Despite the high Ethereum price, it can still be massively undervalued. In this video, I will explain making millions in bitcoin, Ethereum, and other blockchain assets. Please subscribe

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    If you do not follow this, you will lose a lot of money in the crypto market. This is really why I have put multiple six figures into crypto and how I’ve made multiple six figures in profits from crypto over just the last three months alone.

    So there are multiple reasons that we are backing crypto and why so many people are jumping into it such as Bitcoin, Ethereum CareNow, and then a lot of the other old coins down there.
    So one large thing that I really like about this time versus 2017, when the other big hype happened was now Walmart and Amazon are starting to investigate how to deploy exchanging Bitcoin within their network.

    So they are trying to figure out how to accept these types of currencies within their networks. Now, this is massive because these are such large movers of cash and such large movers of transactions that will start to make crypto more widely accepted.

    So what I find particularly interesting is this thing it’s called the Gartner hype cycle. Now, what this is, is this happened in 2017 and it happens with pretty much every single tech that is revolutionary that goes through this hype cycle. So in 2017, we had crypto really started to take off and we had this massive kind of go mainstream. And there were these inflated expectations.

    And then at the end of, uh, at start of 2018, the thing crashed, and this is where we had the trough of disillusionment, and then gradually 2018 and 19 not much happened. And then the end of 2020, we started the slope upon the enlightenment phase. So this is something that has existed long before just crypto.

    This is something that is consistent with most large new technologies. They get over-hyped and then they get undervalued and then they start to become into, or move into a practical use sense. So what’s really awesome here now is we are on the practical use incline. So this is just gradually inclining and inclining and inclining.

    And if you just buy and hold, then you will be able to enjoy the incline. Now, what is also very interesting about this is there is something that you learn in economics and it’s the adoption cycle. So basically if we were to rub this out, we’ve got the adoption cycle. So basically what happens is you’ve got the early adopters, which is here.

    It’s like 2% of the population or 2% of any given market. You’ve got the early adopters and then you’ve got the early majority, sorry, the, um, whatever other early people don’t quote me on this, then you’ve got the early majority and then you’ve got the late majority. And then you’ve got the other late people there. And you’ve got the laggards here, which is the last 2.3% or something.

    Now you can look this up. It’s just told the adoption cycle in economics. Now, what’s awesome here. Is that something like Bitcoin or Ethereum or something where there’s limited than not printing more like cash is that it is increasing in value as the market cap increases. So that just means that the amount of people that are putting money into this thing is directly proportional to what the price is, right? So right now, by current estimates, the amount of people that have a Bitcoin wallet, which means that they hold some Bitcoin of some kind is only 0.4, 3%.

    Thank you for watching the video. I hope you enjoy the video “Making Millions in Bitcoin, Ethereum and Other Blockchain Assets”. If this video helps you, please subscribe to my channel and like, comment, and share the video.

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