Israel Is Building A $55 BILLION Canal Through Gaza!

    did you know that there’s a mega project stirring up discussions in the Middle East Egypt Suz Canal a crucial Waterway for global trade is already a significant player with 10% of the world’s cargo ships passing through but here’s the twist Israel is considering building a new Canal to compete with the SE Canal potentially reshaping power dynamics in the region what makes this project even more intriguing is that the proposed path for this new Canal goes right through Gaza a region with ongoing conflicts join us today as we delve into the astonishing details of this Mega project and unravel the motives behind its construction don’t forget to click the Subscribe button and like this video to support our Channel stay tuned for more insights importance of the sez Canal to understand Israel’s proposed Canal let’s first look at Egypt sus Canal the sez Canal is a human-made waterway that connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea creating a crucial shortcut for ships traveling between Europe and Asia it was a massive engineering project that took more than 10 years to complete involving tens of thousands of workers the Seuss Canal officially opened in November 1869 and was a big success it significantly reduced the travel distance between Europe and Asia providing a major economic boost to Egypt and other nearby countries today the Seuss Canal remains one of the world’s most important waterways handling millions of tons of cargo each year and playing a crucial role in global trade and transportation it contributes a staggering $9.4 billion to Egypt’s economy if a new Canal is built alongside the Seuss Canal it could harm Egypt’s economy severely the existing Canal is vital for Egypt and constructing a parallel one might have a devastating impact on its economic well-being origins of Israel’s Canal the concept of the Israeli Canal has its roots in the mid 1800s when the British contemplated constructing a canal to the Red Sea via the Dead Sea a pivotal moment occurred in 1955 when William Allen an English naval officer and Explorer proposed an alternative to the Seuss Canal he argued that a canal connecting the Mediterranean Sea the Dead Sea and the Red Sea would be more economical than the planned Seuss Canal this envisioned Canal would create a passage from the Mediterranean Sea to the Gulf of akaba facilitating a connection to the Red Sea and eventually the Indian Ocean in 1963 the United States also considered the possibility of EX inating a canal opposite the Seuss Canal this consideration emerged as a response to Egyptian president gaml Abdul naser’s decision to nationalize the Seuss canal in 1956 the controversial Israeli Canal was officially disclosed to the world in 1994 and received its name in honor of David benan Israel’s first prime minister Sue canal versus benan Canal on April 2nd 2021 Israel made a noteworthy announcement regarding the initiation of construction on the benguan canal scheduled to commence by June 2021 this proposed Canal has the potential to POS a substantial Financial threat to Egypt and its established trade routes however Israel contends that the canal would be advantageous for ships facing size restrictions in transiting the Seuss Canal if the project gains approval the benguan canal is projected to stretch over 293 km surpassing the length of the sez Canal by almost 1/3 93 km the estimated cost for the construction is an impressive $55 billion the Strategic control of this canal would yield significant influence over global supply routes particularly for oil grain and shipping Israel envisions an annual income of approximately $6 billion or even more from the operation of the canal this canal would Mark Israel’s position as home to the largest conduit laking the Mediterranean with the Red Sea one of its primary objectives is is to mitigate the risk of trade crisis such as the substantial traffic jam caused by a cargo ship blocking the SE canal in 2021 unlike the sez Canal the benguan canal is designed to facilitate two-way ship traffic thanks to the creation of two separate canals diverging from the Sandy Shores of the sez Canal the Israeli Canal is planned to feature Rocky walls which would demand minimal maintenance Israel has ambitious plans for the development of small cities hotels restaurants and even nightclubs on the canal each of the proposed canals is anticipated to be approximately 50 m in depth and 200 m in width boasting Dimensions that are 10 m deeper than the sez Canal this unique design ensures that even the world’s largest ships with a length of 300 M and a width of 110 M can smoothly navigate through the canal construction of the canal building a canal is quite a project and it involves careful planning and Engineering for man-made canals there are steps like Dred an excavation excavation is digging out the Earth and rocks to create a path for the water after digging water is brought in from sources like reservoirs or streams dredging is another step using a special machine called a dredger to remove sediment and debris from the Canal’s bottom this keeps the canal clear for ships depending on the land walks and Gates might be added to control water flow and maintain the water level the construction of the benguan canal is expected to take about 5 years and involve around 300,000 engineers and technicians from around the world originally the plan included 520 nuclear blasts to dig through Israel’s negtive desert but this method might change after building the canal Israel plans to install spying and monitoring devices to ensure security this includes the largest weapon detection barrier and laser beams to photograph each passing ship unlike other canals the bwood canal faces a challenge it doesn’t have an existing Waterway to dredge like the the suits Canal also the landscape is not flat but with Israel’s strong scientific and Engineering capabilities they are fully equipped to handle this complex infrastructure project how Israel will benefit the potential construction of the benguan canal by Israel holds profound implications promising substantial benefits for the nation foremost among these advantages is the prospect of attaining independence from potential pressures exerted through the Seuss Canal historically Arab states have utilized the Seuss canal as a leverage Point against Israel making control of the Red Sea strategically crucial a notable military benefit would be the diminished significance of the SEO Canal for the US military this shift could potentially result in heightened support for Israel when required the stability of Gaza emerges as a critical factor in realizing the full potential of the benguan canal while proposed Canal designs often incorporate detours to avoid Gaza gaining control over the region could pave the way for a more direct route Le leading to time and cost savings from an economic and strategic standpoint a canal situated closer to the Egyptian border presents military advantages fortifying Israel’s defenses however experts sound a note of caution suggesting that the construction of this canal might disrupt China’s belt and road project and have far-reaching consequences for the Mediterranean including the straight of Hormuz a pivotal point for 30% of global energy transfer some even speculate that it could act as a potential trigger for a global conflict this proposed Canal prompts a crucial question is it a necessary development for the region addressing strategic and economic needs or does it primarily serve as a profitable Venture for Israel we invite you to share your thoughts and opinions on this matter in the comments below thank you for watching and stay tuned for our upcoming videos

