How to Reinvent Your Investment Strategy

    I ended up getting my first job on quote
    unquote Wall Street at a Jordan bfort
    Wolf of Wall Street spin out Boiler Room
    that I look over at the guy in his
    Mercedes and he’s smoking like Gordon
    gecko he looks like Gordon gecko with
    this with the hair we end up clicking
    for some reason I believed in it so much
    my conviction was so deep that this
    thing was going to work but I had to
    exercise that Faith versus what was
    I’m talking about real adversity they
    were internally in the office buying the
    shares for my clients and saying you’re
    an idiot it’s going to 50 you know next
    week and I was like whatever man I’m
    doing risk management I think it’s gone
    up enough and I need some
    food in today’s chat with Eric I’m
    actually going to talk to him a little
    bit about how he got into this business
    and some of the trials and tribulations
    had through this business because as
    we’ve heard over the last few months he
    particularly likes highly volatile areas
    he likes his crypto some areas in which
    people probably don’t want to put so
    much risk but actually some of the
    context for the positions he takes could
    come from the experiences he had moving
    into this business and then how he
    developed his own understanding of what
    he likes to invest in and and how he
    invests in it over that period of time
    so hopefully we’ll get a few insights
    into the mind that drives the investor
    into these volatile stock areas and just
    a reminder that although this is
    probably not going to have as many
    investment ideas as we normally have
    this is still for engagement
    entertainment and educational purposes
    if you’re investing have your own time
    Horizons your own risk parameters and do
    your own research before putting any
    positions in
    place welcome everybody to investing in
    the mine field and welcome Eric thanks
    much Roger I look forward to the uh
    unconventional way to get into the
    business that I share well that’s what
    I’m hoping to hear because I mean what I
    love is that um you you interviewed a
    couple of people we’ve had Rob mcguan
    you’ve interviewed um Rick Rule and what
    what I think most people find
    fascinating about those interviews and
    generally when we talk to investors is
    is that first question and it’s the
    question you always asked and it’s a
    question I’ve not actually asked you
    I’ve always sort of started about you
    know a couple of years in but how did
    you get into this business what what
    what took you from high school
    university school as as you guys call it
    and and then into the investing world at
    that very beginning I came from a blue
    collar uh not poor uh ghetto but a blue
    collar Rough and Tumble sort of suburb
    of Milwaukee
    Wisconsin every um you know male uh in
    my uh hierarchy had up until the point
    when I was a kid
    um been like a machinist or a tool maker
    working in factories probably going back
    and I know they were going back to
    before the World War II and you know
    immigrants I guess you could say from
    different backgrounds mostly polish some
    German I guess I’m a mut from all over
    Eastern Europe uh also had you know sort
    of the hit in the bottle after work
    problem with a lot of the you know
    stress of that with everybody in my
    family and a lot of financial problems
    uh because of that and just you know
    stins of unemployment and I remember my
    mother carried the family on wages of
    being a hair stylist uh which didn’t pay
    very well I used to remember asking her
    for her uh
    W2s seeing that it was like you know 15
    grand a year 18 Grand tops and then tips
    and I’m like I look back on it now and I
    wonder how we made it through and I had
    a I had a great level of support a lot
    of that was sacrificed to give me you
    know the semblance of a of a decent um
    uh image in the sense of growing up
    however I always had this thing in me
    where I wanted to make money anyway what
    got me hooked on the stock market was my
    senior year of high school I took a
    business econ class and that was the
    first year that I actually got my crap
    together uh partially because my father
    had died when I was 17 and I guess I got
    scared straight or whatever it was and I
    really dove into this business econ
    class where the state of Wisconsin in
    the US uh still to this day they do a
    10- week uh for seniors in high school
    they do a 10-week program um it’s for
    the stock market they give you a mock
    $100,000 my econ teacher um uh Mr
    he said listen if you call up go in the
    Yellow Pages back in the day and you
    call the investment firms the brokerage
    firms in downtown Milwaukee and you say
    that you’re a student and want to talk
    to a broker about some ideas because you
    have the stock market game a lot of them
    will be very friendly to you and will’ll
    do that so I went home and I started
    smiling and dialing I called uh and I
    got a guy on the phone his uncle was the
    largest producer at Merl Lynch in
    Milwaukee and I got his nephew and so
    was just building his book but he gave
