What The Government Doesn’t Want You To Know About Decentralized Society | Founder Series

    [Music] quick one nothing here is financial advice it’s for entertainment and educational purposes only always do your own research or speak to a financial advisor before making any investment decisions enjoy the episode and like And subscribe good to be back we’ve got suji Yan from mosque he’s founder uh seems uh very conscious about what it is that he’s doing it’s great to have you on sir thank you thank you for your time I know that you’re super busy you’ve been in the trenches you’ve been around for longer than most um you guys have built something quite interesting and quite fascinating thank you for your time really appreciate it it’s my pleasure i’ love to to say hi to your audience yeah yeah great thank you yeah I mean I think from from my side I’m really interested today to obviously just kind of explore your journey and you know how you started out and if you could just give us you know a brief introduction in terms of you know how you got into into the space and you know how MOS came about and then also what Mosk is actually all about yeah so the original idea I was stay back to 2015 2016 so I was I was a student you at at the estate you Illinois I was like 19 years old um and I care a lot about technology uh especially open source open internet and also care about about journalism or media because I was an independent journalist I I wrote a lot of report for Global um famous Global um Medias I care a lot about both and I just feel like the The Social Network that time including right now is not right right so just think about what we can do to improve that or or or fix that um and I had been jump into crypto around that time when I was like 18 19 and start to buy some Bitcoin um which I was lucky that was a be market and and and suddenly we went into a bull market in 2017 right um and I was St to pitching to my friends start to talk to all the friends I believe uh also interested in this area I was telling them okay um detialed analogy already transs has made money or already uh make money something very different that we can match uh they there’s there’s digital gold there’s digital payment System decentralized payment system and soon there will be a decentralized society um and if you there’s a decentralized society there will be decentralized government there will be people talking in a decentralized manner uh that is something uh very fundamental for media for General ISM for public opinion that’s why we need social networks and entertainment that’s why we even going to have decentralized Hol if there’s no one building such company or such projects we should do something ourself so uh P my friends in 2016 in 2017 we officially uh form an entity to just do whatever with whatever we feel very interesting um and and ends up we raise money and we raise more and more money and uh grow up to today what is called mass network uh but it all start with my fundamental understanding and my firm believe of we will have a decentralized society and in this decentralized Society we can have an independent social network independ Entertainment Network um but it’s it’s very I think it’s a very long journey ahead but we are lucky to start Qui early yeah so I mean there’s obviously quite a lot to unpack in terms of you know media journalism decentralization and obviously The Social Network so I mean that’s pretty much what mosque is I mean is that an accurate assessment in terms of what mosque is as a network are you looking to decentralize journalism social networks how does it all kind of like if you had to summarize what mosque network is what would that summary look like yeah I think I think the best way for people don’t understand crypto the best terminology the best one sentence will be we are the we are the non-evil Facebook plus 10 cent and we are decentralized one uh independent from or the sovereign state uh that’s that’s what we want to build and I think we still kind of far away from that perspective but we did some achievement uh over the years uh if we really look into if really you know dig into what’s Facebook what’s like 10 cent it is not just like the Facebook app it’s not just like Instagram app they they acquired instagam appap if you look into tent we CH founder was acquired by 10 years ago it’s not really they build everything uh home brw they do a lot of investment and just like Facebook do a lot of investment um they have a home market for Facebook it’s like the US let’s it in the US and they have the the Home Market the US market like T is the Chinese market but for us we believe we are our homeland is cyers space so our home Market is not any nation state it’s not ever emerged it it’s an emerging State going to come to in few years that’s something we want to build um and I respect a lot of these Web Two web one or even fation of funders so I’ll read all these stories I think about what we can do to make it better better um we start from a single product just like Facebook start with um Facebook right and and 10 then start with QQ the chat app we start with the single software we think okay maybe people want to do something on top of Twitter because everyone love Twitter as a decentralized uh well as a as as an app that potentially can be decentralized um so we start something on top of Twitter through a broad extension and we add more and more functionality over the years and then we realize we need to invest our friends because there’s no one investing in decentralized Social Network back in days even right now there’s not much funds doing that so we start to raise money for the funds we start to have different Vehicles we can do merg and acquisition we can do investment we can do donations we also realize um that the crypto people and non-crypto people they don’t talk to each other so if you look into decentralized social