This Friday, May 24, was my original retirement date. I'm in my early 50s, and I'm a good bit beyond my original financial goals. But I've decided to keep working, at least for a while.

    What I don't want is to fall into the trap of OMY (One More Year) Syndrome. I don't want to say that next May 24 is going to be when I retire. So instead, I'm going to try to make a conscious effort for every day of work to be my second-to-last day of work. Call it OMD (One More Day) Syndrome.

    What I'm going to try to do is, at the end of every day, ask myself:

    • Am I still enjoying my job?
    • Do I have the flexibility to do all of the things that make me happy and healthy, while still earning a paycheck?
    • Can I work remotely from wherever I want?
    • Can I see my friends and family as often as I want?
    • Am I still having FUN?

    The day, the very day, that the answer to those questions is "no", the next day will not be my second-to-last day, it will be the day I give notice. No financial considerations, just the decision as to whether or not I want to keep doing what I am doing for One More Day.

    Thank you to everyone in this community who has helped me to understand that the FI is more important than the RE, because of the flexibility it gives me in making these decisions.

    Don’t want to give in to OMY (One More Year) Syndrome, so I’m doing OMD (One More Day) Syndrome instead
    byu/SlapDashUser infinancialindependence

    Posted by SlapDashUser

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