    me a couple of picks and I had called
    some other Brokers and put you know put
    those picks into play and I also started
    charting on a whiteboard I didn’t have
    you know a computer or anything so I
    would put the closing prices of these
    stocks that I followed and see if there
    was a pattern in week six of the
    $100,000 program thing we were in the
    top three in the in the state for our
    returns and we ended up winning the
    state of Wisconsin in 1993 cut which is
    known as this little hole suburb uh
    that should not be competing in this
    type of thing when your dad you know
    other systems dads were actually at
    maril Lynch and could give them picks
    and we won it and I believe that uh it
    was something to the effect of like a
    45% return in 10 weeks so 100 turned
    into 145 that got my attention and I had
    gone to my grandmother and asked her for
    $1,000 she was the only one in my family
    that had any savings but anyway then I
    went to school and along the way
    educated myself on stocks and investing
    in the market and I just didn’t I wasn’t
    into school I it wasn’t for me I was
    basically hanging on with my grades I
    took a lot of electives that were like
    world religions philosophy psychology
    business the rest of it I didn’t care
    about and so it was a really interesting
    time in my life when my roommate one of
    my roommates uh that we lived in a house
    called the dungeon which was usually
    stained with beer on the floor and if
    you’d walk you’d stick to the floor from
    the parties we would have we had uh you
    know some good guys that were in there
    but one of them in particular who’s
    still a good friend of mine to this day
    who runs a value fund uh out of Denver
    he was a head of the the finance
    Association he came home one day and you
    know I think at that point I had learned
    a little bit about you know token on
    something and and chilling out and and
    relaxing and doing my thing in college
    like a lot of us possibly did and he
    came home and he said hey man you got to
    get your uh your one tie and suit or
    whatever on and come to the finance
    association meeting tonight you’re going
    to love the speaker this is your guy and
    I was like what you know because he had
    never invited me before in year like a
    year and a half and for some reason
    there was a speaker there was a storm
    that happened at that time in Wisconsin
    so who whoever was flying in from one of
    the more reputable firms uh to recruit
    Juniors and seniors in the finance
    Association for various positions
    University of Wisconsin Whitewater
    although division 3 has a very very uh
    well-respected finance and econ uh
    department and he said so instead one of
    the guys that graduated last year is
    working for a firm a stock brokerage
    firm in the suburb of Chicago he’s
    coming in to recruit
    I go to this thing and I’m watching this
    guy’s got slick back hair he’s got an
    Armani suit he’s looking super sharp and
    he starts talking about how the big
    firms they like to allocate assets and
    they like to uh you know go into
    conservative your your 6040 portfolio
    with wealthy High net uh worth
    individuals and he said we’re a little
    different we like to do what are called
    OTC growth stocks and he gave like an
    example of one that went up 20 20 times
    and he was just uh very persuasive and
    it was on my level and so I went up to
    him and I just said hey Mark still
    remember his name hey Mark would you
    ever consider hiring someone who hasn’t
    gotten their uh their bachelor degree
    yet he said well Eric you might be in
    luck I’m actually a unique situation in
    this business I’ve only got my community
    college degree out in New Jersey and he
    ran the office for this firm in Chicago
    gave me a card and so call me on Monday
    so did you just give up University there
    and give him a call and off you went was
    it did did you sounds like you didn’t
    finish your University degree you
    obviously decided that the world for you
    was the the wild west the wild East
    whichever end you’re at of the financial
    markets so I Monday I called them up I
    had an appointment to go down to this
    area Arlington Heights in Illinois which
    is a suburb it was a over three-hour
    drive from where I was at University I
    went to my mother’s home in Milwaukee
    first she helped me
    buy my first real car which was a used
    Volkswagen Jetta that I loved and I
    wrote it through college but I couldn’t
    keep up with the registration and
    insurance payments so I ended up putting
    the I still remember it here’s a plug
    for David Hobs Honda if you’re still out
    there when you used to be able to put a
    license plate that says you know license
    coming this was just bought from this
    dealer I had that on there for two years
    I had no no registration I had nothing I
    was just like winging it uh out there
    waiting to get pulled over and I was
    racing down the interstate going about
    80 miles an hour trying to make it there
    and then all of a sudden the blue and
    reds are going off behind me and I’m
    like it’s over my dream uh of this is