    Israel Is Building A $55 BILLION Canal Through Gaza!

    As tensions in Israel continue to grow, news about plans for a controversial megaproject that has been around for decades has resurfaced. Israel’s plans to build a new canal to rival the Suez Canal have come to light. Well, it just so happens that Gaza is in the middle of the proposed path for the major second canal in the region. Join us today as we uncover the staggering details of this megaproject and explore the motives behind its construction.

    For more Mega Construction & Megaproject content be sure to subscribe to Top Futuristic. Thanks for watching this video.

    #megaprojects #construction #engineering

    0:00 Intro
    1:06 Importance of Suez Canal
    2:18 Origins of Israel’s Canal
    3:22 Suez Canal Vs. Ben Gurion Canal
    5:23 Construction of the Canal
    7:17 How Israel will benefit

    Israel Canal
    Israel Canal Project
    Israel Is Building a $55 Billion Canal Through Gaza!
    Ben Gurion Canal
    Suez Canal
    Ben Gurion Canal Gaza
    Ben Gurion Canal Project
    Israel Gaza
    Man Made Canal
    Israel Is Building a $55 Billion Canal Through Gaza
    Israel Suez Canal
    Israel Builds Canal Through Gaza
    Canal Through Israel
    Israel Is Building a $55 Billion Alternative Suez Canal Through Gaza!
    Canal Through Gaza – Colossal
    Israel News
    Israel Canal Project
    Israel Canal
    Ben Gurion Canal Project
    Suez Canal
    Ben Gurion Canal
    Israel’s Alternative Project to Suez Canal
    Israel Alternative Canal Project
    Israel Canal Plan
    Israel Suez Canal
    Man Made Canal
    Ben Gurion Canal Gaza
    Mega Projects
    The Ben Gurion Canal Project
    Ben Gurion Canal Project of Israel
    Ben Gurion Canal Project Gaza
    Israel Projects
    Israel New Project
    Israel Mega Project
    Israel Giant Projects
    Projects in Israel

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