The Fed at some point will have to raise interest rates, but “I don’t see it happening for years,” says Matt McCall of The McCall Report.

    He asserts the Fed and the White House work, “hand-in-hand,” and will kick the can down the road when it comes to the disruption seen from inflation within the U.S. economy.

    McCall, the newest member of the Stansberry Research team, defines himself as a realist, noting that economists tend to react to economic events rather than being proactively in front of them.

    “Bitcoin is now a true asset class,” says McCall, where cryptocurrencies have an over $2 trillion market cap. Bitcoin reaching $250,000 is, “very obtainable in the next three years,” he asserts, with demand increasing and supply at a standstill. McCall views gold through a psychological lens, concluding that, “gold is a dead asset class.”

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