    over because he’s going to see all the
    you know the uh uh the citations that
    he’s going to bring to me they’re
    probably going to impounder my car my
    license is now in valid cuz I haven’t
    updated that nor the insurance or
    anything else he pulls me over and to
    the point where we’re slowing down and
    there was one car in front of me that
    started to pull over too because he
    wasn’t sure if he was pulling him over
    and right at the last second before we
    came to a stop I mean this is my memory
    of it at this point he goes around and
    he pulls the guy in front of me over and
    I was sweating and I took off and I went
    to get to the interview and I show up
    down there and uh it’s a it’s a big
    Bullpen I ended up getting my first job
    on quote unquote Wall Street at a Jordan
    bort Wolf of Wall Street spin out Boiler
    Room that I had no idea was that existed
    at that time um and that movies weren’t
    out we didn’t know anything about this
    all I know is there were a lot of guys
    in their 20s driving Mercedes and
    Beamers and Porsches in the in the lot
    and everybody’s standing around on the
    phone and there’s a lot of energy in
    there and I go sit in the marks the the
    manager manager’s office so him and I he
    takes me in his car to go get a Euro and
    he’s talking to me and I look over at
    the guy in his Mercedes and he’s smoking
    like Gordon gecko he looks like Gordon
    gecko with this with the hair he’s just
    a very you know we end up clicking for
    some reason and he’s at the end of the
    interview I’m like I’m only I’m just
    graduating my second year of undergrad I
    have no money I don’t know what I’m
    going to do I was looking at Ohio State
    cuz I could get better Financial Grant
    ANS and loans and he says you know what
    Eric I’m going to give you a shot and
    here’s the deal here’s your Series 7
    books you got to pay for these and then
    you start studying and then you’re going
    to get into the business and we’re going
    to train you and off you go I always say
    when I look back on my life it was uh if
    you will God using evil for good because
    if I never went there for training on
    how to sell how to open accounts how to
    call people and get strangers to become
    a client that I could develop many of
    which I still have but I ended up
    realizing pretty quick this was a scam I
    overheard a phone call I was there very
    late one night cold calling at 8:30 I
    was the only guy around next to my
    manager’s office which was closed and I
    could hear the concern in I think they
    were based in New Jersey there were
    rumors this particular company had ties
    of the mob later on all this stuff I you
    know you would never know this as a 2021
    year old kid coming in just to try to
    you know wide-eyed and wan to learn
    about Wall Street and make a career so
    anyway I got my series7 through them
    went through the trading program you’re
    looking at guys everywhere with Rolexes
    and this and that and all this stuff and
    then I’m looking at some of the things
    we’re selling at $8 a share on the offer
    and five on the bid so I’m going to each
    of the managers like why is there such a
    large spread here so if I get Tim Jones
    The Farmer from from Southern Illinois
    to buy a th000 shares he sends in eight
    grand if he wants to sell it tomorrow he
    gets five back is that right yeah these
    are growth stock companies you need to
    give them time to grow so they keep
    these big spreads and I was like this is
    this is you know this these
    guys are robbing people so I ended up
    getting out of there quick I wasn’t
    there for even uh two and a half months
    but I had my Series 7 and I went to go
    work for an ex Leman and uh ex Bear
    Sterns and I had to start from scratch
    uh minimum wage was the Illinois State
    uh deal so they had to pay people like
    us that were commission only minimum
    wage and it’s a tough racket right
    making hundreds of phone calls a day
    trying to get people just back before
    the internet to like you know get a lead
    I used the formula that I learned from
    uh the boiler room but I used it in a
    way where I’m like okay I’m pretty
    convinced that these guys they’re
    legitimate veterans I was that Schneider
    Securities waiting tables out in a um
    out in a mall at a hulaan trying to pay
    my bills and work all day paying rent my
    grandmother again saving my butt and
    giving me a shot the only one who had
    any money whatsoever at all you know to
    to in her bank account passed away of
    brain cancer right before this all
    happened and it actually allowed me I
    talked to my uncle to stake
    the 10 grand that she uh was going to
    leave for me to to get this journey
    started and that money ran out pretty
    quick by the time I didn’t make any
    money for months I started getting
    eviction notices on my door in this
    condo complex and twice I remember got
    to the last minute and I went downstairs
    and there was a nice woman who ran these
    group of complexes and I would go to her
    and I would say look I have a check
    coming next Friday I can give you half
    of what I owe you and then the other