network entertainment there’s already some technology out there there’s math done right there’s other decentralized technology but just crypto people don’t ever talk to them so even though we are more crypto related but we also have traditional uh open source on that we provide financial support uh non nonprofit financial support and also nonprofit financial support to academic organizations like um um like my uh my my my school uh I drop off from ufi so University of Illinois we did some donation uh Shanghai J University um Hong Kong University of Technology and all these nonprofit organizations and academics so we do a lot of these as well and eventually I think we are we we need to be very patient we need to build different products we need to invest different companies we need to put them together and eventually create something like decentralized tensent like decentralized Facebook but without a nation state without the real nation state as a home market and and the Cyber space it is Home Market without um a place that you trade registered in a country without like New York stock exchange Hong Kong Stock Exchange it could be you know decentralized exchange that’s that’s an end go and uh we also witness many success uh happen in our industry so we’re really that there’s Stacks today right there back in the days in 2016 2017 there’s not too much to do um so yeah that’s the end goal of mass network we start from one single product we learn what happened in the past in media The Social Network in t industry we use their methodology but we aim for decentralization um goal yeah so in terms of yeah thanks for that I mean it’s it’s I I agree with you I think it is really important that we do have all aspects that web 2 have offered us from a social network perspective we need to actually look at how do we make it work within the decentralized space and I love the fact that you perceive this thing as you know it can’t be a nation state thing it’s got to be completely I know that this word’s been used a lot but it’s a metaverse thing right even though it isn’t but it’s you need to be kind of like divorced from that and and you need to function accordingly question that I have for you around obviously attracting the user base because if you don’t have the user base then you can’t obviously Drive the product itself and then you can’t create revenue from that how do you as mosque Network plan to attract what has been the strategy for you guys to attract the users into your network so think about this way like um I’ll just give a few numbers numbers I think I think most of the people in our industry don’t know these numbers very interestingly even though they claim they’re doing decentral social network for example like Mero the XYZ which is a which a block blog platform right they use eum login they use R weave storage um more than half of the articles are written not not in English they’re written either in Chinese or Japanese Korean so they’re so-called in cjk language well that’s one very interesting fact I think even even the theme of uh this this block system or or theual is BL they don’t really know that another another number is um vitalic and CZ um they’re both quite active on Twitter um combine their Twitter follower together I believe it’s around 11 million to 12 million uh users on Twitter and Twitter to have 400 million to 500 million mon active users right so 11 to 400 well not a big number but it’s quite significant as well from these 11 million to 12 million users Twitter have initiated a functionality called tipping I believe it’s introduced around two three years ago when when J dosy was still the CEO before the Elon Elon uh I was quite we we’re quite close to Twitter we talk to them a lot but we’re quite also happy we see functionality like oh okay people GNA can to just add their like you know etherum address for tipping so ideally there will be you know better transaction whatever whatever but weing the 11 to 12 million Twitter users that’s already following CZ and and vitalic um my assumption will be these guys are our crypto hardcore users they at least know who to follow right they I need to know who’s the founder of ethereum who’s the founder of Finance within the 11 million users only around 150,000 of them so50 okay around 15K of them have set to their tipping with ethereum or Bitcoin address and more interestingly that Bitcoin address have around like 20% to 30% more uh more more address than the The eum Tipping address but this is a number that a lot of people don’t don’t really um understand or they don’t really ever think about like first who’s using decentralized social network like why people need decentralized Social Network um and and also like if you think about like um the the adoption rate of wallets like this is quite low this is already like people who understand crypto who understand who’s founder of it who’s founder of Ean who’s founder of Fin and they follow them and they don’t really have these things to that so my understanding is without a migration tool from Web Two Social Network such as Twitter or even Facebook or even WeChat or even like line in Japan Kaka in Korea without a migration tool that is robust enough uh to to fight back to those conglomerates to to fight back to those big companies there’s no way that decentralized social network or crypto decentralized social network will ever exceed uh one to two million users there’s no way because the the the Twitter tipping number already showed that even within vitalic CJ fence is only like 500k right 500 uh 150k users and and and all these pure crypto social network number have um I think have Pro we are right uh we are small investor of many social networks we investor of lens we are investor of or uh which is the the one of the biggest client uh of Lance uh social network uh we also know what’s going on with foraster we building our own version of compatible