Cryptocurrency explained for beginners.

    So, You’ve heard about it. Talked about it. Maybe even invested in it. But do you understand it?


    I’m talking about cryptocurrency!

    This video breaks down what crypto is and illustrates an easy-to-follow example of how it works.

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    Intro: (0:00)
    Cryptocurrency definition: (0:50)
    The biggest difference between crypto and the USD: (1:16)
    Crypto example: (1:56)
    Blockchain technology: (3:07)
    Advantages: (4:28)
    Disadvantages: (4:59)
    Future of crypto: (5:36)
    Is it a good investment?: (6:56)

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    Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is for entertainment purposes only and is not meant to take the place of professional legal, accounting, or financial advice. If you have any legal questions about this video or the subjects discussed, or any other legal matter, you should consult with an attorney or tax professional in your jurisdiction (i.e. where you live).

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