    half in 2 weeks and will be cleared up
    and she would work it out with me and
    then I wouldn’t get evicted the third
    time it happened though I went there and
    I’m like all right I’ve taken this to
    the final step it’s an eviction eviction
    notice I went downstairs to have a chat
    with my friend and it she was gone I was
    literally homeless um I did not have a
    place to stay I found somewhere it was a
    friend a very loose friends parents
    guest room that I was able to sleep in
    it got really really really tough I had
    been building up for months a position
    in a stock called micad that had 3D CAD
    software but there was a moment when I
    was 21 that I had to face moving back
    home with my mother because I couldn’t
    it was just not working out and I had
    nowhere to live and I was going into the
    office but I had such a firm belief that
    this micad was going to work so I’m like
    if I leave
    now these guys are going to get all my
    accounts are going to make a bunch of
    money on that and if I go back to where
    I come from I’m never going to get out
    of there that’s just the way it is with
    a town like that and so I ended up I was
    a spiritual guy at that time like
    praying you know what do I do uh there’s
    a YMCA that I don’t think it’s still
    there but it was on uh Chicago Avenue
    near State Street in Chicago and it was
    filled with crackheads and homeless
    people they charge 10 bucks a night to
    sleep there I ended up I I went to the
    YMCA and I said because I still had a
    few days left at my friend’s parents
    house I said if how much is it going to
    cost me if I if I stay here per night
    they said 10 bucks I walked from there
    back to the train station and I made a
    decision I don’t care what the it
    takes I will sleep in an alley I’m so
    close I can’t stop now I’ll sleep with
    these crackheads and I will make some
    friends along the way I’m going to keep
    it going no matter what and that was a
    huge moment for me because just weeks
    later there was a guy I believe he’s
    passed away by now but when you look at
    the way things used to work in the
    promoter business there was a guy that
    was notoriously known Rafi KH Rafi KH we
    get a uh call from the IR woman at modad
    whom by the way everybody in the office
    was neck deep and micad we were you know
    these were all veteran Brokers and we
    all loved it we were all making a huge
    bet on this thing and we were buying it
    at you know $4 $5 $6 I was buying the
    warrants that came out because it was a
    small underwriting at a dollar dollar
    and a half then the stock doubles to 10
    the warrants go up 4 100% and rafie gets
    involved at you know eight nine 10 bucks
    a share on micad and sure enough within
    two months this stock is trading massive
    volume it’s at 17 bucks it’s going
    higher so it goes to 25 and you know
    we’re seeing all this selling come in
    anyway I’m now up so I’m up multiples of
    my clients everybody’s still buying in
    the office and I’m like I think I have
    to take some of this off this would be
    appropriate and by the way I live on a
    freaking in a in a crazy crappy
    hole I’ve never had money to buy my
    family Christmas gifts the last couple
    years if I sell it in November I’ll get
    paid right by right by my between my
    birthday and Christmas so I sold like
    15% of my position and I made 40 Grand
    in a month and it was back in the late
    90s and it was the first taste I had but
    little moments like that were very
    critical for me to stick around I think
    a lot of us have had those I think you
    mentioned it was 2003 where you started
    getting into the mining space what what
    was it that got you from Trading these
    dodgy stocks in boiler rooms to going oh
    I think I like mining companies when I
    was going into the internet boom the
    first time I ever made any to me what
    was real money was going into the year
    2000 with the internet boom where I was
    making 50 plus Grand a month for eight
    months um and I was 25 years old and I
    started like you know buying things and
    having a good time and then I gave it
    all back on the back end of that I
    didn’t understand
    Cycles I had a painful education in the
    Woodshed from that experience the
    markets and I learned about that
    coming back in and you know what I ended
    up being attracted to really was what we
    call alternative Investments if somebody
    said what do you do I would say I’m an
    alternative investment adviser not a
    broker not a financial adviser I was
    there for that stuff and um you know so
    gold fits in well there doesn’t it it’s
    like here’s a piece that you can make
    something that you I can talk about and
    we ended up later on I ended up leaving
    the the business with managing money
    from a licensed manner but Fidelity was
    the furb that we cleared through at that
    time this is back when I was about to
    leave the business and I was trying to
    do a direct mail campaign to get people
    to custody their gold with Fidelity it
    was a new program you could do it in
    your IRA you could do it in a single
    account and they wouldn’t let me send a
