The Suez Cannal : Egypt’s engineering marvel. #travel #explore #adventure #viral #suez_canal #egypt

    did you know that the Suez Canal is a man-made Marvel slicing through the desert of Egypt constructed in the mid 19th century under the supervision of French diplomat Ferdinand LEP it changed the face of global trade a whopping 10 years it took to build costing around $100 million a hefty sum for the time wouldn’t you say and now it’s under the control of the Suez Canal authority of Egypt but it’s not just a Waterway it’s a cash cow with fees for Passage through the canal it rakes in billions of annually contributing significantly to Egypt’s economy so next time you think of the SE Canal remember it’s not just a shortcut between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea it’s a testament to human Ingenuity and a pivotal Cog in the wheel of global Commerce

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