Hello All,
    Finally iNeuron is happy to announce Full Stack Data Scientist with 1 year Internship and Job Guarantee Program starting from 27th November 2021 and the class timing is from 10am to 1 pm and then the doubt clearing session is from 1pm to 3pm every Saturday and Sunday. This time we are keeping 2 hours doubt clearing session after the class.
    All the live sessions will be recorded and it will be available through lifetime.

    Book your seats by filling the form

    You can check the detailed syllabus and all information below

    Direct call to our Team incase of any queries

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    Gpay: krishnaik06@okicici
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    Please join as a member in my channel to get additional benefits like materials in Data Science, live streaming for Members and many more
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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Krishnaik06
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    instagram: https://www.instagram.com/krishnaik06

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