Create a private consortium network using Hyperledger Besu, work with Truffle, use Tenderly, better Unit Testing Smart Contracts (including coverage reports), Security Best Practices, SWCRegistry an many more things! All hands-on in this comprehensive follow-along video tutorial.


    00:40 The new Etheruem node called Hyperledger Besu
    In September 2019 PegaSys migrated their Project Pantheon over to Hyperledger under the new name: Hyperledger Besu.

    02:44 Hands-On: How to create your own consortium chain
    If you are familiar with Docker then starting your own hyperledger besu network with some nodes, a block explorer and other services, is really easy:

    04:43 Development tools to supercharge your workflow
    1. VSCode Extensions like the Solidity Visual Auditor together with the dark theme.
    2. Truffle with the fully integrated testing suite.
    3. Unit Test coverage reports using solidity coverage.
    4. How to debug your smart contracts step by step.
    5. Tenderly in combination with truffle, to know where exactly my smart contracts are failing.
    6. The new Remix desktop

    10:30 Ethereum News Sources, Security and Smart Contract Auditing
    * The newsletter It’s my weekly read on news around Ethereum.
    * Smart contract best practices
    * The Smart Contract Weakness Classification and Test Cases.
    * Solidity static analysis and auditing software Mythx, where the Pro version is paid.
    * OpenZeppelin smart contract templates at
    * A GitHub repository with all the good stuff you can possibly imagine.

    For more like this, subscribe to this channel and I hope I’ll see you in the next videos!




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