2024 SCGA Full Breakfast Video

    hello I want to welcome you to the 2024
    Dig Safe awareness breakfast and safety
    presentation April is National Dig Safe
    month and we are excited to host
    breakfast to promote safe excavation
    practices over 23 industry sponsors fund
    these breakfasts we thank them and we
    know they are committed to the damage
    prevention to underground infrastructure
    the prevention of worker injury or death
    due to unsafe digging practices and to
    the promotion of the Canadian Common
    Ground alliance’s best practices I would
    like to thank the scga membership and
    our delivery team the digging Community
    respects the leadership of the segga and
    together we can make
    change exciting news the Saskatchewan
    Common Ground Alliance has now assumed
    responsibility for SAS first call
    Operations from Sask energy the segga is
    honored to continue the Legacy through
    operating SAS first call as a distinct
    entity with a separate and diverse board
    of directors SAS first call will help
    build on sga’s History promoting Public
    Safety once again thank you for coming
    today and have a very safe 2024 digging
    whether it’s uh developing traffic
    plans um managing the signage uh
    delivering it to site ensuring that it’s
    set up doing inspections I spend a lot
    of time on traffic controls there’s a
    lot of hazards that have to be addressed
    before you even get to the traffic
    accommodation stage every municipality
    will have a different manual and a
    different spec prior to digging they’re
    looking for any underground utility
    ities overhead power lines definitely
    ensuring you have your uh first call
    ticket and you have your locates
    completed with Sask power and Sask
    energy if they are any kind of uh
    critical infrastructure there is also
    permits required you can’t dig without
    your locates and you can’t have anyone
    on the road without the traffic control
    setup when there was a sink hole a few
    years ago that was definitely a a huge
    emergency call out when you end up on a
    job like that it’s making sure that
    their steps aren’t skipped or missed
    there’s certain things that you can’t
    Overlook and you want to make sure that
    they’re done properly uh the high viz
    the beacons rolling uh and at the end of
    the day it’s just to make sure that the
    motorists are well aware of what’s going
    on and as well uh just to make sure that
    the workers are all safe in that
    emergency work Zone because uh we don’t
    need to create any more
    emergencies one of the biggest things is
    to take into consideration where abouts
    on the roadway the excavation is
    happening uh if it’s taking place
    directly in a lane you’re going to have
    to consider shifting traffic possibly
    closing the road or if it’s off the
    roadway just keeping pedestrians away
    from it blocking that off with that
    additional barriers every person that
    comes into every work site should have
    the same experience no matter who the
    contractor is they should never have to
    think of oh what’s going on with this
    site nobody’s telling me what I need to
    do so the biggest thing is keep it
    simple and keep it straightforward it’s
    a huge part of your Tri trff is making
    sure that you’re giving the motorist
    only one place to go if there’s room for
    a car to go through uh it’s kind of
    saying that to the motorist that maybe
    that is where they’re supposed to go
    because they don’t know but then also
    knowing and having the training for when
    that does happen that guys shut things
    down fix the traffic control and then
    ensure that that person makes it out of
    your site or Zone safely back into
    flowing traffic and then making sure it
    doesn’t happen again if you set up sign
    AG it’s your responsibility to do a
    daily check on that to ensure that the
    message that you’re trying to portray is
    in fact getting
    portrayed everyday is going to change
    weather’s going to change public are
    going to come through knock stuff over
    steal stuff so it’s a contractor’s
    primary responsibility unless an
    agreement is made with company like us a
    subcontractor for us to come out and
    maintain a do daily checks here with the
    winds that we get we’re just going
    around making sure that all your pylons
    are still up your barricades are Still
    Standing that the signage is still
    available for the
    public Progressive dropping of speed
    allows motorists to have more time to
    get down to the required speed it also
    gives more space for them to be aware of
    what’s going on um you’ll see it a lot
    of times where if there’s not that
    Progressive slowdown you’re just going
    to come up to a men working sign
    traffic’s going to be backed up you
    might not even get to the sign before
    you’re already coming to a stop so it
    gives that extra space and time for
    drivers to get to a required
    speed that buffer zone adds uh a little
    bit more safety for both the motorist
    and the worker sometimes it includes the
