I’m mainly curious because I think a lot of people don’t like him or are considering Trump because of “the economy” right now, and I don’t think that makes sense.

    From an economic standpoint, I think he’s done quite well with the difficult position he was put in due to COVID and the Russia-Ukraine conflict causing inflation, which the public seems to have largely blamed him for. I think this is the reason he doesn’t have much support, because people blame him for the high cost of living, and I don’t think that makes sense at all. I also think people just don’t understand inflation and wages vs prices, and if they did, he’d see more support.

    It was also probably not great that his big student debt forgiveness plan didn’t succeed at all, although he’s been forgiving plenty of debt. However, I assume the CHIPS act was probably good and also well received, although I rarely hear people talking about it.

    That being said, I don’t really understand large things he did do, like the Inflation Reduction Act. I’m also not sure what economists think of his tariffs on China.

    His approval rating over time also doesn’t show any significant inflections around October 7 of last year.

    What do economists think of his presidency?

    What do economists think of of Biden’s presidency and policies?
    byu/Amazydayzee inAskEconomics

    Posted by Amazydayzee

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