Sooo a month ago a group of degens on the internet minted Runemilio ordinals. The collection did x10 in the next 2 days. Yet we were presented with a series of cryptic messages on twitter and figured out we need to burn our shit by sending our Runemilios to Satoshis wallet. Which we did, we burned 4+ mln USD in a matter of days. Weeks in, we solved more cryptic shit on Twitter, inscribed encrypted html files on BTC and now are getting on the next stage of the project.

    Yet what was important here is the community that emerged within the whole process. By sanctificing millions of USD to Satoshi we got ourselves the most degen diamond handed group of people. That are able to HOLD and move shit up.

    Now the community launched a $CULT token on Solana. Alll the burners got airdropped which is now 1k USD worth of tokens. And you bet, we are burning them as well 🔥 And then buying more. We sent it to 1.5m MC with haste. Next stop is 10m MC🔥

    Ticker is $CULT

    CA: 8A7NPmnpqawyqspqim4hpD18sWTJxM1gaERPHN3k87My

    Posted by mrv100111

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