    letter it wasn’t even a security but I
    couldn’t Market anything I couldn’t grow
    my business but anyway the gold that I
    got invested into I bought my first gold
    coin I believe it was like 2003 gold was
    somewhere around $350 or $400 an ounce
    and I started to learn more and more
    about that my sources of information
    became you know they were more focused
    on the value of gold and silver and hard
    assets that I wanted to mix in with some
    of the highrisk high reward High beta uh
    fund of funds that we were investing in
    inside of some of the venture Capital
    deals and Tech that we were involved in
    medical technology was the specialty of
    the firm that I worked for and I wanted
    to put that all together so that I could
    actually have clients that I could
    develop relationships with and then the
    mining stocks became a natural second
    thought you know just like if you buy
    you find crypto you buy Bitcoin then you
    hear about eth this is what happened for
    me for mining stocks so in around 2004
    or five I believe I bought my first gold
    mining stock for myself and then I
    started to monitor that space so it
    sounds like in many ways you’ve been
    constantly um I’m going to say not
    Reinventing yourself but it sounds like
    the key thing here is being inquisitive
    because you have moved from different
    sector to different sector now obviously
    you say’ve been in minus really since
    2003 for 20 years but in that journey
    and now obviously this is a big leap now
    but You’ you embraced crypto was that
    how did you get into that I mean because
    the key thing for a lot of investors is
    that very hard for a lot of investors to
    move away from their comfort zone they
    get into a style or an area and they
    believe in it you know and that’s why we
    get these tribal uh groups particularly
    on um social media what what what is is
    it because of that rather chaotic
    beginning men that are constantly
    churning re re kind of Reinventing is
    that you think what has driven you to
    continue looking at all these different
    things I don’t know if it was churning
    as much as like I felt like my education
    my self- education was evolving and I I
    went up the rung into more and more
    sophisticated areas within the business
    I remember being very young I was on the
    phone when we would take positions in
    like that micad you know I was very
    young uh first you know couple years in
    the business trying to survive and what
    got my attention was the underwriter
    when I saw that it went public and we
    were following this thing going public
    and then they got the the warrants and I
    looked in the Deep press release and I’m
    like so wait a second who’s getting the
    underwriter warrants why am I not
    getting some of that what with some of
    our deals who’s who’s the banker that I
    can talk to I think I like that part of
    it too the warrants sound pretty good
    and I had made a lot of money for people
    on that modad with focusing on the
    warrants where there was The Leverage
    right out of the gate but as I got into
    it more and more I started to look for
    what is you know what are people smarter
    and richer than me doing and what do
    they think that’s always been my
    approach even to this day if I’m
    learning from folks that are experts in
    a certain area and I trust their
    judgment I will gladly become a student
    at the seat immediately and absorb that
    information so anyway when I went and I
    did my homework and I said well I want
    to become an internet marketer my whole
    thing was I was learning about the
    internet and I wanted to do what was
    called inbound marketing instead of for
    such a career of pounding the pavement
    and you know ABC always be closing and
    talking and prospecting and going after
    all kinds of people to get you know this
    big list of people that ends up into
    little drips where they become your
    clients that’s taxing after a long time
    I’m like I want to do this wiser the
    internet allows for that what if I can
    create funnels where every day whatever
    I’m doing whatever service I’m providing
    whatever product I might come up with um
    that I walk into the office and I’ve got
    emails or calls from people that want to
    talk to me already what the heck what a
    concept right and I loved that and I was
    like I want to do that but I’ve got to
    get out of the out of the business
    because they’re they’re not going to let
    me market things online so cut the cord
    and I had had compiled a family office
    database and I always wanted to find the
    family office database because I was
    going to them for some of the things
    that we were doing and then I realized
    that there was a gap in the market in
    the raia side the raas there was only
    one there was a woman out of the East
    Coast who had a CRM that you had to pay
    five grand a person for a subscription
    to get access to all the RAS so those
    two are what kept me afloat I started
    learning Google AdWords I started
    getting people buying the data then I
    got the president of called
    me or emailed me one day when I was like
