Love, Resilience, Passion: Fostering Research | Dr. Emanuele Laurenzi | NinjaTalks Episode 12

    welcome back to the ninja talks podcast
    a show for curious minds highlighting
    learning and tips that helped experts
    evolve better do you know what it
    actually takes to pursue research as a
    profession well that’s exactly what we
    are going to talk about in episode 12
    love resilience passion fostering
    research this is snay and this is Ria
    our today’s ninja guest is Dr Emmanuel
    Lorenzi senior researcher lecturer and
    Innovation coach at University of
    applied sciences and arts Northwestern
    Switzerland co-founder of startup
    focused incubator impact lab and a
    leading research
    figure thank you thank you very
    much and for having me thank you we’re
    glad to have you on our show so as you
    from from a research background you are
    a leading research figure what is it
    that you do as an innovation coach or
    how do you implement strong leadership
    and collaboration skills in the team
    through coaching
    techniques yeah thank you very much very
    interesting question it all started when
    I was studying at the Master Level where
    I got introduced to ontologist this
    amazing word of how to represent
    knowledge in a way that is is not only
    interpretable by humans but also by
    machine and this is indeed the subfield
    of AI that is symbolic reasoning the
    counterpart I would say of machine
    learning right so where you have the
    data driven approaches on the one hand
    we have this knowledge engineering and
    knowledge experts and the other hand we
    have the data driven approaches and now
    an exciting journey into AI is how can
    you create intelligent systems so that
    you combine the strength of the both the
    data driven approaches and the expert
    system so this is just to give you a
    little bit an idea how I started so
    starting from these expert systems and
    then I got fascinated about that I
    pursued a PhD that focused on the
    seamless integration between Enterprise
    models that is providing some human
    interpretability and these ontologies
    that are providing machine interpr
    ability the interesting part was like
    how do you ensure that what the human
    perceive understands can also be
    understood by the machine and for this I
    came up with a yeah with an approach
    that has been then validated in into one
    prototype and now this prototype is
    continuously being developed at the
    University where I supervise massive
    thesis and we try to to push it recently
    actually there was a colleague who built
    an interesting research on top of this
    which went towards creation of business
    model canvas using this prototype so
    that you can have all the possible
    business model canvas not only
    interpretable for Innovation coaches or
    entrepreneurs but also they could be
    interpreted by the machine and in this
    case now imagine that you have all these
    thousands of business model canas that
    you can simply reuse you can find
    patterns for Innovation and so on so
    there is a huge potentiality there and
    and indeed you won the best paper award
    in this conference called poem so it’s a
    really focusing on the practice of
    Enterprise modeling and combining it
    also with with AI so this is the
    research part and now obviously I yeah
    in general I’m always Keen for getting
    to know new things new approaches and
    like talking to people being inspired
    I’m a fan of TED talks for example or
    even podcast and I just want the more
    input I get the better and this is you
    know it’s driven by Passion I would say
    and therefore this comes Now The
    Innovation flavor uh that is injected
    into this research profile and this
    combination has led me to propose this
    impact lab we call it so it’s an
    incubator that helps out students at FW
    to the university where I work to to
    found startups but we take them into the
    journey no matter which stage they are
    maybe they are in the in the very first
    idea or maybe they have created already
    a business model canas that is solid and
    uh bulletproof but still there is always
    room for improvements and therefore we
    just our aim is to take them to the next
    level which can be maybe a better
    business model C or peit ready to to
    raise money in front of investors and so
    on great so definitely outstanding
    insights to know and very happy to know
    like know how other things are getting
    involved in the research and how it’s
    growing its focus area and wonderful
    what was the turning point when you
    realize you need to lead something like
    impact lab you want to push your
    community forward with these initiatives
    what was the realization when you
    thought like okay let’s take this up for
    the students or you know for the
    mhm yeah well obviously education plays
    a fundamental role because whatever I do
    is also conveying towards giving
    providing best education the best
    learning conditions that I could ever
    provided by default what I have is I
    love to transfer knowledge in a easy
    effective efficient way I would say this
    is what I always liked and now I had the
    opportunity to practice it at school by
    being a lecturer right now if obviously
    if you know about you know interesting
    stuff like AI how to explain it to
    business people and then how to Intrigue
    the people so on the one hand being
    persuasive and on the other hand really
    providing some content that is
    Meaningful so this is the is the driver
    which is then rewarded by the interest
    of students because yeah I wouldn’t
    really like I assume not Professor
    lecturer would like to teach something
    and uh just for the purpose of conveying
    something but then when you receive this
    you know feedback or maybe constructive
    discussions that this is where the magic
    happens and and you just like it’s fuel
    for us for for those who are doing this
    job and that’s wonderful you know how it
    shapes an entire community and a thought
    gets turned into reality so beautiful so
    for me for me I would say if I may add I
    really believe in the power of having
    this Loop between industry and education
