Millions of graduates passing out each year. The authorities seem to be compromised for the security credentials of student data. Due to the lack of effective anti-forge mechanism, events that cause forged records often get noticed and it is getting easier day by day. Public and private educational institutes are struggling to maintain the Immutability of records.
    Student information to Examination result belonging to secure channels, if created once should never be tampered or removed even by the records owners.
    Such records are nearly impossible to create in traditional centralized technologies like databases, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. Another problem in traditional data storage is the mandatory requirement of trust the third party.
    Sandooq is secure assets storage with large scalable functionality that promises immutable, decentralize and distributed systems. This enables educational institutions to adopt the world’s most advanced open global ecosystem platform based on blockchain technology and make their assets always valid, verifiable and decentralized proof of documents that can’t be modified or erased by third parties or governments.
    The system saves on paper, cuts management costs, prevents document forgery, and provides accurate and reliable information on digital certificates.

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