Most people have now heard of Dogecoin and are buying DOGE in hopes of Dogecoin being worth $1 per DOGE?! But what’s the history of Dogecoin and a realistic DOGE price prediction??
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    Dogecoin is incredibly appealing at first, you see a funny shiba inu doge popularized with the Doge meme and you say I’ll put all of my money into Dogecoin! I want to invest in Doge!!! You get on reddit, tiktok and twitter and everyone is trying to pump dogecoin saying 1 dogecoin will be worth 1 dollar, doge to $1 and above. Can Dogecoin really be worth a dollar, you start you run the numbers, you review Dogecoins marketcap and billions DOGEs in circulation and then find out that its hard to mine Dogecoin in 2021 because its on the Scrypt mining algorithm and merge-mined with Litecoin LTC so then you need this expensive and loud custom computer to mine some Dogecoin! Then finally you realize that Dogecoin has no supply cap, yes Dogecoins will continue to be minted forever, leading to hyper inflation of Dogecoin, but you saw a funny meme so you buy some Dogecoin anyway?! Let’s review the history of Dogecoin and a DOGE 2021 price prediction!

    Learn more about the Dogecoin TikTok pump!

    ⏰ Timestamps ⏰
    0:00 Dogecoin has taken over the internet!
    1:52 Tails is the reason VoskCoin is around today
    2:58 Find mining equipment with Miners Marketplace
    3:29 Where can I buy Dogecoin?
    4:35 What is Dogecoin? Where did it come from?
    6:11 Elon Musk as the CEO of Dogecoin
    6:53 Dogecoin subreddit – should you join it?
    8:12 WallStreetBets pumped Dogecoin almost 1000%
    9:00 The Shiba Inu that started the Doge meme!
    10:24 The founder of Dogecoin
    12:03 How is Dogecoin mined? Should you mine Dogecoin?
    13:12 The dark truth behind the Dogecoin supply & mining
    17:14 Dogecoin Price Prediction
    18:54 Should you buy Dogecoin in 2021?
    19:30 Dogecoin DOGE review

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    VoskCoin is for entertainment purposes only and is never intended to be financial investment advice. VoskCoin owns or has owned cryptocurrency and associated hardware. VoskCoin may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. VoskCoin may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used. VoskCoin is home of the Doge Dad, VoskCoin is not your Dad, and thus VoskCoin is never liable for any decisions you make.
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