Investing in Infrastructure vs Hashpower Shares: Maximizing Growth Potential

    I’d rather invest my money um in an asset that’s exponential growth potential than an infrastructure that I can only double or triple if I sell at the High um so the only reason I would buy infrastructure is to sell and mine and get that constant Revenue that could borrow more money against because people will loan me money for a business generates Revenue however uh if you’re trying to avoid paying taxes and let’s say you choose a hash Power share where you’re not getting paid in dollars what do you have to show the bank nothing how you going get your next loan you’re not unless it’s private money not institutional money right um the end of the day I haven’t successfully gotten institutional money for a Bitcoin business I said it was a data center right um which is true kind of and I got some money but it wasn’t enough to be a player in this business you it’s a big Dollar business

    Investing in Infrastructure vs. Hashpower Shares: Maximizing Growth Potential

    Gain the strategic edge of investing in bitcoin infrastructure over traditional assets in our latest video. Learn from firsthand experiences about securing financing and leveraging business models in the high-stakes world of Bitcoin.

    Insights that could transform your investment approach! Find this video and more in our full Build-a-Mine Virtual Bootcamp learning platform. Coming soon!

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    Scott Offord
    Owner of Scott’s Crypto Mining
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