    so in the industry where you get to know
    the problematics that are out there and
    also being aware of new technologies how
    to use them because yeah nowadays they
    are it is not any longer only used for
    reducing cost right it’s an enabler
    enabler of new business models now if
    you have all these new business models
    like multi-sided business model for
    example where Facebook or Google where
    you have the users which are not charged
    by money but you have also customers
    such as companies that put their ads
    there and they are charge based on the
    on the clicks on these ads so these
    these are new business models obviously
    that the the advances in Technologies
    allowed and now if you are aware of what
    is going on and you’re Keen to absorb
    these Innovation you can provide great
    values to students and then also the
    Great Value that you get back from the
    students perhaps you know like the
    interest or also the critical thinking
    that I also try to convey to them like
    okay try all the time to be you know
    critical at something and not just byy
    default okay this is the only way to go
    for because someone said that no just
    think on your own right and then yeah
    talk to people challenge them and being
    challenged there is nothing better than
    that to grow absolutely I agree with
    that and what actually goes being in a
    research field as you started your
    journey from Academia like being a
    research intern then doing a bunch of
    other things then educating people doing
    for community and people leading
    research doing a double master’s degree
    doctorate degree so what are the things
    that you witnessed during a journey in
    the research domain and what are some of
    the things that people who want to jump
    into that domain should
    realize thank you for the questions
    there many many interesting questions
    I’m glad to receive them what would I
    suggest I would suggest so if someone is
    Curious by theault then definitely is
    already a sign that he or she can be
    Keen to jump into research and U
    research can also be tough especially in
    the beginning because if you are someone
    who is always used to see things on a
    fast pace like delivering things on a
    fast pace so like uh having an idea
    applying it and then seeing receiving
    the feedback and then continuing this
    look then it could be a little bit
    frustrating especially at the beginning
    in research why because there is so many
    things to learn there are different
    layers right you you might you start to
    get to know something and then maybe
    passionate about that but then when you
    really Embrace this vertical uh Journey
    then this is
    where also the the journey with yourself
    start so the challenge is also how to
    cope with your with your emotions or
    with with the fact that sometimes uh
    maybe hypothy hypothesis that you that
    you’re having that they might be wrong
    or maybe test that you have believed
    that would have provided positive
    results they they actually do not
    deliver positive results so you just
    keep going and try to you know have the
    Hope believe in yourself always because
    the light is always at the end of the
    tunnel and then you just have to run
    like a horse doing a race not being
    distracted yeah focus on your goal and
    you have to run as fast as possible to
    reach this goal and meanwhile enjoying
    the ride enjoying the ride what does it
    mean means take the time to talk to the
    people to be inspired to to to get
    inputs from even different people not
    only those who are working on your field
    it’s very enriching to have
    diversification interdisciplinary talks
    so not only participating in conferences
    that are address in your field but
    perhaps also why not participating in
    tedex events and so on so that you can
    discuss even your idea with someone that
    has a totally different background and
    enriches you that’s wonderful inside
    Emanuel you focus on your goal meanwhile
    balancing everything enjoy their life
    ride and by talking to diverse kind of
    people as diversification is also
    important so being a part of different
    country and various cultures you have
    witnessed diversity so would you like to
    give few tips to the young folks who
    plan to study and research abroad and
    what are some groundbreaking truths and
    not so known facts from the research
    industry yeah so thank youa for this
    question actually let me tell you that
    although my CV looks that I many many
    International I would say experiences
    this only came after I turned 24 so
    before I was only always in Italy and
    indeed until the age of 20 24 I was not
    even able to speak English I would say
    and then I just gave it a try I say okay
    now I really want to push myself I want
    to pursue this master in Switzerland
    that was back then in English and then I
    would start to learn English and at the
    same time learn the subjects and I would
    really close myself in the college like
    yeah studying and then going to to class
    and then back to study I remember back
    then you know in this college
    environment yeah there were most of the
    other people who English level was way
    better than mine right way way better I
    was the worst I don’t feel ashamed to
    say that also in that case I pictured I
    visioned the end of the tunnel this
    light and then I say I want to get there
    and I have to there is no way that I get
    distracted there is no way that now this
    would have been something distracting
    from achieving my goal I said okay I can
    do that but once I’m done once I’m out
    of this tunel then I can I can enjoy and
    then this is what I did in then and then
    it was much much more rewarding and and
    uh yeah much much better like joy that
    you have in celebrating because you are
    having like the little party you know
    what you are celebrating for probably
    there are many more aspiring figures out
    there but in my case I’m the clear
    example that everyone even if born from
    a little town from nowhere and I’m the
    case right so I’m From Italy and my
    little town is called amandola which is
    on the opposite side of Rome nobody
