Expectations for Crude Oil Prices

    here Chris Robinson’s here managing
    director at TGM institutional Services
    Chris I i’ imagine a lot of focus on
    this uh um ceasefire talks in the Middle
    East and how they’re
    progressing yeah and you know it’s
    probably going to change minute to
    minute hour to hour and that’s why
    you’re going to have I wouldn’t be
    surprised to see a three or $4 doll
    trading range in crude oil today um
    remember a lot of people uh you know two
    weeks ago a week ago when things look at
    the worst uh a lot of people got out
    there you know bought the high thought
    we were going to go to you know 10050 or
    whatever crazy somebody bought what out
    of know how many thousands of $250 calls
    I mean that was probably the kiss of
    death right there I saw that because
    that’s generally when somebody can’t
    stand it anymore they’re like okay well
    then also that was a pretty it was a
    very cheap relatively inexpensive way to
    play it but long story short yeah we’re
    going to be you know whipping whipping
    with the uh uh every headline and this
    is when you know options are kind of a
    double-edged sword with the crude oil um
    lots of times the the volatility and
    stuff you know if you’re playing against
    Pros it’s hard to get paid but that’s
    probably your simplest way especially if
    you’re looking for something explosive
    like um you know out of the ordinary if
    we were to go above 95 or go below 80
    that’s probably the way to play that but
    um you know day trading the stuff um
    it’s it’s very very difficult and I
    think that I don’t care if you pick a
    point and you buy it or pick a point and
    you sell it you’ve got to realize that
    you’re probably risking $3 worth of heat
    every time you make a decision you know
    we talked a little bit last week about
    how us production the uh record
    production we’ve seen over the last five
    years or so has really helped buffer us
    from some of those geopolitical um you
    know kind of knee-jerk reactions to
    events news such as this but I think to
    your point here definitely still
    susceptible and I think uh uh today and
    recently a pretty good example the last
    couple weeks as we’ve come off that near
    $990 level a pretty good example and
    then you know I was even thinking about
    it and listening to someone talk about
    price this morning talking about how we
    were coming off back down to 82 83 and I
    was thinking it shows how we become
    willing to accept higher prices right
    stocks take the escalator up elevator
    down crude I feel like escalator up
    staircase down if at
    all yeah we put in a pretty good trading
    range too really I’m I’m glancing over
    here to chart to my left and it looks
    kind of weird but you can go back to
    basically September of 2022 and we’ve
    traded anywhere from 95 to 65 yeah so
    you know that’s we’re used to a$3
    trading range in crude oil and it’s you
    know it’s funny because every time we
    get the $95 they blame it on the oil
    companies and every time we get to
    $65 they say oh look what a job the
    politicians are doing it’s really absurd
    kind of fun to watch but you we are in a
    $30 trading range and that’s for most
    people that’s a pretty big swing you
    know one lot if you’re trading a full
    crude oil a one lot you know it’s
    $11,000 it’s a it’s a $30,000 swing um
    that’s why I think most people are
    probably gravitating toward the micros
    and things like that but there certainly
    is anybody that’s watching this program
    right you’re looking for trading
    opportunities if you’re looking for
    movement your movement’s there but I
    would just say this you’ve got to look
    I’m it’s you know you don’t have to be a
    rocket science it’s somewhere between 80
    and 86 now we’ve trended higher since
    December so the is higher so if you’re
    somebody that wants to set it and forget
    it you know then you would want to be if
    you’re a Trends follower then you’re
    like oh okay maybe when you get down
    here towards 8082 this is a dip to buy
    because um uh if you look at that and
    price is King right and the fact that
    you and I nobody knows what’s going to
    happen with the ceasefire hopefully it
    goes through and things calm down but if
    it if it didn’t that would certainly
    impact prices and that’s the risk you
    are trying to hedge or trade a coin flip
    at this point Point toing taking a look
    here as you mentioned a $30 range in
    crude I feel like at these elevated
    levels though uh I’m noticing here AAA
    reporting the national average for a
    gallon gas 365 that’s up from 353 a
    month ago a year ago we were at 361
    prices at the pump have been on the rise
    talk to me about the impact this has on
    fed this week the decision-making
    process I mean seeing crude its
    stubbornly elevated levels not
    necessarily want what they want to see
    especially in these volatile times with
    geopolitical tensions playing out in the
    East yeah well the FED I think is still
    they may not admit it but it seems to be
    the only metric they really really move
    on make a move on is the unemployment
    number so again we’re coming up to the
    first Friday of the month that’s that’s
    going to be the reset button um I do
    think that that they look and see you
    know what’s going on with crude but but
    more more importantly you know we’ve had
    a kind of a drawback a draw excuse me a
    draw an increase in the gasoline Supply
    people are actually driving less if you
    look at last week’s statistics so the PE
    people are voting with their pocketbook
    um most people don’t like you know
    expensive gas and part of that is you
    know crude oil could probably drop to 75
    bucks and we’d still have expensive gas
    because we’re switching into the summer
    blend and there’s an old underlying
    story that you know we haven’t built a
    Refinery since what
    1974 so we don’t we don’t have the
    capacity to produce a lot of the
    gasoline that we need and and the and
    the last item to remember is we are
    exporting you know what 12 million
    barrels a day you know we are exporting
    we’re a net export so that tells you
    right there I think if anything ever
    really did get get uh dicey then we may
    see see somebody where they’d say okay
    you know what maybe we’re not going to
    expert or we’re going to keep at home
    here here so that’s always a that’s
    always a consideration although I don’t
    see that coming but you know that’s
    that’s the thing and I can’t cannot
    imagine how expensive gasoline or crude
    oil would be if we did not have the
    capacity to uh pump 12 million barrels a
    day yeah I feel like we’re in one of
    those scenarios where you can almost
    throw a dart blindfolded and hit a
    bullish indicator or something that’s
    going to support crude prices at current
    levels Chris thanks for taking your time
    to be with us this Monday morning Chris
    Robinson managing director at tjam
    institutional services

    Chris Robinson discusses the expectations for crude oil prices. He talks about where energy prices are headed and what that means for investors. Tune in to find out more about futures and the stock market today.

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