client compatible with both land forcaster and Twitter and and and we know they have both around 300K users this is exactly the number of Twitter uh CJ VB fans uh because you put Bitcoin and ETA together that’s around 300K right that’s exactly number and the only thing exceed that number the only socast social network exceed that number is frte right frch um and there’s a lot of innovation in Fr Tech as well they use NPC wallet they use like pwa progress web app but again like pwa is an ancient technology if you ever care about open source if you know like what’s going on with Tim Bern Le you should know pwa for years um and and the first 300K users of of frch is likely real people but right now they claim to have around 900k to one million users right one 1.1 million users these are not real people uh because we are really patient enough to dig into what’s going on with these wallets what’s going on with these Twitter handles how long they registered right if you really look into that you will figure out a lot of these accounts have not you know don’t have a history for over one year and Twitter exists almost for 20 years right if you have a Twitter account less than one year you either live in place like China that don’t have access to Twitter very easily or you’re just farming right so so is like um using wallet as entry point for decentralized social network is pretty hard it’s not really yet um so when we realized this thing U Back in 2017 uh and 2018 we decid to do to do the other way around we decides to think about okay what if we can migrate us it directly from Twitter Facebook Instagram like we chat line Kaka and it seems like Twitter is the most friendly platform even though under on right on the El Ro they don’t really fully close the API there’s a lot of things you can do and and they are quite related with many standard like blue sky was spin off through from Twitter right and Jack was still involved in the nost the Bitcoin social protocol so we started building many things uh for different purpose we are involved in M now because we we respect their early Pioneers they’re not really crypto they’re not really decentralized enough but Federation is good enough so we donate to them we uh we donate to M foundations uh for years and we donate our manpower to build the I app for them um we reach out to those people who need help for running ma now uh that time uh sever several Japanese uh big instance notes of mown network is on the edge of bankruptcy so we acquir it uh we acquired around three of the biggest M stom node and we have independent team that run it without worrying about our you know our our rule of censorship they just keep you know they keep the original policy ongoing uh when we realize there’s something interesting like lens we reach out to become a shareholder uh when we realize there’s more interesting stuff like orb or like you know fasta of the FR there’s more interesting stuff like this uh we you know try to raise more money for our balance sheet and for our fun vehicles to able to invest more there’s L of people also need help they are not doing something around just like not lucky and their company is on the edge of bankruptcy or they just not lucky with the BM maret so we also step in to do more Acquisitions if necessary uh my answer of how can we get more users will be this is not just like one single magic trick put a wallet there no or put nft there the inam integration of nft is it’s killed by Instagram it’s killed by Facebook why because only attract like 300K 400k user most and and again I already told you that the Twitter tipping only attracts 300K 200k and half of them are more Bitcoin um so we are putting systematic effort not only say oh this is Magic crypto network with vital on that you know every day this is the you know like this the celebrities we’re putting systematic effort investing not only wallet but also V CH later to uh privacy solution um better better consumer apps better infra a better sense we need to put like systematic effort to make this thing work and then eventually building very robust tool that able to migrate the user from the web two to web 3 and then I think the the other side we need to do Lobby we need to do something that you know like it’s it’s sad to say but back in the last cycle like s SPF actually did quite a good Lobby regardless of the result but he know that he know the he know the Playbook but we have to you know because I’m Chinese I’ll be very frankly like I was born in Shanghai I was born in China right so a lot of people GNA worry about dude this is like the Chinese SP I have to tell people I don’t really stand aside I want to be uh without without the nation state identity I want to be in cyber space right yeah so we wanted you to do L LA Lobby that make what eventually the outcome will be okay you’re on Twitter you’re on Facebook you’re on WeChat you’re on Tik Tok and and then we need to have people support us using like gdpr CCPA there’ll be one click button that okay click this button or your data GNA be export through the gdpr compatible format or CCPA compatible format in your email or or whatever and then we can able to convert that thing into a decentralized database that’s represent or centralized social network and then need to be decentralized storage layer decentralized database layer decentralized s all these things so either build them or we invest them or we acquire them or we incubate them so that’s what we believe um the secret sace this not a key word it is not like crypto social network it’s not like decentralization Federation the user don’t care but we need to educate them and we need to put systematic effort uh to be open to every solution so that’s why we are involved in naster we have a sub company only doing naster related stuff we’re we’re open with sling Network or Bitcoin things even though personally I I don’t think some of them