Bitcoin, Ethereum and major coins traded lower on Wednesday evening as the global cryptocurrency market cap slipped 2.1% to $887.6 billion at press time. Some analysts believe Bitcoin (BTC) could have already seen a price bottom or be “really close” to one. On this episode, we’re joined by Gareth Soloway who originally predicted long ago Bitcoin would fall to $20k.

    Guest: Gareth Soloway Chief Market Strategist of
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    #Bitcoin #Ethereum #crypto
    ~Bitcoin To $25k or $10k First? w/ Gareth Soloway~
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    1. I still laugh at people that think this wasn't all designed. Bitcoin will not see ATH's again. Yall are fucking hilarious.

    2. Thanks for bringing Gareth on, he's always nice to listen to.
      I would absolutely love to see a show about tax records, both from the standpoint of best reporting methods (FIFO, LIFO, HIFO), and also tax records software.

    3. You call for FDIC protection but at what point do you cut them off from having too much power over bitcoin and the alt coins? The banks and government don’t want the average consumer to be financially stable… So bitcoin and the fact that it’s not government controlled is what is appealing… You start letting the government have a say over how the bitcoin market is run and here we are back to government owned government sanction government only… How do you tell the government that they can only have a little bit of control just enough to protect people but then tell them to hold off and not take total control?

    4. This is soooo helpful and extremely important to crypto fanatic/trader like us, we really appreciate you Bro.Paul for doing such great sessions particularly this one ! I will definitely share this to my friends and family! This is a “must-see” to anyone that’s planning or just starting their crypto journey to the moon !👍👌
      More power to you Bro.Paul,keep it up !✌🏻🙏

    5. don't forget: It's all just probabilities – the future makes the chart(s), not the chart(s) makes the future
      and: there is no need for a max pain, because Bitcoin was released in the last recession 2008 as a solution for the finmancial syste. now we got another recession so hopefully people will recognize Bitcoin for what it is – the solution. once that happens, Bitcoin decouples and then its basically "the sky is the limit." – LFG WGMI

    6. there is a lot of people for different reasons wants bitcoin price to go down , including government and financial institutions,
      its definitely war against bitcoin
      all of us knows that BTC is extremely oversold now and this is not its real price

      by any means its good to buy it at a great discount, in spite of all these prediction bitcoin will go its own way

    7. A good summary of the ponzi scandal that btc crapto is put your money in any time but expect to lose half then expect to see it quadruple in 3 months and stay there a week then expect to be back where you started . Basically forget crapto it's making plenty of people wealthy just not us . Buy stocks, what use case does btc have exactly ??!!! This guy what a joke

    8. Despite the economic downturn,I'm so happy☺️. I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days

    9. He’s full of BS. He’s been calling for 12k now that it’s rising I have heard him say 25k and 30k. Remember a broken clock is correct twice a day.

    10. After you bought at 52k, why not buy at 20k. Sure, it could go lower. I get that and I don’t rule out 12k, but if BTC was on at 52k, why be a wise ass and try to time the bottom.

    11. 7500 views lol so glad I’ve always been 1 of them! Paul and Garreth always bringing the heat and keeping it real! love watching you both any chance I get!

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