Hello, I want to share a method that has already earned me several thousand dollars.

    Initially, I didn’t want to share it with anyone, not even with friends, but then I thought, why not. If I help someone today, they might help me tomorrow.

    I learned about this method by chance from a crypto community that seeks out similar methods and maximizes their potential.

    I got this method virtually for free and made a profit of $100 on the first day, which is quite good. But I didn’t stop there. After a week, I already had $500, and by the time I'm writing this post, I have around ±$4000 in pure profit.

    I won’t go into all the details. I'll just briefly explain how this method works, and if anyone wants to know more in detail, message me PM. I'll send you the original source so as not to waste my time or yours!

    The method is quite simple and suitable even for those who are only somewhat familiar with cryptocurrency.

    Step by step:

    1. Buy a EOS coin
    2. Then go to Wallet, Spot and select the purchased EOS
    3. Select Deposit and copy MEMO (Digits)
    4. Go back and select Withdraw
    • Network: EOS
    • Address: testnet
    • MEMO: Enter the copied MEMO
    1. Choose a small amount of coins for the test
    2. And after ±10 minutes we get the amount sent, but only +0.5% (in coins)

    As a result, we earn compound percent from transactions on the EOS network.

    If you succeed, leave your feedback in the comments. A coffee from you would be nice.

    How to earn on MEXC?
    byu/Dayana_Fuston inCryptoTechnology

    Posted by Dayana_Fuston

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