    trying to keep my office in the John
    Hancock Center in Chicago and afford it
    uh and said I’m on your raia list uh but
    your buttons don’t work I want to buy
    one of your lists can you call me and I
    saw president of and I
    thought it was a joke and so I called
    him he became my biggest client became a
    friend we we got to know each other over
    years but anyway when I launched the
    gold investment letter it was in the
    fall of 2011 which was the top of the
    market right but I’m like I’m going all
    in on gold it was very hot it was the
    top literal month and then for four
    years brutal bare Market over four years
    that I had to build the letter and I did
    it slowly and I did it right and I ended
    up um I ended up building that along the
    way but then around
    2012 probably I had you know I I had had
    some subscribers that I attracted I had
    some of my older clients that came with
    me to the letter and at some point
    somebody sent me an article on bitcoin
    and I brushed it off and then another
    time I saw an article about Bitcoin
    myself I read it I brushed it off
    somewhere in 13 I believe I had a couple
    of people that had said they wanted my
    opinion because I was a gold guy right
    so they’re like What’s the deal this is
    digital gold do you think it’s legit and
    I didn’t totally brush it off then but I
    didn’t know how to buy it uh I’m not I
    wasn’t technically savvy so what I did I
    believe it was 13 or 14 I bought a bunch
    of Bitcoin domains like Bitcoins and stuff on Go Daddy
    thinking all right well I don’t know if
    this is legit or not but I’ll take a
    flyer on putting in 400 bucks a year and
    and renew my do domains because if it
    does become big I don’t know how to buy
    the thing but uh maybe I’ll make some
    money on the domains it finally got to
    the point where it was like 20145
    whenever uh Bitcoin went up to 1,200 and
    pulled back to 200 I was kind of
    watching it out of the corner of my eye
    I remember being in an airport and
    Bitcoin Point had gone back to like 400
    to 500 from that 200 and it was
    something in me because one of the
    benefits that I have from the time that
    I came up I’m a tape reader you know
    what I mean like I’m I also have a feel
    for stocks and markets I still listen to
    that in my gut regardless of what I’m
    seeing on a technical chart on a screen
    and I’m looking at it and I’m like this
    asset whatever the hell it is is going
    higher and it’s going to survive and
    it’s trading like it’s going higher so
    then I went and I opened a coinbase
    account in
    2016 I bought my first Bitcoin you know
    a couple few Bitcoins it was not a lot
    of money a couple Grand I put in at 450
    bucks of Bitcoin and then I believe it
    was the end of April or early May
    2016 I recommended Bitcoin officially to
    all the gold investment letter
    subscribers and it was it was like just
    under five 100 of Bitcoin so that was my
    start but again as many of us know I
    don’t even know if you’ve started this
    journey at Roger you’re still probably
    kicking the tires while it makes us all
    rich but you you know it’s it’s a whole
    new learning process because I I did it
    then and I I say like officially I
    recommended to my readers and for myself
    I’ve been in Bitcoin since 500 okay but
    it was stupid funny money I was playing
    around it was a couple Grand I ended up
    selling it all at 2500 early in the in
    the run that happened towards the end of
    17 um and I traded it a bit this and
    that but it got my attention because it
    it reminded me of the internet bubble
    and why that got so big my my view is
    that the market is a forward-looking
    mechanism it sees in the future somehow
    and however the time discount on that is
    I don’t know exactly but I believe the
    internet bubble got so big where you’ve
    got like trading for you
    know 500 bucks a share or something um
    was because the market saw how large of
    a transformation this was going to be
    for our lives and for Commerce and for
    everything information communication and
    then that bubble when it burst uh you
    know if I would have had and taken the
    time to learn more about the mechanics
    of using the internet that was a mistake
    I didn’t want to make again so when
    Bitcoin crashed in late 17 early 18 I
    said to myself this run was the
    2 uh this was the 1999 2000 run in the
    internet there’s something here this
    Market sees that is going to be here for
    a long time and that’s when I I doubled
    doubled triple quadruple down I had a
    plan of what I was going to do which is
    after Bitcoin goes below 8,000 in from
    the correction of 20 I was going to
    start automatically accumulating it and
    spend a lot of time learning about it
    and that’s what I did I’ve got over at
    least 15,000 hours of study on
    blockchain web 3 crypto Bitcoin you name
    it and then um it became a big part of
    my life because in 18 especially in 19
    and then the crash of 20 um I had been
    very vocal even with the gold investment
    Letter People and half of them told me
    to go f off because it was the gold
    versus Bitcoin crowd I said look you