are working but I we love to try we’re donating and investing in in in Federation networks feeders we we open to L for caster and other ethereum address related social network well maybe Solana going to have something found we are open to that as well um we also we also like dig into the history of those fail ones like keybase is a fail one right but it’s have valuable data out there so we just dig into the history and learn from the past um and and we build this matter ship of all the decentralized entertainment and social network so that’s how we build a mass network um not by just building one thing we build many things we help many things and we we let them talk to each other we let them compete we let them fight each others but our goal is the same this the greater good of decent social network yeah so that’s that’s awesome yeah yeah it’s a great it’s a great answer because it’s essentially opened a whole lot of questions for me around the product itself so obviously being so so socially conscious um finding the right Avenues to to obviously speak to the importance of decentralization whether it’s through universities whether it’s through just general social social awareness I get that but now how do you take the product itself that is mosque Network and incorporated into all of these different ecosystems and all of these different ideas across the decentralized space is it effectively a plug-and play for each ecosystem or is it is the expectation from your side to create what is going to be conducive for these users and then get them to come to you or you going to go to them I think we open to both like like back in the very early days when we started in 2017 2018 we just buil a very simple plugin on top of Twitter because I think people are going to love to have uh you know crypto related uh features on on Twitter like crypto related are not only cryptocurrency related but cryptographic related right you can you want to encrypt your tweets and only your friends can see that you want to make it like uh pay word like pay me 10 US you can see my content then the content should be multimedia so we need to talk to ipfs we need to talk to filecoin we need talk to RV we need talk to every provider on in the word then you need to think about okay what if this guy have multiple Twitter account or this guy have a Facebook account this guy have WeChat account then you need dids right then you think about okay well we got so many d new search engine then we invest in search engines um so it start from very single um perspective like what if Twitter can be decentralized what are face can decentral what’s the functionalities that user going going left to have what tipping you know like investing follow copy trading um showcase nft so we did all these things uh through the the extension the Chrome system because at that time most of the ogs are using mam mask on the brow extension they don’t use wallet on the phone right so we use that as the first stage um then now like people are moving to this to the to the phone like the webtube time like the crypto ogs and new crypto people are more mobile native and they they’re thinking about the better solutions to connect to wallets the better solution is to multichain work so we we building our another five flly uh which is Allin one mobile social network five fly. land or fly. M social so you don’t need to remember your your keys you can use your Twitter and you’re going to be automatic compatible with your landens for caster and you know eventually Master everything and we know there’s Bitcoin um Maxi people out there there’s Bitcoin community so that’s why we have a sub company only dedicated to doing that so that’s some a new product and come out uh we call it Master it’s called maskn so Master uh M haven’t released yet um then again back to did there’s so many dids out there one real people like me like suji can have 10 different Social account and 20 different key from different perspective like I can have salana key Bitcoin keym key right need to be a system that privacy preserving but also able to identify who am I and who’s my friend if I want to open that or uh you know encrypt my friend list so we have this next ID uh and and in order to Showcase how we can do we have a flashship app for that it’s called web. bio web 3. bio very easy you can search su. or vital. you can able to find all my social networks in one place like RIT uh GitHub uh you know Twitter Facebook so that’s something we’re building over the years and as I say we we we encounter many problems right so when we encounter storage problems we were talking to for coin uh and and R we and eventually they both become our shareholder they use their token to swap our token uh token holders um then we realize there’s more problem with the integration like oh my God there’s so many different layers of storage right I I respect both all these social storage layer but then you need to have some SEO solution non solution graphity solution all these things together so we invest in something like rdb and we realize there’s also more things we need to do with the integration of those file systems so we invest in file ver with more and more investment realize okay our balance sheet is is big but it’s not big enough for these right so we we talk to people who understand the situation who we raise a fund more much more dedicated to invest in these kind of e assistance and since we are the largest LP out so we are more flexible with the with the life cycles and then you know over the years we realize oh okay there’s other players there’s other True Believers of decentralization in this in in this uh community and some of them are are venture capitalist right not saying something that’s that’s a good thing or or bad thing but just like their job is we see or their job is financial investors so in order to work with them so we become some we become the