Yes, this is for real. Try to break the security and you get to keep all the money.

    The EGLDHeist campaign has raised funds for it's community campaign.
    This campaign tries to find security flaws in the native 2FA mechanism of the network and also to show off the technology behind the so-called "Guardians".

    It is trying to show off the security of accounts on the sharded MultiversX network.

    The following seedphrase is secured by native decentralized on-chain 2FA.

    Try to crack or bypass the 2FA and all the money is yours!

    1 pledge
    2 pulse
    3 smoke
    4 nuclear
    5 parent
    6 tuition
    7 answer
    8 library
    9 weasel
    10 tray
    11 subject
    12 stamp
    13 prepare
    14 neutral
    15 enable
    16 cross
    17 beef
    18 erase
    19 medal
    20 country
    21 fetch
    22 embark
    23 liar
    24 shine

    As a wallet, you can use any MultiversX compatible wallet such as xPortal, the MultiversX web wallet ( or the chrome/firefox defi extension, or Ledger, or Trustwallet, or any other wallet.

    Good luck to all hackers!

    If you have any questions I am happy to answer them in the comments.

    //EDIT: To learn more about the tech behind this, check out the website and the docs (scroll a bit down):

    This is my seedphrase – break the security and you get to keep the money!
    byu/ClassicMain inCryptoTechnology

    Posted by ClassicMain

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