The latest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency – Nasdaq open to crypto exchange, Paypal founder talks trash on crypto, Binance getting sued and buying stuff, and the latest updates from the top projects.

    Disclaimer: Everything expressed here is my opinion and not official investment advice – please do your own research before risking your own money!

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    1. History dont lie, the purchasing power of fiat is going down while prices of goods and commodities are going up. Now that's a bubble.

    2. Well seems have to be wary of Paypal when someone like that should welcome crypto as it would be an awesome business model for his service, i am wary about Nasdaq, i think someone wants to centralize crypto, but this could span new technology in crypto that keep it decentralized, new coins on a newer type of blockchain or something, or maybe when TRON makes the internet 4.0, hard to say, i could be wrong, but i love crypto as some many new things in the news and surprises, besides that sorry for long comment, just my mind is working , good work on video sir sincerely Exciting World Cryptos

    3. Back in doghouse doesn't the crypto world understand it's hard for a 6'2" guy who enjoys a western diet ( bit fat ) to get into a doghouse. Bugger bloody red.

    4. I was looking into get in on that wallet for ethos and it is asking for a mobile OS is that my mobile phone number why were they need this did you put yours in by chance and what repeat button where you talked about on Twitter for The Ledger giveaway

    5. This not financial advice. This is just a dude talking about cryptocurrency…👀👀👀 the internet??? is this the right channel? lol.

    6. Thursday?! Oh yea. 😱You went there on the US dollar. Tell it like it is Lark; a news report I can't wait to absorb into my daily routine. I was really interested in Ambit right up until the time I realized US citizens will not participate in dividends. Aloha no kakou.

    7. For people who want to see the bigger picture concerning the blockchain, than listen to what Max Igan is constantly saying about social crediting. Crypto's are just a part of a bigger digital system which is called the IOT (Internet Of Things). Do not think that the blockchain is freedom for the people, on the contrary. It is a trojan horse of a digital social crediting system where they can shut you down when they want. China is already doing this on a larger scale, if you are against the governement your freedom is compromised. Just watch this carefully: and this one Even your washing machine will be connected to the smart grid (IOT). Something to think about.

    8. Actually Bitcoin is accepted at a discount at Apex for purchasing gold bullion and other precious metals they wouldn't do that unless they thought the price was going to substantially increase over time. Thanks for the video lark

    9. The non argument about electricity is just bullshit and I think you should do some research on that. A commodity is not valuable because it costs money to produce but because people are willing to pay money to get it. If nobody are willing to pay what you sell then it's worthless.

    10. X electricity wasted is not the value of btc mr lark. The properties resulting of that algo give btc value. Immutability, trustlessness. You should know that as long as you are in the space and you also know that there is PoS.

    11. Yo CryptoLark! I'm doing an animation series based on Crypto, and turning influencers into animated characters. (Currently doing an episode with CryptoCandor). Let's collaborate. You got a good sense of humor, and I'd love to give you some input on an episode/turn you into a character. Let's chat on twitter @krypticrooks

    12. For 4 months of trading in the HitBTC has never had any problems. Withdrawals have done about 5 times, all without delay and fuss. I worked here a couple of strategies to the last detail.

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