lpce of we invest in their funds and and we also learn from them like okay maybe something already proved that that’s not working we just don’t know it but we learn from them um and our prodct just evolve and getting better and better um I believe around like last week 10 days ago like vitalic was publicly uh tweeting uh using fly our new flagship app you can check on the the lens protocol like hey do yd actually he’s tweeting use fly he’s he’s posting on Twitter and and foraster using our app as well um he mentioned that alternative clients is important right so I think not only alternative clients but alternative Solutions are important and and neutal standpoint is important and we don’t pick a sign we just think okay whoever wins whoever become big one we don’t care we just care about how us it can come here um so that’s how we approach it and and that’s how we do it it’s more about a long-term genu uh systematic way to fix all these problems um and for now I I’d say we just still just said at the beginning those those pure crypto social network none of them have have you know more than half million users only the only exception will be like FR tech and as I mentioned we dig into the Twitter accounts I realize a lot of them are just Bots you order to get you tell difference between B and humans you need something like theid solution right you probably need a better version of War coin and we’re looking for better version of War coin when investing something maybe going to help worldcoin as well so yeah that’s our approach it’s going to be longterm build and solve problems encounter problems solve more problems and put everything together that’s that’s like the Steve Jobs speech back in the days like he say the magic is in this process this process is the magic magic there’s no other magic Stu like crypto is not magic privacy is not encryption is not token might be very strong magic s but you have to put them together that’s our approach yeah so I mean if if I was Twitter right now and clearly you are in discussions with them around a whole lot of stuff but if Twitter tomorrow wanted to go completely decentralized what does that practically look like I mean I know that it’s a big question but as simply as simple as you can how do you how does some something like Twitter become decentralized yeah I mean there’s many there’s many level of decentralization right if you know like Threat Facebook threat is is using they’re basic 4K mats down and activity path protocols which blackberg is posting a lot lately they say hey we support a Fed that is some kind of decentralization it’s different they different servers but it’s not saying there’s no censorship this the censorship go back to the server owner so you have you have many small Kings just like the European federalisms from a Big King a big Empire to many small Kings it is slightly getting better because these small Kings might have better ruling system so you can migrate so if you don’t like this country you can migrate to another country if you don’t like this system you can go to people with you know place with selections right with selection system with his own governance systems and and and in fact uh one of the most early um you know like one of the most early uh political system with election was in back you can date back in middle evil uh Europe you know all these city states they have these kind of system backing days so yeah so that’s kind of decentralization we already have there’s also you know like pure decentralization use crypto social network where where a lot of people trying to do use like crypto cryptographic key ethereum key Bitcoin key like Noster and Plum decentralization storage what fairly P2P or with a universal backend on chain then the problem will be like how largely can the chain be decentralized how largely can the chain be uh penetrated by those big companies or government so for example lens is using polygon right polygon is cool it it is fair decentralized and respected team a lot but then again the rpcs are not decentralized rpcs is the end point if you want to talk to the chain you have to go through these rpcs if you have a firew war system like China and Russia have today then you can just kill the rpcs instantly you have to decentralize these IPC systems you have to decentralize these layers and and you know like optimism and all these like uh op chain super chain is not solving this problem right we need to have the centr vpns so we we’re trying to look into and study more about this part as well um then okay for cter clim the the sufficient decentralized social network again um it’s not it’s not because they’re on app store right and they have some private API it’s not open to all the other developers if you really load into other clients other apps they don’t have the same API as for cast of clams the official API have and the official API and the official app can be removed by App Store and Google Play anytime if they just don’t happy so again this is long-term process and we’re just talking to everyone IND this in the industry we’re learning to everyone in this industry so for something as big as Twitter you mentioned like if they want to do go decentralization they have to go through a stepbystep process first those who know how to use cryptographic key those who understand how to use it they might able to have different layer of storage different layer of backup so you still communicate use the server but you have a backup that’s you know you can own using your cryptographic key then you might have different communication channels on top of it then you might have different Financial layer on top of it you may just transfer money or tip on top of it then you completely deenal it and then you need to put a lot of lobbyist effort right I actually doubt whether elas can do it because he’s he’s other company Space X and uh you know Starling is too related