Arbitrage bot for trading exchanges GDAX, Kraken, Bitfinex, Bitstamp, Bitmex, Binance, Poloniex, Bittrex, Deribit, Okex, Cexio, Huobi, Hitbtc.

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    We’ve built a platform for crypto-currencies trading via multiply exchanges.
    Crypto Trading Platform:
    Functioning as a normal desktop application, will use the API to perform all these operations and provide the user with a single graphical interface. The user will be able to use all the exchange connectors that have already been added by us (currently we have connectors for GDAX, Kraken, Bitfinex, Bitstamp, Bitmex, Binance, Poloniex, Bittrex, Deribit, Okex, Cexio, Huobi, Hitbtc), move funds from one exchange to another with a few mouse clicks, create trading robots or buy existing robots from developers through the market using DHT tokens. It will also be possible to subscribe to trading signal providers (i.e. select trading signals belonging to other traders and copy them); DHT tokens will also need to be used to pay for them.
    GDAX arbitrage bot, Kraken arbitrage bot, Bitfinex arbitrage bot, Bitstamp arbitrage bot, Bitmex arbitrage bot, Binance arbitrage bot, Poloniex arbitrage bot, Bittrex arbitrage bot, Deribit arbitrage bot, Okex arbitrage bot, Cexio arbitrage bot, Huobi arbitrage bot, Hitbtc arbitrage bot, GDAX bot, Kraken bot, Bitfinex bot, Bitstamp bot, Bitmex bot, Binance bot, Poloniex bot, Bittrex bot, Deribit bot, Okex bot, Cexio bot, Huobi bot ,Hitbtc bot, bitcoin,

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