    rumble strips which I mean it’s pretty
    hard to miss a set of rumble strips on a
    highway so it’s just a another set of
    tools that the contractor has to ensure
    that the motors is well aware of what’s
    going on the importance of stepping the
    speed back up is letting the driver know
    when they’re allowed to go with the
    desired speed limit again and it also
    maintains a resp effect with the
    motorist cuz if you don’t put that speed
    sign back up you get out of a work Zone
    it’s very obvious that you’re out of the
    work Zone but you’re just driving drivve
    and driving okay where’s the speed sign
    where’s the speed sign and eventually
    you’re just going to get impatient and
    make your own choice to speed up for any
    work that’s over 3 km you have to repeat
    your men working your do not pass and
    your regulatory speed sign every 3 km
    this is a legal requirement it’s
    extremely important to keep your head on
    a swivel uh going back to the days when
    I worked on the bypass project before
    the highway was even open you’d still
    have cars sneaking on there so you could
    be working on a northbound lane but a
    car comes from the north they’re not
    even supposed to be there workers aren’t
    paying attention they’re thinking it’s a
    closed Road they just step out and
    there’s a possibility of getting hit so
    I tell my guys always be looking left
    and right before you cross the road in a
    construction environment when there’s
    live traffic anywhere near you you just
    never know what’s going on behind you if
    someone is distracted I can’t tell you
    how many times I’m out there setting up
    signs and flashers going high viz
    setting up signs the Signum setting up
    says 30 but the guy blowing past you is
    doing 80 so it is very important that in
    the work Zone you are very aware what’s
    going on around you everyone has a
    family out there we all want to make it
    home at the end of the
    according to the dirt report a voluntary
    reporting tool across Canada for
    underground infrastructure damages the
    number one reason for damages is the
    result of no locate request to Sask
    first call to encourage the use of Sask
    first call updates continue to make
    requesting a locate online or by phone a
    simpler process one recent update
    includes making the locate request site
    more mobile friendly this means you can
    request locates on your smartphone or
    tablet just as easily as on a computer
    the site’s main dashboard has also been
    updated for clearer and easier
    navigation if you’re doing anything
    industrial or commercial within 300 M
    from the rail line if you’re doing
    anything residential within 30 m contact
    the municipality and contact the rail
    Association and uh we can have a look at
    the plans we don’t want to impede any
    type of growth or construction we want
    to work with you to ensure that what we
    are developing is done in a safe
    manner if you’re going to be
    anywhere within 90 M of the highway
    right away you need to get a permit and
    that’s first and foremost so you just
    Google your government
    deuan and then you click on
    permits and you take your right there
    you need at least five working days of
    notice it’s our main goal to ensure that
    we don’t have an impact to the public
    and that we’re trying to mitigate any
    lack of services that may occur to the
    rail line as
    well there is a lot of Utilities in our
    right away in the ditches and it could
    be from one meter in from the Highway’s
    Edge to all the way to the back slope
    going into the farmer’s field everything
    from trans gas Sask power Sask tell we
    have to get locates done and find every
    utility that you can in 2022 there was
    599 line strikes within the railroad
    Municipal roads and the Saskatchewan
    Highway System what we would love to do
    is to be able to develop a system where
    we do have everything reported no matter
    how big how small just like you don’t
    know exactly who to reach out to on our
    rail industry side we have the same
    issues always start with your your local
    Community First work with with those
    administrators and those land planners
    and then work your way up you know
    municipality uh work together with your
    utility companies work together with us
    as a railway Association and work
    together as a
    province we follow our best practice by
    sending our locates into Sask first call
    and making sure that all of the
    underground utilities have been located
    and marked every new Paving job every
    passing Lane has 40 or more signs that
    go in there’s signs all over the place
    and they’re always going down whether
    it’s from snow plows whether it’s from
    mowers whether it’s from wind whether
    it’s from accidents we’ve had signs that
    have been pulled out and put back in and
    broke a sasil line we’ve had lines that
    have been dug over the same broken post
    and dug the wood out and hit trans gas
    lines it happens all the time where