with the United States um uh I respect him but I don’t think this is very easy to do I think probably the toughest challenge going you’re going to face it’s the samec apply for Facebook U so that’s why I think maybe we cannot save them but we can convert these users through our migration tools not only one but many not only one leg but many just like defi have Legos like defi have so many projects you know they eventually become a legal that make the government and regulator so panful to regulate and they actually have some freedoms I think you know social networks entertainment networks if we have much more complicated Legos because most of the governments care more about what people are saying than they care more of what people are buying this my opinion and and we probably end up to have a lot of much more complicated networks and and structures in Legos our job is to put them together one by one and eventually us it can just you know one click no Briner uh your your Facebook data or Twitter data going to go to w we yeah or you know whatever web five maybe yeah yeah I mean it’s it’s really interesting because it’s not it’s not a it’s not a like anything it’s not a straight line but I think even with particularly with this it’s even more complicated and and there’s a lot of moving parts and because we have kind of these Legacy systems that obviously have taken a long time to build you essentially have to do the same same for crypto and decentralization and it’s really interesting that you guys have approached it from a top top down and from a down up perspective I mean it seems like there is a Consciousness around that yeah one one very interesting example I would like to um I would like to mention today is one of our one of the company we invested we still helping them it’s called Uh scent it’s called valuable uh well probably new new crypto guide don’t really remember or new decentral social guy don’t really remember but s like three years ago when when nft was still on the hype right and then one day JSI just suddenly start to convert his first tweet as nft yeah through this valuable platform and we are one of the shareholders uh we’re still talking to them a lot like uh you know I think I think you can just convert one guy like Jack or Elon to just say hey dude my tweet is nft I can promise you this is the the original version and then you can you can forget the Twitter server you can forget the the centralized API because the user claim this is authentic one all right so that’s a very interesting functionality uh but it’s not really working very well after the hype but we just see the potentials so probably we’re g to see have more things like this uh and and you know even front also like able to link the data between the identities and the the the address the wallet address yeah so yeah these are interesting applications that you are able to you know you’re able to let the users let individualism let individuals of the platforms theplatform them and and find Independence you know like just like Jack say hey okay I was you know he was the CEO of Twitter he was like okay I can do that regardless whether he CEO or not right you can do that and I think one day we’re going to see more and more example of this and now on the other side there’ll be more and more decentralized crypto Network we can let them to Mig in there will be more and more decentralized whatever Bitcoin CM networks they’re going to have Financial incentive so we put them together and then we need to have other better better user experience wallet all these thing togethers so yeah we are just doing all these thing together I mean that is the risk of of setting up a network as opposed to just one product that obviously can do a couple of things you’ve decided to go the Hard Road and do the whole network thing which I mean I suppose is the only way to do it I mean is there a conversation around kind of like having your own blockchain and facilitating kind of like a an interoperability functionality across other other blockchains I mean how do you guys think about that yeah I I think eventually all apps going to have options we we are looking into solutions to help do our own option as well but we also trying to be neutral and to look into uh more compatibilities that you know no matter which asset you have on whatever Chanel we’re g to able to help you to migrate to here so in order to achieve that we also invest and help in bridges there secure Bridge relatively centralized Bridge they Bridge of different Bridges we don’t we don’t know which one going to win but we certainly know that centralized one probably not going to survive too long right so we’re helping them as well um so my my opinion will be um I think the financial revolution of crypto is almost there it’s almost finished um you already see ETFs and you know today Hong Kong uh passed the ETF not only for Bitcoin but also for ethereum I think the US One going to yeah the US One going to come in uh very very very soon in just few months or one not two years right um I think we are almost at a turning point that crypto is not only for financial revolutions but also for day-to-day revolutions and these revolutions going to have huge impact for nation state for the governance system we have and eventually going to get independence from all these sovereign states for all these countries and we are in this process to help transmitting the social networks entertainment networks the people the same people read every day they see they seen people post every day the the the joyfulness you enjoy every day that’s our mission and we just stand neutral that okay no matter which CH which platform out there we support world we integrate um I don’t think there’s necessity of competition again the largest so-called decentralized soci for now it is the using activity p is feeders right if we if you can’t uh non Strat users around 20 