular so you might be able to
    argue maybe that you can measure these
    things at fair value but unfortunately
    that’s kind of second prize because even
    if you do measure it at fair value the
    changes in that fair value will have to
    go through through the comprehensive
    income through oi not in profit and loss
    and they won’t be recycled when you
    actually realize the value in in the
    underlying um in the underlying Bitcoin
    so you can kind of get the balance sheet
    right maybe if you’re in the intangible
    assets but your your income statement is
    is not going to look right at least in
    my in my view yeah so just on that point
    it does feel like if you said to anyone
    that like vely was accounting not living
    deep into the standard you think it’s
    financial asset and makes sense to be
    fair value and really if they said if
    you said it was inventory I don’t think
    people would believe you but I’m pleased
    that’s where we are today so what is the
    right answer that doesn’t feel right yes
    so I’m glad you’ve asked that because
    clearly all the right answers should be
    coming to me Ruth that’s good good good
    that you’re you’re basing your trust in
    me now I don’t think there is a right or
    wrong answer but I think you’re right if
    you if you were to ask the the common
    man/ common accountant uh if who still
    have common sense on people doubt that
    there many of us out there anymore but I
    like to think there are I think most
    folks would gravitate to say this thing
    feels a heck of a lot like some kind of
    financial asset that should be measured
    at fair value it’s very volatile at the
    moment it’s being used I think is
    something people are trading in just
    like a normal investment and making
    short short-term gains on on buying and
    selling this item it feels like its
    subsequent measurement should be fair
    value through profit and loss yeah and
    obviously that isn’t what people are
    doing at the moment so it feels like
    something maybe the board should address
    what are the board doing is there a
    project on it so last I checked there
    was no project on it and I don’t think
    the board currently has has the appetite
    or maybe the band withth to take it on
    so at the moment there are no current
    plans for either the board or the
    interpretations committee to to to look
    at it um I think what will be very
    interesting is you know as as the
    popularity increases which it does seem
    to be on the rise not just of Bitcoin
    but other cryptocurrencies if they start
    being used as the normal way in which
    people transact uh online to buy and
    sell goods online I think there’s going
    to come a time when when we’re going to
    need to answer the question yeah so the
    board might be getting some letters
    soonish if it really picks up even more
    Pace okay perfect So currently no board
    project um so if I’m a company today and
    I’ve got bit Bitcoin what should I be
    doing you should probably be jumping for
    joy because the value went up I think
    about 700% in the last year um but uh I
    think I should probably then throw again
    neither Ruth nor I have nor are we
    advocating you know the purchase of
    sales of of Bitcoins but I think from an
    accounting perspective what you should
    do I think there’s there’s maybe you
    know we always say disclosure is a
    crutch that that shouldn’t be used when
    recognition and measurement doesn’t work
    but I think in this case that’s probably
    the best you have at the moment so to
    the extent that you caught by either
    measuring the stuff at Cost um either
    cost all the way through or revalued but
    putting the the gains through oci as we
    mentioned I think the next best thing
    you’ve probably got is just to disclose
    at least what the fair value of these
    items are to the extent they are
    material and then someone can see okay
    this was the amount that went through o
    if it’s at Cost this is its actual
    observable price there’s nothing
    prohibiting or stopping you from saying
    these are the items that cost but by the
    way based on the latest exchange on this
    day this was the value of a Bitcoin to
    give someone a user at least the the
    tools they need if they would like to
    converted into something at fair value
    through profit and loss brilliant so
    perfect parting tip there I think you
    know if you’re listening to this and the
    board hasn’t got a project and it does
    it feels like in today’s accounting uh
    cryptocurrency either fits into
    inventory or in tangibles which maybe we
    don’t see is such a logical accounting
    key thing is really transparent
    disclosure of what you’ve got is it
    material and then if it’s material you
    know lots of stuff to tell us what’s
    going on there with the Bal so thank you
    so much for joining us today Gary it
    feels like a very exciting topic to
    discuss cryptocurrencies and how to
    account for it um thank you everyone for
    um joining in if you would like to find
    out more information we’ve got lots on
    our website as usual so that’s pwc.com
    IFRS um thank you for listening I’m your
    host Ruth priy happy
    accounting the preceding program was
    brought to you by Price wouse Cooper LLP
    this content is for general information
    purposes and is not a substitute for
    consultation with professional advisers

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