Enterprise Value Per Ounce (EV/Oz) is a financial metric showing you what value the market is attributing to the company based on the companies total resource holdings (measured + indicated + inferred resources).

    Resources may either be shown in ounces of gold (example in the video), pounds per copper, or any other commodity. EV/Oz is widely used by resource investing professionals such as equity analysts and investment bankers and you can apply this same concept to determine if a company may be over, under, or fairly valued relative to their peer group.

    Subscribe so you don’t miss the next video, where we will be discussing burn rate, the importance of management’s track record, how a company is structured, and much more.

    If you would like to receive the excel template we used to create your own peer group, go over to www.GNAFinancialAdvisors.com and subscribe with your email to receive it for FREE.

    Website: https://gnafinancialadvisors.com/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-nelson-cpa/

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