Gavin Wood – The Gray Paper : How to get a Disinflationary DOT

    if we want to make polka dot less inflationary perhaps disinflationary so a system whereby the amount of inflation reduces over time one way that this could look that would result in uh Bitcoin style discontinuities in the issuance curve State what the maximum amount is we take 10% of that and we pay that out over the next 12 months that would mean no reduction in rewards for that first year now in the following year you would take 10% of what’s left so it be it go down a little bit and and then 10 then the year after that 10% of whats left it sort of follows a curve like this except it would be year on year so it would step each year it provides a nice very shallow curve going from the rewards that are happening at the moment into a fixed final amount model I do see a serious upside which is that you’ve got um a fiscal certainty

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