    don’t have to be that way there’s room
    for both here it’s a us against Fiat so
    chill out and make some money so it’s
    the learning process you know the
    churning yeah the churning happened uh a
    bit from this Focus to that Focus
    because I was learning on the job and I
    was trying to get smarter and trying to
    get ahead what would you say was the
    your most important trade or position
    not necessarily your most successful one
    but the one that yeah maybe it was
    Bitcoin maybe it was that realization
    from Bitcoin because it open so many
    doors but what would you say was your
    your most important single pos position
    or trade in terms of either what it
    taught you what it helped you do what
    Financial Security you get could be all
    of the above
    motorad motorad was because I was 21
    years old with no money every week
    looking at how I’m going to pay for food
    transportation and upcoming rent and in
    the face of it I believe believed in it
    so much my conviction was so deep that
    this thing was going to work but I had
    to exercise that Faith versus what was
    I’m talking about real adversity
    thankfully because I was young I think
    that that helped but it was like a life
    or death type of thing for me it was
    like you know if this doesn’t work or if
    uh you know I was betting it all on this
    story and so doing that in the face of
    of such like
    uncertainty uh modad made my career
    because when that one hit I saw how I
    could make money how I could make a lot
    of money I made people a lot of money I
    also made a big mistake then too because
    I only sold 15 20% of it but I did it in
    the face of every single other broker
    around me that had been veterans and my
    bosses were still buying it and I’m like
    you guys are idiots we’re up you know
    we’re up with the warrant we’re up 6X in
    like 12 to 15 months I had the I was
    glad I had Christmas coming up and it
    was part of my decision otherwise I
    might have capitulated with them and
    either not sold any because there was
    pressure at that time they were
    internally in the office buying the
    shares for my clients and saying you’re
    an idiot it’s going to 50 you know next
    week and I was like whatever man I’m
    doing risk management I think it’s gone
    up enough and I need some food
    so like oh you’re an idiot I mean it
    seems to C crop up a lot you know on the
    internet even today on that front you
    know on so on the reverse front what
    would you say was the most chastening
    thing was it the anibis of 2008 2009 or
    was another another single trade where
    you kind of look back and go I didn’t
    learn from that you know 089 was
    uh was bad because I was a grown man you
    know I was like 33 years old and I had
    no money that because I was dealing in
    Venture and all venture it’s just like
    owning a restaurant during covid like it
    just done it stopped and I had to sell
    off a lot of my positions that I had
    invested in at the bottom to continue to
    operate in life and it hurt a lot the
    big Saving Grace there for me was that I
    had spent the prior three or four years
    really getting my personal life together
    you know I stopped being an idiot and
    partying and all that stuff and I I was
    getting healthy and I was doing a lot of
    like self-work so when that pressure
    came and it was that bad first of all I
    despised it I was like I can’t believe
    I’m in this position I’m in a studio
    apartment in Chicago I’m you know 13
    years into a professional career in this
    stuff I have nothing to show for it I’m
    wiped out and I had to come to a
    conclusion where I said quit the
    self-pity dude everybody’s getting
    slammed right now what are you going to
    do next and frankly here’s what ends up
    happening with my career and and it’s it
    is true that those big adversities can
    be some of your biggest breakthroughs
    because what did I
    do I discovered in 2008 I started using
    LinkedIn I was one of the early LinkedIn
    users I had meetings every day around my
    house during the whole crash and after
    it when nobody was doing anything yes I
    was looking for business but I was
    looking to be active and make contact
    and I used this incredible new tool to
    do it very early and that ended up me
    starting groups in LinkedIn I ended up
    but like within a a year at like 2010 I
    was having you know 40 or 50 High net
    worth individuals in a restaurant in
    Atlanta to raise money for one of our
    Venture companies back you know getting
    back on my feet from all the seeds I
    planted I was forced to learn about
    technology then you know in 2012 13 I
    found Airbnb I started renting out my
    apartment on Airbnb back then and it was
    paying for all of my costs and I was
    going back and forth from Hermosa Beach
    and renting a Land Rover from a friend
    for 500 a month and my housing or my
    flight costs were being paid for back
    and forth for two years so it it taught
    me a lot of Ingenuity it taught me
    creativity and it also taught me that
    there’s only so you know a lot of us
    that have an addicted personality or
    whatever we are very hard on ourselves
