At the moment we are a group of several victims of the company Block chain dot com and we entrusted our funds to Block chain Luxembourg and lost over 400 bitcoins, this amount is worth today about 3 and a half million American dollars.

    Specifically, in my case, I downloaded the Block chain application from the App Store to my iPhone-x and then I imported the paper-wallet.

    I did several operations through the Block chain application and never saved the password-phrase onto my iPhone or iCloud.

    While doing the operations, I scanned my secret-wallet once and never saved it in the application.

    On April 17, around 10:15 pm, I logged in to the blockchain application and at the same time, the process of sending my funds to an unknown bitcoin wallet has begun!

    I started to call and write to my friends about what can I do at this moment!

    After about 40 minutes, the funds disappeared from my wallet permanently.

    On the video, I show the only activities I have done, from creating a paper wallet to sending funds.

    I wrote letters to the Block chain Luxembourg company asking for help and explaining why my funds disappeared. Blockchain’s support advised me to set up a new wallet with a different e-mail address and they are very sorry for my loss. At this point, I began to think that Block chain Luxembourg has something to hide and there should be more such cases in the world.

    I also involved my lawyers to clarify my case with them.

    The attorney department from Block chain Luxembourg has informed my attorneys that they will not give us any information about this transaction. They told me to go to the Luxembourg’s Court.

    It turned out that the Internet is fully moderated, no information is published about the thefts which were made by Block chain dot com.

    No general information about the Block chain is posted as all forums are moderated by administrators of the block chain who call themselves angels.

    Their job is to not let any posts go public about the block chain.

    I started to look for victims on my own and with my friends help. we found out other people have also been robbed.

    In the presence, we are a group of people in exactly the same situation. We have lost 400 bitcoins in total on block chain dot com.

    We are convinced that there are many victims in the world who are cheated in a similar way.

    We are people who believe in the crypto currency and we believe that these criminal abuses underwent for several years.

    Most of the cases have happened in Asian or poor countries around the world.

    They target people who aren’t able to come to Luxembourg and file a law case against them.

    Thereby they win.

    We must end this criminal practice!

    Help yourself and others! Contact us at

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