    somebody will come in and start an
    Excavating project and not realize the
    utilities that are are near that rail
    line we’ve had everything from accidents
    to downtime for um the communities power
    outages water outages you know a lack of
    of phone services or or Internet
    services and that also means that
    there’s a downtime for the rail company
    itself something that happens here in
    saskin can have major impact on uh the
    delivery goods and services you know
    across the country phone and sa first
    call or send it in via
    internet and do our locates and just do
    our own due diligence and have no
    incidents at the end of the day we have
    to work proactively together because we
    can prevent things from happening it’s a
    lot harder to fix things no project is
    too big or too small for us to to have
    that line of communication it could save
    when requesting a locate SAS first call
    users submit a map of the area where
    they’re planning to dig this process
    continues to get easier with improved
    mapping tools Now when using the polygon
    tool to draw your work area the length
    of the polygon displays as you draw this
    allows mapped work areas to be as
    precise as possible when finalizing your
    work area you no longer need to
    doubleclick the map instead you simply
    click or tap the first map point to
    close the polygon this makes it easier
    to draw your work area especially on a
    device if you have any questions when
    using Sask first call be sure to use the
    chat feature or email
    when you have a large project the more
    time that you can give the locators to
    get it done is is the best thing for
    everyone involved so if you can call it
    in even a week earlier than when you
    need it that’ll help the locators have
    time to possibly set up a site meet with
    you so you can be on site to help us
    through what you need first and where
    you need to start the job and then it
    gives us time to get that larger project
    done plus the other jobs that we have
    going on as well as well you want to
    meet with the customer on site just so
    that you have a clear picture of what
    they need to do and you have a clear
    picture of what you need to do in order
    to make sure that the locates are done
    properly something that could be
    improved is not calling all your jobs in
    at once that you think you can get done
    in 30 days if you have a larger project
    break that project up into smaller
    locating areas that way the locates can
    get done at a more reasonable time and
    then the job can start start you can’t
    start your job until the locates are
    done uh section three of the best
    practice manual is all about how to set
    your job site up for a locating some
    common errors that would happen would be
    too big of a work area when a smaller
    work area is actually needed there’s
    times when maybe their work area wasn’t
    big enough and then they have to recall
    it in so it does cover the whole area
    that they are working a lot of guys
    don’t have the cages if they’re digging
    a deeper hole so they’re going to have a
    slope on either side their white line
    ones there and when they did the slope
    they accidentally cut a gas line white
    lining is very very important so you are
    aware where they’re going
    exactly I’ve seen where someone has
    replaced a fence and locates were not
    called in when the original fence was
    put in and now they went a little deeper
    and they’ve struck a gas line coming to
    the house you don’t know if the person
    who put in the fence before you called
    in for a locate or if you’re going
    deeper the utility could still be deeper
    than they were last time and nowadays
    with directional drilling and there’s no
    ground disturbance a utility could be
    put in within inches of an existing
    fence and you wouldn’t know that it was
    there uh private sweep is good when
    there’s a possibility of private lines
    in a work area unidentified lines or
    maybe a utility that isn’t a part of
    first call that wasn’t contacted when
    you made the request for the locate I do
    all the secondary cables all the
    privately owned cables the lines to the
    shops or the L lines to the bins or line
    to the house anything beyond the meter I
    do private locates for excavation and I
    also do gnss mapping where I go out and
    I will GPS all the buried infrastructure
    in a yard it has to be a conductive line
    so plastic I cannot find if uh
    somebody’s putting in a water line or
    plastic huit it for future use always
    put a tracer wire in it it’s the only
    way we’ll be able to find it
    when they’re finished their job and
    everything is done complete filled in
    then they can remove their Flags it’s
    not up to the locator to return again
    afterwards just to remove Flags uh you
    see that once in a while out there you
    see some faded Flags around when a jaw’s
    been completed
    and it doesn’t look nice and it’s just
    something that should be picked up just
