1. Silver is the next oil. Why else would it be so heavily manipulated. Then when energy is finally managed, Water will be next. Why others can't see the logical progression baffles me.

    2. By attrition, couldn't the US devastate all it major competitors and petrol based non war coalition members by collapsing the biggest markets for Russia and China and by throttling the petrol life blood of the EU, and SE Asia and Japan?

      By default the large US with its large internal market and dollar hegemon, and suppliers and markets of the north and south west hemisphere?

      Certainly austerity and precarity will be even more devastating to the the US and EU, which brings about the Davos goals sooner.

      It's a horrible thing but given the horrible options for the Team US-EU-NATO and given their MO and history it fits its real politik sadistic let the people eat cake scheming.

      Besides it will ensure a hotter and colder WW4, which usually leads to a new global currency snd a new center of power and of course the Gravest Reset and hundreds of millions of more murdered maimed starved raped trafficked brain drained capital drained more flexible obedient desperate labor pool and a redrawing of borders and balkanization of the usual resource and strategic rich ramparts and subsequent pillaging pirating and privatization of desirables to the power addicted war, property and impunity caste.

    3. What I really want to know is how in the hell CEI priced so low when a barrel of oil is $120. Are they not in the OIL Business? Or do the they make Tonka Toys? I feel they should at least match the Price of A Barrel – At the Very Least!!! If the management is incompetent, then they should be dismissed. That's what happens to an average worker.

    4. Back in 1980, if I'm remembering correctly, debt-to-gdp was Slightly North of 40%. Nowadays you're looking at 140% not counting unfunded liabilities. If the Fed continues taper Plus jacks fed funds two-and-a-half from here, everyone gets a shave across the cranium.

    5. Banks will not play until they finish covering the losses took on investments in China and Money that was snatched by Russia….They will come to the party real late with a hang over….lol…but they will be there like always….

    6. It was known in 1913 when Woodrow Wilson allowed the Federal Reserve Bank to operate in this country that the system was not sustainable. Henry Ford warned the people but, no one listened. That is why the banking and financial system is not taught in school. If left unchecked, the banks will own every single piece of property in this country.

    7. To be honest I wanna see a market crash. I’m sick and tired of the corrupt system we have. They’re lawless and unforgiving. Evil is rampant in our system and we need to fix it. Hopefully they can’t steer the ship anymore and that just might give us a chance at rebuilding it our own way. With true freedom that god have to us.

    8. Greg–it just doesn't seem like the Yield is equating to the stock market movement. So, I'm not so sure about it as a key indicator. Don't quite understand, as the market is starting to inch up now. Yield is slightly moving.

    9. Wave after wave of inflation? Yes, and massive wave after wave of illegals flooding America, 10's of Millions we are being invaded, time to wake up now !

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