    knows where it is very small you know
    how many citizens we have not even 4,000
    so very small everyone knows about
    everyone and when I go back for
    Christmas holiday or Easter for example
    you you just greet everyone because you
    know everyone you go to the square you
    don’t need to make appointments with
    your friends you know you just go to the
    square you find someone and you talk
    with with with those someone in a big
    city this is Unthinkable right now I
    live in zri and if I do not make an
    appointment with a friend then there is
    no way that by coincidence I meet
    someone that I know in the in the street
    right so this is the reality I was
    coming from and then there was like
    almost no internationalization so only
    people from that place place and
    speaking only Italian or dialect of
    Italians but then there was this sort of
    cold this inner voice of just stepping
    out and and you know getting out of this
    comfort zone and experiencing and doing
    as many experiences as possible and just
    being opportunity driven you get
    challenged you challenge in the other
    you are open for New Opportunities and
    then and then you just go step by step
    you do one step and then you reassess
    the situation okay what do I do next you
    do another step and then and this is
    what happened if you see a little bit
    the the career that I had like okay the
    university there in in my region and
    then I wanted to have an international
    flavor so it’s okay let me go outside
    like I go for this I aim for this dual
    degree program that allows me to go to
    Switzerland I came to Switzerland zero
    knowledge in English and then I worked
    start to finish the the degree and then
    guess what I got the best Mark for the
    master thesis which was back to my peers
    or fellow was like Unthinkable when they
    had thought like how I would speak
    English two days before and then so that
    was a big achievement and then from
    there again next step reassessing now
    what’s next what’s next for me I decided
    to do a little bit of industry
    experience back in Italy but then I said
    now it’s time perhaps to go back to
    Switzerland because I actually like the
    the Synergy between University and
    Industry here especially in this
    University of applied science that are
    existing only in Switzerland Austria and
    Germany they are different than their
    University that we are all used to and
    then plus there are University of
    applied science that are more practice
    oriented so then I came back again next
    step was in
    San only as a research dealing with inos
    swis projects there alsoo research
    project all in Switzerland and then I
    reassess again about what I said okay
    now I would like to get broer experience
    with the research so let me aim for
    European research projects and then from
    there I had the opportunity to jump into
    the fnw where I am now where I could
    work on F on European projects I could
    also lead a small team where we could
    work on our things we are good at part
    of AI that aims to provide machine
    interpretation to Enterprise models and
    then from there again a reassessment
    which was in terms of lecturing so now
    let me try to practice this passion is
    transferring knowledge and uh and then
    dealing with people and therefore new
    challenges and now the really last step
    was this the foundation the funding of
    the startup the impact lab that is being
    funded wonderful so as you said
    initially that initially you used to
    don’t know about English and you took
    your weakness to transform into strength
    so what is the one motivation that work
    for yourself no if I have something is
    lacking I had to work for it and you
    took it in a very positive way while
    walking that path so what do you want to
    share to the young folks regarding that
    to keep self motivating and to to focus
    on what is the weakness if you can work
    on it you can actually achieve
    resilience resilience is one key word
    and always believe in yourself and be
    surrounded by positive people so try to
    avoid those who are dragging you down
    and and then telling you no you cannot
    do it okay maybe one or two are needed
    because they boost your motivation they
    give you some few sometimes you need
    these kind of people to say okay you
    know I’ll prove that you are completely
    wrong so it’s good to have sometimes but
    in general to really you know to have
    like a nice constructive lifestyle I
    would say or like to keep up the pace I
    would say to make good things in life is
    good to be surrounded by positive and
    and similar people like you who are who
    having a a dream sharing a dream and try
    to do things it’s like the same for for
    your podcast right I’m sure that at some
    point you say okay let’s give it a try
    we all believe in this you have an
    objective that what I understood is to
    inspire young people right and I found
    this cause brilliant and that’s why I
    did not hesitate even one second to
    accept your invitation because I think
    this is the Great
    initiative and please just you know
    continue and I wish you to be as
    successful as possible thanks a lot they
    are delightful words for us so you have
    been in various research practices how
    do you see the research as a profession
    evolving what do you see the future of
    it the vision behind it yeah thank you
    SN also a very very interesting question
    so how do I see it I see that there is a
    continuous need to push and to invest on
    Research clear sign that is sent by the
    most developed countries so now I have
    the fortune to to live and work in
    Switzerland which is which has high
    standard and one of the most developed
    country and they really focus and
    believe in research this is one of the
    key driver for keeping your nation
    Innovative and to allow the citizens to
    continuously benefit out of this new
    approach is the new technologies I don’t
    see it’s an end process at the end I
    don’t see that so research is just
    ongoing it’s a continuous process it’s
    evolving so it’s the great thing is that
    you just build on top of what is