    and you know I’m sure you can relate
    like if we’re not oper operating in a
    level of perfection like we we get you
    know we really are very angry
    potentially at ourselves and I had to
    learn a lot of lessons through that and
    just say listen man you know quit quit
    the whining and the and and the party
    you’re ready you’re finally ready after
    all this preparation of living your life
    right let’s start from scratch Let’s
    Build It Up and this time hopefully you
    can keep it all and it’ll sustain itself
    instead of going away in two years so to
    finish off then going forward what is
    going to be your formula for not getting
    angry uh don’t go broke I don’t like
    being broke broke makes me pissed off uh
    but I was just angry two weeks ago I had
    a situation with my
    Foundation where uh men in Morocco uh
    were physically assaulting women that
    run a dog shelter on the big dog guy
    they poisoned 12 dogs and killed them
    and they were trying to physically throw
    the women out uh that were the only dog
    rescue in this area of Morocco so I got
    pissed I put all the business to
    the side and I was going to go straight
    to the king and I’ll get there I didn’t
    need to go that far but I had
    mercenaries lined up that were already
    licensed to come and guard the shelter
    uh strapped uh to stop these people from
    attacking these women and these dogs
    they had given them a fake eviction
    notice they had to be out of there in 3
    days even though that group had lost two
    Court battles for this situation so I
    still get angry but it’s usually when
    it’s like an injustice not you know and
    that I just say this I got to step in
    here that’s rare you know there’s listen
    just start focusing all your time on
    political news you’ll get plenty angry
    pretty quick don’t waste your time on
    that guys in the meantime make sure
    that you’ve got some assets put to the
    side off which you can live so that you
    can then enjoy speculating in the higher
    octane stuff yeah and you know enjoy
    some of the fruits of those victories
    when you take a lot of if you have a
    high-risk reward life and say you took a
    shot you know some of these guys like I
    was watching that documentary about
    Travis KAC and Uber you know and he did
    a lot of stuff that he probably
    shouldn’t have early on whatever but
    look at that thing that just went public
    you know he was the one dinging the Bell
    on the
    NYSC uh with his dad and you know like
    that that’s your life you know if you’re
    going to go in there and dig in and make
    some real changes um and then it starts
    to come I find one of the biggest things
    that I run like men’s Mastermind groups
    and all that stuff with friends and I
    have some other you know things that
    really help me to not get well if I get
    angry I’m going to have it put in
    perspective by other people and try to
    learn from that but also you know when
    you make a lot of money a lot of people
    they just squirrel it all away again for
    some future that doesn’t exist we have
    today I’m staying in a very beautiful
    home in Miami Beach that I don’t need
    it’s just my dogs and I but it also is a
    situation where like I almost died two
    years ago I don’t know how long I’m
    going to be here quit being so
    cheap enjoy it if you have a victory do
    something for yourself for somebody
    around you or actually even better yet
    give it away to somebody who needs it a
    fantastic Journey volatile Journey
    interesting Journey uh but it’s good to
    have that perspective because it also
    does give a little bit of perspective
    around some of the way that you approach
    the markets I will be chatting again
    next week about uh the broader markets
    themselves and whatever’s developing
    over over the last week or so thanks so
    much Roger I appreciate the
    chat so as we heard from Eric there his
    investing career in fact his life has
    been uh quite a dramatic one there’s
    been lots of highs lots of lows but
    there’s been lots of change and I think
    it was interesting to listen to How Eric
    has talked about how the change in his
    life has often informed the invest
    investment and investing that he’s done
    and how he’s never allowed himself to be
    completely removed or cut off from any
    opport unity and when he’s seen some
    opportunities he’s he’s really gone with
    them with both hands with a lot of Gusto
    and really gone into learning as much as
    he can about those areas and that is
    really something that we should all be
    doing when we’re trying to do our
    investments so there’s quite a lot uh to
    take away from that

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    Eric Muschinski’s investment career has taken many turns for the better and worse. Bouncing back from the setbacks has helped inform the winning strategy he now employs. As part of a series in partnership with the Gold Investment Letter ( and Phenom Crypto Letter (, Roger Hirst speaks to Eric about dealing with the unpredictable gyrations in fortune that trading and investing can bestow upon anyone.

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