Peak Gold

    the second big reason I see driving gold is the underinvestment in gold mines gold exploration over the past 10 20 years you can look at the production going back to 2010 it has barely moved you look at 2014 gold production according to statistico was 2,990 tons 2023 was exactly 3,000 tons it got as high as about 3,300 tons and it’s been sort of fading right this goes back to the whole Peak gold production gold production has been flat globally for about 10 years that stat alone is is is very Prof found when you consider how much the currency has been created in the past 10 years

    For the last 10 to 20 years, large-scale gold discoveries have been few and far between, with average deposit grades decreasing as well. According to Statista, global gold production over the last decade has been relatively flat, suggesting that the world may be approaching a ‘Peak Gold’ scenario. 

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