to 30 million and unfortunately a lot of them are Trump fans on on true social right if you if you come the the users from threat that these guys are just m from Instagram and again they don’t really have their own control right yeah but it’s just too early to think about this to think about competitions so we longterm we play the game and last for next few decades and and I think what we are just quite lucky that we are one of the first players uh we are we in this position that not only can provide technology can provide understanding also can provide Capital can provide uh even even even help these projects to do Lobby together yeah so that’s the advantage um but I think it it’ll come very soon um yeah I mean try out try our new app that you know like vital is using that to posting every day like firly the master social Firefly land try a new app and no matter which channel you prefer which Central Social Network prefer we’re going to integrate we’re going to be compatible so I’m definitely going to do that after this call so you have my word I will um I never realize the extent of the extent of the social Consciousness that you as a network and as a as protocol carry with you I mean I’m I’m completely blown away I mean there’s there’s there’s it’s not just about making money it’s not just about the the money side of this it’s actually a bigger and almost more important aspect to what it is that you guys are building and clearly the vision that you have in this process process um I think it’s I think it’s hugely necessary um and it’ll be really interesting to see how first of all people accept it beyond that 300 or the 200,000 like you said that Tipping Point um and I think we need it I think it’s really important that there is that capability and the freedom for people to be able to express themselves and you obviously are providing them that opportunity I think your biggest challenge is going to be how do you create the awareness and convince people that this is actually something that is better for them and better for their experience yeah we we long term I think I was I was talking to my friend that we are building the foundation like not not the Bitcoin Foundation s Foundation but the foundation from the Sci-Fi book like like the the foundation that that prevent human destroy themselves from internet and and and to build a better internet From the Ashes um yeah but I’m really optimistic I think we’re just very close to it another few years and we have yeah I mean I yeah yeah I love the fact that you are seeing the greater Vision around obviously doing the the nonprofit stuff and funding universities and creating the awareness from essentially the Grassroots level a lot of a lot of even companies it doesn’t matter what you call the entities that are obviously traveling through the space I find that very interesting by the way like companies protoc calls projects what do you call them you know um but that’s obviously another discussion but I think it’s really important that there is awareness created and clearly you guys are finding where those pressure points are you’re saying listen that’s not about the money it’s about the education if we do the education we’ll create the belief system and the understanding and you know the business side of it will land up happening in 10 years 20 years or however long it takes I mean that is your strategy right yeah sure that’s our strategy great um I think I think this is a good time to to wrap it up um it’s been really fascinating and more importantly it’s been hugely educational to get an insight into what it is that you guys are doing and I think more importantly the vision and something that I do see as being a greater good um and I mean clearly you guys have demonstrated that you you launched in the last bull or there about you you survived the bear you continue doing what you’re doing and it’s kind of like business is usual I mean I bet you guys just didn’t even notice there was a bear you just got on with it MH cool suji it’s been an absolute pleasure to chat to you pleas yeah yeah I know that you’re on your way to Dubai for conference um I hope it’s a good one I hope you have a productive um trip and it’s been an absolute pleasure to meet you and to chat to you this morning thank you so much M it’s my pleas thank you you’re welcome take care everyone um it was great to to have you on and please like And subscribe and yeah we’ll see you next time thank you all right thanks for listening if you enjoyed the show please give us a like subscribe and turn the notification Bell on for next time see you

    In this episode of the blocmates podcast, Jedi is joined by the Founder of Mask Network, Suji Yan. They dive deep into Suji Yan’s journey and the groundbreaking decentralized platform set to transform social networking and journalism.

    Yan shares captivating insights into Mask Network’s core mission and the hurdles encountered in attracting users within the decentralized realm. Throughout the discussion, the speakers stressed the pivotal roles of education, awareness, and collaboration in propelling their objectives forward.

    Don’t forget to spread the love – give us a thumbs up, leave your thoughts below, and hit that subscribe button to stay tuned for more enriching conversations!


    00:00 Intro
    00:43 Suji’s background and Mask’s journey
    04:21 Understanding Mask Network’s purpose
    09:32 Mask’s strategy for user attraction
    22:48 Integrating Mask Network across ecosystems
    30:20 Practical steps to decentralizing Twitter
    36:11 Investment and Problem-Solving
    38:39 Building a Neutral and Inclusive Network
    42:16 Vision and Strategy
    45:43 Outro


    Follow blocmates and today’s guests on Twitter/X:

    blocmates: https://twitter.com/blocmatesdotcom
    Mask Network: https://twitter.com/realMaskNetwork


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