1. WELL!-iz it gunnu b a bull market again?-ASHURA the bull won the rase yesterday-GREGGY-giv me TOM KROOZE number- he will start rasing and stop this run-yes and talk 2 BOSTIC-heez as smart az OBAMA

    2. about 5 months ago I saw a study that put the average credit card debt was 16,000 per account
      if you don't think this will destroy the housing market….. best
      you find a different profession

    3. Hi everyone here , I'm from Australia , can anyone here tell me if Zillow has any competition in America, and what you think about Zillow really appreciate your honesty .cheers

    4. This is all good stuff but have you ever sold gold and silver and made a profit? the performance over 15 years is terrible I don't know why he keeps talking about gold and silver why not ammunition

    5. Vix is to low for capitulation. We should have counter trend rally at end of May.

      The bottom will occur in Q3 but slight possibility it's October. The earliest low would be July according to Gann, inflation reporting and many other cycles.

    6. Questions to Gregory Mannarino followers and ( Gregory): what bounces back first during a stock market crash ……gold or silver mining stocks…. Also do they recover well before non-precious metal stocks..(EX: MSFT..Goog..ETC…..thank you for any opinion

    7. All the stuff u said was coming is happening Thanks Greg for the education U are worth a million so called experts U have thought about establishing Mannarino collage for common sense people Thanks Greg

    8. Shiny metals and barbarous relics are not showing themselves to be hedges against anything. This market will never "move forward". Do not buy the forever dip in silver.😎

    9. its getting very difficult not to buy……have to tape my fingers to the desk. It always good once in awhile to remind ourselves the real value of stocks, gold, bitcoin and silver.

    10. I’ve have some credit card debt due to being in college and I’ve been trying hard to pay it off. One thing I’ve noticed is if you miss a payment they begin calling right away. From my experience, they usually don’t begin to do that for at least month after you miss. They are definitely freaking out.

    11. Is it possible for the bankers to transition to a digital currency and keep the scheme going for a lot long than anticipated?

    12. This market will fall till 100% of all the stimulus Money is taken from the working-class and what is left of Middle-class. They (Gangster-Bankers) will also add fees and interest to drop just so they can show a profit!!

    13. Virtually every stock except the few which prop up the S&P index are down about 20% of more this year. Many down 30-40%. How is this not some sort of ameltdown? Yes if you are exclusively in the S&P you "only" lost 15%. It seems to me Greg totally missed the boat on this one. Anyhow those oil stocks , like the banks, aren't looking too great this morning.

    14. We have been spoiled by the Fed the last 12 years.
      The “buy the dip” has worked ONLY because Fed always came in to the bail us out EVERY time the market started to drop. They always had the “tools” to get markets to go back up.
      The HUGE difference now is they are finally backed into a very small corner. Their tools are losing their power.

    15. What is the market going to do after the NUKES start flying. . . ANSWER. . . Some of us will see and MOST of us will not ! ! ! 🙁 🙁 🙁 . . . TIME TO GET RIGHT WITH JESUS CHRIST ! ! !

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