A friend of mine lost his private keys and password; someone accidentally threw out the paper with it written on it or something. Anyway…

    Two things are happening:

    1. When he logs into the app, it opens, but it just shows the balance on top, but nothing else below. (Black screen) I have a screenshot but can't show images here.

    2. I wasn't aware you could recover a password with a private wallet, but when he types in his wallet ID, there's an option for forgot password. When he selects it, it says an email to start the recovery process has been sent. When he clicks start recovery process in the email, it says it has been started and to go to the previous tab to continue, but when he does it just says "send again". Which just loops the process described above.

    In the email it says it's a 2FA recovery, but he doesn't have a 2FA app and he's not receiving an SMS.

    He's also having an issue because he's not receiving a device verification email when he requests one; although he is receiving all other notifications through his email.

    I think his best option to recover it is by getting the app working again, but I'm hesitate to update due to lost password.

    Anyone, please help. 🙏

    I feel bad bc tried to get him to buy Bitcoin 11 year ago and he didn't bc he isn't very tech oriented and thought he'd lose his password. I finally got him to in 2021, and now he has. Now I wish I just held it for him or kept a copy of his password

    Lost Pk’s, Lost Password. Can log into the Blockchain App, but it just shows a blank screen with his total balance in $’s on top. Why and How can I fix this?
    byu/CanadaWhite inCryptoTechnology

    Posted by CanadaWhite

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