    in case someone else that has a job
    around that area too they could be
    confused that they for them as well so
    it’s best to clean them up as soon as
    your job is
    done in 2023 the Sask first call locate
    validity time frame was changed from 10
    days to 30 days as long as locate
    markings are
    maintained while this change has been
    well received it makes it more important
    than ever to ensure you are properly
    utilizing the job start date when
    submitting a locate request through Sask
    first call selecting the appropriate
    date will help ensure that your locate
    is done in a timely manner as close to
    the date you will begin ground
    disturbance as possible this will
    greatly reduce the potential that the
    locate materials could be removed or
    tampered with just a reminder not
    everyone is a subscriber to Sask first
    call it is up to the excavator to find
    those unregistered facilities by
    contacting owners through Land Titles
    municipalities cities and towns
    specifically when you’re requesting in a
    hi traffic area like a back alley just
    because it’s 30 days now it doesn’t mean
    that the marks are always going to be
    there for the full 30 days and another
    issue that could pop up is within that
    30 days a new utility could be put in
    the ground that wasn’t part of the
    original locate and that could possibly
    be uh near miss or something that is
    definitely not on the existing record
    locate that you have now we talk with
    the customer and say how much can you do
    in a day they phoned in 10 Mi worth of
    locates and they said well how much are
    you going to get done every day and he
    said well we can do 2 miles a day while
    trying and give them 2 and 1/2 3 miles
    and then that gives me that extra day so
    I don’t have to do it all at once cuz
    otherwise that leaves other customers
    sit and waiting it might take them a
    month to get through the 10K by that
    time it’s it’s rained three times or
    it’s snowed a foot marks are gone and
    then they end up honing them back in
    again and you end up coming back out
    again but if you can give them enough to
    keep them busy and stay ahead of them
    then the marks are always fresh by the
    time they get to those marks if the
    flags are still there then you’re fine
    within 30 days so that’s why they went
    to a 30-day thing is to save the
    customer having to phone them back in
    again every 10
    days it’s contractor’s responsibility to
    maintain the marks after the Lo have
    been done making sure that they’re not
    Disturbed within that 30 days or nothing
    has changed on them that you’re losing
    exactly where the marks were put on the
    ground that means Flags pulled paint
    kicked out or washed away even somebody
    cutting the lawn they’re going to pull
    the flags to get them out of their way
    as well if the marks are gone completely
    they have to P them back in again cuz
    you want pinpoints you want accuracy as
    a contractor I wouldn’t want to trust
    what was there I’d want them to come
    back and pinpoint it if the marks are
    are very obvious and they’re there and
    you know that’s where the locator had
    put them then fine refresh them but if
    they’re starting to fade and you’re not
    exactly sure whether it was here or a
    foot over or 2 feet over you don’t guess
    you have to phone them back in again
    well it’s important that whoever called
    in the locate request is knowledgeable
    of the job and whoever is going to be
    doing the Excavating has a record to
    locate with them and can reference what
    is painting did and flagged on the
    ground to what they have in their hand
    on the paper and if anything is not
    matching up with the record locate that
    they have then that they should be
    contacting the locator to confirm what
    is there and what has been put on the
    record to locate you have to have
    communication with the customer you want
    to be sure it’s done right the first
    time cuz then you’re not being called
    later rewatch these videos and many more
    by going to scg.com a and clicking on
    the YouTube link at the top of the page
    thank you to the following for their
    time and

    The full 2024 Breakfast video as it appeared at 22 breakfasts in Saskatchewan in April. Topics covered:
    • Safe traffic planning and necessary signage when working near roadways. This is important to protect your staff and the public. It’s a win-win for everyone.
    • What are the rules when digging near roadways and railways? Did you know that you need more than just a locate request before you start working in these areas? This video helps you navigate the rules.
    • Tips for locating the right way, the first time. This will help you the excavator do everything you need to do to avoid having to call a locator back before you start your job.
    • One year of the 30-day time frame for locate validity. What have we learned and what can we do better to improve our work methods and safety for both locators and excavators.

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