    existing just like building an house you
    build all the fundamentals they there
    and then Brick by Brick build on top of
    it and then think about an endless house
    that is built right so this is the way I
    see Arch at some point there is no point
    where it will stop and it’s a continuous
    Evolution and every research is worth it
    to to be carried
    out wow this is wonderful Insight so you
    did a double master’s degree and you
    were a student for a long period of time
    so the those are the two sides of a coin
    I would say so how does your experience
    as a student frame to current job role
    that you are leading and how did you
    manage both the studies
    parallell yeah so the tip is the
    following do what you love and love what
    you do oh wonderful in a nutshell I’m
    lecturer and to be honest yeah this this
    is going to be perhaps the next level
    Next Step I’m still assessing it because
    I’m still open for professorship on the
    other hand but also why not industry
    maybe getting shifting more towards
    industry and then coming back this is
    still to be decided but yeah just a
    little remark but in in general yeah how
    do you cope with different things so
    your passion for example what I also do
    at F&W is I organize and coordinate a
    networking event which is called be and
    beer so be stands for business
    Information Systems what do we do there
    we connect people and we let them
    inspired by professionals that are
    coming from industry so now obviously we
    are passionate about Information Systems
    in general and I work also for the
    master in business information system so
    all the topics revolve around this then
    what I do I call some experts from the
    industry maybe talking about AI maybe
    blockchain iot and so on so half an hour
    of talk question and answer session to
    stimulate students and to create
    interesting sparkly atmosphere and then
    later on the networking is actually
    taking place that everyone can can drink
    something and
    exchange uh TOS unfortunately after the
    covid-19 outbreak this was not possible
    anymore but yes as soon as this is over
    we will be more than ready to resume it
    and this applies also in the impact Club
    you know it’s not only about helping to
    found companies but it’s also inspiring
    so providing like some knowledge that
    are around Innovation and for this we
    are going to create events even online
    events the last one was where I invited
    two speakers I created an event the
    first one actually where I announced
    together with my co-founder the impa
    club and there yeah there was a
    co-managing director of venture Ki which
    is a swis suppored organization that is
    also so aiming to support startups with
    funding mainly so they did talk about
    options for funding and then another
    speaker was the CEO of Selma Finance
    which is a startup created from an FW
    alumni and uh what they do they offer
    digital assistant about financial
    aspects so now if you are if you don’t
    know how to manage your money or where
    to invest virtual digital system that is
    supporting you in doing that so you see
    like this also goes in the direction of
    creating events that allows a community
    to be formed and then to be inspired
    very insightful I must say really
    amazing to listen to you one interesting
    thing that comes to my mind out of
    curiosity is since you are heavily
    involved in so many activities you also
    organize events network with people and
    try to bring in knowledge interaction
    and so how do you see the dots
    connecting between the Academia and
    Industry yeah very good questions now so
    I there has to be more and more dots
    being connected because it’s very highly
    valuable so if you go to the S Bal
    indeed it’s like all about connecting
    universities research centers with
    Hightech companies corporates but also
    startups with this winning
    forming this winning ecosystem right so
    we have a perfect example there and then
    let’s replicate it right because this is
    like really something that anyway I see
    also here in general in in in Europe to
    be uh one of the key success factor of
    how you can bring a society to the next
    level so creating this this loop as I to
    which I really believe as I said the
    beginning between research where you are
    discovering new advances not only in
    technology but also approaches combining
    maybe things that you you someone else
    has discovered but transferring it into
    a new uh domain right on the other hand
    the industry where you where they have
    the they apply the things they have
    their own customers they have their
    problems to be solved and then so see
    there is a perfect matchmaking here
    between the industry and the and the
    research that if it’s perfectly fitting
    then I’m it provides generates an
    extremely high
    value yes absolutely agree with you it’s
    all about the blending two sectors and
    coming out something fruitful and which
    is beneficial for our society in terms
    of development so yeah glad to have you
    I hope this valuable insights will help
    the Young folks who will listen to this
    and yeah thank you so much and what is
    the one message that you want to say so
    the message is love what you do and do
    what you love thank you it was pleasure
    to have you thank you very much for
    having me and a lot of success to you
    and that’s a wrap of another insightful
    episode 12 on the ninja talks podcast
    stay tuned for more exciting episodes
    follow us on Instagram Twitter and
    Linkedin at theate the ninja talks till
    then signing off

    The conversation that gives you a refreshing perspective and energy to overcome all the odds in your life with resilience. That’s exactly how you’ll feel on tuning in to our latest episode with Dr. Emanuele Laurenzi, Co-founder at ImpactLab & Senior Researcher at University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Northwestern Switzerland FHNW.

    Bringing you, episode 12: Love, Resilience, Passion – Fostering Research on NinjaTalks podcast!

    Available on Spotify, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, and more. Tune in now!

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