Diesel prices have reached an all-time high of $5.54 per gallon, and economists expect prices to keep climbing.

    #ABCNews #GasPrices #DieselPrices


    1. Thank you Biden and Cabinet for taking such good care of US. Oh, wait a minute, we are legal Americans, so NEVER MIND!

    2. Hmmm I wonder what changed so much within the last couple years? Thank the democrats who are against our energy independence. This party is the gift that just keeps on giving their $hit sandwich

    3. Stop holding the People and their most basic needs including rice, beans, toilet paper, shoes and clothing not to mention social interaction, hostage to the god of Smoking ( tobacco), your Cash Cow! The smoking tobacco god is not God; and, even if, Smoking (tobacco) were an attribute of God on the alter of sacrifice at the gas pump, the negation of any (such) attribute such as 'smoking' it, or its opposite, of not smoking it, as an attribute, is known to have no bearing on His/God's existence– whether He exists or not. You cannot have it both ways: which means you cannot have your cake and eat it too.You cannot burn tobacco incense and hate the religions of the god you worship because to burn your incense in your home-church school leaves incense residue and other resins caked on you PC's, Personal Computer's, fan clogging it, causing it to over heat and eventually it's hardware stops altogether as ii breaks down permanently

      But you can SNORT tobacco snuff, burn it loose on a Bar-B-Quer or put it in your mouth as CHEW and blow other people away from you with your FOWL, STINKY BREATH. so WHAT?

      Look who's talking NOW!? And look who's CRAZY!!

      AGAIN, Smoking tobacco is not Gold or gasoline. Smoking tobacco with the idea in mind that one will get lucky and sell a cigarette for $100 to some gullible ass in order to purchase a tank of gas for your minivan-lawn mower is absurd no matter how generous or kind tobacco Smokers or their Kith and Kin are…And yes! I have contempt for that.

      In other words, let us smoke freely and democratically. Then ONLY will our Representatives, our 'gas price dollars' god's and their ilk go away and go down rapidly. Your Cash Cow cannot pay the Ransom God can, does and will. Heaven help us.

      Plant-based news to you?

      It shouldn't take a Special Education Instructor of the Deaf to point out to Y'all the logic and economics of this…

      When big companies like, Big Tobacco, oh say,…no not William Morris, but Phillip Morris, or RJR, no not 'Our JR., but RJR Nabisco looses money on tobacco cigarette sales they up the price on their other plant-based and Cow-based holdings like flower and sugar for cookies and cracker and milk products like half-and-half creamer and cottage cheese. Check out the price of Kraft American brand cheese, for example…its Sky high! And, your getting less for more retail cost. All this trickles down like piss on the heads of the consumers. No! no! Don't stop me! I'm gonna tell it like it is.

      It's the ''Trick/El god Down Economic Theory of Reaganism not Mixon.

      …of Sarcasm and Satire: Let us not get into the Elitist position of the Cannabis Crowd. They're high.

      Staci C. Washington🧚🤸

    4. Hey, she forgot trains 🚂🚃🙄! But on a serious note, WIND & SOLAR💨&☀️, is the answer. In some area's, one or the other, or both. No matter where you live, one is always, producing. Tremendous unlimited, pollution free, and oh yeah, 'FREE' (except for installation, and maintenance)!!! Big oil baron's don't want you, to have a choice!! That's why the lack of information, on those science's 🤨!!!
      …………………TIME FOR CHANGE, Huh PEOPLE???

    5. It all about money!!. Where the diesel is that price? Kali is been $6.39 or higher since few months ago!!. 🙌🏼 but is all about money and electric vehicles to push for it. Like the port starting 2023 will only allow electric truck to get in and hauled the load!!.

    6. The late great c&w singer had a hit song called 'When gas was 30c a gallon n you were 60c away'. Damn inflation ruind everything! I beelieve that the phrase 'the $64000 quwdtion', the hardest question began life at $64 as that was the top prize in radio phone-ins in the '40's n '50's. Damn inflation again!

    7. “Massive measures” no it aint, ya know opening pipelines and that sort of thing would be good, but that wont happen cause of libs

    8. Wall Street and big oil companies are deliberately keeping diesel fuel high so they can blame Biden and democrats hoping the public doesn't make the connection that their real motive is to get public to put GOP back in power because they KNOW if Dems stay in power, they will raise taxes on the wealthy!

    9. THE OIL COMPANIES RULE THE WORLD and use our oil to sell to other countries because they can get more money for our oil from our land to fill their pockets with money from our oil and then charge us a high price for our own oil. win win for them and up yours to us! And we just let them get by with it!

    10. They will rise as long as people will pay. That’s capitalism. People get disgustingly rich. That’s capitalism. Don’t like to pay so much for gas? Stop driving so much.

    11. Biden has signed 81 executive orders in 14 months to kill the oil n gas industry stop being a dumb sheep

    12. Thanks Biden administration and the idiots that voted for him you really did a great job! Gas, food, stocks at the worst prices ever yet can give billions to Ukrain while 🇺🇸s suffer! What a joke! We never would have never had it this bad under the TRUMP administration America first not last!

    13. Ask Biden why it went up sky rockets all gone up hello. Biden is the most disgusting worthless president. All kinds of trouble he have no idea how to fix all this mess stupid freak . Unbelievable and want to give free to undocumented illegals. Criminals all happened when he becomes president BLM my ass fyck them we all humans here they tugs crooks criminals drugs dealers addict jankees . Police become criminals criminals become hero that fyck up never happened till Biden the idiot becomes president. His fault no one else wake up America now wars nothing is right impeach Biden the only way if it’s Trump you bet democrats won’t stop impeach immediately. All freaking communist morons enemies of America. This is disgusting why worry about illegals idiot . Americans first not illegals we feed losers scambags lazy fyck enough of this nonsense. Bring down Biden 🙏👎

    14. What is the difference between Russia and all the oil companies?
      There isn't any.
      Actually, that's not fair.
      Russians are willing to make sacrifices for the greater good.
      Oil companies are willing to sacrifice the greater good.

    15. You poor bastards, petrol in Australia is average $8.80 a gallon. From $1:69 to over $2:00 a litre. You vote for a senile person over a president who WAS actually robbed then no sympathy here…

    16. Gas prices?????? You are kidding me right. Have you been to the supermarket. Meat, milk food. Everything is 2x the price. Get this guy out of office. He can’t find the bathroom never mine an economy that will get us out of this inflation issue.

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